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Dear Father God, you are so good and love us so much, that you became a child
like us so that we could talk to you...

Today the children gathered here want to thank you:

For being healthy, strong and good like you...

For giving us strength when we are sad, sick or down...

Thank you for the world we live in so full of beautiful animals and plants… beaches
and mountains…

Thank you for so many people you have put by our side who love us and teach us
to be like you...

Thank you for our little guardian angels who protect us day and night...

Thank you for having us in the best place in the world, which is OUR HOME…

Dear God, today we want to ask you:

May we always have our parents united in love along with our brothers and

(Glory to the Father is prayed three times)


Dear Child Jesus, what did you tell us:

“All the good things you ask in my Name, I will give you”

We come to ask you to help us:

To be good to everyone around us, to nature, to our parents, siblings and friends...

To be more judicious every day with our tasks at school and at home, to grow in
intelligence and wisdom...

To always obey our parents and teachers, to be better people every day...

Give us the only thing we need to be happy:

Love and knowing how to share joys and sorrows...



Dear Virgin:

To you, because you love God so much and are the best of women, God chose
you to be the mother of the Child Jesus, and our mother in heaven, we come to
ask you:

May our mothers look more like you every day, so that we never lack their hug and

Furthermore, Virgencita keeps our soul clean and pure like yours...


(Three Hail Marys are prayed)


Dear Saint Joseph:

To you, who because you are loving, good, wise and patient, Father God chose
you to be the father of the Child Jesus on earth and a perfect example for our
parents, we come to ask you:

May our parents look like you, be good, fair, patient, playful, loving, understanding
and hard-working...

May they have love, hugs, smiles and time to give us...

Help us children gathered here to have Jesus in our hearts and may we not forget
to thank him for our parents and for all the parents in the world...

Amen (Prayed: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory)

Praises for every day

Sweet Jesusito, my beloved child,

come to our souls, come, do not take so longer.

God, you know everything, you became a child

Come to teach us to be real children

Come to our souls, come, do not take so longer


You are the most beautiful flower that grows in the field

Your pleasant aroma, sweet child

Fill all my soul

And just like the field

Come to our souls, come, do not take so longer.


You the light that always shines

May I never be in darkness

May we always see you

Precious child, you fill our lives

of joy and songs.

Let's always have a smile

From your sweet lips.

Come to our souls, come, do not take so longer.

You are King of nations

remember mine

Let there be peace, let there be no kidnappings

Let there be no guerrilla

Child that you lead with gentle ways

To the surly sheep, to the meek lamb

Come to our country, come, don't take so long.

Let the heavens open and rain from above

Benefactor dew of your Holy Love.

Come beautiful child like beautiful star

Come to our souls, come, do not take so longer.

They see that Mary opens her arms to us

So that we see the child always close

They see that José opens his arms to us

So that we may be your Sagrary Love

Come to our souls, come, do not take so longer.

First Day (DECEMBER 16)

The life of the Child Jesus with his father God in heaven was very happy...

They looked at the earth and marveled at the creation...

However, one day they realize that men no longer know how to be good, they have
forgotten to thank them and they are fighting...

The Child Jesus tells his Father to let him come to earth to teach them how to be
good to each other, and so that his father is not sad, and forgives for so many

God the Father, seeing the love of the Child Jesus for us, tells him yes, but that he
has to become a man and be born like men.

The Child Jesus becomes happy and agrees to come live like us, and thus show
us that he loves us very much and that we can be good like him.

In heaven he didn't lack anything, but he loved us so much that it hurt him to see
us fighting and doing bad things that made his dad suffer...

He then decided to become a man so that we could follow his example, and to tell
us how good his father was and how much he loved us.

Second day (DEC 17)

Since Jesus had already decided to come into the world to be with us and tell us
about his father, the two met and began to plan everything...

They began by looking for who were going to be the mother and father of the Baby
Jesus on earth.

They had to be patient, generous, always do good, love others and help them, but
above all, be obedient to God, happy and hardworking...

They found all those qualities in Mary and Joseph... They were so happy to have
found these two perfect people and they called the Archangel Saint Gabriel to ask
Mary and Joseph if they agreed to be the Parents of the Child Jesus.

The Archangel came down from heaven full of goodness and light, he found Mary

He told her that he came from God to ask her if she wanted to be the mother of
Baby Jesus, Mary said YES..., that it was an honor that God had chosen her
because she loved God very much...

At the same moment that Mary said YES, the Holy Spirit came down from heaven
and entered her, thus the Child began to grow in Mary's tummy...

He was as small as a seed and he was happy to grow up into a person as loving
as Mary, and in such a happy home with Joseph who would be his father on earth.
Third day (DEC 18)

Although the Baby Jesus was tiny like a seed in Mary's tummy, she already knew
what he was going to be like when he was born:

His soul was going to be good like that of his Father God and that of his mother

He was going to have love for all of us, he would help us when we were sick, he
would encourage us when we were down, he would show us the way when we
were confused, he would never lie, he was going to be the light of the world and
light for our walk...

Although he knew that we were going to make him suffer, he didn't care because
he was going to teach us to be good, to help others, to love each other more, and
to thank God for everything he has given us...

His body was going to be like that of other children in the world, he was going to
grow and learn like us, he had to obey his parents.

He knew that he was going to be born in a humble manger where they keep the
animals and that he was never going to have luxuries, but he didn't care, because
he knew that the most important thing for children and what makes them happy is
the love of their parents. And even if they go through trouble, what is important for
Jesus is love and sharing with children and with all men the love that his Father
God has for them...

Fourth day (DEC 19)

From Mary's tummy, the Child Jesus accepted everything that God his father had
prepared for him on earth. He never asked him: but Dad, why does it have to be
like this? Why do I have to be born in a poor and humble manger and not in a
palace? He never asked him that, because he knew that his Father God wanted
the best for him and for men, and that his father God knew how to do things very
well, that the best thing was to be born poor for all of us to know that the most
important thing is not have luxurious houses and many other things, but love and
unity in the family...

And love was never lacking for the Child Jesus, and he also knew that people are
important because they love and help others.

That is why he accepts everything that his Father God had prepared for him.

José took great care of Mary and was always attentive to ensure that everything
was fine, so that when the child was born he would not need anything.

From heaven the angels and God were making sure that nothing happened to
Mary, the child and Joseph.

In heaven there was much joy and joy because within a few days the Child Jesus,
the only Son of God, was going to be born...

Fifth day (DEC 20)

We already know what the Baby Jesus felt in his mother Mary's tummy...

Now let's see what María felt during that time:

Mary couldn't wait to see the Baby Jesus born, to hold him and give him lots of

I talked to him and caressed him on his belly like all mothers do and every time he
moved he called José and they were both filled with joy.

She knew that Jesus was the Son of God, and she knew that he was going to be
the kindest child in the world, that he was going to love men very much but above
all children, he was going to teach them to be good and always be in their hearts. ,
because when we are good and do Good we have it in our hearts.

So Mary began to make him the little shirts, the diapers and his clothes with a lot of
love and always thinking about God. She also took great care to be happy so that
the Baby Jesus would not suffer but would feel a lot of love.

José took great care of Mary and was always making sure that everything was fine
for when the child was born.

The entire universe, the Angels and God were from heaven ensuring that nothing
would happen to Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus... There are only four days

Sixth day (DEC 21)

When the message from the Archangel Saint Gabriel happened to Mary, she and
Joseph lived in Nazareth, so the two of them thought that the child would be born
in Nazareth, but God had a surprise prepared for them...

At that time the Emperor, who is like the president today, ordered that all men had
to go to the place where they were born to take a census, that is, to count them all
and find out how many there were in the country... Mary and Joseph Since they
were obedient to the laws of the country, they had to go to Bethlehem, which was
the city where he was born... Joseph was a descendant of King David, one of the
greatest and most famous kings of Israel...

Mary and Joseph did not know that God had planned this so that Jesus would be
born in that city and thus fulfill what the prophets had written a long time ago (the
prophets were very wise men) they said that the Son of God would be born in a
city. called Bethlehem.

They began to prepare for the trip. José got himself a donkey that the Virgin Mary
was going to ride on so that she wouldn't get tired and would be comfortable... He
also carried water and food since the trip was long, but they were happy, they
knew that they had to fulfill their duty as citizens even though the trip outside

They then put all the things on the donkey and began the journey with great joy.

Seventh day (DEC 22)

Joseph, Mary and the Baby Jesus who was growing in their belly, began their
journeys very happily... The road was a path full of many dangers, since they had
to go through the mountains, because at that time there were no roads, the Baby
Jesus He moved a lot in María's tummy but he was also happy because he knew
that there were only three days left before he would always be with us...

Furthermore, the one who was the Son of God also had to comply with the laws of
the Emperor, and he was happy that his parents were obedient citizens and loved
their country, so he did not mind jumping so much because he was proud of his
parents and the country. in which I was going to be born...

They stopped from time to time so that the little donkey could eat and Mary could
rest and walk a little... Jesus was happy because he stopped jumping and could
sleep a little...

Joseph was a little worried because he knew that it was not going to be easy to
find an inn, since many people were on their way to Bethlehem for the census, but
he trusted that God would take care of them and they would find a place to stay...

Day eight (DEC 23)

They arrive in Belén very tired and begin to look for a place to rest, they go from
inn to inn (like today's hotels), but everyone tells them that there is no room, they
continue knocking and searching in various places, among acquaintances, but
everything is filled with people who arrived for the census…

They do not despair because they know that God and all the angels in heaven are
taking care of them... After much searching and knocking on doors, they find an
innkeeper who offers them a manger on the outskirts of Bethlehem, (which is a
place where he keeps his animals. and the straw), they are very happy because
the place is cozy and also warm. Finally they will be able to rest!

In the manger they find a donkey and a cow sleeping. José looks at María with
affection and kisses her on the forehead, he admires her for being so brave, since
she never complained during the trip...

Clean a place in the manger so Mary can rest and get some sleep. Then he takes
the little donkey that accompanied them during the trip by the reins and thanks him
by giving him fresh water and food so he can also rest.

As Joseph knows that they are going to have to spend several days in the manger,
he cleans it and puts it in order, he looks at Mary and smiles at her, they both know
that this was what God wanted for them: a beautiful and humble manger far from
people where They could rest and pray, a place where tranquility and Love

The day was almost ending, the sun was over the roofs of the houses of
Bethlehem and its last golden rays were reflected on the stones of the hills that
surrounded the manger, everything was peace...

The sky is filled with colors: yellow, red, purple... it is getting dark... among the
shadows of the afternoon you can see the shepherds taking care of their flocks in
the distance... little by little the stars begin to appear over the sky one by one, one
after another, within a few hours “The Son of God: Jesus” will be born in that
humble manger.

Ninth day (DEC 24)

It is already completely night, in the hills of Bethlehem the stars shine with a
special brilliance and one star among all stands out for its light: it is the Star of

In the manger, Joseph is busily lighting the candles and the bonfire so that there is
a little light and warmth.

The little donkey and the ox also rest and in that environment full of warmth and
love, Mary begins to feel with pain but with joy that the baby Jesus is moving in her
belly... she knows that the birth of Jesus is approaching! Finally she will be able to
hold him in her arms. arms! You will be able to see what color their eyes and skin
are, the shape of their mouth, their little arms and face...

José is by her side helping her in everything, giving her strength... he is also
happy... he is going to be a father by God's request... he will be able to take care of
the Son of God...

In heaven the angels and God are looking towards the manger and there is a party,
trumpets and music in heaven. Finally, the most beautiful and good child that has
ever existed on earth is going to be born...

Hours pass and midnight arrives... suddenly there is a great light inside the
manger: Baby Jesus was born!

María laughs and José is happy, he is the most beautiful child they have ever
seen, she kneels to look at him and welcome him with a kiss on the forehead...

The angels descend from heaven to contemplate this unparalleled wonder and a
great choir is heard, all the angels sing loudly:

Glory to God in the highest and Peace on earth to men who love the Lord!...

This song is heard throughout the earth and so the shepherds, upon hearing it, go
to the manger to also sing with the angels, and in that song heaven and earth unite
to worship Jesus, which means "God with us."

Since then Jesus has always accompanied us...

Dear God: We children who have gathered to make this Christmas novena for you,
want to offer you our lives and we hope that you will take it... Come into our hearts
and fill them with love for you this Christmas... Stay forever with us so that let's be
equal to you... Amen...

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