29th Grand Scotsman of St. Andrew of Scotland

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Friday, January 30, 2015

29th Grand Scotsman of St. Andrew of Scotland

29th Great Scotsman of Saint Andrew of Scotland or
Knight of Saint Andrew

It corresponds to the category of degrees called Templars . It has its origin in the traditions that were
incorporated into Freemasonry, coming from the Orders of Chivalry that acted during the Crusades. The figure
of the Knights Templar or of the West is exalted, who received in Jerusalem the secrets preserved by the
knights who later became victims of the “ tyrants .” The ceremonial reads: “ War on the cross of Christ; cult of
Lucifer, fire and flesh .” (According to Rottjer).

“ Tolerance of religion is a central lesson of this degree. Freemasonry tolerates all religions and affirms that no
man can dictate what another should believe. Freedom of thought is essential to man's exercise of free will. A
man's faith belongs to him alone. Free to rise to a higher spiritual plane, he can conquer himself when he
subdues the animal within himself and has learned to control his passions and surpass himself in Freemasonry.

The Cross of Saint Andrew has always been the emblem of humility, patience and self-denial and, even more,
of charity and indulgence towards the weak, the poor and the helpless. Duty includes that of superiors. With the
assumption of power come obligations and duties. To maintain supreme power, one must learn the
responsibilities of great power. A good man can be captain of a ship but a better man can command respect.

The degree illustrates that extreme secrecy is necessary when ruthless opponents around the world attempt to
destroy Freemasonry. The candidate presents himself to be accepted as a Knight of Saint Andrew, but is
received by officials who claim to represent the Holy Inquisition. They accuse him of being a Mason, which is
admitted by the candidate. They then demand that he renounce Freemasonry and provide them with the names
of his associates and superiors. This of course the candidate refuses to do, even when they send him to the
torture rack. They finally let him free and reveal that they are actually knights in disguise, testing the applicant's
loyalty. Left to guard a flag overnight, armed only with a sword and forbidden to seek help unless three or more
attack him, he is attacked by three, fights and defends the flag. His brother knights relieve him and accept him
as a member. The qualities of chivalry are exposed to him, including the virtues of magnanimity in adversity, of
frankness in connections, of generosity in honor, of superiority in courtesy, and firmness in manly honesty . [1]

“ Legend has it that, in the year 832, King Angus II and his army of Picts and Scots (the ancestors of the Scots)
were surrounded by the army of the Angles, near what is now the township of Athelstaneford, which It is also
located not far from Edinburgh. They feared for their lives and began to pray. Apparently that night Saint
Andrew appeared to the king and promised him victory on the battlefield. The king did not know if it had been a
dream, but in the morning the sky of Scotland appeared completely blue as had never been seen before, with
the sole exception of a very strange cloud in the shape of a cross that could be seen as far as the horizon could
reach. . Considering it as a divine sign, Angus II's men became emboldened even as the Angles became
demoralized and, just as Saint Andrew had promised, victory in that battle fell to the Scottish side . [2]
The Order of the Knights of Saint Andrew is a Knightly Order of Great Antiquity; and has counted among its
members many Kings and Princes; but its greatest boast is its intimate connection and alliance with an even
more ancient Order; one founded by the Great King Solomon at the time of the building of the Temple in
Jerusalem , and of which he was the first Grand Master . This Order was created as a result of the alliance that
Solomon established with the Pharaoh of Egypt, marrying his daughter, with the aim of perpetuating the sacred
teachings of the Egyptian Mysteries , called KASHAI , which means " secret ", through veiled symbologies. and
modern allusions of his time. This Order was entrusted with the custody of those primitive truths revealed to the
High Priests of Egypt , and then communicated by Moses to the Jewish Priests. The first members of this new
Order were, along with Solomon, King Hiram of Tyre, and the Architect Imhotep of Egypt. And from them, by an
unbroken continuity, the ancient truths, known before the Flood, have come to us. That Order later counted
among its members, Solomon's main nobles, as well as many selected workers who worked on the construction
of the Temple. Much later this Order was known as the Essene Order , which comes from the Greek ESSAIOS,
and this in turn from the Hebrew CHSAI, which means “ Secret ” or “ Silent ”. [3]

The traditional history of the Order tells the story of the Knights Templar from their formation in 1118, through
their betrayal in 1307, and the trial and martyrdom of their Grand Master in 1314. It more than preserves its
alliance with the legend of King Robert of Bruce [4] Scotland at the Battle of Bannockburn, St. John's Day, June
23 and 24, 1314, where the English were defeated.

To commemorate their service, King Robert Bruce created, and received in these knights, the Order of Saint
Andrew of Scotland du Chardon, meaning "of the Thistle". The history of the order says that the Grand
Mastership inheritance of the Order passes from King Robert the Bruce in succession through the Royal Stuart
family to Prince Charles Edward Stuart, the last Grand Master of Scotland, who, after his defeat by that of
Spagnolo 1745, he escaped into exile in France and a Chapter of Rose Cross of Heredom was established,
which would encompass the Order of Saint Andrew. The Order was in the possession of the founders of the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry AT ITS formation in 1801, at which time it combined the
legend of the Bachelor with the Rose Cross, as part of the 18th Degree. He later separated from the 18th grade
and moved his position to present the 29th grade. [5]
Tags: Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite , esotericism , 29th degree ,
Freemasonry , Freemasonry in the Río de la Plata , Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite , symbolism , Uruguay

[1] http://eruizf.com/masonico/reaa/29_grado.html
[2] https://conocimientoescocia.com/simbolos-nacionales-de-escocia/
[3] http://cubamason.forosactivos.net/t561-el-rito-memphis-mizraim
[4] 11 July 1274 – 7 June 1329, son of Robert VII Bruce (great-great-grandson of King David I) and Marjorie,
Countess of Carrick, daughter of Niall, Earl of Carrick. Therefore Bruce inherited the Earldom of Carrick from his
mother and from his father a royal lineage that would give him the right to the throne of Scotland.
[5] http://fenix137rls.blogspot.com/2011/05/grados-templarios-del-rito-escoces.html

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