Courtesy Naval. Unit 3

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Classified Public Information - Version 2 January/2020 We protect the blue of the flag

All our behaviors must denote a pleasant image in accordance with the institutional
principles manifested in appropriate conduct, treatment, body expression and the
wearing of the uniform, a sign of dignity and respect.

To this end, a good image must be consistent in all acts of service: military training,
refresher or promotion courses, participation in military ceremonies as members of a
detachment and those activities and meetings scheduled by their respective
Mission Support Command where matters of interest to the naval reserve are
discussed. JACID Circular May 2021

Classified Public Information Version 2 January/2020 We protect the blue of the flag
• It is a demonstration of respect for the superior, colleague or subordinate, it
is never avoided. The soldier always greets wherever he arrives, without
distinction of hierarchy or person.
• When shaking hands with a superior or a lady, you should expect them to
shake hands and you should not hold your hand too much or make sudden
movements. You should look frankly at the person's face.
• When a soldier is introduced to another of a higher rank, it is the latter's
responsibility to shake hands first.
• If a soldier must report to a superior, introduce himself or is called, he will perform the salute and will
remain in that position until the superior authorizes him to finish it or he answers.
• Once the report or conversation is over, the subordinate returns to greet the
higher upon retirement.
Classified Public Information - Version 2 January/2020 We protect the blue of the flag
• It should only be done on firm foot or at a walk. If the person to greet is
jogging or running, he or she must keep pace or stop.
• The subordinate who is seated must stand up when a superior addresses
him, remaining in a firm position while the superior speaks.
• When raising or lowering the flag, face it openly, keep saluting the head
cover until finished. If you are the one who raises or lowers a flag, do it
uncovered and in a firm position.
• When boarding a warship, all military personnel must salute first the flag and then the chief of the guard
and vice versa when leaving.
• Every soldier who wears civilian clothes must greet his superiors.

Classified Public Information Version 2 January/2020 We protect the blue of the flag
Personal presentation ladies NAVY
• The mesh should go on the top of the neck, the cap should rest on the bun.
For ceremonies or social events:
• Well-groomed hair, without extreme cuts, natural color, collected with the mesh
• Ladies should keep their nails groomed and painted with clear nail polish or natural
• For makeup, translucent powder, lip gloss, black eyeliner on the lower part of the eyelid,
blush according to the skin tone are used. For service events, makeup is limited to the
use of translucent powder and lip gloss.
• Skirt length for female staff must be mid-knee
• Accessories, hairstyles and makeup, which are part of the personal image,
They must be discreet, as well as earrings, rings and necklaces, they must be consistent
colors and sizes.
Classified Public Information Version 2 January/2020 We protect the blue of the flag
Presentation and good manners
• All staff must keep nails short and clean
• Always carry the identifier with: name, grade, code, blood group
• Male staff always clean shaven
• Men should keep their hair styled with a faded cut, the sideburn slightly
faded, it should not exceed eye level.
• Proper use of uniforms, clean, ironed, badges and degrees.
• The uniform must be worn in the size corresponding to the physical build of
the person.
POR, it is prohibited to fit it too tightly to the body or wear it too loose.
• A good institutional image must be ensured, for which a correct size-weight
ratio must be kept in mind.

Classified Public Information Version 2 January/2020 We protect the blue of the flag
• Make expressions of affection in public places, acts of service, walking hand in hand and/or
embraced by his companion.
• Do any type of business, loans, raffles, bets
• The vocabulary, words and form of verbal and non-verbal communication must be adequate and of
no vulgar or offensive manner.
Regarding the use of the cap and gloves:
• When you take off your cap, it should be carried under your left arm, holding your hand on the badge.
• In open places it must be worn and removed in covered places.
• The cap should never be lent to be worn by a civilian.
• If you sit down, you will be placed in a suitable place.
• Gloves must be put on in uncovered places, except the right one for greeting or signing.
• In covered places, gloves are normally not worn and are carried on the hand.
left, except in temples or in places where formal aptitude is required.
• Always wear it if you are on duty or mation
Classified Public Information — Version 2 - January/2020

We protect the blue of the flag

Prohibitions when wearing the uniform
• Attending public places or events that are not at the level of an officer such as
off-duty events: sports, cultural, religious, social, political, marches
• Being accompanied by people of dubious reputation or bad appearance
• Traveling with packages or bulky items in your hands
• When using public transportation, cover uniforms and accessories in order to
avoid tarnishing the uniform and for personal safety.
• Abusing alcoholic beverages at social events
• Removing one's uniform or part of it in public
• When wearing the uniform, DO NOT show rank or authority, do not intervene
in matters that compromise the institution or in places that disrupt
public order.

Classified Public Information Version 2 January/2020 We protect the blue of the flag
• Use uniforms, garments, insignia, badges, decorations, plaques or degrees outside the

Accessories such as: piercings, bracelets, anklets, chains should not be visible. Neither tattoos or
expander rings.
Do not shine on public roads
Don't keep your hands in your pockets
Using backpacks in dress uniforms
Do not carry bags on your shoulder, these will be carried in your left hand
Do not travel by motorcycle taxi, bicycles, skates or similar
• Do not use fluorescent or pastel umbrellas
• Do not sit on platforms, walls
• During military ceremonies, formations, floral offerings or when reporting to a superior, the use of

• Do not use colored contact lenses while wearing the uniform .

sunglasses is prohibited.
Net tag NAVY

Be careful with the use of social networks, only what is expressly authorized is
allowed to be published: images and information
Only for official pages, not personal
Never publish images of garrisons or restricted places in RS
Do not give opinions on political, religious or ideological matters, no jokes or pranks
When answering the cell phone, greet properly Respond to emails or calls in a timely
manner Be careful with personal photos
When you receive a call in a public place, leave to speak privately
Avoid discussing security or ARC issues in public
Do not speak loudly or use harsh and double meaning language
Reply as soon as possible
Also turn it off in places such as: meetings, a temple, at public or academic events, in a movie theater, a
restaurant, a date, a hospital, a viewing room .
Classified Public Information Version 2 January/2020 We protect the blue of the flag

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