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Career : Financial Engineering


 Cuellar Cardona María René 218015844

 Peredo Peña Karen Eliana 219040613

 Roses Marshal Rosmery 217094961

 Villarroel Santos Aida Cristina 218164246

SUBJECT : Preparation and Evaluation of Projects

TEACHER : Msc. Rivers Fields Nelson
Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Santa Cruz - Bolivia

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Chapter I...................................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Background...............................................................................................................................5
1.3 Origin of the Project................................................................................................................5
1.4 Justification...............................................................................................................................5
1.5 Titles............................................................................................................................................6
1.6 Institutional Framework..........................................................................................................6
1.7 Project Objectives....................................................................................................................6
1.8 Goals...........................................................................................................................................7
Chapter II..................................................................................................................................................8
Market study........................................................................................................................................8
2.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................8
2.2 Objective of the Market Study...............................................................................................8
2.3 Market Segmentation..............................................................................................................8
2.5 Universe and Sample............................................................................................................10
2.6 Demand.....................................................................................................................................10
Chapter I II..............................................................................................................................................11
Location and Size.................................................................................................................................11
3.1 Location....................................................................................................................................11
3.1.3 Location Factors.................................................................................................................13
3.2 Project Size..............................................................................................................................15
Chapter IV...............................................................................................................................................18
Project Engineering.........................................................................................................................18
4.1 Concept....................................................................................................................................18
4.2 Definition and characteristics of the project...................................................................18
4.3 Description of the Service Provision Process................................................................18
4.4 Description of some machinery necessary for the project..........................................22
4.5 Infrastructure description....................................................................................................26
4.6 Description of Land...............................................................................................................27
Chapter V................................................................................................................................................28
Administrative and Legal Aspects...............................................................................................28

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

5.1 Business formalization.........................................................................................................28

5.2 Organization............................................................................................................................28
5.3 Legal Status.............................................................................................................................32
5.4 Registration of our company in FUNDAEMPRESA........................................................33
5.5 Tax obligations.......................................................................................................................36
Chapter V Yo..........................................................................................................................................37
Investments and Financing............................................................................................................37
6.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................37
6.2 Investment Structure.............................................................................................................38
6.3 Financing..................................................................................................................................41
6.4 Credit Characteristics...........................................................................................................42
6.5. Income, cost and expense budgets..................................................................................43
6.6 Calculation and projection of operating costs................................................................46
Chapter VII..............................................................................................................................................48
Income and Cost Budget................................................................................................................48
7.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................48
7.2 Specific Objectives................................................................................................................48
7.3 Calculation of VAT Debit and Credit VAT Balance.........................................................48
7.4 Preparation of the Income Statement................................................................................49
Chapter V III............................................................................................................................................51
8.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................51
8.2 Elements of Project Cash Flow...........................................................................................51
8.3 Preparation of Cash Flow.....................................................................................................51
8.5 Conclusions on the Viability and Profitability of the Project..........................................53
8.6 RC/B..........................................................................................................................................54
8.7 Recommendations.................................................................................................................55

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Chapter I

This work is focused on an investment project, it has been prepared by students in the
seventh semester within the Faculty of Economics and Financial Sciences (UAGRM).
The purpose of this project is to analyze the technical, economic, financial, social and
environmental feasibility to implement the HEALTHY CATERING service project to be
located in the municipality of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, to take advantage of human
resource factors and generate economic benefits. and social.

In the municipality of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, recreation and sports activities are
diverse due to a growing tendency of people to take care of their health, physical
condition and body image. The entrepreneur's initiative arises because attitudes or
patterns are demonstrated where the consumer wants to change many of their eating
habits to feel better, this sometimes cannot be achieved either due to lack of time or
lack of skills to search for and prepare the food. food and that is why they look for more
comfortable solutions both for themselves and for their pocketbooks.

The departmental development plan of Santa Cruz is framed in the guidelines of

sustainable development, that is, ensuring that there are local, comprehensive, efficient
levels of development, to thus develop service implementation programs and address
the problems that arise. they introduce themselves; in the face of accelerated Social-
Economic development and thus mitigate limitations.

The departmental development plan of Santa Cruz assumes the following main

 Influence the future of the economic and social development of Santa Cruz.

 Adjust available resources to the objectives of said development.

 Systematize the monitoring of public and private investments and actions to

evaluate effects and incorporate the necessary readjustments in a timely

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Due to the aforementioned, the service implementation project responds to the strategic
lines for the action of economic development and environmental programs and projects,
thus contributing to society with employment, in addition to enabling the relationship of
infrastructure and services. health taking into account all biosafety care, ensuring that
healthy eating contributes to human beings; Therefore, they increase defenses and help
the immune system and thus have more resistance to be able to face any disease in
addition to satisfying their needs.

1.2 Background

Its origin dates back to the fourth millennium BC in China. It consisted of providing food
for free.

I started this service to provide a certain amount of food and drink at parties and events.
Catering services have been developing over time, nowadays it is very normal to
observe parties, no matter the reason, where this type of services are hired, it is a fast,
classy and profitable way where guests feel comfortable for the care provided.

Hence the idea of working in a healthy catering service with the purpose of helping
people who lead a Fitness life.

1.3 Origin of the Project

1.3.1 Problem tree

 Service insecurity
 Let them think it has an excessive cost
 There are not many references
 Let the menus be repeated often
 They prefer to do it themselves
 Loss of profits

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

1.4 Justification

Because currently catering services represent a great solution to the lack of time and
the need for security and confidence in food.

Healthy catering services arise from the need to achieve weight loss, eliminate fat,
increase muscle strength, more resistance, promote relationships, physical resistance,
control of muscle mass.

It is considered a profitable project as it is located in a strategic area of the city of Santa

Cruz and also because it can provide solutions to the problem that most future clients
had regarding poor nutrition, and thus be able to position itself in the market.

1.5 Titles

Investment project: creation of a healthy catering service in the municipality of Santa

Cruz de la Sierra.

The healthy catering service is created with the aim of being able to position itself as the
first restaurant that offers a healthy catering service, unusual in Santa Cruz de la Sierra,
which satisfies with excellent results for the client's image.

1.6 Institutional Framework

1.6.1 Organic Structure (Organisation Chart)

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

1.7 Project Objectives

1.7.1 General Objective

Feasibility study for the creation of a food company produced based on healthy
products to be sent to consumers in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra through a
catering system, taking advantage of knowledge, technology and infrastructure to
generate economic and social benefits .

1.7.2 Specific Objectives

 Carry out market research on healthy food consumers

 Execute the location and size study of the project

 Analyze risks and environmental study

 Develop the technical study of the project

 Carry out the legal organizational study of the project

 Carry out the financial economic study

 Evaluate the financial feasibility of the project

1.8 Goals

Our goal is to determine the feasibility of the project using the specific objectives
mentioned above.

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Chapter II

Market study

2.1 Introduction

Analyze and understand the catering market to know its behavior and trends in this type
of service through a survey with the purpose of analyzing the feasibility of creating a
healthy food catering in the town of Santa Cruz.
2.2 Objective of the Market Study

Obtain information that helps us face market conditions, make decisions and anticipate
its evolution, as well as an idea of the number of consumers who will acquire the
service, for what period of time, and how much they are willing to pay for the service.
service, and the desires they have regarding the product.

This information will be very important because this way we can adapt to the wishes of
consumers in order to offer them a service with which they feel satisfied and that meets
their needs.

2.3 Market Segmentation

In this part, the people to whom our service is directed will be defined, which through a
survey we were able to identify who would be our target audience.

2.3.1 Demographics

According to variables such as sex, age, and income, we were able to segment a target
market, which would be women and men between 20 and 30 years of age. Who work or
have a purchasing power to buy.

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

2.3.2 Geography

Initially the company is located in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra in the department
of Santa Cruz.

2.3.3 Psychography

The market is divided into different groups with different characteristics, lifestyles and
personality types. Our market is focused on people who would like to lead a healthy
lifestyle, either because they want to change their eating habits or already lead a fitness

2.3.4 Purchasing patterns

Many factors influence a customer's buying factor. These follow a similar pattern as
purchasing the service because they have little time to prepare their meals, and often
little re-invention to make various dishes. There are also people who acquire the
services because they do physical activity, and for a better result they want to
accompany it with a balanced diet.

2.3.5 Customer category

Men and women between 20 and 30 years of age, from the city of Santa Cruz de la
Sierra, families, businessmen and people who have the necessary resources to acquire
the service, practice some physical activity and people who worry about nutrition fury.

2.3.6 Segmentation by nest approach

Customers buy health, a healthy and balanced eating option, they also seek to save
time since they do not have enough time in the kitchen.

2.4 Information Collection

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Nowadays, awareness about eating well is increasing; people, faced with the need to
eat healthily, are more concerned about knowing the different types of foods they are
eating and, thanks to the different media, they can satisfy the needs. information needs
without major opportunity cost. The different variables that make people search or
question this topic may be due to different situations, for example: by their own decision
or by recommendations from a doctor. Because people want to achieve a goal at a
physical level and rely on healthy eating. Or because a company with appropriate
communication captivates them with its health and well-being messages.

Many of these are the reasons why clients look for an alternative to solve their

2.5 Universe and Sample

The data source is collected by men and women between 20 and 40 years of age.

2.5.1 Sample determination

For the quantitative analysis, the research method used 10 open and select questions.
The research population is made up of the population of inhabitants found in the city of
Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

2.5.2 Sample size

A structured survey of questions was developed, applied to 400 citizens of the city of
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, to evaluate the most desirable marketing and distribution of
healthy food catering.

2.5.3 Conclusion of the market research

Of the 100% of the people to whom the survey was conducted, 28% are interested in
acquiring the healthy food catering service.

Which means that there are people who would demand our services.

2.6 Demand

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

2.5.4 Unsatisfied demand

Unsatisfied demand is determined by total demand minus total supply; The project does
not have direct competition, it is for this reason that the unsatisfied demand for it is
given by 72% of the people who would not count on our service.

Chapter I II
Location and Size
3.1 Location
Its objective is to identify and analyze the best location for the implementation and
operation of the project, with the purpose of guiding the entity promoting the project
to the choice of possible alternatives and within these to identify a place that

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

maximizes the benefits of the project through services, and minimize its
infrastructure costs.

Choosing the best site requires a process of successive approaches,

distinguishing two stages: Macro location and Micro location.

3.1.1 Macro location.

Macro localization consists of evaluating and identifying the region in which this
project “Implementation of a company providing healthy food catering services” will
be located, its different qualities and reasons that have been given for choosing
said place.

It includes the analysis of the geographical context of the place where the project
that is planned to be implemented will be located.

The proposal is to implement the project in the following cities: La Paz, Beni and
Santa Cruz de la Sierra



MARKET 0.20 20 18 40
0.20 14 10 24
LIFE CONDITIONS 0.10 18 20 30


TOTALS 1.00 126 134 206

Taking into account the following results, the best answer is that the location of this
project “Implementation of a company providing healthy food catering services” will be
carried out in the department of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, especially since In recent
years, it has become the most dynamic center of industrial, commercial and service
activity in Bolivia, with an economy in permanent growth and interesting investment
prospects in different areas.

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

 Character Geographic eristics. - The department of Santa Cruz is the

largest in Bolivia, it has a territorial area that amounts to 370,621 km It is
located in the eastern part of the country and borders to the north with the
department of Beni and the Republic of Brazil; to the south with the
department of Chuquisaca and the Republic of Paraguay; to the east with
the Republic of Brazil and to the west with the departments of
Cochabamba and Chuquisaca.
 Climatological Factors. - Santa Cruz has a tropical climate. Average
temperatures are 29 to 32 degrees in spring and summer, but
temperatures of more than 40 degrees (approximately) are also recorded
and drop to 20 or 21 degrees in winter. Santa Cruz has a temperate to cold
climate in the western region (heights of Comarapa, Vallegrande); mild to
warm as you descend towards the plains; warm throughout the plains
region. Cold polar currents (surazos) are frequent in winter.

3.1.2 Microlocation

Micro-location consists of the choice and delimitation of the area and land in which the
project will be installed and operate. It refers to the specific factors that decide the exact
location within the region such as availability. Resource costs, and product costs.

Alternative: A 115 m 2 plot of land, first ring, on Ayacucho Street No. 576 with a cost of
655,500 bs. that has all the basic services (water, electricity, telephone) and also
availability of land, availability of

Conclusion: Our best alternative for the location of the project since it has a land that is
located between the first ring on Ayacucho Street No. 576, since it has multiple access
roads to the place because it is a busy area in order to have greater accessibility for
clients in addition to having transportation and basic services, this street being very

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

3.1.3 Location Factors

Size is the production capacity of goods or services that a product can have during a
certain period of time, it is conditioned by many factors such as:

 Proximity to supply points: Supply points are very important for our company
since our services include food.
 Transportation services : The company has access to a network of
transportation routes that connect different markets and cities with each other.
 Laws and regulations: Bolivia's legislation is characterized by being unstable,
perhaps this may have an impact on our profits.
 Availability of labor: Minimum personnel and labor are required to provide
services, which is why we will have adequate and trained personnel.

3.1.4 Qualitative factors

Land Availability. - The land to be occupied with the implementation of the project
is around 115 Mts 2 . This area allows the placement of the different machines and
equipment that will be required for the operation of the catering.

Availability of machinery and equipment. -

It refers to having the equipment and machinery that is available on the market for
use and marketing (sale of accessories and vitamin supplements to complement
the service offered) in our catering center.

Basic services. -
It is part of one of the important variables, this project requires drinking water and a
large amount of electrical energy for the operation of the machinery and

Availability of qualified labor. -

In a service project, the main factor is the personnel who must have a high degree
of qualification according to the work area as well as experience.

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Land Cost. -
This factor will influence the investment that will be made in the project, because
land must be found that meets the conditions required for the project.
3.2 Project Size

Size is the production capacity of goods or services per unit of time that the project
can produce or offer during a certain period of operation.

The size of a project is measured by its capacity to produce goods and/or services
in relation to its normal operating time unit; It is also conditioned by factors such
as: the existing demand in the market, the availability of the machinery and
equipment to be used, access to the basic services incurred to offer the service,
and the financing required to set up the company. These factors interrelate with
each other to design the size of the project.

3.2.1 Size Limiting Factors

to) Market

The growth of the population of the city of Santa Cruz indicates that the project itself can
generate interesting high margins from clients demanding the service.

In this project, the market is given by the inhabitants of the Andrés Ibáñez province,
which has a total population of 1,777,213 with a growth rate of 4.2% according to data
from the INE, 2009.

b) Financing

Financing depends on the acquisition of the resources to be used. If there are no

financing sources that are willing to grant credits, it will not be possible to implement the

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Regarding the financing of the “Implementation of a healthy food catering service

provider” project, there will be different sources of financing, such as: contributions from
partners and external sources such as financial entities.

c) Technology

The machinery and equipment to be used for the operation of “Implementation of a

healthy food catering service provider” are located in the department of Santa Cruz, so
through importers we can have access to the following machinery and equipment:

 Ovens
 stoves
 irons
 fryers
 freezing refrigerators
 conservation refrigerators
 chopper
 processor
 blender
 blender
 kneader
 cash registers
 electronic equipment
 coffee makers
 security equipments
 environmental thermal conditioning equipment

Calculation of people capacity

To calculate the space, it must be taken into account that the necessary space will be
different according to the activity to be carried out and, therefore, the type of assembly
chosen. In this project we are going to use 1.20 m2 per person since it is a catering.

This document quantifies the capacity in:

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Number of people = land area / value defined in for each person ( 2m2 )
115m2 100m2
Then taking into account that the area of the land is of which only will be
occupied for the construction of the healthy food catering in such a way that the total
space available will be 50m2 for the realization of healthy food.


Available space = 50m2

Defined value = 2mts 2

50/2 = 25 people (Maximum capacity that enters the catering)

Once we have the number of people that can fit in our establishment, we will multiply
that result by the number of hours that the catering will have.


Number of people = 25

Hours that the catering will serve = 8 hours

25*8 = 200 (Number of people per day)

Doing these calculations we will serve approximately a total of 200 people per day,
which will be our maximum daily capacity.

3.2.2 Project Size

Healthy food catering has a maximum installed capacity of around 200 people per day.
The capacity that will be used in the first year is 60%, that is, 120 people per day; in the
remaining years it will increase according to the population growth rate.

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Chapter IV
Project Engineering
4.1 Concept
This chapter will be responsible for the selection, description and implementation of the
equipment and land necessary for the implementation of a catering service.

The idea of the project consists of the construction of a center that provides catering
services and has modern facilities in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra in district 1. This
center will have the necessary technology to provide the best catering services. In turn,
it will offer a quality service for each client who provides our services for any situation.

Professionalism, economy and quality service are key concepts to be successful in this

A flow diagram will be prepared capable of adequately describing the process of the
service to be offered, as well as determining the requirement in terms of human
resources and machinery for the implementation of the project.

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

4.2 Definition and characteristics of the project

This project has the fundamental characteristic of developing a process in which the
provision of services is promoted through the application of various techniques, offering
a good quality service to consumers.

4.3 Description of the Service Provision Process

The flowchart is the graphic representation of the procedures that will be carried out and
that will allow efficient development.

Productive process

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Source: self made

The method used to represent the process of our service is the block diagram, which
relates the process of service provision, from when the client arrives at our place of
service until when the product is delivered with the due cancellation of the other 50 % of
the balance and the respective invoice is issued.

1. Client reception: The first contact with a potential client will be mainly at the
reception. The potential client will have several means of contacting us to request
information such as email, telephone, social networks or visiting our agency.
When the potential client makes contact with our catering service, emphasis will
be placed on the general information about the service, who is part of the team,
the prices and opening hours of our agency for the public. The intention will
always be to make the potential client feel comfortable. It is important that in this
step the receptionist is truly in charge of what the client is looking for so that they
are offered the ideal package regarding their needs.
2. Acquisition service according to their needs: This is where the client has already
decided on what they are looking for based on their needs and details the
service, the date, the place, the time at which the delivery will be made,
managing everything more easily online without the need for the customer to go
to our physical store to access all the packages offered, always guiding us on
what the customer is looking for, as well as doing some prior studies to avoid
having inconveniences.

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

3. Payment of 50% in advance: Once all the data necessary to acquire the service
has been detailed, 50% is required to proceed with the preparation of said
package, so the client will have access to pay it in cash as well as by bank
transfer so that it does not is an impediment at the time of making the purchase,
when you do so you will be issued a receipt of what you have paid and the
remaining balance that you will have to pay at the time of receiving our service.
4. Coordination and Preparation of the package: Days prior to the delivery date of
the product, the necessary materials for the production of the product are
purchased in order to provide better quality of the product, the maximum is 1 day
before the indicated date, to avoid inconveniences at the time of preparation.
5. Coordination with staff: An agreement is reached with the staff that helps prepare
the products in order to distribute them in a more efficient way and achieve the
results on the desired days and it is planned to have the product ready hours
before delivery.
6. Final Cancellation: At the time of making the respective delivery to the agreed
place, complying with what is also established in the purchase order, the client
completes the payment, that is, the missing 50% of the total package and
everything is left in the hands of the customer.

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

4.4 Description of some machinery necessary for the project


Kitchen 2 5000 10000

Iron 2 4500 9000

Dishwasher 1 4150 4150
Oven 2 2380 4760
odor extractor 1 4500 9000
Fridge 1 12000 12000
Microwave 2 700 1400
Blender 2 300 600
Blender 2 210 420
Cookware 5 300 1500
air fryer 2 800 1600
Coffee maker 2 200 400
juicer 2 300 600
Processor 2 650 1300
Pans 5 120 600
Pack of Ladles 2 45 90
Large bowls 10 20 200
Medium bowls 10 15 150
small bowls 10 10 100
Spatulas 10 5 50
Tweezers 5 5 25
Knives 10 10 100
Peeler 2 10 20

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Strainers 2 10 20
Grater 2 10 20
Cutting board 4 30 120
Can opener 2 5 10
Scissors 2 10 20
Funnel 3 5 15
Wringer 3 10 30
Measuring bowl 5 10 50
Tapers 20 20 400
Kettle 3 150 450
Timer 2 20 40
Thermometer 2 30 60
Balance 2 50 100
Toaster 2 125 250
Frieza 1 3500 3500
TOTAL 63150




Egg 50 units 0,5 25
Meat 8 kilos 40 320
Chicken 12 units 25 300
Fish 10 kilos 40 400
Tuna 10 cans 10 100
Ham 2 kg 40 80
Cheese 1 kg 24 24
Milk 5 it 10 50
Olive oil 1 lt 30 30
Soy oil 1 lt 20 20
Greek yogurt 3 lt 15 45
Light jam 3 units 18 54
Peanut butter 3 units 25 75
Oatmeal 5 kilos 10 50
Chia 2 kilos 10 20
Big wave 5 packages 5 25
Almond 1 Kilos 30 30
Walnuts 1 Kilos 30 30

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Quinoa 3 kilos 15 45
Integral rice 5 Kilos 10 50
Lentil 5 Kilos 10 50
Beans 2 kilos 10 20
Dad 2 At sign 40 80
Spinach 6 kilos 8,5 51
Onion 2 At sign 30 60
Tomato 20 Kilos 5 100
Lettuce 10 lettuces 3 30
Parsley 20 wedges 1 20
Cilantro 20 wedges 1 20
Pumpkin 30 kilos 2 60
Basil 5 mooring 2 10
Zuchini 10 parts 2 20
Vanita 5 kilos 4 20
Cabbage 3 units 5 15
Beet 5 kilos 5 25
Eggplant 10 units 2 20
Carrot 1 at sign 20 20
Peppers 50 peppers 1 50
Broccoli 10 units 5 50
Cauliflower 10 units 5 50
Cucumber 20 units 1 20
Radish 3 kilos 5 15
Cherry tomato 5 kilos 10 50
Apple 50 Units 2 100
Peach 5 kilos 8 40
Pineapple 5 units 5 25
banana 10 dozen 5 50
Papaya 10 units 5 50
Kiwi 3 kilos 10 30
Watermelon 5 units 5 25
Strawberry 6 kilos 5 30
Orange 100 units 0,4 40
Tangerine 100 units 0,3 30
Blueberries 3 kilos 20 60
Raspberry 2 kilos 20 40
Acerola 3 kilos 5 15
Mango 20 units 1 20
Wholemeal Noodle 20 packages 5 100
whole wheat flours 5 kilos 10 50
TOTAL 3334

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation



Computer 1 5000 5000

Printer 1 600 600
Phone 1 750 750
Air-conditioning 1 3500 3500
Desk 2 2000 4000
Office chairs 5 200 1000
Couch 1 1000 1000
TOTAL 15850
Pencils 12 2 24
Leaves 500 0,05 25
Pencil 12 1 12
Scissors 2 10 20
ink 3 20 60
Receipts 5 3 15
LIGHT 1000

TOTAL 2000

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

4.5 Infrastructure description

To provide the services of this project, an adequate infrastructure is required and the
following environments are available:

 1 area for reception and nutritional control

 1 kitchen area.

 1 area for bathrooms (Men and Women).

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

 1 warehouse area.

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

4.6 Description of Land

4.6.1 Terrain
The land selected for our catering service is our own land that has 115 m2 and will be
located within the first ring, on Calle Ayacucho No. 576. Said land has a price of

4.6.2Terrain characteristics
The land is one story in which the floor is made of ceramic, the walls are made of bricks
with cement plaster and white paint and the roof is tile. We have two emergency exits in
case any inconvenience happens and also due to safety regulations.

4.6.3 Site preparation

This entire procedure has a cost of 7000Bs, which includes: painting of walls and
repairs for our service.

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Chapter V
Administrative and Legal Aspects
5.1 Business formalization
It was decided to take the legal form of a Limited Liability Company because the
aspects and advantages corresponding to this type of company are adapted to the
characteristics and interests of the company and the partners. These points are detailed

(Characteristics) In limited liability companies, partners are liable up to the amount of

their contributions. (Art.195 C. COM)

- All decisions are made unanimously by the company's partners. On the other hand,
given that it is a society of people, the people who make it up take precedence over the
contributions they make.

- The share capital is divided into capital installments that, in no case, can be
represented by shares or securities that represent ownership.

-The capital installments must be paid in full at the time of legal incorporation of the
company, which will facilitate the rapid start-up of the hotel's operations.

The Bolivian Commercial Code does not establish a minimum share capital. However,
the share capital must be divided into installments of equal value, of Bs. 100 or
multiples of Bs. 100. (Art.198 C. COM)

5.2 Organization
The organization of the company is determined by:

The general manager will be the operational representative of the company, and will
enforce decisions in the organization. On the next scale below the manager are. The
nutritionists, Chef (who will be in charge of the kitchen assistants), receptionist (who will
be in charge of the order delivery people) ;

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

5.2.1 Organic structure (organization chart)

Source: self made

5.2.2 Function Manual

The company will be structured as follows: General Manager:

He will be in charge of establishing alliances with suppliers that mean cost reduction,
without detriment to the quality of the offer. Likewise, he will be in charge of articulating
all areas of the organization and keeping staff engaged. The proper functioning of the
company depends on the administrator. Therefore, you must have knowledge of the
development of work in each area.

Minimum requirements. –

 Professional university degree in Administration, Economics, Law or related

 No less than 5 years of work experience
 Knowledge of Business Administration.
 Management of Office Windows and applications

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation Nutritionist
The role of the Nutritionist is the comprehensive management of food services to
safeguard food safety and quality, satisfying nutritional needs, respecting culture and
educating users. This role requires a dynamic of continuous improvement,
implementation of new technologies applied to production processes as a guarantee of
safety of the final product.

Minimum requirements. –

 University professional degree in nutrition or related fields

 No less than 5 years of work experience

 Knowledge of Nutrition, and preparation of healthy food dishes Chef
Cook, prepare and decorate dishes. Develop menus. Supervise the proper functioning
of the on-site kitchens. Assign tasks to cooks and helpers.

Minimum requirements. –

 Professional university degree in nutrition, gastronomy or related fields

 No less than 5 years of work experience

 Knowledge of gastronomy, and preparation of healthy food dishes Kitchen assistant

They help in the preparation and preparation of dishes in a kitchen. These work under
the supervision of the chefs or cooks and help them with everything necessary for the
execution of the dishes.

Minimum requirements. –

 Interest in cooking

 Secondary education degree

 Vocation of service for health

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

 Interest in continuous learning

 Able to work as a team

 Creative Receptionist
Greeting and serving visitors, receptionists could perform other tasks, including
managing a telephone exchange, which these days is almost always computerized.

Minimum requirements. –

 Secondary education degree

 Great communication skills, and clear language and clear, professional oral
expression to dedicate yourself to telephone service.
 You may need basic accounting skills to calculate invoices and make cash or
credit card payments.
 Work experience Cleaner
Responsible for cleaning, storing and supplying designated areas of the facility (dusting,
sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling air vents, cleaning toilets, etc.)

Minimum requirements. –

 Demonstrable work experience as cleaning staff

 Ability to operate heavy machinery and equipment
 Knowledge of cleaning supplies and chemicals
 Familiarity with material safety data sheets
 Integrity
 Secondary education degree Home Delivery Delivery

It is the person who transports and distributes products from the place of production,
sale or storage to the home where they will be consumed in optimal conditions and
within acceptable time frames.

Minimum requirements. –

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

 Secondary education degree

 Concern for order and quality
 Basic accounting courses
 Be a good driver
 Knowledge of the work area

5.2.3 Personnel budget

No. of workers Positions Salaries Salary * No. of workers

1 General manager Bs7,000.00 Bs7,000.00
1 Nutritionist Bs4,500.00 Bs4,500.00
1 Chef Bs4,500.00 Bs4,500.00
1 Receptionist Bs3,000.00 Bs3,000.00
2 Kitchen assistant Bs2,200.00 Bs4,400.00
In charge of cleaning
and maintenance Bs2,200.00 Bs2,200.00
2 Home delivery Bs2,200.00 Bs4,400.00
TOTAL Bs30,000.00

5.3 Legal Status

The general steps that must be followed are as follows:

1. I started the process.

2. The secretariat must receive the respective route sheet where the approval was
carried out, corresponding to the legal personality process.

3. This secretariat must send its note to the secretary of the legal affairs

4. The departmental secretary who handles legal issues will be in charge of

receiving your approval.

5. It will then be sent to the process of the person responsible, requesting

verification of the legal personalities.

6. The person in charge of the procedures, for legal entities, must receive it.

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

7. Once you have it in your hands, you must compare all the annexes, which the
civil code establishes according to the type of legal personality that you are going
to obtain.

8. These can include your association, NGO, hotels, foundations, modifications of

associations and others.

9. In the event that you comply with each and every one of the requirements, your
report will be prepared, in which it will talk about the legal personalities.

10. In the opposite case, your applicants will be informed of the process they will
need to complete all the requirements.

11. Verify the type of legal personality that you will have according to what you
requested and your requirements.

12. Assuming that the development of legal personality is by foundation, association,

NGO, a motivation will be prepared with the signature of the highest executive
authority, for its result now finalizing.

5.4 Registration of our company in FUNDAEMPRESA

To register our SRL company in Fundaempresa we have to follow the following
requirements and steps:

1. Choose the company type

Define the most appropriate legal type for your venture. In current commercial
legislation, the following ways to carry out trade are recognized:

 Limited Liability Company.

2. Correctly choose the company name or name of your company

 The name: fictitious name, including the reference to the main economic activity
of the company.

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

 For both cases, partners must choose original and exclusive names with clear
and short preferences so that they can be remembered by consumers. You can
check the Fundempresa web portal to see if there are names the same or similar
to your company's.

3. Perform the homonymy check

Verify the availability of a company name or name that your company will use in Bolivia,
through Homonymy Control.

4. Correctly declare the corporate purpose of your company

In other words, it must declare the activity carried out by a commercial company. Taking
into account the specific economic activity carried out and its products and/or services.

5. Register your SRL company in the Bolivian Commerce Registry

The Limited Liability Company company is a type of commercial company in which the
liability is limited to the capital contributed, and, therefore, in the event that debts are
contracted, it is not responded to with the personal assets of the shareholders. partners.


1. Form No. 0020 for application for Commercial Registration as an affidavit, duly
completed and signed by the legal representative of the company.

2. Opening balance sheet signed by the legal representative and the professional
involved, accompanying the respective original professional solvency granted by
the College of Accountants or Auditors.

3. Testimony of the public deed of corporate constitution, in original or legible

legalized photocopy, with the insertion of the founding document of the company
containing the resolution approving the bylaws and designating the provisional
board of directors, within the framework of Art. 127 of the Commercial Code.

4. Publication of the constitution testimony in a newspaper of national circulation

that contains all the data, a short transcription of the clauses and others. This

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

requirement can be submitted later, if the user is subject to the review process
prior to publication before the Bolivian Commerce Registry.

5. Attestation of power of attorney of the original legal representative or legible

legalized photocopy containing the minutes of his appointment, in the case in
which the public deed of constitution does not determine his appointment. If the
legal representative is a foreigner, they must present the original document that
proves the residence in the country (only for verification).

Term and tariff

The period is 2 days, counting from the business day following the filing of the
procedure with the Commercial Registry.

A fee of 455 Bs must be paid.

6. Responsibilities

After having registered the SRL in the commercial registry, the legality of your venture
or company in Bolivia is guaranteed. Remember that the Commercial Registry grants
the Commercial Registration to your company and enables the legal exercise of your
business activities. These are the responsibilities to fulfill before the Bolivian Commerce

a) Annual update of Commercial Registration

b) Register modification, clarification and/or complementation of the articles of

incorporation and/or statutes

c) Register capital increase

d) Record capital decrease

e) Register Transfer of capital shares of a limited liability company

f) Log of operational changes

g) Record of granting power and/or revocation

h) Registration of lien, modification and/or cancellation

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

i) Register commercial contracts

j) Dissolution and liquidation of a commercial company and subsequent cancellation of

Commercial Registration

5.5 Tax obligations

An SRL or SA company creates the impression of having a lot of money or having many
dependents, however, an SRL can be established with a capital of up to 200 Bs.

And you are not required to have dependents.

The incorporation of companies requires a minimum of 2 partners for SRL,

To obtain NIT, a deed of incorporation is required (it indicates the contribution of

each partner, and how the company will be managed) and that all partners give a
power of Legal Representative to a natural person (it can be a partner or another
person who is as a representative of the company). This has a separate cost at
notaries, according to the SRL constitution fee, for example. It is Bs 350 and the
power is Bs 150 (according to official tariffs). If you think it is expensive, look here at
the fines that, for example, the SIN applies.

To open a bank account, the bank also requires a deed of incorporation, a power of
attorney from the legal representative and registration with Fundempresa.

National Tax fines are greater for legal entities, see here the table of fines and
sanctions according to natural person (single-person) as opposed to legal entity
(SRL, SA...).

The accountant may ask for more fees but the work can be similar to any sole
proprietorship. The amount of work in any company is determined by the number of
operations, records and their complexity.

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Chapter V Yo
Investments and Financing
6.1 Introduction
Project Investments are all the expenses that are made in a unit of time for the
acquisition of certain Factors or productive means, which allow the implementation of a
production unit that generates a Flow of benefits over time, that is, they are at least
When we talk about investment in a project, we are referring to the monetary
quantification of all the resources that will allow the project to be carried out.
Project investments will be fixed (non-periodic) and for operating capital.
The objective of this chapter is to monetaryly quantify the entire set of assets physically
identified in the project engineering, the investments that will be made in the studies and
execution of the project and the cash needed. It is necessary to identify all the

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

resources that are going to be used, establish the chastities and, based on this
information, carry out the monetary quantification.
6.2 Investment Structure
The following table will show how the investments, both own and financed by third
parties, will be structured. It will show the investments of own contribution and the
amounts of investments with long-term credit financing.
The structure of the total investments is distributed 90% with own contribution and 10%
with a Long-Term loan.


(Expressed in Bs.)
Kitchen 10.000 10.000
Iron 9.000 9.000
Dishwasher 4.150 4.150
Oven 4.760 4.760
odor extractor 9.000 9.000
Fridge 12.000 12.000
Microwave 1.400 1.400
Blender 600 600
Blender 420 420
Cookware 1.500 1.500
air fryer 1.600 1.600
Coffee maker 400 400
juicer 600 600
Processor 1.300 1.300
Pans 600 600
Pack of Ladles 90 90
Large bowls 200 200
Medium bowls 150 150
small bowls 100 100
Spatulas 50 50

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Tweezers 25 25
Knives 100 100
Peeler 20 20
Strainers 20 20
Grater 20 20
Cutting board 120 120
Can opener 10 10
Scissors 20 20
Funnel 15 15
Wringer 30 30
measuring bowl 50 50
Tapers 400 400
Kettle 450 450
Timer 40 40
Thermometer 60 60
Balance 100 100
Toaster 250 250
Frieza 3.500 3.500
Furniture and fixtures

Computer 5000 5000

Printer 600 600
Phone 750 750
Air-conditioning 3500 3500
Desk 4000 4000
Office chairs 1000 1000
Couch 1000 1000
Wall painting 3.000,00 3.000,00
Spare parts 4.000,00 4.000,00
Land 655.500 655.500
TOTAL, FIXED INVESTMENT (TANGIBLE) 662.500,00 79.000,00 741.500,00
% of tangible investment 89% 11% 100%
Patents 1.000,00 1.000,00
Mayor's operating license 300,00 300,00
Sanitary permit 500 500
Staff training 450 450
Registration for National Taxes 0 0

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SENASAG 200 200

2.450,00 2.450
% of deferred investment 100% 100%
Basic services 2.000,00 2.000,00
Wages and salaries 30.000,00 30.000,00
Stationery 156 156
Production imputs 3334 3334
Others 350 350
TOTAL, WORKING CAPITAL 35.840,00 35.840,00
% of working capital 100% 100%
TOTAL, INVESTMENTS 700.790,00 79.000,00 779.790,00
PERCENTAGES 90% 10% 100%

Fixed Investments

Fixed investment are those tangible resources necessary to carry out the project.
The fixed investment of the project is Bs. 741.500

Deferred Investments

It is characterized by its immateriality and are acquired rights and services necessary
for the study and implementation of the project, they are not subject to physical wear
and tear.
The deferred investment (intangible) for this project is Bs. 2.450-
Working Capital

They are those resources that allow the company to start its activities, among which we
have cash, supplies, etc. In order to operate, the company requires resources to cover
the needs of inputs, raw materials, labor, replacement of fixed assets, etc.
The working capital of the project is Bs. 35.840.-

Depreciation table for fixed assets:

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Source: self made

According to the calculations made, the depreciation of our fixed assets will be Bs.
48.625. And the residual value at the end of the 5 years will be Bs. 692.875.
6.3 Financing
Financing in a project consists of the financing sources that will be used to obtain the
resources to finance the project.

The analysis in this part of the chapter should be as detailed as possible since by
deciding to contract financing from an external source we would be having an obligation
with the entity; however, we should try to minimize the amount of the credit.

Financing for this project will be classified into two sources:

 Internal Sources
These are the investors' own contributions estimated at an amount of Bs 700,790.00 ,
which represents 90% of the total investment.
 External Sources
They are those resources that cannot be covered by internal sources and will be made
through long-term credits, by the financial institution that is most beneficial and lowest
cost. Financing from an external source is Bs. 79,000.00 , which represents 10% of the
total investment.

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Credit is an instrument that allows you to finance part or all of an investment project.
These credits can be short, medium and long term and can be intended to cover
operating capital or investment.

Investment Planned Fixed Deferred Working TOTAL

Percentage Investment Investme Capital
Internal sources 90% 662.500,00 2.450,00 35.840,00 700.790,00
External sources 10% 79.000,00 79.000,00
Investment to Make 100% 741.500,00 2.450,00 35.840,00 779.790,00
Source: self made
For the requirement of external financing of the project, the characteristics of the credit
that the institutions offer must be evaluated, in order to use the best alternative at the
time of minimizing costs.
Credits come from different financial institutions and can be channeled through
commercial banks and financial development organizations.
6.4 Credit Characteristics
The credit to be acquired to cover part of the fixed investment, specifically the project
land, has the following characteristics:
Line of Credit: Loans in national currency
 Credit Amount: Bs 79,000.- or $us 11,351
 Interest rate: 6.50% per year
 Term: 8 years
 Payment Method: Payment of constant capital amortizations, due. (German
depreciation system)

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation


Source: self made.

As we can see in the table, the amortization amount that we are going to pay is 9,875
per year for 8 years, which adds the interest they charge us for having granted us the
credit. The total debt would be 102,107.50 (amortization + interest).
6.5. Income, cost and expense budgets

The budget is a detailed project of the results of an official program of operations, based
on reasonable efficiency. Although the scope of "reasonable efficiency" is indeterminate
and depends on the interpretation of directive policy, it must be specified that a project
should not be confused with a budget. The objective is to make a projection of income
and costs of the project with which both profits and losses can be determined in the
operation stage.

Income budgets

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

It is that budget that allows you to project the income that the company will generate in
a certain period of time. The income budget will be determined according to the number
of people who acquire our service, which will be calculated in the market analysis and
also the demand projections for each year.

The prices for the provision of monthly services will be:

(Expressed in Bolivians)

Service Price (Bs)

Maintenance Plan 1.900

Pathology Plan 1.900

pregnancy plan 1.900

Slimming plan 1.800

Source: self made

Our catering will have the capacity to serve around 200 people a day. At the beginning
we will not have as many clients due to the fact that we are just entering the market, but
it is estimated that we will reach 60% of the clients that we can satisfy. Considering that
not every month we will have that number of clients since there is no linearity in the
acquisition of our services, since there are high seasons like the month of January,
which is where people want to start the year well by eating in a healthy and low seasons
such as the end of the year, we average the number of clients we would have registered
per year, which is specified in the following table:

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Table of the number of clients per year

Source: self made

Projection table of registered clients during the following years

Source: self made

Taking into account that for the maintenance plan we will have 21 registered monthly,
the pathology plan has 34 registered monthly, the pregnancy plan has 25 registered
monthly and for the weight loss plan there are 40 registered monthly. And annually as
detailed in the table mentioned above.
Income projection from package sales
(Expressed in Bs)

Source: self made

Having all this projected data, we multiply it by the price of the packages, we obtain the
total income per year. Which will give us a total income of 2,688,000Bs for the first

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

6.6 Calculation and projection of operating costs

In every productive activity, when offering to manufacture a product or provide a
service, costs are generated, understanding that costs are monetary disbursements
related precisely to the manufacturing of the product or the provision of the service,
either directly or indirectly.
Total operating costs include fixed costs, such as staff salaries and basic services that
must be fulfilled. Also included are variable costs, which change based on factors such
as sales volume and supply prices.
Breakeven volume refers to the amount you must sell to cover your costs.
The costs generated during the execution of the project will be classified using the direct
cost method, that is, the fixed and variable costs. In this way, using data already
calculated previously, the following tables can be prepared.


Source: self made.


Variable cost Weekly price Monthly price Annual

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Ingredients 34 13.336 160.032
TOTAL 34 13.336 160.032
Source: self made

These costs will vary depending on the season of the year since if it is not a fruit or
vegetable season or it is a time in which a product is highly valued, such as fish during
Easter, which would not be very favorable. for us since it would change and we must be
prepared for those changes.


Source: self made

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Chapter VII
Income and Cost Budget
7.1 Introduction

The objective of this chapter is to make a projection of income and costs of the project
with which it will be possible to determine both profits and losses in the operation stage.

The company in its commercial activity receives money for providing healthy catering
services, which as the price or demand for this service increases, income will increase
and therefore profits after having deducted all expenses. Therefore, monetary income is
framed within the equation of consumption and profit.

Expenses include both disbursable expenses and non-disbursable expenses, and

investments; They can be fixed, deferred and working capital; carried out by the

As expenses increase or losses decrease profit. The expense represents a financial

disbursement, whether cash or banking movement. The payment of a service (for
example, water, electricity) and the rent of a commercial premises are some of the
usual expenses that are part of the expenses of companies.

7.2 Specific Objectives

-Detail and describe projected income.

-Detail and describe the projected costs directly.

-Project the results for the life horizon of the project.

7.3 Calculation of VAT Debit and Credit VAT Balance

VAT. (Value added tax) is an indirect tax that taxes consumption. There are two types
of VAT:

TAX CREDIT VAT: It is applied to the acquisition price of a product (purchase) with

FISCAL DEBIT VAT: It is applied to the sale price of a product (sale)

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

To determine the cost price of a product, the VAT tax will never be taken into account,
since all the money spent on VAT TAX CREDIT on the purchase of a product is
recovered with the VAT TAX DEBIT money from the sales. For the company, VAT is not
a decisive factor in a company's losses or profits. VAT is only paid by the final

The concept of tax credit has several uses, generally linked to different countries. It can
refer, for example, to the possibility that a company has of reducing the taxes it pays in
its country through those it paid to a foreign government for some international trade

On the other hand, the tax credit is the amount that a company has paid in taxes when
acquiring a product or input and that can deduct it from the State at the time of resale.


calculo del debito fiscal 349.440,00 359.125,00 364.273,00 379.730,00 382.551,00 386.945,00 389.623,00 409.968,00
calculon del credito fiscal 20.966,40 21.547,50 21.856,38 22.783,80 22.953,06 23.216,70 23.377,38 24.598,08
saldo de IVA 328.473,60 337.577,50 342.416,62 356.946,20 359.597,94 363.728,30 366.245,62 385.369,92

7.4 Preparation of the Income Statement

Definition and Purpose of the Income Statement in Accounting

It is a basic financial statement that represents relevant information (result) about the
operations carried out by an entity during a specific period. It is a complementary
document to the balance sheet that summarizes the relationship of all income, costs,
expenses or losses that occurred in the financial year, with the purpose of establishing
the profit or loss in that specific period of an entity.
 Result = profit or loss
 Operation = main activity
 Entity = legal person and/or natural person}
 Period = calendar year (12 months of the year)


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Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

Chapter V III
8.1 Introduction
The evaluation is an important element to make the decision to allocate available
resources in those projects that are most convenient, whether for a company or for the

The project evaluation will compare the alternatives pursued and the direction, financing
and economics, using a beneficial price analysis.

For this analysis, the concepts of Cash Flow will be used, with the Net Present Value
(NPV) and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) being the most important, and another less
important indicator is the benefit-cost ratio (B/C).

8.2 Elements of Project Cash Flow

Cash flow is an instrument of financial analysis of profitability, through which the
effective performance of the invested resources is measured, the flows obtained in each
period express the efficiency of the project to generate surpluses and reinvest it.

8.3 Preparation of Cash Flow

In cash flow control, for each time interval, conservative estimate calculations are made
regarding future sources of cash (income) and future expenses (expenses). Use low,
conservative figures for income and high estimates for expenses.

Net cash flow without financing

(Expressed in Bolivians)

8.4 Calculation of Profitability Indicators

Net cash flow with financing

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

(Expressed in Bolivians)

It allows analyzing the total updated benefit of a project, at a given discount rate and is
measured in net monetary values.

That is to say, this value indicates that once all the credit obligations of the project have
been met and the rate required by the investor has been earned, the value resulting
from the NPV is that generated by the project itself, that is, this amount It must be
greater than zero for the investment to be accepted, otherwise it will be rejected.

8.4.1 Van Calculation:


VAN COK = - I + + +…+
¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿

I= Investment or initial disbursement
FNC = Net flow or net balance
n = useful life of the project (years)
i = Performance interest rate (COK)
Results table:

Source: self made

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation


This result shows that the NPV of the project is greater than zero, that is, after making
the investments and ending its useful life, the invested capital is recovered and in
addition a return of Bs 586,754.94 is obtained if it were without financing and
1,455,322.50 in case it was with financing, both are greater than 0, so it is advisable to
invest in addition to having additional profit. The COK we used to evaluate the project
was 26% with financing, and 15% without financing.

8.4.3 Calculation of the internal rate of return without and with financing
The internal rate of return can be defined as that update rate that, applied to the net
flow, makes the NPV of the project equal to zero.

Results table:


Source: self made

This result shows that the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of the project is greater than the
opportunity cost of capital (COK. =15% without financing and 26% with financing).
Therefore, the project is profitable whether with or without financing.

8.5 Conclusions on the Viability and Profitability of the Project

 In the study that was carried out on "implementation of a company providing

healthy food catering services" it was concluded that the project is totally viable,
since it obtained a Positive NPV, therefore, the project meets the expectations of
investors which means you earn the COK and it also gives you an additional
 The best option is to carry out the project since it gives us greater NPV and IRR.
Which means that we will have a greater profit margin.

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

 This project is also considered profitable because the study of prices and
marketing of the service to be offered showed that the prices established in the
market have adjusted to the possibilities of potential demand and the level of
average prices charged by other healthy food caterers. .

8.6 RC/B
This indicator tells us if the project is viable, and also measures the degree of development and well-
being that our project can generate in a community.

In this case we can observe that our RC/B both with financing and without financing is
greater than 1 which means that our benefits are greater since our income is greater
than our expenses and consequently the project should be considered.

Eco 400 Project Preparation and Evaluation

8.7 Recommendations

 Always take care of and monitor the competition, therefore, it is also advisable to
treat customers with good charisma in order to retain them.
 It is recommended to implement marketing strategies to boost demand, that is,
you can also run promotions to obtain more customers.
 Evaluate the sales behavior of other products to determine to what extent their
sales can be stimulated, as well as the introduction of new products.
 Offer incentives to staff based on the number of customers they can attract.
 To the extent that healthy food catering gains position in the market, or;
according to the possibilities of the project, expand the service offered, through
the possible expansion of the facilities.


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