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First essay on information and communications technologies

Over time, ICTs have evolved and have become a very common topic today, even more so within
organizations that use them to improve their processes, optimize their activities, have competitive
advantages and reach a market. elderly.

This has been achieved through the automation of administrative and bureaucratic processes , which
has become a de facto function in current organizations of any kind, management control
information systems that allow obtaining process information. of the organization in an orderly and
effective manner to help managers in their decision making, supported by reports, graphs and
scenarios that allow them to form a criterion to take the right path, the exponential increase of ICT in
the operational activities of the service sector and those that are associated with production, along
with their social use, as a key piece in the design of the organization and its activities , with the
intensive use of ICT by company managers along with the cooperation and support of technology
experts, which provides the elements that allow the design of objectives and the structure of current

The current technological transformation in its interaction with the economy and society,
technologies are to act on information, the effects of technologies have a very great penetration
capacity. The interconnection logic between devices is greater.

The ability to reconfigure, allowing the rules to be changed from top to bottom without destroying
the organization, has become a possibility because the material base of the organization can be
reprogrammed and equipped. Flexibility can serve to liberate oneself, but it can be repressive if you
want to rewrite the laws and always use the same powers.

There is a growing convergence of technologies in a highly integrated system; the different

technological trajectories are almost indistinguishable since they converge almost to the same point.

Telecommunications are now just one way of processing information; Transmission and link
technologies are at the same time increasingly diversified and integrated into the same network,
operated by computers.

Convergence is increasingly reproduced in the most advanced information systems, as chips,

computers and software reach new frontiers of speed, storage capacity and flexible processing of
information from multiple sources.

They focus on understanding the emergence of self-organizing structures that create complexity from
simplicity and a higher order from chaos through various orders of interactivity of the basic elements
found at the origin of the process.

First essay on information and communications technologies

The information technology paradigm is not evolving towards its closure as a system, but towards its
opening as a multifaceted network. It is powerful and imposing in its materiality, but adaptable and
open in its historical development. Its decisive qualities are its integrative nature, complexity and

Technological innovation appears as an essential condition for organizational expansion, so that

technological change becomes the impetus behind sustained growth.

It is interesting to study and analyze the reactions and responses of the personnel involved in the
adoption of a certain information technology.

Technology is the engine that drives all change in the organization. It is necessary to know who knows
in order to identify opportunities in the skills available within the organization, it is necessary to know
the diagnosis and technological position of the company, it must be able to learn from its own
successes and failures.

The company that has technology that allows it to access information immediately will be able to
make timely decisions, fundamental in statistical data.

As mentioned, a paradigm establishes rules for how things should be done, limiting people to think in
established situations, instead of radically changing existing situations, which causes a high degree of
difficulty in understanding reality. because it does not adapt to the mental rules of each individual.
Therefore, a paradigm shift is essentially a radical transformation of the meaning of the rules
prevailing up to that time. The rise of the new open and interconnected company constitutes a new
organizational paradigm.

A technological paradigm shift is underway, which compares and is linked to the evolutionary changes
of organizations and the most extensive transformations taking place around the world.

Because by nature, organizations are conservative, their members will always have a clear resistance
to change, since individuals, out of fear of the unknown, raise barriers that do not allow them to
develop new ways of doing things, this produces a strong functional conflict. and emotional.

Therefore, in order for the organization to make these changes, its individuals have to change and
transform many of their habits and beliefs; This involves a great personal effort. Which can translate
into clear individual or internal reengineering.

When talking about personal reengineering, we must know how to gather and systematize some
principles that are known, organize them and apply them to obtain the ideal results. They give us

First essay on information and communications technologies

power, they train us, they are the key that can allow us to make a paradigm shift, to avoid the
ineffectiveness in our lives that is reflected in our actions and our environment, affecting our family,
business and social relationships. With this, changes in a company would be much simpler, since they
would break with paradigms that bind us and that make us increasingly mediocre and incompetent.
Companies must develop their human capital, they believe in the people they have and we have to
knock on our own door and offer ourselves the opportunity that we want and deserve.

The only changes that can be achieved are those from the inside out, this can be achieved through
attractors such as principles, which help us control situations and cause order around them. These
attractors are like magnets that pull people or matter or energy to create particular orders within the
universal chaos.

Change can be achieved as long as one relies on the right principles. If the problem is within us, the
solution is also within us, as long as we have the courage to recognize our mistakes or problems.

Although the principles are “invisible”, we know that they exist and we can find them within each of
us, they allow us to combat internal problems, there will always be a solution to a problem, that is the
wonderful thing about all of this, however not all We realize this situation.

Innovations, translated into the creation of new products or services, allow companies to create a
vision of the future, have the ability to find solutions to the problems presented, which implies a
change for the benefit of the company.

When we talk about innovations we cannot leave aside technological innovations that allow us to
apply knowledge based on technology to achieve competitive advantages or a favorable position in
the market.

Information technology is essential to improve the productivity of companies, as long as it is applied

appropriately and effectively. Technology needs must be planned in detail and technological systems
must be incorporated gradually, always taking into account the technological components used in
organizations such as Electronic Data Processing, office automation, telecommunications as well as
the Internet and the Intranet. , all together applied in a coherent manner, produce the desired results
to achieve the organizations' objectives.

In order to make use of these technological innovations, the organization must get people to
participate in the introduction of technological change, since people do not really resist technological
change but rather the social change that this may entail, and it must also be taken into account. Keep
in mind that new generations have a great facility for adopting the use of technologies, which is why
young talent waits for organizations to make correct use of their capabilities.

First essay on information and communications technologies

The analysis that an organization carries out on the technology that it wants to implement must be in
accordance with the future plans of the same company, also taking into account the influence that it
has, since there is a strong impact on the life, nature and functioning of organizations, as well as the
efficiency it can provide and the incentives generated to be increasingly efficient and effective.

With this, good performance will be obtained, managing to increase productivity, achieving the
management objectives of the organization, thereby meeting the goals and the goal that the
institutions wish to reach.

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