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Name: Samantha Grindelwald

Desired Reality: Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Age: 14 years (I turn one more every year)

Wand: Black walnut wood with a unicorn hair core, 12 1/4” and uncompromising flexibility

Pet: Roman cat

Powers: I have magic resistance, I can do wandless magic

Blood status: Pure blood

Language: Spanish (Latin American)

Nationality: British

Place of birth: Doncaster, England

Year at Hogwarts: 3rd

DATE: August 31, 1993

TIME: 1 year in my RD = 3 hours in my RA

Location: The train car on the way to Hogwarts and there is a very strong smell of pine, Draco wakes me up in the
DR shaking my shoulders telling me “we will arrive at Hogwarts in a little while.”

Safe word/return method: CryPunk


Height: 1.57 cm

Weight/Body Build: Weight: 57 kg, build: medium slim

Skin: Same color as my RA, no pimples


Face: Same as my RA

Teeth: Like my RA only a little whiter

Eye color: Black

Body hair: I only have body hair in eyelashes, hair and eyebrows

Father: Gellert Grindelwald

Other specifications: My family is millionaires, yes we are famous in the magical world


Relationship status: Single

Best friends: Hermione Granger, Blaise Zabini

Other friends: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Rubeus Hagrid, Dobby, Draco Malfoy,
Neville Longbottom, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Ginny Weasley, Cedric Diggory,
Cho Chang,


Positive Traits: same as my RA

Negative traits: same as my RA

Skills/Talents: Playing guitar (acoustic/electric), singing, dancing, playing keyboard/piano, painting,

cooking, playing ukulele, playing video games, playing drums, and playing bass

Hobbies: Playing guitar (acoustic/electric), singing, dancing, playing ukulele, painting, cooking, playing
keyboard/piano, reading, listening to music, playing video games, playing drums, and playing bass


Harry Ron Hermione Blaise

Potter: Weasley: Granger : Zabini:

Luna Draco Neville

Lovegood: Malfoy: Longbottom:

Fred and Cedric

George Pansy Ginny
Parkinson: Diggory:
Weasley: Weasley:
Cho Tom
Chang: Riddle:

SEXUALITY, GENDER AND PRONOUNS: I am pansexual, my gender is non-binary and my pronouns are
she/they/he (but I prefer he or they)


STUDENT LIFE: I do very well at school, I get very good grades (in all classes), all the teachers like me very
much, especially Professor Severus Snape, I am on the quidditch team, I am at home from Slytherin

ROOM: my room is shared, it is for 2 people, I share it with Pansy Parkinson and we have our own bathroom

STORY BEFORE ARRIVING AT HOGWARTS: I lived in the muggle world, my life there was like being a
muggle, that is, I didn't have magic, I went to a school without magic, I had a few friends there, I spent it at home
when I went out it was with my friends. friends or me alone


-In my RD Voldemort never returns after the events at the Potter house

-Umbridge never teaches at Hogwarts

-It is impossible for a second magical war to occur in my DR.

-Tom Riddle and Voldemort are different people and Tom Riddle is a student at Hogwarts, from the Harry Potter


-I'm immortal

-I am immune to serious injuries

-I have a very high tolerance for pain

-I will remember everything that happens in my desired reality when I return to my current reality

-Everything that is not written in my script flows normally

-I have infinite money

- I have ED (eating disorder)

-It is impossible for me to receive a kiss from a dementor

-I can remember all the previous years

-It is impossible for it to be forgotten

-I am aware when the EMPIRE curse is used on me and I can break its effects easily

-The truth potion (veritaserum) will only make me talk about my desired reality and it is impossible for it to reveal
anything about my current reality

-I can prevent the death of my loved ones

-I control legilimency and occlumency with ease

-It is impossible for them to expel me from Hogwarts.

-It is impossible for them to send me to Azkaban

-No one will suspect that I am from another reality.

-I am immune to Hexes, curses, hexes or anything negative like that.

-It is impossible for me to have intrusive thoughts and I can never manifest, imagine or invite negative energy
or anything that endangers me, terrifies me or risks my safety in my desired reality or another.

-It is impossible for it to end up in the wrong reality

-I am immune to experiencing any physical and psychological trauma in my desired reality

-It is impossible for him to have allergies

-My amortentia smells like green apple, expensive perfume, mint

-It is quite difficult for me to relate to people

-It is impossible for me to have a period

-I find my way around Hogwarts easily and can get everywhere without needing a map.

-I get along well with house elves, ghosts and Hogwarts paintings.

-I understand the humor of the time

-I understand everything they tell me

-My boggart will be spiders

-My patronus will be a Saint Bernard dog

-There is a Mexican food restaurant in Hogsmeade

-When I reach my desired reality my eyes will open on their own

-When I reach my desired reality I will be using:

-I have at my disposal a record player, with vinyl records that are the music that I like the most in my current reality.

-I can pronounce all the spells correctly and I know all the wand movements

-Dumbledore likes me

-I have an invisibility cloak.

-It makes it easier for me to do tasks

-I have a good memory and I get good grades

-The music from 2010 to 2021 is known in the magical world

-I know how to tell Fred and George apart.

-I have good reflexes

-There is a Yule Ball or dance every year

-The houses take turns to have parties/events and they are twice a month

-I like the food they serve at Hogwarts.

-It is impossible for me to gain weight

-All of my RA's music exists in the magical world and is very popular

-In my DR there are wired and wireless headphones

-In my DR there are cell phones only to be able to listen to music (all music is free, you can listen to it anywhere
without the need for internet)

-Cell phones never run out of battery.

-It is impossible for teachers/school staff to take away/punish my cell phone.

-It is common to see someone with a cell phone in the magical world

-I can speak English, Italian, Japanese and Korean

-I can play the keyboard, guitar, ukulele, bass and drums perfectly

-All the drinks that exist in my RA exist in my RD

-All the food that exists in my RA exists in my RD

-I have at my disposal all the food I want as well as all the drinks I want

-I have a septum piercing, a piercing in the upper lobe of my right ear and a piercing in the central part of my tongue.

-I have a butterfly tattoo on my forearm:


-When I return to my RA and want to return to my RD I wake up in the same place where I left


-Only I have the lifa book at my disposal and I find it in the form of a notebook

-My lifa book is a black leather pocket notebook visible to everyone but no one can see what is written in it or
what is already written

-Only I can see what is written in my lifa book

-If someone sees my lifa book they will see notes on the subject of potions

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