Martial Arts Planning II

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Fundamental Competencies:
ð Ethical and Citizen Competence ð ð Personal and Spiritual Development Competence ð
Communicative Competence Problem Solving Competence
ð Logical, Creative and Critical Thinking Competence ð Environmental ð Scientific Competence
and Health Competence
Curricular Area(s)
Physical education

Estimated time
5 weeks of class

Teaching – Learning Strategies: direct command, playful games

Specific Achievement indicators

Contents Activities Resources
Expression and Motor Warm ups .  Apply the  corked floor
Communication Conceptual - The gunboats regulations of  Ball.
He knows his body and - Tulip. martial arts.  Cones.
Martial arts (optional):
uses it to express - Seated ball.  Performs defensive  Hoops.
History of martial arts,
feelings, emotions and - Boat, boat. and offensive  Basketball
competition area, rules of
moods in a harmonious - Ghostbusters. techniques in court
combat, equipment,
relationship with other - The rock. situations of risk to  Chronometer
fundamental attacks,
people and his social and - The semi-long chain. their physical  Rope
counterattack and
cultural environment. - Long chain. integrity.  Whiteboard
Establishment of General warm-up  Execute the basic
relationship between Procedural Specific warm-up fundamentals of
expressive movement Practice of falls: martial arts
and body language. Ushiro ukemi – falling on the back. (positions,
-Shows improvement in Yoko ukemi – side fall. movements, blocks,
their physical condition Mae ukemi – front fall. kicks, fists, grips and
during motor activities. Mae Mawari Ukemi - front fall rolling. throws, falls,
Development defenses, combat).
-Executes the basic
fundamentals of martial
The class is divided into trios. Each trio forms a triangle with their
Motor domain and body arts (positions, partners and appoints one of them as “director.” This will be the first
communication movements, blocks, kicks,
to start the game; He will raise one of his arms to quickly indicate to
Recognizes their punches, grips and
the partner who will perform the fall.
movement possibilities throws, falls, defenses, Rules: a) after each correct fall, the one who performed it
and uses them to combat).
automatically becomes the director; b) for each correct fall, one point
express moods, is added; c) if someone makes the fall and it was not their
emotions and ideas responsibility, one point is subtracted.
based on knowing and  “INSIDE THE GLOBE
being aware of their own - Defense and respect for The group is divided into pairs. One of the members of the couple is
body. He perceives, your right and that of your placed inside a ring. The partner tries to get him out of it using
interprets and values his colleagues to participate whatever type of grip he wants.
changes, which allows and give your opinion in Rules: a) the grip will be carried out by the judogi; b) the one outside
him bodily control and carrying out physical the ring cannot
motor efficiency in a activities. put your feet inside the hoop; c) movement of both is allowed; d) the
harmonious, healthy and - Practice of fair play, roles are
creative relationship respecting the rules of the They reverse whether the one inside the ring touches their partner or
with the space that sports and recreational leaves it.
surrounds him and with activities carried out  “HIDE IT IF YOU CAN”
other people. The class is divided into pairs with a ball. The game consists of one
member of the couple grabbing the ball as tightly as possible with their
hands and the partner has to go and snatch it from them by pulling the
judogi's sleeves.
Rules: a) at the signal, you have to run to save the ball; b) it is only
allowed to protect the ball with the body; c) if the teammate snatches
the ball, the roles are reversed.
The group is divided into trios. The game consists of two of the
members of the trio having to move the third member to the opposite
side of the tatami without touching the distributed pikes. To do this,
one of the members of the trio sits on the forearms of his classmates,
performing the grip that the teacher establishes (for example: with
one hand he holds the lapel at shoulder height and with the other the
sleeve at elbow height. )
Rules: a) if the partner being transported touches the ground, the
sequence starts from the beginning; b) if any of the members of the
trio touch a pike, the trio returns to the starting point; c) upon
reaching the opposite side, positions are exchanged until all three have
been loaded; d) The trio that first performs the three charges and sits
on the floor wins.
The class is divided into groups of four. One group is the “hunters” (in
gray) and the other is the “ostriches” (in white). It is about trying to get
on top of the “hunters” or the “ostriches”.
Rules: a) all types of movements to climb on top of the “hunter” or
“ostrich” are allowed; b) if the “hunter” manages to get on top of an
“ostrich”, when the “hunter” tells him to do so, the “ostrich” will try to
knock him to the ground; If the “ostrich” succeeds, he wins a point; c)
if the “ostrich” manages to climb on top of the “hunter” he gets a point
and the “hunter” will have to do five falls of the technique that the
“ostrich” gave him; d) when the teacher deems it appropriate, the
roles are changed.
The group is divided into pairs. Each pair is placed at a distance of 4 m
and is given a ball. The game consists of passing the ball with the foot
to the teammate who tries to stop it with his body with a fall.
Rules: a) the ball can be stopped with any part of the body; b) the ball
must be in contact with the tatami at all times; c) the ball is passed
while standing; d) a point is scored every time the ball stops; e) The
one who reaches 10 points first wins.
One of the students is the pursuer; the rest of the class runs around
the tatami. The game consists of doing Zempo Kaiten Ukemi so that
they don't catch us.
Rules: a) if the “leather” touches a partner before performing Zempo
Kaiten Ukemi, they must change roles.
With the judoka belts, three areas are delimited on the tatami: a
central area where all the judokas are located at the beginning of the
game and two lateral areas called “east” and “west”. When the
teacher says, for example: This. Ushiro, Yoko Omae, etc. All students
must place themselves in said area and carry out the activity that the
teacher has previously indicated.
Rules: a) the first to return to the central area wins a point if they
performed the falls correctly; b) if the falls were performed incorrectly,
one point is lost; c) The judoka who gets 3 points first wins.
The class is divided into groups of 7. Six of the members of the group
form a row, each with a hoop in their right hand, leaving a “passage” in
the middle. The remaining student stands behind a line 5 m from the
last hoop. The game consists of running out, going through the
“passage”, running to the indicated reference, landing on your back,
running back and grabbing the last hoop. In this way, the entire team
moves one place forward. Everyone changes hoops and manages to
free the first partner, who will have to repeat the sequence.
Rules: The team that first gets all its members through the “passage”
by carrying out the teacher's proposal wins.
Daily Planning: First and Second Cycle

Date: 11-24-21 Grade and section: 2nd C Teacher: Gilberto Carrasco

Teaching-learning strategies and techniques: Didactic game

Pedagogical intention of the day: develop students' motor skills and abilities.

Class moment Activities/ duration

Student Resources
Warm ups. Rows. Cones
Start - The gunboats Circles. Balls
- Tulip. Columns Chronometer
- Seated ball.
10 minutes

 "THE ORCHESTRA" Rows  corked floor

Development The class is divided into trios. Each trio forms a triangle with their partners and appoints one of Columns  Ball.
them as “director.” This will be the first to start the game; He will raise one of his arms to quickly Semicircles  Cones.
indicate to the partner who will perform the fall. rows
Rules: a) after each correct fall, the one who performed it automatically becomes the director; b)
for each correct fall, one point is added; c) if someone makes the fall and it was not their
responsibility, one point is subtracted.
The group is divided into pairs. One of the members of the couple is placed inside a ring. The
partner tries to get him out of it using whatever type of grip he wants.
Rules: a) the grip will be carried out by the judogi; b) the one outside the ring cannot
put your feet inside the hoop; c) movement of both is allowed; d) the roles are
They reverse whether the one inside the ring touches their partner or leaves it.
The class is divided into pairs with a ball. The game consists of one member of the couple grabbing
the ball as tightly as possible with their hands and the partner has to go and snatch it from them by
pulling the judogi's sleeves.
Rules: a) at the signal, you have to run to save the ball; b) it is only allowed to protect the ball with
the body; c) if the teammate snatches the ball, the roles are reversed.
35 min
Back to the calm. Rows ------------------------------
Closing Relaxation exercises circle --
8 min

Daily Planning: First and Second Cycle

Date: 11-26-21 Grade and section: 2nd C Teacher: Gilberto Carrasco

Teaching-learning strategies and techniques: Didactic game

Pedagogical intention of the day: develop students' motor skills and abilities.

Class moment Activities/ duration

Student Resources
Warm ups. Rows. Cones
Start - Seated ball. Circles. Balls
- Boat, boat. Columns Chronometer
- Ghostbusters.
10 minutes

 “RACE WITH PACKAGE” Rows  corked floor

Development The group is divided into trios. The game consists of two of the members of the trio having to move Columns  Ball.
the third member to the opposite side of the tatami without touching the distributed pikes. To do Semicircles  Cones.
this, one of the members of the trio sits on the forearms of his classmates, performing the grip that rows
the teacher establishes (for example: with one hand he holds the lapel at shoulder height and with
the other the sleeve at elbow height. )
Rules: a) if the partner being transported touches the ground, the sequence starts from the
beginning; b) if any of the members of the trio touch a pike, the trio returns to the starting point; c)
upon reaching the opposite side, positions are exchanged until all three have been loaded; d) The trio
that first performs the three charges and sits on the floor wins.
The class is divided into groups of four. One group is the “hunters” (in gray) and the other is the
“ostriches” (in white). It is about trying to get on top of the “hunters” or the “ostriches”.
Rules: a) all types of movements to climb on top of the “hunter” or “ostrich” are allowed; b) if the
“hunter” manages to get on top of an “ostrich”, when the “hunter” tells him to do so, the “ostrich”
will try to knock him to the ground; If the “ostrich” succeeds, he wins a point; c) if the “ostrich”
manages to climb on top of the “hunter” he gets a point and the “hunter” will have to do five falls of
the technique that the “ostrich” gave him; d) when the teacher deems it appropriate, the roles are
The group is divided into pairs. Each pair is placed at a distance of 4 m and is given a ball. The game
consists of passing the ball with the foot to the teammate who tries to stop it with his body with a fall.
Rules: a) the ball can be stopped with any part of the body; b) the ball must be in contact with the
tatami at all times; c) the ball is passed while standing; d) a point is scored every time the ball stops; e)
The one who reaches 10 points first wins.
35 min

Back to the calm. Rows ----------------------------

Closing Relaxation exercises circle ----
8 min

Curricular area / Motor domain and body communication Recognizes their movement possibilities and uses them to express moods, emotions and ideas based
specific on knowing and being aware of their own body. He perceives, interprets and values his changes, which allows him bodily control and motor
competencies efficiency in a harmonious, healthy and creative relationship with the space that surrounds him and with other people.

Daily Planning: First and Second Cycle

Date: 11-29-21 Grade and section: 2nd C Teacher: Gilberto Carrasco

Teaching-learning strategies and techniques: Didactic game

Pedagogical intention of the day: develop students' motor skills and abilities.

Class moment Activities/ duration

Student organizations Resources
Warm ups. Rows. Cones
Start - The gunboats Circles. Balls
- Tulip. Columns
- Seated ball
10 minutes

 “THE ROD” Rows Ball

Development One of the students is the pursuer; the rest of the class runs around the tatami. The game consists of doing Columns Whiteboard
Zempo Kaiten Ukemi so that they don't catch us. Semicircles Cones
Rules: a) if the “leather” touches a partner before performing Zempo Kaiten Ukemi, they must change rows
With the judoka belts, three areas are delimited on the tatami: a central area where all the judokas are
located at the beginning of the game and two lateral areas called “east” and “west”. When the teacher
says, for example: This. Ushiro, Yoko Omae, etc. All students must place themselves in said area and carry
out the activity that the teacher has previously indicated.
Rules: a) the first one to return to the central area wins a point if they performed the falls correctly; b) if
the falls were performed incorrectly, one point is lost; c) The judoka who gets 3 points first wins.
The class is divided into groups of 7. Six of the members of the group form a row, each with a hoop in their
right hand, leaving a “passage” in the middle. The remaining student stands behind a line 5 m from the last
hoop. The game consists of running out, going through the “passage”, running to the indicated reference,
landing on your back, running back and grabbing the last hoop. In this way, the entire team moves one
place forward. Everyone changes hoops and manages to free the first partner, who will have to repeat the
Rules: The team that first gets all its members through the “passage” by carrying out the teacher's
proposal wins.
35 min
Back to the calm. Rows ----------------------
Closing Relaxation exercises circle ----------
8 min

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