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- Questionnaire

Oscilloscope (also known as "Oscillograph"): it is one of the most important and indispensable
tools for analyzing electrical signals.

Frequency meter: it is an instrument used to measure frequency, counting the number of

repetitions of a wave in the same position in a time interval through the use of a counter that
accumulates the number of periods. Since frequency is defined as the number of events of a
particular kind that occur in a period, its measurement is generally simple.

Multimeter or polymeter: it is a portable electrical instrument to directly measure active electrical

magnitudes, such as currents and potentials (tensions), or passive ones, such as resistances,
capacities and others.

1-History and development of the oscilloscope

History of oscilloscopes began in 1893, when a French engineer and physicist André Blondel
presented to the world the first electromagnetic oscilloscope with bifilar suspension, made with
his own hands. This device, with the help of a pendulum with ink, connected to the coil, allowed
electrical values, such as the intensity of alternating currents, to be recorded on a paper tape.
Taking into account that several mechanical devices were used simultaneously in the process,
early oscilloscopes were not very accurate and their bandwidth ranged between 10 and 19 kHz.
True evolution of oscilloscopes began in 1897, when German scientist Karl Ferdinand Braun
invented the cathode ray tube (CRT). The British company AC Cossor was able to adapt this
technology and in 1932 presented the first oscilloscope based on the cathode ray tube.

Tektronix Logo
When World War II ended, measurement equipment, including oscilloscopes, began to be
developed throughout the world. Most of all this was notable in Europe and America. In 1946
Howard Vollum and Melvin Murdock founded the company Tektronix, which soon became the
world leader in oscillography. The same year Vollum and Murdock manufactured their first
delayed scan (single cycle scan) oscilloscope — this technology was used in the model 511
with the 10 MHz bandwidth. The term delayed scan in an oscilloscope refers to the type of scan
that is activated only during the electrical pulse development time under investigation.

LeCroy Logo
In the 1950s, practically all developed countries began to manufacture these devices. Thanks
to this, oscilloscopes became a universal measurement tool. Manufacturing of the first industrial
models caused rapid growth in the passband and precision of oscilloscopes, until the first digital
equipment appeared in 1985. We can surely consider this year as a key point in the history of
oscillography development. Precisely this year, a digital storage oscilloscope was manufactured
for the first time in the world for the CERN research center. The development process of this
device was led by engineer Walter LeCroy, founder of the LeCroy company. Since the 1980s,
the oscilloscope market has progressed with enormous steps, and today this equipment is

As is the case with other electronic devices, due to their way of signal processing we can divide
oscilloscopes into two groups: analog and digital. Each type obviously has its advantages,
disadvantages and unique characteristics, which we will try to analyze in more detail below.
2-differences between an analog oscilloscope and a digital one


Work with continuous variables Work with discrete variables

Works directly with the applied signal It first goes through an analog-digital (A/D)

It is generally used when it is required to It is used when you want to visualize and
visualize rapid variations of the input signal in study non-repetitive events (voltage spikes
real time. that occur randomly).

Does not save information Allows saving data

3-types of oscilloscope (one channel, two channels, etc.)

Mode of operation of an analog oscilloscope
There are four modes of operation in an oscilloscope: Channel 1 (CH1), Channel 2 (CH2), Dual
and Add.

1 – Channel 1: With the selector in this position, only the signal that enters channel 1 can be
seen on the oscilloscope screen. When channel 1 is active, any input on channel 2 is not
displayed on the screen.

2 – Channel 2: With the Mode selector in this position, only the signal that enters channel 2 can
be seen on the oscilloscope screen. When channel 2 is active, any input that may be on
channel 1 is not displayed on the screen.

3 – Dual: When this option is chosen, the two vertical oscilloscope inputs CH1 and CH2
(channel 1 and channel 2) are displayed simultaneously on the screen. This mode of operation
allows you to compare the two oscilloscope input signals on the screen.

4 – Add: When this option is chosen, the signals from both channels are used and a sum is
made. The result of the sum is the signal that is displayed on the screen. The sum is direct and
it is recommended to have both channels with the same vertical measurement scale.
4-Why do commercial ocilloscopes vary their price depending on the maximum working
frequency MHz?

It can be due to several parameters, the most notable being the bandwidth (Specifies the range
of frequencies in which the oscilloscope can measure accurately. By convention, the bandwidth
is calculated from 0Hz (continuous) to the frequency at which a sine-type signal is displayed at
70.7% of the value applied to the input (which corresponds to an attenuation of 3dB). rise (This
is another parameter that will give us, together with the previous one, the maximum frequency
of use of the oscilloscope. It is a very important parameter if you want to reliably measure
pulses and edges (remember that this type of signals have very fast transitions between voltage
levels). An oscilloscope cannot display pulses with rise times faster than its own.) etc.

5-different signals that can be generated with a frequency meter (graph them)

2.square or rectangular
3.triangular and sawtooth

4.pulses and edges or steps

6-types of frequency meter

1.-Digital frequency meter

It is the most used type of frequency meter, it has exceptional characteristics in terms of
resolution and accuracy in the reading, accurately displaying the result on its LCD display

2.-Radiofrequency meter

Frequency meters designed for radio frequency (RF) act the same as frequency meters for
lower frequencies, but they usually have a greater measurement range to avoid overflow.

7-types of multimeters and the functions incorporated in modern digital models that are not
common (voltage, amperage, ohm and continuity)
1=Digital multimeter: apart from the fact that it can measure the classic thing, there are some
that can measure temperature, capacitance, frequency (to measure the polarity of the
transistor), etc.

2=Analog multimeter

8-What the ammeter clamp is for, types and how to use it.

The current clamp is a special type of ammeter that allows you to avoid the inconvenience of
having to open the circuit in which you want to measure the current to place a classic ammeter.

Types of current clamp

open jaw
Adapter clamp

How is it used?
To use a clamp, you must pass a single conductor through the probe or use its two available
poles. If more than one conductor is passed through the measurement loop, what will be
obtained will be the vector sum of the currents that flow. by the conductors and which depend
on the phase relationship between the currents. It is used for twisted pair cables.

If the clamp closes around a two-conductor parallel cable that powers equipment, in which the
same current obviously flows through both conductors (and in opposite directions or phases), it
will give us a reading of "zero".

9- the breadboard for which it is used and how it is configured internally.

The breadboard is a device that is used to assemble and modify, easily and quickly, electronic
circuits without
need for welding and tools. Once the circuit is operating satisfactorily in the
breadboard, can be permanently built on a printed circuit using solder to fix
the components.
It is made up internally:


6.1.- oscilloscope, multimeter and frequency meter are devices.

6.2.- On the oscilloscope, 4 types of waves will be observed (sine, square, triangular and flank
or stepped).
6.3.-To measure voltage with a multimeter (in parallel to a resistor)
6.4.-for current-amperage measurement (multimeter in series with a resistance).
6.5.-The frequency meter is basically a generator of quite versatile functions.

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