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1. . What instructions did Paul give to Timothy of the Ephesians? (3-4)

2. What was the purpose of the commandment? (5)
3. Why did some stray? (6-7)
4. Who is the law for? (8-11)
5. What did God put Paul in? (12)
6. What was Paul before he became a Christian? (13)
7. To save whom did Christ come into the world? (15)
8. What are the two reasons Paul gave for which he obtained mercy? (13,16)
9. What phrases of praise did Paul offer? (17)
10. What personal charge did Paul give to Timothy? (18-19)
11. Who suffered shipwreck with respect to their faith? (18-19)
12. Why did Paul hand them over to Satan? (20)

Episode 2
13. What priority should prayer take? (1)
14. What types of prayer are mentioned? (1)
15. Who should we pray for? (1-2) What should we pray for? (2-4)
16. What is the test that God wants from all men to be saved? (5-7)
17. Where should we pray? (8)
18. How should we pray? (8)
19. How should women dress? (9-10)
20. How should women learn? (11)
21. What foundation did Paul use for a woman to be in submission? (11-14)
22. What promise was given to a woman who continues in faith, love and holiness? (15)

Chapter 3
23. What is said about a man who desires the position of a bishop? (1)
24. What qualifications are given for a bishop? (2-7)
25. How many of these ratings are moral ratings? (2-7)
26. What qualifications are given for a deacon? (8-13)
27. What shows that Paul expected to see Timothy? (14)
28. How does Paul summarize his purpose for writing this epistle? (15)
29. How does Paul describe the Church? (15)
30. What verbs were used to describe the mystery of piety? (16)

Chapter 4
31. What did The Spirit say what would happen in the last days? (1-5)
32. What would happen to the conscience of the apostates? (2)
33. What will apostates prohibit others from doing? (3-5)
34. What is nourishing the Christian? (6)
35. What would Timothy reject? (7)
36. What did Paul say about bodily exercise? (7-8)
37. How would Timothy be an example? (12)
38. Timothy was exhorted to pay attention to what? (13)
39. What was Timothy not to neglect? (14-15)
40. What was Timothy to pay attention to? (16)
Chapter 5
41. How should you treat the elderly? (1)
42. How should you treat elderly women? (2)
43. How should you treat young girls? (2)
44. Who, if available, should support widows? (4,8,16)
45. What type of widows should the church support? (5,7,9-10)
46. Which widows should not have the support of the church? (11-15)
47. How should elders who labor in the word and doctrine be treated? (17-18)
48. What is required before receiving an accusation against an elder? (19)
49. What should be done to those who are sinning? (20)
50. How should honor and reproach be administered? (21)
51. What does Paul say about laying hands on someone? (22)
52. Why did Paul tell him to drink a little wine? (23)
53. What might be clearly evident in some but hidden in others? (24-25)

Chapter 6
54. What instructions are given regarding servants and masters? (1-2)
55. How does Paul describe one who does not agree with the words of Jesus? (3-5)
56. What is the big profit? (6)
57. What should we be happy with? (8)
58. How can those who want to be rich fall for it? (9)
59. What is the root of all evil? (10)
60. What should you run from and what should you follow? (11)
61. What kind of fight should we be fighting? (12)
62. How does Paul describe the Lord Jesus Christ? (14-16)
63. What orders were given to the rich man? (17-19)
64. What was Timothy instructed to avoid? (20-21)

2 Timothy Chapter 1
65. How often did Paul pray for Timothy? (3)
66. What was said about Timothy's grandmother and mother? (5)
67. How was God's gift imparted to Timothy? (6)
68. What spirit has God given to us? (7)
69. What indicates that Paul was in prison when he wrote this epistle? (8,12,16: 2:9,4:6)
70. Why did God save and call Paul and Timothy? (9-11)
71. Who did Paul believe and what was he convinced of? (12)
72. What did Timothy have to firmly hold on to? (13-14)
73. Who abandoned Paul? (15)
74. What was said about Onesiphorus? (16-18)

2 Timothy Chapter 2
75. How did Timothy become strong? (1)
76. What did Timothy do with the things he had heard from Paul? (2)
77. How are we to withstand the test? (3)
78. What should a soldier not get entangled with? (4)
79. Who should a soldier please? (4)
80. Who should be the first to participate in the harvests? (6)
81. What is not limited? (9)
82. What faithful word is given? (11-13)
83. What must we do to be approved toward God? (15)
84. What should we flee and avoid? (16,23)
85. Whose words spread like cancer? (17-18)
86. What should those who call on the name of Christ do? (19)
87. What should we flee from? (22) What should we follow? (22)
88. What should the servant of the Lord do? (24-26)

2 Timothy Chapter 3
89. What did Paul prophesy about what would come in the last days? (1)
90. What will be the characteristics of men in the last days? (2-7)
91. What Old Testament characters does Paul liken these men to? (8-9)
92. What has followed Timothy carefully? (10-11)
93. What will all those who desire to live piously find? (12)
94. What is said about bad men? (13)
95. How long had Timothy known the Scriptures? (14-15)
96. What is the origin of all Scripture? (16)
97. . What is Scripture useful for? (16-17)

2 Timothy Chapter 4
1. What did Paul charge Timothy to do? (1-2)
2. What will many not want to hear in the last days? (3-4)
3. What works did Paul ask Timothy to do? (5)
4. What did Paul say regarding his battle and career? (6-7)
5. What reward awaited Paul and all those who love the coming of the Lord? (8)
6. Why did Paul say that Demas had forsaken him? (10)
7. Who did Paul say was with him at the time of writing this letter? (11)
8. Who did Paul want Timothy to bring with him? (11)
9. What did Paul want Timothy to bring him? (13)
10. Who did Pablo a lot of harm? (14-15)
11. Who was at Paul's side, strengthening him and delivering him? (16-18)
12. To whom did Paul send greetings? (19)
13. Who did Paul leave sick at Miletus? (20)
14. When did Paul want Timothy to come? (21)

Question 1. What did Paul instruct Timothy to send to the Ephesians? (1:3-4)
TO they do not teach different doctrine

b Let them rebuke and exhort with patience

d Those who preach the gospel must live by the gospel

Question 2 Who is the law for? (1:8-11)

TO Jews

b For the lawless and disobedient

c For the transgressors and disobedients

Question 3. What is the faithful Word worthy of being received by all:


TO That Christ Jesus came into the world to first Paul

b That Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners

c Wonderful Word that Christ Jesus came into the world

Question 4. To whom should be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. (1:17)

TO To the King of the centuries, immortal God of this century

b to the Great King of the ages, immortal, invisible, God

c To the King of the centuries, immortal, invisible, to the only and Wise God

Question 5 . Who was shipwrecked regarding faith? (1:19-20)

TO Alexander and Hymenaeus

b Demus, Trophimus

c Alexander, Hymenaeus and Aristarchus

Question 6 . What should be done first of all?


TO Permanent petition prayers

b Tithing and Fasting

c Read the word, permanently

Question 7. How should a woman dress? (2:9-10)

TO Fashionable and tasteful

b With modesty and modesty

c With gold, pearls and expensive dresses

Question 8 . What rationale did Paul use for women to be submissive? (2:11-14)

TO Adam was formed first and then Eve

b Adam was not deceived, but the woman, being deceived, transgressed.

c A and B

Question 9 . What is said about someone who longs for the pastorate or leadership in the
church? (3:1)

TO Wish a good deed

b You must make sure you are called by God

c He doesn't know what he's getting into

Question 10 . What qualifications were given for a bishopric but are not required for a deacon?

TO Being a husband of one wife, Host

b Rule your house well, blameless, not a miser, be tested first.

Able to teach, prudent, decorous, housebound, kind, gentle, not quarrelsome, not a
c neophyte

Question 11 . What will false teachers prohibit? (4:3-5)

TO Getting married and eating certain foods

b Grow your beard and wear engagement rings

c Having children, listening to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons

Question 12 How should Timothy be an example to others? (4:12)

TO Conduct, Love and faith

b Spirit, Purity, Conduct, Love,

c Word, Conduct, Love, Spirit, faith and Purity

Question 13. What was Timothy exhorted to do?


TO Occupy yourself in reading, exhortation and teaching

b Pray and Fast and the exhortation

c Fasting, being with other believers and teaching

Question 14 . What should Timothy be careful about? (4:16)

TO Of the church of God that was purchased with his blood

b That no one deceives them

c Of himself and the Doctrine persisting in it

Question 15 . What is it like for a believer who does not provide for his own, and especially for
those in his household? (5:8)

TO He has denied the faith, and is worse than an unbeliever

b An Idolater and Heretic

c A Blasphemer, Thief

Question 16 . At what age can a widow be put on the list to receive support from the church?

TO Over 50 years of age who has been the wife of one husband

b Over 60 who has been the wife of one husband

c Over 70 who has never been married

Question 17 . What does Paul say about laying hands on someone? (5:22)

TO Do not lay hands lightly on anyone

b Lay hands on the sick and they will recover

c Ordain elders by laying hands

Question 18. What should piety be accompanied by? (6:6)

TO Patience and Contentment

b Love, Faith and Hope

c Contentment

Question 19 . What can those who want to get rich fall into? (6:9)

TO Temptation, Foolish and harmful greed

b Traps, temptation and snare

c In temptation and snare, and in many foolish and harmful lusts,

Question 20 . What was Timothy taught that he should avoid? (6:20-21)

TO Of the Arguments of the falsely called science and those that cause division

b Of Philosophy and Psychology and Unknown Questions

c Of the talks about vain things, and the arguments of the falsely called science

Question 21 of 2 TIMOTHY . What was Paul sure that he lived in 2Timothy. (1:5)
TO Sincere faith inherited from his Jewish grandparents

b A sincere faith that he had learned from his grandmother and his mother.

c The faith of a child, unfeigned, Pure, Wonderful

Question 22. What was the apostle Paul sure about? (1:12)
Of your faith in Jesus Christ who is able to keep the testimony of the gospel to the
TO end

b Of his salvation in Jesus Christ through his good works

c Give your call to announce the message of salvation

Question 23 . Who abandoned Paul? (1:15)

TO Alexander the Coppersmith

b Hermogenes, Phygellus

c N. TO.

Question 24. What Onesiphorus did for Paul (1:16-18)

TO Many times it comforted him

b Many times he blessed him and consoled him.

c He helped him and visited him when he was in prison

Question 25. Who should Timothy commission to do what he heard from Paul? (2:2)

TO to happy men

b To faithful men who are qualified to also teach others

c To Men capable of evangelizing

Question 26 . How should we face hardships? (2:3)

TO like a good soldier

b like a pilgrim

c like a disciple

Question 27 . What must we do to present to God approved, and a worker who has nothing to
be ashamed of? (2:15)

TO Search diligently

b Fast

c Pray
Question 28 . Whose words eat away like gangrene? (2:17-18)

TO Hymenaeus

b Filet

c A and B

Question 29. What should everyone who calls on the name of Christ do? (2:19)

TO Depart from iniquity

b Do good to all men, especially the Faith

c Don't be proud

Question 30. What was the prophecy that Paul said would happen in the last days? (3:1)

TO Famines, Wars and rumors of wars

b Tremors, Pestilences

c Dangerous times

Question 31 . What are the characteristics of people in recent times? (3:4-5)

TO Traitors, impetuous, infatuated, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.

b Without mercy or desire to do good

c Very religious and students of science

Question 32 . Who did Janes and Jambres resist? (3:8-9)

TO To Pablo

b To Timothy

c To Moses

Question 33. How long had Timothy known the scriptures? (3:14-15)

TO Since childhood

b Since being converted

c Since his mother was saved

Question 34. What very important truth does it say (2Tim.


TO The entire Bible is inspired by God

b Of the commandments of Christ

c From the word was inspired by Holy Men

Question 35 . What is writing useful for? (3:16-17)

TO Correct, Teach

b To instruct in righteousness, and to reprove

c All the answers

Question 36. What work did Paul ask Timothy to do? (4:5)

TO Evangelist

b Apostle

c Prophet

Question 37 . Who did Paul say forsook him, loving this world? (4:10)

TO The rest

b Hermogenes

c Hymenaeus

Question 38 . Who was with Paul when he wrote 2 Timothy? (4:11)

TO Aquila

b Luke

c Priscilla

Question 39. Who caused Paul many evils? (4:14-15)

TO Alexander

b Hermogenes

c Hymenaeus

Question 40. Who did Paul leave sick in Miletus? (4:20)

TO Trophimus

b Onesiphorus

c Erastus
Author: 2 Timothy 1:1 identifies the author of the book of 2 Timothy as the apostle Paul.
Date of Writing: The Book of 2 Timothy was written in approximately 67 AD, shortly before the apostle Paul was
sentenced to death.
Purpose of the Letter: Imprisoned in Rome once again, the apostle Paul felt alone and abandoned. Paul
recognized that his earthly life would probably soon come to an end. The book of 2 Timothy is essentially “the last
words” of Paul. Paul looked beyond his own circumstances to express his concern for the churches and especially
for Timothy. Paul wanted to use his last words to encourage Timothy, and all other believers, to persevere in the
faith ( 2 Timothy 3:14 ) and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ ( 2 Timothy 4:2 ).

Key Verses: 2 Timothy 1:7 , “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of self-control.”
2 Timothy 3:16-17 , “All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for
training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. .”
2 Timothy 4:2 , “preach the word; that you urge in season and out of season; rebuke, rebuke, exhort with all
patience and doctrine.”
2 Timothy 4:7-8 , “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, the crown of
righteousness is laid up for me, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me on that day; and not only to me, but
also to all who love his coming.”

Brief Summary: Paul encourages Timothy to remain passionate about Christ and to remain steadfast in sound
doctrine ( 2 Timothy 1:1-2 , 13-14 ). Paul reminds Timothy to avoid ungodly practices and beliefs and to flee from
everything immoral ( 2 Timothy 2:14-26 ). At the end of time there will be intense persecution as well as apostasy
from the Christian faith ( 2 Timothy 3:1-17 ). Paul closes with an intense plea for believers to remain steadfast in the
faith and finish the race strengthened ( 2 Timothy 4:1-8 ).

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