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2 Queen Vashti
3 Esther becomes Queen
4 Mordecai exposes a conspiracy
5 Mordecai and Haman A three-day fast
6 Esther's banquet An evil plan Mordecai
is honored The death of Haman
10. The decree of Ahasuerus
11. The Jews destroy their
12. The Purim Festival
13. Mordecai exalted by Ahasuerus

But Queen Vashti did not want to appear at the king's
order sent through the eunuchs; and the king was
very angry, and his anger burned. (Esther 1:12)

4—3 U:
Reading Esther 1:5 – 19
Biblical Find a comfortable place in a corner of the nursery
and name it the Reading Room, arrange it
with cushions or pillows so that children feel comfortable. Each Bible reading
will be done in that place and the children will sit, forming a circle, paying
attention to the reading.

The story that will be considered in this lesson is Application

about Queen Vashti, who because she was very
beautiful, enjoyed many privileges. The problem is
that his character was very strong and he disobeyed
an order
real. For this reason, the queen lost her crown and was
punished. It is important to highlight in this lesson, obeying importance of
and what the consequences are when we do not seek to paying attention
do our will. and
1. King Ahasuerus sent his servants to look for Queen Vashti.
Help them find it

1. Draw an extended crown on the foam of

the color of your choice, so that it covers
the child's head.

2. Drill a hole at each end with a one-hole


3. Decorate the crown with buttons, gluing

them with glue or silicone.

4. Tie a ribbon, rubber or elastic in the holes

that you made at the ends, so that you can
fix the crown on the head.

Because she disobeyed an order, Queen Vashti lost

a lot. As children of God we must always be
Conclusion obedient to the Word of God and the teachings of
our Parents.
with cushions or pillows so that children feel comfortable. Each Bible reading
will be done in that place and the children will sit, forming a circle, paying
attention to the reading.
This story allows us to understand the importance of
showing a good attitude at all times. Esther, apart from Application
being a very beautiful young woman, was pleasant and Practice
simple, reasons that made her fall in favor with the
eunuchs who took care of the maidens and the King liked
her. We must teach children to practice good manners
and courtesy, greeting politely and showing respect and esteem to others. This
will highlight your inner beauty.
1. Bible reading teaches us that Queen Esther was beautiful. Draw his face
and color the illustration.

2. Write the first letter of the drawing in the box below and you will discover
the name of Queen Esther in Hebrew.


1 wooden chuchito
(Clothes press hook)
Colored foam
Glue or silicone
black down
1 cardstock card

Form the face of an animal of your choice with the different colors of the
foam. Decorate it with the black marker. Stick it with silicone or glue on
the wooden hook. On the cardboard card, write a verse of Scripture that
you want to remain in the children's hearts. Hold the card with the
wooden hook.

Just as Ester managed to find grace in the eyes of

others, due to her internal beauty, we children
must try to please others with our good manners.
When Mordecai understood this, he reported it to
Queen Esther, and Esther told the king on
Mordecai's behalf. (Esther 2:22)

Esther 2:19 – 23
Find a comfortable place in a corner of the nursery
and name it the Reading Room, arrange it
with cushions or pillows so that children feel comfortable. Each
Bible reading will take place in that place and the children will sit, forming a
circle, paying attention to the reading.

Mordecai had the custom of always sitting at the king's
door. While there, he realized a plan that two eunuchs
had to kill the king. He immediately told Queen Esther,

so that he could denounce him before King Ahasuerus. It was investigated

and the men were punished. We children of God cannot do wrong, so if we
realize that another child is doing something wrong, we must stay away from
1. From the figures that appear below, cross out with an “X” those attitudes
that we should not imitate and color the attitudes that you consider we
should practice.

2. Write the first letter of the drawing in the box below and you will
discover the relationship between Mordecai and Esther.
The first thing you have to do is cut a square of cardboard. The size will
depend on what you want to do, but it does not have to be very large, for
example 20cm x 20cm. Once you have your square ready, draw a face with
a pencil. Remember that the nose will be a clothespin, so you can draw it
too, the rest will be the fruit of your imagination. Paint your face with
colors, you can choose as many as you want. To do this you must use
finger paint or tempera. Finally, glue the wooden clothes press hook and
you will have a coat rack. To stick it on the wall, you can nail it (To do this,
ask your parents for help). Ready, you now have a personalized coat rack
to hang scarves or another object that you want to have on display.

Bad actions should not be imitated. If someone wants to incite you to do

something bad, stay away from them. Remember
that God is everywhere, watching the bad and the
Because Ahasuerus magnified Haman, all the servants who were at the king's
door knelt and bowed before Haman, except Mordecai. This filled Haman
with anger and he managed to persuade the King to issue a decree to
destroy the Jews. The teaching of this chapter is related to the way we
should present ourselves before the authorities, with great respect, but

with cushions or pillows so that children feel comfortable. Each Bible reading
will be done in that place and the children will sit, forming a circle, paying
attention to the reading.

without venerating them, because worship is only to God. Application

Likewise, understand that arrogance does not lead to Practice
anything good, as we will see later with the case of

1. Color the illustrations that represent the way we should worship and cross
out with an “X” those that represent incorrect ways to worship.

Cut out a circle of green foam. Then draw your hands on colored paper or
green cardboard. Cut them out and stick them behind the foam circle.
With the black marker, add details such as the mouth and nose. For the
eyes, you can use white foam and glue a circle of black paper on it to
simulate the eyes. You can add details such as a string so you can hang it.

We cannot bow before anyone, because worship is exclusive to our God.

Likewise, arrogance and pride never lead to a happy ending.

Go and gather all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for
me, and do not eat or drink for three days, night and
day. (Esther 4:16a)

Esther 4:1 – 17
Reading Find a comfortable place in a corner of the nursery and
Biblical name it the Reading Room, arrange it with
cushions or pillows so that children feel comfortable. Each
Bible reading will be done in that place and the children will sit,
forming a circle, paying attention to the reading.

Haman had set out to destroy them and convinced the

king to issue an edict and destroy them. Mordecai
informed Esther of the situation, but she could not do
anything, because she could only appear before the king Practice

if she was called by him, otherwise her life was in danger.

Esther did the best: She placed herself in the hands of
God with prayer and fasting. When we go through difficulties or problems, a very
good solution is to get closer to God through prayer and fasting.

1. Draw a line to indicate what the child should look for when he or she is
fasting. Color the illustration.

2. Color the number that represents the days in which the Jews spent
fasting with Esther.
1. Cut two pieces of cardboard, as
shown in the figure.

2. With the thickest piece, the body of

the kitten will be made, according to
the figure. Paint lines with marker on
the kitten's body. Fold the kitten's
body into a circle and stick with glue.

3. With the other piece of cardboard

that is left over, make the kitten's
head, painting the ears, eyes and
mouth of the kitten.

4. Now glue the head that you already

drew onto the kitten's body. You can
use another piece of cardboard to
make the glue and glue it too. You
can make other animals with this
same technique.

Prayer and fasting are spiritual exercises that

allow us to get closer to our God when we find
ourselves facing problems or difficult situations.


children and name it the Reading Room, arrange it with cushions or pillows
so that the children feel comfortable. Each Bible reading will be done in that
place and the children will sit, forming a circle, paying attention to the
After fasting, Esther appears before the King without
having been summoned. She found grace in the King's
eyes and extended the scepter to him. This allowed
Esther to carry out her plan to save the Jews, inviting the
King and Haman to a banquet. When we trust in our God
and ask him from the bottom of our hearts for his
protection, he sends us his angels to defend and protect us. Nothing bad will
happen to us.

1. For the banquet, Queen Esther invited King Ahasuerus and Haman. Draw Esther
and the guests and color the illustration.

Fun Scepters.

Make different animal figures with colored foam, taking the figure below as an
example. Glue the figure on a popsicle stick in a bright color. Add details such
as moving eyes or down details.

When you trust in Jehovah, you will receive his

support and protection without conditions. Do not
hesitate! And you will see that he responds to you
like the Heavenly Father.

And Haman went out that day happy and glad of
heart; But when he saw Mordecai at the door of the
king's palace, not getting up or moving from his
place, he was filled with anger against Mordecai.
(Esther 5:9)

Esther 4:9 – 14
Biblical Find a comfortable place in a corner of the nursery
and name it the Reading Room, arrange it
with cushions or pillows so that children feel comfortable. Each Bible reading
will be done in that place and the children will sit, forming a circle, paying
attention to the reading.

Haman, upset because Mordecai did not bow down to
him, was filled with anger and looked for a way to punish
him. That's why he ordered a gallows to be made to kill
him. Haman did not think about all the goods
what he had, but was looking for an opportunity to take revenge not us
It leads toThenothing good, but it consumes us every day until we sink. God us
does not like us to be resentful, but rather us
Let's fill it with

1. Our hearts should be full of kindness and forgiveness. Color the illustrations
that represent good actions and cross out the actions that are full of hatred
and evil.
A heart with evil thoughts will not prosper. We must try not to fill our hearts
with resentment and hatred, but on the contrary, feed it with love and
And Haman took the garment and the horse, and
Mordecai, and led him on horseback through the square
the city, and proclaimed before him, Thus shall it be
to the man whose honor the king desires..

Esther 6:1 – 12
Find a comfortable place in a corner of the nursery and name it the Reading
Room, arrange it
with cushions or pillows so that children feel comfortable. Each Bible reading will
be done in that place and the children will sit, forming
a circle, paying attention to the reading.

The following is a lesson in humility. When the king

consulted Haman about how to honor a man, he
thought he was talking about him and he spoke of greatness. However, it turned
out that he said the same thing, he had to do it with Mordecai. Children should
not behave in a haughty manner or with boasting, on the contrary, we must be
humble, so that God may exalt us at the appropriate time.

1. In the box below each illustration, write whether your attitude corresponds
to an “arrogant” person or a “humble” person. Then, color the
With the popsicle sticks, make the shape of a fence, as shown in the

illustration, and stick them with glue or silicone. Make a hole in the top with
a brad using a one-hole punch. With foam, make the shape of a papyrus
(such a cone appears in the illustration) and write with black marker the
verse “He who humbles himself will be exalted and he who exalts himself
will be humiliated.” Then stick it on the wooden stick fence. You can add
details always made with foam or colored paper. Place string or wool in the
holes to hang the work done.

The Word of God teaches us the following: He who humbles himself will be
exalted and he who exalts himself will be humbled.
Esther 7:1 – 10
Find a comfortable place in a corner of the nursery and name it the Reading
Room, arrange it with
cushions or pillows so that children feel comfortable. Each Bible reading will

be done in that place and the children will sit, forming a

Reading circle, paying attention to the reading.

When Esther invited the King and Haman to a banquet

for the second time, she begged the King for her life and the lives of her
people. Likewise, he told the King that Haman wanted to destroy them.
Haman felt cornered and was ultimately punished on the gallows that he
himself had built to kill Mordecai. This man's evil
consumed him until he died. Application

1. What do we need to fill ourselves with to get away from the bad and look
for the good? Help the children find it.

This craft is to decorate your bedroom door or another door with a handle.
Cut out the colored foam pieces, depending on the animal you have
chosen. Make sure the top has enough room to fit it into the door latches.
Glue the pieces, attach small moving eyes and add details with black or
colored markers.

Evil and hatred led Haman to death. In the end, he was punished with the
same weapon he built for someone else. Let us depart from evil and always
do good.
The copy of the edict that was to be issued by
decree in each province, so that it would be known
by all people, said that the Jews were prepared for
that day, to take revenge on their enemies.
(Esther 8:13)

Esther 8:1 – 12
Biblical Find a comfortable place in a corner of the nursery
and name it the Reading Room, arrange it
with cushions or pillows so that children feel comfortable. Each Bible reading
will be done in that place and the children will sit, forming a circle, paying
attention to the reading.

When Esther gained the King's trust, she asked for
support for her people. Ahasuerus authorized them to
issue an edict that would allow the Jews to defend
themselves. The Jewish people had a new hope and
From the hand of our God they would be victorious. Let us not be afraid,
because the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him and
defends them.

Color the following illustration.

in two
2. Write the first letter of the drawing in the box below and you will
discover what we should have in God.

Draw the parts of the frog on a

sheet of paper: head, body, legs.
Also a crown, a spiral and small
and large circles for eyes and
paws. Cut out the patterns. Draw
the body of the frog on the light
green foam. On the dark foam cut
out 2 medium circles for the eyes,
2 small ones for the legs, 2 ovals
for the legs and 2 tiny ones for the
frog's nose. Cut out all the pieces.
Trace the frog's crown on the
yellow foam. Trace the spiral on
purple foam, also some very small
circles that will decorate the body
of the frog and also its legs. Glue
all the pieces with a silicone gun.
Adhere to the
crown purple stickers. Draw your frog's smile with a green marker and
glue the moving eyes

All our trust must be placed in Jehovah, and

even in moments when it seems that there is no
hope, God will send his angel to help us.


On the same day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to lord it over them,
the opposite happened; Memory
for the Jews ruled over those who hated them. (Esther 9:1b)

Esther 9:1 – 15
Find a comfortable place in a corner of the nursery and name it the Reading
Room, arrange it with
cushions or pillows so that children feel comfortable. Each Bible reading will be
done in that place and the children will sit, forming a circle, paying attention to
the reading.

Once again the hand of Jehovah is seen with his beloved people. When the
enemies believed they would triumph, the opposite happened. Even Haman's
family was punished. No matter how big we may see our enemy, if we take
Jehovah's hand, nothing will happen to us. If God is for us, who can be against us?

1. Color the illustration that represents how we feel when we trust in God.

2. Color the following illustration.

1. Paint the durapax glass and make a hole to insert the pipe cleaner.

2. Screw on the pipe cleaner and leave a small hole

at the top

3.Put the pipe cleaner in the glass

4. Draw the bird's feet on a sheet of foam and cut it

out. Glue the plastic cup on them, the feathers
will be attached behind

5. You can now place a pencil previously decorated

with moving eyes in the hole of the pipe cleaner.

If you encounter an enemy coming against you and you feel alone, do not
fear. Because if God is for us, who can be against us?

with cushions or pillows so that children feel comfortable. Each Bible reading
will be done in that place and the children will sit, forming a circle, paying
attention to the reading.

Once again, God had delivered his beloved people from

the hands of their enemies. A festival was decreed and
the name Purim was given, which means “Lots.” This Practice
holiday is very important, and one of the most joyful in
the Hebrew calendar, however, Jews have the obligation
to fast and pray on the eve, to remember the cries of the people when they
experienced one of the most difficult moments of their lives. In the Church of
God, we also have holidays and moments of great joy, which we must respect
and rejoice in those moments. For example, a day of great joy is every Saturday.
6. Color the illustration that represents the way we should act when we
participate in a Church holiday (Convivio, Vigil, Saturday meetings, Holy
Supper, etc.).

Color the following illustration and learn the verse found there.
Draw two hands on a quarter of cardboard and cut them out. Then color
them to each child's taste. On the part of the thumbs, place two mobile eyes.
Glue the hands together, as shown in the figure. Finally, add details to your
liking, with colored paper or foam.

Just as the Hebrews rejoiced in their ceremonial

festivals, we must rejoice in the festivals proper to
the Church of God.

For Mordecai the Jew was second after King Ahasuerus, and great among the
Jews, and esteemed by the multitude of his brothers,Memory
(Esther 10:3a)

Esther 10:1 – 3
Find a comfortable place in a corner of the nursery and
name it the Reading Room, arrange it with
Biblical cushions or pillows so that children feel comfortable.
Each Bible reading will be done in that place and the
children will sit, forming a circle, paying attention to the reading.

How interesting it is to contemplate the end of this story! The wicked were
punished and those who remained faithful were
exalted. Mordecai became the second after King
Ahasuerus, he was very loved for seeking the well-being
of his people and peace in general. If, as children of the
Church, we remain obedient to our parents and
teachers and fulfill the Word of God, we will receive a
great reward in due time.

8. Find the words in the following word search.

TO c p yes V [ R g AN N AN yes w AND J. F Q h g TO

c AND l Yo yes TO b 1 h TO Yo l 0 Yo TO g
h Q Q
T K yes OR M TO b h T or p Q d g or or Q J. d Q

z 1 yes N T TO F yes M AND M J. M z Yo yes R AND K d

z TO yes V R T T or d 0 R TO J. R AND AND c R or V

K b or N TO W x TO
K R AND 0 d l Q TO OR yes N
F Yo R c 0 F g N V d d Yes yes Q or g □ Yes AND AND
Q g g Yo Q TO J. z 0 Yo 0 J. Q l z T TO N R
c x c yes Q TO b Q F N 0 V N TO l OR [ l T Q

F 0 Q w M yes or 1 0 b yes yes TO c Yo yes V AND AND T

J. N Yo h AND TO d l 5 R AND d yes AND R 0N N w
eithe AN
Yes M N c 0 z 0 g d
V N F T l yes AND c N
R K OR z or c T Z Yo N c N AND W Yo l AND ] c
l AND K J. or b TO M F TO g Yo 0 g V F 1 TO TO R
p N Yo b AND Yes Yo V F or TO yes TO c R
r □ Q N Yo

OR R TO x TO ft p N J. R w 5 AND h V AND J. AND F TO

w N AN d g OR AN c TO N TO F R AN or hT AN M d
M z TO AND V N TO yes d Yes N TO T g Yo b z Yes TO to

J. h g Z J. b V or d J. AND d 0 V V d d d AND yes

z R d d T Q l 0 AND Yes yes w AND c cT V N TO








• Colored foamy
• Scissors
• Glue
• plastic eyes
• Stamen

We will start by cutting out the base
of the ornament, where you can use
a template but it is recommended
that to make the hole where it will be
hung you first measure it with the
door handle.
Next you will have to cut out a circle of the skin color to make the character's
face, it is hooked at the bottom of the base.
We will cut out and glue a small oval of the same color in the center to make
the nose, and then attach the eyes and use yarn to make the hair.
With a small strip of red yarn we can place the mouth. Then draw and cut out
the child's name at the top and we will have this Door Hanger Craft with

For those who do the will of God and live in

obedience, God has prepared a great reward:
Eternal life.

Color the following illustration and write in the box
below what the child does before going to bed
God's church

(Let your children come , and do not hinder

pltífut ¡t lis tilts ts ftítll

De lis (til!.

(Hlitti 19:14)

Colonia 3 de Mayo Fax. (503) 2298-5645

Antigua Calle Ferrocarril Abba Radio: (503) 2245-6169
No. 2106, San Salvador
Tel. (503) 2223-9326

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