Tutorial 1.1

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0 Computer System
1.1 System Concept

1.0 Computer System

1.1 System Concept

(a) Explain the operations involved in information processing cycle

(b) Analyse the use of information processing cycle in today’s technology

1. Computer is a programed machine designed to carry out a sequence of arithmetic and

logical operations sequentially and automatically.
(a) Describe computer system.


(b) List two (2) main components of computer system.


2. Computers and other forms of technology affect our live daily. We encounter computers
in stores, restaurants, and other retail establishments.

(a) Identify and describe all the operations involved in a computer-based information





3. Information processing cycle is a series of input, process, output, and storage activities
performed by a computer. Draw a diagram of information processing cycle.

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great…”

1.0 Computer System
1.1 System Concept

4. There are four main steps in information processing cycle. Explain what are the input,
process, output, and storage when you are given information 8 x 2 = 16 to be processed.

Steps Basic Operation





5. Identify the basic operation of information processing cycle based on the following
(a) The manipulation of data by a set of instruction that converts the data into

(b) The action of typing username and password into a computer.


“Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you…”

1.0 Computer System
1.1 System Concept

6. Computer system plays an important role in daily lives. The data inside the computer is
represented by bits 0 or 1.
(a) Give the definition of each operation and one (1) example of device used for the
operation in a computer system in the following table.

Operation Definition Example of Device


Output Display screen


7. FIGURE 1 shows the activities of Information Processing Cycle carried out by a

computer. Complete the figure below.

(i) (ii) (iii)

“Life has two rules: 1) Never quit. 2) Always remember Rule #1…”

1.0 Computer System
1.1 System Concept

8. A computer is a general-purpose device which can be programmed to carry out a set of

arithmetic or logical operations.

(a) Information processing cycle is a series of activities performed by a computer.

Identify type of operations involved in processing cycle based on the following

Activities Types of Operations

• The action of displaying data on the screen

• The manipulation of data by a set of instruction

that converts the data into information.
• The action of capturing an image into a computer.

• The action of saving a file into the hard disk.

9. A computer is a complex system that consists of hardware and software components.

(a) TABLE 1 shows the operations involved in information processing cycle. Write the
missing information in the table.
Operations Description Example of Device
Presenting the results

Central Processing
Unit (CPU)

Saving data, program, or output for future



“It’s not going to be easy, but it’s going to be worth it…”

1.0 Computer System
1.1 System Concept

10. Siti needs pocket money and calls her father to bank in RM200 into her saving account.
After her father agrees and does the transaction, she goes to the Bank Ceria Berhad to
withdraw the money from the ATM machine. She receives 4 pieces of RM50 notes.
Identify two (2) activities that are involved for process and output operations in the
information processing cycle during the withdrawal process.





“The pain you feel today is the strength you will feel tomorrow…”

1.0 Computer System
1.1 System Concept

11. Ahmad is travelling from Bukit Jalil to Putrajaya. When he reaches the Putrajaya toll
gate, Ahmad taps his Touch n Go card on the card reader.

Identify two (2) activities for each operation in the Information Processing Cycle
involved during that Touch n Go transaction at Putrajaya toll gate.

Operation Activities
Input I)


Process I)


Output I)


Storage I)


“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can…”

1.0 Computer System
1.1 System Concept

12. There are four operations involved in information processing lifecycle. Identify and
state the operation of information processing cycle based on the given description.

Description Operation
The information which had been processed is produced in
a usable form by people.

The data is being manipulated or transformed into


The process to keep data, information, and programs in

computer-processed form.

The data which is entered or captured electronically for


13. Basic process in a computer system can be described using Input-Process-Output (IPO)

Given following hardware systems, determine whether they belong to input, process,
storage, or output based on IPO model

i. ARM v8 based instructions set in a smartphone.

ii. 4 GB micro-SD card

iii. Super AMOLED Touchscreen

iv. Fingerprint Sensor

v. LaserJet Network Printer

“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have…”

1.0 Computer System
1.1 System Concept

14. A lecturer plans to calculate the coursework marks at the end of each semester.
Coursework marks are the total marks for quizzes, assignments, and group project.
Based on the given scenario, explain the operations of information processing cycle to
display the coursework marks.

Operation Explanation



“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have…”

1.0 Computer System
1.1 System Concept

15. Identify the step of information processing cycle which is related to the
following components.

Component Step of Information Processing Cycle



Arithmetic Logic Unit

Optical Disc

Fingerprint Reader


“The secret to getting ahead is getting started…”

1.0 Computer System
1.1 System Concept

16. Information processing is important in today’s business activity.

Miss Bella sells headscarves to three customers. All the customers make the payment
at the same time. The first customer deposits RM100 and the second customer deposits
RM220 into her account at two different ATM machines. Her third customer pays
RM100 by cash at her shop.

*Miss Bella’s account balance before those transactions was RM200.

Analyse the operations of information processing cycle (process) and (storage) of Miss
Bella’s bank account during that time.

Operation Activity



“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little “extra…”

1.0 Computer System
1.1 System Concept

17. FIGURE 1 shows a transaction made at a sport outfit outlet, Sport Planet Warehouse.
Identify the suitable element for the input, process and output.


Operation Element




“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently…”


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