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Data-Driven Simulation-Based Analytics for

Heavy Equipment Life-Cycle Cost

Chang Liu, S.M.ASCE 1; Simaan AbouRizk, M.ASCE 2; David Morley 3; and Zhen Lei, A.M.ASCE 4

Abstract: Heavy civil and mining construction industries rely greatly on the usage of heavy equipment. Managing a heavy-equipment fleet
in a cost-efficient manner is key for long-term profitability. To ensure the cost-efficiency of equipment management, practitioners are required
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to accurately quantify the equipment life-cycle cost, instead of merely depending on the empirical method. This study proposes a data-driven,
simulation-based analytics to quantify the life-cycle cost of heavy equipment, incorporating both maintenance and ownership costs. In the
proposed methodology, the K-means clustering and expectation-maximization (EM) algorithms are applied for input modeling to distinguish
the maintenance stages, and to further generate corresponding distributions of these points. These distributions then are used to quantify the
uncertainties embedded in the equipment costs through simulations. A historical data set of ownership and maintenance costs for a mining
truck model was used to demonstrate the feasibility and validity of the proposed approach. This approach was proven to be effective
in predicting the cumulative total cost of equipment, which provides analytical decision support for equipment-management practitioners.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001816. © 2020 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Data-driven simulation-based analytics; Equipment management; Life-cycle cost analysis.

Introduction In equipment economics, it is widely accepted that equipment

costs can be broken down into two categories, ownership costs and
Heavy-duty equipment plays a vital role in heavy civil construction maintenance costs (which also may be denoted by slightly different
and mining operations. The profitability of a single job is, to a large terms, e.g., owning costs and operating costs) (Mitchell 1998).
extent, determined by decisions on equipment management. Appro- Studies of the ownership costs focus mainly on modeling the
priate decision-making is founded upon understanding the equip- residual market value (RMV). RMV estimates equipment value at
ment costs and related impact factors (Halpin 2010). Construction any given equipment age (Lucko 2011; Vorster 2009). The transac-
practitioners who manage a large fleet of equipment are required tion records from auctioneers’ databases have become the major data
to ensure long-term cost-efficiency in equipment utilization; how- source for RMV studies, and advanced heuristic models have been
ever, practitioners often experience challenges in collecting and con- developed for RMV predictions (Fan et al. 2008; Zong 2017). On the
trolling equipment-related costs. Although equipment cost normally other hand, the maintenance cost is more complex to determine be-
is oversimplified as a unit rate in project bidding and management, cause its constituent parts are recorded internally in separate systems,
it essentially is an aggregate of numerous small components such as which are the only data sources (Mitchell 1998). Traditionally, the
fuel, oil, and lubricant costs (Vorster 2009). In practice, these scat- cumulative cost model (CCM) is the primary tool to analyze the
tered components are found in separate company systems, such as maintenance costs (Vorster 1980). Developed based on the CCM,
the equipment management system, the purchase order system, or life-to-date (LTD) cost analysis can be applied when the practitioner
the accounting system. Consolidation of these scattered data can be has lifetime data. By contrast, period-cost-based (PCB) analysis can
complex and tedious, increasing the difficulty of cost-analysis and be applied when only short-term data are available (Mitchell et al.
hindering efficient equipment management. 2011; Bayzid et al. 2016).
Although efforts have been made to integrate the ownership cost
Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. model with the maintenance cost model, two challenges exist:
of Alberta, 5-080 Markin/Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL) (1) the ownership and maintenance costs are simplified as continu-
Natural Resources Engineering Facility, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2W2 ous curves—which can generate a single cost value for any equip-
(corresponding author). ORCID:
ment age—but the variance (uncertainty) of the cost is overlooked
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. in this model; and (2) the ownership and maintenance costs are ob-
of Alberta, 5-080 Markin/Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL) tained assuming that the equipment is bought new and kept for use
Natural Resources Engineering Facility, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2W2. until disposal; this is uncommon in practice. Therefore, the authors
Email: propose a data-driven simulation-based method with a perspective
Equipment Process and Analytics Specialist, Graham Construction and of equipment cost-analysis for the entire equipment lifespan based
Engineering, Inc., 8404 McIntyre Rd. NW, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6E on used conditions and considerations of uncertainties.
6V3. Email: A widely accepted concept in construction engineering, the life-
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Offsite Construction cycle cost analysis (LCCA) investigates total costs over the project
Research Centre, Univ. of New Brunswick, 17 Dineen Dr., Fredericton,
lifespan. Traditionally, in infrastructure projects, the analysis life-
NB, Canada E3B 5A3. Email:
Note. This manuscript was submitted on June 17, 2019; approved on
span can be a few decades with the consideration of construction and
October 16, 2019; published online on February 29, 2020. Discussion maintenance costs (Santos and Ferreira 2013). To examine the effi-
period open until July 29, 2020; separate discussions must be submitted ciencies of energy consumption for residential construction projects,
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Construction LCCA also can be applied (Mithraratne and Vale 2004). Similarly,
Engineering and Management, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9364. the concept of LCCA can be applied to analyze equipment cost.

© ASCE 04020038-1 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2020, 146(5): 04020038

For example, deterministic models can be used estimate the equip- declining exponential model, which uses a single factor—here,
ment life-cycle cost (Mitchell 1998; Ghadam et al. 2012). One equipment age. The equipment age can be interpreted and repre-
recent LCCA study obtained the deterministic optimal life of sented by the service meter reading (Vorster 2009). Advanced
equipment considering the uncertainty of inputs, such as fuel price models using heuristic algorithms also were developed, but such
and interest rate, but did not include the historical maintenance- algorithms have not been used widely by practitioners. More re-
cost data (Gransberg and O’Connor 2015). cently, automated RMV prediction models based on two data-
To fill the research gap and meet the aforementioned challenges, mining algorithms (autoregressive tree and random forest) have
a data-driven simulation-based analytics approach is introduced to been developed, and have outperformed all the mathematical
estimate the total cost at any point of equipment age, incorporating models (Fan et al. 2008; Zong 2017).
ownership and maintenance cost, including variation (uncertainty). Both mathematical models and advanced heuristic models can
The K-means clustering and expectation-maximization (EM) algo- estimate the residual value of equipment to provide analytical in-
rithms are implemented to identify and quantify the turning points to formation for determining the ownership cost; however, one single
distinguish different equipment maintenance stages. Monte Carlo value (rather than a value range) cannot interpret the uncertainties
simulation can be applied to examine the equipment cost uncertainty. of the price. Purchasing and selling used equipment can be a
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Through one numerical example, the proposed method was ex- capital-intensive process requiring the consideration of risk when
plained in detail. The functionality and validity of the proposed creating prices. Construction companies are cautious about the var-
approach was implemented and tested in a practical case, and the iances of cost, i.e., the distributions of accumulated uncertainties.
method was found capable of reflecting the life-cycle cost of equip-
ment. In short, the proposed method can bring cost-related insight to
decision makers involved in equipment management. Equipment Maintenance Cost
In equipment economics, the cost of equipment operations normally
includes five components: (1) fuel, oil, and lubricants; (2) tires or
Literature Review tracks; (3) ground-engaging tools; (4) repairs; and (5) rebuilds
The literature review covers a variety of research areas that relate to (Mitchell 1998). Equipment maintenance cost typically refers to
this paper’s content. This paper is interdisciplinary in nature be- the operating cost excluding fuel, oil, and lubricants, and accounts
cause integrates expertise from three main areas: (1) traditional for the majority of operating costs (Peurifoy et al. 2002).
equipment-cost analysis; (2) simulation techniques in construction; The cumulative cost model was proposed to quantify and visu-
and (3) life-cycle cost analysis. Although it is unambiguous that there alize the maintenance cost over the equipment age, but the CCM is
are other areas of research that need to be covered in this section, not regulated as a specific mathematical model (Vorster 1980). A
they were excluded due to the length of the paper. The literature re- quadratic regression model was developed based on the CCM
garding to these three main areas was reviewed both separately and (Mitchell 1998). Furthermore, the life-to-date analysis and period-
collectively. cost-based analysis are based on the CCM (Mitchell et al. 2011;
Bayzid 2014). The LTD approach requires the data of equipment
for the whole usage life (Mitchell et al. 2011), whereas the PCB
Equipment Ownership Cost approach needs the data for any particular period (Bayzid 2014).
Equipment ownership costs normally consist of equipment depre- Additionally, through CCM analysis, there is a growing trend to
ciation (i.e., amortization) and fixed costs (Halpin 2010). The fixed use cumulative maintenance cost over the life of the equipment,
costs—including interest, insurance, license, and tax costs—can be compared with using the cumulative ownership cost, which has
calculated through the average value method, the average annual- a declining trend. Combined, the ownership and maintenance costs
value method, or the average market-value method. The calculated can yield a reasonable point at which the combined cost is lowest
result values for each method are close enough to be virtually inter- with a given equipment age, which often is considered as the op-
changeable (Vorster 2009). The fixed costs also can be assumed as a timal equipment age (Vorster 2009).
percentage (e.g., 13%–18%) of the annual depreciation cost. The Compared with the ownership costs—especially RMV, which
corresponding variance is determined by the interest rate, which re- can be collected and shared by a third party—the maintenance costs
flects expectations of capital return (Halpin 2010). In short, the fixed are less likely to be shared among competitors; no mature third-
costs vary depending on the construction market. party collects the cost information. To ensure both the quality
Depreciation is the difference between the purchase price and the and the interpretability, the model for maintenance cost is devel-
salvage value, which is the major driver of the equipment ownership oped for specific types of equipment (model/make). The modeling
cost (Mitchell 1998). However, equipment cost data stored in a con- of maintenance cost, therefore, must be conducted within construc-
struction company’s system are limited, and a single mathematical tion companies. For instance, a total of 19 regression models were
model cannot be used to predict RMV for all heavy equipment (Fan developed for CCM analysis based on 270 machines (a 17-fleet
et al. 2008). Fortunately, commercial software systems such as combination) (Mitchell 1998). A recent study proposed a second-
EquipmentWatch can easily collect transaction prices from auctions order polynomial regression model for cumulative maintenance
and private sales, drawn from multiple systems, and can consolidate cost of a CAT 785 based on a 13-year span of data collected from
them into one database when given an equipment model. The re- 26 CAT 875 machines (Zong 2017).
search on RMV analysis has been conducted primarily using data
from commercial systems (Lucko 2003). Taking advantage of these
Simulation Applications in Construction Engineering
data, both mathematical and advanced heuristic models have been
and Management
A multilinear regression model for RMV prediction was first Simulation can provide computer-based representation of construc-
proposed based on the equipment age (Lucko 2003). A second- tion systems and processes to study the underlying behavior for
order polynomial RMV prediction model was proposed with the decision support (Abourizk 2010). Simulation applications in con-
consideration of more factors—especially macroeconomic indica- struction engineering and management originally were inspired by
tors (Lucko et al. 2006). A popular mathematical model is the the Monte Carlo simulation, which can repeat random sampling to

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J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2020, 146(5): 04020038

obtain numerical results or probability distribution as outputs a single or a static set of values, interpreted directly from the cost
(Hastings 1970). With the rapid development of computer technol- model, can be biased. The uncertainty (risk) in the equipment cost
ogy, simulation application developed with further complexity, ex- is hard to obtain, and consequently affects decision making. Using
amples of which include combinations of various simulation types the outline presented herein of the existing challenges and research
(e.g., discrete, continuous, hybrid, and so forth) and other math- gap, the authors propose simulation-based analytics to quantify the
ematical algorithms (e.g., optimization, data mining, and so on). uncertainty associated with the equipment cost, and representing
Specifically, the discrete-event simulation (DES) approach is cost with a floating range rather than with limited static values.
widely applied to obtain probability distributions and quantify un-
certainty by conceptualizing the logic of construction processes
into object-oriented systems. Due to the nature of process model- Methodology
ing, DES has been predominant in providing decision support in
the construction management domain. Resource-based simulation A data-driven, simulation-based analytics is proposed to quantify
has shown great practical value in earthmoving operations (Hajjar the cumulative cost of equipment associated with uncertainties. The
and AbouRizk 1997). Simulations of tunnelling projects have been workflow of the methodology is summarized in Fig. 1. The owner-
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developed to mimic the repetitiveness of operations inherent to ship and maintenance cost data are collected from an equipment
construction processes (Er et al. 2000). Continuous simulation trading system, an equipment maintenance system, and a corporate
also is suitable for some construction activities, such as pavement accounting system, respectively. After data cleaning and wrangling,
construction (Puri and Martinez 2013). Although it is challenging maintenance cost data for each piece of equipment are clustered
to incorporate stochastic variability into continuous simulations, into several stages using the K-means clustering method. The
hybrid systems combining discrete and continuous simulations expectation-maximization algorithm is applied to generate the dis-
have been used in earthmoving operations (Peña-Mora et al. tributions of turning points among stages. A numerical example is
2008). Current challenges of construction simulation include the presented to explain the implementation of the K-means clustering
significant effort required to establish simulation models and pre- and EM algorithm step-by-step. At the same time, the ownership
pare model inputs. Therefore, the resilience and integration of sim- cost data are grouped based on specific service meter rating (SMR)
ulation models has become important in more recent research intervals (e.g., 500 h), and the data within the same interval are
endeavors (Abourizk 2010). fitted into distributions as the simulation inputs. Lastly, the Monte
Carlo simulation model is applied. Through multiple iterations,
results are generated to evaluate the life-cycle cost of equipment
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis by combining both maintenance and ownership costs. In this study,
During infrastructure construction, especially road and pavement the implementation of the K-means clustering, EM algorithm, and
construction, life-cycle cost analysis is a common practice for ex- simulation are conducted using the R programming language, an
ploring cost-efficient alternatives. In 2006 in the United States, over open-source software for statistical computing and graphics. The
80% of all pavement projects from state DOTs conducted LCCA algorithms are generic, and can be implemented using other types
when selecting best practices (Chan et al. 2008). In these appli- of coding and data-mining programs.
cations, the pavement costs are divided into construction costs
and maintenance costs, similar to the division of ownership and Data Input
maintenance costs for equipment. Based on this cost division,
the pavement maintenance strategies, extended pavement preserva- The inputs, maintenance cost data and ownership cost data, were
tion strategies, and rehabilitation strategies were compared to make collected from various sources. The ownership cost (depreciation in
project decisions (Mandapaka et al. 2012). A specific example is this study) was determined by the purchase price and salvage value
the comparison of perpetual pavement (thick pavement used at the of equipment using Eq. (1), which was formulated similarly to the
construction stage) with conventional pavement used to maintain equipment amortization (Mitchell 1998)
roads (Amini et al. 2012). In residential construction, the environ- OCt ¼ P0 − St ð1Þ
mental impact of residential houses in New Zealand was deemed
costly and was studied through life-cycle analysis (Mithraratne and where OCt = ownership cost, i.e., depreciation cost, at time t; P0 =
Vale 2004). This shows a wide range of LCCA applications in the initial purchase price; and St = salvage value of machine at time t.
construction industry, which also can be introduced into equipment The purchase price often is recorded in the company’s account-
cost analysis. A nonlinear regression model was established to ob- ing system. Salvage value of equipment can be collected from
tain deterministic life-cycle cost (Ghadam et al. 2012). Because the three data sources. The first data source, in practice, is the account-
historical maintenance data are limited, a recent LCCA study ex- ing system, because internal data are the most readily available
ploited other cost data, such as fuel price and tire cost, to estimate (Mitchell 1998; Zong 2017). However, after much data handling,
the maintenance cost (Gransberg and O’Connor 2015). By integrat- the data stored in the accounting system may be changed or even
ing stochastic method with a deterministic model, this study deter- deleted by accident, which can lead to inconsistency (Mitchell
mined the optimal equipment life by taking the uncertainties of 1998). The second data source of equipment salvage values is col-
maintenance cost inputs into account. However, to obtain the range lected by equipment auctioneers; hundreds of pieces of equipment
of equipment life-cycle cost instead of a deterministic value, one are traded, with accompanying information recorded in the auction-
major challenge is to utilize both ownership and maintenance cost. eers’ databases. Furthermore, the auctioneer data are consolidated
In summary, maintenance and ownership costs mostly were into large databases by commercial third-party companies. With
studied and modeled separately in previous research; however, fur- substantial subscription fees, researchers can access data that are
ther investigation of combining both cost models to develop a comprehensive and ready for use. Particularly, in the aforemen-
mathematical model remains to be done. The literature has shown tioned situation of data scarcity, a third-party data provider can
that the difficulty of obtaining the maintenance data has prevented be a decent alternative for equipment data analysis; the authors rec-
researchers from developing models incorporating both costs. In ommend using third-party providers due to their overall data
addition, simply representing the incurred equipment costs with integrity.

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Fig. 1. Methodology flowchart of data-driven method.

Table 1. Sample input data of equipment transaction Table 2. Sample input data of equipment maintenance
Date Manufacturer/model SMR (h) Price (CAD) Equipment SMR Price
ID Manufacturer/model (h) Date (CAD)
March 9, 2016 Hitachi EX1200 3,658 82,000.00
October 16, 2017 Hitachi EX1200 8,695 46,000.00 A Hitachi EX1200 1,053 December 1, 2015 6,907.45
May 6, 2018 Hitachi EX1200 12,326 57,500.00 A Hitachi EX1200 2,315 January 1, 2016 4,860.65
A Hitachi EX1200 3,503 February 1, 2016 14,405.77

Data cleaning and wrangling may be necessary depending on

the quality and integrity of the collected data. In this study, the fol- Data-Driven Simulation
lowing four factors were required as the inputs for the ownership
cost: transaction date, manufacturer/model, service meter reading, K-Means Clustering
and the selling price of the equipment. A sample data set is pro- After obtaining equipment maintenance cost data, the cumulative
vided in Table 1 as an illustrative example of data required for maintenance cost of each individual piece of equipment is inves-
the analysis. tigated. For each piece, the cumulative maintenance cost increases
The equipment maintenance cost, which often is not available to with equipment age, typically represented by the equipment service
the public and is kept within the company, can only be collected meter reading in units of hours or kilometers. In this study, the K-
internally from construction companies (Bayzid 2014; Zong 2017). means clustering algorithm was applied to divide the cumulative
Companies may not always store all the maintenance data in the maintenance cost into stages and to find defining turning points
same database, and some data wrangling therefore normally is among the stages (Fig. 3). The stage is defined as a SMR range,
required (Mitchell 1998). The service meter reading, commonly within which the slope of cost increase remains stable. At the turn-
recorded in different sources, is critical for data wrangling. Five ing point, a sudden cost increase occurs due to major repairs, such
factors are required as the inputs for the maintenance cost to imple- as rebuilds.
ment the proposed method, namely the equipment identification, In data mining, clustering refers to a broad set of techniques for
the manufacturer/model, SMR, the date of maintenance activity, finding subgroups (clusters) in a given data set. Clustering leads to
and the maintenance cost. Table 2 is an illustrative example of data the discovery of previously unknown groups within data (Ji et al.
required for the analysis. 2018). Traditionally, clustering methods can be categorized into

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either a partitioning-based clustering method or a density-based two or three times in general for a typical piece of heavy civil
clustering method (Han et al. 2011). K-means clustering, the equipment before disposal, such as a mining truck. This distribu-
partitioning-based clustering method, aims to segregate observations tion is a typical mixture model, which is a mixture of two or more
into a prespecified number of clusters, namely K (Forgy 1965). The probability distributions.
essential idea of K-means clustering is that a reasonable cluster is The expectation-maximization algorithm can be used to
within the minimal within-cluster variance (WCV) [Eq. (2)], assum- separate a mixture model into components in terms of its distri-
ing that the Euclidean distance is used to measure the distances butions. In this study, the EM algorithm was applied to a one-
between observations. When conducting K-means clustering, each dimensional data set: the service meter readings at turning
observation is randomly assigned a number from 1 to K, and through points. Given an observed data set, Z, the EM algorithm aims to
iterations, clustering reassignment continues until the minimal WCV find the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of probabilistic
is obtained. The objective function, defined by K-means clustering, models, following expectation and maximization steps (Dempster
is given in Eq. (3) et al. 1977). The maximum likelihood estimate of unknown param-
eters is determined by maximizing the marginal likelihood of the
1 XX P
observed data Z
WCVðCk Þ ¼ ·2 ðx − x̄ij Þ2 ð2Þ
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jCk j i∈C j¼1 ij Z


maxθ log Pðx; zjθÞdx ð5Þ

K x
minC1 ; : : : ;CK fWCVðCk Þg ð3Þ
k¼1 where θ = parameters of probabilistic model; x = unobserved var-
iables; and z = observed variables from data set Z.
where jCk j = number of observations in kth cluster; i = ith obser- Based on the Eq. (5), the EM algorithm finds the MLE of the
vation in cluster Ck ; j = jth feature; P = total number of features; marginal likelihood through iteratively applying expectation and
xij = value of feature j for observation i; x̄ij = mean for feature j in maximization steps
cluster Ck ; and K = prespecified clusters. 1. expectation step: compute QðxÞ ¼ Pðxjz; θÞ; and
In practice, it is reasonable to divide the maintenance of heavy 2. maximization step: compute θ ¼ argmax∫ x QðxÞlogPðx;zjθÞdx.
civil equipment into stages, which normally are divided by certain θ
events. During the early equipment lifespan, it can be foreseen that Distribution Fitting
maintenance costs after the manufacturer warranty period will For the input modeling stage of simulation, a probability distribu-
greatly increase. Similarly, rebuilds, namely replacing the engine or tion usually is fitted based on the data available (Leemis 2004; Kuhl
other major components, may significantly increase costs (Mitchell et al. 2009). There are 30–40 standard probability distributions
1998). According to the repair limit theory, there is a limit on the available for distribution fitting in commercial software (Biller and
amount of money which can be spent on the repair of a vehicle at Gunes 2010). The aim of input modeling is to estimate the param-
any particular job and therefore the maintenance stages are limited eters of the selected probability distributions. Common methods of
(Drinkwater and Hastings 1967). In generic cases, the number of input modeling include: (1) the maximum likelihood estimation
clusters, namely the number of maintenance stages, is dependent on method; (2) the matching moment method; (3) the matching per-
and defined by collected historical maintenance data. Therefore, the centiles method; and (4) the least-squares estimation method (Law
K value was considered from 2 to 10. Specifically, 10 is the maxi- 2007). After obtaining the parameters, the common methods of
mum number of stages assumed for equipment maintenance, which assessing the goodness-of-fit for a probability distribution include
may be adjusted under certain circumstances. The objective func- Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Anderson–Darling tests. The distribu-
tion (to find the optimal number of clusters) aims to maximize the tion also can be tested through visualization and density-histogram
average of all costs (combining ownership and maintenance costs) plots or a probability plot (Biller and Gunes 2010). The goodness-
incurred at the turning points of-fit tests determine the level of confidence for the generated dis-
1 tribution fit for rejection or acceptance.
maxK¼2; : : : ;10 C̄ ¼ maxK¼2; : : : ;10 In this study, the ownership cost data were divided into groups
ðK − 1Þ
based on the same SMR interval; in this case, every 500 engine
hours is a reasonable interval suggested by past research (Mitchell
· jminðCMCCkþ1 Þ − maxðCMCCk Þj ð4Þ 1998). In each interval group, the residual value percentage was
fitted into a probability distribution. The parameters of distribution
where C̄ = average cost incurred at turning points; K = number of were estimated through the maximum likelihood estimate method;
clusters; and CMCCk = cumulative maintenance cost of observation goodness-of-fit was tested using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test.
in kth cluster.
Monte Carlo Simulation
Expectation-Maximization Algorithm Monte Carlo simulation can repeat random sampling to obtain
Through the K-means clustering, the optimal number of clusters numerical results or probability distributions (Hastings 1970). In
and the turning points between clusters for each individual piece the present case, the cumulative maintenance and ownership costs
of equipment can be determined. The SMR of the turning points were the intended outputs from the simulation. The cumulative
can indicate the age at which the rebuild typically is made or the ownership cost is illustrated in Fig. 2.
age at which the maintenance costs have significantly increased, or According to Eq. (1), ownership cost at equipment age t is the
can provide analytical decision support for equipment maintenance difference between the purchase price (P0 ) and the salvage value
strategies. For example, it is economical to sell a piece of equip- (St ). The original purchase price is fixed and known, and the sal-
ment at a particular SMR (before a major rebuild). After combining vage value is unknown. Through distribution fitting, the probability
the service meter readings of turning points for many pieces of distribution of salvage value can be obtained given the available
equipment of the same type, a distribution can be generated with equipment transaction data. For example, in each simulation iter-
two or three average turning points. Rebuilding can be conducted ation, the salvage value for equipment at age SMRt , namely SSMRt,

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J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2020, 146(5): 04020038

Data Output
Based on the Monte Carlo simulations, cumulative maintenance
cost and cumulative ownership cost at any equipment age (SMRt )
is obtained. The cumulative total cost, namely TCSMRt, can be ob-
tained as the sum of maintenance cost (MCSMRt ) and ownership
cost (OCSMRt )

Through a reasonable number of iterations, the probability dis-

tribution of cumulative maintenance and ownership costs are de-
veloped, and the probability distribution of the cumulative total
costs are obtained as the inputs and outputs of the simulation,
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Illustrative Example

Fig. 2. Illustration of simulation for the cumulative ownership cost. K -Means Clustering
This example illustrates the application of the proposed methodol-
ogy and algorithms. The historical maintenance cost for one piece
is a random number sampling with a confident fitting from a Beta of heavy equipment is listed in Table 3. The K-means clustering
distribution. Thus, the cumulative ownership cost is the difference algorithm was applied, and the results based on K ¼ 2, 3, and 4
between a fixed number for purchase value and a random number are summarized in Table 3. Theoretically, the value K can vary from
for salvage value (i.e., MCSMRt ¼ P0 − SSMRt ). the past and available data. These results also are illustrated as scat-
Additionally, the Monte Carlo simulation of maintenance cost terplots in Fig. 4; K < 5 represented the clusters well in this
occurs in steps (Fig. 3), with an assumption that the maintenance of example.
a piece of equipment contains three stages separated by two major According to the objective function [Eq. (4)], the average of
rebuilds. In the first step, turning points between stages in hours, costs incurred at the turning points are calculated for three cluster-
namely SMRS1−S2 and SMRS2−S3 , are randomly sampled from two ing results using Eqs. (7)–(9). When conducting K-means cluster-
probability distributions through the K-means clustering and EM ing with three clusters (i.e., K ¼ 3), the average cost (C̄) based on
algorithms. In the second step, costs incurred at the turning points, the turning points was calculated as $15,509, which is the largest.
CS1−S2 and CS2−S3 , are obtained through random sampling from Following Eq. (4), the equipment maintenance should be divided
probability distributions fitting the maintenance cost data. In the into three stages
third step, the increase rate of maintenance cost (Ss1 , Ss2 , and Ss3 ), X
1 K−1
which is the slope of line within each stage, is generated as a ran- C̄K¼2 ¼ · jminðCMCCkþ1 Þ − maxðCMCCk Þj
domly sampled value from probability distributions based on the ðK − 1Þ k¼1
historical data. In each iteration of the simulation, the cumulative ¼ j94,568 − 90,730j ¼ $3,838 ð7Þ
maintenance cost at any equipment age is calculated using the
aforementioned variables obtained through random sampling. The 1
cumulative cost of maintenance (MCSMRt ) is calculated for any C̄K¼3 ¼ ðj79,188 − 61,062j þ j124,608 − 111,716jÞ
ð3 − 1Þ
equipment SMR (SMRt ), incorporating the probabilities of each
variable (Fig. 3). ¼ $15,509 ð8Þ

C̄K¼4 ¼ ðj79,188 − 61,062j þ j107,220 − 96,950j
ð4 − 1Þ
þ j124,608 − 111,716jÞ ¼ $13,763 ð9Þ

Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
In the available historical data, there were a total of 23 pieces of the
same equipment (make/model), and the maintenance data of these
pieces of equipment were available. The turning points between
stages were calculated for each machine through K-means cluster-
ing (Table 4). For example, for Machine 3, there were four stages
with three turning points throughout all four stages; Machine 6 had
only one turning point between the two stages. In total, 49 turning
points are listed in Table 4 for 23 machines.
The service meter readings of 49 turning points (Table 4) were
plotted as a histogram showing the mixture model, which consisted
of two normal distributions. The EM algorithm was applied to
Fig. 3. Illustration of simulation for the cumulative maintenance cost.
find the maximum likelihood estimate of the probabilistic models.

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Table 3. Maintenance cost data of one machine the company subscribed. The cost data from different systems were
Cumulative Cluster Cluster Cluster cleaned, combined, and rid of outliers (e.g., missing data). In the
SMR (h) maintenance cost (CAD) (K ¼ 2) (K ¼ 3) (K ¼ 4) analysis, the annual interest rate was assumed to be 3% to incorpo-
rate the impact of time on price. The original cost data in this case
21,692 40,317 1 1 1
21,719 41,376 1 1 1 study (in Canadian dollars) were normalized (i.e., divided by a con-
21,719 42,085 1 1 1 stant) due to the confidentiality requirement.
22,006 43,316 1 1 1 Following the proposed methodology, K-means clustering was
22,694 46,119 1 1 1 applied to each piece of equipment, based on the maintenance cost
23,152 48,196 1 1 1 data, to extract the turning points among the maintenance stages.
23,389 49,035 1 1 1 After combining all the service meter readings of turning points in
24,077 49,462 1 1 1 hours for the whole fleet, the mixture model (namely the Gaussian
24,593 50,816 1 1 1 mixture model) was formed and the EM algorithm was used to
24,897 55,066 1 1 1
estimate the parameters of two normal-distribution components.
25,452 55,751 1 1 1
The other parameters (Fig. 3) were obtained as simulation inputs
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26,038 56,223 1 1 1
26,652 56,590 1 1 1 through probability distribution fitting. Based on the maintenance
27,003 58,719 1 1 1 cost data collected for 28 machines, the distribution of inputs for
27,331 58,936 1 1 1 random sampling were obtained (Table 5). For the ownership cost,
27,669 60,123 1 1 1 the residual value percentage of equipment was sliced into 80 groups
28,261 60,340 1 1 1 based on equal-sized SMR intervals of 500 h=interval. For the data
29,126 60,834 1 1 1 in each group, probability distribution fitting was applied to estimate
29,883 61,062 1 1 1 the parameters and to check the goodness-of-fit. One thousand iter-
29,883 79,188 1 2 2 ations were conducted for the simulation, and the results for the
29,886 79,381 1 2 2
maintenance and ownership costs are listed in Figs. 6 and 7.
29,949 80,373 1 2 2
30,449 83,412 1 2 2 For any given engine hours (SMRt ), there were 1,000 simulated
30,983 85,777 1 2 2 values for the cumulative maintenace cost. The distribution of
31,153 88,440 1 2 2 1,000 simulated values can be displayed as a box plot summarizing
31,488 90,730 1 2 2 the (1) maximum (upper limit); (2) third quantile; (3) median;
31,824 94,568 2 2 2 (4) first quantile; and (5) minimum (lower limit). Fig. 6 shows the
32,034 94,777 2 2 2 various distributions of the cumulative maintenance costs as a dots
32,546 96,950 2 2 2 on lines. Due to use conditions and maintenance strategies, for dif-
32,878 107,220 2 2 3 ferent pieces of the same equipment, the cumulative maintenace
32,970 107,226 2 2 3
cost is likely to fall into the area between the third and first quan-
33,202 110,885 2 2 3
33,663 111,716 2 2 3
tiles. There still is a chance, however, that cumulative maintenance
33,826 124,608 2 3 4 costs will fall into the area above the third quantile or below the first
34,204 124,622 2 3 4 quantile. For the cumulative ownership cost, similarly, the simula-
34,626 126,519 2 3 4 tion results are illustrated in Fig. 7. Notably, after about 22,000
34,832 128,555 2 3 4 equipment service hours, the residual market values become rare
35,313 131,049 2 3 4 and therefore they were assumed to become steady.
35,851 132,965 2 3 4 According to the Eq. (3), the cumulative total cost can be cal-
36,355 133,826 2 3 4 culated as the sum of cumulative maintance costs and cumulative
36,621 135,560 2 3 4 ownership costs. Combining the values of Figs. 6 and 7, Fig. 8 rep-
37,379 137,146 2 3 4
37,763 139,001 2 3 4
resents the cumulative total cost. The interquartile range (IQR) be-
38,338 140,788 2 3 4 tween the third and first quantiles for equipment between 10,000
38,541 145,264 2 3 4 and 20,000 h is remarkably smaller than those for equipment before
10,000 h and after 20,000 h; this means that the cost of ownership
and maintenance is more predictable in the middle of the equipment
As a result of the EM algorithm, two normal distribution compo- lifespan than at earlier and later times of equipment usage.
nents were obtained from the plotted histogram to represent the
SMR of turning-point occurrence in general (Fig. 5). For this type
of equipment, two normal distributions can represent the mainte- Discussions
nance stages and related SMRs (as distributions) when major re-
builds are expected. By repeating this calculation, other types of In equipment management, a dilemma often exists in equipment
equipment can be studied. The next section presents a more de- purchase regarding the optimal time for purchase. The life-cycle
tailed case to show how to make use of the simulation results. cost (i.e., cumulative total cost) of used equipment and new equip-
ment can be compared further using this data-driven, simulation-
based analytics to provide insight into the optimal purchase time.
Case Study For example, consider five simulation scenarios based on the case
study discussed herein: (1) the cost of a new piece of equipment
In this case study, the maintenance cost data for 28 pieces of mining purchased at 0 engine hours is $160,000; (2) the cost of a used piece
trucks of the same model and make were collected from a construc- of equipment purchased at 1,000 engine hours is $118,000; (3) the
tion contractor in Alberta, Canada. The maintenance cost data were cost of a used piece of equipment purchased at 5,000 engine hours
extracted internally from the equipment management and accounting is $82,000; (4) the cost of a used piece of equipment purchased at
systems. The ownership cost data, namely equipment transaction re- 10,000 engine hours is $59,000; and finally (5) the cost of a used
cords, were extracted from a third-party commercial system to which piece of equipment purchased at 15,000 engine hours is $41,600.

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Fig. 4. Scatter plot based on K-means clustering results (K ¼ 2, 3, and 4).

Table 4. Turning points of 23 machines (h)

Machine ID SMRS1−S2 SMRS2−S3 SMRS3−S4
1 22,256 32,571 38,807
2 29,883 33,663 —
3 27,265 31,489 37,715
4 29,778 31,289 —
5 22,155 33,595 40,573
6 23,481 — —
7 30,966 36,426 —
8 28,031 33,754 —
9 20,779 26,331 32,221
10 28,721 33,441 36,572
11 27,943 32,616 35,121
12 29,358 34,928 —
13 18,763 — —
14 10,590 17,001 20,970
15 21,627 — —
16 16,909 — —
17 21,678 — —
Fig. 5. Results of the EM algorithm.
18 15,893 22,373 —
19 20,606 — —
20 13,800 20,414 —
21 16,520 22,254 —
22 18,494 21,624 25,331 value for each individual scenario. According to the boxplots of
23 14,265 20,933 24,569 the cumulative cost in Fig. 10, if the expected usage is only 5,000 h,
purchasing used equipment at 15,000 engine hours is most cost-
efficient. On the other hand, if the expected usage is 25,000 h, pur-
The purchase cost of new equipment matches the list price, whereas chasing used euqipment at 10,000 h is more cost-efficient.
the purchase cost of used equipment is based on the median cost of Furtheremore, Fig. 11 illustates the cumulative cost/engine hour
similar used equipment among historical equipment transaction re- (average cost) for three expected usages given five scenarios, which
cords. The median cumulative costs over the equipment service demonstrate a similar pattern. This case study (along with its asso-
reading are plotted for these five scenarios in Fig. 9. In this case, ciated discussions) was validated by construction equipment experts
the service meter reading is taken relative to the point in time when from the industry partner organization, Graham Industrial Services,
the equipment is purchased; thus it starts from 0 h for both new and and the experience-based conclusions matched the analysis results.
used equipment. In other words, even for used equipment pur-
chased at 15,000 engine hours, the cumulative cost grows relatively
after 15,000 engine hours. Potential Industry Applications
Fig. 9 does not show the interquartile range to keep the graph
less crowded and more straightforward to understand. Fig. 10 Lack of a robust cost-analysis model for equipment management
explicitly shows the IQR; the dashed lines illustrate the average can make the purchasing and selling decision processes challenging

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J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2020, 146(5): 04020038

Table 5. Distribution of input modeling
Variable Description Distribution
SMRS1−S2 Turning point between Stages 1 and 2 (h) Normal (20920,3530)
SMRS2−S3 Turning point between Stages 2 and 3 (h) Normal (33195,4742)
CS1−S2 Cost occurred at SMRS1−S2 (CAD) Gamma (2.13,102956)
CS2−S3 Cost occurred at SMRS2−S3 (CAD) Gamma (1.97,114843)
SS1 Cost increasing rate for Stage 1 (CAD/h) Gamma (1.28,19.67) + 53.34
SS2 Cost increasing rate for Stage 2 (CAD/h) Gamma (1.00,85.47) + 56.19
SS3 Cost increasing rate for Stage 3 (CAD/h) Gamma (1.05,32.03) + 179.95
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Fig. 6. Simulation results of cumulative maintenace cost.

Fig. 7. Simulation results of cumulative ownership cost.

in practice. The proposed method is designed to quantify the range engine hours with various expected usage hours. Additionally,
of cumulative cost at any engine hour (SMR) to provide decision the proposed method potentially can be applied to address the fol-
support. In the case study, the proposed method was applied to lowing issues: (1) the break-even point (period) for equipment; and
compare the life-cycle cost of equipment purchased at different (2) equipment cash-flow analysis.

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Fig. 8. Simulation results of cumulative total cost.

Fig. 9. Cumulative cost for equipment purchased at various SMR.

Break-Even Point (Period) for Equipment similar to Fig. 12, rather than using less-reliable experience-based
Practitioners of the construction industry are interested in finding methods.
the revenue break-even point in a given piece of equipment’s life-
cycle in order to determine when to acquire or sell the equipment. Equipment Cash-Flow Analysis
With the consideration of uncertainty (made achievable through the
proposed method in this paper) the break-even point becomes more Based on the proposed method, equipment costs also can be inves-
meaningful to decision makers. Taking Fig. 12 as an example, a tigated through the cash-flow perspective. In a hypothetical case, a
revenue line is obtained based on the fixed rate of return ($8.5=h), 32,000-h lease agreement for equipment requires a premium paid at
shown as the dashed line (Revenue ¼ 8.5·SMR). In this case, there 15,000 h (Fig. 13). The cumulative cost curve is different: the cash
are three break-even points (A, B, and C) in Fig. 12. Accordingly, flow before 15,000 h is positive. This scenario probably is more
practitioners can utilize any of these break-even points in their preferred by construction companies who do not intend to hold
decision making: Point A (SMRA ) can be used in an aggressive equipment long-term, and instead seek short-term returns and cash
scenario, and Point C (SMRC ) can be used for a conservative sce- flow. Similarly, construction practitioners can compare multiple fi-
nario. In practice, construction companies can rely on their histori- nance methods using this approach to find the most meaningful
cal data and the proposed method to develop their own graphs, scenario for equipment management.

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Fig. 10. Cumulative cost for equipment purchased at various SMR.

Fig. 11. Cumulative cost/hour for equipment purchased at various SMR.

Fig. 12. Breakeven point for equipment cost. Fig. 13. Illustration of equipment cost analysis based on cash flow.

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