Reflection For Children

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At the last supper our friend Jesus speaks with his friends and companions whom he loves very
much, he says goodbye to them announcing his soon death and asks them not to be sad because
he loves them very much and despite the evil of the world, he will always be with them and for
this he gives himself completely, becoming bread and wine

We invite you to listen to the following song about this day, which will be celebrated next Holy

- Last Supper Song for Children 2.37


Have you heard that Jesus loves you ? In the Bible He is always reminding us that He is our friend
and that we can trust Jesus, through prayer we can tell Him all our problems, sadness, anxieties,
fears and joys. Christ will be willing to listen to you and cleanse the bad from your heart to
transform it into good.

Do you accept the love of Christ?

- Song of the Lavatory 3.58

On this date in which we celebrate the Commandment of love, Jesus, that friend whom we love so
much, taught us that we should love one another, so in this time that you spend at home, give a
lot of love to the people close to you. to you


Before dying, Jesus founded his church at the head of his friend Simon, whom he called Peter so
that through him his word of eternal life would be remembered and preached to all humanity,
since we are all called to be part of the kingdom of God.

This is known through a talk between Jesus and his friends

Let's listen to it: Jesus and Peter 1.15


In the story of Jesus there is a very sad part, his death, but do not forget that he made a promise,
his friends almost forget it, but keep it inside of you, Jesus has died so that you, me and all of us,
the whole world can be happy next to the heavenly father, so that we go to Heaven together with

Listen with us to the story of Jesus, and the explanation of his promises: Messiah 5.21

Jesus does not die, he is alive, his body that rested in a vault is taken to heaven on the third day of
his death, he is eternal life, he conquers death, he announces the kingdom of God for those who
believe in the Lord and follow his word in his daily life.

Let us witness the resurrection of Jesus Christ through this song:

- Song of the resurrection. 2.11.

We have reached the end of this meeting, thank you very much for listening to us and always
remember to talk to your best friend Jesus, so that through prayer we can end this bad situation
that is affecting us, blessings and see you soon.

- Song that children sing.3.57

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