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With a $300 funding assistance, I would allocate the resources strategically to maximize the advancement

of my research goals. I would utilize the funds in the following:

1. Professional development:

Being a member of the Nigerian society of Biochemistry and molecular Biology, I believe there are other
professional agencies here in Nigeria which being a member would foster my growth and career
advancement. Professional bodies like, INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ANALYST OF NIGERIA (IPAN),
which I am a level 2 student awaiting to write my level 2 and 3 examinations, which due to funds, I was
not able to write them this year. Nigeria Institute of Medical Research (NIMR), is a medical research
based institute that trains young researchers on the techniques of modern medical research, I would be
part of the funds to be able to undergo the training and gain the necessary skills and experience in medical

2. Conference attendance:

Attending conference and workshop is invaluable for staying updated in the latest developments in my
field, networking with fellow researchers and presenting my work to a broader audience. I would use part
of the funding to cover conference registrations, travel expenses and accommodation, and also to
participate in relevant academic and research events and share my findings with peers.

3. Research materials & Equipment:

Investing in essential research materials and equipment is crucial for progress. I would allocate a portion
of the funds to purchase specialized tools, software licenses or laboratory supplies for necessary
experiments and data analysis. This would enhance the efficiency and quality of my research outcomes.

4. Obtaining the necessary digital skills

Digital skills in research data science analysis are integral part of research h which helps the decision
making and gaining insight over trends. I could also use part of the funds to complete the payment for my
training on data science which I already started with DSN-AI- PORT-HARCOURT to be fully equipped
with digital research skills.

5. Research publications :

I will also use part of the funds to publication my research works and also boost my online presence as a

6. I also would partner with other researchers and senior colleagues to be able to learn from their
wealth of knowledge and experiences in research.

As young boy growing up in the eastern part of Nigerian, I have always had keen interest in research.
Research offers me an opportunity for continuous learning and intellectual stimulations. This field is ever-
evolving with new questions, ideas and existing ones being re-examined constantly. The level of inquiry
and innate curiosity to delve deeper into understanding the complexities of life suits my inner pursuits.

Research also offers me the opportunity of contributing to the advancement of human knowledge and
addressing research gaps / pressing issues.

Furthermore, the collaborative nature of research fosters a sense of community and shared purpose,
working alongside peers who are equally passionate about their respective areas of expertise creates
stimulating environment where ideas are exchanged, perspective are challenged and interdisciplinary
collaborations. This will not only foster my growth but will aid me to network with like minds.

Finally, career in research is a combination of intellectual curiosity, societal impact, collaborative spirit,
autonomy and intrinsic satisfaction which in return creates leverage for growth and networking.

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