Essay On Mathematics in Administration

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Importance of mathematics in the administrative

Patricia Guamán.




2015 - 2016
Importancia de las matemáticas en el campo administrativo
Patricia Guamán


Mathematics is an area that must be well grasped or apprehended by individuals,

because currently different societies consider that this mathematical knowledge operates
as the access route to other knowledge that is directly related to the growing
development. scientific, technological and social. It is well known that mathematics is
an extremely necessary skill for everyone, as it is the main tool with which human
beings have been able to understand the world around them.

Learning mathematics teaches us to think logically and develop problem-solving and

decision-making skills. Thanks to them we are also able to have greater clarity of ideas
and the use of language. With mathematics we acquire life skills and it is difficult to
think of any area that does not have to do with them. Everything around us has a bit of
this science.

Numerical skills in general are valued in most sectors, with some in which they are
considered essential. The use of statistics and effective probability is essential for a wide
variety of tasks such as cost calculation, risk assessment and quality control, and
modeling and problem solving. (Sánchez, 2010) There are those who propose that in the
current changing world in which we live, particularly in terms of technological
advances, the demand for mathematical knowledge is increasing.

Through this essay it is intended to make known, in a basic way, the importance of
mathematics in business administration based on the concept of mathematics, the
importance it has had over time in order to reach the conclusion of which It is its
importance within business administration. Therefore, it is not about judging the role of
mathematics by giving it value judgments, but rather looking at it as an alternative to
search for solutions.

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Importancia de las matemáticas en el campo administrativo
Patricia Guamán

As university students and future professionals, we must be clear about the panorama
and importance that mathematics has in the administrative field, in order to listen to
doubts and key points that allow us to solve different situations that we could face.


Management is defined as the process of designing and maintaining an environment in

which people working in groups efficiently achieve selected goals. This applies to all
types of organizations, whether small or large, profitable and non-profit companies,
manufacturing and service industries.

In short, administration consists of shaping organizations in a consistent and constant

manner. All organizations have people who are in charge of serving them to achieve
their goals, called managers, administrators, etc. .

Mathematics is applied to the company, a tool or service science for solving the
problems of the specialty, there is a necessary and permanent didactic renewal since
modern companies currently demand workers capable of carrying out three types of
tasks: problem identification, problem solving and strategy definition.

Mathematics represents a very ancient science, the first mathematical notions and
numerical symbolisms appeared as intellectual abstractions of the counting operation.
“Mathematics” is mainly a process of thought and ideas, generally the need arises to
solve problems in science, technology and everyday life ranging from how to model
certain aspects of a scientific problem.

Over time, mathematics has had great importance and multiple fields where it has been
used. It is an area that has been presented from many fields and different civilizations in
which it has played a very important role in the history of many, for example. In the
book “The Watchers of the Sky” you can perceive how mathematics contributed to
advances. of the Mayans, Babylonians, Greeks, etc.... in the development of their
calendars and the prediction of movements.

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Importancia de las matemáticas en el campo administrativo
Patricia Guamán

Nowadays the population knows almost everything about mathematics and the
relationship with it is only limited to the four functions. This distancing contrasts with
the importance that mathematics has in society today.

We use mathematics in everyday life and are necessary to understand and analyze the
abundant information that reaches us. But its use goes much further: in practically all
branches of human knowledge, mathematical models are used, and not only in physics,
but thanks to computers, mathematics is applied to all disciplines, so that they are in the
basis of engineering, of the most advanced technologies, such as space flights, of
modern medical diagnostic techniques, such as computerized axial tomography, of
meteorology, of financial studies, of genetic engineering (Martinón, 2005, pág. 33)

Mathematics is important because, as has been said before, we use it all the time in our
daily lives, we always need it and it also helps us develop our IQ, it helps us make
estimates, to solve problems correctly, to think based on logic and sets. This way we
avoid typical errors of common sense, it helps us to understand the world physically, to
look for the best solution among several possibilities and to know all the existing
possibilities, and in this way see the possibility of what we want, it also helps to
understand that there are too complex situations that we often underestimate.

Now, knowing how mathematics has been experienced over time, analyzing its concept
and the importance it has had, the most common activities of an administrator will be
demonstrated in order to demonstrate how mathematics helps in this area or profession.
and reach the conclusion of what importance it has within it.

The business administrator must manage five skills that will allow him to develop
correctly in his profession, these skills cannot be developed in the correct way if he does
not use mathematics, if he leaves it aside and does not apply it he will have difficulties
in developing them, that is That is to say, in the technical skill the administrator must
have the knowledge and expertise to carry out activities that include methods, processes
and procedures. How does mathematics influence this skill? Because throughout our
lives we have been taught to solve mathematical problems, equations and operations for
which we need to choose a correct and simple method to be able to arrive at the correct

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Importancia de las matemáticas en el campo administrativo
Patricia Guamán

answer and by continually practicing these processes in mathematics, in our daily life
and in this case in business administration, we will make it easier for us to make
decisions. decisions to choose the correct method, process or procedure for a given
problem. In the same way it is applied in conceptual ability, in human ability and in
design ability, mathematics allows us or gives us the ability to recognize important
elements in a situation, understand relationships and the ability to explore various
options and alternatives to come to the solution of a problem.

In the same way, when working in a company and providing loans or credits to people
or clients, mathematical formulas must be used to calculate the future payments that
debtors must make and in this way maintain efficient control within the company.
According to Alcántara, in his response, the importance of mathematics responds:
“mathematics is a powerful tool applied to this science for the interpretation of typical
situations in companies where managers must make decisions.” (Alcantara, 2011)


As we have seen, mathematics is important in all fields, and is frequently used in

business administration, the mistake of many in saying that mathematics is not
important or that it is not very useful for our daily lives may be that they do not know
how to apply it. in the correct way in different fields of life, many times they make a
mistake in conceptualizing it, and/or they have not taught the correct use to apply it in
different areas, which is why many people make the mistake of taking mathematics as
something not so important in the different fields because it is applied or known as
something very general, like just the numbers and that's it, and we leave aside the true
consequences of applying this, and the problem that we cannot see this is not not only
from us, but from many years ago that they have been teaching us mathematics as
something only about logic, adding, subtracting, equations, etc. and not as it should
really be taught, and we have not stopped to think about the benefits that this can bring
to our lives.


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Importancia de las matemáticas en el campo administrativo
Patricia Guamán

Alcantara, Y. (28 de Enero de 2011). Las matemáticas en la Administración de

Empresa. Obtenido de Slideshare:

Martinón, A. (2005). La Administración y las matemáticas. España.



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