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The Origin of the theater.

Pages (14,15)
Answer true (T) or false (F).
- Ulysses fought against the Trojans (v)
- The Iliad is a poem about the love of Achilles and Briseis (f)
- Ulysses returns home after ten years (v)
- Poseidon was the one who helped Odysseus the most on his journey (f)

Mythological origin of expressions.

“That's your Achilles heel” The expression; The Achilles heel; It is used to
refer to the vulnerable or weak point of something or someone. The
expression refers to Achilles, a Greek hero who participated in the Trojan War.
Achilles, son of Peleus and the Nereid Thetis, is one of the most famous
heroes in Greek mythology, especially because of the importance that Homer
gives him in the Iliad “She is a harpy”: The expression; become a harpy; It
means, referring to a woman, to become fierce or furious. Harpy is a term
applied to a perverse woman with a bad mood.
“It was quite an odyssey: The mythological origin of the expression; it was
quite an odyssey; It obeys the Homeric narrative contained in classic epic
poems of ancient Greece called: The Odyssey. The epic tells the story of
Ulysses or Odysseus, a renowned hero who leaves Ithaca to support the
Achaeans in the Trojan War, but at the end, his disgrace to the gods
unleashes their anger, making it difficult to
return. These difficulties of Ulysses are what give meaning to the expression.

Pages (16,17)
Answer true (T) or false (F).
- The origin of theater is the primitive festivals (v)
- Greek comedy was based on mythology (v)
- The comedy made fun of customs (v)
- The grotesque predominates in comedy (f)
Definition of terms.
Anagnórisis: According to its etymological root, anagnórisis is associated with
act of recognition. It is a rhetorical resource that leads to
a character to discover and recognize his identity or the identity of a
third, an event that modifies their subsequent behavior. The anagnorisis
It is also linked to what happens when two characters meet again.
after a long time satirical Satire is a genre of literature that aims to ridicule a
person or that seeks to make fun of certain situations. With antecedents in
iambic poetry, satire was born in poetry and prose until reaching other means
of expression, such as drawing, theater and cinema.


° Fernándes, M. TO. (2010). Obtained from Living History:
#:~:text=The%20teatro%20was born%C3%B3%20in%20Athens,came

° Historia, C. (March 2, 2021). CurioSphere. Obtained from CurioSfera:

Lopez, A. (May 25, 2020). Obtained from

Johan Sebastian Gonzalez Padilla 1101

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