TET 2024 1A Session 1 EM&TM FN 27.02.2024

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APTET – Paper- IA– 2024

SET –1

1. Most successful child rearing style

1. Authoritative style
2. Authoritarian style
3. Permissive style
4. Uninvolved style
|¾\¢\ ™|+|Ÿ¿£ XèÕ\T\ýË u²>± $ÈjáTe+ÔáyîT®q XèÕ*
1. kÍ~ó¿±sÁÔáÔáÇ XèÕ*
2. “sÁ+Å£”XøÔáÔáÇ XèÕ*
3. n+^¿±sÁÔáÔáÇ XèÕ*
4. CË¿£«sÁV²¾ Ôá Xè*Õ

2. Wrongly mentioned statement regarding the principle of

1. Development is continuous
2. There exists individual differences in development
3. Development is cumulative
4. Development cannot be predicted
$¿±dŸ dŸÖçԐ\Å£” dŸ+‹+~ó+º Ôá|Ÿð>± sjáT‹&q~
1. $¿±dŸ+ n$ºóÌÛq•+>± kÍ>·TÔáT+~
2. $¿±dŸ+ýË yîj Õ Tá ¿ì¿ï £ uó<ñ ‘\T+{²sTT
3. $¿±dŸ+ dŸ+ºÔáyîT®q~
4. $¿±k͓• çbÍ>·T¿¡¿ï ]£ +#áýeñ TT
3. Wrongly written statement among the following with
regard to Sensori Motor Stage
1. In this stage child is a reflective organism
2. The concept of object permanence is formed in this
3. Children in this stage can think abstractly
4. This stage takes place from birth to 2 years of age.
ç¿ì+~ y{ìýË »‚+ç~jáT #\¿£ <ŠXøµÅ£” dŸ+‹+~ó+º Ôá|Ÿð>±
1. ‡ <ŠXøýË ¥Xø—eÚ ÿ¿£ ç|ŸÜç¿ìjáÖ J$
2. ‡ <ŠXøýË edŸTïd¾œsÁÔáÇ+ uó²eq @sÁÎ&ƒTÔáT+~
3. ‡ <ŠXýø Ë |¾\\¢ T neTÖsÁï €ýË#áq\T #ûjTá >·\T>·TԐsÁT
4. |ŸÚ{ì¼q|ŸÎ{ì qT+& 2 dŸ+öö ejáTdŸTà esÁÅ£” ‡ <ŠXø

4. According to Ericson the social conflict faced by children

during 3 to 6 years of age.
1. Trust - Mistrust
2. Initiative – Guilt
3. Industry - Inferiority
4. Intimacy - Isolation
m]¿ùdHŸ Ž ç|Ÿ¿±sÁ+ 3 qT+& 6 dŸ+öö ejáTdŸTàýË |¾\¢\T m<ŠTs=ØHû
kÍ+|˜T¾ ¿£ |˜TŸ sÁD
1. qeTˆ¿£+ ` n|ŸqeTˆ¿£+
2. #=sÁe ` n|Ÿs<ó+Š
3. çXøeTo\Ôá ` qÖ«qÔá
4. dŸ“•V¾²ÔáÔáÇ+ ` @¿±+Ôá+
5. “Army Alpha test” is an example for
1. Individual Test of Intelligence
2. Group test of Intelligence
3. Performance Test
4. Non verbal test of Intelligence
»»€¯ˆ €ý²ÎÛ |Ÿ¯¿£Œµµ B“¿ì –<‘VŸ²sÁD
1. yîj
Õ Tá ¿ì¿ï £ ç|ŸC²ã |Ÿ¯¿£Œ
2. kÍeTÖV¾²¿£ ç|ŸC²ã |Ÿ¯¿£Œ
3. “cÍÎ<Šq |Ÿ¯¿£Œ
4. nXæ_Ý¿£ ç|ŸC²ã |Ÿ¯¿£Œ

6. “Two factor theory of intelligence” was proposed by

1. Thorndike
2. Gardner
3. Spearman
4. Thurstone
ç|ŸÈãÅ£” dŸ+‹+~ó+º »»~Ç¿±sÁ¿£ d¾<‘Ý+Ԑ“•µµ ç|ŸÜbÍ~+ºqysÁT
1. <¸‘sY•&î¿Õ ù
2. >±Âs¦qsY
3. d¾ÎjáTsYeTHŽ
4. <¸sŠ dY H¼Ÿ Ž
7. The number of sub tests in Differential Aptitude Test is
&|sŸ˜ “üj Tá ýÙ €|¾³
¼ Ö«&Ž |Ÿ¯¿£ýŒ Ë >·\ –|Ÿ|¯Ÿ ¿£\Œ dŸ+K«
1. 6
2. 8
3. 10
4. 11

8. The second stage in creative process is

1. Verification stage
2. Stage of Preparation
3. Stage of Incubation
4. Stage of Insight
dŸÈHÔሿ£ ç|Ÿç¿ìjáTýË Âs+&ƒe <ŠXø
1. “sÆsÁD <ŠXø
2. dŸH•VŸ²¿£ <ŠXø
3. >·T|Ÿ<ï XŠ ø
4. n+ÔásY<Šw¾¼ <ŠXø

9. Persons with following type of thinking posess an ability to

generate multiple solutions to a problem
1. Concrete thinking
2. Convergent thinking
3. Divergent thinking
4. Non Directive thinking
‡ ç¿ì+~ sÁ¿£yîT®q €ýË#áq >·\ ysÁT dŸeTdŸ«Å£” nHû¿£ (‹VŸQÞø)
|Ÿ]cÍØsýqT dŸÖº+#û kÍeTsœ«“• ¿£*ÐjáTT+{²sÁT
1. eTÖsÁï €ýË#áq
2. dŸyTî ¿® «£ €ýË#áq
3. $_óq• €ýË#áq
4. n“¹sÝ¥Ôá €ýË#áq
10. The following is not a projective test of personality
1. Rorschach Ink Blot test
2. Children’s Apperception test
3. Personality Inventory
4. Word Association Test
ç¿ì+~ y{ìýË eTÖ]ïeTԐǓ¿ì dŸ+‹+~ó+º ç|Ÿ¹¿Œ|Ÿ¿ £ |Ÿ¯¿£Œ ¿±“~
1. sÃcÍ¿ù d¾seTsÁ¿\£ |Ÿ¯¿£Œ
2. |¾\\¢ ç>±VŸ²«¿£ |Ÿ¯¿£Œ
3. eTÖ]ïeTÔáÇ XË~ó¿ £
4. |Ÿ<dŠ +Ÿ dŸsZÁ |Ÿ¯¿£Œ

11. Ayan neither wants to do home work, nor scolded by the

class teacher. The conflict of Ayan is
1. Approach - Approach
2. Approach - Avoidance
3. Avoidance - Avoidance
4. Double Approach - Avoidance
njáÖHŽÅ£” ™VAyŽTesYØ #îjáÖ«\“ ýñ<ŠT ný²>·“ ÔásÁ>·Ü
–bÍ<ó‘«jáTT“Ôà ºy³T¢ ÜH\“ ýñ<ŠT.
njáÖHŽ jîTT¿£Ø dŸ+|˜TŸ sÁD
1. –|Ÿ>e· T ` –|Ÿ>e· T
2. –|Ÿ>·eT ` |Ÿ]VŸäsÁ
3. |Ÿ]VŸäsÁ ` |Ÿ]VŸäsÁ
4. ~Ç –|Ÿ>·eT ` |Ÿ]VŸäsÁ
12. The following method is also known as Clinical Method
1. Case study Method
2. Introspection Method
3. Action research
4. Longitudinal Method
‡ ç¿ì+~ |Ÿ<ŠÝܓ º¿ìԐà |Ÿ<ŠÝÜ n“ Å£L&† n+{²sÁT.
1. e«¿ìï n<óŠ«jáTq|Ÿ<ŠÝÜ
2. n+Ôá:|Ÿ¯¿£ŒD |Ÿ<ŠÝÜ
3. #ás«Ôሿ£ |Ÿ]XË<óŠq
4. nqT<ósÕî éÁ « |Ÿ<Ü

13. Identify the wrongly stated sentence regarding the

characteristics of learning
1. Learning is a goal directed activity
2. Learning is cumulative in nature
3. Leaning is dynamic
4. Learning is not a process, it is a product
‡ ç¿ì+~ y“ýË nuó«„ dŸq \¿£D Œ + >·Ö]Ì dŸ]¿±“ y¿£«+
1. nuó„«dŸq ÿ¿£ >·eT« “¹sÝ¥Ôá #ásÁ«
2. nuó«„ dŸq dŸ+ºÔá dŸÇuó²e+ ¿£*Ð –+³T+~
3. nuó„«dŸq >·Üo\¿£yîT®q~
4. nuó„«dŸq ÿ¿£ ç|Ÿç¿ìjáT ¿±<ŠT, n~ ÿ¿£ |˜Ÿ*Ôá+
14. A person who is well versed in Hindi, wants to learn
Sanskrit. The type of transfer of learning will be
1. Positive
2. Negative
3. Zero
4. Bilateral
V¾²+B u²>± eºÌq e«¿ìï dŸ+dŸØÔá+ HûsÁTÌ¿Ãy\qTÅ£”+fñ, n¿£Ø&ƒ
#óT #ûdŸTÅ£”Hû nuó«„ dŸq ‹<Šý²sTT+|ŸÚ sÁ¿+£
1. nqTÅ£L\
2. ç|ŸÜÅ£L\
3. XøSq«
4. ~ÇbÍsÁôÇ

15. Vincy is able to learn a list of meaningless words in 20

attempts. After one week Vincy was asked to relearn the
same list. This time she took 13 attempts to relearn it. The
savings score of Vincy is
$úà ÿ¿£ nsÁœ sÁV¾²Ôá |Ÿ<‘\ C²_ԐqT 20 ç|ŸjáTԐ•\ýË #á~$
HûsTÁ Ì¿=HîqT. ÿ¿£ ysÁ+ ÔásÇÔá n<û C²_ԐqT Ü]Ð HûsÁTÌ¿Ãe\d¾
eºÌ+~. ‡ kÍ] $úà 13 ç|ŸjáTԐ•\ýËHû € |Ÿ“ #ûjáT>·*Ð+~
$úà bõ<ŠT|ŸÚ >·Dq
1. 25
2. 35
3. 65
4. 13
16. The book ‘On Memory’ was written by
1. Ebbinghaus
2. Bartlett
3. Freud
4. Galton
‘On Memory’ ç>·+<¸‘“• sÁº+ºq ysÁT
1. m_Ò+>´ VŸädt
2. u²sYý¼ {
3. çb˜ÍsTT&Ž
4. >±\¼HŽ

17. In Pavlov’s experiment ‘food’ is

1. Conditioned stimulus
2. Conditioned response
3. Unconditioned stimulus
4. Unconditioned Response
bÍyŽýËyŽ ç|ŸjîÖ>·+ýË »€VŸäsÁ+µ nHû~
1. “‹+~óÔá –BÝ|Ÿq
2. “‹+~óÔá ç|ŸÜdŸÎ+<Šq
3. “]•‹+~óÔá –BÝ|Ÿq
4. “]•‹+~óÔá ç|ŸÜdŸÎ+<Šq
18. Following is not a Gestaltist
1. Kohler
2. Koffka
3. Wertheimer
4. Skinner
ç¿ì+~ y]ýË Â>kͼýÙ¼ y~ ¿±“ ysÁT
1. ¿Ã™V²\sY
2. ¿Ãb˜ÍØ
3. e]œeTsY
4. d¾Øq•sY

19. ‘Figure ground relationship’ is related to

1. Attitude
2. Perception
3. Aptitude
4. Creativity
€¿£Ü ¹¿ŒçÔá dŸ+u+<óŠ+ B“¿ì dŸ+‹+~ó+ºq~
1. yîKÕ ]
2. ç|ŸÔá«¿£Œ+
3. dŸV²Ÿ È kÍeTsÁ«Æ +
4. dŸÈHÔሿ£Ôá
20. One of the following is NOT related to cognitive domain
1. Analysis
2. Evaluation
3. Application
4. Imitation
ç¿ì+~ y“ýË C²ãHÔሿ£ sÁ+>±“¿ì dŸ+‹+~ó+#á“~
1. $Xâw¢ D
2. eTÖý²«+¿£q+
3. $“jîÖ>·+
4. nqT¿£sÁD

21. Persons with ‘dyslexia’ will face difficulties in

1. Reading
2. Speaking
3. Writing
4. Calculating
»&dt ýÉ¿ìàjáÖµ >·\ ysÁT ‡ $wŸjáT+ýË ‚‹Ò+<ŠT\T
1. |ŸsqÁÄ +
2. uó²wŸD+
3. sjáT³+
4. ýÉ¿ìØ+#á³+
22. First step in Project Method is
1. Creating Situation
2. Planning
3. Implementation
4. Evaluation
çbÍCÉŔ£ ¼ |Ÿ<ƊÜýË yîTT<Š{ì kþbÍq+
1. |Ÿ]d¾Ôœ áT\qT ¿£*Î+#á³+
2. eP«VŸ²sÁ#qá
3. neT\T #ûjTá ³+
4. eTÖý²«+¿£q+

23. Identify the one which is NOT an input device

1. Scanner
2. Keyboard
3. Touch pad
4. Printer
ç¿ì+~ y“ýË ‚HŽ|ŸÚ{Ù |Ÿ]¿£sÁ+ ¿±“~
1. kÍØqsY
2. ¿¡uËsÁT¦
3. ³#YbÍ&Ž
4. ç|¾+³sY
24. 1 kilobyte is equal to
1. 1000 Bytes
2. 1024 Bytes
3. 1024 Bits
4. 1000 Bits
1 ¿ìýË uÉÕ{Ù B“¿ì dŸeÖq+
1. 1000 uÉÕ{àÙ
2. 1024 uÉÕ{Ùà
3. 1024 _{Ùà
4. 1000 _{Ùà

25. Expanded form of MOOC is

MOOC $dŸsï D
Á sÁÖ|Ÿ+
1. Mobile Open Online Course
2. Massive Open Online Course
3. Master of Online Certification
4. Mobile Oriented Online Certificate

26. According to RTE - 2009, ‘Elementary Education’ means

1. 1 to 5 classes
2. Pre Primary Education
3. 1 to 7 classes
4. 1 to 8 Classes
RTE ` 2009 ç|Ÿ¿±sÁ+ m*yîT+³¯ $<Š« nq>±
1. 1 qT+& 5 ÔásÁ>·ÔáT\T
2. |ŸPsÁÇ çbÍ<¸Š$T¿£ $<Š«
3. 1 qT+& 7 ÔásÁ>·ÔáT\T
4. 1 qT+& 8 ÔásÁ>·ÔáT\T
27. According to NEP 2020, Teacher Education Institutions
will be required to convert to Multi disciplinary institutions
by the year
NEP2020 ç|Ÿ¿±sÁ+ –bÍ<ó‘«jáT $<Š«qT uË~ó+#û dŸ+dŸ\œ T ‡
ç¿ì+~ dŸ+eÔáàsÁ+ H{ì¿ì ‹VŸQÞø $wŸjáT¿£ $<‘«dŸ+dŸœ\T>±
1. 2025
2. 2030
3. 2032
4. 2035

28. To get the benefit of ‘JaganannaAmmaVodi Scheme” the

student attendance should be at least
È>·qq• neTˆÿ& |Ÿ<¸Š¿£+ <‘Çs \_Ý bõ+<‘\+fñ dŸ+‹+~óÔá
$<‘«]œ ¿£údŸ VŸäÈsÁT
1. 50 %
2. 70 %
3. 75 %
4. 80 %

29. Directive counselling was introduced by

1. Williumson
2. F.C. Thorn
3. Rogers
4. James
“¹s¥Ý Ôá eT+çÔáD²“• ç|ŸyXû ™ø |{ìq¼ ysÁT
1. $*jáT+dŸHŽ
2. m|˜.t d¾.<¸‘sY•
3. sÃÈsYà
4. CñyŽTà
30. Following is not a Teacher Centered Method
1. Lecture Method
2. Heuristic Method
3. Historical Method
4. Lecture Demonstration Method
ç¿ì+~ y“ýË –bÍ<ó‘«jáT ¹¿+çB¿£Ôá |Ÿ<ŠÆÜ ¿±“~
1. –|ŸH«dŸ |Ÿ<ƊÜ
2. nHûÇwŸD² |Ÿ<ŠÆÜ
3. #]çÔá¿£ |Ÿ<Ü ÆŠ
4. –|ŸH«dŸ ç|Ÿ<sŠ ôÁ H |Ÿ<ŠÜ
SET – 1

31. e] |Ÿ+³ýñ“ jáTÖsÁTqT

<=sÁjáTT+&ƒ“ jáTÖsÁT ÔÃ&ƒT <=sÁ¿£“ ÔîsÁTeÚHŽ
<óŠsÁqT ‹Üýñ“ >·VŸ²eTqT,
nsÁjTá +>± sÁTç<Šuքó $T jáTq"<Š>T· dŸTeTr!
™|Õ |Ÿ<Š«+ýË »»<óŠsÁµµ nHû |Ÿ<‘“¿ì nsÁœ+
1. €¿±Xø+
2. uóք $T
3. $\Te
4. <‘]

32. e] |Ÿ+³ýñ“ jáTÖsÁTqT

<=sÁjTá T+&ƒ“ jáTÖsÁT ÔÃ&ƒT <=sÁ¿“£ ÔîsÁTeÚHŽ
<óŠsÁqT ‹Üýñ“ >·VŸ²eTqT,
nsÁjTá +>± sÁTç<Šuքó $T jáTq"<Š>T· dŸTeTr!
dŸTeTr XøÔ¿á £ ¿£sïÁ
1. yûeTq
2. eÖsÁq
3. ‹<îqÝ
4. dŸÖsÁq
33. Ü¿£Øq ç|Ÿ¿£Ü esÁ’q\T Hû\$&º kÍeTT #îjáT«eÚ. ç|Ÿ¿£Ü“
e]’+#û³|Ÿð&ƒT Å£L&† ¿£<¸ŠÔà nqÇsTT+º, bÍçÔá\Å£” nqÇjáT+
¿£*Î+º e]’+#á&ƒ+ Ü¿£ØqÅ£”>·\ n|ŸPsÁÇ ¥\Î+. ç<ê|Ÿ~¿ì È]Ðq
|Ÿsuó„y“¿ì ç|Ÿ¿£Ü Å£L&† kÍqTuó„ÖÜ #î+~q<Š+{²&ƒT.
Ü¿£Øq ç|Ÿ¿£Ü esÁ’q ç|ŸÔû«¿£Ôá
1. ç|Ÿ¿£Ü ` ¿£<;¸Š ç|Ÿ¿£Ü ` bÍçÔá nqÇjáT+
2. ç|Ÿ¿£ Ü ` |Ÿsuóe„ +; ç|Ÿ¿£Ü ` ¿Ã|Ÿ+ nqÇjáT+
3. ç|Ÿ¿£ ÜÔà dŸ+‹+<ó+Š ýñ“ nqÇjáT+
4. ç|Ÿ¿£Ü¿ì, ¿£<¸ŠÅ£” dŸ+‹+<óŠ+ýñ“ nqÇjáT+

34. Ü¿£Øq ç|Ÿ¿£Ü esÁ’q\T Hû\$&º kÍeTT #îjáT«eÚ. ç|Ÿ¿£Ü“

e]’+#û³|Ÿð&ƒT Å£L&† ¿£<¸ŠÔà nqÇsTT+º, bÍçÔá\Å£” nqÇjáT+
¿£*Î+º e]’+#á&ƒ+ Ü¿£ØqÅ£”>·\ n|ŸPsÁÇ ¥\Î+. ç<ê|Ÿ~¿ì È]Ðq
|Ÿsuó„y“¿ì ç|Ÿ¿£Ü Å£L&† kÍqTuó„ÖÜ #î+~q<Š+{²&ƒT.
Hû\$&º kÍeTT#ûjáT&ƒ+ nHû~ ÿ¿£
1. bõ&ƒT|ŸÚ¿£<¸Š
2. kÍyîTÔá
3. C²rjáT+
4. |Ÿ\TÅ£”‹&ƒT\T

35. »$TçÔá kÍVŸ²çd¾µ XøÔá¿£ ¿£sÁï

1. >·]¿£bÍ{ì eTý²¢e<ó‘“
2. ™|sÁTeÖÞøß eTTHî|ŸÎ
3. eÖºsE ¥eseTsE
4. ¿=+&ƒÖsÁT MsÁ s|˜ŸTy#sÁT«\T
36. »#û\eTTµ nqT |Ÿ<ŠeTTqÅ£” nsÁœeTT
1. bõýeTT
2. eçdŸeï TT
3. |ŸP\T
4. Ôÿ£

37. »€Xøµ |Ÿ<‘“¿ì |Ÿs«jáT |Ÿ<‘\T

1. ‚#áÌ,Û ‡|Ÿà
2. $¿±dŸ+, ç|Ÿ>Ü ·
3. Xø¯sÁ+, yûTqT
4. eTqdŸTà, VŸ²<ŠjTá +

38. »|ŸÚdŸï¿£eTTµ |Ÿ<‘“¿ì $¿£Ü

1. |ŸÚÔáïeTT
2. |ŸÔáïeTT
3. |ŸÚdŸeï TT
4. bõÔá+ï

39. yîTT\¿£, È\eTT |Ÿ<‘\Å£” HHsÁœ |Ÿ<eŠ TT

1. n+Å£”sÁ+
2. >·+>·
3. #ûsÁ
4. <ósŠ ˆÁ +
40. ç¿ì+~ y“ýË C²rjáÖ\qT >·T]ï+#á+&.
1. n¿£Ø#îý\¢É T
2. Ôá*Ô ¢ á+ç&
3. ‡&ƒTCË&ƒT
4. nq•<ŠeTTˆ\T

41. |ŸÚq•$T¿ì |ŸPÔá ` neÖydŸ«Å£” €sÁÐ+|ŸÚ ` @$T³~?

1. |Ÿ¿Ã&
2. Ԑ+‹Ö\+
3. ÔûH|î ³ Ÿ T¼
4. Hûs¹ &ƒT |Ÿ+&ƒT

42. *+>·, e#áq, $uó„Å£”ï\T ýñ“ |Ÿ<‘“• ‚ý² n+{²sÁT.

1. $XâwŸD+
2. HeTy#á¿£+
3. ç¿ìjTá
4. ne«jáTeTT

43. uó$„ wŸ«ÔY ¿±\+ nq>±

1. È]ÐbþsTTq ¿±\+
2. ÈsÁ>·uËjûT ¿±\+
3. oԐ¿±\+
4. ÈsÁT>·TÔáTq• ¿±\+
44. >±* ¿=sÁŔ£ ¿ì{ì¿¡\T Ôî]#sÁT.
‡ y¿£«+ýË –q• $uó„¿ìï
1. dŸ|MïŸ T $uó¿„ ïì
2. ç|Ÿ<¸ŠeÖ $uó„¿ìï
3. #áÔáT¯œ $uó¿„ ïì
4. ~ÇrjáÖ $uó„¿ìï

45. ç¿ì+~ y“ýË y¿±«+Ôá _+<ŠTeÚ

1. ?
2. !
3. ,
4. .

46. “Ôá« @¿£ e#áqeTTqÅ£” –<‘VŸ²sÁD

1. eTÖ*¿£
2. ‚qTeTT
3. |Ÿ¿Œì
4. €Xø

47. ç¿ì+~ y“ýË dŸ+jáTT¿±ï¿£ŒsÁ |Ÿ<ŠeTT

1. dŸ¿£\+
2. º#áÌsÁ |¾&ƒT>·T
3. |ŸÚD«eTT
4. yîTT<Š\T
48. ç¿ì+~ y“ýË |ŸsTÁ cÍ\T
1. Xø, wŸ, dŸ, VŸ²
2. ¿£, #á, ³, Ôá, |Ÿ
3. >·, È, &ƒ, <Š, ‹
4. jáT, sÁ, i, \, Þø, e

49. »@yûT$Tµ |Ÿ<Š+ýË –q• dŸ+~ó

1. nÔáÇdŸ+~ó
2. ‚ÔáÇdŸ+~ó
3. >·TD dŸ+~ó
4. dŸesÁ’BsÁé dŸ+~ó

50. »uó²qÖ<ŠjáT+µ |Ÿ<‘“• $&ƒBjáT+&.

1. uó²qT G <ŠjáT+
2. uó²qÖ G <ŠjáT+
3. uó²qT G –<ŠjáT+
4. uó²qT G }<ŠjáT+

51. ~Ç>·T dŸeÖdŸeTq>±

1. $XâwŸD+ |ŸPsÁÇ|Ÿ<Š+>± –+&û~.
2. ç¿ìjáÖ|Ÿ<Š+ |ŸPsÁÇ|Ÿ<Š+>± –+&û~.
3. dŸ+U²«|Ÿ<+Š |ŸPsÁÇ|Ÿ<Š+>± –+&û~.
4. dŸ+U²«|Ÿ<Š+ –ÔáïsÁ |Ÿ<Š+>± –+&û~.
52. »»º\¢sÁµµ |Ÿ<Š+ýË >·TsÁT, \|˜ŸTTeÚ\qT >·T]ï+#á+&.
1. UII
2. U U I
3. U U U
4. I I I

53. C²ÔásÁý˓ &ƒ|Ÿð #á|ŸðÞø—ß €¿±X擕 Ԑ¿±sTT.

‡ y¿£«+ýË –q• n\+¿±sÁ+
1. –|ŸeÖ\+¿±sÁ+
2. sÁÖ|Ÿ¿±\+¿±sÁ+
3. n+Ԑ«qTçbÍdŸ n\+¿±sÁ+
4. nÜXøjîÖ¿ìï n\+¿±sÁ+

54. ¿ì+~ y“ýË dŸ+¥¢wŸ¼ y¿£«+ >·T]ï+#á+&.

1. bÍ|Ÿ bÍ\T Ԑ>·TÔáTq•~. bÍ&ƒTÔáTq•~.
2. y&ƒT H ÔáeTTˆ&ƒT. €yîT H #îý\¢É T.
3. XæeTÖ«ýÙ bÍsÄÁ+ #á~$, nq•+ܓ, “ç<ŠbþjáÖ&ƒT.
4. ‚k͈sTTýÙ }]¿ì yîÞ²ß&ƒT; e#Ì&ƒT.

55. ‚ÜeÔáï+, |ŸPsÁÇ>±<¸Š\T, $XâcÍ+Xæ\T yîTT<ŠýÉÕq$

@ |Ÿ]C²ãq+ ç¿ì+~¿ì ekÍïsTT?
1. uó²cÍ |Ÿ]C²ãq+
2. $wŸjáT |Ÿ]C²ãq+
3. XæçdŸï |Ÿ]C²ãq+
4. ç|ŸÔû«¿£ |Ÿ]C²ãq+
56. Bad spelling is the result of bad hearing - »<ŠTcþ¼#ÌsÁDÅ£”
¿±sÁD+ $“¿ì&ýË çXø<ŠÆ eV¾²+#á¿£ bþe&ƒyûTµ nHû y¿£«+ýË <‘Ðq
eTTK« uó²cÍ HîÕ|ŸÚD«+
1. ýñKq+
2. uó²wŸD+
3. çXøeD+
4. |ŸsÄÁq+

57. ¿ì+&ƒsY >±Âs¼HŽ |Ÿ<ŠÆܓ ç|ŸyûXø™|{ì¼q $<‘«yûÔáï

1. çbõuÉýÙ
2. yûT]jáÖ eÖ+{ìkþà¯
3. Ðpu²sTT
4. eTVŸäԐˆ>±+Bó

58. ¿ì+~ y“ýË $<‘« ç|ŸD²[¿£ ç|ŸjîÖÈH\ýË ýñ“~

1. \¿Œ±«Ôሿ£ $<Š«qT n+~+#áT³
2. uË<óŠq dŸT\TeÚ>± eÖsÁTÔáT+~
3. dŸ¿±\+ýË |Ÿ¯¿£Œ\T “sÁÇV¾²+#áe#áTÌ.
4. ç|ŸD²[¿£\ ÔájáÖ¯ýË dŸeTjáT+ e<¸‘ neÚÔáT+~

59. uË<óŠHuó„«dŸq –|Ÿ¿£sÁD²\qT ç|ŸÜ –bÍ<ó‘«jáTT&ƒÖ Ôáq uË<óŠqýË

1. eTT+<ŠT>±Hû ç|Ÿ<Š]ô+º, $e]+#*.
2. bÍsÄÁ«uË<óŠq n+Ԑ |ŸPsÁïjáÖ«¿£ ç|Ÿ<Š]ô+#*.
3. dŸeTTºÔá dŸeTjáT+ýË dŸ+<ŠsÒÛqTkÍsÁ+>± y&†*.
4. ndŸ\T –|ŸjÖî Ð+#áqedŸsÁ+ ýñ<TŠ .
60. |¾\¢\ “sÁ+ÔásÁ dŸeTç>· eTTý²«+¿£H“• bÍsÄÁ«, dŸVŸ²bÍsÄÁ«
$wŸjáÖýË¢ |ŸP]ï k͜sTTýË neT\T #ûjáÖ\“ #î|¾Îq #á³¼+
1. €sY.{ì.‚ ` 2009
2. mHŽ.d¾.m|˜t ` 2005
3. mHŽ.|¾.‚ ` 1986
4. €sY.{ì.× ` 2005
SET –1

61. Take this book if you ________.

Choose the option that fits the blank.
1. like
2. will like
3. would like
4. are like

62. She ______ a cup of coffee for me a few minutes ago.

Choose the option that fits the blank.
1. maked
2. make
3. makes
4. made

63. Choose the grammatically correct sentence from the

1. I came here by walk.
2. I came here by foot.
3. I came here on foot.
4. I came here by foot by walk.

64. The purpose of using dialogue tags is :

1. to confuse readers about who is speaking
2. to attribute speech to characters
3. to omit punctuation marks
4. to create tension
65. Choose the punctuation mark which is used to separate
items in a list or series
1. Semicolon (;)
2. Comma (,)
3. Quotation marks (“ ”)
4. Apostrophe (’)

66. Choose the correct sequence of the words in which they

appear in the dictionary.
A) message B) memorable C) mentor D) member
1. B D A C
2. A C D B
3. D B C A
4. C A D B

67. Identify the linker that indicates contrast:

1. however
2. next
3. first
4. afterwards

68. Identify the complex sentence

1. She doesn’t use a computer
2. I went to the market and I bought some milk.
3. They will meet us at the skating area.
4. Although it was cold outside, she didn’t wear a coat.
69. Choose the correct irregular plural form of the noun
1. mouses
2. mousis
3. mice
4. mouseys

70. “_____ can come to the party if ______ want to.”

Choose the correct pronouns to complete the sentence.
1. Everybody, he
2. Nobody, she
3. Anybody, they
4. Anybody, you

71. Choose the phrasal verb that means ‘to refuse or reject
something such as an offer or request’.
1. put up
2. set in
3. turn down
4. set out

72. The following is true about imperative sentences.

1. They usually express strong emotions.
2. They always begin with interrogative words.
3. They give commands, instructions or requests
4. They provide information or state facts
73. He said to me, ‘Let’s go home together.”
Choose the indirect speech for the sentence above.
1. He proposed to me that we should go home together.
2. He urged me to go home with him.
3. He asked me to go home with him.
4. He proposed me to go home together.

74. Some of the fruit cake _______ gone.

Choose the correct verb that fits the blank.
1. is
2. are
3. were
4. be

75. Belonging to all parts of the world.

Choose one word substitute for the sentence above.
1. native
2. cosmopolitan
3. omnipresent
4. puritan

76. Choose the correctly spelt word.

1. gypses
2. gypsies
3. gypsees
4. gypseis
77. The first day of monsoon mist.
Choose the meaning of the word “monsoon mist”
1. sunshine
2. fog
3. snow
4. haze

78. I’ll tell you more : you always carried a bag with your
books in it on your sight seeing trips.
Choose the antonym of the word ‘more’
1. additional
2. extra
3. less
4. further

79. LAD, which is an inborn trait of human beings proposed by

psycho-linguistics is a:
1. Learning Activities Device
2. Learning Acquisition Design
3. Language Acquisition Device
4. Language Activities Design

80. Identify the graphic – motor skills

1. Listening and reading
2. Listening and writing
3. Reading and writing
4. Listening and speaking
81. Identify the content word form the following
1. as
2. before
3. within
4. brave

82. The main aim of a composition is to:

1. communicate one’s thoughts in an organized way
2. communicate one’s thoughts in a Zig Zag way
3. explore phonetics
4. improve one’s hand writing

83. Read the following passage.

The sun cast its golden rays over the tranquil meadow,
where butterflies danced among the wildflowers. A gentle
breeze whispered through the trees, carrying with it the
sweet scent of honeysuckle. In this peaceful oasis, time
seemed to stand still, inviting weary souls to find solace in
nature's embrace.
Select the correct statement based on the passage:
1. The meadow was bustling with activity as various
animals roamed around.
2. The butterflies in the meadow were still and resting
on the flowers.
3. The breeze in the meadow was harsh and unsettling.
4. The meadow was devoid of any plant life.
84. Read the following passage.
The sun cast its golden rays over the tranquil meadow,
where butterflies danced among the wildflowers. A gentle
breeze whispered through the trees, carrying with it the
sweet scent of honeysuckle. In this peaceful oasis, time
seemed to stand still, inviting weary souls to find solace in
nature's embrace.
Choose the correct statement based on the passage:
1. The meadow was noisy with the chirping of birds.
2. The breeze carried the scent of roses.
3. Time seemed to pass quickly in the meadow.
4. The meadow was surrounded by tall buildings.

85. If the teacher is not imaginative, Bilingual Method ends in:

1. Innovative Method
2. Grammar Translation Method
3. Direct Method
4. Deductive Method

86. “The Silent Way” was introduced by:

1. Holmer
2. Hymes
3. Michel West
4. Gattegno

87. I will walk ______ the supermarket.

Choose the option that fits the blank.
1. to upto
2. off of
3. upto
4. due to
88. Noun clauses replace _______ in a sentence.
Choose the option that fits the blank.
1. individual nouns
2. compound adjectives
3. compound prepositions
4. relative pronouns

89. You ought to apologize.

Choose the function of ‘ought to’ in the above sentence
1. Past habit
2. Conditional statement
3. Moral obligation
4. Future intention

90. Select the correct use of articles in the following sentence.

He is a doctor.
1. The article should be omitted.
2. The article should be ‘the’.
3. The article is used correctly.
4. The article should be ‘an’.
SET –2
91. In a game, Avinash won 5 marbles from each of his 6
friends. How many marbles did Avinashwon.
ÿ¿£ €³ýË n$Hwt Ôáq 6>·TsÁT d•V¾²ÔáT\ýË ÿ¿=Ø¿£Ø] qT+º
5 >ð\T Â>*#&ƒT. n$Hwt yîTTÔáï+ m“• >ð\T Â>*#&ƒT.
1. 36
2. 5
3. 25
4. 30

92. The product of a number and 5 is zero. Then the number is

ÿ¿£ dŸ+K« eT]jáTT 5 \ \‹ÝÆ+ »0µ, nsTTq € dŸ+K«
1. –5
2. 5
3. 0

3 æ -6 ö æ -8 ö 5
93. The value of +ç ÷+ç ÷+
7 è 11 ø è 21 ø 22
3 æ -6 ö æ -8 ö 5
+ ç ÷ + ç ÷ + jîTT¿£Ø $\Te
7 è 11 ø è 21 ø 22
- 125
94. The organizers of an Essay competition decided that the
winner in the competition gets a prize of Rs. 100 and a
participant who does not win gets a prize of Rs. 25. The
total prize money distributed is Rs. 3000. If the total
number of participants is 63, then the number of winners is
ÿ¿£ y«dŸsÁ#áq bþ{¡ýË Â>*ºq y]¿ì sÁÖ. 100, Â>\e“ y]¿ì
sÁÖ. 25 ‚yÇ\“ “sÇVŸ²Å£”\T “sÁ’sTT+#sÁT. ‹VŸQeTÔáT\¿Õ
|Ÿ+#áe\d¾q yîTTÔá+ï sÁÖ. 3000. bþ{¡ýË yîTTÔá+ï bÍý¤Zq• ysÁT
63 eT+~ nsTTÔû Â>\Tbõ+~q y] dŸ+K«
1. 25
2. 100
3. 19
4. 16

95. Value of 53 - 33
53 - 33 $\Te

1. 24
2. 98
3. 128
4. 125

96. 24 girls and 16 boys went for a picnic. Then the ratio of the
number of girls to the number of boys is
24 eT+~ u²*¿£\T, 16 eT+~ u²\TsÁT $VŸäsÁjÖá çÔáŔ£ yîÞ²ßsÁT.
nsTTq u²*¿£\, u²\TsÁ “wŸÎÜï
1. 2:3
2. 3:2
3. 1:3
4. 3:1
97. Convert to percent
qT XæÔá+>± eÖ]Ìq
1. 50%
2. 75%
3. 100%
4. 125%

98. The cost of a pair of roller skates at a shop was Rs. 450.
The sales tax charged was 5%. Find the bill amount.
1. Rs. 427.50
2. Rs. 472.50
3. Rs. 427
4. Rs. 450
ÿ¿£ <ŠT¿±D+ýË ÿ¿£ ÈÔá dØ{ì+>´ ‹Ö³¢ K¯<ŠT sÁÖ. 450. <‘“™|Õ
5% neTˆ¿£|ڟ |ŸqT• $~ó+ºq #î*+¢ #áe\d¾q _\T¢ yîTTÔá+ï
1. sÁÖ. 427.50
2. sÁÖ. 472.50
3. sÁÖ. 427
4. sÁÖ. 450
99. If the principle is Rs. 1200, the amount to be paid at the end
of 3 years at 12% p.a.
1. Rs. 1623
2. Rs. 1632
3. Rs. 1600
4. Rs. 1625
ndŸ\T sÁÖ. 1200 dŸ+eÔáàs“¿ì 12% e&ž¦ nsTTÔû 3 dŸ+eÔáàs\
ÔásÇÔá #î*¢+#áe\d¾q yîTTÔáï+
1. sÁÖ. 1623
2. sÁÖ. 1632
3. sÁÖ. 1600
4. sÁÖ. 1625

100. Mixed fraction of
jîTT¿£Ø $TçXøeT_óq•eTT
1. 1
2. 4
3. 2
4. 1
101. A batsman scored the following number of runs in six
45, 76, 25, 27, 18, 55
Find the runs scored by him in an inning
ÿ¿£ u²«{ÙàyîTHŽ 6 ‚“•+>´àýË #ûd¾q |ŸsÁT>·T\ dŸ+K« ¿ì+<Š
45, 76, 25, 27, 18, 55
nÔáqT #ûdq¾ |ŸsTÁ >·T\ dŸ>·³T
1. 44
2. 41
3. 42
4. 45

102. Calculate the perimeter of the square whose side is 7 cm

(in cm)
7 ™d+.MT. bõ&ƒeÚ uó„TÈ+ >·\ #áÔáTsÁçdŸ #áT³T¼¿=\Ôá ¿£qT>=q+&.
(™d+.MT. \ýË)
1. 25
2. 28
3. 35
4. 40
103. A rhombus with 4 right angles is called
1. Rectangle
2. Trapezium
3. Square
4. Parallelogram
4 \+‹¿ÃD²\T ¿£*qZ ÿ¿£ s+‹dtqT @eT+{²sÁT.
1. BsÁé#áÔáTsÁçdŸ+
2. çfÉ|›Ó jáT+
3. #áÔáTsÁçdŸ+
4. dŸeÖ+ÔásÁ #áÔáTsÁTÒÛÈ+

104. The total number of faces of a cuboid

BsÁé|Ÿ˜TqeTTqÅ£” >·\ yîTTÔá+ï Ôá\eTT\ dŸ+K«
1. 4
2. 12
3. 6
4. 8

105. The angle larger than a right angle, and less than a straight
1. Acute angle
2. Reflex angle
3. Obtuse angle
4. Complete angle
\+‹¿ÃDeTT ¿£H• ™|<ŠÝ~ eT]jáTT dŸsÁÞø ¿ÃD+ ¿£H•
ºq•~ nsTTq € ¿ÃDeTT
1. n\Î ¿ÃD+
2. |ŸsesÁqï ¿ÃD+
3. n~ó¿£ ¿ÃD+
4. dŸ+|ŸPsÁ’ ¿ÃD+
106. The number of end points of a line segment
¹sU²K+&ƒeTTqÅ£” >·\ ºe] _+<ŠTeÚ\ dŸ+K«
1. 5
2. 1
3. 2
4. 0

107. Cadets are marching in a parade. There are 5 cadets in a

row. What is the rule, that gives the number of cadets.
¿±«&î³T¢ ™|¹s&ŽýË ¿£yÔáT #ûdTŸ Hï •sÁT. ÿ¿£ n&ƒT¦ esÁTdŸÅ”£ 5 eT+~
¿±«&î³T¢ –H•sÁT. n&ƒTe¦ sÁTdŸ\ dŸ+K«qT ‹{ì¼ ¿±&î³¢ dŸ+K«qT
¿£qT>=Hû “jáTeT+.
1. 5+n
2. 5n
3. 5–n

108. Factorize 10 x 2 - 18x 3 + 14 x 4

10 x 2 - 18x 3 + 14 x 4 qT ¿±sÁD²+¿£ $uó„Èq #ûjáT>±
1. ( )
2 x2 7 x 2 - 9 x + 5

2. 5x ( 2 x - 9 x + 5 )
2 2

3. 14 x ( 2 x - 9 x + 2 )
4 2

4. 10 x ( 2 x - 9 x + 5 )
2 2
109. Simplify and write the answer in exponential form
dŸÖ¿¡Œˆ¿£]+º Èy‹TqT |˜ŸÖÔá sÁÖ|Ÿ+ýË sjáT+&.
(2 )
¸ 28 ´ 2 -5

1. 2 20
2. 2-20

110. The equation for the following statement

“Three fourth of t is 15”
ç¿ì+~ ç|Ÿe#áH“• dŸMT¿£sÁD sÁÖ|Ÿ+ýË sjáT>±
»»t jîTT¿£Ø eTÖ&+³ H\T>·T e+ÔáT\T 15µµ
1. 3 + 4t = 15
2. t = 15
3. 3t + 4 = 15
4. 3=

111. Convert703 centimeters into meters

703 ™d+.MT.\qT MT³sÁ¢ý˓¿ì eÖ]Ìq
1. 70.3
2. 7.03
3. 0.703
4. 703
112. Convert 1 hour 12 minutes 10 seconds into seconds
1 >·+³ 12 “$TcÍ\ 10 ™d¿£q¢qT ™d¿£q¢ýË¿ì eÖ]Ìq
1. 4033
2. 4303
3. 4330
4. 43300

113. Find the base area of a cuboid whose volume is 625 cm3
and height is 25 cm
1. 100 cm 2
2. 25 cm2
3. 625 cm 2
4. 125 cm 2
|˜TŸ q |Ÿ]eÖD+ 625 ™d+.MT3 eT]jáTT mÔáTï 25 ™d+.MT. ¿£*Ðq
BsÁé |˜ŸTq+ uó„Ö yîÕXæ\«+ ¿£qT>=q+&
1. 100 ™d+.MT2
2. 25 ™d+.MT2
3. 625 ™d+.MT2
4. 125 ™d+.MT2

114. The circumference of the circle whose diameter is 28 cm

(in centimetres)
28 ™d+.MT. y«dŸeTT >·\ eÔáeï TT jîTT¿£Ø eÔáï |Ÿ]~ó (™d+.MT.\ýË)
1. 120
2. 100
3. 70
4. 88

115. The statement “Mathematics is the Science of quantity”

is given by
1. Aryabhatta
2. SrinivasaRamanujan
3. August Comte
4. Aristotle

»>·DìÔáeT+fñ |Ÿ]eÖDXædŸï+µ ‡ “sÁÇ#áH“• ‚ºÌq ysÁT

1. €sÁ«u󄳼
2. ço“ydŸ seÖqTÈHŽ
3. n>·d¼t ¿ÃyûT¼
4. n]kͼ{ìýÙ

116. “People belongs to any profession, are using Mathematics

in their daily life”. This statement belongs to which one of
the following value
1. Cultural value
2. Utilitarian value
3. Disciplinary value
4. Preparatory value

»» @ eÜï¿ì #î+~q e«¿ìï nsTTH >·DìԐ“• @<Ã$<óŠ+>± Ôáq “Ôá«

J$Ôá+ýË –|ŸjÖî Ð+#áTÅ£”+{²&ƒT.µµ ‡ ç|Ÿe#áq+ ¿ì+~ @ $\TeÅ£”
1. kÍ+dŸØÜ¿£ $\Te
2. ç|ŸjîÖÈq $\Te
3. ç¿£eT¥¿£D Œ $\Te
4. dŸH•VŸ²¿£ $\Te
117. Deriving a principle or generalizing a point with the help of
sufficient concrete examples is called
1. Deductive method
2. Inductive method
3. Analytic method
4. Synthetic method
ÔáÐq“• eTÖsÁï –<‘VŸ²sÁD\ dŸVäŸ jáT+Ôà ÿ¿£ dŸÖçԐ“• s‹³¼&ƒ+
ýñ<‘ ÿ¿£ $wŸjá֓• kÍ<ó‘sÁD¡¿£]+#á&ƒ+
1. “>·eTq |Ÿ<ƊÜ
2. €>·eTq |Ÿ<ƊÜ
3. $Xâ¢wŸD |Ÿ<ŠÆÜ
4. dŸ+Xâw¢ DŸ |Ÿ<ÜƊ

118. In teaching learning activities the following thing develops

logical thinking, research ability, problem solving abilities
in students.
1. Teaching Learning Material
2. Black / Green Board
3. Textbook only
4. Note Book only
uË<óŠHuó„«dŸq ¿£Ô«\ýË M{ì e\q $<‘«sÁTœ\ýË Ô]Ø¿£ €ýË#áq,
nHûÇwŸD² Xø¿ìï, dŸeTkÍ« |Ÿ]cÍØsÁ kÍeTsœ«\T yîTT<Š\>·Tq$ n_óe~Æ
1. uË<óŠHÃ|Ÿ¿£sÁD²\T
2. q\¢ / ç^HŽ uËsY¦
3. bÍsÄ«Á |ŸÚdŸ¿ï +£ eÖçÔáyûT
4. HÃ{ًT¿ù eÖçÔáyûT
119. Teaching by inter relating the curriculum topics with one
another is called
1. Attachment
2. Abstract thinking
3. Accuracy
4. Correlation

$<‘«ç|ŸD²[¿£ý˓ bÍsÄ«Á $wŸjÖá \qT ÿ¿£<‘“Ôà ÿ¿£{ì nqTdŸ+<ó‘“+º

1. nqT‹+<óŠ+
2. neTÖsÁï €ýË#áq
3. KºÌÛÔáÔáÇ+
4. dŸVŸ²dŸ+‹+<óŠ+

120. The Unit approach in writing lesson plan was proposed by

1. Prof. Morrison
2. Herbart
3. Bloom
4. D.S. Kothari

jáT֓{Ù bÍsÄÁ«|Ÿ<¸Š¿£ qeTÖHqT ç|ŸÜbÍ~+ºq ysÁT

1. çbõ. yîÖ]dŸHŽ
2. ™V²sÒsY¼
3. ‹Ö¢yŽT
4. D.S. ¿=sĐ]
SET –4

121. The Indian giant squirrel is a

1. Endangered species
2. Extinct species
3. Endemic species
4. Invasive species
uó²sÁÔá<ûXø|ŸÚ ™|<ŠÝ –&ƒTÔá (‚+&jáTHŽ CÉsTT+{Ù ™dØÇÂsýÙ) ÿ¿£
1. €|Ÿ<ŠýË –q• C²Ü
2. n+Ôá]+ºbþsTTq C²Ü
3. m+&ƒ$T¿ù C²Ü
4. €ç¿£$TÔá C²Ü

122. The force exerted by a charged body on another charged or

uncharged body
1. Muscular force
2. Electrostatic force
3. Gravitational force
4. Magnetic force
ÿ¿£ €yûXø|ŸP]Ôá edŸTïeÚ, yûs=¿£ €yûXø|ŸP]Ôá ýñ<‘ €yûXø sÁV¾²Ôá
edŸTeï Ú ™|Õ ¿£\T>·Cñ d ‹\+
1. ¿£+&ƒsÁ ‹\+
2. k͜esÁ $<ŠT«ÔY ‹\+
3. >·TsÁTԐǿ£sÁüD ‹\+
4. nsTTkÍØ+Ôá ‹\+
123. The fossil fuel among the following is
1. Coal
2. Hydrogen
3. Wood
4. Cow dung cake
ç¿ì+~ y{ìýË ¥ý²È ‚+<óŠq+
1. u¤>·TZ
2. ™VÕ²ç&ÃÈHŽ
3. #î¿£Ø
4. €eÚ |&ƒÔà #ûdq¾ |¾&¿ƒ £

124. A thread which is stronger than a steel wire

1. Cotton thread
2. Nylon thread
3. Woolen thread
4. Silk thread
dÓ¼ýÙ r>· ¿£+fñ ‹\yîT®q <‘sÁ+
1. qÖ\T <‘sÁ+
2. HîÕý²HŽ <‘sÁ+
3. –“• <‘sÁ+
4. |Ÿ³T¼ <‘sÁ+
125. The reddish-brown gland situated in the right upper part of
the abdomen
1. Pancreas
2. Liver
3. Spleen
4. Adrenal gland
–<ŠsÁ+ m>·Te uó²>·+ýË Å£”&yîÕ|ŸÚq –+&û mçsÁ{ì >Ã<óŠTeT esÁ’+
¿£\ ç>·+~ó
1. ¿Ã¢eT+
2. ¿±ýñjTá +
3. |ÓV¢ ²Ÿ +
4. n~óe¿£Ø ç>·+~ó

126. Aquatic animals like fish excrete their wastes in the form of
1. Urea
2. Uric acid
3. Ammonia
4. Nitrogen
#û|Ÿ\ e+{ì È\#ás\T ÔáeT e«sÆ\qT ‡ sÁÖ|Ÿ+ýË $dŸ]¨kÍïsTT
1. jáTÖ]jáÖ
2. jáTÖ]¿ù €eT¢+
3. nyîֈ“jáÖ
4. qçÔáȓ
127. The design made by veins in a leaf is
1. Petiole
2. Lamina
3. Venation
4. Mid rib
€Å£”ýË ‡Hî\T @sÁÎ]#û sÁÖ|ŸÚ¹sK (&CÉÕHŽ)
1. |ŸçÔáe+Ôá+
2. |ŸçÔá<ފ +ø
3. ‡Hî\ y«|Ÿq+
4. q&$T ‡Hî

128. The mission initiated by the government of India to provide

toilets for everyone
1. Vande Bharat
2. Nipun Bharat
3. Sreshta Bharat
4. Swachh Bharat
ç|ŸÜ ÿ¿£Ø]¿¡ eTsÁT>·T<=&ƒ¢qT n+~+#á&†“¿ì uó²sÁÔá ç|Ÿuó„TÔáÇ+#û
çbÍsÁ+_ó+#á‹&q –<Š«eT+
1. e+<û uó²sÁÔY
2. “|ŸÚDY uó²sÁÔY
3. çXâw÷Ÿ uó²sÁÔY
4. dŸÇ#áÌÛ uó²sÁÔY
129. Bones become soft and bent due to the deficiency of
1. Vitamin A
2. Vitamin B
3. Vitamin C
4. Vitamin D
B“ ýË|Ÿ+ e\¢ meTT¿£\T eT<ŠTeÚ>± neÇ&ƒ+, e+Ðbþe&ƒ+
1. $³$THŽ A
2. $³$THŽ B
3. $³$THŽ C
4. $³$THŽ D

130. The pipe like structure that passes theswallowed food into
the stomach
1. Oesophagus
2. Intestine
3. Trachea
4. Duodenum
$T+Ðq €VŸäs“• Js’XøjáT+ ý˓¿ì #ûsÁyûd HÞø+ e+{ì “sˆD+
1. €VŸäsÁ yV¾²¿£
2. ç|>·T
3. >±*>=³¼+
4. €+çÔáeTÖ\+
131. An example of a vehicle that is pulled by animals
1. Car
2. Cycle
3. Tonga
4. Auto rikshaw
È+ÔáTeÚ\Ôà ý²>·‹&û yVŸ²H“¿ì –<‘VŸ²sÁD
1. ¿±sÁT
2. ™dÕ¿ýì Ù
3. {²+>±
4. €{Ë]¿Œ±

132. Choose the correct set of indoor games

1. Chess, Cricket, Ludo
2. Chinese checker, Carroms, Kho- Kho
3. Ludo, Chess, Carroms
4. Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Tennikoit
‚+{ìýË €&ƒTÅ£”Hû €³\ dŸeTT<‘já֓• >·T]ï+#á+&
1. #á<Šs+Á >·+, ç¿ì¿Â {Ù, \Ö&Ã
2. #îúÕ dt #î¿Ø£ sY, ¿±«sÁyTŽ à, UË`UË
3. \Ö&Ã, #á<sŠ +Á >·+, ¿±«sÁyTŽ à
4. ¿£‹&ž,¦ UË`UË, fɓ•¿±sTT{Ù
SET –3


133. Identify the incorrect pair

1. Diwani -Right to collect land revenue
2. Tiger of Mysore -Tippu Sultan
3. Sipahi -Sepoy
4. FaujdariAdalat- Civil Court
dŸ]¿±“ ÈÔáqT >·T]ï+#á+&
1. ~y“ ` uó„Ö$T ¥dŸTïqT edŸÖ\T #ûd n~ó¿±sÁ+
2. yîTd® ֟ sY |ŸÚ* ` {ì|ðŸ dŸTý²ïHŽ
3. d¾bÍV¾² ` d¾bÍsTT
4. b˜åCÙ<‘] n<‘\ÔY ` d¾$ýÙ ¿ÃsÁT¼

134. Nij and Ryoti systems were related to the cultivation of this
1. Indigo
2. Paddy
3. Wheat
4. Bajra
“CÙ eT]jáTT s Õr |Ÿ<ŠÔ
Æ Tá \T ‡ |Ÿ+³ kÍ>·TÅ£” dŸ+‹+~ó+ºq$
1. ú*eT+<ŠT
2. e]
3. >Ã<óTŠ eT
4. dŸÈ¨
135. Breeding of fish in specially constructed tanks and ponds
1. Viticulture
2. Horticulture
3. Pisciculture
4. Sericulture
ç|ŸÔû«¿£+>± “]ˆ+#á‹&q #îsÁTeÚ\ýËqÖ, ¿±\Te\ýËqÖ #û|Ÿ\T
1. ${¡¿\£ ÌsY
2. VŸä¯¼¿£\ÌsY
3. |¾d¿Ó \£ ÌsY
4. ™d¯¿£\ÌsY

136. The percentage of Nitrogen present in atmosphere

yÔesÁD+ý˓ HîÕç{ËÈHŽ XæÔá+
1. 58
2. 78
3. 68
4. 40

137. Village headman of kakatiya period was called as

1. Talari
2. Karanam
3. Purohitha
4. Reddy
¿±¿£rjáTT\ ¿±\+ýË ç>±eT™|<ŠÝqT ‚ý² |¾*#ûysÁT
1. Ôáý²]
2. ¿£sÁD+
3. |ŸÚsÃV¾²ÔáT&ƒT
4. s &¦
138. The first woman scientist to receive Padmashri award was
1. JanakiAmmal
2. KadambariGanguli
3. NandiniHarinadh
4. Annamani
|Ÿ<ˆŠ l nysÁT¦ bõ+~q yîTT<Š{ì eTV¾²Þ² XægyûÔáï
1. C²q¿¡ neֈýÙ
2. ¿±<Š+‹¯ >·+>·Ö©
3. q+~“ VŸ²]H<¸Ž
4. nH•eTDì

139. The practice of Sati was Abolished in

dŸrdŸVŸ²>·eTq+ “w~ó+#á‹&q dŸ+eÔáàsÁ+
1. 1729
2. 1829
3. 1929
4. 1629

140. ‘The Article 40’ of the constitution of India is related to

1. Right to vote
2. Fundamental duties
3. Local self Government
4. Right to life
uó²sÁÔá sC²«+>·+ý˓ »40e n~ó¿£sÁDµ B“• dŸÖºdŸTï+~
1. z³TVŸ²Å£”Ø
2. çbÍ<¸Š$T¿£ $<óŠT\T
3. k͜“¿£ dŸÇ|Ÿ]bÍ\q
4. J$+#û VŸ²Å£”Ø
141. Rollapadu wild life sanctuary is a habitat for
1. One horned rhinoceros
2. Pelicans
3. Great Indian Bustard
4. Siberian Crane
sÃÞøßbÍ&ƒT eq«eT>· dŸ+sÁ¿£ŒD²¹¿+ç<Š+ M{ì €ydŸ+
1. ÿ+{ì¿=eTTˆ K&ƒeZ T>·+
2. ™|*¿±HŽ\T
3. ‹³¼yûT¿£ |Ÿ¿Œì
4. ™dÕ;]jáTHŽ ¿=+>·

142. ‘Aryabhatta’ was the India’s first Satellite launched in this

uó²sÁÔá<ûXø|ŸÚ yîTT<Š{ì –|Ÿç>·VŸ²+ »€sÁ«u󄳼µ qT ¿£¿£Œ«ýË¿ì ç|ŸyûXø™|{ì¼q
1. 1965
2. 1970
3. 1975
4. 1980

143. This is also called as “Andhra Kashmir”

1. Rentachinthala
2. Lambasingi
3. Ooty
4. Chittoor
B““ »»€+ç<ó‘ ¿±oˆsY µµ n“ Å£L&† |¾\TkÍïsÁT
1. Âs+³º+Ôá\
2. \+‹d¾+Ð
3. }{¡
4. ºÔáÖïsÁT
144. Ashoka used this script in his all inscriptions
1. Gurmukhi
2. Devanagiri
3. Brahmi
4. Savara
nXËÅ£”&ƒT Ôáq n“• XædŸH\ýË ‡ *|¾“ –|ŸjîÖÐ+#&ƒT
1. >·TsÁTˆÏ
2. <ûeH>·]
3. çu²VÓ²ˆ
4. dŸesÁ

145. This does not belong to cognitive domain

1. Knowledge
2. Understanding
3. Attitude
4. Application
‚~ C²ãHÔሿ£ sÁ+>±“¿ì #î+~q~ ¿±<ŠT
1. C²ãq+
2. ne>±VŸ²q
3. yîKÕ ]
4. $“jîÖ>·+
146. “A project is a whole hearted purposeful activity conducted
in a social environment” is quoted by
1. Kil Patrik
2. Stevenson
3. Burden
4. Parker
»»kÍ+|˜¾T¿£ |Ÿ]dŸs\ýË ‚wŸ¼+>± “sÁÇV¾²+#û nqTuó„e |ŸPsÁÇ¿£
¿£Ô«\Ôà ţL&ƒTÅ£”“ –+&û<û çbÍCÉÅ£”¼µµ n“ “sÁǺ+ºqysÁT
1. ¿ìýÙ bÍç{ì¿ù
2. dÓy¼ Hî dŽ HŸ Ž
3. ‹sÁH¦ Ž
4. bÍsÁØsY

147. Writing slogans, Pamphlets, poems etc., comes under this

academic standard
1. Appreciation, values
2. Conceptual understanding
3. Experiments and field observations
4. Questioning and hypothesis
“H<‘\T, ¿£s|Á çŸ Ô\T, ¿£$Ôá\T yîTT<ŠýqÕÉ sÁ#qá \T #ûjTá &ƒ+ ‡
$<‘« ç|ŸeÖD+ ç¿ì+<ŠÅ£” edŸTï+~
1. ç|ŸX+ø dŸ, $\Te\T
2. $wŸjÖá e>±VŸ²q
3. ç|ŸjÖî >±\T, ¿¹ çŒ Ôá |Ÿ]o\q\T
4. ç|Ÿ¥•+#á&+ƒ , |Ÿ]¿£\Îq\T #ûjTá &ƒ+

148. This approach is NOT followed in problem solving

1. Inductive
2. Deductive
3. Analytic
4. Productive
dŸeTkÍ« |Ÿ]cÍØsÁ+ýË nqTdŸ]+#á‹&ƒ“ <Š¿£Î<óŠ+
1. €>·eTHÔሿ£
2. “>·eTHÔሿ£
3. $Xâw¢ ŸD²Ôሿ£
4. –ԐÎ<Š¿±Ôሿ£

149. The total number of Academic standards in Social Science is

kÍ+|˜¾T¿£ Xæg+ý˓ yîTTÔáï+ $<‘« ç|ŸeÖD²\T
1. 8
2. 7
3. 5
4. 6

150. This method is ideal for expressing a historical event

1. Seminar
2. Panel discussion
3. Dramatisation
4. Symposium
ÿ¿£ #]çÔá¿£ dŸ+|˜ŸT³qqT e«¿£ï|ŸsÁ#á&†“¿ì ‡ |Ÿ<ŠÆÜ nqTyîÕq~
1. ™d$THsY
2. bÍ«HîýÙ #ásÌÁ
3. H³¿¡¿s£ D Á
4. d¾+bþ›jáT+

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