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an "Eng ineerciva Moterviods iy clomity engineerin mache riaty ! | —— und | . . ' DS pmrateriaw pred in engineering precem | pur eore aree KYOWN OD engineer | mocte rioly, fan indenting moteriah are. “clonidied ws | i a) Meta (D com poarten ce) ermamcs (2) Poly menr © organics i semi conduchras | @) Metals The Ubplud mocteriny wie Dore hard ralniny, ductile amd have good | Hhertmna and electrical condueHvity Ncaed mats, Metal h aire c laws fied epeeamen Claysen Ferrowy and non- i | Perreau f | | | | | Ir. (O) Ferrous metalai TKe metals concerned wth tron, Oteel ond Hheire dhe n ore called Fernow, metals Uo ven: ferrous meths' Non - Fermow> metrly encomposres WU metrbs andialoga conconned without fron , oteel and their man, W) Ceramic, moter’ Ceramic mokeriold ore any morgane, non —m-etaWu'e oda thet hor gh -remperotu rte atrenath. Certawic Usudtly conrint of 2rden, nitriden corbuiden ,nilicote or, borriden oF vaniows ymetpun They Ame rmouk, or clay minercaly motertios , . Excomplent Sond , ojos brick cement comerete . Rirron rH 413060 Co of ceremmicn! |G) Cereamicn orte Inoreganne » non mehale mocteruays . 1) Teg! are, Miah hempercorturce potreayth. he dil) They arce Chemically ineret even at bah +rempermturee . W) They ean Avo-bin lo rage comprennive laods Cv) The nature of The chemical bond in CeTAMICA jA generally ome in character and the aniomws Ploy an Im poretont reole, jn the detereminahon of He. Pp reoperthey of the mmo-beriols : 1) Orgone Moctertiody: Oraamie moacterciah pre -mainty carckon bored Compound -found In noehurcal -berercentrulol and aquote™ lL environments and con be Used fore . \ bh, vote re (als engineering purcpone Tt 1A & mame ‘o compounds Host com pooed of Oran | | { 1 come pemerally qrom Plants, aniwoly ond (thelr worte preoduety the bani DAUCHuy of orgormne Woterias are consist of collulore, tannin, éuchn and Ag ran combin} d with variow protein , Lipids aryd carbo. hyd eaten . ExnomPplen’ Rubbere’; paper yuvood . Progercheo of Orgone ymocterinty ° () They ore comnparcorHyely Lighk weignt » UI) Tey arte poore conductores ad heat ond eleotruici ty. : N wi) They are generally pott and ayo ductile. awd | i . | [ee acoripeaiyes net tes comipenites) materiel | ore donmed by combining two on More. ay) hey are combush ble yroterlos in Puch o wor Frank He cont | . | | Ri~mon etanea com ae ! cocker lan, ore “ott | Vistinguthable and not Fully blended. A (oe Sore ~ rar Best leon pon rte. ts deniegned—t his plows a” Combi rodion i i £ -Hhe. bent, Charoctersher each of the | Com ponerst moterinls . | Example’ In core of fi breglon> , rAaequtren | phrength Mr ne g laws and Flexibility trom | Fhe polymers: | Proper-Hen } io com ponte podckerindy ame hetercog eras « Gi) the constituents yf cormponite are Listine guinhable and not Pualy blended . li ) TREY hove rnd Chanactertis ics | auch nhittreas foughnen and Leh ‘-rewnperadure aeena th « Oy) “they rerer Chemical inerdtney . | | @) mony componite mothe nis Are compong of owt two phases, ome yoa-bermed ay The rotning, Whack is con-tnwows ond Auritounds the other phare of-tencolled +Ahe disperred prome. ©) Poly mer 7’ Greek word “pola meany Mang and Gere! weaws eared. Polymen mo-terian ore compored of many Teo peated pubunits and creeated TP hreaup, & process coed po ly merigachon Polymerization Ma be define oy the preocoNs of growing Kore ynolecwlea from oral moleewter krown monometts. Ary exam ple of po Ny meres eabin tecaction 16 the Teming of ethylene | Rivroy . sum: PH 18060 ee _ fm TT molecuken Jnty a7 horege molecule. rennlt || polgethelene,. d | | Ud) nwatwral polymers | DNA, | Ti) Synthetic. polpmena’ Roly 0 ty rene» Peljetialere i Propertier! Thetze arte, wo Hy Per of polymere Aocte xe rubber iH ie) They have \ow density, o Low yrechamreal propertHen i) ‘Poon tem per xtere: rtenigtonce ay) Poorr +ennile ali em) Good Connoalon ttenristance and (Colt | Ie . -f Pg Pao bide dy fe, protect ( die aubatmle Jrom conroeon » Phe a bide Fy preot ect on. con be defined » Vetere} orention iby wical on eleortrea- chomicd resol Lec - 02 2p/0% 22_ Ta what 16 cormet? @ Am: Acermel to oe denigned to howe Fhe propercties of both + we corarmes Mke gh temperature! reactor, p bagh chemsaas Mobility, hardneny omid thhore ofa metal Ruch py the abit ty te OE plasth'c defonpwthon, duck bby yWah eleetrieal and thermal condueh vity, Ceremet mauodly commigt of mbout Goth of ontden,nimiden and canbider , bonsder atere with 207. of metallic elements: Keni ekel ,ralyb- denuwm , cobatt. cernmets can be wsed inthe manu treture, of eens rn , Capac tons tram is for ond other Cleefrtenk components whieh moy ercpernence bag -remperotune . | xX What i's porn thand. cement 0 @ Lams cement 15. pourlly a eenomic ymoten ial that fe wed fon bondivg. poids toa o4 hon The eement wed in @ivih enpimee re! comtnucti¢n to termed an ‘portlond Cement. It. is | nrehually hydraulic caletum Ci Licate cement. | Portland cement sets and hardnem by aks waker JA n Ccome@ lene chernical reachon. ) | TRE ehemreal reenetion § | | enercolly taker obont Ay Louns +2 complete. i The bonding occurs due ty “Phe hy drathon | | eeacthions Cont oY oc 20 > Cag S104. x tHe0 rene arce. yp Pome Oide | reaetovy Tuck ow , | CrmPled, +6 HO > Cam ALCOH)ID I After These reeactony The cement | hardnem + A rockhi'ke aokite . Tanyire Abommwed Rimon awhat Ss preva electric matercialn 9 a ANS) Some ereyatobs generaken cloetrrical ener: when mechanical A+treeas jr apple d ont mel Tn Trevertse preeeems This moterciols deform when electric field in applred on them, Sueh property of The moteriols fn coed piets electric property. Many Coramuc materimy din plo etre -o redina ry piteo electric pre perchen . Noburatty eceutTs piezo electric moteriny jn) BerLinite CAIPI4) Synthehe pieto electric ceramian: are Boreium Htmnake (BAT 108), Lead A tonate (Pb Ti03) Renetiatee Hianate way the First piero etee true Ceramic dincovered . \| {| Rimen Lee-08 i I} sup O89 OZ —? | ‘ | ae what fs polymete gaoctenial 1 Pincus tne maslcewar Adruedure od poly mercy, Ars! Polymer! peg, mslecan »tpructure of polymer) there foun different molecular rotnuctu rea are of polymer . Sue on? CO) Linear Wi) Branched Wii) Crom din kedU yh etand |Otineare! In rear polgmen, tHhe mers are qoined tog ed her end +a end in pirgle chain: oy ahown in Taw The Mora Cha mar anc Flenable and may be considened a a Man | npaghett. factemsive vender waals cana veHween the chaims enist fn these polyrens tI Wea Wow HI ocnecesCOCIy H a I torefou \ c ~c- ae er em oe ae > ; , It | | y H | £4.54): u tu me £f the common Aneare polymert oree | c | : i ngon i polyrta Rene, po tyvingd chlorude, t + “e | po yerieelen ; Ki) Bromeled Polfmers : Polymers ror} Oso have DK modocwlor otnuretare In which mide brane, AN arte commeccted tv Fhe main onen ny c haly cthe Figure - ct). There polymens chown tn are called breonched polgmerey itke brancle, reawlt from aide reactor that oecure Se The teeaetons =H eee pynthenia of “the poly mere The formohon of ride breoneleo treeducen he Chan packing ef ficiency , Feimowndiny Jowerin Phe poly Yer demaiy, 7 v7 Ther mone trey 0 € lore ewe c a ite aH ee Y t 1 Hence reclk Nebew de yom ! uy. ty H Hye 4 og, Figure NLU) Rimon vs 8060 (it )Cnor Linked Polymeres | In crorpLin ked. polymers | adjacent rear choi ane goined ty ome ond llano ther ot warulows por hors ahora “peel re lengthy om vhown inv Sipura (2) Seamerpally eros Links i> acceompMohed by additive otomy or woleewey | t host ore covalently bended +o the alain, Fmany of the mubber materi commis +f c roms Mnked polymers . Tn reinbber t's to wll ul eanizahon Om Joutadiene crom Linked tel th atom . i HOC H ‘ 4 C=O | He =H HI? / t c-e-e - ¢ 7 OO Hy oH J \ on ) \ ee oo ere > \ ' \ ) H-e-¢-e —- eo HO roo Jy } 1 \ \ | i 4 H H iam Muy are onk Poly m . ips} + ¢y) Network Poly meres. thutfunetia nol mer voi having Phuce achive conolent bonds» ,-torm y race dimensional nedwortkn n> a. 4. Polymers comnis-firg oF tru fanectionn phawnin ane termed a network plyreny tants Phew. forrraldehyde 10 be lava choirtint om Sub: a I: | } ls IThere a are 4 polymere Atnvetrres ane reenag ni | ‘aed, They are — Ibs Linear Polymer! Meme are Toinedl bop eter Lend ty end in pingle Cham | j ; \ Cvanden woals and hyd regen bondirgn ) Exet pve PS 4 PMME 3 nylon ) Fluonscon borvy (ii) Bronebed Polymers) Mere are comm ected tn “| “Ride branch jjiden 1) Crom Unked poly mers ! Pedsoacent Linear Lehains ame qoined one to amotter ot vanioawy | patton by covalent bonds. Exe! eubbersevnlennizehon prece?*) iy Network polywrerss | Tri faneHonal men. | untha» “root howe -hree native. covalent | bonds from Cod networkn. “rhe modeninh | howe arpeciot mechamicak and thermo | per enter .- | fut epontea and) phenol - conmnatdehyde. | Tit Peseribe -Phe ntrenefurne of SB easand Sikkoates . PMs! The elhommieal compound Mikieon drornide 1S Known oN Sthtea) TH 1S OW amortphow pobid That hoy mohare mow 60.0% Alwsk and boil Poink 2950'e with the Chommeat forwwlo Side Mont & the ALales is framed by a tron Covolenrt bond and hoy pn wei defined Avert rtrnctuna, Bur oxygen otto MS arte arena sed ok vhe Gomnens od a +e trokredron arround rn central milteoy atom THe loond avgler arcrwund 0-51 -0 erential the petra hedreak prgle “boo? The dintanee $i-0 vg pbowk 1.6L A with Little variotin, (There I onygen bridge bond between she Silicon oto “The Cond org le 6y- 0-5) 19) about 145° but Cor change. | Lao about: 100% +f: 140° with hike z Chovae yn bond enena d - \wIX,, ton oT oO . 0 Tay Seruccharce, cf Sibleates 1 The varviows coihierte S-rurctharen are CG) oikten or en tetrahedron (i045 Arche il) Powble and Poly tetrahedral ateucturea Gil) Cheln Dtrueturen dN) Sheet ahrvetures a) Frame work Atructares TO) 6S. Example >) Act. ream fom perature Irom enchs bits Bee atmucture - PACK ” eff tiene. tal Volume of +t = J actors +15 Volumeofa unit celk Gi ) Free centered cubie 5 A fred cavtere| cubic has one atom at. cock corner of phe cube and inaddithon one atom ot Fhe InterrneeHon o-f Here aoaane of each pine focen of the enrbe, Smee eaeCK connere atom Im Ahamed PY enht ockjoining cuben and each free atom tn ahored be ome adjoining cube Teun cel contrins 5 Boctorws atcthe commen Dhared by € Seber tn & ktor, ai aaliatiie: by 2 Cubes bx 2% _7 TH Hh = q atoms Bo, the FCC AtRUctuRe Jo More. dem! y packed Than +he BEC Ptreuclune of Fee ntrncture rs packing ef Helergy FY fe The Naktice com tart ta’ io reehoded (be he plone readlua cre! by the ree Lption ax Ge oe rec A Tnuedug I Exomples Cw, PL, her Lee-05 Dower Gh Hexagon Clooed packed pm-tructure CHER)! —s SF a ra R > ' | ! / Va 4 Hexagonal Uroed packed n4truchue is the mont Hy nty bound cryotat otreueturte Ft bos ome atom ot eacheonmen. of He Hewagone ond one atom atthe cemtere of the piwo herogonol faces. There arte three pony atthe centert if he -jwe opperite hevagonal facen. A HEP rrreturme hos 6 ohms per unit ou TRE afore. peeking. efficiency of HOP mmetol in FY, Exomple . “eine , Hog nens vn Che pomes Her Prtrseturle - l| | P We = yo Tir chow THHAk , phe pack ig ef 4 , C irieney f fee ynrxberal fe 74m | Pes? (ur) = = oan” aw 46 RY = An i nes te ° | ” “Ye |x A we Kmow, the packing efficiener, Nx Lage 3 eT xL00% _ y xtixe ‘ | = TS e100 Ge Nia ve i = FU. | Bee! | (42) Me yVeray” | oe eee Da by | v ee mn, ov = —_—P wer NS i ~ XT | 0° - ) = TAREE | XIDO”, Ye ® %) L204 2 OF nen ExtO™ x 1007, 4° 66 ae = 68% iq Show that The packing ef fleleney of Her 1S F440 | lh ; : | ' Inj Prt wn@ ary | 8 | Z| € | dw At ¢ We Kron » pecking. =p dal vo luvre of The atom dbl = Time Etenoyore subs 6 «xt and - lex red gx avh Bye ah tad - Un GY _ emo ONS oVh BAW # \ From, acrB, ee Coo Tee a of 0 ae eB = 2 ~nOb = " ee from 4ACB, nar 7 Reve eel ky, f2rnqe o, o& =(¢) a Vv v ree o(B] aa \k nrav = (+ ey = mites avg GS o> oY ee nh” r a EN Bog . ackn fHietene La zB (7 4 ern d= aye x \% = 74 % Lee 06 to.04, 20 TH colewhte The density and atomic packivg facture of Coppert withatomic rodiuy 0:1278 nm, Gol: ir tlerze, we know, “The Lathe comtont. for coppen(ored > LE | = Yaroirge | ve +0,3615 1M FA = —= == ~ le mans per otom of copper = 6% 5 1 | G029x1974 | Qlotovy, | i = 1s 054 115 5 bm Then the demity of Cu, Ps KM _ 4 81,054 Picco : eS —_ a (0:6 15\% nr fo Pyete ~ &xlosy aio 9 OAS (3. 65 TP)? ym nl C. E92 rab FIM sot boty # inon > Bcc gemernlly | | Face -roamition —> beak frup Boe 3D FOR | | tar wihot os, The volume of Unit cell of mMoanesinm 2 (Guiven | RO 1 bin) som? ye Know , the regmeni4m has Hep ‘Pemen pyr aes Tew a parking {rotor hy aft aes ; ; on? i a os aay = Cx tae? aC “ 2 4 - 6x4 LO AGIE (0. 1bI)? wr - 0-74 a? > pn? O\ET find The jome prctuirg freton of Fee Noo oe Gri we &) wath. C Given , Rane 0.027 mm, Mey> 0.1?) np, e / eo < ond at 0.556 nm J Sos ‘ : 3 The forme Pech ? ehn = " Ae * Co) * Love ans in ia @ ooaxti)% La(ornyiel (oeeerer ya | ) | en ale a Ge od Fano 2% tat » Chopter ~ 4 Wy fot igue * fod nue Ne) the Prvay re eae = d docalized ptucturtel dowon< “thot gocunys when A material io nubyeeted “he cycle Forhaque occurs when x woteniol heading , led -to ree peoted Asodiing and ys pubgee| unteading - Tey creep! It 15 defined oy the Hye erdent and permanent detormeton dep of moderials when pubzgected do a constant dood ore trey _ for mont moter 1+ $6 leporetant only at by bere stempercochure . ta Fmpoet ocheeng th THe capoei ty OF a noteria so veesist ore oboor bs emeray during a oudden LS tmpaet is cotled its impact Adrength , Puctile \ moterual pores Ly bere Jympoet Pheer gt “thon | bri bile norteriaks “The impact atrength 15 Qenerally Measured Prem - Ka . Lec- OF — . = “Soy te \ Du etihi ty: due Hilly reefers bo The copaeity oF a material + Undergo defo rvation under fermion without rapture. T+ 16 exenemed ar Percent elongation (+). EL) Ore Pereent area Weducton froma terms ke +eot - tprke f X 100 *h The percent 2lema ation eS 4o percent aren reduction - fr — AF . - ar X106*h Yo Ter Acoppee wire hod a breesbeiva otrena ty Lot Soorrpar at its original Ohape . Ets anew then, reeduced Tt by duct hity Cokewbate its | ptreen> fore Fraa tune PA” nd it's oreiginal Arzen, Avy “ff 2300 Mpe ae : . £ 00 Mpa xm ee for 77 ductility, TTh 2 Peat ° a ~w " ? \ a2 ger Pef 2 Ae oF nw Pet = Ae (47°77) he pPtreny for Frecture , Sr pet fash Fo Fe 4-0 FD 700x108 As 9.2% Po = 1300 Mpa | Tay TRG hnenss —Thoughnens is the ability of |; | vroterriat tr abronb emerge during ite i plastic | Property ercpnenn the a loi dity oF a vroenial +e WH rtand bending withovel Lroctune . defor wo-tion wp a eG Then | . TE whatis ploatic dedoametion and elartic defonmwtion 2 Am: plastic dedonmation' Plasthe defrmation (isthe permanent doGremation ore change Bes obope of ~ polid body totthont-fracctirce_ “umdere the action gla Nwedained Price This jrmevernible. Eloyhicdeforemation : Elovhe deforematon tg he deformoeton thot disappears Wpon the rewoval of the ercterenal fore cen, casing | athe plteration and the ntrem amociated | Hoptdh it. TH is teveranr ble. Cer pefine Chorhie attfness comstonk amd compli- Fanee Cormtant - PY?! Hoeke'’s low r4ates rat within elashe Limit Dtrwun is directly p reoporeHona te ones. Co Hot “Hte atrain components arte Lintare funchown of tthe pinecs Component. Mathenatioly , Cx. = Sn xe +5140 ‘ty +519 te + Sue ts teu ey] = Sar xe +See Wy +523 at Say Ve wt S05 LactS0pty eat c SBI AV *SSLT +959 Ze + SaGYe tS 95 MHS 56% eye = | eax = - ly 7a | ey = eb ee choy c & bery ‘bere Fhe cons-torts Su S12 ~~~. $86 are | cothed elmle compliance ayyny—tart [Papin rcHhe atnens components aree Lneare funehon of Atnain components . Xn = CU Ewe TT Cle ey NOU COBEN 2 0 Cm #16 Cay . 5 ao +e ‘ej = Cepewe 1Cereyy ropccer + a ey a+ CG Comtluerny €z Be 2 +066 Oxy Nec tx = * = Thene S6 comments are reduced +o thare eomstants Cu, G2 and Cuy by Pgmmety operoHons Thane commtants Ci, Ci2,-. Cox ane cated plostic otlf{ness covstant . % Derive the Q enero eq nation fir elastic Coo Nrie propagation throws h a crbic cryrtr. Fro) From ~The Faucet) » we Gnd the Volume of “the enble eryodtal is anayee Now iid a ntrens wa PS arpied ata point of ome free. pf this cube, then the ntrem ‘obtained -from tre oppoorle fore it, i Prgain »we Kkmow , Sub: ce 2 ay They sHhe atrevs obtataed obronbed in the eryoth''s, a - BAR ga — Oe ) 7 ND. 4J ox = - 2 40 a & 3y fiz a9 The minws pian anines due to the aboonptin of energy. CHrems + _feree Pre Force = Streny x Area Then the foree workn fon ~the sirens, O xm = ( — Ay. Az (2) 9 Ana the Pree works fr the ptreenr x ' ~ (24. hy (33 ay).tve i * * " trem Xp f/f oXe (Bag I $oy-bhe wet -foree works In ~-directhin, eee = + PAL 4 BHD) ge aye De on ay ov D xv ay tf J. ore nM Oye ! a By aaa I 4y42 Ov" 5 v. ——— . Dd Xx ary ‘a " atv = ee Top Tt OE But from The pymm™ etey 0 pereaHon of Dv elantic ptiffnens constant fare a cubic Deryortnt - Ka = Cu Cee eCi2 CPI Cle C2e ry = Cuy Ory XL 5 cyyiears Tren , 3 oun Dey ote ovu =( ——t Ce SL ti PaEe ox at st Cyy 2 cay lex 2g ers avy Deve (24 Deve | =u ta + lef atv Om 2 ae) ex \ seu ( et + Be o%u v, “Mw se mM OMY ciefO oe oa Dy eK'd2 m2 CH fo ON + BY aw oy Dy Ox 22M “F] | aU Se PR ote Bea Ot Oe, Day + (Cie t cug) {2 ae ayaa DLW Ths ig the general eq” of mootton ¢ aN elovte wove In xX direction ofA 1 tnble enyotn » Lee-o9 05 22_ i Deduee an cupreerrton fon the dorgirhud- Nol wave veloot ty in CC ioe] dirteo tion af a cubre enya tal. Poss) Fore Joma it uclinal wave both “the wane vechHr ond Fhe parnhHele dinplacement are moma. tle ~*~ -—Ccuve edge The genanes equation of mo-Hon . aU x6 Qu <2 oy Pra te cag (28 ogy Cin + Cq ovw +l (Say t a) © Here , UrVi W ame Khe components of dioploeemenk ee he NOI of that eq can be given by a ho na tucdinad wave ow , UUs e 1CEn-wt) there , ke SS io the Wave veetrr. LD = Zan 19 Phe angnlar Creauene bn whe e4” 21) ln Now, prcchlny “the ne voluenr } we get for wove Pree paytion In C100] dircectin i| Cu w+) evry (Ceonlp i . ne Cy 2 é | PERE veel h8) | Joong” I : | 3 f(x et) J le LHe Cie me IJ 1 : 1 bae= i = tu 2 fen we Wf le Povey {ue mye en fee 1 C koe ot C Ck w | ap Ye € os Us ke la | fee tA ete cae 1 7 “ ‘| ve cy k ae il wy eu | pe 2 il an es - AL | = ae r | 2209 aul OM ae c i D i cu | wm Va = Vo | c iI rvs yet Tar Deduee an ern pte msion Pon ~the +ramsvinse wore velocity tn Lt 2%) dr'reeetion for a cubre eryotat , PA! Tn eave of treamverse wave tte Wove Veet In aroma wt - Cube edge ond Phe PorHede dinplace went 10 In He Yodirection . Now the general C4 of Motion Inthe y-direction , otv 4 @™ 46 avy P= a1 = Cu aye +44 aN + Oe avu DYvw Ste Gl enmeta foe or é a4) Dy ox Saal —@ Now ;+he o0l% can be Qvew by a Horoveme wane» el Cléx st ) i putting tre valu in ea” CV, je{-vee 1Cee- we crip vee ge, YL ete | RY OTP | __—___— Or NE s cuy P Ths 15 “the ev fon ramp verse wove | in C Le oy dimection of a cubse velocity eryoht - + formula con Died dtrechion, ! wh cu Loe A Veo cay P : ¥ Cu TCE ey 1 oJ direeton, vy 2 oe reeen yg for COD A a Ve =\) Cte 2p i} rir yd cdkreeton, | fee € a Cr 2cie + 4 qq i Vaz ee 3p it I NE = Cu —Ar2 +C4y Op +* for Cu give Y) Three Comptonts , Cu =I bEXID rete Cue ey xi0l® dayne! em?, CHy 20.25 A 10 Aymefeme at 00K with demity p29. ot 9fem?. fd lengithrdived mons C00 direction amd an oJ direchon. Su”: Erreaanoogel diree+tion, we Vm a P - (oe Cet rs fon C''07, yc Cu eee t SCH 2p as 1.24 X1DIe 42 x0. F SY ede 2x9. 01€ en xD? ems! === = I Treemavense wove Veloetty, for ( 10° J) direction, cay e on asy x l0l ae a — = 2.94 10% Crs . 2.0 fore Cri od direction , ve YoNESE a be x 10th 2G x 10'e aT Pos D.ole Lee -(d 2105 10 Tay tHandness amd Handness -| esting : here meee 16 ® memune of the mesishnce sh amcted do Permanent ( plovdic) deforewotion , The hardness So metal 1S me odurced by fore an indentere ints its puntoce The inderkere ¢d yoterual, which is wruly obo pyramid oe cone 16 Wode «f amoterial muck hander thom The mokerial bela tested. Br enample, handened rteel , tung aten can bide ovrdiamond Are commonly wsed ywotertials pr indenters, fore wont Atondand hardness testy y a known hood 15 opplted eee Ra pre rhira the indenter ok 90° int the met aureface being tested After the indentoton has been Made , the indenten (Ss withdrawn roo m-fe nundree. . pn empirical horidness number i's ‘then cotertated ore read a dink » wer in bo osedl on-the crenrs -AechonalL omen 0M depth tmpremmn , | | None nia chs 8)! r 1 9 “Indentere te rem 4 frien oprcinen cundse | receiven + deowiea inden totic _ teow tation Figureet, Steps insthe measurement of hardness P wolth a dlamwond ~cone Mndenter "The depth t | determiner the hordness tthe motertiol The | ower -tre yaluce t-te the hand wie the maternal, | } “Tharetorie. pnun bere of different methide & i | testing ste -haridness: of a motecial Porn, I IndentaHon . 4 covnnen hardness tests are: i UL) Brine Test : | UD) Vickers test! - i VW) Kvooe Test | | (OY) Roek well Test - | | i | i CG) Oninadl test! Bainell hart ness tating toa nondestructive te sina meq hod that determines the handness of ametat by Treomuting tre rized OM indentation eft by an indenter 4n tg -fe sting methed , 10mm mpheree_of rteof or shang ate cornbide in ured on indenter, A Qe | | - Tt | Formula Foz hardness number y BUN = Leis tre dood). wef Ad (p+ Jota) Gt) wielesrey Test the Vickers ‘hordness rfent is atest perforrmed +e Measure the hardness of matkertialy , apeci fically thin a echbonrrand Dol parts. | Tw +his testing method ,diawond py ranud ig Used aS an indenterc - | | ae for: hatedmess num ber, we hte P. Aoad. VHN pric the doa cage | Ui) knoe (irdeetien test) he knoop horedness nbc ee Re lest 15 A microhardness ert For mechanical [hardness wed parcteulorty don very brie Weviadte rel aby on thin Aheets, where ory a mmr I inden frbon may be made For testing Pu repens In tu's testing method » diavnond pyramid is Uped a indenter . — ft. Sa > a £ - : re | | | | i bit = 00 \| | Formula for hardness nuvnber , bHN - 120 Te C Pes the toad’) OY) Rockweu-tecti Packwel horedness Heed ‘s ag emeral ‘method pr Fedamurcle phe bad herdness of mettre and polyrrere Woterial, Ty H's tes tive method, diame nd ene sh eae diameter nteel. phere ne de indinvacten oteel phere ame ured oan leer Modern Rockwelh Bandness testen har a digits read ont Lis play Go Ki Ras (50 i Rex po soo roe ka Ko = | | [ loo ka Pe ree 9 Coe = : pe zc & roo Ka ee athe hardness number fon eackof these tests depends On +Hhe Dhape’ of the identation and the applied food . The hardness ofa metal \ depends On the cone with whe if pes tically etd Been -Thuy a. reelabonstur between bee hardness and oteng th Pra partiauar medal ton be determined Sire a leetly The | | hardness Hest is) much aimplere Phan tbe Jensile fest and can be won-demtruptive, for there teem y ~Hhe haredness lest ia ured entte nn ively in industry For quality contnol. Chopter—F “Theory Alloga Sod ooluction Solid ooluton formed moot “4 1 reeod ify when Pre oalvent ard role atoms hove olmeont olyrilor orzen and | Cr Deheribe ai if ferent types of poll Polution | |, A: Am) There are wo Major ty pes oF Polid | olubrlity 5 () Subatiectionel GB) Intent ital, w Subn thonad Solid Sollction’ + Ton pubatitutin 1a : colid solution; tree is a direct aubsttution of ome tyre of atom for amo ther . So that [phe ooluke atoms enters che cryntal + take i poorer normally © Coup ted. by Aolvent ators | cu brttutiona Ao lid boluHoncforms dislen ~ftre noluse Eel polvent atoms pores aqnal ore approninmetely eg UAL diameters momple! Aotonic dinvnete of Cop per in 2250/ |) amd that ce Nickel Pn QE DA, Te nefore teso | oto for Pubohttu tonal “eol'd noluctHon. | Cun} | || The ree are two types oh aubat titre! | coltd Oo [whion ©) Din ordered! In bre -fonmahon of a oubatitetion Aolid olution ib pre colette. oon dono occupy any opeeitic positon bul gree distreibueled of reamdom pr Aattree Otueture jo wtled dinondered oubathtu- Honal Aolid coluchon - ; fe) CANT (WHjondered ). ef tthe polute otorvy move ite definite onde raely poottlem> hn the bonkHice ten i+ 7s Kmown os ordered cubs ttubiny Polid Ooluttoy « fe tw - Aw AJOOOe i) | | | _l_— - | Tatenatittad ‘sobtd Doation + T+ onms | when Ao lute plo) ore amoall OS compared i coluent ator. In Ws care the solute i pom? are unable +o nub wh tute Oolvert | pdms because of tarcae difference in diameter The actors which have atomic ‘radii Lens than EA Ore Ai kel +e form SD interathoal Dolid Oolution , Cuch atom (are carbon, nvtrtopen and onggen. | | Ex: Stee C Fe — CH) lee-— ; Sse Gy wht is los 7 - As A aub dtnee which fs com paned sfurd b overs MOTE Chemica com pound m which metr~We cles pricey necte 1 compoai tion and metallic vond preedom: nates jn caed ayy AUley. The element prenent in dorgent Prapertion is catled ~Hhe bare met ond att other elements xree Known ow aAleyicg elements The mUlog ing Llements con drzast coy Charge the phyrical , Chemin, mechanical and elect t cal preoperHee Ste bse metal. ie pefine phase dingram . write foun its Charactenishes . OA portion of A CYPtem that her uniform i phyrical and Chemical chanacterdsHes +5 called its phase . Phase Leogreom SOW [map Wich given. a relation ahip between “Fhe. phaores hn am equilibrium ayotern ow a -furetior of ceyyperature ; pree ure and componttn . J+ i¢ Oso Known od eVVilt bruum or constitu— \ i i +Honal Hagreom and io very important for, othe ntadg of nUoyo The clog reo to Corsist | of stempermture ore Pree mune ov its ordinte and comm pont ton ow its abr cima . | Chanaetenis Hires «Ke Phase Loar | GQ) 14 Ahowna ata glanee Phe phoren for are combination of Temperraturce amd ae Component - UW) Provider the Krowledge og phose eampanition ond phore tabi ity mw a Function Ae temperature . Gil) Man ke Uquidgy and polidyus ntokes. GY) Ppernmite + contro | the preocess of ) Phase neponation » Aotidi flection, purufiahdn and heat +reeatment . Ott Denenibe the Hume — Rothery rete fon the -funetion of pubrtaufonat aoli'd olution, firs’ Home -Rotherry reule Joven bre formation of nubntituHonal aaled Aoluction . Tere are four factors in Hume - a rete § | Tingire Nharmed Rimon WD eryott ntructunecheton 1 The emyntol labtice atreueture of “the aotucte and polvert Clements | phould be the pame jie., both ohowld Be i of beevce 4% fee and hep 2trtueture to complete the colubidity . Other wine Nhe elements will not merge into each othen we 1G) @elative pice fretor' Tf foo metaly Leva to onbbit eactenaive oolld polubsdity | | i+ is ennemtnd hot “Heir otore cliameferce | WA be ahmront pimilan Tf The ree lative | ize focton 6 Lens than [5x, then “the alloy pgotem WW rlows oubrtitition nol id i pola lity « | sty Chem at of Finity +fretor | The gy reedfery “the Chemie affinity of tHe metals the morte, | reeatritted fo thelr nolid aolubslity, when | the Cheruieal ot Fi ni ty in very bog +e medaly jwiu dend +o for~m an jnteremidiate phate rear hocceret it ostttceal” or give Chemical réeaction rother than ‘Formniva a ooltd roluhon . dM) Relative voloney frotor' ~The complene orbid colubility occu when The nodute amd rolvent “elements have the Alwilor valaneg, But if the tse element 16 Ob donne im valanee eleetreon hen itis ound that dhe metal of igh volence con dinvvab-g: . ony a omall amount at fawen VA ence met, wlile the [ower valence atom wey have good! nolubi lity for the Cugher volence retrl Explanation with ernomple: Tn AL-N! ally pyotem both yreten have -f. @e . Struetune, sie teelative arte foetor to oppreeximately Ib and “They hove Les ehemicad ocffinity, \ Ni tS lower valence ~Fhany AL and wy | i || 4 dinwlven Gy in, Ah See Iaphan walenes | pA cdimnolven only 0.04 Ye in Ni | Lee-12 24.05: 22 “a pisews the Levers ree C Lever arm principle i \n reenpect & n binary Phare diagram ) . | i fo Benides ee and the number & phaves I and phose Componi Hon The phe chagrowm | ono preovides Phe ince amat'on of the | proporchon of co~ emisting Phares at any “i given temperature by wring LeveRrute , Let wr conniclere binary gre oF Bisywuth | oma Anh mony ahown in-Figuine -2 ! ' 1 I t I nie i wov- a Maguidioy Cuenve To pw | a0 Xs Me | [4 «er “pee I ! | t I ' G0 ! 1 Temperature —> ou "ery | Now “Hae mmound of & given phase multi plied by Ise Lever arem This rule Pe Kvown ‘ay (Leven amm ePUnciple or seven rude From-b He imternrection of the Componition ahows by Nercheal Kne AL and ma iven Soothe rr Aine oP 1c futereum of a pimple Lever. oyatem are OM amd ™ r ea slew Lover arm .Jd+ can be olno Deen thad the Preoperthn of ppfid comme nponds He the Length of the Aegment adsreenk +o Mawes eurnve whereas the froeton of Lauds | commedponds by the Aength of Degrrent odpeest ty the colds curves The 1 Aothermal Une oup can be cowsidere px a tHe Une once yt gains The wo phases 9 eat Li b eum ol | pn ppecif ic tem perature . ike lever arm prineiple Gan be AP fon Bo% Bi and FOr Antimony at 200 “¢ plted are Sraction amount &f solid phase = TP x wor eS 2-40 2 6 —__— x |pd*/, 62-19 =~ 66-6794 Co)

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