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Project title: Love and mathematics

Student name: Kevin Vega Diego

Teacher's name: Juan Orlando Ángel
Delivery date: April 12, 2019
Summary: 15 pages

Chapter 1
A Mysterious Beast
It's about a boy who wondered how one becomes a mathematician and he told us
about his life and how it happened and at first he hated mathematics, he thought it
was too boring, what he really loved was everything about physics, especially
quantum said that they devoured every popular book on the subject that they could
get their hands on
He tells us about his life that he was born in Russia where he found the types of
books he was looking for easily.
From there he began to tell us a little about physics, that in the 20th century it was
shown that atoms existed, but almost at the same time scientists discovered that
they could be divided into smaller particles, it turned out that each atom consisted
of a central nucleus. with electrons in orbit around it.
Then he told us about the scientist Murray Gell-Man where he invented quark
particles, he says that he took his name
from James Joyce's book Finnegans
Wake in which there is a satirical poem
that goes like this:
Three quarks for Muster Mark!
Sure he hasn't got much of a bark
And sure any he has it's all beside the
I thought it was neat for a physicist to name a particular one after a novel,
especially one as complex and non-tribal as Finnegans Wake.
Then he brought up the topic of protons and neutrons, that a neutron is composed
of two quarks (down) and one (up) and a proton is made up of two quarks (up) and
one (down).
Later he decided to go to a different school in Moscow but he thought it was very
precise and there he met a mathematician teacher named Yevgeny Yevgenievich
says that one day his mother met him and they started talking and he overheard
that they wanted to make him a mathematician.
Then he started talking to him about mathematics and they got to know each other.
Episode 2
The essence of symmetry
For most people, mathematics is about numbers. They imagine mathematicians as
people who spend their days processing numbers, said the boy.
He says that at least for him, until Yevgeni Yevgenievich arrived, he introduced him
to the concepts and ideas of modern mathematics, one of them turned out to be
key to the discovery of quarks, the concept of symmetry, but... What is symmetry?
—he asked himself.
Well, we all intuitively understand that it is we recognize it when we see it. When
he asked people to give him an example of symmetry, they usually mentioned
butterflies, snowflakes or the human body.
When it perishes, it is wrong, Yevgeny Yevgenievich told him, because they
generally compare it to a table. Symmetry is a clear example of the place or shape
that something is found. For example, let's put a square table and a circular one, if
you divide them and go and move them. You can easily deduce that the square
one has changed its location since it can be seen from its shape, but the circular
one does not because it
does not have bone
symmetry, an angle from
which things can persist
where the angles can be
added and get a result of 0
or 360 degrees. which in the
same way is equivalent to 0
they clearly give you the butterfly because if you turn it around it looks upside down
and the snowflake changes its shape no since it has a circular shape without
knowing if the human being moved or not yes because of In the same way, if you
change its position, in the same way you realize where it was changed and how it
was changed. When he told him that, mathematics finally became useful to him.
He began to be interested in it without knowing why, maybe it was his way of
describing it or not. it's known
In the end, Yevgeni Yevgenievich tells him that if he thought the class was good,
he answered yes because he doesn't know, he assumed that he would start to like
it from that point on.
Chapter 3
The fifth problem
Yevgeny Yevgenievich's plan worked perfectly and was converted to mathematics.
He learned quickly and the more he delved into mathematics, the more fascinated
he became and the more he wanted to know what happens when you fall in love:
He began to meet with Yevgeny Yevgenievich periodically, giving him books to
read and once a week they would meet at the school where he worked to talk
about the readings.
Moscow had many schools, but not just one place to study mathematics: Moscow
State University better known by its initials of the Russian Moskjovskiy
Gosudarstvenny Universitet or known as MGU. Its famous Mekh-Mat, the
department of mechanics and mathematics, was the flagship of the Soviet Union's
mathematical program where they gave you tests.
It turned out that he received a letter that said that they were waiting for him in the
school office. He was nervous. He didn't know what was going to happen. When
he arrived, he entered and met a young lady and asked for a seat. He began to
answer everything and in the end they told him his name and his name is Edward
Frenkel from the Mekh-Mat department and he told him what his nationality was
and he said Russian he asked him his mother's and maybe she was Russian but
his father was not his father was Jewish and from there the problems began they
did not accept Jewish because at that time there was the Hitler thing, fortunately
they would not realize that he had been Jewish but unfortunately due to his father's
nationality and last name, they would find out everything if there was no doubt they
could not accept him since he belonged to the Jews for the same old problem,
racism. The kids at his school teased him by telling him that its meaning was
Jewish. Maybe they didn't know its meaning but he did and he didn't like that at all.
When he left school, it was already night when he suddenly saw his parents
excited, but the moment they saw his face and the folder they knew that something
bad was happening in there.
Chapter 4
That night after his exam, his parents and he returned home quite late, they were
still in the initial state of shock, unable to believe what had happened to him.
He said that it was an unpleasant experience for his parents and that he always
had a very close relationship with them and they had always supported him in
everything and of course they were proud of his achievements but unfortunately
not the exam.
He said that thirty years ago in 1954 his father's dream of being a theoretical
physicist had been shattered just as ruthlessly but for a different reason.
Total says that the next morning he went to Moscow and went to the offices where
they gave him the test and when he entered he told the man that the level of those
requesting access to the applied mathematics program was quite high due to the
large number of students like your son not accepted at MGU
But then the lady said:
-If your son is as bright as you say, he will be accepted here. There is no
discrimination against Jews in exams and admission.
Later, when he got home to talk to his mother, he didn't have as good news as the
schools he was looking for, like the Oil and Gas Institute where they have good
applied mathematicians, but he didn't have enough, but then he searched and
found another one just like it, or I think it was the same one, but hey. Mark Saul
explained that his school nickname was Keronsika, which reflects his pride and
Time passed and he took his exam and in the end he got a 5 for excellence and he
says that it did not come easily to him since apparently some of his solutions were
incorporated incorrectly.
Well in the end he entered school in 1984 where he began his school year and met
his new classmates, many of his same classmates went through the same
experience of him being part of the most talented mathematics students except He
and his dormmate Misha Smolyak from Kinishiniev
At the end of this, meanwhile he learned as much mathematics as he could in
Kerosinka, he lived as a boarder but returned home on weekends and still met with
Yevgeny Yevgenyevich every two weeks, he advised me on books to read and he
informed him of his progress but he was already quickly reaching the point at which
if he wanted to maintain his progression as well as his motivation he would need a
tutor with whom he could meet more frequently and from whom he could not only
learn but also obtain a problem to work on completely. He was very shy to
approach someone like A. TO. Kirilov and asking him to study individually or to
give him a job felt very lonely and at that moment he began to doubt whether he
could achieve his dream of becoming a mathematician.
Chapter 5
The strands of the solution
He was beginning to despair when one day during a break in a Kerosinka class
one of his most respected mathematics teachers Aleksandr Nicolaevich Varchenko
approached him in the hallway. He is a former student of Vladimir Arnold and a
world-class mathematician in his own right.
He told him that if he would be interested in working on a mathematical problem,
he answered very happily, yes, of course, and what work it would be. The teacher
tells him there is a question that has arisen in his research and he believes that it is
a good problem to pass on to a brilliant student like he
He has spoken with a certain Dmirtry Borisovich Fuchs, the expert on the subject,
and he agrees to supervise a student's investigation on the subject. He gave the
number to the boy and he told him what to do.
He decided to dial and gave him his address as he went, he was in an interrogation
which he managed to pass. When he was talking, he told him that if he helped him
with the problem, he accepted and told him
-You already know what is going to be done
-In fact, I already have the copies, I'll give them to you tomorrow.
When he gave them to her he said, be careful and when you don't understand a
word, tell me and he said it was okay. He decided to go with Yevgeny
Yevgenievich to do the thing of knowing the correct words before all the summary
or the copies that he gave him were about nothing more and nothing less than the
group of braids that was talked about
in chapter two then well if you don't
know the groups of braids are like
symmetries, one example was circular
like the one on the tables, well at last
the image was seen and it was a flat
surface with cables intertwined with
nails and each one had a number, for
N: n-1, n-2, n-3…
In short, there were six lines, and there had to be a formula to know how to make
the lines straight without any doubles. In the end, they were finding a way to find
the formula to get that and in the end, it was obtained after so many attempts and it
Which group b was for n=3, 4.5
And the a for n=1,2,6
He then connects the ends of the females attached to nails with the same number
on both plates. This creates what mathematicians call a bond, a union of closed
curves that intersect.
In an example of this situation, there is only one closed curve, the name that
mathematicians call a knot. In general, there will be several closed strands. In
biology, the example of DNA is applied to see its knots on the basis that they can
be disassembled.
In the end he continued with the mathematical problem and when he arrived at the
MGU he finally had a problem to work on and in the end he came back to the game
Chapter 6
Mathematician apprentice
Solving a mathematical problem is like completing a puzzle only you don't know in
advance what the final image will be like it could be difficult or it could be easy or
maybe it could be impossible to solve you will never know until you do it this
uncertainty is perhaps the most difficult aspect of be a mathematician.
This dilemma plagues all mathematicians. Let's look at one of the most famous
mathematical problems in history, Fermat's Last Theorem, to see how one can be
a mathematician when the problem is easy to state but the solution is much less
than obvious.
Let's put a natural number n, that is, 1,
2,3... and consider the following equation:
n n n
X +Y =Z
With the natural numbers x, y and z
If n = 1 we will have the equation
X +Y =Z ,
Which surely has many solutions among the natural numbers: just take any x and
any and set z=x+ and
Anyway, the guy teaches you everything related to mathematics but then he goes
to his classes which in the previous chapter we talked about his mathematical
problem, well in the end he ended up solving the problem, he achieved it, he
showed it to his teacher and the result It was impressive, anyway, later it gave him
more problems and with the help of Yevgeny Yevgenievich he managed to solve
more problems.
It was the best possible result. After adding the paragraph required by Gelfand, he
sent the article and it ended up in the magazine. Thus, his first mathematical
project was completed. He had crossed his first threshold and was at the beginning
of a path that would lead to the magical world of modern mathematics and at the
end he said
Chapter 7
Grand Unification Theory

The solution to his first problem was in some way his initiation into the temple of
mathematics in a somewhat casual way. The next mathematical project he carried
out with Funchs brought him fully into the Langlands Program, one of the most
profound and fascinating mathematical theories.
Anyway, later he went to the topic of a teacher who spoke in the same way about
symmetry and its mathematical problems, whose name is Roberts Langlands
because his intention was more ambitious than that of putting together just a few
islands, instead the program Langlands began in the year 1960 and has become a
search to find the mechanism by which to build bridges between those islets due to
the little relationship they seemed to have.
Master Langlands was born in 1936 in a small
town called Vanclover. In short, he proposed
many theories such as that of unification,
which said that when one adds as many times
as possible, he gets a number, for example.
1+1=2, 1+1+1=3 etc.
In the same way with negative numbers it is
the same but always with the different sign. After a scientist named Evariste Galois
was born, he proposed the square root in geometric shapes, as an example, the
triangle, which one of its sides had the square root of 2 and the rest 1 and 1,
anyway, he said that this group should be called Galois in honor of him. The only
thing you do is take the root of 2, which is 1.41 and its two sides are 1, and here
the typical triangle formula is applied. which is bxh/2 so its base is 1 and its height
is 1 so 1 times 1 is one and then it is added to 1.41 which gives 2.41 and that
would be the last result of the entire equation, it could be said like this for
everything that is Now let's not wait and let's go to the next chapter, the good thing
is coming.

Chapter 8, 9, 10
Magic numbers, The rosette stone, In the

Chapter 8
When we first talked about symmetries in Chapter 2 we saw that representations of
a group called SU(3) govern the behavior of elementary particles. The Langlands
program also focuses on the representations of groups but this time it is the Galois
group of symmetries of a numerical body of the type that we saw in the previous
This chapter tells us about the magic numbers as the topic says, in reality it doesn't
make that much sense, they just keep talking about the previous topics in general,
the only thing that changes is about the positive or negative integers in the table of
x and y, the negative ones go from left side of the table to right side the positives
that are being xy above is positive and below is negative and are y
Chapter 9
In 1940, during the war, Andre Weil was imprisoned in France for refusing to serve
in the army, as explained in the obituary published by The Economist. He was
shocked by the damage that the First World War had done to French
mathematicians when an erroneous notion of equality against the sacrifice led to
the massacre of the country's young scientific elite, in view of which he believed he
had a duty not only to himself but to civilization.
In this chapter they talk more about what the curves of the sphere or any other
body with curves are. They explain the square root. They explain its formula, which
is y 2 =x 3 +x 1
And that's how they go about the whole topic in general.
Chapter 10
In Moscow in the autumn of 1966 he was in the third year of his studies at
Kerosinka with the article about braid groups finished and sent Fuchs had a
question for him
What do you want to do now?
He wanted another problem to solve. It turned out that for several years Fuchs had
been working with his former student Boris.
In this chapter we only talk about his teacher, first
of all, about his life, then they tell us a little about
what the straight lines in the world or in a circle are,
where they get formulas to be able to find out what
is coming without being able to get the answers.
lines of the end circle
Chapter 11, 12, 13
Conquer the Top, The Tree of
Knowledge, The Call of Harvard
Chapter 11
Towards summer he was already prepared to share
his findings with Funchs, I knew that Wakimoto's
article would excite him as much as he went to see
Funchs at his pleasure, but upon my arrival he told
him that there was a small problem that had arisen
with him the same day and with his collaborator and
former student Boris Feigin without realizing it, he
said, although he did not believe him and many years later he confirmed that it had
been intentional.
This chapter only talks about who is a better student and how one can reach the
top to be a better mathematical student.

Chapter 12
Even though he knew that he would never be allowed to have an academic career,
he continued studying mathematics. Mark Saul talks about it in his article, referring
to the diminutive name of Edik.
What impelled Edick and others to continue like salmon against the current?
Everything indicated that the discrimination they had suffered at the university level
would continue in their professional lives. Why then should they prepare so
intensely and against all odds for a career in mathematics?
In this chapter they talk about another project which is about medicine which has to
find out diseases but it is not that simple but they also have to make mathematical
formulas to be able to change it.

Chapter 13
In the midst of all that stress and uncertainty, in March 1989, a letter arrived from
the United States on Harvard University letterhead.
Dear Dr.Frenkel:
On the recommendation of the mathematics department, I would like to invite you
to visit Harvard University in the fall of 1989 as a recipient of the Harvard
Fellowshipxx Award
Sincerely, yours,
Derek Bock
President of Harvard University
In this chapter we only talk about that school which has to do with his life since it
could change him completely since his life's dream was to be a mathematician
there but it was decisive whether to stay there or stay in the school that they let him
enter. They didn't let him have a decent master's degree to study mathematics,
which is why he was a Jew, well, not a Jew, yes, his nationality came from
Germany and unfortunately he couldn't stay, so he decided to go to that school.

Chapter 14, 15, 16, 17,18

Binding the beams of wisdom, A delicate

dance, Quantum duality, Discovering

hidden connections, Searching for the
formula of love

Chapter 14
In this chapter it is about the fact that spring arrived and visitors arrived, one of
whom was a famous man named none other than Vladimi Drienfeld, who changed
the direction of Erick's research and, in more ways than one, his mathematical and
mathematical career. everything that happened thanks to Langland's program, he
had heard before that he was a mathematical scientist who put curves on finite
bodies and the Riemann surface as the theory of numbers, which we saw in the
theory of numbers in a chapter where everything is can be added with one, another
different result is given. The second topic is about the lines of chapter 13 where
they said that there were many curves in finite bodies and the third topic is about
the topic that was seen when talking about the surface of the bodies.

Chapter 15
In the fall of 1990 Erick became the very
advanced doctoral student at Harvard who had
to make the move from visiting professor to
something more permanent. Joseph Bernstein
agreed to be Erick's doctoral tutor.
Then he talks to you about the form of a film
script, which by the way is very long, but we
are going to write a little talk about the groups
of SO (3)) which has to do with what is given
and about the glass movement from left to
right. right and now a formula is drawn to get
the result

Chapter 16
In this chapter he talks about the forms that when relegated make a wave in the
experiments while they appear as compact and localized particles in other
experiments that are the figures looking for what the formula is and who invented it
in order to get everything that is due and in the end they manage to get it out but
that doesn't end, they continue with hidden things that we don't know if they are
good or bad, we just have to wait to see what happens and explain it here
Chapter 17
In this chapter they only say when Erick goes to where a library was where he
steps on the carpet where Einstein spent his time and that in 2004 he managed to
find out the following:
They talk about what is the straight line of the cylinders or any other figure, only on
this occasion it is said that the cylinder has two straight lines, one vertical and the
other circular. In the same way, if you put a rope when it is rotated, it makes a
wave that allows see the circular lines in it and in everything that makes it up, then
they compare it in two strings, the same thing is obtained, but here the two are
joined together to obtain quite a few circular lines and in the end they take out the
formulas to see how to obtain it and well, all we have to do is wait. chapter 18
where everything that was seen ends

Chapter 18 The end of the book

In this chapter it is surprising because of this Erick, upon returning from where he
went in 2008, had an idea to go see a movie and thought, arriving at his apartment,
he said to a guy, hey, what if we make a script where
mathematics is expressed, the guy told him Let's say
no more, let's do it. The book is about a writer who tells
his student that if he knows what an interaction of
bodies is, he responds with a no. He explains that they
are two bodies interacting with each other like stars
and planets. All you need is a small formula which is
not said in the book well anyway the book follows and they talk about a girl and
what they put to the topic is love rites and mathematics it was a great idea that
became so famous that they managed to reach cinemas All over the world in
Japan, not only is an opera sung at the end of the book, Erick just says the
following with his friend, but first he tells him, now, what do we do? The guy says to
Erick and he responds:
Let's stay on this beach and be like children, let's explore, investigate and write

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