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1.) Type of Q.

C equipment used for measuring the absorbance of substances

between regions 380- 780 nm.
A. UV_VIS spectrophotometer C. Mass spectrophotometer B. Infrared
spectrophotometer D. Colorimeter

2.) In the SQC, the control chart prepared based on the number of fraction defective
is called:
A. Attribute chart C. Beer's plot B. Bar chart D. Variable chart

3.) The spotting agnt for amino acids in paper chromatography is:
A. Potassium chromate C. Silver nitrate
B. Ninhydrin D. Iodine

4.) Nephelometry is based on the measurement of light that is:

A. Reflected C. Absorbed B. Transmitted D. Adsorbed

5.) The potency of drug component is commonly determined by:

A. HPLC C. GC B. Titrimetric method D. Spectrophotometric method

6.) The pH of a solution is usually measured using:

A. Platinum electrode C. Mercury electrode
B. Glass electrode D. Calomel electrode

7.) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is used for:

A. Radioisotopes C. Identification of chemicals
B. Irradiation D. A and B

8.) Potentiometry find application in:

A. Biologic assay C. Qualitative analysis
B. pH determination D. A and B
9.) In column chromatography, the separation of the sample mixture into a series of
narrow bands
in a column is:
A. Chromatogram C. Development
B. Eluant D. A and C

__________ 251. Beer's plot in spectrometry is prepare to determine:

A. Absorbance the sample C. Absorbance the Blank
B. Wavelength be used D. Concentration of the sample

__________ 252. A plot of absorbance against concentration of a standard drawn in

straight line is:
A. Charle's C. Lamber's
B. Beer's D. B and C

__________ 253. The study of the optical activity of a substance is:

A. Polarimetry C. Spectrophotometry
B. Refractometry D. Potentiometry

__________ 254. Chromatography can be sued to separate compounds that are:

A. Colored C. Precipitate
B. Colorless D. A and B

__________ 256. In infrared spectrometry, water is not used as solvent for the
sample because the water will:
A. Absorb IR radiation B. Dissolve the sodium chloride cell holder C. Not dissolve the
sample D. A and B only

__________ 257. The Law related to spectrometry wherein the power of transmitted
light decreases exponentially as the thickness of the solution increases
A. Charle's C. Lamber's B. Beer's D. Henry's
__________ 272. Which of the following components of energy is NOT involved in
A. Electronic C. Rotational B. Vibrational D. Translational

__________ 274. A plot of absorbance against concentrations of a standard drawn in

straight line is:
A. Spectral absorbance plot C. Beer's plot B. Calibration curve plot D.
Standardization plot
__________ 275. The radiant energy required in the analysis of drugs using
A. UV C. IR B. VIS D. All of the above
__________ 276. The following are used in Fourier Transformed Infra Red (FTIR)
transmission technique, EXCEPT:
A. KBr pellet C. Liquid petrolatum
B. NaCI pellet D. ATR
__________ 277. Nephelometric method for drug assaying is applied to:
A. Suspensions C. Colloids B. Turbid solutions D. B and C only
__________ 282. Which of the following is NOT true about NMR
A. C-NMR uses C-13 C. Sample probe is very small B. Very sensitive analytical
technique D. TMS is used as reference standard
__________ 283. The adsorbent used in paper chromatography is:
A. Cellulose C. Silica B. Alumina D. Charcoal
__________ 284. In using a spectrophotometer to measure the concentration of the
sample, the following date were obtained: absorbance of the standard = 0.39,
absorbance of the sample – 0.42, concentration of the standard = 15 mcg. The
concentration of the sample is ___ mcg.
A. 16.15 C. 15.75 B. 17.5 D. 14.5
__________ 285. True about NMR spectroscopy, EXCEPT:
A. External magnetic field is applied to the sample B. Radio wave is applied C.
Protium is used D. Used for mixtures
__________ 286. Plane polarized light can be produced by using:
A. CaCO3 C. Icelandspar B. Polaroid D. All of the above
__________ 287. Which of the following solvents in NOT used in NMR studies?
A. CCI4 C. Ether B. CHCI3 D. CS2
__________ 288. Gypsum is added to silica which is used as adsorbent in TLC to
serve as:
A. Hardening agent C. Thickening agent B. Binder D. Lubricant
__________ 289. In gas chromatography, the stationary phase is:
A. Inert gas C. High boiling zliquid B. Powedered adsobent D. Volatile oil
__________ 290. The operating speed for paddle in dissolution apparatus is:
A. 50 rpm C. 150 rpm B. 100 rpm D. 200 rpm
__________ 291. GC is utilized in the resolution of:
A. Volatile compounds C. Water soluble compounds
__________ 292. In column chromatography, the resulting patterns with several
bands is:
A. Chromatogram C. Spectrum B. Eluate D. Adsorbate
__________ 297. In NMR analysis, many absorption peak are split into mutiplets
because of the phenomenon known as:
A. Proton chemical shifts C. Spin – spin coupling B. Chemical exchange D. Nuclear
magnetic moment
__________ 298. The adsorbent commonly used in GC is:
A. Alumina C. Siliceous earth B. Calcium carbonate D. Cellulose
56. Type of chromatography wherein the mobile
phase is polar in nature and the stationary phase is
nonpolar in nature:
A. Thin layer chromatography
B. Ion-exchange chromatography
C. Normal phase chromatography
D. Reversed-phase chromatography
E. Paper chromatography
58. Stationary phase in paper chromatography:
A. Cellulose D. Water
B. Acetic acid E. Methanol
C. Acetonitrile
72. When organic compound is placed on a very high
magnetic field, the protons absorb radiant energy and
produce characteristics peaks due to the organic
groups associated with the protons:
A. UV spectrophotometry D. HPLC
B. Colorimetry E. Polarography
C. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
98. Chromatography is useful for:
A. Resolution of mixtures into constituents parts
B. ID test by comparing the unknown to a standard
C. Determination of homogeneity
D. Indication of molecular structure
E. All of the choices
99. Examples of in-plane bending vibration of atoms:
A. Scissoring and twisting
B. Rocking and wagging
C. Wagging and twisting
D. scissoring and rocking
E. All of the items mentioned
104. the current official assay for aspirin tablets
employs what method?
A. Residual alkalimetry D. HPLC
B. TLC E. bioassay
C. UV spectrophotometry
106. An instrument that produces ions the substance
under investigation, separates them according to m/z
(charge to mass) ratio, and records the relative
abundance of each ionic species present:
E. Fluorimeter
107. Riboflavin assay:
A. HPLC D. Turbidimetry
B. TLC E. Colorimetry
C. Fluorimetry
114. type of ionization in mass spectrometry which
involves a high energy beam of neutral atoms,
typically Xe or Ar, causing ionization of the sample.
This is useful for determination of molecular weight:
A. Electron impact
B. Chemical ionization
C. Fast atom bombardment
E. Electrospray ionization
117. IR region that is used in the identification of
functional groups sucs as carbonyl, amino and
hydroxyl groups, present in an organic compound:
A. Fingerprint region
B. Radiofrequency region
C. Group frequency region
D. Absorption spectrum
E. Near-IR region
122. A nitrometer is employed in:
A. Column Chromatography
B. Soxhlet extraction
C. Gasometric analysis
E. Polarography
128. Sodium and potassium ions are determined by
this method which involves the emission of energy of
a particular wavelength when diluted solution of a
metallic ion is sprayed into a colorless flame. The
intensity of the emitted radiation is determined by a
suitable spectrometer and compared to the standard:
A. Atomic absorption spectroscopy
B. Supercritical fluid extraction
C. Flame photometry
D. Tandem mass spectrometry
E. Refractometry
133. The law which relates the power of the incident
and transmitted beams to the thickness and
concentration of solution containing the absorbing
chemical species:
A. Beer-Lambert’s law D. Snell’s law
B. fick’s law E. hess’ law
C. Nernst’s law
196. One of the fundamental laws in spectroscopy is:
a. Law of mass action
b. Beer’s law
c. Boyle’s law
d. Newton’s law
197. Gas chromatography is utilized in the separation of:
a. Volatile component in a liquid mixture
b. Amino acids
c. Blood components
d. A and B
198. In column Chromatography, the separation of the sample mixture into a series
narrow bands in a column is called:
a. Chromatogram
b. Eluent
c. Development
d. A and B
199. In spectrometry, when a test solution is prepared and observed identically with
reference standard, they are called:
a. Isomeric substance
b. Similar solutions
c. Similar preparations
d. B and C
200. Beer’s plot in spectrometry is prepared to determine:
a. Absorbance of the sample
b. Wavelength to be used
c. Blank
d. Concentration of the drug substance
162. Plane polarized light is produced by what type of
optical lens?
A. Echelette grating D. LASER
B. Iceland spar E. Concave lens
C. Oil immersion objective
172. A nicol prism is an intergral part of what
A. Refractometer D. IR spectrometer
B. Polarimeter E. Analytic balance
199. Suitable method of separating highly volatile
A. Chiral chromatography
B. Supercritical fluid chromatography
C. Gas chromatohraphy
D. Medium pressure liquid chromatography
E. Medium pressure liquid chromatography
212. the consistency values of semisolid form can be determined using a:
A. viscometer D. mechanical tap density tester B. Spatula E. Rheometer C.

220. This official ID test entails comparison of retention factor.

A. Thin layer chromatography B.UV C. IR D.GC E. NMR
224. In HPLC analysis, the official measure of column efficiency is A. Retention time
D. width B. tailing factor E. AOTA C. number of theoretical plates
225. The official measure of peak symmetry in HPLC is:
A. retention time D. width B.Tailing factor E. AOTA C. number of theoretical plates
226. Which of the ff. is used to identify peaks in the chromatogram
? A. Retention time D. width B. tailing factor E. AOTA C. number of theoretical plates
229.Passage of fluid or solution through a sterilizing grade membrane to produce a
sterile effluent
A. Terminal sterilization B. Sterilization by filtration C. Aseptic processing D.
Disinfection E. NOTA
282. This test is an indication of crystal habit, presence of polymorphic form etc.
: A. Optical microscopy B. particle size distribution estimation C. viscosity D.
Minimum fill E. Deliverable volume
290. it refers to the time a certain constituents passes through the HPLC column
. A. Retardation factor D. Retention Time B. Retardation time E. NOTA C.
Retardation facto

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