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Name: ________________________ Instructor: _____________________

Group No.: ______ Date of Performance: ____________

Laboratory Exercise No. 14

Setting Time of Hydraulic Cement Paste by Gillmore Needles


AAHTO T 154-02, ASTM C 266-99


To determine the initial and final setting time of hydraulic cement using the
Gillmore needle.


➢ Gillmore apparatus
➢ Balance (accurate within 0.1 g)
➢ No. 200 sieve
➢ Mixing container
➢ Scoop
➢ Spatula
➢ Timing device

Figure 13-1: Apparatus for Determining

Setting Time of Hydraulic Cement Using
Gillmore Needles


(1) Mix 650 g of cement with the percentage of mixing water required for normal
consistency in accordance with Lab. Ex. No. 11 and following the mixing
procedure for cement pastes described in Lab. Ex. No. 12.

(2) From the cement paste prepared, make a pat approximately 76 mm (3 in.) in
diameter and approximately 13 mm (0.5 in.) in thickness at the center with a flat
top and tapering to a thin edge on a clean plane non-absorptive plate. In molding
the pat, flatten the cement paste first on the glass and then form the pat by
drawing the trowel from the outer edge toward the center, then flattening the top.
After making, place the pat in the moist cabinet or moist room and allow it to
remain there except when the determinations of time of setting are being made.

(3) In determining the time of setting, hold the needles in a vertical position and apply
lightly to the surface of the pat. Consider the cement paste to have acquired its
initial set when the pat will bear, without appreciable indentation, the initial
Gillmore needle. The difference, in minutes, between the time of contact of
cement and mixing water and the time the cement paste acquires its initial set is
the initial setting time. Consider the cement paste to have acquired its final set
when the pat will bear, without appreciable indentation, the final Gillmore needle.
The difference, in minutes, between the time of contact of cement and mixing
water and the time the cement acquires its final set is the final setting time.


The data shall show the time of setting as follows:

• Initial Time of Setting, Gillmore – min.

• Final Time of Setting, Gillmore – min.




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