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Tanaya Arya

San Jose, California | | 707- 613-7670 |


San Jose State University: Bachelor of Science in Economics Graduated: May 2022
Coursework: Econometrics, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Business & Economic Forecasting, and Mathematical Methods for Economics.
Udacity Nanodegree: Data Analyst January 2020 - June 2020
Data Scientist June 2021 - December 2020

Key Skills: Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing, Data Cleaning, Analysis, and Visualization, Hypothesis
Testing, Probability and Statistics
Key Technologies: SQL, Python Scientific Stack (Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, ScikitLearn, XGboost), R, Relational and NoSQL
Tools: Tableau, ElasticSearch, Keras, Tensorflow, Jira, Asana, Github, Salesforce, Microsoft Office, and Excel.

Data Analyst Intern, Braven [Unsupervised ML, SQL, Python, Pandas, Seaborn, and Google Sheets] June 2021 - June 2022
● Analyzed grade reports and created visualizations to measure the growth and success of the Braven course.
● Clustered 1000s of similar student feedback from Braven courses across geos using k-means and word embeddings
to find gaps in product experience and drive improvements.
● Built health dashboards and analyzed weekly and end-of-semester product trends across regions to inform product
strategy and course improvements for the upcoming semester.

American Express, Default Prediction [Xgboost, Keras, Pandas, Matplotlib, ScikitLearn]

● Predicted credit default using an industrial scale dataset to manage consumer lending risk by leveraging customer
profiles and historical data.
● Created visualizations to explore different trends, identify outliers, identify missing data, feature selection, and enhance
NFL Playing Surface Data Analysis using Python [NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn, Python]
● Performed exploratory data analysis across three datasets: injury records, playlists, and player track data to analyze
the effects of playing on synthetic vs. natural turf on player movements and factors contributing to lower extremity
● Observed correlation between synthetic surfaces and injuries as it is 13.89% likely for a player to get injured on
synthetic turf compared to natural turf.
Braven/PwC Capstone Challenge Winner
● Designed a college course to increase the number of diversity hires for PwC, backed by market research, user
feedback, and stakeholder input. Also, created a dashboard for tracking success and health metrics, ensuring visibility
into the downstream impact on diversity hires for PwC.
● Created and Co-presented a product pitch presentation as a Lead Presenter.
Data Analyst and Data Science Nanodegree [A/B Testing, Machine Learning, Data Analysis and Visualization, Statistics]
● Designed an A-B test as an experiment to test the effectiveness of webpage redesign on product revenue and user
behavior tracking tools such as clickstream data and scroll tracking to observe any differences in product revenue.
● Created data visualizations using Python to summarize analysis comparing local and global weather patterns.
● Wrangled The Movie Dataset(TMDb) to investigate the correlation between user ratings and watch times by creating
visualizations to summarize analysis findings using Matplotlib.
● Built a recommendation system to suggest movies similar to users' search by collaborative filtering and item-item
cosine similarity.
Programming for Data Science Nanodegree [Python, Data Cleaning, Analysis, and Visualization]
● Investigated a relational database of DVD rentals to understand patterns in movie watching across customer groups.
● Conducted statistical analysis of the bike-share system in Chicago, New York, and Washington to display what days
and stations are popular while uncovering and comparing bike-share usage patterns.

SJSU Sahaara August 2020 - May 2022

San Jose State's competitive Bollywood Dance Team
● Placed as one of the top 10 collegiate Bollywood dance teams across the US in a dance circuit of over 90 teams.
● [First Place] SJSU Sahaara | Front Row | Tamasha SD 2022
Marketing Trendsetter, Her Campus at SJSU August 2021 - May 2022
● Brainstorm, pitch, and execute giveaways, fundraisers, promos, and recruitment campaigns.
● Increased user engagement by 20% each month by analyzing Instagram insights.

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