Prereport 3

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Experiment N°3

Physics Lab Pre-Report

Name of the Experiments:
1.Acceleration Experiment
2.Inclined Plane Experiment
3.Collision Experiment
Name of the students:
Cañete Elías (CE)
Insfran Diego (CE)
Vera Rubén (EME)
Yegros Alejandro (CE)
Civil Engineering
Electromechanic Engineering

Date: 11/04/2024
1.Acceleration Experiment
Objective of the experiments:
The objective of this experiment is to probe Newton´s 2nd Law,
comparing theoretical and experimental value, understanding how
an accelerated system works.

Newton's second law of motion states that the acceleration of an
object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and
inversely proportional to its mass. Mathematically, it is expressed as:



● F is the net force acting on the object,

● m is the mass of the object, and

● a is the acceleration of the object.

a = F/m

This equation implies that if you apply a force to an object, it will

accelerate in the direction of that force. The greater the force applied,
the greater the acceleration, and the smaller the mass of the object,
the greater the resulting acceleration for a given force.

In simpler terms, Newton's second law essentially quantifies the

relationship between the force applied to an object, the object's mass,
and the resulting acceleration. It's a fundamental principle in
classical mechanics and is used extensively in physics to analyze the
motion of objects under the influence of forces.
The acceleration also can be calculated from torricelli´s equation in
this way: a = (Vf2 - Vo2)/2∆x


● a= acceleration
● Vf= final velocity
● Vo= initial velocity
● ∆x= displacement

● Aluminum plaataform
● Dynamic Cart
● Diaphragm
● Stainless Support rods
● Precision pulley plastic stopper with velcro
● Aluminum right angle clamp launch pad with iron bars
● Slide clamp for support Rods Fishing tread
● U type aluminum hanger
● Mass sets
● Photogate timer
● Easy Sense V-log kit

Place the cart at 85 cm and add a weight of 50g to the counterpoise. Then drop the counterpoise and
record the data read by the sensors.

Add a weight of 100g to the cart and repeat the previous step. Record the data.

Add a weight of 100g to the counterpoise and repeat the experiment. Record the data.

2.Inclined Plane Experiment

Objective of the experiments:
Verify Newton's second Law of motion using an inclined plane and
When an object is on an inclined plane, it’s gravity can be
decomposed into its rectangular coordinates, one is parallel and the
other perpendicular to the plane. The perpendicular is the force that
pulls the object down.

With Newton's 2nd law, the acceleration of the sliding can be

obtained with the equation:
Therefore, the acceleration is determined by gravity and the angle of
the plane.
● Aluminum plataforma
● Aluminum right angle clamp
● Plastic sttoper with belcro
● Launch pat with iron bars
● Slide clamp for support Rods
● Mass set
● Easy sets v-log kit
● Photo gate timer
● Dynamic cart
● Diaphragm
● Stainless Support rods
First we need to place the mobile 90 cm from the platform before
starting the movement.
Then we begging the experiment with 7° and without adding extra
weights, repeat the experiment 3
more times and record the data given by the program. Later Add 200
g to the vehicle and
repeat the 3 attempts.
With the previous processed finished , change the angle to 9° and
repeat all the cases
made in the previous step.
3.Collision Experiment
Objective of the experiments:
Demonstrate that for every action, there is an equal and opposite
reaction, by explaining the forces experienced during collisions,
verifying Newton’s Third Law.

Conservation of Momentum:
In a closed system (no external forces acting), the total momentum
before a collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision.
Mathematically, this can be expressed as:
Types of Collisions:
● Elastic Collisions: These are collisions where both momentum
and kinetic energy are conserved. In an elastic collision, the
total kinetic energy before the collision is equal to the total
kinetic energy after the collision.
● Inelastic Collisions: In these collisions, momentum is conserved,
but kinetic energy is not. Some kinetic energy is converted into
other forms such as thermal or sound energy.
Coefficient of Restitution (e):
This is a measure of how much kinetic energy is conserved in a
collision. It is defined as the ratio of relative velocity of separation to
the relative velocity of approach:

Where: u= final velocity

v= initial velocity
● Aluminum Platform x1
● Dynamic Cart x2
● Diaphragm x2
● Stainless Support Rods x2
● Aluminum Right Angle Clamp x2
● Plastic Stopper with Velcro x1
● Launch Pad with Iron Bars x1
● Slide Clamp for Support Rods x2
● Mass sets: 100g x4; 50g x3; 10g x10
● EASY SENSE V-log kit x1
● Photogate Timer x2

● Elastic Collision
- Without adding any weight, place one of the carts at 0 cm and then
the other cart between the two sensors.
- Push the cart placed at 0 cm with a small force towards the other
cart and record the data read by the sensors, repeat this procedure 3
- Add 200g to the cart placed at 0 cm and repeat the above
- Change the 200g to the other cart and repeat the experiment.
● Inelastic Collision
- Without adding weight place the one of the carts at 115cm and the
other cart between the two sensors.
- Push the cart placed at 115 cm with a small force towards the other
cart and record the data read by the sensors, repeat this procedure 3
- Add 200g to the cart placed at 115 cm and repeat the above
- Change the 200g to the other cart and repeat the experiment.

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