JE Exam Question Papers - 2022

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2022- Account
Question text/Marking scheme
Question No (For Subjective Questions) or Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
(For SA Questions)
Document is support of
Invoice received from Receipt issued to a
1 A Voucher is a -------- an entry made in books Dispatch Receipt
suppliers customer for cash
of accounts
Definite Contributory Defined Contributory Defined Contribution Defined Contributory
2 DCPS is used for –
Pension Scheme Pension Scheme Pension Scheme Pension System
3 ‘First come last go and last come first go’ is the principle of Lay-off Closure Retrenchment Dismissal
“Adult under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 means a person who has
4 Fourteenth Eighteenth Twentieth Twenty First
completed his ----------year of age.
Command area
5 4711 is the head for Capital outlay of ---- Flood Control Project Minor Irrigation Rural Development
A standing advance of a fixed sum of money given to the individual to enable
6 secured advance advance payment temporary advance imprest advance
him to made certain classes of payment is known as a
The value of the The nature of the item The context in which The year in which the
7 According to the auditing standards the materiality is NOT decided by
transaction of transaction the transaction occurs transaction is made
Annual maintenance Annual machinery Arithmetical
8 AMC term is used for ………. None of these
contracts contracts calculations
9 An officer who can draw money either by bills or cheques is known as -- DDO DSO DFO DTO
10 Any kind of cash book should be written ……….. day to day fortnightly monthly weekly
11 Approximately tour advance is sanctioned up to ………..% 100 75 60 50
12 Auditing is derived from the Latin Word – Auditor Audire Order None of these
13 Auditing is related with – Accountancy Economics Ethics All of these
Before the work of audit is commenced, the auditor plans out the whole of audit
14 Audit Plan Audit Note Audit Control Audit Programme
work is called -------
15 BOT means …………. bill of transfer bit of trench built operate & transfer bitumen of tender
16 Budgetary control starts with ---------- Planning. Organizing. Budgeting. Controlling.
cash maintenance cash management circle management circle maintenance
17 C M P system means ………
programme programme programme programme
18 C.O.P. abbreviated for ……………. cash of payment catchment of pit currency of payment none of these
19 Cash balance report is kept in Form No. 6 10 11 15
20 Construction of district road head of account is 5054 C.O. 3054 M &R 4701 C.O. 2701 M&R
21 Contingency Expenditure abstract is written in ------ MTR-8 MTR-6 MTR-29 MTR-10
22 Custody of register of NMR is with ---- in division office Store keeper Senior clerk Accountant Draftsman
23 D.L.R. means …………. deposit linked receipt daily labour report daily labour review demise landing rate

24 Depreciation on fixed assets is------- non operating income. operating expense. operating income. non operating expense.

25 Divisional Accountant is under the administrative contract of ………. Govt. Executive Engineer A.G. Nagpur A.G. Mumbai
26 Double Entry System was introduced in– America Japan India Italy
27 Duplicate & triplicate receipt books are printed in ………… Govt. Press Private Press Central Press Local Press
Experiment Item Rate
28 EIRL means – Extra Item Rate List Excess Item Rate List Extra Item Rate Listing
For which payment the indenture bond is required to be obtained form the
29 final bill advance payment Secured advance payment on bill
30 Form No 40 is used for NMR Running Bill Final Bill Hand Receipt
Ledger of Tools &
31 Form No. 37 stands for ………… Dead stock Register Ledger of tolls & points None of these
32 Full for of RSL is …. reserve stock limit rate stock limit review stock limit review of store limit
33 How many % supervision charges are levied when the material sold 10 25 15 35
34 How much parts the schedule of rate is maintained 2 4 3 1
How much continuous service is required for payment of gratuity to the
35 10 5 3 1
w.c.staff retired after super action
36 If net present value is positive then profitability index will be greater than two equal to less than one greater than one
37 Imprest advance is …………. Transferable Recoupable Accountable Reimbursable
38 In Kalelkar settlement 1967 ……… demands were approved 20 25 30 35
In reasonable assurance the audit conclusion is expressed -------- either
39 negatively neutrally positively none
explicitly or in other forms conveying the necessary degree of confidence.
Work Charged
40 Initial Records upon which the account of works are based Nominal Muster Roll Measurement Book All of these
Establishment Bills

41 LBT is used for ……… Local bid tender Local body tax Large bid tenders None of these
List of unfair labour practices on the part of the trade unions and employers was
42 Factories Act Industrial Dispute Act Trade union Act None of these
included in
43 List showing the periods up to which records should be preserved . . Appendix 3 Appendix 6.- Appendix 4 Appendix 7
44 LPC is used for ---- Last Pay Certificate Local Pay Certificate Last Pay Condition Least Pay Certificate
45 Maharashtra public works account code 1984 (6th edition) contains … chapters 22 23 25 27
supply of material from
46 Material requisition is meant for -------- purchase of material. sale of material. storage of material.
47 Measurement book form number is ……………. 46 45 47 48
Method of inventory recording gives lower cost of goods sold in income
48 last in first out last out receivable first out receivable first in first out
statement is classified as
Partly in cash and partly
49 Minimum wages payable under the Payment of Wages Act, 1948 shall be paid In cash In kind Either cash or in Kind
in kind
Maharashtra Treasury
50 MTR means – Major Treasury Rules Minor Treasury Rules Medium Treasury Rules
National pension
51 NPS means ………….. nominal pension scheme national private scheme nominal private system
52 On what basis schedule of rate shall be prepared ? current rates items rates tender rates market rates
53 Pensions and gratuities & Register of incumbencies preservation period is --- Permanent Temporary 2 years 20 years
54 Post dated cheque is considered as Cash Bonus Balance Account Receivable Cash Reserve
55 Power given to JE for accepting tender is 2.5 lakhs 1 lakh 0.5 lakh No power
Justifying the Giving details of
56 Project feasibility report is aimed at Informing the people Attracting the customer
investment resources
57 Rate of annual increment is ………% 3 4 5 10
58 Re-appropriation Statement is form of Progress report Budget report Financial report Normal report
59 Register for accounting of Nominal Muster roll is kept in ----- Form No 45 Form No 41 Form No 47 Form No 48
60 Register of chequebook and receipt book is maintained in form no. --- 5 7 13 26
61 Road metal account is kept in form No. ………… 58 54 56 57
62 SEVAARTH is used for ----- of Government Employee TA Bill Pay Bill Advances Loan
Six men working 8 hours a day earn Rs 720 per week. 8 men working 6 hours a
63 Rs 720 Rs 480 Rs 360 Rs 640
day will earn per week
64 Technical knowledge of Auditing is – Born Acquired Original None of these
65 Technical sanction is to be accorded -------- for a work: After Execution Before Commencement During Work None of these
Child Labour
The Act prescribing minimum limit of wages in certain employment is Payment of Wages Act, Minimum Wages Act,
66 Factories Act, 1948 (Prohibition and
known as--------- 1936 1948
Regulation) Act, 1986
67 The field levels are taken in which books Field book Measurement book Note book Copied from pits

68 The final technical authority of a project is Assistant Engineer Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer Chief Engineer
69 The first preferred way to resolve a dispute between the contracting parties is: Arbitration Litigation Negotiation Mediation
The hearing and deciding authority appointed under the Minimum Wages Act,
70 Civil Court Criminal Court High Court Supreme Court
1948 has the power of a
71 The maximum area of irrigation project done by zilha parishad is … <100 Ha >100 Ha 100 to 250 Ha >250 Ha
72 The measurements are recorded on ……….. spot after 3 days after fortnight after one month
73 The principle of double entry book-keeping system published by – Lucas Passioli Davar Wilson None of these
short term solvency
74 The ratios which reflect managerial efficiency in handling the assets is. turnover ratios profitability ratios. long term solvency ratio
75 The responsibility of fixing minimum wages lies with State Government District Magistrate Local Authorities
76 The seventh pay commission, is effective from the date … 1st Jan. 2016 1 st May 2016 1 st Oct 2018 1st June 2017
77 TV means ………… Triple voucher Television Treasury Voucher Third party voucher
Wages paid to a labour who was engaged in production activities can be termed
78 direct cost. indirect cost. sunk cost. imputed cost.
Integration of Finance Integrated Finance Integrated Finance Integrated Final
79 What is full form of IFMS ?
Management System Management Sequence Management System Management System
Public Accounts purchase account planning & accounting
80 What is full form of PAC …………………. all of these
committee committee committee
81 What is the abbreviation of VAT? Value Additional Tax. Value Added Tax. Value Aided Tax. Vacuum Aided Tax.
82 What is the full form of DSR none of these daily soil report dist survey register district schedule of rate
83 What is the preservation period of award statement 20 years 10 years permanent 5 years
84 What powers are delegated to the EE to accept the tender of civil works 25 lakhs 10 lakhs 100 lakhs 50 lakhs
85 When any entry in made on the both sides of cash book it is called? General entry Double entry Compound entry Contra entry
86 When three sugar mills combine, it is an example of– Vertical combination Horizontal combination Diagonal combination None of these
87 Where the central design organization is situated Pune Mumbai Nashik Nagpur
Where the expenditure incurred on M & R to administrative building are to be
88 2059 2216 4701 2701
89 Which form is required to be submitted to the S.E. for work slip 60 62 10 24
Which form is used for chronological record of receipt issue and running
90 22 26 28 29
balances of each article of stock
91 Which form is used for maintaining the record of dismantle material 100 60 66 64
Which is excluded from the definition of “Wages” under the Minimum Wages
92 House Rent Allowance Dearness Allowance Basic Salary All of these
Act, 1948?
Which measurement are considered for payment of periodical repairs of
93 Actual ordinary standard on the spot
94 Which month annual counting of M' book is to be conducted by the D.E. ? October April July March

95 Which note is not written on the first page of service book ……….. ? full name educational qualification home town name of nominees

96 Which types of tools or techniques is considered qualitative? Histograms Frequency distributions Pareto charts Process observations

97 Who appoints the Inspector under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948? Employer Ministry of Labour Committee of Welfare
98 Who can be an Auditor Commerce Graduate Law Graduate Cost Accountant Chartered Accountant

99 Who conducts the appointment of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India? Finance Minister President of India Parliament Prime Minister
100 Who is chief Administrative head of the circle office CE SE EE DE
2022- Earthen Dam Design

Question text/Marking scheme

(For Subjective Questions) or Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
n No
(For SA Questions)

1 ------- are the safety valves of canals Aqueduct escapes Syphon Outlets
2 -------- index is used to find settlement of soil Compression Expansion Recompression Reloading
---------- is defined as the deficiency of precipitation from expected or Meteorological
3 Agricultural Drought Hydrological Drought None of these
normal levels over an extended period of time Drought
4 ---------- shaped catchment will give early runoff Fan Fern Farm none of these
…….. denotes the number of years in which flood cab be expected
5 Flood frequency Flood routing Recurrence interval Flood discharge
6 ………….. are installed to measure pore pressure. piezometers surface markers Geonor probe cross arm installation
7 1 cumec day = …………… ha.m 8.64 0.864 86.4 864
A …………….. Reservoir is that which serves more than one
8 multipurpose storage flood control distribution
A cover of grass grown over an area to prevent erosion of soil
9 D/S slope protection grass sodding turffing all of these
particles by rain wash.
10 A cut-off trench is also called as dam sheet keyway drainage trench toe drain
11 A hydraulic jump involves ---- subcritical flow super critical flow critical flow all of these
12 A hydraulic structure is designed to withstand Seepage forces Hydraulic jump Hydraulic pressure All of these
13 A lugeon coefficient of 1 is approximately ……… cm/sec 10^-5 10^-6 10^-4 10^-8
A minor irrigation scheme, involves command area, equal to or less
14 100 hectares 500 .hectares 1000 hectares 2000 hectares
than ---
A phreatic line in seepage analysis is defined as the line on which equal to the greater than
15 lower than atmosphere varying
pressure is ------- atmosphere atmosphere
A process of artificially supplying water to soil for raising the crops
16 Sowing Harvesting Irrigation None of these
is called …
17 A soil having uniformity co-efficient more than 10, is called uniform soil poor soil well graded soil coarse soil
A solid barrier constructed at a suitable location across a river valley
18 Reservoir Dam Bridge Retaining wall
to impound water is called
morning glory high head gate
19 A trash rack is not required at the entrance of a syphon spillway drum gate installation
spillway installation
20 A useful soil moisture for plant growth is capillary water gravitational water hygroscopic water all of these
A zone of free draining material provided at down stream toe of dam
21 Ruble Riprap Cushion Rock toe
is called as
each sieve is circular
each hole is a square there are two hole per
22 According to Indian standards, in a 2 mm sieve there are two holes and its diameter is 2
and its side is 2 mm , cm length of the mesh
An agricultural land is said to be water logged when its fertility is
23 high water table excess irrigation deep percolation none of these
affected by …
24 Area affected by natural stream during flood is ---- flood lift flood plain catchment area command area
Area from which the materials of construction are obtained is known
25 borrow area command area catchment area water spread area
as …….
Artificially created water storage basins with storage capacity that
26 may range from a few thousand cubic meters to thousands of millions Lakes Ponds Pools Reservoirs
cubic meters are called

As the height of a proposed dam is increased, the cost per unit of initially increases and initially decreases and
27 increases decreases
storage : then decreases then increases

28 Base width of unit hydrograph is equal to its ----- time duration time lag opportunity time recess time
29 Bhakra dam of our country is located in the .State of Punjab Himachal Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Madhya Pradesh.
30 Boils occur at --- side of water retaining structures downstream upstream ON structure none of these
31 Borrow area plan scale is --- 1:6000 1:4000 1: 5000 None of these
Coefficient of uniformity of well graded sand to be used in filter
32 <4 <1 >4 equal to 4
should be
33 Compaction of hearting material is done by …………… Roller Dozer Loader All of these
Cracks in the core of the dam are developed when the dam is effected spreading of earth dam
34 liquidification of Earth quake all of these
by …… materials
Crop Water Cross Water Critical Water Complete Water
35 CWR means
Requirement Requirement Requirement Requirement
36 Delta of a crop is measured in ……… cubic cms cusecs cumecs cms
annual rainfall availability of sand
37 Downstream pitching depends on ….. availability of stone none of these
coverage and gravel
38 Drainage density is expressed in m square per m square m square per m m cube per m square m per square area
Dam safety
Dam safety Dam safety Review Dam safety Review
39 DSRP long form Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation Plan Panel Programme
40 During 1st filling of reservoir ……. Water levels shall be taken daily weekly fortnightly all of these
Emergency Action Emergency Action Emergency Action
41 EAP is short form of Earth Action Plan
Progrramme Project Plan
Energy Dissipation Energy Dissipation Economical Dam
42 EDA means Earthen Dam Agency
Arrangement Agent Arrangement
For dams below …………. height generally no instruments are
43 30 m 50 m 40 m 60 m
provided except for seepage, rainfall, and reservoir water levels
44 For drains outer layer of filter material is of …. metal gravel sand clay
For minor irrigation project free board above MWL for dam height
45 1.5 m 2.0 m 2.5 m 3.0 m
up to 20 m is ….
46 For plant growth ……….. water is available gravitational capillary hydroscopic atmospheric
47 Garret's diagrams are based on Lacey's theory Khosla's theory Bligh's theory Kennedy's theory
48 Generally Major dams are inspected ----- times by SE in a year one two three many
Graph showing relationship between surface area to volume and
49 discharge curve area capacity curve rating curve flow curve
elevation is known as -----
Guard stones on top of dam is having spacing of ------ center to
50 2 meter 3 meter 5 meter 7.5 meter
homogeneous zoned embankment
51 The mostly adopted earthen section for tank bunds is of the type -- diaphragm type none of these.
embankment type type
52 Hydraulic Jµmp is widely used for dissipation of energy in : ogee spillways trough spillways side channel spillways all of these.
53 If plasticity index is zero then type of soil is --- sand silt clay clayey silt
If the water intake test indicate the loss of water more than ……….
54 3 1 5 2
Lugeons, the bed rock of COT bottom will have to be grouted.
55 In construction activities of dam --- technique should be used CPMR CPMO REPT PERT
In flood frequency study, recurrence interval can be determined by
56 California method Hazen method Gumbel's method all of these
57 In India, rain fall is generally recorded at 8 A.M. 12 Noon 4 P.M. 8 P.M.
58 In India, which is adopted as standard recording rain-gauge? gauge Tipping bucket type Natural syphon type Weighing bucket type
In SPT, The test uses a thick-walled sample tube, with an outside
59 45 mm 50 mm 55 mm 53 mm
In synclinal bends, dams placed on which part would run risk of
60 Upstream limb Downstream limb Core Sloping side
61 In zoned embankment type dam core material is ……….. Impervious pervious semi-pervious all of these
Insufficient free board or settlement of foundation and embankment
62 overtopping toe erosion wave topping Gulleying
lead to ….
It is necessary to investigate borrow areas which will yield the
63 twice same 1.50 times thrice
quantity equal to ….. the quantity of earth work to be done
Superintending Environmental
64 Large dam inspection is to be done and reported by ---- Secretary Sectional Engineer
Engineer Engineer
65 Laying of cross drain is at an angle of inclination of -- degree 90 30 60 45
Line separating saturated zone and unsaturated zone in dam is called
66 phreatic line toe line weir line none of these
67 Maximum height of rock toe should not be more than … 1m 2m 4m 1.5 m
Meteorological Department of Government of India adopted ….
68 Symon's Weighing bucket Tipping bucket Float type
rainguage to measure rainfall,
Methods of controlling the passage of water through the foundation
69 USCM Piping Seepage All of these
of earth dam ………….
70 Normal free board is the free board above …. FRL MDDL MWL TWL
71 Normally the inspection frequency of large dam is --- in a year once twice trice none of these
Out of the total number of soil samples collected from borrow area
72 for testing at least ……….. % samples shall be tested by MERI 10 30 40 20
outlet provided in a dam body, to release water for downstream water
73 spillway under-sluice sluiceway waterway
demand, is known as
74 Passageway within body of dam is called as --- well gallery chimney tail channel
Storage/availability of Non Irrigation
75 PIP depends upon Crop pattern All of these
water reservation
76 Piping material used in dam is of ----- PCC OPC HDPE HPC
77 Pitching on upstream slope of earth dam is terminated at …… ground level 1.50 m below MDDL at MDDL none of above
Portable Maximum Probable Maximum Probable Minimum
78 PMF means -- Probable Mean Flow
Flood Flood Flow
79 Precipitation is measured in ……………… cms cm/sec cm/sec2 m/hr.
Maintaining the Exceeding the desired Continuously
80 Quality control is aimed at: Following the quality
desired quality quality improving the quality
81 Rainfall erosion on sloping side of embankment is named as --- gully godown pitholes boils
Ratio of precipitation for a given year to mean annual precipitation is
82 quality index Index of wetness index of dryness quantity index
termed as
Recurrence interval denote the number of years in which flood can be
83 Once Twice Thrice all of these
84 Seismic maps of India has been prepared by ---- department Geological Survey Irrigation Planning
Sharp crested weir has ------ discharge capacity than broad crested
85 more less equal none of these
subsequent removal of
uncontrolled seepage progressive removal of
86 Sloughing is the process of -------- progressive erosion soil grains from within
through the dam body soil from the D/s face
the dam
87 Survey of material availabity is ---- type investigation pre post during construction none of these
88 The "safety valve" of a dam is its drainage gallery inspection gallery spillway outlet sluices
89 The area below the phreatic surface is normally at ----- condition dry submerged saturated none of these
90 The back water effect of a weir is called as --- retrogression afflux back water curve none of these
internal friction
91 The bearing capacity factors N c , N q and Ny are functions of cohesion of the soil friction angle Cohesion & Friction
92 The best unit duration of storm for unit hydrograph is --- 1 hour one fourth of basin lag one half of basin lag equal to basin lag
the mass curve of the mass curve of
93 The capacity of a storage reservoir can be decided by using Both of these none of these
inflow outflow
over consolidation time rate of
94 The coefficient of consolidation is used for evaluating, stress in the soil total settlement
ratio settlement
95 The coefficient of transmutability is --- M0L2T-1 M2L2T MLT-1 ML2T-1
The collection and removal of water before it acquires high
96 berms freeboard burrow pits spoil banks
downward velocities is ensured by provision of --------
97 The compacted core is generally made of Shale Clay Limestone Coal
The critical gradient of the seepage of water --- with the increase in inversely
98 Increases decreases does not change
specific gravity of proportional
The crop among the following, which is expected to have the
99 Wheat Rice Sugarcane Cotton
maximum duty, is
100 The dam having Maximum dead storage is Ujani Dam Mula Bhandardara Jayakwadi
101 The difference between FRL and MWL is ….. free board minimum free board normal free board flood lift.
The discharge through the sluice of a small irrigation tank is usually
102 dam stone shutter gate plug none of these.
controlled by a ----
at the head of the main at the head of the
103 The duty of irrigation water for a given crop is maximum on the field none of these
canal water-course
104 The earth pressure at rest is calculated by using Euler's theory Rankine's theory bending theory theory of elasticity
105 The effective size of a soil is D10 D20 D40 D60
a sloping apron taken
The energy dissipation at the toe of a spillway is affected basically by
106 a roller bucket a ski-jump bucket below the downstream none of these.
the use of hydraulic jump, in
river bed
path of particles of line connecting
The equi-potential line in a seepage through a. soil medium is flow of movement of direction of the flow
107 water through a points of equal head of
defined as the fine particles of soil particle
saturated soil mass water
108 The frictional resistance of clayey soil is ----- sandy soils less than more than same as all of these
109 The gauges of instruments located in dam body are housed in……... terminal well relief well head regulator well all of these
110 The gradient of cross drains shall be 1 in 50 1 in 100 1 in 60 1 in 30
reduce future reduce percolation
111 The high density of the soil placed in a fill is desired in order to increase its shear all of these
settlement through the fill
The horizontal component of an earthquake wave, producing
112 towards the reservoir towards the dam both 1 & 2 none of these
instability in a dam is the one, which acts
-ve hydrostatic
113 The hydrostatic pressure on phreatic line itself is ………… full zero all of these
The lateral earth pressure exerted by the soil when the retaining wall passive earth
114 earth pressure at rest active earth pressure total earth pressure
moves into the soil, is known as pressure
The main function of the forebay dam is ……… store the water
115 permanently temporarily timely often
rejected by the plant….
The material used for filter should be free draining having the
116 density transitivity permeability none of these
required ………..
The minimum and maximum void ratios for granular soils does not
117 grain size. mineral composition. grain shape. fine contents
depend on
118 The most important shape parameter in sediment analysis is-- sphericity shape factor roundness form factor
The most suitable type of equipment for compaction of cohesive soils Smooth-wheeled
119 Vibratory rollers Sheep foot rollers Tampers
is rollers
120 The particle size range is measured by , effective size curvature coefficient none of these
The point of origin of an earthquake below the earth’s surface is
121 Isocentre Isopoint Focus Epicentre
122 The point vertically above the focus is Epicenter Isocenter Epivector Isovector
The process of obtaining increased density of soil in a fill by
123 Soil exploration soil stabilization soil compaction consolidation
reduction of its pore space by the expulsion of air is known as
The process where the flood crest is reduced as it progresses
124 Drawdown Filling Attenuation Recessing
downstream ---
The rainfall records of ……….. Years are required for a reliable
125 10 20 25 35
estimate of mean annual rainfall at any place
126 The ratio of its mass (m) to its volume (V) is defined as -- porosity void ratio density none of these
127 The ratio of the head recovered to the head put in, is known as Efficiency Sensitivity Flexibility Modular limit
The ratio of volume of voids to the total volume of soil is known as
128 Void ratio Porosity Dry density Air content

129 The runoff coefficient is measured in: m^3/hour m^3 mm/hour Dimensionless
130 The sensitivity of a rigid module is Zero Between zero and one One Infinity
131 The spillway, which may sometimes be called a "waste weir" is an ogee spillway a trough spillway a shaft spillway all of these
132 The study of earthquakes is called Eathquakology Tremology Seismology Quakegraphy
133 The total amount of water that can be stored in reservoir is--- Dead storage Reservoir capacity Domestic capacity None of these
134 The upstream face of the earth dam is considered as equipotential line streamline streak line path line
The water loss of one liter / minute / meter / atmosphere may be coefficient of
135 deci lugoen lugoen lugoen coeff
designated as ………. permeability
The water stored in a reservoir below the minimum pool level is
136 valley storage bank storage surcharge storage dead storage
137 The water which can be utilized by the crops from the soil is called field capacity water capillary water hygroscopic water none of these.
138 The width of berms should not be less than ….. 3m 5m 4m 6m
139 Trap efficiency is a measure of ………… in reservoir capacity sedimentation dead storage none of these
140 Triaxial compression test is used to find------ of soil Compressive strength Permeability Specific gravity Shear strength
Volume of water in cubic meters available between minimum pool
141 Useful storage Dead storage Surcharge storage Specific storage
level and normal pool level is
142 Wave height can be calculated by ----- formula Hazan Deccan Bligh Hawksley
143 Weather forecast is given by --- IMD WRD RDD UDD
144 What are the types of river training works? Guide bank Groynes Levees all of these
What aspect of joint has to be thoroughly studied before construction The texture of the
145 Geometry of the joint The depth of the joint Nature of the joint
of a dam? rocks
What is the location of maximum damage caused due to an
146 Focus Epicenter 100 km from epicenter Same everywhere
147 What is the stage when the bank full stage is crossed? Overflow stage Flood stage Dead stage Excess stage
When a site is said to be sound, which of the following character is
148 Strong Impermeable Stable Permeable
not desirable?
When the work is to be done by manually the bottom width of COT
149 4m 5m 5.5 m 6m
should be …
150 Which earth moving machines has the shortest cycle time? Drag line Hoe Clam shell Dipper shovel
2022- Gneral Civil Engineering
Question text/Marking scheme
(For Subjective Questions) or Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
(For SA Questions)
A beam of T-section is subject to a shear force of the maximum shear bottom of the
junction of web neutral axis to the
1 top of the section
force will occur at the section and flange section
Rounding off Decoration
2 A bull nose brick is not used for Pillars Arches
sharp corners purpose
3 A critical activity has maximum float minimum float zero float average float
unequal settlement unequal movement of earth
4 A foundation could fail due to any of these
of foundation distribution adjoining the
5 A heavy stone is suitable for Arches Rubble masonry Roads Retaining walls
6 A long vertical member, subjected to an axial compressive load is called A column A strut A tie A stanchion
7 A mortar joint in masonry which is normal to the face of wall is known as Bed joint Wall joint Cross joint Bonded joint
A piece of timber whose thickness and width are respectively 5 cm and 10
8 Slate Plank Board Strip
cm is called
integrates rain
produces a mass records the gauge or
9 A recording type rain gauge all of these
curve of rain fall cumulative rain continuous rain
10 According to ISI, bitumen is classified into 2 grades 4 grades 8 grades 10 grades
11 Addition of pozzolana to ordinary Portland cement increases bleeding shrinkage permeability heat of hydration
12 An ordinary scaffolding consists of braces bridle raker all of these
13 Bauxite has the form of Clayey mineral Sandy mineral Silty mineral Rocky mineral
14 Bitumen is generally obtained from Organic material Synthetic material Petroleum product Coal
15 Bitumen may be dissolved in Carbon dioxide Water Sodium chloride Carbon disulphide

central half width

field on the left field on the right field on both sides
16 Borrow pits should preferably be located in of the section of
side of canal side of canal of canal
the canal

17 Brass is an alloy of Copper and zinc Zinc and lead Tin and silver Zinc and nickel
18 Breaking down is the process of timber Felling a tree Conversion of logs Defect in timber Reducing weight
19 Bulking of sand is caused due to Surface moisture Air voids Viscosity Clay contents
20 By which of the following ways is lime obtained? Naturally Quarrying Burning limestone
21 Calcareous material used in the manufacture of cement consists of lime stone chalk shells all of these
Lacquer paints, is Cellulose paints is Oil paints, is
22 Commonly used thinner is All of these
alcohol ethyl acetate naphtha
Composition of the soil and it is reflected by the particle size and irrigation
23 soil texture soil fertility all of these
gradation. The term referred is -- efficiency
24 Concrete is generally placed on a Form work Stand Mould Platform
25 Continued hardening of concrete is accounted by Hardening Index Creep intercept Age factor Shrinkage index
plastered surfaces plastered surfaces
26 Distemper is used on brick walls exposed to not exposed to all of these
weather weather
Crushing test of Hardness test of Impact test of Water absorption
27 Dorry’s testing machine is used for
stone stone stone test
Damp Proofing Damp Proof Damp Proof
28 DPM stands for Damp Proof Mix
Mechanics Member Membrane
29 Drain tiles are suitable for laying in waterlogged areas because Porous nature Waterproof Economic Easy installation
Reduces the Reduces the Spoils timber
30 Dry rot ------ Cracks the timber
strength of timber timber to powder appearance

the instrument is fly leveling is many readings are

31 Dumpy level is most suitable when to be shifted being down over to be taken from a all of these
frequently long distance single setting

32 Early attainment of strength in rapid hardening cement is mainly due to gypsum fine grinding tricalcium silicate
Dark blue in
33 Excess of oxides of iron makes the brick Red in colour Black in colour Yellow in colour
34 Excess vibration during compacting can lead to Bleeding Segregation High strength Air bubbles
purpose & class of
35 Factors affecting alignment of roads are need of traffic curve all of these
For determination of average annual precipitation in a catchment basin, the Arithmetical Thiessen's mean
36 Isohyetal method none of these
best method is method method
both vacuum
vacuum air-entrained
37 For heat and sound insulation purposes, we shall use sawdust concrete concrete & air-
concrete concrete
entrained concrete
38 Foundations are more susceptible to -------- Settlement Corrosion Fracture Shocks
Cement mixed Cement mixed
Green coloured Cement mixed
39 Green cement is with plant with recycled
cement with green algae
products materials
brick cut in such a
wall not exposed brick cut across wall between manner that its one
40 Hearting is the interior portion of a
to weather the width facing and backing long face remains

Timber struck by Timber tapped by Timber knocked Two timber pieces

41 How can the quality of timber be checked via sound?
hammer hand by chisel struck together

42 How should be the colour of good quality timber? Light Gradient Dark Brown
to insure to provide enough
to avoid rupture of to hold the stirrup
43 I.S. recommends to provide certain minimum steel in a RCC beam compression ductility to the
steel steel in position
failure beam
44 If a door swings towards the person opening it, it is called ----- swing Left handed Reverse Normal Right handed
corrodes steel releases
45 If sea water is used for preparing concrete mix, it reduces strength all of these
reinforcement efflorescence
In a compaction test, as the compaction effect is increased the optimum first increases then
46 decreases remains same increase
moisture content decreases
bending moment is
shearing force is bending moment is bending moment is
47 In a loaded beam, the point of contraflexture occurs at a section where zero or changes
maximum minimum maximum
48 In paints the pigment is responsible for Durability Colour Smoothness Glassy face
is independent of
49 In steady flow of a fluid, the total acceleration of any fluid particle can be zero is never zero is always zero
50 Intersection method of detailed plotting is most suitable for forests urban areas hilly areas plains
51 --------is a decoration that looks like a door. Pseudo door Flush door False door Composite door
-------------is the structural method to maintain the favourable room
52 Condensation Damping Air conditioning Insulation
temperature in every season of the year.
-------is the top most part of building which provides covering to the entire
53 Roof Ceiling Coping Parapet wall
assembly and the occupants.
54 Lath is a base material for Plastering Pointing Roofing Flooring
Unfinished roof Depression on top
55 Leaks in pitched roof may be caused due to Improper slopes Heavy wind
and wall junction of roof
Area between Area between Opening of
Glazed part of
56 Light, a term used in windows, is outer parts of inner parts of window allowing
window. window light
concrete block
57 Masonry may be broadly classified into categories viz. are stone masonry brick masonry all of these
58 Mat foundation is also known as strap raft solted deep
59 Material lining used in making sound proof chamber is Polystyrene Wrought iron Stainless steel Titanium
Structural works
Small sized water Columns and
60 Mild steel is used for in beams, joints None of these
pipes struts
and girders
functional line and staff
61 Military type of organization is example of ---- line organization none of these
organization organization
linseed oil and
62 Mixture of …………. is known as putty, used for fixing glass panels lime and thinner lime and water non of these
whiting chalk
63 Mortar comes from the Latin word Mortare Mortarum Mortaer Mortarium
64 Most suitable material for highway embankments is organic soil granular soil silts clays
65 Paint should provide resistance to Corrosion Sound Heat Warping
66 Permanent dimension changes due to loading is termed as Strain Extent Creep Ambit
67 Plaster of Paris is obtained by calcining Bauxite Gypsum Lime stone None of these
68 Plastering is also called Pre-casting Pargeting Porting Polishing
69 Pointed arch is also known as segmental arch horse shoe arch gothic arch none of these
its strength is bond strength is bond strength is
70 Ribbed tor steel is not hooked because reduced while not required for developed due to none of these
bending RCC ribs
Rich cement mortars are more liable to cracking as compared to lean
71 High shrinkage Less strength No shrinkage None of these
mortars because rich mortars have
72 Rising butt hinges are provided with helical -------- joints. Nickel Gold Brass Barium
Saponification is a defect on the painted surface and it is identified by the
73 Wrinkles Dull patches Bubbles Soapy patches
appearance of
74 Segregation in concrete results in honeycombing porous layers surface scaling all of these
Pouring more Minimizing
75 Setting action of cement may be delayed by Adding gypsum Adding more sand
water gypsum
76 Shear cracks between main wall and cross wall can be corrected using: Grouting Rebuilding Guining Toothing
fineness modulus
77 Sieve analysis of sand is done to find out bulking of sand wetting of sand none of these
of sand
78 Soundness of cement is tested by Vicat’s apparatus strength testing None of these
79 Specific gravity for most of the building stones lies between 1.5 to 2.0 2.0 to 2.5 2.5 to 3.0 3.0 to 3.5
80 -------stairs are a variation of L shaped stairs. Winder Spiral Half turn Switch back
force per unit force per unit
81 Stress may be defined as force per unit area none of these
length volume
82 Suitable temperature range of water for curing is 15 to 40 C 0 to 10 C 10 to 15 C none of these
83 The aggregate sample for the sieve analysis is placed on Largest sieve Smallest sieve 40mm IS sieve 4.75mm IS sieve
84 The aggregates of --- shape have minimum voids irregular angular rounded flaky
The -------are generally provided to give light and ventilation both to the
85 Ventilators Doors Windows Lintels
interior part of a building.
each layer is
material is material is independent to
86 The assumption in the theory of bending of beam, is all of these
homogenous isotropic expand or to
87 The bar chart is also known as flow chart time chart travel chart Gantt chart
88 The best material for distemper is chalk lime clay lime putty
it is very it required skilled it is water it is not fire
89 The biggest disadvantage of bricks flooring is that
expensive worked man absorbent resistant
90 The breaking up of cohesion in a mass of concrete is called workability bleeding segregation creep
91 The bulk density of aggregates depends upon its shape grading compaction all of these
Rapid hardening
92 The commonly used cement in cement paints is White cement Portland cement Alumina cement
93 The decorative cap to the top of a newel post is called Finial Fillet Easing Apron
is free from
94 The design of a retaining wall assumes that the retained earth -- is dry is not cohesive all of these
immediately after three months just before
95 The dressing of stone is done after seasoning
after quarrying of quarrying building
water-cement cement-aggregate aggregate-water
96 The durability of concrete is proportional to sand content
ratio ratio ratio
97 The exterior corner of wall is known as prepend jamb quoin frog
98 The final operation of finishing the concrete surface is called screeding floating toweling none of these
99 The first step in flooring is Topping Base coat Sand filling R.C.C. layer
100 The frog of the brick in a brick masonry is generally kept on Bottom face Top face Shorter side Longer side
101 The function of aggregates in concrete is to serve as binding material filler catalyst all of these
102 The hardest rock is Marble Diamond Talc Quartz
103 The harmonious mixing of the clay ingredients, is known as Weathering Blending Tempering None of these
one and half brick
104 The heading bond is usually used for half brick wall one brick wall two brick wall
The indentation marks left on bricks during the process of moulding, are
105 fillets frogs projections marks
known as
The inert mineral material used for the manufacture of mortars and
106 cement water aggregate admixture
concretes is
107 The kiln which may work throughout the year, is Clamp Bull’s kiln Hoffman’s kiln None of these
108 The length of road visible ahead to the driver at any distance called as front distance back distance sight distance none of these
109 The liquid and plastic limits predominantly exist in gravel soils silty soils clay soils sandy soils
110 The liquid part of the paint is called Pigment Vehicle Solvent Drier
111 The loss of heat in elastomers due to friction is known as -------- Resilience Hardness Resistivity Hysteresis
112 The material of glass type preferred for skylight window is Sodium glass Lead glass Flint glass Reinforced glass
113 The maximum design gradient for vertical profile of a road is ruling gradient limiting gradient minimum gradient none of these
114 The metallic oxide used in the form of powder in a paint is called extender base vehicle drier
The minimum load which will cause failure of a foundation is called ---- of ultimate tensile ultimate bearing
115 nominal strength compressive
the soil strength power
116 The most commonly used bond for all wall thicknesses is English bond Flemish bond stretching bond heading bond
117 The most fire resistant paints are Enamel paints Aluminium paints Asbestos paints Cement paints
118 The most powerful explosive used in blasting is blasting power dynamite gun cotton cordite
119 The most useless aggregate is ---- whose surface texture is smooth glossy granular porous
120 The occurrence of the completion of an activity, is called its head event tail event dual role event none of these
Possess excellent
Are as clear as Are tough and
121 The plastics made from cellulose resin electrical All the above
glass strong
The process of proper and ,accurate measurement of all concrete materials
122 proportioning grading mixing batching
for uniformity of proportions and aggregate grading is called
The process of taking out stones of various sizes from natural rocks is
123 pitching dressing seasoning quarrying
known as
The rocks farmed due to solidification, of molten mass laying below the
124 aqueous rocks sedimentary rocks metamorphic racks igneous rocks
earth surface are called
type of rain intensity and direction of
125 The run off is affected by all of these
precipitation duration of rainfall prevaling storm
Dolomite, Bauxite,
The sequence of refractory materials according to increasing melting points Magnesia, Chromites,
126 Bauxite, Dolomite, None of these
is Bauxite, Dolomite,
Chromites Magnesia
The shape of the bending moment over the length of a beam, having no
127 linear parabolic cubical circular
external load, is always –
tensile and
128 The slump test of concrete is used to measure its consistency compressive impact value homogeneity
129 The strength of white cement is ---- that of ordinary cement. equal to less than greater than all of these
The stress at which extension of a material takes place more quickly as
130 Elastic point Plastic point Breaking point Yielding point
compared to the increase in load, is called
intercepted by required to fill
that reaches the
131 The surface runoff is the quantity of water absorbed by soil buildings & surface
stream channels
vegetative cover depressions
Greek word Latin word Greek word Latin word
132 The term Calcination comes from
Calcinare Calcinare Calcinate Calcinate
133 The thickness of each leaf of a cavity wall shall not be less than 5 cm 7.5 cm 10 cm 15 cm
The traditional ---------- door shutters have inevitable problems of
134 Metal Wooden Glass Plywood
wrapping, rotting, painting and maintenance.
135 The type of foundation most suitable for bridges is pier foundation raft foundation pile foundation strap foundation
136 The vehicle used in case of enamel paints is usually Linseed oil Water Varnish None of these
137 The word Plinth is derived from ------------- Latin Greek Spanish Polish
138 The word varnish is derived from the word: Latin varne Latin Vernix Greek Vernix Green varne
axial compressive
139 Ties are load carrying members of frame, which are subjected to axial tension loads tensional loads transverse loads
140 To give a brilliant finish, the type of varnish used, is Water varnish Spirit varnish Turpentine varnish Oil varnish
141 Use of coarser cement particles leads to Low durability Higher strength Low consistency Higher soundness
142 --------------wall is constructed in order to support load other than its own. Load supporting Load distributing Load bearing Load releasing
143 What is the level below window called? Pane level Lintel level Sill level Plinth level
144 What is used to make paints odourless to an extent? Flat latex Celluloid sheets Acrylic compound Plioway resins
145 What parameter is being checked for in freezing and thawing test? Weathering Durability Water absorption Texture
When two walls separated by small gap, are connected together by pins, it
146 partition wall double wall cavity wall compound wall
is called
147 Which door is generally used in residential and office buildings? Flush door Rotating door Louvered door Hinged door
148 Which is a good fire-resistant stone? Clay Granite Quartz Limestone
149 Which is a hand tool used for quarrying? Plier Hammer Quarrying wire XSM
150 Which is a mineral ? basalt granite quartz synite
2022-General Electric Engineering
Question text/Marking scheme
(For Subjective Questions) or Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
(For SA Questions)

1 In a 3 phase system, the voltages are separated by … degrees 45 90 120 180

In a 3-wire Y- connected generator, the phase voltages are 2 kV.

2 2000 V 666 V 6000 V 3464 V
The magnitudes of the line voltages are
losing or gaining or collisions between
3 Elements can reach a stable automic structure by losing electrons only gaining electrons only
sharing electrons only automs
4 What is a chemical bonding in silicon semiconductor Metallic ionic Covalent Vander Waals
The room temperature resistivity (In Ohm-Meter) of pure silicon
5 3000 300 30 3
6 which of the following is not a conducting material Copper Tungsten Germanium Platinum
7 Which of the following pair is not correctly matched Copper:Diamagnetic
Iron:Ferromagnetic Ferrite:Ferrimagnetic

When a ferromagnetic substance is magnetised, small changes in

8 Magnetic hyterisis Magnetic expansion Magnetostriction Magnetic colorisation
dimensions occure. Such a phenomenon is known as
9 A superconductor may be used for generating voltage Pressure Temperature Magnetic field
10 Which of the following does not change in the transformer? Current Voltage Frequency All of these
The degree of mechanical vibrations produced by the laminations
11 Tightness of clamping Gauge of laminations Size of laminations All of these
of a transformer depends on
For an insulating material, dielectric strength &dielectric loss
12 High &High Low &High High &Low Low &Low
should be respectively
13 Piezoelectricity is the reverse effect of Electoluminescence Electrotriction Paltier Effect Hall Effect
14 Which of the following material is not an insulator Diamond Graphite Bakelite Lucite
The conductivity of insulating material ( a very small value ) is
15 Residual conductivity Dielectric conductivity ionic conductivity Bipolar conductivity
called as
In a transformer the energy is conveyed from primary to
16 Through cooling coil Through air By flux None of these
Reduce hysteresis To reduce eddy To reduce copper To reduce all of these
17 A transformer core is laminated to loss current loss loss losses
The no load current drawn by transformer is usually what --------
18 0.2 to 0.5 2 to 5 10 to 17 23 to 35
percent of the full load current.
thermal capacity of resistivity of the
19 Tha maximum power Handling capacity of a resistor depends on Total surface area resistance value
the resister material
The number of turns of a coil having a time constatnt T are
20 T 2T 4T T/2
doubled then the new time constatnt will be
In nodal anaysis, the prefferd referance node is a node that is
connected to A) Ground
21 B) Many Parts of the network A Only B Only C Only A,B &C
C) The highest voltage source
which of the above is correct
In a linear network, a 1 ohms resistor consumes a power of 4W
when voltage source of 4V is applied to the entire circuit &16W
22 0W 20W 36 W 144 W
when the voltage source is replaced by an 8V source. The power
consume by the 1 ohm resister when 12 V is applied will be

23 Superposition therom is not applicable for Voltage Calculations Bilateral Elements power calculations Passive elements
24 The path of a magnetic flux in a transformer should have High resistance High reluctance Low resistance Low reluctance

Increased core Magnetic interference

25 Harmonics in transformer result in losses Increased I R losses with communication All of these

Which of the following induction motor has the highest starting Squirrel cage Slip ring induction Same in both
26 None of these
tourque? induction motor motor induction motor
A 4 pole 50 Hz induction motor is running at 1470 rpm. Calculate
27 0.2 0.02 0.04 0.4
the slip
1A,490Hzs AC
28 Which of the following can produce maximum induced voltage 1 A DC current 50A DC current 1A,60Hzs AC current
Two bulbs of 100 W/ 250 V &150 W/ 250 V are connected in
29 series across a supply of 250 V. The power consumed by the 30 W 60 W 100 W 250 W
circuit is
Three 30 Ohms Resistors are connected in parallel across an
30 ideal 40 V source. What would be the equivalent resistance seen 0 Ohms 10 Ohms 20 Ohms 30 Ohms
by the load connected across this circuit
A 3 Phase 4 W system supplies power to a balanced star
31 connected load. The current in each phase is 15A. The current in 15 A 45 A 8.66 A 32 A
the neutral wire will be
Which of the following conditions will be correct, when three
The bulb in R Phase The bulb in Y Phase The bulb in B Phase All the bulbs will be
32 identical bulbs forming a star are connected to a three phase will be the brightest will be the brightest will be the brightest equally bright
balanced supply ?
33 The unit of magnetic flux density is gauss tesla bohr Weber/sec
If the diameter of copper wire is increased by two times keeping
34 Becomes twice Becomes Half Becomes four times remain unchanged
its terminal voltage same, then the drift velocity will
reduce eddy current
35 The armature of D.C. generator is laminated to reduce copper loss To reduce iron loss insulate the core
36 The armature core of a D.C. generator is usually made of silicon steel copper non-ferrous material cast-iron
37 Brushes of D.C. machines are made of Carbon Soft copper Hard copper All of them
38 permeance is inversaly related to resistance conductance reluctance capacitance
A 150 V moving iron voltmeter of accuracy class 1-0 reads 75 V
39 when used in a circuit under standard condition. The maximum 0.5 1 2 4
possible percentage error in the reading is
standard mutual
40 Which one of the following has the highest accuracy standard resistance standard inductance standard capacitance
The degree to which an instrument indicates the changes in
41 repeatability hyterisis precision fidelity
measured variable without dynamic error is
type of insulation
42 The size of a conductor used in power cables depends on the Operating voltage. Power factor. Current to be carried.
A 1:5 step-up transformer has 120V across the primary &600
43 ohms resistance across the secondary. Assuming 100% efficiency, 20 Amp. 0.2 Amp. 5 Amp. 10 Amp.
the primary current equals
44 The left h&rule is applicable to Generator Motor Transformer None of these
Which of the following motor is used in the locomotives motor
45 A.C. series motor D.C. series motor Induction motor Synchronous motor
If one of the control springs of PMMC ammeter is broken then, half of the correct twice the correct
46 0 an infinite value
when connected it will read value value
The full load copper loss of a transformer is 1600W. At half-load
47 6400W 1600W 800W 400W
the copper loss will be
Power factor of one Transformers having Loading of the
Two transformers are connected in parallel. These transformers Short-circuiting of the of the transformers is higher copper losses transformers not in
do not have equal percentage impedance which results secondaries leading while that of will have negligible proportion to their
the other lagging core losses kVA ratings.
Consider the following instruments
A) MI instruments
B) Electrostatic instruments
49 A Only B Only C Only A,B &C
C) Electrodynamometer instruments
which of the above instruments is/ are free from hyterisis &eddy
current losses
Which of the following bridges can be used for inductance
measurement? A) Maxwells Bridge.
B) Schering bridge.
50 C) Wein Bridge. A &B B &C C,D &E A &D
D) Heys Bridge.
E) Wheatstone bridge.
select the correct answer using the code given
In a two wattmeter method of measuring power, one of the
51 zero 1 0.5 0.8
wattmeter is reading zero watts. The P.F. of the circuit is
52 The energy capacity of a storage battery is rated in Kwh Kw Ampere hours joules
Primary is supplied
Primary is supplied Primary is supplied Primary is supplied
53 During open circuit test of a transformer rated voltage full load current
current at reduced
rated kVA
Which of the following is not standard voltage for power supply
54 11kV 33 Kv 66 kv 122 kv
in India
The secondary The core of the
55 The primary current in the current transformer is dictated by burden transformer
The load current None of these
56 The pressure coil of an induction type EM is Highly resistive Highly inductive purely resistive purely inductive
For Controlling the vibration of the disc of AC Energy meter
57 Eddy current Chemical effect Electrostatic Effect magnetic effect
Damping torque is produced by
By mistake, An Ammeter is used as a Voltmeter.In all probalities Give much higher Give extremely low Indicate no reading at
58 Get damged
,it will reading reading all
A DC eletronic voltmeter using chopper stabilisation is free from Source output
59 low CMRR Amplifier drift interferance
errors due to impedence
60 Eddy current loss will depend on Frequency Flux density Thickness All of these
61 A transformer can have zero voltage regulation at leading power factor lagging power factor unity power factor zero power factor
62 Total core loss is called as----------------- Eddy current loss Hysteresis loss Magnetic loss Copper loss
Shunt field copper
63 Which of the following are variable ? Eddy current loss Hysteresis loss
Armature copper loss

Auto transformer makes effective saving on copper &copper

64 Very low Less than one Greater than one Approximately one
losses, when its transformation ratio is equal to
65 Basic function of a transformer is to change the power level power factor level of voltage frequency
greater than the
66 The frequency of a voltage at the secondary is primary
equal to primary less than primary any of these
rotating magnetic stationary magnetic
67 The induction motor operation depends on-------------- field field
either of these none of these

If frequency is 50 Hz &speed is 500 rpm, find the number of poles

68 5 10 12 24
of a motor
To change the direction of rotation of a motor the phase
69 BYR RBY BRY All of these
sequence required to be changed from RYB to ---------------
To improve power factor of a system, which of the following is to
70 Resistors Inductors Capacitors All of these
be used across motor?
71 In a DC genrator the pole shoes are fastened to the pole core by Rivets counter sunk screws brazing welding

72 Iron losses in a DC machine are independent of variation in speed load voltage speed &voltage
73 Brushes of DC machine are made of carbon soft copper hard copper all of above
differential compound cumulative compound
74 Which DC motor is preferred for Elevators shunt motor series motor
motor motor
75 D.O.L. Sarter is used for starting motor up to 5 HP up to 10HP up to 15 HP up to 20HP
76 small DC motor up to 5 HP usually have 2 pole 4 pole 6pole 8 pole
Squirrel cage Slip ring induction
77 Which of the following motor is widely used? induction motor motor
Either of these None of these
78 A transformer transforms voltage power Current frequency
directly proportional inversely proportional proportional to the
79 The torque of an induction motor is to slip to slip square of the slip
none of these
80 EMF Method is used for calculation of Efficiency Voltage Regulation Losses None of above
81 The following system is not generally used 1-phase 3 wire 1-phase 4 wire 3-phase 3 wire 3-phase 4 wire
Penalty for Penalty for illegal Penalty for
82 What does section 44 of CEA Regulations 2010 refer to? interference with transmission or use of maliciously wasting Theft of energy
meters energy energy
83 The non salient pole type synchronous generator is driven by Hydraulic turbines Diesel engines Steam engines All of these
84 Copper losses is proportional to kVA square of kVA cube of kVA none of these
For short circuit test on a transformer secondary is short
85 True False . ..
If 10 uF, 20 uF, 22 uF, &100 uF capacitor are in parallel. The
86 True False . ..
total capacitance is 152 uF.
87 Hydro power plant is generally used as a base load power station. True False . ..

88 short circuit test on transformer is conducted to determine hysterisis losses copper losses core losses eddy current losses
Rotating Magnetic Rotating Mechanical
89 RMF Means Rotating Motive force
field force
None of these
90 induction motor with 1000rpm speed will have 8 pole 6 pole 4 pole 2 pole
If an Induction Motor is to be run on unbalanced supply, then it
91 Lower Loads Medium Loads higher loads Higher Speed
should be run at ,
Interchanging any two
92 The Reversing of 3- Phase AC Motor is achieved by Star Delta Starter D.O.L. Starter
of the supply Lines
An Auto Transformer

Improve Power
93 Phase advancers are used with Induction Motors to Reduce Noise reduce Vibrations
Reduce Copper Loss

94 Which of the following motors will give high Starting Torque Capacitor Start Motor Capacitor Run Motor Split Phase Motor Shaded Pole Motor

Single Phsae 3 Phase Synchronous

95 The Motor Used on small Lathes is Usually Universal Motor D.C. Shunt Motors
Capaictor Run Motor Motor

An Alternator coupled to which Primemover usually have highest

96 Steam Engine Wind Turbine Francis Turbine Steam Turbine
rotating speed
Modern 3- Phase alternator of a Central Power Station has the
97 11KV 132 KV 220KV 22KV
generating voltage of
98 The Speed of sailent Pole Machine is nearlly 500 r.p.m 1000 r.p.m 5000 r.p.m 1500 r.p.m
Double Winiding
99 A Pony Motor is bascially a small induction motor D.C. Series Motor D.C. Shunt Motor
A.C./D.C. Motor
100 Normally a Three Phase Synchronous Motors will have no Slip - rings one Slip- Rings Two slip - rings Three Slip - Rings
A 1 Ph transformer has a maximum efficiency of 90% at full load
101 86.7% 88.26% 88.9% 87.8%
&unity p.f. Efficiency at half load at the same p.f. is
DC commutator
102 The following motor definitely has a permanent magnet rotor motor
Brushless DC Motor Stepper motor Reluctance Motor

For a given stepper motor the following torque has the highest
103 Detent torque Pull in torque Pill out torque Holding torque
numerical value
Which three phase connection can be used in a transformer to
104 introduce a phase difference of 30 degree between its output Star-Star Star-Delta Delta-Delta Delta-Zigzag
&corrosponding input line voltages
A syncronous generator is feeding a zero power factor(lagging)
105 Magnetising Demagnetising Cross-magnetising ineffective
load at rated current. The armature reaction is
possible at unity p.f. possible at leading possible at lagging
106 In a transformer , zero voltage regulation at full load is not possible
load p.f. load p.f. load
The DC motor, which can provide zero speed regulation at full
107 Series Cumilative compound differential compound Shunt
load without any controller is
108 The slip of an induction motor normally does not depends on Rotor speed Syncronous speed Shaft torque core loss component
109 Induction motor Stator Voltage control method is used for Frequency Control Speed control Both of these None of these
110 Inverse square law &Lambert’s cosine law are laws of Illumination Electricity Magnetism Current
111 Rating of fuse wire is expressed in Watts mho Ohm Ampere
112 Candella is the unit of which Wavelengh Luminious intensity luminious flux frequency
to convert DC in to
113 What is the work of driver in case of LED to convert AC into DC
Both of these None of these

Compact Flurocent Mercury Vapour

114 Which among the following lamps has maximum burning hours LED
Incandencent Lamp

A 680 Ω load resistor R1 is connected across 1.2 A current source. The 0A 1.2 A 114 mA 1.14 A
internal source resistance is 12kΩ, the load current is ____
Two resistors are connected in series 5 ohm &10 ohm with 75V
116 50 V 25 V 2.5V 5V
source. What is the voltage across 5 ohm resistor?
Approximately how much current flows through a circuit with a
117 4.5 mA 5.9 mA 5.5 mA 59 mA
40 V source &6.8 k ohm of resistance?
If internal resistance of the voltage source is unknown, it is
118 Open circuit Short circuit Delta circuit None of these
replaced by ____ while applying theorems.
119 Illumination Can be expressed in Candella Lux Lumens Radians
120 To save energy during braking which type of braking is used Plugging Regenerative Dynamic All of the above
The supply frequency usually employed for high frequency eddy
121 1KHZ 10KHZ 5KHZ 10 to 400KHZ
current heating is
Class B insulators can bear temperature (in degree centigrade)
122 130 120 105 90
can be connected in
123 Capacitor banks are connected with ac induction motor In Parrallel In series Not connected at all
either way
Squirrel cage Slip ring induction
124 External Resistance is observed in induction motor motor
Both of these None of these
125 A terminal where more than two branches met is called Node Branches Junction None of these
126 Identify the passive element among the following Voltage source Current source Inductor Transistor
Ohms Law states that, current through a conductor, under
Constant pressure, Constant
127 —————-conditions is proportional to P.D. across the Constant pressure
temp, &volume
Constant volume
18 24 18
128 One coulomb charge is equal to the charge on 6.24 x 10^ electrons 6.24 x 10^ electrons 6.24 x 10^ atoms None of these

Energy = Voltage / Charge = Energy * Energy = Voltage Energy = Voltage*

129 The correct relation between energy &charge is Charge Voltage 0.5
Which of the following statements regarding single-phase It requires only one It can rotate in only it is not self
130 It is self statring
induction motor is correct winding one direction starting
A 100 W bulb is connected in series with a room heater. If now
131 Decrease Increase Remains the same Unjustified
100 W bulb is replaced by a 40 w bulb, the heater output will
Which of the following quantities are same in all parts of a series
132 Current resistance Voltage Power
133 Bulbs in street lightning are all connected in which format? Series Parallel series-parallel End to end
134 An example of secondary Battery cell is Edison Alkali Cell Daniel Cell Lachanche Cell Bunsen Cell
135 Negative electrode or anode of simple voltaic cell is made of Copper Zinc Lead Carbon
Two sinusoidal quantities are said to be phase quadrature, when
136 0 Degree 30 Degree 45 Degree 90 Degree
their phase difference is
137 An electrical circuit with 10 branches &7 nodes will have 10 Loop Equations 7 Loop Equations 3 Loop Equations 4 Loop Equations
In a certain Y-Y system, the source phase currents each have a
138 magnitude of 9 A. The magnitude of each load current for a 3A 12A 9A 27A
balanced load condition is
The resistance of a conductor of diameter d &length l is R Ω. If
139 the diameter of the conductor is halved &its length is doubled, RΩ 2R Ω 4R Ω 8R Ω
the resistance will be
How many coulombs of charge flow through a circuit carrying a
140 10 60 600 1200
current of 10 A in 1 minute?
the atoms can most of the volume
unique nature of
141 The drawback of Daltons atomic structure is that, it says neither be created of an atom is empty none of these.
nor be destroyed. space.
142 Current chopping mainly occurs in ABCB VCB SF6 CB OCB
143 Switchgear equipment include Switches Fuses CB's all Of the above
In an OC test CU
losses are
In an OC test, current In SC test, current is In an OC test, current
144 In transformers which of the following statements is valid obtained,while in SC
is drawn at high p.f. drawn at zero p.f. is drawn at low p.f.
test Core losses are
Dynamically induced statisctically induced
145 Generators works on the principle of production emf emf
Both of these none af the above
Armature is not
146 In DC generator, the electricity produced in armature is DC AC
presents in DC
None of these
147 Load factor of a power station is generally MD/ Avg load Avg load x MD Avg load/ MD Avg load/ full load
148 Depreciation charges are in case of Thermal power Plant diesel Plant Hydro electric plant solar plant
149 Which plant can never have 100% load factor Peak load plant Base load Plant Neuclear plant Hydro electric plant
150 low p.f. is usually not due to Arc lamps Induction motors incandenscent lamp fluroscent tubes
2022- General Mechnical Engineering
Question text/Marking scheme
(For Subjective Questions) or Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
n No
(For SA Questions)
1 The standard atmospheric pressure at sea level is.............. 1 Kg /mm2 10 Kg/cm2 760 kg/cm2 1.033 kg/cm2
The fluid pressures are directly proportional to the ...........of the
2 Specific Gravity Turbidity Velocity None of these
The pressure Gauge attached on the delivery line of pump shows
3 reading of 4.1 kg/cm2 , i.e. Pressure in terms of meter of water 410 m 41 m 410 mm 41 cm
column is.............
4 NPSHA is a property of .......... in the Lift Irrigation scheme. Rising Main Pumps Valves Source of Water
5 In Axial flow pump , shut off head is .........% of duty head. 120 160 300 100
In sump model study , the model test set up is constructed using
6 Froude Model Reynold’s Model Euler Model Mach Model
....... Law of Similarity.
The frictional head loss in the Rising Main is inversely proportional Flow rate in Rising Thickness of Rising Length of Rising
7 None of these
to ........ Main Main Main
The centrifugal pumps in the Lift Irrigation basically operates on
8 Raynould Bernoullis Newton Buckinghams
The cavitation free operation of Centrifugal pump is confirmed from Suction Specific
9 Specific speed NPHHA Head
calculation of the .........of the pump. speed
To get the incentive in the electric bills , the minimum power factor
10 0.9 0.84 0.93 0.87
of the Lift Irrigation scheme should be........
British British
Bernaullis Hydraulic
Hydromechanics Bharat Hydraulic Hydrodynamic
11 The full form of BHRA is Research
Research Research Academy Research
Association Association
Calculate the motor KW of the pump designed for 75 m head and
12 102 lps discharge, if attainable efficiency of the pump is 75 % and 100 kw 1100 kw 102 kw 110 kw
recommended power margin is 10 %.
In screw Stem hoist , which of the following thread is adopted for
13 Acme threads Square threads Buttress threads Multiple threads
power transmission in either direction.
The minimum numbers of teeth are assumed on the pinion while All three options are
14 Interference Undercut Friction
selecting gearing ratio to avoid............ correct
The instrument used to measure the size of bore of gear or drum in
15 Bore dial indicator Vernier calliper Micrometer None of these
the accuracy of 0.010 mm is.......
The over load factor considered while selecting the motor for Rope
16 1.2 1.4 1.25 1.5
drum hoist is .....
Tolerance used for making bores to wheels such as gears, pulley is
17 H7 H8 K10 None of these
To obtain the finish of the diameter of the shaft within 10-20
18 Honing Turning Grinding Knurling
microns , the process to be used is ........
The rubber seal used in the control gates of the dam should have
19 120+/- 5 40+/-5 20+/-5 65+/-5
Shore Durometer hardness up to .........
The maximum factor of safety preferred for Wire rope selection is
20 6 10 2 4
........under normal operating condition.
Metal cladding of seal will ......... the coefficient of friction between
21 Reduce increase have no effect on None of these
the mating surfaces.
22 Wire rope of the rope drum hoist is made up of ...............steel. mild improved plough Cast None of these
Irrigation cum Integrated concrete Integrated central
23 The full form of ICPO is None of these
power outlet power outlet power outlet.
Dead Storage Down stream Deep Source Service
24 The full form of DSSG is None of these
Service Gate Service Gate Gate
Have the bucket in Have the bucket in
front of machine’s back of the
25 While unloading an excavator from a transporter, it is best to ………. It doesn’t matter None of the above
direction of travel machine’s direction
and close to ground of travel
The joystick controls on an excavator should always return to a …...
26 Forward Back Neutral Rollover
position once they are released.
The relief valve pressure required for swing circuit of mid-sized
27 150 kgf/ 285 kgf/ 340 kgf/ 120 kgf/
excavator (0.6 m3 capacity) is…..
The temperature indicating instrument in vehicles indicates the
28 Engine piston Engine cylinder Lubricating oil Jacket cooling water
temperature of
Prevents engine oil
from going into the
Lubricates the Keeps the cylinder chamber and Maintains a seal and
cylinder wall by wall lubricated by returns excess prevents escape of
29 The function of oil control rings is that it
releasing oil from its holding oil in its lubricating oil off burned gases and oil
hole channel the cylinder wall leakage
through the return
holes in the piston
to the oil pan
30 The power actually developed inside the engine cylinder is called as Indicated power Brake Power Frictional power None of these
A diesel engine has excessive black smoke when started in the A bad fuel injector A restricted fuel A blocked fuel tank A leaking fuel return
morning. Which of these could be the cause ? nozzle filter vent line
32 What is the specific gravity of fully charged lead acidic battery? 1.19 1.21 1.23 1.27

Noise heard from hydraulic pumps may be due to which of the

33 following reasons? A) Lack of hydraulic oil B) Faulty hydraulic A&B A,B &C B&C All of the above
pump C) Broken suction hose D) Faulty pressure sensor
Recently trending Geo scan technology in E-moving machines is
useful for which of the following options? A) To operate machines
34 remotely B) To access machine location & record machine hours C) B&C B,C & D C &D All of the above.
To record fuel consumption data D) To provide graphical
representation of work done
After 6 months or After 1 year or 1000 After 6 months or After 1 year or 2000
In the cooling system of excavator the coolant must be changed
35 2000 hours hours whichever is 1000 hours hours whichever is
whichever is earlier earlier whichever is earlier earlier
If an excavator is to be parked overnight, make sure that the fuel damage to the
36 water condensation loss of oil pressure fuel leaks
tank is full to prevent _____. engine
37 Sheeps-foot rollers are best used on _____ soils. sandy gravelly rocky fine-grained
38 A torque converter replaces a conventional _____ system. hydraulic control clutch electronic control power brake
Horsepower in a utility tractor usually ranges from about _____
39 20 to 30 40 to 100 100 to 300 400 to 600
The high precision core of the Current Transformer is used for Controlling and
40 Measuring Charging None of these
.................system Protection
41 The cost of motor is inversely proportional to the ........... Power Speed Torque Inertia
The electric motors used for Pumps of the Lift Irrigation schemes Squirrel Cage
42 High torque DC Captive None of these
are of...............type Induction
43 Submersible pumps are always operated with ........... Suction Head Suction Lift Cavitation Head None of these
For on line maintenance of Kinetic air valve, used as isolation
44 Sluice valve Butterfly valve HOPD Valve Zero Velocity Valve
valve. not treated as surge controlling equipment in Lift Irrigation
45 Air cushion Valve Kinetic Air Valve Zero velocity Valve Sluice Valve
The hydraulic gates are generally classified according to following All options given in
46 Function in a dam Location Shape
criteria. 1,2,3
Frictional forces
between sealing
47 The hoist capacity of hydraulic gates depends on Weight of Gate Hydrodynamic load all of these
and moving
Point of maximum Point of minimum
48 The fit of the piston to the cylinder is measured at the Piston skirt Piston head
diameter diameter
49 The electrode in TIG welding is..... Consumable Non consumable Both No electrode
50 The TIG welding is possible in Vertical position Horizontal position overhead All position
51 The deposition rate of MIG welding is More than TIG Less than TIG Equal to TIG None of above
Metal thickness
52 Wire speed in the MIG welding varies with the Type of weld Position of the weld All of above
being welded
53 Which of the following is not a shielding gas argon helium oxygen Carbon dioxide
54 What is HAZ Heat affected Zone High arc zone Heat available Zone None of these
55 Surges in the pipeline are triggered due to ....... Valve closing Pump tripping Power failure All of above
Power margin on the prime mover of centrifugal pump is required Power requirement
56 Auxiliary load Light load All of above
to take care of in operating zone
The head developed by the impeller with 300 mm diameter running
57 28.3 29.3 31.3 27.3
at 1500 rpm is.....m. (Consider constant for impeller as 1)
As per affinity law, with impeller diameter held constant and speed Directly
Directly Inversely
58 changes, then ratio of change in head is ............. ratio of change in proportional to the None of these
proportional to proportional to
speed. square of
Performance curve of the Centrifugal pump is a graphical
59 time torque discharge NPSHA
representation of Head, efficiency and power against........
Pump with Radial impeller is operated against closed valve (at shut
60 Less than More than Equal to None of these
off head), then power required will be.........duty power.
By increasing number of vanes of the Impeller , Nature of HQ curve
61 Flat to steep Steep to flat Stable to unstable None of above
will change from ........
State the techno commercially suitable construction of Centrifugal
Horizontal split case
62 pump for Lift Irrigation scheme where source of water is available Vertical turbine Submersible pump None of above
with constant suction head of 2m .
The hydraulic thrust on the Butterfly valve of 400 mm dia in closed
63 position ,when pressure acting on it is 10 kg/cm2, is ........ kg. 1256 125.6 1256000 12560
(Neglect thrust due to velocity head)
The shaft is designed as 60 H8/f7, then tolerance grade for shaft is
64 8 7 60 56
The modulus of elasticity for Mild Steel is approximately equal to
65 2.7 270 2700 210
The difference between basic dimensions of the mating parts is
66 Tolerance Limit Allowance Deviation
called as...........
Indian Electrical and Industrial Electrical Industrial Electrical Indian Electrical and
Electronics and Electronics and Electronics Electronics
67 The full form of IEEMA is
Manufacturers’ Manufacturers’ Manufacturers’ Manufacturers’
Association Association Academy Academy
Net Pressure Net pressure
Net positive suction
68 The full form of NPSHA is suction head suction head None of these
head available
achieved available
For investigating the various fluid parameters like pressure,
69 velocity, forces , flow pattern etc, the advanced tool widely ANSYS CFD CAD LIMICS
used today.
In excavator,power is transmitted from engine to hydraulic pump Hydraulic
70 Fluid coupling Flexible coupling Belt drive
through ? transmission
Overheating of Overcooling of
71 One effect of detonation is Delay in ignition Loss of power
engine engine
For stress relieving of the metallic components, following process is
72 Annealing Quenching Hardening Carburising
73 The average density of the Wet soil is .........Kg/m3 1200 1400 1700 2000
74 Hooke’s law holds good up to Yield point Elastic limit Plastic limit Breaking point
75 The structural columns are always subjected to .................. stresses Tensile Compressive temperature Tensional
The component of the machine is observed to be failed below the
76 Fatigue Regular yield Shear
yield point then failure is said to be ............. failure.
77 The size of the weld in butt joint is equal to 0.5 X Throat of Weld 2 X Throat of weld Throat of weld None of these
78 The washer is generally specified by its Outer diameter thickness Mean diameter Hole diameter
Transmission of
79 The eye bolts are used for Locking devices Absorbing Shocks Lifting the machines
For connecting shafts whose axis are inclined to each other
80 Turn buckle Knuckle joint Universal joint None of these used.
A connecting rod is a member which is subjected to alternate direct Compressive and
81 Only tensile Only compressive None of these
.........................forces. tensile
For getting stroke length of 300mm , the radius of crank should be
82 600 150 75 225
83 Screws used for power transmission should have High efficiency Less efficiency V threads None of these
In a crossed belt drive , the shafts are arranged parallel and rotate Same as well
84 same opposite None of these
in the .........direction. opposite
Increases the power Decreases the Has no effect on
85 The centrifugal tension in the belt None of these
transmission power transmission power transmission
86 Which of the following is a positive drive V belt drive Rope drive Flat belt drive Chain drive
........ serves as a reservoir which stores energy as per requirement
87 Governor Flywheel Gyroscope turbocharger
of the system.
In case of a multiple disc clutch , if n1 and n2 are number of discs on
88 the driving and driven shafts respectively , then the number of pairs n1 + n2 n1-n2 n1+n2-1 n1+n2+1
of contact surfaces will be
Teflon is preferred as a bearing on driving shaft of the butterfly Low coefficient of High coefficient of Easy heat
89 Low cost
valve because of friction friction dissipation
A fluid , which is incompressible and is having no viscosity is known
90 Real Ideal Idle Plastic
As per Pascal’s law, the pressure or intensity of pressure at a point
91 Only upward Only forward all Only downward
in a static fluid is equal in ........direction.
92 used for measurement of pressure of the fluid. Tachometer V notch Piezometer Anemometer
93 The point of contact of two pitch circles of mating gears is called Pressure point Pitch point Module Contact point

94 The gear used to convert rotary motion into translating motion is Worm and wheel Crown gear Rack and pinion Bevel gear
95 Which of the following type of gear has inclined teeth Spur gear Helical gear Spiral gear All of the above
96 The gears are used to connect two parallel shafts except Spur gears Helical gears Double helical gears Bevel gears

97 The voltage used in resistance welding is generally kept between 4 – 12 volts 12-20 volts 20-28 volts 28-36 volts
98 The heat generated in in resistance welding is expressed by I^2Rt IR^2t Irt^2 2IRt
99 Which of the following is not fillet weld Butt Joint Lap joint T joint Corner Joint
Cast steel, iron,, Carbon steel, cast
Iron,, carbon steel, cast iron ,Cast steel,
100 The metals having good weldability, in descending order are carbon steel, cast iron ,Cast steel,
cast iron, Cast steel iron,, carbon steel
iron iron,,
101 Double v and double u butt welds are used for plates of thickness 1-2 mm 5-10 mm 10-15 mm over 15 mm

102 Which of the following joint have high corrosion resistance? welding joint riveted joint bolted joint none of the above
Match the pair of 1 to 4 with A to D 1. Durometers 2. Brinell
Hardness test 3. Torsion test 4. Erichsen cupping test with
103 A. Value of modulus of rigidity B. To verify formability C. 1-D,2-B,3-A, 4-C 1-C, 2-D,3-A, 4-B 1-B, 2-A,3-D,4-C 1-C,2-D,3-A,4-B
Hardness of non metallic materials D. Hardness of ductile
The working cycle in case of four stroke engine is completed in
104 1 2 4 8
.........number of revolutions of the crank shaft
Heat resulting from
compressing air that
105 In a diesel engine fuel is ignited by......... spark Injected fuel ignition
is supplied for
106 The value of bulk modulus of a fluid is required to determine Reynold's No Mach No Froude's No Euler's No
The total energy line lies over the hydraulic gradient line by an Velocity Head + Pressure Head -
107 Velocity Head Pressure Head
amount equal to the Pressure Head Velocity Head
Negative Gauge
108 Pressure less than Atmospheric pressure is known as Suction Pressure Vaccum Pressure All Above
The weight per unit volume of a liquid at a standard temperature
109 Specific Gravity Specific Weight Mass Density None of these
and pressure is called
loss of head in
Actual discharge to actual velocity at area of Jet at vena
orifice to the head
110 Coefficient of resistance in the orifice is the ratio of theoretical vena contracta to contracta to area of
available at the exit
discharge theoretical velocity orifice
of the orifice
overturning of wall
111 The stability of a dam is checked for tension at the base sliding of the wall all of these
or dam
A flow in which ____force is dominating over the viscosity is called
112 Inertia elastic surface tension viscous
turbulent flow.
loss of head and loss of head and
A compound pipe is required to be replaced by a new pipe. The two length of both pipes
113 discharge of both velocity of both All above
pipes are said to be equivalent, if is same
pipes is same pipes is same
114 Reynold’s number is the ratio of inertia force to pressure force gravity force viscous force elastic force
loss of cohesive
115 What is the effect of high temperatures on material properties? increase in stiffness increase in hardness None of these
Magnetic particle
116 Which test can be performed without skilled labour? ultrasonic testing visual testing Dye penetration test
117 Eddy current test is used to detect Cracks hardness conductivity all of the above
Metals undergo Metals undergo
Metals can be
118 What is meant by ductility? elastic deformation plastic deformation All of the above
drawn into sheets
under tensile loads under tensile loads

Metals undergo Metals undergo

plastic deformation Metals can be Elastic deformation
119 What is meant by malleability ? None of the above
under compressive drawn into wires under compressive
stresses stresses
120 Which among the following is a paramagnetic material ? Iron Cobalt Nickel Aluminium
121 The allowable velocity in the suction piping is .........m/s as per HIS 1.2 to 1.7 3 to 3.5 0.1 to 0.2 4 to 5
Only low pressure Only high pressure Both low and high
122 Vaneless diffusers are suitable for .... None of above
rise rise pressure rise
along straight
at the junctions of at the branching off
123 Sluice valves are fitted in a distribution system length of pipes at All above
the pipes points of sub-mains
suitable intervals
The head available at the inlet of the centrifugal pump during
124 Head race Tail race NPSHA NPSHR
operation is called as
Discharge capacity of reciprocating pump is ....... that of centrifugal
125 Higher than Lower than Same as Unpredictable
For improving power factor of the System Capacitors are used in Lift
Irrigation Schemes and its rating is measured in.......
To sustain the thermal stress in the MS pipe lines ..............joints are
127 Expansion Joint Dismantle Joint Flanged Joint Welded joint
When some components of Hoisting assembly are checked for
128 Break down torque of the proposed motor, the breakdown torque 2.25 250 225 150
of the motor is considered as ........% of rated torque.
Structural elements Structural elements Structural elements
Structural elements
that are subjected that are subjected that are subjected
129 What are steel tension member? that are subjected
to direct to indirect to indirect tensile
to direct tensile load
compressive load compressive load load
Length of Net area of cross
130 The strength of the tensile member is not influenced by Type of fabrication Length of plate
connection section
Single angle section with ............ connection produces eccentricity
131 bolted welded Bolted and welded None of these
about both planes.
Wire rope used for hoisting with several strands which consist of
132 straight Helically circular None of these
individual wires wound ..............around a central core.
Cables in the form of Wire rope and strand are not recommended in
133 tension compression elongation None of these
bracing system as they can not resist ..........
The guide tee sections fabricated with angles connected on the
134 one two three None of these
same side of gusset plates produces eccentricity about ......plane .

Single rolled
Built up members
Built up members sections are formed Built up members
are formed to meet
are less rigid than to meet required are not desirable
135 Which of the following is true about built up sections? required area to
single rolled area which can not when stress reversal
make it sufficiently
sections be provided by built occurs
up members
For self locking , the overall efficiency of the hoisting system is kept
136 65 100 90 45
137 A quantity indicating ignition properties of the Diesel fuel is.... Froude No Octane Cetane Compression Ratio
138 Pneumatic tyres are not used for providing Speed Comfort Traction Friction
Heating rubber Spraying with Melting rubber
139 Vulcanizing means None of these
under pressure special paint while stirring it
Tube type and Split rim and drop
140 Two general types of tyres Solid and tubeless Air and pneumatic
tubeless centre
The tread grooves In wet condition,
The tread pattern
pass air between the tread grooves
The crests between protects the tyre’s
the tyre and road expel water that is
141 The main function of the tread pattern on tyre is that the tread grooves inner carcass from
surface , there by drawn between the
absorb road noise small stones and
preventing tyre tyre and road
pieces of glass
from overheating surface
142 Which parameter can be measured using a dynamometer Force Torque Power All of the above
Which energy is absorbed by the brakes of a hoist during braking
143 Potential energy Kinetic energy Velocity Energy None of above
A lead acid cell battery has 15 plates . in absence of the
144 3 6 7 15
manufacturer’s data , the charging current should be.......A
The commercial lead acid cell has 13 plates . the number of
145 6 7 8 9
negative plates would be.........
The commercial lead acid cell has 15 plates . the number of positive
146 7 8 9 15
plates would be.........
Forged round Cast steel triangular Forged square Forged I section
147 Connecting rods are generally of the following form
section steel section section steel steel
148 For Diesel engine the normal compression ratio is from 17 to 21.1 7.5 to 8.5 30 to 40.1 1 to 5.1
Breakdown Scheduled Preventive
149 Following is not a classification of maintenance Timely maintenance
maintenance maintenance maintenance
Problem-cause Rectification-
Problem- diagnosis- Problem –diagnosis
150 A systematic approach for maintenance is –diagnosis - Problem-cause
cause –rectification –rectification--cause
rectification –diagnosis
2022- Lift Irrigation Schmer
Question text/Marking scheme
(For Subjective Questions) or Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
(For SA Questions)
------- pumps are best suited for lifting from canals or from tanks Horizontal
1 Vertical Turbine Francis Turbine None of these
with shallow depth of water centrifugal
------ velocity in pipe leads to higher frictional losses results in
2 Lower Higher Smaller None of these
increased pump capacity & cost of the scheme.
------- is the maximum water content beyond plants can no longer
3 Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Wilting Point Heavy Moisture
extracts water for their survival
4 ------ denotes the number of years in which flood cab be expected once Flood frequency Flood routing Flood discharge
5 -------- is also known as trickle irrigation. Surface Irrigation Drip Irrigation Sprinkler Irrigation wild Irrigation
"Chitale commission" suggested that LIS having head ……m should
6 20 50 100 more than 120
be revived.
7 1 HP = ----- watt 476 674 746 467
1 mm corrosion allowance shall be added to the thickness of rising
8 100 mm 1000 mm 1050 mm 1900 mm
main having diameter …….
9 1 MM^3 = ……. Hundred cubic meter 100 10 1000 10000
rain excess of 10 rain deficiency of rain deficiency of
10 A 90 % index of wetness means none of these
% 90 % 10 %
11 A canal headworks has nothing to do with a weir guide bank head regulator safety ladder
At the bottom of On the surface of At any point within
12 A current meter measures the velocity of flow, that can be held None of these
channel water the cross-section
A device which insures a constant discharge of water passing from one
13 channel to another irrespective of water level in each within certain flume module meter none of these
specified limits, is called
14 A hydraulic structure is not designed for Seepage forces Hydraulic jump Hydraulic pressure None of these
15 A Pelton's turbine is a velocity turbine reaction turbine pressure turbine none of these.
16 A ridge canal is also called a watershed canal contour canal side slope canal none of these
less discharge than
17 A shallow well is stronger than both of these none of these
18 A structural member on which the wheels of a gate move, called as ---- Column Track Plate Skin plate Beam
Accelerated Accelerated Accurate Irrigation
Accurate Irrigation
19 AIBP means Irrigation Benefit Irrigation Benefit Benefit
Benefit Project
Project Programme Programme
Accurate Irrigation Area of Irrigation
Area Irrigated Area Irrigated in
20 AIDC means Developed Demanded
Duty Culture Day Cusec
Command Command
21 Air valve also acts as ……….. flow breaker air breaker vacuum breaker all of these
Air vessels, zero velocity valves are used to protect the rising main
22 surge pressure air pressure corrosion water hammer
from --
All the proposals of revised AA irrespective of the cost of the project
shall be submitted to ………… for techno economic approval
actual maintenance actual machinery added monthly
24 AMC means ……….. none of these
cost cost cost
Drainage infiltration
25 Amount of irrigation water required for full growth of crop is called as Only Evaporation transpiration
requirement requirement
support the
26 Anchor blocks are provided for ---- unbalanced forces reduce forces increase forces
at bends
27 Anticipated life of pumps is ---- years 1 2 10 20
on Both Inner &
28 Anticorrosive treatment is required to pipe line laid above GL is ----- on inner side on outer side none of these
Outer Side
29 As per present practice ……….. for rising main is proposed RCC G.I. pipe mild steel PVC
Agriculture Additional
Agriculture Agriculture
Technology Technology
30 ATMA full form---- Technology Technology
Management Management
Marginal Agency Member Agency
Agency Agency
31 BC ratio limit for minor LI scheme should be ----- > 1.1 < 1.0 < 0.5 > 10.0
Bed level of the approach canal shall be kept ---------- the source bed
32 below above any height none of these
Bedding, which are normally made of granular materials or concrete, O. C. Young and
33 Thomas Edition Newton None of these
serves four main functions as suggested by ---- J. J. Trott:
battery fuse
34 BFV means ……… better face value brake fuel valve butter fly valve
35 BHP is obtained by dividing WHP by pump efficiency motor efficiency density of water
efficiency of 1 & 2
Bank of Indian Bureau of Indian Bureau of Internal Bureau of Indian
36 BIS means
Standards Standards Standards Stadiums
37 Bladder vessel used to protect ……….. pump pump house delivery chamber rising main
Central Board of Common Board of
Central Board of Central Based
38 CBIP is short form of Irrigation and Irrigation and
Irrigation Project Irrigation Project
Power Power
39 Centre line of delivery pipe is decided as …….. sump level + 1 m MDDL + 1 m PFL + 1 m POL + 1 m
40 Collars, wrappers and crotch plates are the types of reinforcement covers support valves
41 Column separation is term related to ……… surge pump RPM pump inertia power house
42 Conductivity meter. used for ---- porosity velocity none of these
43 Construction of pump house is a responsibility of …….. wing civil electrical mechanical all of these
modified Penman Darcy Wiesback
44 Crop water requirement is calculated as per --- Eular rule Kirchoff's rule
method formula
45 Cropping pattern of LIS is of --- type wet crops cash crops only sugarcane dry crops
46 Crops having ---- requirement are chosen in LIS less more moderate none of these
47 Delivery chamber is located at --- ground level deepest highest lowest undulating
48 Delivery chamber is generally provided at the end of ……. pump house manifold rising main
Dickens's formula for high flood estimate, is useful only for the
49 Southern India Northern India Eastern India Western India
catchments in
m square per m m cube per m
50 Drainage density is expressed in m square per m m per square area
square square
51 E.O.T. crane is executed by …… wing mechanical electrical civil privately
52 Earth mat erection is related to ……… wing electrical mechanical civil all of these
Electric Overhead Elevated Overhead Electrical
53 EOT term is used for --- Overhead
Transformer Travelling Overhead Transfer
Area of the water Nature of
Humidity and
54 Evaporation losses depend upon surface and depth precipitation and All of these
wind velocity
of the water type of vegetation
Expansion joints on rising main are provided at an interval of …….
55 100 to 180 500 to 100 200 to 300 beyond 1000
cost of pump,
56 Factors considered for initial and capital cost of LIS are ---- Life Electrical charges all of these
rising main
water available in water deficit in
57 Field capacity water minus wilting point water = irrigation depth all of these
root zone root zone
For every water lifting device, there shall be a separate ------ certified
58 current meter amplifier water meter none of these
by the BIS
For fixing water rates of LIS ……… issued directives to Government
59 Govt. of India CWC MWRRA CWPRS
of Maharashtra
For LIS ---- the un-interrupted power supply and flow from source are
60 recurring assured not sured not regular
Modified Penman
61 For LIS, discharge is calculated by ……… Penman method Manning's formula duty & delta
For MS pipes epoxy coating or cement mortar on both sides of the pipe
62 erosion corrosion water hammer cavitation
is applied for protection against -----
For MS rising main frictional loss is calculated by the …………. Modified Hazen
63 Crimp Kutter's Manning's
formula William's
For pumps arranged in parallel to one another, the discharge is
64 reduced head maximum head. minimum head all of these
increased without any changes to
Graph showing relationship between surface area to volume and
65 discharge curve area capacity curve rating curve flow curve
elevation is known as -----
Glass Fiber Gamble Fiber
Gross Reinforced Great Reinforced
66 GRP pipe means Reinforced Plastic Reinforced Plastic
Plastic Plastic Pipes
Pipes Pipes
High Density Poly Highest Density Higher Dense Poly High Density
67 HDPE means
Ethylene Poly Ethylene Ethylene Proper Ethylene
68 Head developed by a centrifugal pump depends on impeller diameter speed fluid density all of these
69 HEART of the LI Scheme is ---- electricity pumps rising main delivery chamber
horizontal split head service head service
70 HSC means …….. pumps higher side case
case company corporation
71 Idle period is also known as ---- period operation inspection shut down power failure
If open channel is provided in intake structure, then …….. will not be
72 delivery chamber intake chamber forbay pump house
Indian Medical Indian Material Indian Metro
73 IMD is short form of Meteorological
Department Draft Department
In a mildly water scarce area, the drip irrigation could be preferred for fruits and
74 wheat fodder rice
growing: vegetables.
In LIS there is ---------- in location of head works and foundation
75 flexibility rigidity availability transmissibility
76 In LIS water is lifted and conveyed to required location by --- pump house rising main gravity tankers
lift irrigation
77 In MMSIF Act the Sections from 39 to 51 are concerned with ----- flow irrigation Both Flow & LIS none of these
78 In the Scheme KKLI, the KK is used for Krishna Kaveri Krishna Koyna Kaveri-Katepurna Kelghar-Krisna
equal to or more equal to or less
more than less than
79 Infiltration rate is always than infiltration than infiltration
infiltrating capacity infiltration capacity
capacity capacity
Intake chamber at the entry of the water in approach channel shall be
80 open conduit partly open closed partly closed
provided in case of ………
Internal Rate of Irrigation Rate of Internal Recovery
81 IRR is short form of --- all of these
Return Return Rate
Crop Pumping Soil & Crop
82 Irrigation interval does not depend on ---- Soil characteristics
characteristics efficiency Characteristics
83 ------is the crop to determine the 'X' limit under the command Wheat Maize Sugarcane Coconut
----is used for combining the flow from delivery of individual to rising
84 manifold BF valve NR valve Air valve
International Integrated Integrated
Indian Watershed
Watershed Watershed Watershed
85 IWMP term is used for --- Management
Management Management Management
Programme Project Programme
Kor-Watering is the irrigation water supplied to a crops, ----- is the
86 Yes No . ..
correct one
87 Life of L.I. scheme is than dams & barrages bigger shorter longer greater
88 Line of intake shall be------- to the axis of the pump house. straight normal Inclined none of these
rich rainfall area
89 LIS is a viable solution to meet the aspirations of the river side people urban people upland people
90 LIS pipe line where road crossing is met with. Crossing is generally --- under ground overhead both of these none of these
91 Maintenance Cost of LIS is ----- than of regular canal system more less chief none of these
Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra
Management Management of Minor Irrigation Management of
92 MMISF is short form of ---
Irrigation System Irrigation System System by Irrigation Strength
Fund by Farmers Farmers of Farmers
National Bank for National Bank for National Bank for
National Bank for
Agriculture and Agronomy and Agriculture and
93 NABARD long form is --- Agriculture and
Rural Rural Reforms
Rural Department
Development Development Development
Net Returning Narrow River Non Returning Net Resistance
94 NRV means
Valve Valley Valve Voltage
2831 Hectare 28.32 Hectare 2.833 Hectare 0.2834 Hectare
95 One T.M.C
meter meter meter meter
96 One way surge tank protection is suitable for ---- head 10 to 25 meter 25 to 40 meter 40 to 50 meter 50 to 60 meter
Particular Participatory
Principle Irrigation Proper Irrigation
97 PIM means Irrigation Irrigation
Management Management
Management Management
Portable Probable Probable Probable Mean
98 PMF stands for ----
Maximum Flood Maximum Flood Minimum Flow Flow
Pradhan Mantri Prime Mantri Prime Minister Pradhan Minister
99 PMKSY is short form of --- Krishi Sinchayee Krishi Sinchan Krishi Sinchayee Krishi Sinchayee
Yojana Yojana Yojana Yojana
length of rising
100 Power failure occurs, rapid changes in ----- and pressure thereon velocity reservoir level canal level
higher reduced frequency
101 Proper maintenance in the period will help to achieve the benefit of …. smooth operation all of these
performance of break down
102 Provision for trash rack & gates may be located -------- of pump house in front above below behind

103 Provision of closed or open approach channel will depend on --- available strata available head available discharge available length
Pump house will come ------------ the jack well for vertical turbine
104 exactly on near away below
length of rising
105 Pumping capacity & diameter of rising main depend on --- type of pump command area discharge
106 Pumps shall be designed for ------- hours operation night day 24 12
1 st Jan to 31 th 1 st Jul to 30 th 1 st Jun to 31 st 1 st Nov to 31 st
107 Rainfall Year period is ------
Dec Jun May Oct
Ratio of precipitation for a given year to mean annual precipitation is
108 quality index Index of wetness index of dryness quantity index
termed as
rusted expansion regular erection rubber expansion rubber expansion
109 REJ means ……….
joint jack joint junction
Rural Rural Rural
Rural Institute
110 RIDF is abbreviated for Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure
Development Fund
Development Development Fund District Fund
Slum Bottom Slum Boulder
111 SBL means Slum Bottom Link Safe Bottom Level
Level Level
at the end of pipe
112 Score valves are provided at …….. depressions summit at bends
113 Silt storage is the same as dead storage live storage effective storage none of these
State Irrigation Simple Irrigation Sanction Irrigation
114 SIP State Ideal Plan
Plan Plan Plan
special type of pipe connecting flow measuring
115 Stand pipe is an ……….. antisurge device
valve source & pump device
Sudden breakdown running all pumps entrapped air in bends in rising
116 Surge occurs due to ---
of pumps at a time rising main main
117 Switch yard is related to ……… wing electrical mechanical civil all of these
118 The angle between the manifold and delivery pipe is …….. 30 45 60 90
119 The annual health status report of all LI schemes is prepared by ……. CDO nashik SLTAC DSO Nashik MERI Nashik
120 The canal fall, involving parabolic glacis, is called Straight glacis fall Glacis fall Inglis fall Montague fall
The channel constructed to bypass the excess water entering a canal, is
121 canal module canal siphon canal escape canal regulator.
122 The crop which is expected to have the maximum duty, is Wheat Rice Sugarcane Cotton
123 The design discharge of LI scheme shall be based on …….. 100% peak NIR 50% peak NIR 70% peak NIR average NIR
area irrigated is water supply water supply
124 The duty of irrigation water will be less if none of these
more required is less required is more
The Energy required for shallow tube wells is ------ than that of deep
125 less more greater smaller
tube wells
The flowing water should have velocity less than -------- m/s at the
126 5 3 2 0.3
location of pumps.
FSL and top of FSL and top of top of lining and
127 The free-board in lined canals is measured between : none of these
lining canal bank top of. canal bank
The length of the pump house is governed by the number of …….
128 valves pump electric motors surge
proposed to be provided
Maximum Water Delivery Chamber
129 The level below which pumping need not be done is ---- Low Water Level None of these
Level Level
The major difference between water rates of flow irrigation and lift operational maintenance
130 electricity charges local cess
irrigation scheme is ……….. charges charges
maximum delta maximum duty minimum duty
131 The maximum irrigation requirement of Rice crop is exhibited by its none of these
value - value value
The maximum vacuum pressure allowed in the rising main shall be twice the half of the one third of
132 atmospheric
equal to ………. pressure atmospheric atmospheric atmospheric
133 The operation cost of several LI Schemes is comparatively ----- low high moderate none of these
134 The scale of Topo sheet in MKS is 1 cm = 5 meter 1 cm = 50 meter 1 cm = 500 meter 1 cm = 5000 meter
The state of the soil when plants fail to extract sufficient water for their Maximum Permanent wilting Ultimate utilization
135 None of these
requirements, is saturated point point point
136 The term cavitation is associated with --- control room pump house delivery chamber pump
137 The top of delivery chamber is kept at ---- of off taking canal FSL + 0.5 m FSL +1.0 m FSL FSL + FB
138 The water stored in the reservoir above the normal pool level is called dead useful valley surcharge storage
139 Thousand Million Cubic Feet is the unit used for -- velocity discharge friction storage
To protect the outer surface of rising main from corrosion it should be
140 epoxy soil cover concrete gunitting
covered by ………..
141 Transformer is installed in ---- pump house switch yard battery bank circuit breaker
142 Unit of power is ---- Joule Newton watt erg
Vertical Turbine Vertical Take
143 VT pump means Vee Type pump all of these
Pump Pump
144 Water content between saturation and field capacity is the ……. drainable water capillary water infiltration
it is being it is renewed and
it is being renewed it can be reused
145 Water is a renewable resource because recycled by human recharged through
through reduction. again.
beings. hydrological cycle.
Water holding
146 Water loss by plant due to various activities termed as ---- Water absorption Evapotranspiration None of these
147 water rates are fixed as per ----- for Lift Irrigation volumetric basis area basis head basis length basis
148 Well water lifting is simple example of ----- irrigation Lift Canal free flooding none of these
Piped Distribution Proper Distribution Pipe Divide
149 What does PDN mean Distribution
Network Network Network
When water content in a soil is reduced beyond the shrinkage limit, the
150 solid state. liquid state semi-solid state plastic state
soil will be in a
2022- Road Building Bridges
Question text/Marking scheme
(For Subjective Questions) or Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
(For SA Questions)
--------- in a building means the free passage of clean air in a
1 Habitation Protection Sanitation Ventilation
obstructed area obstructed unobstructed area unobstructed
2 % obstruction for bridges is calculated on --------
basis discharge basis basis. discharge basis
Benchmark British Indian Bureau of Indian
3 “BIS” stands for ---- information
Survey Standards Standards
A ------ is a set of rules that specify the standards for constructed
4 Building code Building bye-laws IS code Procedure
objects such as buildings and non-building structures.
5 A bascule bridge is a fixed bridge movable bridge deck bridge through bridge
A column is regarded as long column if the ratio of its effective
6 10 15 20 25
length and lateral dimension, exceeds
7 A fire detector cannot detect Radiation Heat Light Smoke
A gradient along which the vehicle does not require any tractive
8 Ruling gradient Pushing gradient Floating gradient Minimum gradient
effort to maintain a specified speed, is known as
A-------- line usually parallel to the plot boundaries and laid down in
9 each case by the Authority, beyond which nothing can be Building line Control line Property line Plot line
constructed towards the site boundaries.
10 A plot between rainfall intensity vs time is termed as hydrograph mass curve hyetograph isohyets
Square with
11 A pre-cast pile generally used, is Circular Square Octagonal
corners chamfered
12 A roof lantern is also called Skylight Cupola Celestory Oriel
RCC wearing Removable pipe
13 A submersible bridge has ---, Stopper All of the above
course railing
14 A terrain is classified as plain, rolling etc. based on --- Gradient of road longitudinal slope Cross slope None of these
15 A very comfortable type of stairs is Straight Dog legged Geometrical Open newel
16 A way or road open at one end only, is called One way road Half way road Blind alley Service road
--------are structural members design to carry and transfer transverse
17 Beams Columns Lintels Sills
loads across space to support elements.
18 As far as possible the alignment of a bridge should be square skew curved none of these
Horizontal as well No necessity of
Horizontal curves Vertical curves are
19 At the intersections of different grades on a straight road, -- as Vertical curves introducing curves
are introduced introduced
are introduced. of any type
Its penetration
Its penetration its penetration Its penetration
20 Bitumen of grade 80/100 means value is 8 to 10
value is 8 mm value is 10 mm value is 8 to 10 cm
21 Bottom most layer of pavement is known as Wearing course Base course Sub-base course Sub-grade
22 Bricks when soaked in water, shall not absorb water more than 0.3 0 0.2 0.25
Civil Budget Compact Basalt Calculated Bearing California Bearing
23 C.B.R stands for -----
Report Rise Rate Ratio
Character of the
California Bearing Ratio method of designing flexible pavements is Characteristics of
24 Traffic intensities road making None of these
more accurate as it involves soils
Road carriageway Road carriageway Road carriageway
25 Clear carriageway width of bridge is kept at 8.25 meter
width width + 0.25 meter width + 0.5 meter
26 Coefficient of friction is less when the pavement surface is rough dry smooth and dry smooth and wet
27 Combining two or more plots as a single plot is called __________ Amalgamation Frontage Bifurcation Building setback

28 Compaction of embankment shall be carried out at --- saturated condition O.M.C. dry condition None of these
29 Concrete pavement is provided if daily traffic per lane exceeds 500 tones (750 tones 1000 tones 1250 tones
To prevent
To serve as a
To increase the To protect the top seepage of water
30 Coping is provided on parapet/compound walls platform for
height of wall. of wall from dust. into the masonry
seating on it .
Increase in Decrease in Decrease in
31 Creep in concrete structure increases with: Increase in water
humidity temperature humidity
Crush metal of 25mm size shall pass 100% through------------square
32 40mm,20mm 30mm,20mm 40mm,25mm 30mm,25mm
mesh and 100% retain on ------------ square mesh
Simple circular Broken-back
33 Curves in the same direction separated by short tangents, are called Compound curves Transition curves
curves curves
Design speed of Permissible
34 Design of horizontal curves on highways, is based on friction on the road All of these
vehicles centrifugal ratio
traffic volume origin and
35 Desire lines are plotted in speed studies accident studies
studies destination studies
Deviation of the alignment of a trace cut may be permitted in areas
36 Land slides Sand dunes Dens None of these
Distribution reinforcement in a simply supported slab, is provided to
37 Load Temperature stress Shrinkage stress All of these
in steep terrain in plain and rolling in all types of
38 Drainage of rain water is important for roads--- in hilly area only
only. area only terrains
39 Driving vehicles on wet surfaced roads, is dangerous because it may Skid Slip Overturn All of these
40 Fixed plate bearing plates are suitable for spans up to less than 6 m 12 m 18 m 24 m
41 Flemish bond is expensive than English bond. TRUE FALSE . ..
Through a set of
Directly to sub- Through structural
42 Flexible pavement distribute the wheel load layers to the sub- None of these
grade action
The number of The number of The number of
The number of
passengers passing buses only passing motorcycles only
43 Flow or Capacity concerned with road means vehicles passing a
a point in a unit a point in a unit passing a point in a
point in a unit time
time time unit time
44 For a properly designed vehicle, the resistance generally ignored for Wind resistance Rolling resistance Grade resistance Axle resistance
For Bathrooms and WC of residential buildings,------------- are Louvered
45 Fixed Windows Dormer windows Lantern windows
generally used windows
46 For highway financing, the state government tax levies are Road tax Fuel tax Excise duty on oil Toll tax
47 For highway geometric design purposes the speed used is 15th percentile 50 ""percentile 85th percentile 98 ""percentile
For the design of cement concrete pavement for corner loading, Westergaard's Goldbeck's
48 Kelly's formula Picker's formula
Indian Road Congress recommends the use of formula formula
49 For transportation purposes in India, the first preference is given to air lines roads shipping railways

50 Granite is a type of Plutonic rock Metamorphic rock Hypabyssal rock Volcanic rock
annual average annual average thirtieth highest peak hourly
51 Highway facilities are designed for
hourly volume daily traffic hourly volume volume of the year
If the cross slope of a country is 25% to 60%, the terrain is classified
52 Plain Rolling Steep Mountainous
If the stability of the local soil is not adequate for supporting wheel constructing rigid soil stabilization adding bricks or
53 mixing with water
loads, the properties are improved by ---------- pavements techniques stones into it
If the width of the foundation for two equal columns is restricted, the
54 Square Rectangular Trapezoidal Triangular
shape of the footing generally adopted, is
55 In ------ all steps lead in one direction only. Turning steps Circular steps Straight steps Geometrical steps
56 In a house drainage system, a soil pipe carries human excreta liquid waste Gases Rain water
57 In a truss structure, ---------bear tension. Joints Base Bottom chords Top chords
58 In a ventilator, top edge of shutter opens, Outside Inside Sideways Does not open
General General
General Approved Gross Afflux
59 In bridge engineering , G.A.D stands for Administrative Arrangement
Description depth
Department Drawing
to drain out the
to store water on to relieve the to remove dirt etc
60 In bridges, waterspouts are provided rainwater from the
deck for curing uplift pressure. from deck.
deck surface.
is provided after is provided after is provided before
In construction of WBM roads, lateral confinement in from of
61 is not required. coarse aggregates coarse aggregates coarse aggregates
shoulder ------------
are spread are compacted are spread
In Herringbone bond, bricks are placed at ---- angle from ----- line in
62 60, central 60, vertical 45, central 45, vertical
both directions.
One side and
Sides and proceed Center and
63 In highway construction, rolling starts from proceed to other Any of these
to center proceed to sides
In preliminary survey cross sections at ----- interval should be
64 20 m 35 m 50 m 65 m
65 In RCC Chhajja, Main reinforcement is placed At top At bottom At centre Closers
66 In scanty rainfall regions, the camber provided will be Nil Flatter Steeper None of these
impact due to
67 In the design of piers, the water pressure to be considered is static pressure dynamic pressure all of these
cross current
68 -------index is used to find settlement of soil. Compression Expansion Recompression Reloading
69 -------is nothing but the movement. Circulation Privacy Grouping Ventilation
------is the built-up covered area of a building measured at floor
70 Covered area Carpet area Total area Plinth area
level of any storey.
Lean to roof which is suitable for maximum span of 2.5 meter is a flat cum sloping
71 sloping roof flat roof elevated floor
type of roof
over the openings
below the roof below the floors
72 Lintels are provided for doors and none of these
slab to support it
Crushing strength
73 Los Angeles testing machine is used to conduct Abrasion test Impact test Attrition test
used for mixing used to compact
used for job mix used to know SBC
74 Marshall method is --- bitumen and hot mix hot laid
design. of soil.
aggregate. material.
75 Movable bridges are built across streams rivers channels dry valley
Non Demand Non Destructive Net Destructive Non Destructive
76 NDE means
Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation Estimation
Outflanked Ordinary Highest Observed Highest Obvious Highest
77 O.H.F.L in bridge hydraulics stand for
Highest flood level Flood Level Flood level Flood Level
78 On piles, the drop must be at least 50 cm 100 cm 120 cm 170 cm
79 Penetration test on bitumen is used for determining its Grade Viscosity Ductility
More than that in Less than that in
80 Percentage of free carbon in bitumen is Equal to that in tar None of these
tar tar
81 Pier foundation is also called: Caisson Box Bridge Girder
5 kg per 1 sqm 50 kg per 50 sqm 5 kg per 10 sqm 50 kg per 10 sqm
82 Rate of spraying of bitumen for tack coat on WBM surface is ---------
area. area. area. area.
increases with decreases with is same for all
83 Reaction time of a driver none of these
increase in speed increase in speed speeds
Retaining walls are generally constructed with dry rubble stones
84 1 : 2 front batter 1 : 3 front batter 1 : 4 front batter 1 : 5 front batter
with 60 cm top width and
on inclined back on straight back
behind the solid on front face of
85 Riding return is provided face of solid face of solid
abutment solid abutment
abutment abutment
not suitable for any
86 Rocker bearings are suitable for spans up to 6 m to 12 m 15 to 20 m more than 20 m
External face of Internal face of Internal face of External face of
87 Sand faced plaster is generally applied on
external walls external walls internal walls Internal walls
Road land Road land Road land
Building line and
88 Set-back distance is the distance between boundary and boundary and boundary and
control line
building line control line control line
89 Silt factor is used to calculate Afflux % obstruction Scour depth linear water way
Poor bearing Strong bearing Low bearing Very poor bearing
90 Stone columns are invariably used in which soil.
capacity capacity capacity capacity
91 Strip seal is a type of Bearing Expansion joint Seismic arrester none of these
92 Temporary bridges are built during military operations project executions rescue operations all of these
to provide sign to mark centre
93 The first priority of road maintenance is --- to paint km stones to fill potholes
board line
The ability of a driver to stop the vehicle moving with the designed Brake reaction Efficiency of the
94 Perception time All of these
speed, depends upon time brakes
Higher speed of Increased volume Reduced
95 The advantage of providing super-elevation on roads, is All of these
vehicles of traffic maintenance cost
The arrangement made to prevent entry of water at the site of pier
96 caisson cofferdam earthen dam none of these
construction is known as
97 The binder normally used in flexible pavement construction is Cement Lime Bitumen None of these
98 The bridge having its floor flush with bed of stream is known as causeway culvert viaduct minor bridge
two times the three times the half the
99 The camber of road should be approximately equal to longitudinal longitudinal longitudinal
gradient gradient gradient
100 The commonly used paints for doors, windows, metal grills Enamel paint Emulsion paint Cement paint None of these
Between 40% to
101 The crushing value of good quality aggregate shown Less than 30% Above 30% Less than 70%
102 The end supports of a bridge superstructure are known as wing walls piers abutments bed blocks
The floor provided between masonry walls below the river bed is
103 wing wall curtain wall bed block kerb
known as
104 The highest point on road surface is called crown camber gradient berm
105 The horizontal portion of a step in a stairs case, is known as Rise Flight Winder Tread
106 The ideal shape of a transition curve, is Clothoid Cubic spiral Cubic parabola Lamniscate
Type of road
107 The maximum safe speed on roads, depends on the Type of curves Sight distance All of these
108 The minimum cross fall of shoulders is kept … % 0.5 1 1.5 3
109 The minimum head room over a stair must be 200 cm 205 cm 210 cm 230 cm
The most economical lighting layout which is suitable for narrow Central lighting
110 Single side lighting Staggered system None of these
roads is system
Smooth wheeled Pneumatic tyred
111 The most suitable equipment for compacting clayey soils is a Sheep foot roller Vibrator
roller roller
112 The most suitable foundation for a culvert is spread foundation pile foundation well foundation caisson foundation
113 The Nosing of treads of stair case is generally Kept sharp Rounded pointed grooved
114 The pavement width of a road depends upon Terrain Type of traffic Number of lanes All of these
115 The pick and roll method is used for maintenance of CC roads BT roads WBM roads Footpaths.
The placing of various rooms or units of a structure in a proper
116 correlation of their functions and in due proximity with each other is Sanitation Prospect Economy Grouping
known as ----
117 The rammer equipment is used in highway construction for Compaction Stabilization Consolidation Increasing porosity
combination of
The shape of the camber, best suited for cement concrete
118 straight line parabolic elliptical straight and
pavements, is
of same colour as
rougher than the smoother than the of very low load
119 The shoulder provided along the road edge should be that of the
traffic lanes traffic lanes bearing capacity
The solid substance in a form of fine powder forming the bulk of a
120 Drier Pigment Base Vehicle or carrier
paint is called
total reaction time efficiency of
121 The stopping sight distance depends upon speed of vehicle all of these
of driver brakes
The study of the transportation system that meets the travel need of Mass Intelligent Passenger
122 None of these
several people by sharing a vehicle is transportation transport system transport
123 The suitable surfacing material for a bridge deck slab is Sheet asphalt Bituminous carpet Mastic asphalt Rolled asphalt
The term --------is used to mean the link or access or movement
124 Flexibility Prospect Circulation Elegance
between the various rooms and floors of building.
125 The total thickness of flexible pavement is determined using S.B.C method C.B.R. method R.D.C method M.D.D method
126 The traffic manoeuvre means Diverging Merging Crossing All of these
The traffic signs normally should be placed at ------- to the line of
127 Parallel Inclined Right angle All of these
travel of the approaching traffic.
128 The vertical member supporting the hand rail is called as -- Baluster Newel post Header Column or post
The walls which are necessary on the hill side of roadway where
129 retaining wall breast wall parapet wall none of these
earth has to be retained from slipping is known as
130 The weight of reinforced concrete, is generally taken as 2000 kg/m3 1300 kg/m3 2400 kg/m3 3500 kg/m3
131 The weight of vehicles affects Ruling gradient Limiting gradient All of these
Shoulders or Classification of
132 The width of the right of way, is influenced by Formation width All of these
berms road
133 Tie bars in cement concrete pavements are at expansion joints contraction joints warping joints longitudinal joints
Low thermal More cement More coarse
134 To control corrosion, concrete with -------- is used. Low permeability
coefficient content aggregates
Super elevation is Camber is Rough surface is Anti Crash barrio
135 To counteract centrifugal force on curved road ---
provided provided. provided is provided
To determine the hardness or softness of bitumen ------ test is Loss on heating Softening point
136 Temperature test Penetration test
conducted. test test
137 To fix or to hold the door frame to opening, ------------- is used Top rail Holdfast Jamb Shutter
Below the scour 0.3 meter below 0.3 meter below
138 Top of raft foundation is kept --- At level of L.B.L.
level the L.B.L. the scour level
Total depth of Quality of surface
139 Tyre pressure influences the Both the above None of these
pavement course
---------used to mean the regulation of admitting more or less
140 Elegance Roominess Circulation Aspect
sunshine in the room.
Volume of traffic which would immediately use a new road or an Development Normal traffic
141 Current traffic General traffic
improved one when opened to traffic, is known traffic growth
Water requirement for a family of four members for domestic 135
142 135 litres/day 540 litres/day None of the above
purpose is litres/day/family
Useful Testing Universal Testing Universal Testing
143 What is the Full Form of UTM? Touching
Machine Machine Mark
144 Which has sheen and is highly washable? Acrylic flat Acrylic eggshell Acrylic satin Acrylic gloss
145 Which is a type of bond used in brick masonry Indian Bond Inglis Bond English bond None of these
146 Which is NOT a part of Well foundation used in bridges? Top plug Curb Kerb Steining
147 Which leads to the formation of small pores in brick? Iron pyrites Pebbles Organic matter Alkalis
148 Which represents hardest grade of bitumen? 30/40 60/70 80/100 100/120
149 Which are “Techniques of project management “? Bar charts. C.P.M. P.E.R.T. All of these
Study of
Study of site with
Number of gender geographical and
150 Which factor is not considered on studying of site? respect to other Location site
ratio geological
surrounding sites
conditions of site
2022- Signaling Telecommunicatin
Question text/Marking scheme
Question (For Subjective Questions) or
No (For SA Questions) Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
TETRA stands for _____________. Terrestrial Ticket Radio
Terrestrial Twisted Trunked None of the above
1 Trunked Radio Radio
TETRA uses _________________. Frequency-Division Code-Division Time-Division None of the above
Multiple Access (FDMA) Multiple Multiple
2 Access (CDMA) Access (TDMA)
3 TETRA is a professional mobile radio and _______ transceiver. one-way two-way no(zero) way None of the above
4 How many channels does a TETRA have? 16 32 64 128
TEA stands for ______________ Telecommunication TETRA Encryption TETRA Encoding None of the above
5 Encryption Algorithm Algorithm Analysis
Full form of ETSI is ______________ Europian Europian Technical Europian Engineering &
Telecommunications Standards Institute Telecommunications Technology Standards
Standards Institute Standards Industry Institute
Frequency bands allotted for Tetra based communication systems are 260 - 300 MHz & 380 - 260 - 300 MHz & 410 380 - 400 MHz & 410 -None of the above
___________________ 400 MHz bands - 430 MHz bands 430 MHz bands
When used in dedicated TETRA frequency bands, TETRA Mobile Stations uplink, downlink uplink,uplink downlink,uplink None of the above
shall transmit in the TETRA _______ frequency band,and TETRA Base
Stations shall transmit in the TETRA ________ frequency band.
DMO stands for ___________. Direct Mode Operation Duplex Mode Digital Mode None of the above
9 Operator Operation
In Cellular Communications the Cells are to be _________ separated to avoid Time Space Frequency None of the above
10 Co-channel Interference.
TETRA is used in _________________. Fire Department for Police forces for rail transport staff for All of the above
communication in communication train radios
11 emergency.
The TETRA standard defines the _____________________________. Bearer Services Tele-Services Supplementary All of the above
12 Services
Nominal output power (in dBm) for class 2 radio terminal is 38 40 42 45
13 _________________.
The function of the TETRA base station is to provide the ________ interface hardware software air None of the above
14 between the SwMI and the radio terminals.
In Direct mode operation, there is direct communication between terminals with without of None of the above
15 ______ the support of the radio base station.
The ________________ is a measure of the ability of a user to access a Grade of service (GoS) Quality of duty cycle None of the above
16 trunked system during the busiest hour. Service(QoS)
PAMR stands for ________________. Private Access Mobile Public Access Mobile Personal Addressal None of the above
17 Radio Radio Mobile Radio
In TETRA Management Identity(TMI), the Mobile Network Code (MNC) is 12 14 16 18
18 of ____________ bits.
TMO stands for ___________. Trunked Mode Operation Tripple Mode Tele-Mode Operation None of the above
19 operation
TETRA communication system is a versatile system, which transmits Voice(V) Data(D) Voice and Data (V+D) None of the above
20 ____________ more efficiently.
There are _________ Air Interface Encryption(AIE) TETRA Encryption one two three four
21 Algorithms (TEAs).
___________ is one of the supplier of the TETRA system in India. Artevea Tata Consultancy Datamatics ltd None of the above
22 Services
For its modulation TETRA, uses __________________________. π⁄2 differential quadrature π⁄4 differential π⁄8 differential None of the above
phase-shift keying quadrature phase-shift quadrature phase-shift
23 keying keying
In TETRA, the ____________ of the base station is not regulated. transmit power recive power both transmit and None of the above
24 receive power
TETRA's voice coder/decoder (Codec) is based on the CELP technique. CELP Call-Excited Linear Code-Excited Linear Call-Excited None of the above
25 stands for _______________. Prediction Predictive Longitude Purpose
What is the concept for accommodating a large number of users in a limited Multitasking Multiplexing Trunking Quality of Service(QoS)
26 radio spectrum?
The full form of TEDS is ___________. Terminal Enhanced Terminal Enabled TETRA Enhanced Technology Enabled
27 Dynamic Service Dynamic Service Data Service Data Service
The range of TETRA 1 is limited to ______ due to the TDMA structure. 55km 56km 57km 58 km
TETRA radio system provides __________________________ Individual call (point-to- Group call (point-to- Broadcast call (point- All of the above
point) multipoint) to-multipoint one way)
TETRA Teleservices corresponds to a call in a public mobile radio system GSM UMTS LTE All of the above
30 which includes __________________.
31 Which is the type of noise in telephone system? crosstalk amplification gain data
The local exchange of called subscriber finds the phone is engaged then it looptone busytone ringtone alert tone
32 sends -----
In telephone networks----------is used. circuit switching semiconverter busy switching torque switching
33 switching
The propbablity that all the servers in a system are busy is called as ----- busy probablity blocking probality utilization probablity fundamental proabality
In telephone exchange, the ratio of traffic lost to traffic offered is called as---- grade of probablity grade of signalling grade of blocking grade of service
36 In telephony, the frequency of busy tone is---- 600 Hz 33 Hz 400 Hz 955 Hz
--------provides enhanced facilities to subscriber and switching system. symmetric signalling common channel common engage common division
37 signalling signalling signalling
MAN means---- Media Area Networks Media Access Metropolitan Area Multiple Acess Network
38 Network Network
When the sender has block of data to be sent is stored in the queue and delay system timer system outgoing system intermediate system
tranasmitted when lines become free then that switching is called as---
In telephone switching system the signalling information on respective lines scanner distributor spectrum analyzer supervisor
40 is send through---
Non flexibility is the major disadvantage of ---- Digital telephone Local telephone electrothermal electromechanical
exchanges exchanges telephone exchanges telephone exchanges
In time division system of electronic switching system the connecrion is different constant intermidiate latched
made over same path in space but at ---------instant of time.
In Transit telephone exchange, the switching network it only supports------ intra exchange inter exchange local subscriber no transmission
43 transmission. transmission. transmission
44 Time-Space is ------- switching. three dimenional one dimensional two dimensional non dimensional
45 The unit of telephone trafiic is ------- Hertz kilowatt meter/sec Erlang
46 Telephone traffic is --------- process. stochastic static blocking geography based
Packet switches use ------ principle. move and stop store and forward forward and reverse wait and store
PSTN stands for ------- personal switched private servics public switched possible switched
telephone network telephone network telephone network telephone network
49 In telephone networks--------- routing is used. computer controlled matrix open loop latched
The telephone switching provides----- signalling services. non-channel forward and reverse master and slave subscriber loop and
50 inerexchange
ISDN provides----- end-to-end digital slower connectivity only voice poor connectivity
51 connectivity. connectivity
The maximum rate of signal transitions that can be supported by a channel is current rate baud rate signal to noise rate channel rate
52 known as------
In telephone exchanges, the switching matrix is used to---- connect analog to digital increase voice establish a connection to amplify the voice
converter circuit amplitude between inlets and signals
outlet circuits
The ratio of number of successful calls to the number of call attempts is call completion rate call holding rate call busy rate call rejection rate
54 called as---
Signalling systems SS1 to SS5 are used for----- secondary signalling in-channel signalling variable channel common channel
55 signalling signalling
The connector used to interface connecting UTP cables with a data RJ-45 USB DIP DIL
56 communication device is -----
When a digital message signal modifes an analog carrier signal, the power modulation digital modulation current modulation analog modulation
57 modulation is called as-----
In the transmission of digital signal, the bit interval refers to the ------- of a duration current duration time duration half duration
58 bit.
In telephone call, after dialling the numbers------- tone is send to called party testing control busy ringing
59 by calling party.
In telephone switching system, the probablity that indicates stored program availability unavailability signalling security
60 control system will not opearte is called as-------
61 ______ converts human speech to electrical signals. Microphone Touchscreen Barcode None of these
62 The perceivable frequency range for normal human ear is ______ 16 Hz to 600 Hz 16 Hz to 1600 Hz 16 Hz to 6000 Hz 16 Hz to 16000 Hz
_______ microphone does not require an external DC source for its working . Capacitor microphone Carbon microphone Dynamic microphone None of these
64 The velocity of sound in dry air at 0˚C is ______ 132m/s 232m/s 332m/s 3x10¹⁰m/s
Full form of PA system is _______ Power amplifier Public address system Personal amplifier Public acoount system
______ is the remedy in an amplifier for those speakers who keep their mouth Noise canceller Level canceller Level limiter Level amplifier
66 very near the microphone .
The most popular microphone for use in PA system is ____ Carbon microphone Capacitor microphone Ribbon microphone Moving coil microphone
Output impedance of the power amplifier is matched with that of the Leads Transformer Resistor Inductor
68 loudspeaker by the _______
____ type of noise can be picked up by a microphone when it leads run RF noise Hum noise Hiss noise Rumble
69 parallel and close to to the main leads .
70 The intensity required by audience for comfortable hearing is , 1pW/m² 100nW/m² 100mW/m² 10W/m²
For 40 dB above 1pW , the threshold hearing the intensity of sound is ______ 40pW 10nW 2mW 1W
_______ is the optimum separation of loudspeakers to give good intelligiblity . 10m 20m 30m 40m
In the monophonic amplifier system ______ controls are not needed . Bass Treble Master gain Balance
Function of mixers in a PA system is _____ to isolate different to produce to produce to prevent RF noise
channels intermodulation intermediate frequency pickup
74 frequencies
A PA system consists of ________ Power amplifier and An audio mixer and a Microphones and pre All of the above
75 loudspeakers tone control amplifiers
76 The intensity of sound _________ with distance decreases increases remains equal None of these
77 PA system is used in _______ Sports meet Public meetings Concerts All of the above
In PA system loudspeaker converts ______ Electrical audio signals Audio signals into Audio signals into None of these
78 into sound waves audio signals mechanical system
PA system is _____ Mechancical system An electroacoustic Electromechanical None of these
79 system system
In public meetings ____ speakers are more suitable Horn type Lense type Horn and lense type None of these
81 _______ is a transducer. Loudspeaker Mixer Amplifier None of these
Stereophonic system has _____ separate channels after the pre amplifier stage. one two no any None of above
83 ________ limits the range of frequencies sent to the speaker . Cross over network Amplifier Power amplifier None of these
84 _____ kind of wave motion is sound . Longitudinal Tranverse Electromagnetic Pulse type
85 Frequency range for telephone speech is _____ 16 Hz to 20 kHz 100 Hz to 1000 Hz 1500 Hz to 2500 Hz 300 Hz to 3400 Hz
Sone is a unit of ________ Pitch Timbre Increase in loudness Quality of sound
87 On _____ principle, moving coil microphone works . EMF induction Motor Amplifier Oscillator
_____ is the cause of rumble noise in PA system . Nervousness of the Wind Breathing sound Bad microphone
88 speaker
89 Loudspeaker works on ______ principle . Motor Generator Amplifier Oscillator
90 Impedence of a loudspeaker is of the order of _____ Milliohms Ohms Kilo ohms Megaohms
91 Which type of waveform represents a clock signal Sine wave Triangular wave Sawtooth wave square wave
92 The duty cycle of clock signal is % 25 50 75 100
93 The ON time and OFF time of clock signal is… Different Same Variers with time None of above
94 In digital electronics amplitude of clock signal is… 0V +5 V +12 V +18 V
Variers as per Increases
95 The frequency of clock signal is… Constant application automatically None of above
opcode fetch machine memory read machine memory write machine
96 Which of the following machine cycle requires four clock pulses in 8085? cycle cycle I/O read machine cycle cycle
Negative level
97 Which of the following are types of level triggering? Positive level triggering triggering Both above options None of above
98 Which of the following are types of edge triggering? rising edge trigger falling edge trigger Both above options None of above
99 Which circuit requires a clock pulse for its operation? Multiplexer Full adder Counter Decoder
100 Which circuit do not require clock for its operation? Counter flipflop Shift register Demultiplexer
101 Which oscillator is used to generate stable clock pulse? RC Oscillator LC Oscillator Crystal Oscillator None of above
To synchronize the To desynchronize the
102 The clock signal is necessary for….. To disturb the operation operation operation All of above
…............... refers to small variations in the period of the clock from one edge
103 to the next clock skew Jitter Both above options None of above
The time required for an input data to settle _____ the triggering edge of clock
104 is known as ‘Setup Time’. before after during None of above
Hold time is defined as the time required for the data to ________ after the
105 triggering edge of clock. decrease increase remain stable All of the above
Number of clock signals Number of transistors
Before the commencement of design, the clocking strategy determine/s necessary for routing used per storage Power dissipated by
106 __________ throughout the chip requirement chip & the size of chip All of the above

107 Increase in the physical distance of H-tree _________the skew rate. increases decreases stabilizes All of the above
Maximum load
108 Which of the following is constrain to design a clock network? Maximum transition capacitance Maximum fanout All of the above
109 The clock tree is designed using I - Tree O-Tree H-Tree F - Tree
to keep operations in
110 Why Clock distribution require in digital systems? to reduce delay to increase speed sequence to reduce area
111 The main job of the clock routing design is to control skew jitter latency All of the above
floor planning
112 Clocking is a….............. mapping problem problem placement problem All of the above
113 Uniform clock distribution requires…..... T- tree distribution H-Tree distribution Random distribution series distribution
As high skew as
114 Ideal clock signal should have.. infinite skew zero skew possible Half skew
equal rise time and fall different rise time and
115 clock buffer have…......... time fall time Both above options None of above
Time taken by the by the clock signal to reach the input of the register is called
116 as…. skew Jitter latency None of above
Low power no effect on power
117 More number of clock cycles per second leads to… High power consumption consumption consumption None of above
distributed on two distributed on three
118 In "Two-phase clock" system clock signal…... distributed on one wire wires wires None of above
119 The duty cycle of clock signal is…. Variable constant Both above options None of above
120 The amplitude of clock signal is …..... Variable constant Both above options None of above
CCTV stands for Circuit-closed Television Closed-circuit Close-connected Circuit-connected
121 Television Television Television
It is the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place, on CCTV CATV Cable TV Digital TV
122 a limited set of monitors.
The first CCTV system was installed by ____________ at Test Stand Sputnik ISSR NASA Siemens AG
VII in Peenemünde, Germany in 1942, for observing the launch of V-2
123 rockets
By adding a ______________, we only need one monitor to view four multiplexer duplexer VCR monitor
124 cameras and all four camera images are recorded.
125 Network cameras incorporate intelligence at the camera level. True FALSE Invalid None of above
What types of signals can network cameras transmit/receive using a Video Audio PTZ controls All of the above
126 single network cable?
What information can a network camera add to the video data stream? NVR model number and Encrypted Lighting conditions All of the above
127 type watermarks
The image from an IP camera using a CCD sensor is digitized. once twice three times All of the above
How far can an IP camera connected to the Internet send video to a 1000 feet 10 miles Unlimited distance All of the above
NVR connected at a remote Internet connected location?
Today’s NVRs now embody features such as hard disk temperature hot-swappable disks file export function All of the above
monitor. which embodies the
watermarking and
digital signature.
What features are typical when using an NVR? They always contain Channel expansion They are normally None of the above
capture cards/ frame always requires limited to 16
grabbers hardware upgrade. channels.

Which advantages do NVR surveillance systems offer? Scalability More cost-efficient Intelligence at All of the above
infrastructure camera level
In NTSC, which of the following statements regarding CIF (Common In NTSC CIF means In NTSC the 4CIF equals 0.4 All of the above
Intermediate Format) are true? 352 x 240 pixels. maximum size of megapixels.
the digitized image
133 is 4CIF.
134 What amount of light is considered a “full daylight condition”? 100 lux 1000 lux 10,000 lux All of the above
IP surveillance systems can operate over a LAN (local area WAN (wide area wireless network All of the above
135 network). network). Infrastructure.
What is the name of the device that allows four surveillance camera A video splitter A modulator A quad switcher A photoelectric sensor
136 images to be viewed on a monitor at the same time?
What is the term used to describe the amount of light required to obtain Lux rating Candlepower rating Resolution Pixels
a reasonable image with a surveillance video camera?
PTZ cameras are being used within a CCTV zone. What does PTZ Pan Tilt Zone Point Tilt Zoom Pan Tilt Zoom Point Tilt Zone
138 stand for?
NVR is software program that software program software program None of these
records video in both that records video in that records video in
analog/digital format an analog format a digital format
140 Which equipment is used to control manual camera Joystick Self DVR None of these
What is the full form of C.C.D.? Camera Checking Colour Camera Charged coupled None of these
141 device device device
142 Which cable is not used in installation of CCTV system? RG-01 RG-06 RG-11 None of these
Digital CCTV system is The technology remotely The technology The technology used None of these
used in modern remotely used in in modern
surveillance systems via modern surveillance surveillance systems
internet systems without via wires and cables
Which country has the most CCTV cameras per person than any other Australia Europe India United Kingdom
144 country?
The specific cameras that need to be selected should be based on Price of the camera Field of View, Specification of the None of these
lighting conditions & cameras
the mounting
location of the
145 camera
The quality of a DVR depends on It’s manufacturing It’s price It’s number of None of these
company channels, size of
hard disk & speed of
146 recording
147 To focus the views, we move the camera with …………. DVR Monitor Joystick None of these
“Pixel” is the basic unit of Size of a computer Programmable color Color brightness and None of these
display or in a computer on a computer shining of an image
image display or in a
computer image
“Resolution” is Total number of color of The size of an The number of None of these
an image image Pixels of an image
Lens is a Thermo optical Optical equipment Semi optical None of these
150 equipment equipment
2022- Transmisison Distribution
Question text/Marking scheme
Question (For Subjective Questions) or
No (For SA Questions) Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
Nominal Voltage of
The concept of an electrically short, medium &long line is primarily based on length of the line wavelength of the line power transmitted
1 the line
same as long
The Capacitance effect of short transmission line Negligible High Same as medium line
2 transmission line
3 Ferranti effect is seen in which transmission line? Long short Medium all of the above
When a lossless transmission line is terminated by a resistance equel to
1 -1 0 0.5
4 surge impedenace, then what is value of the reflection coefficient
Resistance, Resistance, Inductance,
Resistance Capacitance
In a transmission line the distributed constants are: Inductance, Capacitance &Shunt
&Capacitance &Inductance
&Capacitance only Capacitance
Line resistance Line resistance Shunt rectance Shunt reactance
If the frequency of the transmission line increases then:
6 increases decreases increases decreases
The phenomenon in which the conductor surface carries more current
Corona Skin Effect Ferranti Effect Lenz's Law
7 compared to core when alternative voltage is applied is
Cross section of the Permeability of the
On what factor does Skin Effect depends: Supply Frequency all the above
8 conductors conductor material
The operating Conductivity of the
For a lossy transmission line the characteristics impedence does not depend The conductivity of
frequency of the dielectric separating Length of line
on the conductor
9 line the conductors
Which theory explains the mechanism for breakdown under different Only Townsend &
Townsend theory Streamer theory Clump theory
10 conditions? Streamer Theory
11 A gas in normal state is almost a perfect Conductor Insulator Semiconductor Dielectric
Insulation is necessary for the protection of equipment. Insulation is not Coils of different
Coils &earth Turns in a coil None of these
12 necessary between phases
The voltages at the two ends of a line are 66 KV &its reactance is 30Ω. The
120 MW 145.2 MW 250.5 MW 500 MW
13 capacity of the line is
Low voltage DC step up &step down
High transmission
DC transmission has which following disadvantages generation is of DC voltage is None of these
14 difficuilt difficuilt
Cross section of the permeability of the Resistivity of the
The Skin Effect of a conductor reduces with increase in the: Supply frequency
15 conductor conductor conductor material
decrease in the dc increase in the dc decrease in the ac increase in the ac
Skin effect of the conductor results in :
16 resistance resistance resistance resistance
skin effect with increase in the
with increase in the with increase in
decreases with conductor
Which of the following is correct: frequency skin resistivity of the material
decrease in the permeabilty skin
effect decreases skin effect increases
17 conductor diameter effect decreases
Capacitance of the Capacitance of the
line decreases line increases Only Capacitance of the
With the presence of earth in case of overhead lines: &Inductance of the
&Inductance &Inductance line Increases
line increases
18 increases increases
19 Suspension type insulators are used Above 33 KV Below 11 KV for 22 KV All above
Atmospheric No of conductors
Factors affecting Corona loss are profile of conductor All above
20 condition per phase
Insulation resistance of a cable is measured by self contained insulation
Megger Earth tester Wheatstones Bridge Kelvins Bridge
21 tester is known as
DC power Both AC & DC
Peterson coil is used in AC transmission line DC Motor
22 transmission line Transmission line
Aluminum Galvanized Steel
In overhead lines for transmitting power we generally use: Copper Conductors ACSR conductors
23 Conductors Conductors
Anodised Core All Conductors
Full form of ACSR is : Conductors Steel None of These
Steel Reinforced Surface Reinforced
24 Reinforced
25 The minimum clearance between the ground &a 220 kV line is about 4.3 m 5.5m 7.0 m 10.5m
Compensate for Provide additional
The function of steel wire in the ACSR conductors is to: Carry large currents To Reduce Inductance
Skin Effect mechanical strenght
Reduces Increases
Bundled conductors are mainly used in high voltage overhead transmission
Transmission line mechanical strength Reduce corona reduce sag
lines to
27 losses of the line
28 Where bird guard is used ? Insulator Conductor Transformer LA
switching over
The insulation strength of an EHV transmission line is mainly governed by Load p.f. Harmonics Corona
29 voltages
30 A negative sequence relay is commonly used to protect An alternator A transformer A transmission line A bus Bar
31 Which material is used for manufacturing of ground wire: Aluminum Steel wire Cast iron Galvanised Steel
Increases the SAG Decreases the SAG Decreases in both the
Increase in both SAG
Effect of Temperature rise in overhead lines is to: &decreases the &Increases the SAG &Tension of the
&Tension of the lines
Tension of lines Tension of lines lines
Weight of the
tension in the
SAG depends on what factors in transmission lines: Span length conductor per unit All the above
33 length
By which of the following systems electric power may be transmitted? Overhead system Both of these None of these
34 system
Galvanized steel wire is generally used as stay wire earth wire Structural component all of above
Critical Disruptive
The minimum phase neutral voltage at which Corona occurs is called Knee Voltage Flash over voltage Visual Critical Voltage
36 Voltage
37 The base load power plants are Neuclear Run off river diesel All of above
38 Which of conductor is used in case of 33 kV transmission line? Deer Dog Zebra Moose
For a fixed value of complex power flow in a transmission line having a
V V square 1/v square 1/V
39 sending end voltage V, The real power loss will be proporstional to
40 The usual spans with R.C.C. poles are 40—50 meters 60—100 meters 80—100 meters 300—500 meters
41 The voltage of the single phase supply to residential consumers is 110 V 210 V 230 V 400 V
42 Most of the high voltage transmission lines in India are underground overhead either of the above none of these
three-phase three
The distributors for residential areas are single phase three-phase four wire none of these
43 wire
High voltage transmission lines use pin insulators Both of these none of these
44 insulators
45 In a high voltage transmission lines the top most conductor is R phase Y phase B phase Earth wire
In which phenomenon sending end voltage is more than receiving end
Skin effect Ferranti Effect Proximity Effect Corona Effect
46 voltage in transmission line
Maximum temperature limit of class F insulator in (degree centigrade) is 105 120 130 155
48 Strain insulator is used for voltage level of > 33KV < 11KV > 66KV 110KV
49 The electric breakdown strength of a material depends on its Composition Thickness Moisture current All above
decrease I2R decrease corona
Transposition of transmission line is done to balance line voltage. Decreased Skin effect
50 losses. effect.
51 The power factor of industrial loads is generally unity lagging leading zero
52 In a substation following equipments are not installed Exiters Series Capacitors Shunt Reactors Voltage Transformers
53 The material generally used for armour of high voltage cables is aluminium steel brass copper
The presence of ………………………….. gas due to corona is harmful
ozone hydrogen Neon Oxygen
54 because it corrodes the material.
The power transmitted will be maximum when ………………………………...
sending end receiving end Both of these none of these
55 voltage is more?
56 What type of ladder is used for overhead lines work? dry wooden stain less steel wooden alluminium
What is the sag for a span 400 m? If the ultimate tensile of consideration
strength of conductor is 6000 kgf. The weight of conductor is 550 kgf/m & 5.8cm 4.2cm 6.6cm 7.2cm
57 safety factor is 2.
58 Electric stress is expressed in terms of ohm/cm kv/cm farad/cm henry/cm
When transformers or switchgears are to be installed in a line, the poles
H type B type c type L type
59 used are
using shorter cross
string efficiency can be improved by which method? using guard ring grading the insulator all above
60 arms
The maximum dem&of a consumer is 80 KW & his daily energy
62.50 60.00 65.0 70.00
61 consumption is 1200 units. What is his load factor?
62 If the length of cable decreases then insulation resistance Increases Decreases remain unchanged all above
for voltage level beyond 66 kV, 3 phase system employs 3 single core cable 3 core cable Both of these none of these
What are the types of EHT cables?
oil filled gas filled Both of these none of these
65 What type of cable are used in hill /mines? MIND XLPE FRLS LSOH
As per IE rules the maximum allowable variation between declared
+/- 5% +/- 6% +/- 7% +/- 8%
66 &actual voltage at consumer premises should be
67 Localization of cable faults done by short circuit test murray loop test varley loop test both 2 &3
68 Which distribution scheme is employed in metropolitan areas? radial ring interconnected all above
sub transmission
A line which connects between substation &distribution transformer is primary feeder secondary feeder all of above
69 feeder
A ………… phase……………. wire system is commonly used on secondary
3,4 3,3 1,2 3,2
70 distribution
The ………………………………… distribution systems is more reliable? Ring main system radial system bus bar system interconnected system
A circuit is ………………………….. by isolators when there is no current in Disconnected &
disconnected connected None of these
72 the line. Connected
1 phase 5 wire
Which of the following is not the distribution system normally used? 3 phase 3 core 3 phase 4 wire 1 phase 3 wire
73 system
74 In distribution system feeders feed power to distributer generating station service mains transmission line
75 There are how many types of dc distributors 2 3 4 5
The per unit impendence of a transmission line on a 50 MVA 132 kV base Is
0.1 0.2 0.5 1
76 0.5. the per unit impedance on 100 MVA base will be
77 What are the types of lightning arrestors? horn gap rod gap expulsion type All above
Where is one & half breaker arrangement used? high voltage system EHV system low voltage system ring main system
79 Which of the following is usually not the generating voltage 6.6 KV 8.8 KV 11 KV 13.2 KV
The phase to phase clearance of a 220 kV line is approximately equal to
8.5 m) 6.5 m. 5.5m 3.5m
80 ………………
The speed of a 6 pole 50 Hz Synchronous machine will be ……………..
1500 1000 1200 750
81 rpm.
If the D.C. motor is connected across A.C. supply, the motor will
burn run at lower speed stop vibrates
82 ……………………
Efficient High
The term EHV in electrical engineering stands for ……………….. Extra High Voltage effective high voltage emergency high voltage
83 Voltage
84 VAr is the unit of ………………….. Reactive power Apparent power true power None of these
85 Ammeter is connected with the load in ………………………. series parallel Both of these None of these
86 Distribution lines in India generally use: wooden pole RCC pole steel pole None of these
The positive sequence reactance will be equal to negative sequence if the Transformer &
transformer transmission line generator
87 equipment is Transmission line
88 Which of the following material is not used as fuse element? carbon copper alluminium silver
89 Rating of fuse wire is expressed in ampere watt ohms KW
Third pin of a 3 pin plug is thicker &longer due to NONE OF THESE
91 Soft starter is used to ………………………. starting current of a motor. reduce increase Both of these None of these
92 Corona loss can be reduced by use of ………………… conductor. hollow solid steel conductor stranded
A 3-phase breaker is rated at 2000 MVA, 33 KV, its making electric current
89.22 kva 55kva 35 kva 70kva
93 will be
critical lengh of
On what factor does the performance of a CB depends breaking current Both 1 &3 None of these
94 breaking
Keeping in view the cost &overall effectiveness, the following CB is suited
vacuum oil ABCB SF6
95 for capacitor bank switching
96 A C.T is connected in _________ with the line. series parallel not connected None of these
97 Mho relay is used for protection of short line medium line long line None of these

What is the maximum stress in the insulation for a 33 kV single core cable
50.61 kV / cm rms 45.231 kV / cm rms 47.61 kV / cm rms 49.231 kV /cm rms
with a diameter of 1 cm &a sheath of inside diameter 4 cm?
What will be the insulation thickness for a conductor of diameter 2 cm,
with maximum &minimum stress 40 kV / cm rms &10 kV / cm rms 5 cm 3 cm 2 cm 4 cm
99 respectively?
What will be the most economical value of diameter of a single core cable
to be used on 50 kV, single phase system, when the maximum permissible 2.52 cm 2.828 cm 3.52 cm 3.82 cm
100 stress is not exceeding 50 kV / cm?
To get a minimum value of stress (gmax) what should be the ratio of core
1 / 2.718 2.178 1 / 3.78 3.78
101 diameter to sheath diameter?
102 The power system experiences peak dem&from Midnight to 8 A.M 8 A.M - 2 P.M 2 P.M - 6 P.M 6 P.M - 10 P.M
The maximum dem&on power system is 100 MW. If the annual load factor
3761 * 105 kWh 4174 * 105 kWh 3504 * 105 kWh 3500 * 105 kWh
103 is 40%, calculate the total energy generated in a year.
A generating station has a connected load of 55 MW &maximum dem&of
0.4785 0.3636 2.75 1100
104 20 MW. What is the dem&factor
Determine the average dem&of a plant if its load factor &maximum
20 MW 18 MW 50 MW 13 MW
105 dem&are 0.60 &30 MW
To determine the polarity of the voltage drop across resistor, it is Value of current Direction of current
Value of resistor E.M.F's in the circuit
necessary to know through resistor through the resistor
Wheatstone's bridge
Which method can be used for absolute measurement of resistance? Ohm's Law method Releigh method Lorentz method
107 method

A network contains linear resistors &ideal voltage sources. If values of all Increases by four
Halved Doubled Not changed
resistors are doubled then voltage across each resistor is times
Which is least important for base load plants? The following factors are associated with
High Efficiency High availabilty Quick starting Low capital cost
109 power plant operation
The annual peak load on 30 MW power station is 25 MW. The power station supplies loads
having maximum demands of 10 MW, 8.5 MW, 5 MW &4.5 MW. The annual load factor is 1025 kW 1125 kW 1425 kW 1625 kW
110 45%. The average load is
The annual peak load on 30 MW power station is 25 MW. The power station supplies loads
having maximum demands of 10 MW, 8.5 MW, 5 MW &4.5 MW. The annual load factor is 9,875,000 kWh 8345,000 kWh 7450,000 kWh 6395,000 kWh
111 45%. Total energy supplied in a year is
The annual peak load on 30 MW power station is 25 MW. The power station supplies loads
having maximum demands of 10 MW, 8.5 MW, 5 MW &4.5 MW. The annual load factor is 3.8 1.02 1.12 1.22
112 45%. Diversity factor is
The annual peak load on 30 MW power station is 25 MW. The power station supplies loads
having maximum demands of 10 MW, 8.5 MW, 5 MW &4.5 MW. The annual load factor is 0.75 0.83 0.89 0.45
113 45%. Dem&factor is
Polarity is one of the important factor for parallel operation of transformers. True False . ..
Power transformers are used in transmission network of higher voltages for
True False . ..
115 step-up &step down application.
116 The pressure coil of a dynamometer type wattmeter is highly inductive hyghly resistive purely resistive purely inductive
If one more unit is added to string then what is string efficency. Voltage
60% 75% 65% 70%
117 across lowest unit is 12kv
118 What type of back up protection is used for alternators? buchholz relay IDMT Relay MHO relay impedence relay
both fault bus
Main bus bar protection scheme is /are diffrential protection &diffrential fault bus protection None of these
119 protection
120 SF6 Circuit breakers are manufactured up to the voltage of 33kv 132kv 220kv 800kv
For insulators &bushings of power transformers, circuit breakers
epoxy resin polyester resin porcelian silicon rubber
121 &instrument transformers, the suitable materials is
Variable capacitor Constant capacitor Variable inductor Constant inductor
A generating voltmeter is a electrostatic voltage electrostatic voltage electrostatic voltage electrostatic voltage
122 generator generator generator generator
The accuracy of the ac field strength depends on Harmonic content Position of meter all of these
123 conditions
As per CEA regulation 2010 highest system voltage for 132kv system is 145kv 140kv 132kv 150kv
As per CEA regulation 2010 clearance of lower conductor above ground of
5.5m 5.6m 5.8m 5.7m
125 OH lines upto 650 volts is
As per CEA regulation 2010 clearance for HVDC of lower conductor above
10.6m 11m 12m 9m
126 ground of OH lines for 500kv

The receiving end The sending end The sending end

voltage is less than voltage is less then voltage is equal to
What happens in a long transmission lines under no load? None of these
the sending end receiving end receiving end
voltage. voltage. voltage.

increase in power increase in voltage

Transmission efficiency of a transmission line increases with the decrease in power increase in power
factor but decrease &decrease in power
_________ factor &voltage. factor &voltage.
in voltage. factor.
When the line is When the line is When the line is long
When does the Ferranti effect happen on the transmission line? None of these.
129 short &loaded. long &loaded. &unloaded.
Paper tape
What does the bedding on the cable consists of? jute strands Hessian type compounded with a Any of these
130 fibrous material
Provide proper Provide mechanical Prevent ingress of
Why are sheaths used in cables? none of these
insulation strength moisture
132 Which type of insulators is used in guy wires? Stay insulators Shakle insulators Strain insulators Pin Insulators

Assertion (A): Glazing on ceramic insulators is done to make it smooth Both A &R are true Both A &R are true
A is true but R is
&non – absorbent. Reason (R): Moisture from &R is the correct &R is not the A is false but R is true
atmosphere collects on the surface causing electrical breakdown. explanation of A explanation of A

Each disc in a suspension type of insulators is designed for what voltage? 33 KV 11 KV 22 KV 66 KV

On what factor does the string efficiency of a string of suspension Size of the Number of discs in
Size of tower None of these
135 insulators is dependent? insulator the string
136 The string efficiency of a high voltage line is around ____% 100 80 40 10
Near the tower or
Near to the
The maximum voltage of the disc type insulators is at Same at all points starting of the None of these
137 insulator
What is the safe working temperature for a conductor in case of
50° C 75° C 65° C 40° C
138 armoured cables?
capacitance between the two conductors of a single phase two wire line is
0.5 µ F / km 1 µ F / km 0.25 µ F / km 2.0 µ F / km
0.5 μ F/km. What is the value of capacitance of each conductor to neutral?
If the double circuit 3 phase line has conductors of diameter 2 cm
&distance of separation 2m in hexagonal spacing. What is the phase to 2.4939 µ F 3.7408 µ F 1.8245 µ F 3.2548 µ F
140 neutral capacitance for 150 km of line?
141 The Faults on distribution systems are generally LL LG LLG None of the above
The capacitance effect can be neglected in which among the transmission Short transmission Medium Long transmission
All of these
142 lines? lines transmission lines lines
In a short transmission line, voltage regulation is zero when the power
factor angle of the load at the receiving end side is equal to tan-1 (X/R) tan-1 (R/X) tan-1 (X/Z) tan-1 (R/Z)
143 ____________.
What is the power factor angle of the load for maximum voltage
tan-1 (X/R) cos-1 (X/R) tan-1 (R/X) cos-1 (R/X)
144 regulation?
In a 3 core cable, the capacitance between two conductors is 3 μF. What
1.5 µ F 3µF 6µF 12 µ F
145 will be the capacitance per phase?

The capacitances of a 3 phase belted cable are 12.6 μ F between the three
cores bunched together &the lead sheath &7.4 μ F between one core
100 A 99.3648 A 105.236 A 107.74 A
&the other two connected to sheath. What will be the charging current
drawn by the cable when connected to a 66 kV supply?
A 66 kV system has string insulator having five discs &the earth to disc
capacitance ratio of 0.10 89% 75% 67% 55%
147 A. The string efficiency will be
If the voltage across the units in a two unit suspension insulator is 60%
&40% respectively of the line voltage, the ratio of capacitance of the 0.05 0.5 0.65 0.75
148 insulator to that of its capacitance to earth will be
A single core cable has a conductor diameter of 1 cm &the internal sheath
diameter of 1.8 cm. If impregnated paper of relative permittivity 4 is used 0.378 µ F 0.257 µ F 0.549 µ F 0.78 µ F
as the insulation, calculate the capacitance for 1 km length of cable?
What is the total charging current per phase for a 33 kV, 50 Hz, 3 phase
underground cable of 4 km length using 3 single core cables? Each
15.28 A 11.87 A 13.85 A 8.25 A
conductor has a diameter of 2.5 cm &the radial thickness of insulation is
150 0.5 cm.
2022- Useof machinery
Question text/Marking scheme
Questio (For Subjective Questions) or
n No (For SA Questions) Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
Supercharging is the process of Supplying the intake of Providing Injecting excess Supplying
an engine with air at a forced cooling fuel for raising compressed air to
density greater than the air more load remove combustion
density of the products fully
surrounding atmosphere
2 I.S. code of M.S.plate is 2061 6202 2062 2026
3 Indicated power of a 4-stroke engine is equal to 3 pLAN 2 pLAN pLAN 4 pLAN
4 A.S.M.E. code for X ray quality welding rod is E4456 E7256 E6013 E7018
5 Engine H.P. of tata hitachi zx 220 is 260 160 193 220
6 I.S. code of radiographic testing of butt welding joint 4850 5002 4853 4003
The output of a diesel engine can be increased with out Feeding more fuel Increasing Supercharging Heating incoming air
7 increasing the engine revolution or size in following way flywheel size
8 I.S. code of stainless steel 6523 6923 5879 6911
The accumulation of carbon in a cylinder results in increase of Clearance volume Volumetric Ignition time Effective
9 efficiency compression ratio
A 75 CC engine has following parameter as 75 CC Fuel tank capacity Lub oil capacity Swept volume Cylinder volume
In diesel engine, the compression ratio in comparison to Same Less More Variable
11 expansion ratio is
Engine pistons are usually made of aluminium alloy because it Wears less Absorbs shocks Is stronger Is lighter
The size of inlet valve of an engine in comparison to exhaust More Less Same more/less Varies from design
valve is depending or to design.
capacity of engine
14 The magneto in an automobile is basically Transformer d.c.generator Capacitor Magnetic circuit
15 Engine H.P. of JCB JS 81 is 76 81 102 155
16 Scavenging is usually done to increase Thermal efficiency Speed Power output Fuel consumption
17 I.S. code of Al. Bronze is 305 418 318 515
Diesel engine can work on very lean air fuel ratio of the order of It is properly designed Best quality fuel Can not work as it Flywheel size is
30 :1 A petrol engine can also work on such a lean ratio is used is impossible proper
18 provided
The knock in diesel engine occurs due to Instantaneous atuo Delayed Reduction of Instantaneous and
ignition of last part of burning of the delay period rapid burning of the
charge first part of the first part of the
19 charge charge
20 Which is more viscous lub oil ? SAE 30 SAE 40 SAE 80 SAE 70
21 In loop scavenging, the top of the piston is Flat Contoured Slanted Depressed
Ignition quality of petrol is expressed by Cetane number Octane number Self ignition Distillation
22 temperature temperature
Normal heptane Helps to resist auto- Does not affect Has not relation Accelerates auto-
ignition auto-ignition with auto-ignition ignition
24 The spark plug gap is normally maintained at 0.1 to 0.2 mm 0.2 to 0.4 mm 0.45 to 0.6 mm 0.8 to 1 mm
Piston rings are usually made of Aluminium Phosphor Cast iron babbitt
25 bronze
26 I.S. code of rubber seal is 11555 2062 305 11855
27 Carbon residue in diesel oil should not be more than … % 1 0.5 0.1 0.01
28 The firing order in a six stroke I.C. engine is 1-3-6-5-2-4 1-4-2-5-6-3 1-5-3-4-2-6 1-5-2-6-3-4
Exhaust pipes of engines are covered with insulating material in Keep the exhaust pipes Reduce heat Reduce formation Increase engine
order to warm transfer to the of condensate efficiency
29 engine room
With increase in speed of vehicle, the back pressure will Decrease Remain Depend on other Increase
30 unaffected factors
31 Bucket capacity of JCB JS 205 is 0.93 0.6 0.9 0.91
32 I.S. code of cast steel is 2062 11855 1030 4623
The tendency of a diesel engine to knock increases if Engine speed is Engine H.P. is Compression Engine has to move
increased increased ratio is increased uphill
The theoretically correct mixture of air and petrol is 8:01 12:01 15:01 20:01
34 approximately
In the passenger cars, the following type of carburettor is Horizontal type Upward Downward Inclined draught
35 preferred draught type draught type type
If petrol is used in a diesel engine, then Efficiency will be low Low power will Higher knocking Black smoke will be
36 be produced will occur produced
Method of governing used in diesel engine is Quantity governing Combined Hit and miss Partial governing
37 governing governing
Anticlock for compression ignition engines is Amyl nitrate Ethylene Napthene Tetra ethyl lead
38 dibromide
Pick up the correct statement BHP (Brake Hourse IHP=BHP-FHP IHP+BHP+FHP=0 FHP=BHP-IHP
Power)+ FHP (Frictional
House Power)=IHP
(indicated House Power)
In order to reduce wear and eliminate scuffing, the piston rings Made of cast iron Lubricated Provided with Plated with chromium
are stepped groove or cadmium
The device used to reduce exhaust noise is called Muffler Exhaust pipe Exhaust manifold Tail pipe
The differential in automobiles performs the function of Permitting two rear To enable the Allowing rear Permitting two rear
wheels to run automobile wheel movement wheels to have
independently turn by 90 flexibility of relative
degree speed, whenever it
is required.
43 The acid used in automobile battery is H2 SO4 HCI HNO3 Hydrofluorie acid
Vapour lock is Supply of liquid fuel Looking Complete or Seizure or partial
particles to engine carburettor jets partial stoppage stoppage of fuel
due to high of fuel supply due supply due to
vapour to vaporisation of vaporisation of fuel
pressure fuel in supply in supply system
In are welding eyes need to be protected against Intense glare Sparks Infra-red rays Infra-red and
45 ultraviolet rays
46 In which type of welding a pool of molten metal is used Elctroslag Submerged arc MIG TIG
In are welding, are is created between the electrode and work Flow of current Voltage Material Contact resistance
47 by characteristics
Which of the follwoing welding process uses non consumbale LASER welding MIG welding TIG welding Ion beam welding
48 electrode ?
T-joint weld is used Where longitudinal Where severe To join two pieces To joint two pieces
shear is present loading is of metal in the perpendicularly
encountered same manner as
and the upper rivet joint metals
surface of both
pieces must be
in the same
Copper is Easily spot welded As good for Preferred to be Very difficult to be
spot welding as welded by spot spot welded
any other welding
50 material
51 Grey cast iron is best welded by TIG Arc MIG Oxy-acetylene
For welding mild steel, the following arc welding is most AC, straight polarity DC, straight AC reverse DC, reverse polarity
52 suitable polarity polarity
Which of the following caron steels is most weldable ? 0.15 % carbon steel 0.30% carbon 0.50 % carbon 0.75% carbon
53 steel steel
Unlike materials as well as materials of different thickness can Control of pressure and Adjusting time Adjusting initial All of the above
be butt welded by current duration of gap
54 current
Fluxes are used in welding in order to protect the molten metal Oxidation Carburising Dirt Distortion and
55 and the surfaces to be jointed from warping
Weaving in are welding refers to Side to side motion of Side to side Spiral motion A technique of
electrode at right angles motion of given to electrode striking the are
to the direction of the electrode along
welding the direction of
the welding
57 TIG welding is best suited for welding Mild steel Stainless steel Carbon Aluminium
Two M.S.plates 20 cm thick for boiler drum are to be butt Submerged are welding Plasma arc Electric Electroslag welding
welded. Which of the following processes would be best suited welding resistance
58 ? welding
In braze welding the filler metal is Distributed by capillary Melted and Both of the above Not required
attraction deposited at
the point where
the weld is to
be made
Filler material in welding should have Same composition as the Same melting Same Same composition
parent metal to be temperature as composition and as of electrode
welded the parent same melting
metal to be temperature as
welded the parent metal
60 to be welded
61 Oxygen to acetylene ratio in case of neutral flame is 0.8 : 1.0 1:01 1.2:1 2:01
Filler metal is used in Electric spot welding Seam welding Projection None of the above
62 welding
63 Weld spatter refers to Welding electrode Flux Filler material Welding defect
It ‘t’ is the thickness of sheet to be spot welded, then electrode t t 1.5 t 2
64 tip diameter is equal to
The following gas is used in tungsten inert gas welding process Acetylene Oxygen Hydrogen Argon
66 Oxy-acetylene flame cuts metal by its Evaporation Oxidation Burning Intensive oxidation
For welding metals less than 5 mm thick, following method of Forehand Backhand Straight hand Inclined hand
67 gas welding would give best results
68 Oxygen to acetylene ratio in case of oxidising flame is 1:01 1.2:1 1.5:1 2:01
Acetylene gas is generated from Carbon Calcium Calcium Calcium carbide
69 carbonate
Metals like copper and brass can be welded by Oxidising flame Carburising Neutral flame Any of the above
70 flame flames
The surface cracks in the weldment of non magnetic alloys can X-ray test Ultrasonic Fluorescent test Magnaflux method
71 be inspected by testing
Undercuts in weldments are caused due to Low welding current Excessive Wrong selection Wrong flux
welding current of welding rods
The purpose of using flux in soldering is to Increase fluidity of Fill up gaps left Prevent oxides
Lower the melting
solder metal in a bad joint forming
temperature of the
73 solder
74 The commonly used flux for brazing is Resin NH4CI Borax Soft iron
75 8-curve is connected with Combustion Cutting tools Corrosion Heat treatment
A large intricate heavy casting weighing in tons is to be cast. The Machine moulding Pit moulding Cement moulding Green sand
76 most appropriate moulding process would be moulding
77 In general the draft on castings is of the order of 1-5 mm/m 5-10 mm/m 10-15 mm/m 15-20 mm/m
Ferrous alloys are usually cast by Hot chamber machine Cold chamber Direct blow None of the above
78 machine machine
The internal cracks in casting can be easily found out by the Magnetic particle Flurescent Ultrasonic Dye-penetrant
79 following method of testing inspecting penetrant
80 An important product manufactured by rolling is I-section Tubes Metal rolls Rollers
Hot working operation is carried at Recrystallisation Near plastic Below Above
temperature stage recrystallisation recrystallisation
81 temperature temperature temperature
82 Seamless tubes are made by piercing Extrusion Cold rolling Plug rolling
Thread rolling is somewhat like Cold extrusion Cold machining Cold rolling Cold forging
Lancing is the operation of Removal of excess metal Cutting of the Cutting is a single Punching in which
from the edge of a strip excess metal at line across a part punch is stopped as
to make it suitable for edge which was of the metal strip soon as the metal
drawing without required for to allow bending fracture is complete
wrinking gripping or forming in and metal is not
purpose during progressive die removed but held in
press working operating while hold
operation the part remains
attached to the
85 External screw threads can be produced fastest by Milling Chasing Casting Rolling
The Purpose of jigs and fixtures is to Increase production rate Increase Facilitate All of the above
machining interchangeable
86 accuracy manufacture
87 Which of the following is a gear finishing operation ? Shaving or burnishing Hobbing Shaping Milling
In most high speed milling cutters, positive radial rake angle is 1-2 degree 7-10 degree 10-15 degree 15-20 degree
In lathe, the carrieage and tail stock are guided on Same guideways Different Any one of the Not guided on
89 guideways above guideways
90 The back rake and side rake of round nose tool are +5 to +10 -5 to -10 Zero +10 to +15
91 The usual ratio of forward and return stroke in shaper is 2:01 1:02 2:03 3:02
In order to turn taper on length I with two end diameters d1 d1 - d2 (d1 - d2)/2 (d1 - d2 )2I (d1 - d2 )/ I
92 and d2 set over the tailstock stover required is
The shear angle in the piercing operation is provided on die Punch Half on die and Not provided at all
93 half on punch
Bending operation should be performed Parallel to the grain At 300 to the At right angle to There is no such
direction grain direction the grain criterion
94 direction
95 I.S. code of wire rope is 2266 2062 2162 2563
96 A good lubricant for thread –cutting operation is Graphite White lead Mineral lard oil Water soluble oil
Average cutting speed in machining mild steel by single point 10 m/mt 20 m/mt 30 m/mt 40 m/mt
97 tool of H.S.S. is
Tool life is most affected by machine Cutting speed Tool geometry Feed and depth Microstructure of
98 material being cut
The common ratio ɸ for spindle speeds in geometrical 0.2 to 0.6 0.6 to 1.0 1.0 to 2.0 2.0 to 5.0
99 progression is taken between
Average cutting speed in machining cast iron b a single point 6 m/mt 11 m/mt 22 m/mt 33 m/mt
100 cut2ting tool of
101 The front rake required to machine brass by H.S.S. tool is 150 100 50 0
Undercutting is the operation of cutting Below the specified size A deep groove A spiral A groove next to
102 shoulder
103 The following gauge is used for checking of holes Ring gauge Snap gauge Plug gauge Dial gauge
104 The taper on lathe spindle is 1:10 1:12 1:15 1:20
Machining centre is a Numerical controlled Transfer Group of Next logical step
(NC) machine tool machine tool automatic
105 machine tools
In the electrolytic grinding process, following type of grinding Aluminium oxide Silicon carbide Tungsten carbide Diamond
106 wheel is generally used
Laser stands for Light amplification by Light Light Light amplification
stimulated emission of amplification by amplification by by stimulated
radiation strong emission stimulated energy energy of radiation
of radiation of radiation
Very hard, fragile and heat sensitive materials can be machined Hot machining Explosive Electrical High velocity
by forming discharge forming
108 machining
For mild steel work-piece and carbide tool, maximum material is Room temperature 100 C 280 C 400 C
109 removed at temperature of
110 Crater wear occurs mainly due to following phenomena Abrasion Diffusion Oxidation Adhesion
With H.S.S. tools highest cutting speed is used while machining Cast iron Mild steel Aluminium Bronze
How many degrees of the movement is produced by one 3600 900 450 90
112 complete turn of the index crank
113 Crater wear takes place in a single point cutting tool at Flank Side rake Face Tip
114 Tyre size of tipper is 10.00x20 12.00x23 15.00x24 16.00x25
Friction between chip and tool can be reduced by Increasing rake angle Increasing Increasing depth Increasing sliding
115 shear angle of cut velocity
116 Which of the following is the chip removal process ? Rolling Extruding Die-casting Broaching
Cylindrical parts are held on planer by V-blocks and arrestors Angle plates V-block, T-bolts T-bold and clamps
117 and clamps
In the case of a shaper equipped with whitworth mechanism The cutting stoke is The return Both the cutting The return stoke is
faster than the return stoke is faster stoke and the slower than the
stroke than the cutting return stoke take cutting stroke
118 stoke the same time
To prolong the life of shaper tools after they are ground, they Lapped Sanded Stoned Hardened
119 should be
120 Depth of finishing cut on milling machine is of the order of 0.01 to 0.1 mm 0.01 to 0.3 mm 0.4 to 0.8 mm 0.8 to 1.2 mm
The difference between planer and shaper is that in former case Tool moves over Tool moves Tool can machine Tool is stationary
stationary work over internal as well as and job reciprocates
reciprocating external details
121 work
Powder metallurgy techniques are used in the production of High carbon tool steels HSS tools Tungsten carbide Twist drills
122 tools
123 High speed steel tool material contains carbon 0.6-1.0% 2-4 % 4-6 % 6-10 %
124 For ferrous materials, the helix angle of drill is taken as 300 450 600 900
For softer material, the point angle of drill is Increased Decreased Kept at 118 Point angle has
nothing to do with
125 type of material
The tool life of a single point cutting tool with increase in back Increase slightly Decrease Remain Increase
126 rake angle, with other parameters constant, will unchanged tremendously
127 Tool signatures comprise 4 elements 5 elements 6 elements 7 elements
The recommended value of rake angle for machining brittle -150 -50 0 100
128 materials like brass is
Cutting force and power involved in a machine tool can be Pyrometer Comparator Transducer Dynamometer
129 measured by using
130 Bucket capacity of Hundai R210 is 0.9 0.92 0.63 0.24
Feed rate in milling operation is expressed as Mm/tooth Mm/r.p.m. of Metres/minute Revolution per
the milling minute
131 cutter
Counterboring is the operation of Enlarging the end of a Cone-shaped Smoothing and Sizing and finishing
hole cylindrically enlargement of squaring the a hole
the end of a surface around a
132 hole hole
It is required to divide a surface into six equal parts using Brown 6 turns 6 (2/3) turns 1/6 turns 1
6 ( /3 )turns
and sharpe dividing head. Index handle should be rotated by
Counter – sinking is the operation of Enlarging the end of hole Cone-shaped Smoothing and Sizing and finishing
cylindrically enlargement of squaring the a hole
the end of a surface around a
134 hole hole
Machinability depends on Microstructure, physical Cutting forces Type of chip Tool life
and mechanical
properties and
composition of
135 workpiece material
136 Engine H.P. of shantui SD 13 dozer is 130 230 260 45
137 Engine H.P. of kobelco sk 140 is 199 99 140 205
138 Bucket capacity of JCB JS 140 is 0.6 0.61 0.63 0.9
The cutting speed of H.S.S. milling cutter to machine aluminium 25-40 m/mt 50-80 m/mt 100-160 m/mt 180-240 m/mt
139 is
A work on the milling machine can be indexed by Universal milling Chasing dial Dividing head Manipulating
attachment attachment vertical and
140 movements
Fuel consumption in lit/hr of Mahindra earth master wheeled 14 7 52 10
141 loader is
Which of the following abrasives will be used for grinding Diamond A12O3 SiC Boron carbide
142 ceramics ?
The process of improving cutting action of grinding wheel is Dressing operation Turning Cutting operation Facing operation
143 called operation
144 Crack is developed in grinding wheel due to Generation of heat High speed Slower speed Hard work
A feeler gauge is used to check Radius Screw pitch Surface Thickness of
145 roughness clearance
A sine bar is specified by Its total length The centre The size of the The distance
distance rollers between rollers nd
between the upper surface
146 two rollers
Profile of a ear tooth can be checked by Sine bar Bench Optical Optical projector
147 mocrometer pyrometer
Optical gauge work on the principle of Refraction Reflection Dispersion Interference of light
Gear tooth vernier is used to measure Circular pitch Depth of tooth Tooth thickness Pitch line thickness
149 of tooth
The two slip gauges in precision measurement are joined by Assembling Sliding Adhesion Wringing

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