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Application manual of the Emotional Support Diagnosis

Application and qualification manual

Communication and Language and Mathematics
First grade
Primary Education Level

Index Introduction
I. Diagnosis of emotional support for students of
first primary............................................................................................. 1
This first grade manual of the Primary Education Level consists of the
1.1 Purpose ....................................................................................... 1
1.2 Evaluation Description ..................................................................2 Application Manual of the Emotional Support Diagnosis that indicates
1.3 Application methodology................................................................2 the procedure for its application and the Application and Qualification
1.4 Application instructions..................................................................2 Manual of the Learn+ test. Chapter I describes both the purpose
1.5 After the application.......................................................................2 and application guidelines of the Emotional Support Diagnosis. Which
II. Generalities of the evaluation of Communication and
aims to make known the emotions that students experience during
Language and Mathematics ...................................................................2
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................2 the school year.
2.2 Population.................................................................................... 2
2.3 Evaluation Description ..................................................................3 The Application and Qualification Manual for teachers of the Learn+
2.4 The materials to use .....................................................................3 test contains the pertinent information to carry out the process of
2.5 Application methodology................................................................3 formative evaluation of learning, in the areas of Communication and
2.6 Aspects to consider for quote students in
small groups ................................................................................ 3 Language and Learning Skills (in what corresponds to Mathematics),
III. Communication and language ..........................................................4 of the students who, during the 2021 school year, completed the 6-
3.1 What does the Communication test measure? year stage of the Pre-Primary Education Level .
Language?................................................................................... 4
3.2 Test application ........................................................................... 5 In Chapter II, the generalities of this evaluation are described: the
3.3 Qualification and interpretation of results .....................................8
3.3.1. Grading of reading and writing tasks ... 8 purpose, the population to whom the instruments are directed, their
3.3.2. Interpretation of reading tasks .............................................. 9 description, as well as the materials and application methodology.
3.3.3. Analysis of the results ........................................................ 11 And, to complete this general information, aspects to consider when
3.3.4. Interpretation of writing tasks .............................................. 12 serving students in small groups are included.
3.3.5. Analysis of the results ......................................................... 13
IV. Math .................................................................................................. 14
4.1 What does the Mathematics test measure? ............................... 14 Chapter III describes the instrument with which the area of
4.2 Test application .......................................................................... 14 Communication and Language will be evaluated, how the tasks are
4.3 Qualification and interpretation of results.................................... 16 applied and graded, and how the results are obtained and
4.3.1. Test score ........................................................................... 16 interpreted. In Chapter IV what refers to Mathematics. Chapter V
4.3.2. Results analysis .................................................................. 16 includes the information necessary to register student results in the
4.3.3. Analysis of the results ......................................................... 17
SIRE. Chapter VI presents some frequently asked questions. Finally,
V. Registration of results in the SIRE ................................................. 18
VI. Frequent questions.......................................................................... 19 in Chapter VII some useful recommendations are given for the best
VII. recommendations ......................................................................... 19 use of the results.

I. Diagnosis of emotional support for first grade students

1.1 Purpose
Know and analyze the emotional state of first grade children at the Primary Education Level, so that the teacher has a general emotional panorama of their
students. This is necessary so that actions are designed for the emotional support of students, as well as to identify some other cases of referral. It is
important to mention that this does not represent a psychological diagnosis , it only gives information about how the student feels during the school

1.2 Evaluation Description
The evaluation consists of five questions that will allow us to diagnose the student's emotional
state. To answer all the questions, the student has five possible answers represented with faces
that express emotions, being the following images: Happy Sad Angry Sorry Scared

1.3 Application methodology

The emotional support diagnosis is an activity to be worked on individually with the student. But, also when applying it, it is important to ensure compliance
with the guidelines of the Return to School Protocols (see title 2.6 of this manual).

1.4 Application instructions

The teacher reads the questions found in the Learn+ booklet one by one and tells the student the following (the teacher reads the words highlighted in bold) :

• We will begin the tasks with some questions related to the emotions you may be feeling.
• Here are five faces that express emotions: happy, sad, angry, sorry and scared.
o Point to each one of them as you read them.
• I will read five questions and you answer by pointing to one of these faces, depending on how you feel.
• Let's make an example together. How do you feel when you are playing?
o Wait for the student's response.
• Why do you feel that way?
o Listen to the reasons the student indicates.
• Do you understand what we are going to do? Let's start.
o Read each of the questions to the student.
o On the next sheet, write down the emotion that the student indicates and in the corresponding space, write down verbatim what he or she

1.5 After the application

At the end of the emotional support diagnosis with the students, count the faces that all the students selected in each of the questions. An example is shown
in Table 1.

Table 1. Example of how to add and record student results

Ask Happy Sad Angry Sorry Scared
Total students
1. How do you feel at school? Because? 9 7 5 6 3 30
2. How do you feel in class? Because? 15 5 2 4 4 30
3. How do you feel when sharing with your colleagues?
18 1 0 4 7 30

16 3 6 1 4 30
4. How do you feel at home with your family? Because?

5 0 12 1 12 30
5. How do you feel when talking about COVID-19? Because?
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

The registration can be done in an Excel sheet or in a format that you consider appropriate.

II. Generalities of the evaluation

2.1 Purpose
Identify student learning in the areas of Communication and Language and Mathematics in accordance with the competencies, achievement indicators and
prioritized contents of the National Base Curriculum (CNB).

2.2 Population
The evaluation is aimed at first grade students at the Primary Education Level.

2.3 Evaluation Description

The evaluation consists of several activities, with which the student is expected to show the skills acquired in the evaluated curricular areas. The results are
interpreted by performance levels, because it is considered an appropriate way to identify what level the student is at in relation to the acquisition of skills,
therefore, they will not have a numerical grade. The performance levels are described in Table 2.

Table 2. Performance levels

Performance level 4 Performance level 3 Performance level 2 Performance level 1
At this level are students who At this level are students who showed At this level are students who showed At this level are students who did not
showed expected skills, as minimum expected skills, as established abilities lower than expected, as show skills that correspond to the
established in the CNB. in the CNB. established in the CNB. grade evaluated.

Source: Digeduca, 2021.

It must be taken into account that Learn+ will provide information to guide the learning that is in process or has already been achieved, in order to promote
better progress thereof.

2.4 The materials to use

To carry out the evaluation, the materials listed in Table 3 will be necessary.

Table 3. Materials
teacher Student

• Teacher's manual • Learn+ Evaluation for first grade of the Education Level
• Plaster or chalkboard marker
• Students list • Pencil sharpener
• Pencil • Draft
• Pencil
• Crayons
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

2.5 Application methodology

Learn+ is an activity that the student will work on in person. It includes tasks from the areas of Communication and Language (Emergent Reading and
Writing) and Learning Skills, which are organized by sections with a different level of difficulty that range from simple to complex, in this way the student's
ability will be interpreted. in each area.

Regarding the application time, 60 minutes is suggested. However, this can change because the student is expected to finish all activities, so if necessary,
the teacher provides more than the suggested time.

In Learn+, Communication and Language , the student is required to give their response orally, point to an image, circle it, color a letter or make some
strokes. For the latter, you will use pencil or crayons. When you must write your name, you can do so in letter or print.

In Learn+, Mathematics , the student is required to say out loud the number of objects presented, write the numbers dictated, and the results of arithmetic
operations. To do this, you will use a pencil and you have the opportunity to erase if you consider that your answer is wrong and you want to rectify it.

Because it is a formative evaluation, the teacher is expected to observe how the student works during the resolution of the entire test. After the qualification,
interpretation and analysis of results, the teacher will give feedback to the students, recommending strategies and activities that allow them to achieve the
learning that the test showed that they are in the process of development.

At the end of the evaluation, the teacher enters the SIRE platform, the results obtained by the students of his establishment, with the purpose of identifying
the levels of performance that they achieved at the national level and identifying the current situation, as well as to follow up on the students.

2.6 Aspects to consider when meeting students in small groups

It is important to ensure compliance with the guidelines of the Back to School Protocols : , as well as to constantly
review the current alert level of your municipality: https://covid19.

III. Communication and language

3.1 What does the Communication and Language test measure?

It measures emerging reading and writing skills and abilities, achieved as provided in the CNB for Stage 6 years of the Pre-Primary Education Level, which
are based on three components and three competencies, these are presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Components and area competencies that are evaluated in Learn+

Communication and Language Area
Component: Communicative Attitudes
Competition: 3. Create coherent and creative messages based on the moment, the situation and the group with which you communicate.
Learning Skills Area
Component: Perception
Competition : 2. Manifests eye-hand coordination in carrying out daily tasks.
Component: Thought
Competition: 1. Describes characteristics and properties of the environment using information received through the senses and kinesthesia.
Source: CNB, 2008.
To establish each of the tasks, the degree competence, the level of achievement and the content of the CNB were taken into account, adding the element of
emergent literacy that is developed in each task (see Table 5).
Table 5. Relationship of Reading tasks with the CNB
Stage competition Content Tasks Emergent
literacy element
1.3 Produces, orally and 1.3.5 Narration of own experiences and Dialogue to expose your Oral language
1. Responds with gestures, gesturally, stories, poems, those of others. experiences and those of others.
movements and orally dialogues, dramatizations,
to messages heard in among others.
poems, stories and
various texts from their
culture and other

1. Classify different visual, 1.1.5 Description of the meaning of new or Identify by context key the image Vocabulary
auditory (phonemes and 1.3 Focus your gaze on unknown words that you hear in your daily that represents the given
graphemes) and haptic static objects, letters and life. description.
stimuli, according to their words and recognize them
features "at first sight."
distinctive. 1.4.9 Organization of the sequence of Sort the pictures that represent 4 Oral
1.4 Identify the position of events that constitute a story (no more than events from a story you heard. comprehension
two or more objects in five events).
relation to itself (...), as well
as in relation to the objects
1.5 Differentiate sounds 1.5.6 Association of images with the letter Associate the image with the Development of
similar to/or different from a that represents the initial sound of your initial sound of the word that phonological
sound name. represents it. awareness
certain. 1.5.7 Identification of the object or
illustration, from a group, whose name Identify, in a group of images,
begins with a different sound from the the one represented by a word
others. that has a different initial sound.

1.5.12 Identification of words that begin

with the same sound in sentences or short Identify the initial sound of a
paragraphs. word to name another with the
same initial sound.

1.3 Focus your gaze on Discriminate the requested word

1.3.9 Identification of specific words (used Development of
static objects, letters and among a group of words.
as a model) when they are found in written language
words and recognize them
sentences and paragraphs. awareness
"at first glance."
view". 1.5.8 Identification of the correspondence
Identify the letter that represents
between sounds and printed symbols
the dictated sound.
1.4.6 Description of the position of certain Complete the graphic
elements that make up a figure: the circle in representation of the dictated
b, d, p, q. letters.
Source: CNB, 2008.

Table 6 shows the relationship between the area competence, the achievement indicator and the content of the CNB, with the emergent writing tasks that the
student will perform.

Table 6. Relationship of Writing tasks with the CNB

Content Tasks
Degree Competition indicator
2. Coordinates Follow the dotted line to draw
movements of eyes, 2.2 Reflects motor 2.2.4 Sequencing of strokes to prepare for writing: straight lines (horizontal, lines.
hands and fingers distension and vertical and oblique), circles and semicircles, combination of exercises,
when fluidity of the development of letters and numerals, among others.
Trace the given figures from left
perform specific movement when 2.2.2 Development of the progression from left to right in preparation for writing, to right.
preparation making free on the blackboard, on large paper and on plain paper with a thick pencil (lines –
movements drawings and work vertical, horizontal, oblique, arabesques).
for writing. preparation for Mastery of writing one's own
writing. 2.2.3 Proper posture to perform prewriting exercises: (…) pencil held between name.
the thumb and index finger and resting on the middle finger, the other two
fingers guide the hand on the paper.
Source: CNB, 2008.

3.2 Test application

The application of this test is individual, this means that the teacher will evaluate his students one by one.
1 .ª On the day of the evaluation you will fill out the data on the Learn+ cover,
2 .ª It will explain, with the examples found at the beginning of each section, the task that the student will perform,
3 .ª You will read the tasks of the section one by one, allowing the necessary time for the student to respond, and in cases where necessary, you will write
the response given in the space assigned within the booklet.
4 .ª At the end of this process, the application of the following sections of Learn+ will continue.

The Communication and Language evaluation is organized into six sections. Tables 7 to 17 describe what is evaluated and what the student must do in each
of them.

Reading Section 1
Table 7. Application of Section 1
Oral language proficiency in the language of instruction. Through participation in a dialogue, the student exposes his or her
What does it evaluate? experiences and those of others.
Lead the conversation in Section 1, based on the following dialogue:

—Tell me, (say the student's name ).

—How did you feel when they told you that you would come to school today? . (Question 1)
—Did someone accompany you to school? ___________________ because? . (Question 2)
What does the teacher do?
—Do you know someone who also attends school? (Question 3)
(if yes, ask:) What has he told you about his school? ___________. (Question 4.a)
(If the answer is no, ask: —Has anyone told you what it feels like to study? _____.
(Question 4.b)

What does the Responds coherently to the questions asked by the teacher.
student do?
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Section 2
Table 8. Application of Section 2
Vocabulary mastery through identification, by context key, of the image that represents the description heard.
What does it evaluate? Ask the student to point with their finger to the image that corresponds to the description you will tell them .

1. Vehicle that is large and long, and has many seats to sit on.
2. It moves on the water, the boatmen use oars to move them.
3. Vehicle that has two tires, does not use gasoline, in order for it to walk you have to move the pedals.
4. It has wheels, doors, it uses gasoline, it can transport four or five people.
What does the
teacher do?

As you observe the student's response, record in the chart accompanying each image whether the answer is correct.
Look at the images in section 2 and point to the one that corresponds to the description you heard.
What does the Teacher: ―Look at these two images (point to the flower and the house). Point with your finger to the image that is a
student do? place to live, it has a roof and a door.
Wait for the student to point to the image of the house. TO Aww
Teacher: ―This way you will point to the image that describes you. Ready? /. I I I_____ 1
Let's get started. 8
1. Point to the image that is a large, long vehicle and has seats to sit on (Wait for the student's response).
Example 2. Point to the image that moves on the water and the boatmen use oars to move them. (wait for the student's
response) … in this way the application of the section's tasks should continue.

Remember that the section presents five images, with the student expected to select 1. bus, 2. boat, 3. bicycle and 4. car, leaving tuc tuc without
choosing, because the intention is that the last answer is the one you chose and not the one you had left over.

Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Section 3
Table 9. Application of Section 3
Oral comprehension by recognizing the order of images that represent four events in a story they heard.
What does it evaluate?
Show the student the images that appear in section 3, tell him that he is going to tell the story Pepe's Dream (the story
is seen in the rectangle below). When you finish telling it, ask the student to tell you the order of the images, according
to the events in the story you told. At the same time that the student indicates it, write down the corresponding number
inside each circle.
Pepe's dream
What does the teacher Pepe slept very peacefully. He dreamed that he was playing in the yard of his house, suddenly, Pepe found
do? something very strange.................................. a turtle! He got so scared that he ran back to his house. When Pepe
woke up he told his mother what he dreamed.

What does Listen carefully to the story. Then, he tells his teacher the image that represents the first narrated event, then the
the student second, until he finishes ordering the four images.
do? Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Section 4
Table 10. Application of Section 4, tasks 6 to 8

What does it evaluate?

Development of phonological awareness through the identification of the initial sound of the name of the observed image.

Point your finger to the image from task 6 and ask the student to say out loud what he or she observes. When the student
has responded, ask him to tell you the sound with which the word he mentioned begins. Continue with task 7 and 8. If the
What does the teacher do?
student does not respond, when asked what is it? The teacher tells you the name of what the image represents and asks
you to repeat it with him. Then, he asks what sound the word begins with. Then, record in the box below the image if the
answer is correct.
Look at the images one by one to say out loud what you see and respond to the initial sound of each of the words that the
What does the student do? images represent.
Teacher: ―What is it? (Point to the image of the pencil) Wait for the student to say pencil, if he or she does not respond
say: “pencil.” Now repeat it
, r =101 Look at the image.
Example with me: pencil. -What sound does it start with? What is it? (IEC•
pencil? Wait for the student to say /llll/ yes Now tell me, with what sound I start the word pencil.
does not respond to say: — pencil starts with /lll/
Teacher: ―Do you understand what we are going to do? Let's get started.
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Table 11. Application of Section 4, tasks 9 to 11

What does it evaluate? Development of phonological awareness through the identification of the image that begins with a different sound.

Ask the student to say out loud the name of the images in task 9. When the student has answered, ask him to tell you which
What does the teacher do?
one starts with a different sound. Continue with task 10 and 11. If the student does not answer the names of the images in
the task, the teacher tells him the name of what each one represents and asks him to repeat it with him. Then, ask him
which one starts with a different sound? Then, record in the box below the image if the answer is correct.
Look at the images one by one, for each task, to say out loud what you see and point to or say out loud the image that
What does the student do? begins with a different sound.
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Table 12. Application of Section 4, tasks 12 to 14

Development of phonological awareness through identifying the initial sound of a word to say another word with the same
What does it evaluate?

Ask the student to say out loud another word that begins with the same sound as the given word. Within the box that
What does the teacher do?
corresponds to each task, record if the answer is correct.

What does the student do? He listens carefully and utters a word that begins with the same phonological stimulus given by his teacher.
Teacher: — I'm going to tell you a word and you tell me another that starts with the same sound: parrot
Student: — moon aeu: I'm going to tell you a word and you tell me .
Example mI +. _____________,m m-IAg,—g another one that begins with the same sound.
Teacher: — Do you understand what we are going to do?
do? Let's get started.
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Section 5
Table 13. Application of Section 5, tasks 15 to 20

What does it evaluate?

Development of awareness of written language through the identification of the stimulus given among a group of words.

What does the teacher do? Ask the student to look at the figure (point to the box on the left side of the task). Then, ask him to look for that figure among
the figures that are on the right side. When identifying him or her, ask him or her to circle them.
Look at the figure on the left side to find, among the set of figures on the right side, the one that is the same as the figure in
What does the student do? the box located on the left.
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Table 14. Application of Section 5, tasks 21 to 25
Development of awareness of written language through the identification of the written stimulus that represents the
What does it evaluate?
requested phoneme.
Say out loud the vowel sound for each task. Ask the student to look at the two letters so that they color red the letter that
What does he do corresponds to the sound they heard. The sounds
teacher? what dictates are: 21 22 23 24 25
to and Yo either or
Listen to the sound dictated by your teacher, choose the spelling that represents it and color the letter you chose as your
What does the student do? answer in red.
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Table 15. Application of Section 5, tasks 26 to 30

Development of awareness of written language through the association of the name of the dictated letter and the production
What does it evaluate?
of its graphic representation.
Ask the student to complete the shape of the letter you will tell them. Dictate the vowels one by one:
What does the teacher do? 26 27 28 29 30
to and or Yo either

What does the student do? Listen to the letter dictated by your teacher, proceed to complete the stroke of the letter in the assigned space.
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Writing Section 6
Table 16. Application of Section 6, tasks 31 and 32

What does it evaluate? Development of graphomotor skills by reviewing the curved and inclined lines on the dotted line.

What does the teacher do? Ask the student to trace the given figure on the dotted line with a crayon.

What does the student do? With a crayon go over the dotted lines.

Teacher: ―Nowthe
without leaving you areLook
line. goinghow
to follow
I do it.the dotted
(Use the line, -
Example example task).
Teacher: ―This is how you will draw the lines of these tasks. Do you understand what we are going to do?
Let's get started.

Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Section 6
Table 17. Application of Section 6, tasks 33 to 35

What does it evaluate?

Development of graphomotor skills through tracing figures and letters from left to right and the pencil grip.

What does the teacher do? Ask the student to copy, within the shaded space, the figures shown. At the end of tasks 33 and 34, ask the student to write
their name on the shaded line identified as task 35. Then, record whether I hold the pencil correctly. You should use the
illustration below to grade the proper pencil grip position.

What does the student do? Trace the figures inside the shaded space and trace the letters of their name, from left to right.

Teacher: ―Now you are going to copy the figure inside the shaded space. Let's practice by example. (Ask the student to
draw all the figures
Example of the example). —-YMMLMMMMM
Teacher: ―Remember that you must fill in the space
shaded with the figure you are copying. Can
start now.

Remember that in this task the important thing is to observe the handle of the pencil and write from left to right. /! Therefore, while the example is
executed, it should only be highlighted that it must fill the shaded space with the figure given in each task.

Source: Digeduca, 2021.

3.3 Qualification and interpretation of results

3.3.1. Grading of reading and writing tasks

At the end of the application of the tests, sections 1 to 5 are scored with the key shown in Table 18.

Table 18. Key for grading answers to sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Task No.
Answers accepted as correct Task No.
Answers accepted as correct Task No.

Answers accepted
as correct
Conversation See rubric in Table 19 11 Corn 22 and
1 Bus 12 Any word that starts with /o/ 23 Yo
2 Boat 13 Any word that starts with /m/ 24 either
3 Bicycle 14 Any word that starts with /p/ 25 or
4 Car 15 to 26 to
5 3 2 Order of
16 and 27 and
4 1 the figures
6 /to/ 17 p 28 or
7 /s/ 18 m 29 Yo
8 /m/ 19 Wool 30 either
9 Church 20 Shovel
10 Lion 21 to
Source: Digeduca, 2021.
3.3.2. Interpretation of reading tasks
After grading the tests, the correct answers must be placed in the corresponding performance levels, according to the tables shown below. This will allow you
to interpret the results and identify what level of performance the student was at and what skills and knowledge need to be strengthened.

Oral language
It is the ability to maintain a conversation because it emits coherent ideas. Table 19 describes how to interpret the Oral Language results.
Table 19. Rubric for grading Oral Language, Section 1
Performance level 4 Performance level 3 Performance level 2 Performance level 1
Give a coherent answer to the four Gives incoherent answers to all the
questions (1, 2, 3, 4.a or 4.b) of the questions that generate the
conversation in which you Give coherent answers to at least Give a coherent answer to one or two conversation.
participate. three questions in the conversation. of the questions in the conversation.
Or, the questions you answer Or, the questions you answer
coherently are numbers 3 and 4. coherently are number 1 or 2.
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

It is the understanding of the meaning of the words that are specific to the language. Table 20 describes how to interpret the Vocabulary results.
Table 20. Rubric for grading Vocabulary, Section 2
Performance level 4 Performance level 3 Performance level 2 Performance level 1
None of the images can be identified
Identify four of the images described Identify three of the images described Identify at least two of the images by context key.
verbally by the teacher using context verbally by the teacher using context described verbally by the teacher using
key. key. a context key.

Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Oral comprehension
It is the understanding of what you hear. Table 21 describes how to interpret the Oral Comprehension results.
Table 21. Rubric for grading Listening Comprehension, Section 3
Performance level 4 Performance level 3 Performance level 2 Performance level 1
Correctly order the four images that Correctly order three images that None of the images were ordered
correspond to the events of the story correspond to the events of the story he Correctly order at least two of the according to the events of the story
he heard. heard. images that correspond to the events he heard.
of the story you heard.

Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Development of phonological awareness

It is the identification and recognition of the sounds that make up oral language. Table 22 describes how to interpret the results of Development of
Phonological Awareness.

Table 22. Grading Rubric Development of Phonological Awareness, Section 4

Performance level 4 Performance level 3 Performance level 2

Performance level 1
Identify at least one : None of the responses
• of the initial sounds of the emitted demonstrate that
words that represent the images you
Identify at least two : they identify the initial
see and
• of the initial sounds of the • of the images that
Identify an initial sound of the words
that represent the images and one of
words that represent the images you They start with a different sound.
the images that begin with a different
see and • says at least one word that begins with
• of the images that the same sound as the word he hears.
sound. And it doesn't say any
possible words that start with the
They start with a different sound. Or, accumulate three to five correct answers
same sound as the word you heard.
And says at least two words that begin with between the different tasks in section 4.
Or, accumulate up to two correct
the same sound as the word he hears.
answers between the different tasks
Or, accumulate at least six correct answers
in section 4.
between the different tasks in section 4.

Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Development of written language awareness

It is the association between the graphemes and phonemes of the language. Table 23 describes how to interpret the results of Development of written
language awareness.
Table 23. Scoring Rubric Development of Written Language Awareness, Section 5

Performance level 4 Performance level 3 Performance level 2

Performance level 1
• Identify the figures that • Identify the figures that None of the responses
They are equal to at least three They are equal to at least two issued demonstrate that they
tasks. tasks. associate graphemes and
• Combine at least three • Combine at least two
• Identify the figures that are phonemes specific to the
equal to at least one task.
spellings of the vowels with their spellings of the vowels with their language.
sound. sound. • Associate at least one
• And, complete, so • And, complete, at least,

spelling of vowels with their sound.
And, complete, at least,
least three of the vowel figures. two of the vowel figures.
one of the vowel figures.
Or, accumulate at least 9 correct Or, accumulate four to eight correct
Or, accumulate up to three correct answers
answers, among the three different answers, among the three tasks in
among the three different tasks in section
tasks in section 5. section 5.
Or, answer only the six tasks from 15 to 20.

Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Table 24 is used to place the student in a performance level, according to the levels in which they were located when grading and interpreting oral language,
vocabulary, oral comprehension, development of phonological awareness and development of written language awareness that are elements of the initial

Table 24. Performance levels according to the results of oral language, vocabulary, oral comprehension, development of
Phonological awareness and development of written language awareness of the Reading component
Performance level 4 Performance level 3 Performance level 2 Performance level 1
At this level is the student who, in At this level is the student who, in At this level is the student who, in At this level is the student
Oral Language, Vocabulary, Oral Oral Language, Vocabulary, Oral Oral Language, Vocabulary, Oral who, in Oral Language,
Comprehension, Development of Comprehension, Development of Comprehension, Development of Vocabulary, Oral
Phonological Awareness and Phonological Awareness and Phonological Awareness and Comprehension,
Development of Written Language Development of Written Language Development of Written Language Development of
Awareness , reached Performance Awareness , reached Performance Awareness , reached Performance Phonological Awareness
Level 4. Or, the student who was Level 3. Or, the student who was Level 2. Or, the student who was and Development of Written
located at level 4 in three of the located at level 3 in three of the located at level 2 in three of the Language Awareness ,
aspects evaluated. aspects evaluated. aspects evaluated. reached Performance Level 1.

If when grading, oral language, vocabulary, oral comprehension, development of phonological awareness and development of written language awareness,
the results do not coincide in placing the student at the same level, he will be placed according to where he obtained the highest level of performance. high.
For example: If in oral language and vocabulary he was located at Performance Level 2 and in the other three aspects, at a lower performance level, the
result of this student will be that, in the Reading component, he is located at Level performance 2.
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

3.3.3. Analysis of the results

To record the results of the students and place them at a certain level of performance, the teacher can create a table that allows them to unify the information
of the evaluated group and analyze which skills each student has achieved and which are in process. To make the registration you need to have the
information in tables 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 in view. That is, it can be stated that the student has developed the expected skills if he or she reaches
Performance Level 4 in all aspects evaluated. See Table 25, it exemplifies how to analyze the results explained in Table 24.

Table 25 . Example of recording results obtained by first grade primary school students, in Reading
Code Name of Level
of student student Oral d. phonological d. c. of written reached
Oral language Vocabulary
comprehension awareness language

1 Student 1 Level 4 Level 4 Level 4 Level 4 Level 4 4

2 Student 2 Level 4 Level 2 Level 4 Level 4 Level 3 4

3 Student 3 Level 4 Level 2 Level 2 Level 3 Level 2 2

4 Student 4 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 1 Level 1 3

5 Student 5 Level 2 Level 2 Level 1 Level 4 Level 2 2

6 Student 6 Level 1 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 1 2

7 Student 7 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 1

Source: Digeduca, 2022.

The first inference that can be made is that only Student 1 shows mastery of the skills and abilities evaluated for Stage 6 years of pre-primary.

In the case of Student 2 , it can be seen that he reached Performance Level 4, because he participated in the conversation coherently, he also correctly
ordered the sequence after listening to the story and answered the phonological awareness tasks correctly, however, it shows that You still need to acquire
vocabulary and written language skills, so you will need to strengthen these aspects. Similar is the case of Student 3 , who requires greater exposure to
written language, oral comprehension and vocabulary tasks mainly, because he reached level 2.

Students 4, 5 and 6 show homogeneity in oral language skills, vocabulary, listening The Learn+ test results are useful
comprehension, development of phonological awareness and development of written to identify what writing skills you have
language awareness, but need to improve them to meet the required standards. While developed by the student during his years of
Student 7 requires greater support to develop the learning that the Pre-Primary Education schooling and which are in process according to
Level requires for correct performance in primary school, because he is located at level 1. expected by the CNB.
This is what makes the evaluation different
formative of the summative.

The previous analysis leads to the conclusion that the evaluated students need feedback in the development of the evaluated reading skills, without forgetting
that those who reached Performance Level 4, in all the aspects evaluated, can continue to improve in them.

3.3.4. Interpretation of writing tasks

This component evaluates the development of graphomotor skills, through hand-eye coordination (sequence of strokes and writing from left to right) and the
appropriate posture to perform emergent writing tasks. These aspects are graded with a rubric and the final result is obtained by combining the different levels
of performance in which the student was located, in each of them (see Tables 26 to 28).

Hand-eye coordination
Hand-eye coordination is assessed through the ability to reproduce the sequence of strokes (up and down or vice versa) and writing from left to right. Table
26 is the rubric that should be used to score hand-eye coordination.

Table 26. Grading Rubric Hand-Eye Coordination, Section 6

x Performance level 4 Performance level 3 Performance level 2 Performance level 1
The lines of tasks from 31 to 35 comply The outlines of the tasks of the 31 He did not complete the tasks.
with: • the lines are made At 35 they comply with:
The lines of tasks from 31 to 35 from top to bottom and from left • the lines are made on
comply with: • the lines and letters to right. The guide or dotted line may or may
not go beyond the edges.
made on the guide or dotted line
without leaving the edges, he
wrote from top to bottom and
from left to right.
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Proper posture
Table 27 is the rubric that should be used to score appropriate posture for emergent writing.

Table 27. Rubric for Scoring Appropriate Posture for Emergent Writing, Section 6
Performance level 4 Performance level 3 Performance level 2 Performance level 1
It is observed that it complies with at least It does not meet any of the four
It is observed that it complies with the It is observed that it complies with the two of the following aspects: aspects evaluated in adequate
fact that the pencil is held between fact that the pencil is held between the • rests the back on the posture for emergent writing.
the thumb and index finger, resting on thumb and index finger, resting on the chair back.
the middle finger, the other two middle finger, the other two fingers
fingers guide the hand on the paper, guide the hand on the paper, in
•The feet are supported on
in addition, with the following three
addition, with two of the following
aspects: •The forearm rests
on the table.
• rests the back on the • rests the back on the
chair back. chair back.
• The feet are supported • The feet are supported
on the floor. on the floor.
• The forearm rests • The forearm rests
on the table. on the table.
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Table 28 is used to place the student in the different levels of performance, according to the level in which they were placed when rating eye-hand
coordination and adequate posture.

Table 28. Performance levels according to the results of hand-eye coordination and proper posture of the Writing component

Performance level 4 Performance level 3 Performance level 2 Performance level 1

At this level is the student who, in At this level is the student who, in terms At this level is the student who, in terms
terms of eye-hand coordination and of eye-hand coordination and of hand-eye coordination and
adequate posture, was located at adequate posture, was located at adequate posture, was located at At this level is the student who, in
Performance Level 4. Performance Level 3. Performance Level 2. terms of hand-eye coordination
and adequate posture, was located
at Performance Level 1.
If when grading eye-hand coordination and adequate posture the results do not coincide in placing the student at the same level, they will be
placed according to where they obtained the highest level of performance. For example: If in hand-eye coordination he was located at
Performance Level 2 and in adequate posture at Performance Level 3, the result of this student will be that, in the Writing component, he is
located at Performance Level 3 .

Source: Digeduca, 2021.

3.3.5. Analysis of the results

To make the registration you need to have the information in tables 26 and 27 in view. That is, it can be stated that the student has developed the expected
skills if he or she reaches Performance Level 4 in all aspects evaluated. See Table 29, it exemplifies how to analyze the results explained in Table 28.

Table 29 . Example of recording results obtained by first grade primary school students, in Writing
Performance level
Student code Student name Level reached
Hand-eye coordination Proper posture

1 Student 1 Level 4 Level 4 4

2 Student 2 Level 4 Level 3 4

3 Student 3 Level 4 Level 2 2

4 Student 4 Level 3 Level 3 3

5 Student 5 Level 2 Level 2 2

6 Student 6 Level 1 Level 1 1

Source: Digeduca, 2022.

The first inference that can be made is that only Student 1 shows mastery of the skills and abilities evaluated for Stage 6 years of pre-primary.

In the case of Student 2 , it can be seen that he reached Performance Level 4, because he made the lines on the line from left to right; however, he shows
deficiencies in posture, so he will need to strengthen this aspect. Similar is the case of Student 3 who requires greater exposure to posture tasks because he
reached level 2.

Students 4 and 5 show consistency in hand-eye coordination and proper posture, but need to improve them to meet the standards required for the grade.
While Student 6 requires more support to develop the learning that the pre-primary standards require for their correct development in primary school,
because they are located at level 2.

The previous analysis leads to the conclusion that the evaluated students need feedback in the development of the evaluated writing skills, without forgetting
that those who reached Performance Level 4, in all the aspects evaluated, can continue to improve in them.

The Learn+ test results are

useful to identify which skills
writing the student has developed during
their years of schooling and which ones they are in
process as expected by the CNB.
This is what makes the evaluation different
formative of the summative.

IV. Math

4.1 What does the Mathematics test measure?

It measures Mathematics abilities and skills, achieved as provided in the CNB for Stage 6 years of the Pre-Primary Education Level, based on a component
and a competence, these are described in Table 30.

Table 30. Component and area competence that are evaluated in Learn+

Component : Thought.

Area competition:
3. Demonstrates knowledge of the world around him by resorting to logical-mathematical thinking based on the exploration of objects in the environment to
obtain information.
Source: CNB, 2008.

To establish each of the tasks that the student will perform, the degree competence, the level of achievement and the content of the CNB were taken into
account (see Table 31).

Table 31. Relationship of Mathematics tasks with the CNB

CNB achievement
Degree Competition Content Tasks

3. Infers logical
judgments and
3.6 Establishes the
relationship between the 3.6.2. Association of the number of objects or
• Associate the number of objects with the
corresponding numeral.
expresses them in form number of illustrations with the corresponding numeral.
3.6.3. Writing numerals from 0 to 9 in the decimal
verbal, graphic and elements in a set and system. • Write numbers from 1 to 9.
symbolic relating the numeral that
parts with the whole. It represents.
3.6.5. Practice adding objects with totals no greater
• Add objects with totals no
over 9.
than 9 and subtraction with minuends equal to or
less than 9. • Subtracts objects with totals no
over 9.
Source: CNB, 2008.

4.2 Test application

In Mathematics the application is individual in section 1, this means that the teacher will evaluate his students one by one. It is accompanied in sections 2, 3
and 4, that is, the teacher explains the examples on the blackboard and accompanies the student activity by activity, giving the necessary time for the student
to respond.

1 .ª On the day of the evaluation, check that the data on the Learn+ cover page is complete,
2 .ª Will explain, with the examples found at the beginning of each section, the activity that the student will carry out,
3 .ª You will read the tasks of the section one by one, giving the necessary time for the student to respond. In section 1, place a check ■/ in the “Yes” box if
the student answers correctly.
4 .ª At the end of section 1, the application of the following sections continues .

The Mathematics evaluation is organized into four sections, tables number 32 to 35 describe what is evaluated and what the student must do in each of them.

Section 1
Table 32. Application of Section 1
If the student associates the corresponding numeral with the number of elements in a set (range 0 to 9).
What does it evaluate?
In the “Yes” box place a check / if the student calls out the correct number of objects.
Count the objects and say out loud the number of objects you counted.
What does the teacher do?
Teacher: ―In this section you must count the objects and tell me out loud the number of objects you counted.
What does the student do? Example: How many houses are there? Before giving an answer, let's count the houses

one by one.
The student counts each house.
Student: ―1, 2. There are 2 houses. If the student says the number
of objects correctly, the teacher places a check and the word “Yes” in
Example the box.
Teacher: ―Very good! In this way we are going to work on the four tasks of this section.
Teacher: ―Do you have any questions? The teacher answers all questions regarding how to respond.
Teacher: ―We are ready, let's start!
Teacher: ―How many flowers do you see here? Allow a reasonable amount of time for the student to count. Replace
the underlined word with the name of each object in each activity.

If there are more students in the classroom, the teacher should be placed in a place that does not allow others to hear the student's
responses. Otherwise, when it is their turn, it will not be possible to identify whether it is because they know how to count or because they
listened to what others say.
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Section 2
Table 33. Application of Section 2
What does it evaluate? If the student writes quantities from 1 to 9 in numbers.
Dictate the numbers from 1 to 9 in the following order. Allow a reasonable amount of time for the student
What does the teacher do?
to write the number.
What does the student do? Write the numbers that the teacher tells you.
On the board draw the boxes and the arrow that indicates the path.
Teacher: ―Now we are going to write some numbers, let's do the example together:
Zero , now review the number zero that appears in the example.
Allow a reasonable amount of time for the student to write .
Teacher: ―This way you are going to write the numbers that I tell you, start writing in the first box.
Point to the first box you drew on the board .
Example Teacher: ―Then continue writing the other numbers Eel ga,

following the arrows on the path. I will tell you in which box f- 2
It is appropriate to write. The teacher points with his finger following the arrow, continue in this way
until completing the nine
numbers. If the student does not remember a number, continue leaving the space. Teacher: Do you
have any questions about how you should work?
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Section 3
Table 34. Application of Section 3
What does it evaluate? If the student adds objects with totals no greater than 9.
Explain to the student that they are going to perform some sums, explain the example and follow activity by activity.
What does the teacher do?
Add objects with totals no greater than 9 and write your answer in the box.
What does the student do? Draw the example on the board .
Teacher: ―Here we are going to add or add some objects. Let's do together
example. We have 2 pencils and we add one more. How many pencils do we have in total?
Student: —3. Is . or ____
Teacher:—Now review number 3. w\=
(Provide enough time for the student to
perform the action).
Teacher: ―In the following tasks you must write your answer inside the box. Do you have any questions about how you
should work? Let's do it together.
Teacher: We have 3 pots and we added one more. How many pots do we have in total? Replace the underlined words
with the number of objects in each activity.

Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Section 4
Table 35. Application of Section 4
What does it evaluate? If the student subtracts objects with totals no greater than 9.
What does the student do? Subtract objects with totals no greater than 9 and write your answer in the box.
Draw the example on the board
Teacher: ―Now we are going to remove or subtract some objects. Let's do the example together. We have 3 tomatoes
and we take away 2, how many tomatoes do we have in total?
Do the subtraction with the student. In the first 3 tomatoes, make a cross on top of 2 of them and ask , how many are
Student: ―1 .
Example of addition Teacher:—Now review number 1. ' Ze'.........
(Provide enough time for the student to
perform the action).
Teacher: ―In the following tasks you must write your answer inside the box. Do you have any questions about how you
should work? Let's do it together.
Teacher: ―We have 4 hats and we remove two . How many hats do we have left? Replace the underlined words with
the number of objects in each task.
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

4.3 Qualification and interpretation of results

4.3.1 Test score

At the end of the application of the tests, rate them using the key that appears in Table 36.

Table 36. Key to grading answers to sections 1, 2 and 3

Task # Task # Task # Task #

Correct answers Correct answers Correct answers Correct answers
1 3 6 1 11 7 16 8
2 4 7 3 12 9 17 2
3 7 8 6 13 8 18 3
4 9 9 4 14 4 19 5
5 2 10 5 15 7
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

4.3.2 Results analysis

After grading the tests, proceed to place the correct answers in the corresponding performance levels, according to the tables shown below. This will allow you
to interpret the results and identify what level of performance the student is at and what skills and knowledge need to be strengthened.

Performance level 4
Table 37 describes how to interpret the results for Performance Level 4.
Table 37. Performance level 4
Performance level 4 Task # What the student shows he knows how to do
Add correctly:
14. 3 + 1 = 4
From 14 to 16.
To place the results at this level, the student must answer correctly 15. 4 + 3 = 7
as 16. 6 + 2 = 8
minimum four of the six tasks in Sections 3 and 4.
Subtract correctly:
17. 4 – 2 = 2
From 17 to 19.
18. 6 – 3 = 3
19. 7 – 2 = 5
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Performance level 3
Table 38 describes how to interpret the results for Performance Level 3.
Table 38. Performance level 3
Performance level 3 Task # What the student shows he knows how to do
Write numbers from 1 to 9 in order 2I1I3
To place the results at this level, the student must correctly answer in what the teacher dictates.
From 5 to 13. 6 4 5
at least five of the nine tasks in Section 2.
7 9 8
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Performance level 2
Table 39 describes how to interpret the results for Performance Level 2.

Table 39. Performance level 2

Performance level 2 Task # What the student shows he knows how to do

To place the results at this level, the student must correctly answer
From 1 to 4. Count the objects: 3, 4, 7 and 9.
at least three of the four tasks in Section 1.

Source: Digeduca, 2021.

Performance level 1
Table 40 describes how to interpret the results for Performance Level 1.

Table 40. Performance level 1

Performance level 1 Task # What the student shows he knows how to do

Does not reach Performance Levels 2, 3 and 4, or does not

From 1 to 19 The student does not show sufficient evidence to determine
respond to any activity.
where he or she is in the learning process.
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

4.3.3 Analysis of the results

To record the results of the students and place them at a certain level of performance, the teacher can create a table that allows them to unify the information
of the evaluated group and analyze which are the mathematical abilities and skills that each student has achieved and which are in process. . To register, you
need to have the information in tables: 37, 38, 39 and 40 in view.

To understand how the results should be interpreted and obtain information to feed back the learning, an example is presented below. In Table 41 the results
of some students were recorded: what can be inferred from them?

Table 41. Example of recording results obtained by first grade primary school students in Mathematics

Source: Digeduca, 2022.

The first inference that can be made is that Students 1 and 6 have achieved the evaluated abilities and skills, as provided in the CNB for stage 6 of the Pre-
Primary Education Level, because they correctly answered four or more tasks in the Level. performance 4.

In the case of Students 2 and 4 , it can be seen that they reached Performance Level 1, because they correctly answered less than four tasks in Performance
Levels 4, less than five tasks in Performance Level 3 and less than three tasks. at Performance Level 2. However, the teacher must investigate the reasons
why he/she did not achieve
answer all tasks correctly.

Student 3 , although he answered three correctly tasks in he Level of The results of the Learn+ test
performance 4, did not answer the number of tasks that allowed him to level up, but he does meet They are useful to identify what
the criterion of solving five tasks in he Level of math skills has
performance 3. Note that at Performance Level 2 you perform four tasks, but you are placed at the developed the student throughout
highest performance level where you meet the criterion. The teacher will have to investigate what his journey through the educational system and
difficulties the student has in solving the tasks, which did not allow him to answer correctly. which are in process, according to
expected in the CNB.
In the case of Student 5 , he only meets the criterion of correctly answering three or more tasks at This is what makes the different
Performance Level 2. summative formative assessment .

The previous analysis leads to the conclusion that the evaluated students need feedback in the
development of mathematical skills, although not all in the same skills evaluated.

V. Registration of results in the SIRE

The application of the Learn+ evaluation will be carried out on dates that will be informed in due course. Along with these dates, it will be published when the
students' results must be entered into the SIRE. It is requested that you enter them to have a
photograph of the situation of student learning on a national scale, but it is not the purpose of the
application of the test.
A specific space will be enabled in the SIRE to record the results; this is done with confirmation of school enrollment.
The objective of the application of the
Learn+ test is that the
Below are the steps to follow to record results for students enrolled in the 2022 school year. teacher identifies which are the
aspects that must be fed back into
1 . In the SIRE the Records menu will be enabled.
o each of the students for the
2 . In this menu, there is the Learn+ option that must be entered.
o skills development
3 . When entering the Learn+ option, you must select the grade and section to which the students
o reading, writing and mathematics.
whose results will be recorded belong
of the evaluation. When selecting it, click on the List button.
4 . When you click List, the list of students enrolled in the selected grade and section will be displayed.

5 . To enter the results, click on the Enter button, a panel will be displayed where the student's data is displayed and in which the columns of the Reading,

Writing and Mathematics performance levels appear (see Table 42).

Table 42. Example of student registration in the SIRE

Student last Student
No. Student personal Reading Writing performance Performance level in
name names
code Performance Level level Mathematics
1 C910MWU David 1 2 3
2 G456HWJ Ibanez Pérez Alexandra 4 1 TO
Source: Digeduca, 2021.

6 . Record performance level 1, 2, 3 or 4.


7 . In cases where students have not taken the test, the letter A will be written for Absent.

8 . When you finish entering the data, click on the Save button and the general list of students will be displayed.

VI. Frequent questions Evaluation reports
Reports for teachers Recommendations for teachers Research
1. What to do to apply the test to students with SEN? Material intended
To apply the tests it is necessary to provide
to participate information
in the training that
If the student has any special educational needs associated or not Digeduca provides to the about the standardized
teachers evaluations
virtually. Precise that on
with a disability,
Documents that provide the teacher's collaboration is requested
Bisheets with recommendations to provide the days, times
Collection of research on reading, and how are
to applied
register to primary
and school
participate instudents
said training
the necessary
information support required.
about standardized Addressinthe
to develop thestudent withwith
classroom a natural will be
writing, mathematics, givenothers.
among in due course. and that constitute an indicator of the
tone of voice
assessments and gesture
administered to clearly;
studentsgive simple instructions and
on phonological Based on the main findings of educational quality of the system.
repeat until what is required is understood; If the patient has visual, 5. Can the Learn+ tests be administered without having read the
students processing and reading fluency evaluations and research.
physical and intellectual disabilities, it must be applied orally; or use Application and Qualification Manual?
from elementary school. oral.
different sensory options depending on the case; If the person has Digeduca, 2021.
Source: For the application of the test to provide useful results for teachers,
a hearing disability, talk to them face-to-face so they can read lips it is important that they carefully read the Application and
You can
or also
use check out some specific
sign language. research like:
The evaluation has no time limit. If the Qualification Manual, since, being a formative evaluation, it is
student has an educational need special very committed to her important to identify the skills acquired by the student and those
functionality, you can look for more suggestions Table 44in. Materials
the followingavailable to teachers
that are in process. .
# Investigation link: Description 6. What should be done when the results of the test application
La Digeduca, in addition to evaluating primary students with national tests in 2010, 2011 and 2012, carried out a
ages/sampledata/asimages/Inclusion/pdf/Sesiones- de- are already available?
quantitative and comparative evaluation in 2017 to identify the reading skills that the student has when entering the
Aprendizaje-Inclusivas.pdf It is very important to analyze them, as exemplified in this manual,
Pre-primary National Educational System through the emergent literacy test (LEE). As a result, he found a high correlation
and then make a plan of activities that lead the student to develop
1 education in between the sections of the test. The tasks of initial reading and emergent writing are highly related. Likewise
2.. Is the test applied to students who did not complete the 2021 the skills and abilities that it was determined they need to achieve.
Guatemala between the results of the LEE reading tests and an emergent mathematics test, applied simultaneously. (2019) With
school year?
the objective of identifying the reading skills that7.the student
Why don't has thewhen entering
tests the educational
evaluate system,
all the contents of aCommunication
study was
Yes, the Learn+ test must be applied, because being a formative
carried out including three cohorts of first grade children in a sample of schools nationwide.
and Language and Mathematics of the CNB? Because toFor this, the Emerging
evaluation, it will always provide information that the teacher can
Literacy Test (LEE) was used, which takes into account four aspects:
prepare 1] letterwas
them, priority identification or knowledge
given to content of theevaluated,
that, when
take advantage of to help the student more accurately.
Evaluation of Emergent alphabetic principle; 2] emergent writing; 3] initial reading or readiness
provides informationfor reading and, skills
about other 4] printed concepts.for(2018)
and abilities, example: to
Reading in first grade Eli (Initial Reading Assessment) is a test that was applied to athe
identify representative
purpose or sample atofthe
intention the municipal
text, if level
the in 2014.
student It
3.2 Can the tests be obtained digitally?
students is done individually for first grade students. By using this model, the performance of each student can be described,
correctly, it can be inferred that he or she is capable of identifying
. Yes, tests for all grades are available at:
as well as the pace at which they advance in each reading temporalstage with respect
sequences, thetomain
the group in which
idea and theme theyof are
text, among
Model to explain and (2018) others. This has the advantage of applying a brief test, but one that
predict reading learning reports varied information. Being a formative evaluation, the teacher
4. Can the teacher apply the Learn+ tests without having received
for Guatemala will make a qualitative interpretation of the results and establish the
any induction?
3 measure of improvement that each student needs.
VII. recommendations
With the objective of recognizing the characteristics of the primary level teacher who works in the public sector and
Profile of the first
• The results
primary teacherobtained what their procedure is regarding the teaching of reading, this study was carried out in 2014. According to the results
and theare indicators to know the learning level of the students who will be in first grade. Therefore, the results can guide the planning
4 process for this school year'sfound and the influence of factors, as well as the literature reviewed, the 'ideal' profile of the first primary teacher for
teaching of reading
• This diagnostic evaluation the current era can and
of Communication be defined.
Language (2018)
and Mathematics can be used at other times, to verify the progress of learning.
The research with a qualitative approach aimed to know the activities that have allowed first grade students to
Successful activities in
• According
teaching to the
reading in results
first obtained, investigateinthe
position themselves thecontents and indicators
fluent reading where
stage at the end students show
of the school greater
year. This difficulties,
stage arisessofromthatthe
strategies to use are to achieve the expected learning.
that Digeduca has created based on the results of the evaluation in the first grade of primary school. (2017)
• You are invited to review The the objective
Pedagogical Material
of this researchof the
wasPrimary Education
to analyze level that
the activities withteachers
information that
carry outmay be useful
to work for your
on reading planning in the
and identify the way in which the process of meaningful learning develops in the classroom. To this end, observations
were carried out in the classrooms of a sample of 120 primary and secondary schools in the departments of
Table 43 . Materials available to teachers
Huehuetenango, Quiché, Jalapa and Guatemala. The results indicated that few teachers carry out the meaningful
Briefs for teachers learning process
Pedagogical in its entirety; Likewise, in the
booklets Theobserved
writer's area of reading, it was found The
workshop that treasure
there are of
that focus on reading, these being centered on the teacher rather than on the student. The quality of the classroom
Bifoliates referring
A look at the to meaningful Series that allows students to Material aimed at developing the three
depends mainly on the teachers, which is evident through the number of activities, implementation and adequate
learning in the of
process classroom and exercise and develop reading stages of reading in students: emergent
sequence of all phases of the meaningful Series learning process
for the task in orderwriting,
of teaching to develop
as the necessary skills in students. (2011)
various reading and writing
meaningful learning comprehension or problem-solving (pre-primary), initial (first to third grades)
The objective of this research was to analyze
well the writing
as reflecting on theskills of first grade
importance that students. A test was applied to a sample the classroom skills and abilities. and comprehensive (fourth to sixth
of 661 first grade students from thewriting departments
has soof Huehuetenango,
that Quiché, Jalapa and Guatemala. With this
students can function
instrument, the process and productfully of writing weretheir
throughout evaluated. Amongwritten
lives through the results is that half of the students wrote
sentences with a meaning that could be interpreted by the reader, although presenting errors in lexicon, grammar and
handwriting, considered acceptable for the grade in which they are. (2013)

Exploring writing
skills First grade

Source: Digeduca, 2021.


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