Human Skeleton

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FUNCTIONS ● Biceps (brachial and brachialis) -

This is the muscle on the front of

MOBILITY your upper arm that bulges when

you flex your arm. Its main job is to
Muscles are arranged in groupings of
bend your elbow, but it also helps
agonists, antagonists, and synergists that
rotate your forearm.
produce and modulate movement
○ Brachialis: This deep muscle
sits under the biceps and
helps bend the elbow.
○ Coracobrachialis is another
minor muscle in the upper
arm that works with the
biceps to flex the arm at the
shoulder joint.

● Deltoid - the large, rounded muscle All muscles could be stabilizer muscles.

that covers your shoulder joint. The They are tasked with stabilizing the body

fixator stabilizes the arm and and extremities during multiplanar

shortens it with contraction (prime movements, while primary movers are

movers). the muscles doing most of the work.

● Triceps (brachii) - the muscle on

the back of your upper arm. It has 4 MAIN ABDOMINAL MUSCLES

three sections, hence the name ● Rectus abdominis - This is the long,
"triceps.” The triceps work in the flat muscle that runs vertically
opposite direction of the biceps down the front of your abdomen. It
and straighten your arm at the is the one that forms the familiar
elbow joint. The antagonists relax “six-pack” when it is toned
their arms. It returns limbs to the
previous position.
● External obliques - These are the ● Weak lower traps and serratus
muscles on the sides of your anterior - the lower traps are in the
abdomen. They run diagonally middle of the back, and the
down from your ribs to your pelvis serratus anterior is on the side of
and help you rotate your torso the chest. Weakness in these
● Internal obliques - These deep muscles can lead to poor posture
muscles are underneath the and rounded shoulders.
external obliques. They also run
diagonally, but in the opposite CIRCULATION
direction, and help you compress Helps with the blood flow throughout the
your abdomen and rotate your body to deliver oxygen and nutrients to all
torso the parts
● Transverse abdominis - the
deepest layer of muscle in your STRIATED INVOLUNTARY MUSCLE CELLS
abdomen, and it wraps around
● Cardiac muscle - This is the
your spine like a girdle to provide
involuntary muscle that makes up
support and stability
the heart. It contracts rhythmically
to pump blood throughout your
POSTURE body. Like skeletal muscle, cardiac
Holds the body in good posture so we muscle is also striated.
do not slouch. The main muscles in the ● Smooth muscle - This involuntary
body responsible for maintaining posture muscle is found in the walls of
are the pectoral muscles (pectoralis hollow organs like the stomach,
minor). intestines, bladder, and blood
vessels. It helps these organs
3 MAIN POINTS contract and relax to perform
● Tight upper traps and levator various functions.
scapula - these muscles are in the ● Skeletal muscle - This is the
upper back and neck. Tightness in voluntary muscle that makes up
these muscles can contribute to most of the muscles in your body. It
neck pain and headaches is attached to bones and helps you
move your limbs.
○ The microscopic structure of flowing backward from the ventricle
skeletal muscle gives it a to the atrium.
striped appearance, which is ● Pulmonary valve - This valve
why it is also called striated separates the right ventricle and
muscle pulmonary artery. It prevents blood
from flowing backward from the
PARTS OF THE HEART artery to the ventricle.

● Right ventricle - This is the lower ● Mitral valve - This valve separates

chamber on the right side of the the left atrium and left ventricle. It

heart. It receives oxygen-depleted prevents blood from flowing

blood from the body backward from the ventricle to the

● Aorta - This is the large artery that atrium.

carries oxygen-rich blood away ● Aortic valve - This valve separates

from the heart to the rest of the the left ventricle and aorta. It

body. prevents blood from flowing

● Pulmonary artery - This artery backward from the aorta to the

carries oxygen-depleted blood ventricle.

from the right ventricle to the lungs

where it picks up oxygen. RESPIRATION
● Left ventricle - This is the lower Respiration involves muscles of
chamber on the left side of the inspiration (inhaling) and expiration
heart. It receives oxygen-rich blood (exhaling)
from the lungs.
● Superior vena cava and inferior INSPIRATION (INHALE)
vena cava - These large veins carry The main muscles involved in inhalation
oxygen-depleted blood from the are the diaphragm and the external
upper and lower body respectively intercostal muscles. The diaphragm is a
to the right ventricle. dome-shaped muscle that separates the
● Tricuspid valve - This valve chest cavity from the abdominal cavity.
separates the right atrium and right When it contracts, it pulls the lungs
ventricle. It prevents blood from downward, which increases the space in
the chest cavity and lungs. This decrease
in pressure allows air to flow into the ● Longitudinal muscle layer - This is
lungs. The external intercostal muscles the outer layer of muscle. When it
are located between the ribs. When they contracts, it shortens the intestine
contract, they pull the ribcage upward and pushes food forward.
and outward, which also increases the
space in the chest cavity and lungs. Peristalsis is the involuntary wave-like
movement of the gastric muscles which
EXPIRATION (EXHALE) allows for food to be partly digested and

Expiration is normally a passive process moved through the digestive tract.

that relies on the natural recoil of the

lungs and chest wall. However, some URINATION
muscles can help force air out of the Helps remove waste from the body by
lungs during forceful expiration, such as squeezing the muscles in the bladder.
coughing or heavy lifting. These muscles Urination involves the detrusor muscles of
include the internal intercostal muscles, the bladder.
the abdominal muscles (including the ● Urinary Bladder - a muscular,
rectus abdominis, obliques, and sac-like organ in the lower
transversus abdominis), and the scalene abdomen that stores urine.
Urine is produced by the kidneys and
DIGESTION travels down two tubes called ureters to

Help move the food to the digestive the bladder.

system to get the energy that is needed

from the food. Digestion involves smooth CHILDBIRTH
involuntary muscles (gastric muscles) Childbirth involves the pelvic floor

● Circular muscle layer - This is the STRUCTURE

inner layer of muscle. When it 1. Arranged in bundles (fascicle)
contracts, it constricts the 2. Linked with nerves, bones, and
passageway through the intestine. blood vessels
3. Chemical components are water,
protein, fat, and glycogen.
4. Structural components are
connective and adipose tissues


Generally characterized by premature


Generally characterized by gradual
muscle degeneration.

Generally characterized by
over-accumulation of uric acid crystals in
joints limiting muscle movement

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