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Jeremiah 51:20: You are a hammer to me, and weapons of

war; and through you I will break nations, and through you
every kingdom.

Jeremiah 23:29 Is not my word like fire, says the Lord, and

like a hammer that breaks a stone?


The hammer is a tool that is used to shape or mold materials

that are usually hard in nature or not easy to give different
shapes, but the Word teaches us that the statutes and
teachings of God are like the hammer that molds the heart of
man. doing it the way God wants to give us.
Psalm 119 : 12 - 16 Blessed are you, O Jehovah; Teach me
your statutes. 13
With my lips I have told All the judgments of
your mouth. 14
I have enjoyed your testimonies along the way
more than all riches. 15
I will meditate on your commandments;
I will consider your ways.
I will rejoice in your statutes; I will not forget your words.

The word as a hammer produces changes in us, our heart of

stone molds it so that it becomes a simple and humble heart.

Ezekiel 11:19 - 20 And I will give them a heart, and I will put

a new spirit within them; and I will remove the heart of stone
from their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh, that they 20

may walk in my ordinances, and keep my ordinances, and do

them, and be my people, and I may be their God. .


One of the operations of the hammer is forging. And forging is:

forming, molding, striking, creating and conceiving.


Babylon: with this name is known the source of evil operations and
abominations against God, it is also known for its corruption and
idolatry (the world), this type of powers is known as the hammer of
the devil, with this kind of instrument he trains his proselytes
(unconverted). Jeremiah
50:23 How the hammer of the whole earth was cut off and

broken! How Babylon became a desolation among the nations!


The hammer of God is his Word with which he breaks hearts on the
anvil (the church), we are being molded or formed to take part in
the true temple of God, where no hammer blow will be heard.Isaiah
41:7 The carpenter encouraged the silversmith, and he

who smoothed with the hammer the one who beat on the
anvil, saying, The solder is good; and he fastened it with
nails, so that it would not move. ; Jeremiah 23:2 9
Is not my word like fire, says the Lord, and like a

hammer that breaks a stone?

The hammer breaks the rock or any construction material. He uses
his children as bearers of that hammer to break kingdoms, powers
and authorities from the air. He will also break men, women,
young, old and every human species to bring them to
repentance.Jeremiah 51:20-23 You are a hammer to me, and

weapons of war; and through you I will break nations,

and through you all kingdoms. Through you I will break

horses and their riders, and through you I will break

chariots and those who sit on them. also by the style

that men and women, and by the middle of the old and
the young, and by the middle that the young men and the
virgins. I will also destroy the shepherd and his flock

through you; Through you I will break down the tenants

and their teams; I will destroy rulers and princes through


Our Father's ultimate purpose is that when we arrive at our new
Jerusalem there will be no need for any hammer blow. That exhorts
us to allow ourselves to be molded here through obedience and
submission to the authorities that He has left us to carry us without
defect and we can be assembled in that day without any force or
blow. In that temple there will not be any defective piece.1 Kings 6:7
And when the house was built, they made it of stones
that they had already finished, so that when they were
building it, neither hammers nor axes were heard in the
house, nor any other iron implement.
Here in this assembly there were different kinds of materials: wood,
silver, gold, bronze, etc. Let's build with the best material.


Psalms 127:1 Unless the Lord builds the house, those who
build it labor in vain; If the Lord does not guard the city, the
guard watches in vain .
The construction of this temple has to be built by our architect
and engineer who has the plans for the work that he will
present to himself.

Amos 7:7- 8 He taught me this way: Behold, the Lord stood on


a wall made of plumb, and in his hand a mason's plumb line.

Then the LORD said to me: What do you see, Amos? And I
said: A bricklayer's plumb line. And the Lord said, Behold, I set
a mason's plumb line in the midst of my people Israel; I won't
tolerate it anymore.

Let us let Him build because what He does not build will be
tested with His plumb line, and therefore destroyed, let us not
make buildings with human knowledge.

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