T1 Environmental Health Workshop

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T1 Environmental health workshop

Bryan Perez
José Hernán León Fernández
Julián David Becerra Vásquez
Laura Virginia Bueno Castillo

Antonio José Camacho University Institution

Faculty of Distance and Virtual Education

Occupational Health Program

Santiago de Cali, Valley

T1 Environmental health workshop

Bryan Perez
José Hernán León Fernández
Julián David Becerra Vásquez
Laura Virginia Bueno Castillo

Luz Patricia Varon

Public health and environmental sanitation

Group 9490

Antonio José Camacho University Institution

Faculty of Distance and Virtual Education

Occupational Health Program

Santiago de Cali, Valley

table of Contents

Antonio José Camacho University Institution.....................................................................................1

Faculty of Distance and Virtual Education..........................................................................................1
Occupational Health Program............................................................................................................1
Santiago de Cali, Valley......................................................................................................................1
Public health and environmental sanitation......................................................................................2
Antonio José Camacho University Institution.....................................................................................2
Faculty of Distance and Virtual Education..........................................................................................2
Occupational Health Program............................................................................................................2
Santiago de Cali, Valley......................................................................................................................2
table of Contents................................................................................................................................3
Illustration Table................................................................................................................................4
1. Introduction...............................................................................................................................5
2. Goals..........................................................................................................................................6
2.1 General Objective.................................................................................................................6
Analyze the terminology environmental health and public health based on its relationship with
sustainable development...................................................................................................................6
2.2 Specific objective..................................................................................................................6
 Identify the dimensions of public health....................................................................................6
 Obtain clarity of the definition of the concept of environmental health and its application.....6
 Identify the principles of prevention and precaution in public health.......................................6
3. Questionnaire.............................................................................................................................7
4. Conclusion................................................................................................................................27
5. Bibliography.............................................................................................................................28
Illustration Table

Illustration2-1 Ten-year public health plan 2012-2021.............................................................11

Illustration2 Cross dimensions.....................................................................................................16
1. Introduction

Public health encompasses various activities which are aimed at preventing

pathologies, health promotion, all activities are organized by the public
administration with the active participation of society since it is the focus of
attention of this entity, it is used through health promotion, public health risk
management, sustainable development that in turn encompasses an
understandable magnitude for the conservation of resources that allows
sustenance for present and future living beings.
2. Goals

2.1 General Objective

Analyze the terminology environmental health and public health based on its
relationship with sustainable development.

2.2 Specific objective

 Identify the dimensions of public health

 Obtain clarity of the definition of the concept of environmental health and its
 Identify the principles of prevention and precaution in public health
3. Questionnaire

1- What is Public Health for the WHO, for the Ministry of Social Protection and for
the National Planning Department – explain the differences and similarities in the
functions adopted by these three institutions?


 Public health for the WHO; Consists of a process through which we
contribute to preventing and controlling the materialization of diseases that
allow and grant a certain population or community the enjoyment of a
prolonged life and the well-being of collective health, this is focuses on the
phenomena that occur in health, the sanitary and ecological state related to
the living environment.

 Ministry of Social Protection : Shows public health as an entity made up of

different policies which are aimed at guaranteeing the health of a population
through activities that allow better living conditions, well-being and
development, this includes programs such as lifestyles. healthy living,
communicable diseases, epidemiology and demography, environmental
health, mental health and psychoactive substances, nutritional health
among others that will allow responsible control of the well-being of human
life in a certain population.

 National Planning Department: For this department, public health is

conceived as a set of policies, plans and programs aimed at maintaining the
health of a population through health actions, within the framework of social
health security in Colombia, where allows for immediate response to the
impacts of emergencies and disasters on health, thus helping in the
constant construction of policies.


 The DNP focuses on population health work through research that

generates the construction of policies that contribute to the control of
impacts on public health.

 The Ministry of Social Protection will provide actions or activities aimed at

the preservation and control of health in populations which will have
individual and collective responsibility to help health conditions.

 The WHO will act as an entity for the global promotion of health for all
communities, helping with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in
countries that are affected.

These institutions work for the physical, mental and social well-being of a
population, through different activities such as the construction of policies, actions
and prevention programs, which will allow maintaining and guaranteeing a healthy
life as well as the environments where the activities take place. different
populations which will in turn have individual and collective responsibilities.

2- Establish the relationship between: Public Health - state responsibility - Living

conditions, social inequality and distribution of morbidity and mortality in the face of
the effects of covid-19 in Colombia?

It is important to know that during the contingency processes that the world is
going through due to the new COVID-19 virus and the need to create prevention
aspects for people's health, there is a great relationship between these factors. We
can see in terms of public health where biosafety and responsibility standards are
taught regarding the virus risk control processes that allow the different affected
populations to have health care, for this there must be a collective and individual
responsibility of the affected people, as well as the state itself, must provide the
different legal aspects where responsibility for the health contingency is
contemplated since it will contribute to greater control for both human health and
the environment due to all the waste. that have been able to increase due to the
current situation, it is evident that this contingency not only affects the health
aspect but also that economic aspects have also been involved where the
government has had to allocate resources to the most vulnerable families who may
be affected. harmed by this risk. The distribution of morbidity and mortality is also
an indispensable part of the control and public health processes regarding the
COVID19 virus since it will allow us to know which populations or places have
been most affected and affected, with the purpose of increasing the control
measures that allow establish safe living spaces.

3-Establish the relationship between: Demography – Epidemiology and Public



Both demography and public health have activities consisting of the study of the
human population, where both are combined to obtain information about the state
and health conditions, dimensions and structures of the population, with the
purpose of knowing the affected populations. by a disease, in turn, epidemiology
plays an important role in achieving recognition of the distribution and frequency
with which diseases occur in different populations, thus allowing the identification
of priority problems of care and prevention of risk factors. .

4- How is public health regulated in Colombia and what are its strategic objectives?


Public health in Colombia is regulated through Decree 3518 of 2006, the primary
objective of which is to create and regulate the public health surveillance system
for the systematic and timely provision of information on events that may affect or
affect a population in Colombia. Regarding health, it has some primary objectives
which are classified as:

 Guide and plan policies that contribute to public health

 Make decisions for the prevention and control of diseases
 Optimize the monitoring and evaluation of interventions
 Optimize available resources and achieve effectiveness
 Promote the protection of individual and collective health

5- What are the dimensions of the Ten-Year Public Health Plan? Name and explain
each of them?


The PDSP has 8 dimensions which are classified as:

 Environmental Health: are the actions aimed at achieving and allowing the
right to a healthy environment that allows promoting the quality of a
population and allocating healthy environmental conditions.

 Social coexistence and mental health: These are policies aimed at

establishing individual and collective resources that contribute to
interpersonal relationships, solidarity and the exercise of human rights,
improving human and social development.

 Food and nutritional security : The actions will be aimed at allowing the right
to healthy and equitable food for the development of life, involving
components such as food availability, consumption and biological use, and
food quality.

 Sexuality and sexual and reproductive rights: Policies aimed at promoting

the conditions for the free, autonomous and informed exercise of sexuality,
through the promotion of sexual rights and gender equality, prevention and
care of sexual health.
 Healthy living and communicable diseases: This dimension will allow,
through policies, the creation of the right to live free of communicable
diseases in all life cycles, promoting healthy lifestyles in people's territories
as well as attention to situations and events of communicable diseases with
the purpose of maintaining sustainable human development.

 Public health in emergencies and disasters: This dimension aims to protect

risks in the event of emergencies or disasters that generate an impact on
public health, through risk management using tools such as education that
allow us to face emergency situations and recover from disasters. the

 Healthy living and non-communicable conditions: These are actions aimed

at the search for a healthy life through well-being and promotion of healthy
lifestyles in people's daily spaces.

 Health and work environment: Aimed at the well-being and protection of the
health of workers through safe conditions and healthy lifestyles in the work
area, it promotes the physical, mental and social well-being of all people at
the occupational level, as well as The continuous improvement of the work
environment and the control of risks that may affect the health of workers
involves the SRL occupational risk system.

6- Among the dimensions raised in the 2012-2021 ten-year plan - explain through a
comparative table, which of them have been impacted - how they have been
impacted - in the face of the current pandemic

The 2012-2021 ten-year public health plan focuses on situations of well-being,

human development, quality of life, divided into two parts as follows: priority
dimensions and two transversal dimensions.

Illustration3-1 Ten-year public health plan 2012-2021

Dimensions of the
Impact Front
ten-year plan SARS 2-Covid
# Description Sars 2 (COVID
2012 -2021- 19

According to the WHO, it is part of the coronavirus family of respiratory infectious origin that poorly affects the
elderly population and immunosuppressive people. It spreads mainly from person to person through the
gestures that come out of a person's nose or mouth. infected by coughing, sneezing or talking. At this time it is
Compared to
Sars 2, this
dimension has
not been
because it is not
related to natural
The objective is to promote
whether of
health and improve the social,
natural origin or
sanitary, and environmental
driven by man,
conditions of populations living
but indirectly and
Environmental in environmental risk
1 positively,
health dimension situations such as
isolation allowed
earthquakes, tsunamis, tidal
the environment
waves, wastewater landfills,
to decongest and
oil landfills, chemical clouds,
allow nature to
and radiation emissions.
low scale free
speculatively it
can be said that
this can help
It seeks well-being and the Impact is found
enjoyment of a healthy life in because it
Healthy life the different stages of life, affected the
dimension and intervening in ways, conditions lifestyle because
2 non- and healthy lifestyle in it transformed the
communicable everyday spaces. This daily activities of
conditions dimension seeks the population
comprehensive health care for due to social
non-communicable diseases. isolation.
classified as a pandemic.

It allows the deployment of It had two

individual and collective impacts in this
resources for the satisfaction dimension:
of a life based on respect for 1. Mental health
social dimension
others, solidarity with the and coexistence
and mental health
objective of a common good due to the fact
and human and social that family
3 development in terms of coexistence
Dimensions of the
Impact Front
ten-year plan SARS 2-Covid
# Description Sars 2 (COVID
2012 -2021- 19
became more
extensive in
hours, resulting in
among the
members of the
family nucleus,
but also not
everything is
negative, the
approach and
inclusion in the
children's lives
mental promotion and
became more
controllable .
• Prevention and attention to
2. Mental
mental problems and
disorders: In
• Mental health and
depression and
isolation more
difficult to carry
In conclusion, it
affected mental
health and
coexistence in a
negative and not
very positive way.
4 Food and It guarantees the right to It is not related to
nutritional security healthy and equitable food at the topic, but
dimension different stages of the life analyzing
cycle and is characterized by: indirectly by
• Availability and access to affecting the
food economy and
• Consumption and biological free movement in
use the country, it
• Food safety and quality affects the
distribution of
Dimensions of the
Impact Front
ten-year plan SARS 2-Covid
# Description Sars 2 (COVID
2012 -2021- 19
products, among
which we have
food products,
also the lack of
income due to
the dismissal or
pause of the
company reduces
the quality of food
in this way covid
19 impacts food
It allows promoting conditions
for the free, autonomous and
informed exercise of sexuality
dimension and
and the development of the
sexual and
potential of people, groups, In this dimension,
reproductive rights
communities during their life no impact is
5 cycle. evident.
The impact is
direct in this
because it affects
an endoepidemic
condition where
the virus, since
Healthy life its appearance,
dimension and made the
communicable vulnerable
diseases population
known, implying
that it is a virus
Gives rise to the right to live with a condition
free of communicable and a situation of
diseases in all cycles of life, fatal impact on a
promoting healthy lifestyles to certain
6 the population. population.

Public health Aimed at the protection of There is no

dimension in individuals and groups against evidence that
emergencies and emergency and disaster risks covid 19 impacts
disasters through actions aimed at this dimension.
7 reducing harm, this is done
Dimensions of the
Impact Front
ten-year plan SARS 2-Covid
# Description Sars 2 (COVID
2012 -2021- 19
through education, prevention,
confrontation and
management of the
emergency situation, as well
as increasing the capacity for
residence and recovery of the
A negative
impact was had
on the economy
sector in the face
of covid 19. The
way to mitigate
the increase in
infected people
was initially
rigorous social
isolation, this
resulted in
imbalance in the
Wellbeing and health
company, due to
promotion and the promotion
the dismissal and
of interventions that positively
pause of work
modify health situations and
Health dimension among workers,
conditions in the formal and
and work affecting this
non-formal sector of the
environment population
economy, this is done through
directly and
strategies such as
brutally due to
occupational health and
because the
economic income
of the family
nucleus was cut,
providing the
worker with
stress in their
development. In
this way we
cannot speak of a
working condition
8 or environment.
Illustration2 Cross dimensions

Dimensions of
the ten-year plan Impact Front SARS
# Description SARS 2-Covid 19
2012 -2021- 2 (COVID 19)
1 Differential The current

immunosuppressive people. It spreads mainly from

According to the WHO, it is part of the coronavirus

person to person through the gestures that come

family of respiratory infectious origin that poorly
management Recognition of social pandemic affects

out of a person's nose or mouth. infected by

dimension of differences and this dimension
vulnerable consequently the because it is

affects the elderly population and

populations application of measures responsible for
in favor of social groups hosting populations
that, due to their that are in some
differences, are way vulnerable, the
disadvantaged and virus from the
vulnerable, aimed at beginning showed
health equity, this the population that it
dimension includes: would attack in a
• Adolescent boys-girls fatal or dangerous
• Ethnic groups way and this is the
• People with elderly population.
• Elderly
• People who are
victims of armed
Dimensions of
the ten-year plan Impact Front SARS
# Description SARS 2-Covid 19
2012 -2021- 2 (COVID 19)
Recover the basic

coughing, sneezing or talking. At this time it is classified as a

capacity of the health
authority in the nation
and territory to act as a
planner and integrator
It is closely related
of actions related to
because this
internal and external
health, regulate the
dimension aims to
conduct of financial
provide health
management and
services and

supervision of the
propose new
Strengthening the general social security
2 strategies to
health authority system, among these
mitigate new
we have:
morbidities. In the
case of Covid 19, it
• Epidemiological and
impacts directly
health surveillance
since it impacts a
• Guarantee and
society over a
insurance of health
period of time.
• Appearance of new
morbidities evidenced
by the decreased
incidence of events

7- What is meant by Sustainable Development?


The definition of sustainable development was given by the UN “as the satisfaction
of the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future
generations to satisfy their own needs” this is understood as the balance that must
exist regarding environmental, social issues. , legal, financial and institutions,
which must mesh to achieve 8 objectives which preserve resources for the optimal
maintenance of the population of the present and the future, these outlined or
postulated objectives were agreed upon at the United Nations Conference on
Development Sustainable or Rio+20, was carried out twenty years after the Rio
Summit of 1992, these 8 objectives refer to:
 Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger
 Achieve universal primary education
 Promote gender equality and women's autonomy
 Reduce infant mortality
 To improve maternal health
 Fight HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
 Ensure environmental sustainability
 Promote a world association for development

8- What are the 2030 agenda sustainable development goals? Name and explain
each of them?


It is the opportunity to eradicate extreme poverty, hunger, the lack of quality

education, provide populations with better health services, protect the environment,
build peaceful societies, close the gaps between men and women, as well as
social gaps. throughout the planet (Peral, 2015). The objectives that were
established are:

Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

 Reduce by half, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people suffering
from hunger.
 Reduce by half, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose
income is less than a dollar a day.
 Achieve full productive employment and decent work for all, including
women and young people, also categorically rejecting child labor.

Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education

Ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, are able to
complete a full cycle of primary education.

Goal 3: Promote gender equality and women's autonomy

 Eliminate gender inequalities in primary and secondary education, preferably
by 2005, and at all levels of education by the end of 2015
Goal 4: Reduce infant mortality
Reduce by two thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the mortality of children under five
years of age.

Goal 5: Improve maternal health

 Reduce maternal mortality by three quarters, between 1990 and 2015.
 Achieve universal access to reproductive health.

Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases

 Have stopped and begun to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS in 2015.
 Have stopped and begun to reduce, in 2015, the incidence of malaria and
other serious diseases.

Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability

 Incorporate the principles of sustainable development into national policies
and programs and reduce the loss of environmental resources.
 Have considerably reduced and slowed down the loss of biological diversity
by 2010.
 Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to
drinking water and basic sanitation services.
 Have considerably improved, by 2020, the lives of at least 100 million slum

Goal 8: Foster a global partnership for development

 Further develop an open, rules-based, predictable and non-discriminatory
trading and financial system.
 Address the special needs of least developed countries.
 Address the special needs of landlocked developing countries and small
island States. Comprehensively address the debt problems of developing
countries with national and international measures to make the debt
sustainable in the long term.
 In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies, provide access to essential
medicines in developing countries at affordable prices. In cooperation with
the private sector, provide access to the benefits of new technologies,
especially information and communications technologies.

9- In accordance with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda, how do you consider the
fulfillment of these has been in Colombia, explain your answer?


Bogotá, March 16, 2018. Colombia defined the goals to guarantee

compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), an agenda adopted
by 193 countries, which seeks to substantially improve poverty, health, education,
gender equality, work, infrastructure, climate change and justice indicators. ,
among others.
Colombia's 16 big bets to meet the Sustainable Development Goals are:
SDG 1: End Poverty
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
SDG 3: Health and Wellbeing
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 10: Reducing Inequalities
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 12: Responsible Production and Consumption
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 14: Life Underwater
SDG 15: Life on Terrestrial Ecosystems
SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

How do you think the fulfillment of these has been in Colombia?

Making a generalized conclusion about the sustainable development
objectives in Colombia, we consider that these points are not currently being fully
met for the following reasons:
 The National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane) of
Colombia reported that in 2018, 19.6% of the country's population
lived in a situation of multidimensional poverty, meaning that their
quality of life did not meet certain indicators that measure their
access to education, health, work, public services, a decent
childhood or housing.

 Multidimensional poverty increased 1.8% in Colombia in the last two

years because in 2016 it reached a percentage of 17.8%. This clearly
shows that the first objectives set are not being met; instead of
improving, the situation is worsening, adding that Colombia is one of
the countries in the world with the highest rate of corruption and
diversion of resources intended for such purposes.

 The entity indicated that the Colombian departments that have the
highest percentages of multidimensional poverty were Guainía, with
65%; Guajira with 51.4%; Chocó, with 45.1%; Norte de Santander,
with 31.5% and Caquetá with 28.7%.

 Colombia is a country where its anti-corruption efforts are stagnant.

With 37 points out of 100, the country is ranked 96th among 180
countries evaluated in Transparency International's Corruption
Perceptions index.

 Colombia obtained this rating based on data provided by eight

sources that measure the perceived levels of corruption in the public
sector, according to the opinion of international and national analysts,
academics and investors, in aspects such as the existence of bribery
in business transactions, the diversion of public resources in the
executive, the effective sanction of cases of corruption, political
corruption, abuse of power in the judicial sector, police and military,
among other aspects.

 Regarding underwater life, the livelihoods of more than 3 billion

people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity. However, 30% of
the world's fish stocks are overexploited, reaching a level far below
that needed to produce sustainable yields.

 Climate change at a national and global level is getting worse and

worse, climatic conditions are very changing, which has been altered
by the exhaustive exploitation of natural resources, the
implementation of large industries, environmental pollution, emission
of polluting gases, etc. .

 There are many more reasons to consider that none of the objectives
are fully met, that instead of progressing in Colombia, it goes
backwards, due to the high level of corruption, inequality and

10-Do you investigate, what is the Environmental authority and the Health authority
at the National, Regional and Municipal Level?


Authority in Colombia

 Ministry of environment and sustainable development

The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development is the rector of the
management of the environment and renewable natural resources, in charge of
guiding and regulating the environmental planning of the territory and defining the
policies and regulations to which the recovery, conservation, protection will be
subject. , organization, management, use and sustainable exploitation of
renewable natural resources and the environment of the nation, in order to ensure
sustainable development, without prejudice to the functions assigned to other
sectors. More information and/or contact

 National licensing authority

It is a Special Administrative Unit, created by Decree 3573 of 2011, of national
order in charge of ensuring that projects, works or activities subject to licensing,
permit or environmental procedure comply with regulations, in such a way that they
contribute to sustainable development. With respect to water resources, this
authority is responsible for granting permits for the concession of surface and
groundwater, prospecting and exploration of groundwater, and the authorization of
construction in areas that occupy the channel of a stream or water reservoir, as
well as how to track all the licenses granted. More information and/or contact

 National parks of Colombia

It is a Special Administrative Unit, created by Decree 3572 of 2011, of national
order in charge of the administration and management of the System of National
Natural Parks and the coordination of the National System of Protected Areas.
With respect to water resources, this authority is responsible for granting
concessions for the water resources present in the National Natural Parks and
Protected Areas, as well as their administration, control and conservation. More
information and/or contact

Regional environmental authorities

 The Regional Autonomous Corporations - CAR are public corporate entities,

created by law, made up of territorial entities, endowed with administrative
and financial autonomy, own assets and legal status, charged by law with
administering, within the area of their jurisdiction. the environment and
renewable natural resources and promote their sustainable development, in
accordance with the legal provisions and MADS policies.
 The CARs are responsible for the sustainable and rational use of renewable
natural resources and the environment in their respective jurisdiction, the
promotion of scientific research and technological innovation, and directing
the regional land use planning process to mitigate and deactivate pressures.
of inadequate exploitation of the territory, and promote, with the cooperation
of national and international entities, the generation of appropriate
technologies for the use and conservation of the resources and environment
of its area of influence.
 Urban Environmental Authorities are present in municipalities, districts or
metropolitan areas whose urban population is equal to or greater than one
million inhabitants.

Municipal environmental authorized

The Administrative Department of Environmental Management (DAGMA) is the

body in charge of environmental management in the Municipality of Santiago de
Cali and the highest environmental authority within its urban perimeter. As such, it
will be the directing technical body for the management of the environment and
natural resources, responsible for environmental policy and action, and for
providing agricultural technical assistance focused on its sustainable development,
in accordance with current regulations (Decree 516 of 2016).
Address: Municipal Administrative Center (CAM) Avenida 2 Norte #10 - 70. Cali -
Valle del Cauca – Colombia.
Health authorities in Colombia

They are responsible for directing the health system and it is organized into three
 National (Ministry of Health, National Institute of Health, INVIMA)
 Regional Level (departmental health secretaries, public health
 Municipal level (local health secretary and entry points of the

Cali health authority

It contributes to maintaining and improving health conditions, the quality of life of
the population and sustainable human development, through the implementation of
public policies and the legal framework of the sector, strengthening the
comprehensive management and commitment of the different actors and sectors to
the effective enjoyment of the right to health.

What are their functions and why are they important?

In addition to efficiently fulfilling the functions of regulation and management of

financial resources, it must carry out epidemiological surveillance, motivate social
mobilization and ensure the adequate provision of health services.

 Territorial Councils of Social Security in Health

 Municipal Councils of Social Policy
 User Service System (SIAU)
 Community Participation Committees (WECAFC)
 User association
 Hospital ethics committee
 Citizen health oversight

11-Explain in a maximum of 7 lines what the relationship between Public Health

and Occupational Health is?
Basically, occupational health is the discipline that is responsible for preventing all
those risk factors to which an employee is exposed, which can lead to work
accidents and/or work-related illnesses, based on this premise, public health,
which is the responsible for guaranteeing the comprehensive health of a
population, we can deduce that both are integrated through the preventive and
work medicine subprogram, where we carry out activities to preserve the health of
collaborators intra- and extra-work.

12- According to the pandemic that the world is currently experiencing, establish
the relationship between Covid -19 and Public Health.

It is a reality that COVID-19 is a disease for which the world was not prepared,
from the great powers such as the USA, CHINA, FRANCE, to developing countries
such as Colombia.

The Forest University. (2020). COVID and public health in Colombia. Recovered
from https://www.unbosque.edu.co/centro-informacion/noticias/el-covid-19-y-la-
salud-publica-en-colombia Dr.Luis Alejandro Gómez Barrera in a public opinion
refers to the above exposed and also expresses his opinion about the scenario that
is coming for Colombia which depends completely on the behavior of the citizens
and the institutions. The containment measures so far are positive, but if they are
not followed or are not clear and we have contact with other people, if the health
services do not respond adequately, if their capacities are exceeded and if people
do not have enough information to encourage necessary behavioral changes; We
can enter a much more critical situation, even than other countries in the world
have today.

The National Government has followed international protocols, has been cautious
with the dissemination of information and has taken measures gradually, trying not
to implement radical and extreme measures, because they generate a lot of
uncertainty in the population. However, we have seen that there are people who
have come out to protest because they do not agree with these measures,
because they probably do not understand enough the magnitude of the problem, or
it is simply not possible for them to comply with these recommendations.

In public health, entities in the sector have been leaders and have shown their
capabilities to confront this. A public health system is usually more robust to deal
with these situations, but the problem is that, in Colombia, the health system is
almost completely privatized, there is very little left in the public sector to deal with
it. Even so, the Health Secretariats, the National Institute of Health and the Ministry
are evidently the ones who have led the response and have good capabilities for

For now, we need to increase the number of tests, do random testing in

congregate spaces, and do more monitoring of confirmed cases, especially
imported ones. I think there were failures at the beginning, because today it is clear
that the pandemic entered through the big cities, for example, today Bogotá is the
one with the most cases and the virus entered through the El Dorado International
Airport; This happened in several cities in the country and at international airports
controls failed in the early stages.

13- Explain in your own words and in a maximum of 7 lines what have been the
effects (positive/negative) of these 134 days of quarantine in your community
(neighborhood - commune - municipality).

The positive thing about the emergency generated by SARS COV 2 has mainly
been the decrease in gas emissions into the atmosphere and the recovery of the
city's fauna and flora, the perception of self-care that people have developed and
the negative that we can all perceive, is the increase in unemployment, the closure
of different micro businesses and traditional establishments in Santiago de Cali
and due to the above, the evident increase in poverty, as well as reaching an
occupancy of 70% of the ICUs in our city.

4. Conclusion
According to the information obtained from the material provided, it can be said
that public health is an indispensable tool for the conservation and complete
satisfaction of the Colombian population. The previous work leaves as knowledge
the dimensions that make up public health, identifying the principles of health
prevention and precaution.

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