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The Prunape Pre-Research Questionnaire (CPPP) for recognition

timely treatment of children with inapparent developmental disorders


Matanza Riachuelo Basin Authority (ACUMAR)

Esmeralda 255 PB (C1035ABE) - Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
General Directorate of Environmental Health (DGSA)
Emerald 255 PB. Situation Room (C1035ABE) - Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

General Directorate of Environmental Health

General Director: Dr. Fernando Nunes
Coordination of Observatories, Environmental Health Research and Management
Lic. Graciela Blatt
Ivan Insua

Dr. Horacio Lejarraga; Dr. Diana Kelmansky; Dr. Celina Lejarraga,
Lic. Gabriela Charrúa; Dr. María Cecilia Pascucci; Dr. Iván Insua
Dr. Fernando Nunes.


To the Health Promoters of the Secretary of Health and Social Development of Florencio Varela,
without whose collaboration it would not have been possible to call the mothers who

To the participating pediatricians, psychologists and psychopedagogues: Mariela Backman,

Aldana Caro, Eliana Castellanelli, Constanza Cinat, María José Coronel, Liliana Díaz, Mercedes
Di Noto Roque, Carolina Fabrizzi, Clarisa Gómez, Patricia Hidalgo, Paola Leyes, Marina López,
Paula Lotes , Vanina Romano, Romina Rosbelke.

To the Lic. Graciela Blatt, in charge of the Coordination of Observatories of the DGSA, who
supported the logistics of the project at all times.

To the Secretary of Health and Social Development of Florencio Varela, who made it possible to
carry out the validation study in that Municipality. The Secretary of Health Dr. Alejandro
Bagato, Dr. Héctor Miret, who acted as Coordinator of the field validation study, along with
Gabriel Bejarano and Juan Vieyra, actively participated in its execution.

To the authorities of the December 17 Development Society of the San Nicolás Neighborhood,
the Parque Barrio Development Society, the December 20 Cooperative of the Villa Argentina
Neighborhood, the Community Integration Center of the Pico de Oro Neighborhood, and the
Villa Mónica Neighborhood Development Society.

To Drs. Graciela Salamanco, Paola Czerniuk and María Belén Fernández who participated in the

To Dr. Ángela Gentile, from the Health Promotion Division of the Ricardo Gutiérrez Children's
Hospital, and its Director Dr. Cristina Galloppo.

To the Lic. Alicia Masautis, from the Methodological Group of the General Directorate of
Environmental Health of ACUMAR.

To all the Acumar administrative staff who, with their spirit of permanent collaboration,
facilitated the complex management entrusted to them: Andrea Robles, Micaela Redlich,
Estefanía Landi, Florencia Andechaga, Emilio Moscardo and Ramiro Sastre Fernández.

To the Acumar IT staff Esteban Neme, Alejandro Gómez Auad and Ariel Tassero. To Aníbal
Potenza and Pablo Armanini, who were part of the development, configuration and technical
assistance of the registration system used. To the Acumar Communication staff: Lic. Andres
Galván, Beatriz Gómez Cevallos and Facundo Bosco. To Dr. Oscar Fariña, who collaborated
from the DGSA especially in the design and implementation of the field work.
To Drs. Lorena Cordi and Silvina Pasarin, who are part of the PRUNAPE teaching team along
with Drs. Cecilia Pascucci, Celina Lejarraga, for their reading and opinion on the questionnaire.

To all the technical teams of the DGSA.


Summary………………………………………………..………………….………..….5 1.
Preface …………………………………………………………………………6 2.
Fundamentals of the CPPP…..……………………………………………….……..7
3. Construction of the
General Directorate of Environmental Health.............................................................2
1. Preface..................................................................................................................8
2. CPPP Basics.........................................................................................................9
3. Construction of the questionnaire......................................................................12
4. Concurrent validation of the questionnaire........................................................19
Table 1.......................................................................................................................22
Table 2.......................................................................................................................22
Prunape regimen number.............................................................................................24
Prunape regimen number.............................................................................................24
Table 3.......................................................................................................................25
5. CPPP user guide.................................................................................................35
Self-administered CPPP............................................................................................37
CPPP administered by health personnel....................................................................38
complete primary.......................................................................................................39
Complete secondary..................................................................................................39
Form 4. For boys and girls from 2 years and six months to 3 years and 11 months.40
Form 5 (for children from 4 years to 5 years and 11 months)...................................41
In the following tests (12, 13 and 14), the result is always marked by the health
personnel , NEVER by the mother (whether self-administered questionnaire or by
health personnel).......................................................................................................42
CPPP results..............................................................................................................44
6. What to do after the CPPP and Prunape?...........................................................46

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