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Design and realisation of the Passive House concept in different climate zones

Article in Energy Efficiency · December 2020

DOI: 10.1007/s12053-019-09819-6


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10 authors, including:

Stefanos Pallantzas
Hellenic Passive House Institute


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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604


Design and realisation of the Passive House concept

in different climate zones
Jürgen Schnieders & Tim Delhey Eian & Marco Filippi & Javier Florez &
Berthold Kaufmann & Stefanos Pallantzas & Monte Paulsen & Elena Reyes &
Micheel Wassouf & Shih-Chieh Yeh

Received: 8 February 2019 / Accepted: 1 August 2019 / Published online: 2 September 2019
# Springer Nature B.V. 2019

Abstract The term Passive House refers to a during summer requires more careful consideration. For
performance-based energy standard for high-efficiency hotter climates, the insulation requirements increase
buildings. It is clearly defined, with validity for all again, and solar loads through windows, walls and roofs
climates of the world. Under cold climate conditions, must be limited. In hot and humid climates, humidity
the design typically focuses on minimising heat losses loads are also minimised or reduced. In practical imple-
and optimising solar gains. In milder climates, moderate mentation, every Passive House has its own, specific
insulation, including improved window qualities, is suf- boundary conditions which lead to different construc-
ficient, but on the other hand, the building performance tions and technical solutions to fulfil the stringent re-
quirements of the Passive House standard. The paper
briefly introduces Passive House design principles and
criteria. Then, nine examples for passive houses in
J. Schnieders (*) : J. Florez : B. Kaufmann : E. Reyes
climates of Canada, the USA, Germany, China, Greece,
Passivhaus Institut, Rheinstraße 44/46, 64283 Darmstadt,
Germany Spain, Taiwan, Mexico and the United Arab Emirates
e-mail: illustrate the bandwidth of possible solutions. For many
projects, practical experiences are available, which typ-
T. D. Eian
ically reveal high user satisfaction and energy consump-
TE Studio, 901 23rd Avenue NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418, USA
tions close to what would be expected from the design
M. Filippi calculations. In some cases, a potential for further im-
Energy Plus Project, Piazzetta San Marco 7/8, 31053 Pieve di provements is described.
Soligo, Italy

S. Pallantzas Keywords Passive House . Efficiency . Climate .

Hellenic Passive House Institute, Anastaseos Str. 112, Comfort . Cooling . NZEB
15669 Papagou, Greece

M. Paulsen
RDH Building Science Inc., 4333 Still Creek Drive #400, Introduction
Burnaby, BC V5C 6S6, Canada

M. Wassouf The Passive House is a performance-based energy stan-

Energiehaus Arquitectos, C/Ramón Turró 100-104, 3-3, dard that aims at optimising a building’s design and
08005 Barcelona, Spain properties in the context of the local climate conditions
S.<C. Yeh
(Passive House Institute 2016; Grove-Smith et al.
Passive House Taiwan, 3F., No. 16, Section 2, Heping East Road, 2018). The first Passive Houses were built in Germany
Da’an District, Taipei City 10662, Taiwan, Republic of China in the 1990s (Feist and Werner 1993; Feist and Werner

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1562 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

1994; Feist 1997, 1998), followed by first pilot projects Certification for the Passive House standard is main-
in Austria, Switzerland, Sweden and France. This type tained by the Passive House Institute (PHI) in Darmstadt,
of buildings achieved a very low heating energy con- Germany. Based on numerous simulations and first expe-
sumption at comfortable indoor temperatures. Peper and riences with constructed buildings, the PHI developed
Feist (2015), for example, describe several Passive international Passive House criteria since 1996 (Feist
House settlements in Germany and Austria that 1996, 2007). The current version is set out by Feist et al.
achieved measured average heating consumptions of (2015) and the Passive House Institute (2016).
less than 15 kWh/(m2 year). Results from the CE- As of today, many passive houses have been built to
PHEUS project (Cordis 1997) for Sweden, Germany, these criteria in climates other than central Europe, and
Austria and Switzerland show a measured heating con- some of these buildings have been described in the
sumption of 17 kWh/(m2 year), with room temperatures scientific literature (e.g. Dan et al. 2016; Figueiredo
between 20 and 26 °C during 90% of the time and et al. 2016; Consoli et al. 2017; Khalfan and Sharples
average additional building cost of 6% (Schnieders 2016; Fokaides et al. 2016). The aims of this paper are to
et al. 2001; Schnieders 2003; Schnieders and present Passive House examples that have been built in
Hermelink 2006). Feist (2004) presents further results the different climate zones of the world, to illustrate
from several monitored Passive House projects, demon- which different solutions were chosen by the designers
strating that Passive Houses in Germany saved approx- and to report exemplary experiences. It will become
imately 90% of the heating consumption as compared to evident that each site, each building and each client
the building stock. For China, simulations by realised an adapted solution.
Schnieders et al. (2016) predict typical savings in useful Before the examples are described, an overview of
energy demand for space heating of 80 to 90% and for Passive House design principles and criteria will be
cooling and dehumidification of 50 to 60%, in compar- given.
ison to buildings according to current Chinese building
The general principles of Passive House design in General Passive House design principles, depending
central Europe can be characterised by strictly on the climate
minimised or reduced heat losses, passive solar energy
use and, for the summer, solar control and night venti- The Passive House standard is performance based and
lation. Key factors are appropriate building layout and does not impose any explicit restrictions on the building
orientation, excellent insulation, mechanical ventilation layout or the component properties. Nevertheless, de-
with heat recovery (MVHR, in hot, humid climates also sign principles and starting points for an optimisation
energy recovery), triple glazed low-e windows with can be given.
insulated frames and constructions with small thermal These relate to the seven climate zones shown in
bridge coefficients. The reduced heat flows allow for Fig. 1, which were identified based on the development
simplifications of the mechanical services, so that life- of cost-optimised building configurations for all cli-
cycle costs similar to or lower than that of conventional mates in the world (Schnieders et al. 2012). For each
new construction can be achieved (cf. also Schnieders climate zone, typical Passive House component proper-
et al. 2001). Leutner and Clar (2016), in an analysis of ties could be derived which can serve as a starting point
120 multi-family buildings for social housing in Ham- for the building optimisation. They are shown in Table 1.
burg, Germany, found that the passive houses had even These values are only intended to provide an orientation
lower building costs than less efficient standards. on the quality of components for passive houses in the
The strategy of minimised heat flows can also be used different climates—neither do all passive houses have to
successfully in other climates in and outside Europe. Of use exactly these values nor would using components
course, the components and solutions vary with the cli- with exactly these numerical values guarantee that a
mate (Schnieders 2009; Schnieders et al. 2012, 2015; building will work as a Passive House. The actual
Passipedia 2018). For hot climates, the most important qualities needed are chosen in the individual projects
difference is that the ambient temperatures and humidities in such a way that the performance criteria will be met
exceed the desired indoor conditions for extended (see “General Passive House design principles, depend-
periods. ing on the climate” section).

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1563

Fig. 1 World map of Passive House climate zones following Krick (2012). Graphics: Passive House Institute

In addition, following some general design prin- & In warm climates, Passive House may not necessar-
ciples, depending on the climate zone, can greatly ily require a MVHR, but heat recovery can be useful
simplify the design of a passive house. in some climates of the very hot climate zone.
& For climates with cold winters or with humid sum-
& A compact building shape, with a good ratio of mers, an energy recovery ventilator (ERV), which
exterior surface to living area, is particularly impor- also recovers humidity, is appropriate. In hot and dry
tant in cold and very hot climates. climates, heat recovery ventilators (HRV), without
& The majority of the windows should face towards humidity recovery, are suitable.
the equator (in heating-dominated climates, where
the low winter sun provides solar gains) or both Feist et al. (2005) describe one of the first
north and south (in cooling dominated climates, Passive House settlements, including many details
where most solar load occurs on the roof, followed of practical Passive House design and construction
by the east and west façades). This design will in a central European climate.
optimise solar gains both in winter and summer.
& If sanitary rooms and kitchens are located in the Passive House criteria
same part of a dwelling unit, ventilation duct sys-
tems become particularly simple. Compliance of a building with the Passive House
& Thermal bridges should be avoided. criteria is always verified using the Passive House

Table 1 Recommendations for building component properties according to Feist et al. (2015)

Climate zone Uwindow, installed [W/(m2 K)] Uwall/roof [W/(m2 K)] HRV efficiency [%] Glazing

Arctic 0.45 0.09 80 Vacuum or quadruple low-e glazing

Cold 0.65 0.12 80 Triple or quadruple low-e glazing
Cool–temperate 0.85 0.15 75 Triple low-e glazing
Warm–temperate 1.05 0.3 75 Triple low-e glazing
Warm 1.25 0.5 (*) Double low-e glazing
Hot 1.25 0.5 (*) Double solar protective glazing
Very hot 1.05 0.25 (*) Triple solar protective glazing

*ERV recommended for humid summers

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1564 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

Planning Package (PHPP). The PHPP consists of a interior doors are sometimes left open (Schnieders
spreadsheet and an accompanying manual. It calculates 2016).
annual and peak heating and cooling loads as well as the Simulations, e.g. by Schnieders et al. ( 2012),
total energy demand of the building. have shown that the 10-W/m2 heating load roughly
As the name implies, the PHPP is not only used for corresponds to a heating demand of 15 kWh/
verification but is mainly intended to assist during the (m2 year) under central European climate condi-
design of passive houses. tions. This is the basis for the second criterion,
Throughout this paper, all specific values refer to 15 kWh/(m2 year). This value represents a level
the treated floor area (TFA) according to the PHPP, of heating energy which is close to negligible in
which will be denoted as ‘useful floor area’ in the relation to other sectors of energy consumption in
following. For residential buildings, this is the sum of households. This can be shown by comparing to
the net floor areas of all rooms within the thermal household electricity or domestic hot water (DHW).
envelope without the surfaces covered by internal If covered by a heat pump, 15 kWh/(m2 year)
and external walls, voids, or staircases. Details about heating demand requires approximately 5 kWh/
the calculation procedure can be found in Feist et al. (m2 year) of electricity, less than 20% of a typical
(2015). Referring the energy demand to the gross European household electricity consumption of ap-
floor area would result in figures that appear to be proximately 30 kWh/(m2 year) for plug loads, ap-
considerably smaller. pliances and lighting, i.e. without heating and
Default assumptions for indoor conditions of passive DHW (Grinden and Feilberg 2008; Eurostat
houses are 20 °C room temperature in winter and 25 °C 2018). Following Hasper (2015), 15 kWh/
room temperature with a maximum humidity ratio of (m2 year) is also a typical value for the useful
12 g/kg in summer. Comparing to ISO 7730 (2005), energy demand for DHW production.
these values correspond to a predicted mean vote of
PMV = 0 for 1.2 met, 1.2 clo in winter and 1.1 met, 2. Overheating
0.5 clo in summer, both at negligible air velocity.
Deliberately, the Passive House does not refer to For buildings that fully rely on passive cooling in the
adaptive comfort standards, regardless of the type of summer, a certain overheating is considered to be ac-
cooling that is applied. Schnieders (2009) discusses the ceptable. The indoor temperature must not exceed 25 °C
reasons. for more than 10% of the year. The Passive House
In the following, the most important criteria for Pas- Institute, e.g. Schnieders (2012), recommends to design
sive Houses are summarised and explained. for less than 5% overheating.
Similarly, a limit of 20% of the year applies for
1. Heating humidity ratios above 12 g/kg in passively cooled
It is sufficient to fulfil one of the following
requirements: 3. Cooling

& Peak heating load ≤ 10 W/m2 If an active cooling system is installed, there is
& Annual heating demand (useful energy) ≤ 15 kWh/ a climate-dependent requirement that relates to the
(m2 year) sum of sensible and latent cooling (see Table 2 for
examples). The final requirement for the total
A heating load of 10 W/m2 can be covered by heating cooling demand is the sum of the permissible
the supply air that is required for good indoor air quality, sensible and latent cooling demands. This ap-
as shown by Feist (2007). Such small heating loads also proach leaves maximum freedom for the designer
allow for other simplified heating systems, e.g. concrete to shift energy demand from sensible cooling to
core activation (Hasper 2012; Kaufmann and dehumidification and vice versa.
Schnieders 2012; Kalz et al. 2006; Schnieders et al.
2012) or heating one central room per apartment if the & Sensible cooling

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1565

If the annual sensible cooling demand (useful energy) calculation presumes a humidity recovery of 60% when-
is below 15 kWh/(m2 year), the requirements are ever the monthly average ambient humidity ratio is
fulfilled. higher than the interior setpoint; otherwise, a bypass is
If this value is exceeded, the peak cooling load must assumed.
be below 10 W/m2, and in addition, the cooling demand
is limited by a value that depends on the climate data 4. Airtightness
and the internal heat loads. This limit is calculated in the
PHPP and involves allowances for solar loads, ventila- For every Passive House, an airtightness test is
tion and transmission loads or losses and passive required, with a maximum leakage of n50 = 0.6 air
cooling by night ventilation and bypassing the heat changes per hour (ACH). Airtightness is important
recovery. for low energy consumption, good indoor air quality
The value of 15 kWh/(m 2 year) was chosen and correct operation of the ventilation system (in-
analogously to the heating case, being small enough cluding exhaust air systems without heat recovery).
not to require further attention. As it is physically not It helps to prevent draft and to avoid damages to the
always possible to achieve this value, e.g. with high thermal envelope due to uncontrolled humid air
interior loads in non-residential buildings or for flow. The limit given above results in infiltration
tropical and subtropical climates where no heat sinks loads that, for residential buildings, are of a similar
for passive cooling are available for extended pe- order of magnitude as the ventilation loads from the
riods, this limiting value can in some cases be MVHR. It has also been proven to be achievable in
exceeded. For these cases, the limit relates to the practice with acceptable effort and small additional
cooling demand that can be achieved with highly cost, once the know-how is available. Thus
efficient buildings of low life-cycle cost (Schnieders different, climate-dependent requirements appeared
et al. 2012). inappropriate.

& Latent cooling 5. Primary energy

A permissible latent cooling demand is calculated The Passive House criteria also limit the total
based on the interior and exterior humidity loads. The amount of energy consumed in the building, includ-
ing not only energy for space conditioning and DHW,
but also for appliances, lighting, etc. This requires a
common metric for different energy carriers. Non-
Table 2 Requirements for the cooling demand in a residential
building with internal heat loads of 2.1 W/m2. The sensible and
renewable primary energy (PE) was used for this
latent requirements need not be fulfilled separately purpose until 2014.
With the increasing fraction of renewables in the
Passive House requirements for cooling [kWh/(m2 year)] electricity mix, the primary energy factor for elec-
Sensible Latent Total tricity changed and will continue to do so in the
future. In the German Energy Savings Ordinance,
Frankfurt am Main, Germany 15 0 15 for example, it dropped from 3.0 in 2002 (EnEV
Los Angeles, CA, USA 15 0 15 2002) to 1.8 in 2016 (EnEV 2014). Nevertheless,
Seville, Spain 15 0 15 energy and electricity will be a limited resource in
Tokyo, Japan 15 2 17 the future, especially if supply is solely based on
Seoul, South Korea 15 2 17 renewables. Therefore, since 2015, the PHPP con-
Phoenix, AZ, USA 28 0 28 tains a new assessment procedure using Primary
Miami, FL, USA 31 6 37 Energy Renewable (PER). This metric is based on
Dubai, UAE 48 4 53 the assumption of a future, fully renewable scenario.
Cancún, Mexico 46 13 59 It calculates the amount of renewable electricity that
Jakarta, Indonesia 54 12 66 needs to be generated to cover a specific energy
service, taking conversion processes and storage

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1566 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

losses into account (Feist 2013, 2014; Grove-Smith winter with average January temperatures below −
and Feist 2015; Grove-Smith et al. 2016, Grove- 10 °C. Lows reach − 30 °C and below. On the other
Smith et al., submitted). hand, solar radiation onto a south-facing surface in the
The PER demand of a Passive House is limited to core winter months is above 100 kWh/(m2 month) and
60 kWh/(m2 year), again including all energy services in thus has a high potential for solar heating (Fig. 2).
the building. Renewable energy generation on site can With average July temperatures of 23 °C, the conti-
optionally be accounted for in this system, but it can nental climate is at the border of making active cooling
only offset the consumption to a limited extent. Build- necessary.
ings with high amounts of renewable energy production Under these climate conditions, it is important to care-
can additionally qualify as Passive House Plus or Pas- fully design the glazing ratio and orientation in order to
sive House Premium. balance the useful solar gains during cold periods against
Alternatively, the PE criterion may still be used. With overheating risk caused by high solar loads in summer.
a default PE factor for electricity of 2.6, the primary
energy limit is 120 kWh/(m2 year), including all energy Building description
Passive House components can be applied in refur- The Passive House in the Woods (Figs. 3 and 4, Table 3)
bishments, too, although it is often very challenging to is a three-bedroom, two-story single-family home with
aim for the Passive House standard in existing buildings. walkout basement level and a rooftop terrace. Commis-
The so-called EnerPHit standard defines criteria for sioned by a private client, this home is the first certified
high-efficiency renovations which are achievable with Passive House in the state of Wisconsin. The building
reasonable effort. lot provides stunning views and prime passive solar
There are supplementary requirements for Passive exposure. With its renewable energy systems, it is
House certification, relating to air quality, thermal projected to make more energy than it consumes and
comfort, humidity, etc. Further details about the pursue carbon-neutral operation with two people. More
Passive House and EnerPHit standards can be information can be found at Eian et al. (2018).
found in Feist et al. (2015) and Passive House The building envelope is very uniform. The below
Institute (2016). and above grade walls are made from the same insulated
concrete form (ICF) assembly with EIFS. The basement
slab rests on foam insulation, and the roof deck is topped
Cold: USA, Hudson, WI with foam insulation. Both the garage as well as the
exterior steel stair and deck structure are self-supporting
Climate and location and do not interrupt the building envelope.
The north side of the home is largely sheltered by the
Hudson is located in the north-western part of Wiscon- garage. There aren’t any windows on the north side at
sin, close to Minneapolis. The climate is harsh in the all. The south side opens up for maximum solar heat

Fig. 2 Climate data for Hudson, WI, USA, 45° N. Diagrams: Passive House Institute

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1567

gains. The windows are shaded with an exterior shading of heating, as well as active cooling and dehumidifica-
system. tion as needed.
The ventilation system is augmented by a subsoil
heat exchanger that can prewarm the incoming ventila- Results and experiences
tion air in the winter and precool and dehumidify it in
the summer. It is buried at a minimum depth of 1.8 m The home has been occupied by one person with occa-
and individual pipes are spaced 50 cm apart to maximise sional or seasonal guests since 2010, averaging 82.5 to
thermal transfer. The subsoil heat exchanger is brought 165 m2 per person during most of its use. During the first
into the building through the floor and connects directly 4 years of occupancy, the in-floor heating mats were used
to a manifold and heat exchanger. It is designed to for heating; since 2014, two mini-split heat pumps have
deliver approximately 1 kW of heating or cooling ener- been used for heating, cooling and dehumidification.
gy to the incoming airstream. The building was fitted with very high solar heat gain
The duct system inside the home supplies outside air glazing. Therefore, the majority of the heat demand is
to living spaces and bedrooms, and exhaust air is provided by passive solar heat gains. An estimated 64%
returned from the kitchen, baths, and mechanical spaces. of the heat load during the first year of operation was
Adjustable diffusors were used to control air volumes. A provided by passive solar heat gains. Internal heat gains
common wall alongside the main staircase was used for accounted for 16%, and active heating covered the
vertical runs, keeping overall duct lengths extremely remaining 20%.
short. The ventilation machine is installed in a space The building was outfitted with an energy monitoring
below the stair landing on the walkout level. Air intake system which captures all electric consumption. In
and exhaust pipes connect straight through the wall, 2012, the data provided by the monitoring system, as
keeping them extremely short. The HRV offers a sum- well as feedback provided by the owner/occupant, were
mer bypass to maximise passive cooling when available. evaluated.
The controls respond to air quality measurements and Figure 5 shows the measured heating consumptions of
automatically adjust the rate of ventilation accordingly. two consecutive winters in comparison to the PHPP pre-
The heating load for the home of approx. 3 kW was dictions. The ‘normalised’ values were recalculated with
originally delivered by electric in-floor heating mats in the measured boundary conditions (weather, occupancy,
seven zones throughout the home. Individual thermo- etc.). The first winter was much cooler than average (polar
stats control each zone and can be programmed for vortex), resulting in an increased heat load (which was
comfort. The heating system is oversized by a factor of also due to the well-known ‘first year effect’), while the
2 (approx. 6 kW) to provide reasonable recovery time second winter was much more average.
should the building ever be below design temperature in In addition, homeowner behaviour resulted in a higher-
the winter. In 2014, the homeowner decided to install than-expected heating consumption. Thermostats were
two mini-split heat pumps, which can heat and cool. not programmed to provide a night setback, and the
Since 2014, the heat pumps were used for the majority ventilation system was effectively running at a higher-

Fig. 3 Hudson, WI, USA. Photos: Chad Holder Photography

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1568 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

Fig. 4 Hudson, WI, USA: floor

plan of walkout level. Drawing:
TE Studio, Ltd.

Table 3 Hudson, WI, USA: building properties

Database ID* 1770

Building type/use Residential, detached single-family house
Location Town of Hudson, WI, USA
Year of construction 2009/2010
Architect Tim Delhey Eian
Useful floor area (PHPP) 165 m2
Exterior walls U-value = 0.08 W/(m2 K)
280 mm insulated concrete form (ICF) + 280 mm exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS) (035)
Roof U-value = 0.06 W/(m2 K)
305 to 445 mm tapered polyisocyanurate foam insulation boards (023), rubber membrane
Floor slab U-value = 0.10 W/(m2 K)
102 mm concrete slab on top of 304 mm EPS insulation boards (030)
Windows UW = 0.82 W/(m2 K) (average, incl. thermal bridges)
Ug (EN 673) = 0.64 W/(m2 K), g (EN 410) = 64%
Wooden frame with aluminium cladding, triple low-e glazing with argon filling
Ventilation MVHR, 82% efficient, 0.38 Wh/m3, connected to approx. 183 m subsoil heat exchanger at 1.8 m
below grade with liquid-to-air heat exchanger: Efficiency boost to up to 95%
n50 0.25 ACH
Heating/DHW/cooling systems In-floor electric heating mats: 3 kW heating load
2014 update: installation of 2 split heat pump systems (main floor and upper level) for heating and
DHW: 3.48 m2 solar thermal panel with drainback system on 200 l storage tank with on-demand
electric booster heater
Heating demand (PHPP) 12 kWh/(m2 year)
Cooling and dehumidification 1 kWh/(m2 year)
demand (PHPP)
Primary energy demand (PHPP) PE = 66 kWh/(m2 year)

*ID in the Passive House Database (Passive House Institute 2018)

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1569

than-needed rate, as the levels of ventilation had been

commissioned at more throughput than intended. Further-
more, dirty filters caused an increase in operating energy
for the ventilator itself. All issues were uncovered with the
help of the monitoring system, and in response, the ven-
tilation system was recommissioned, and the thermostats
reprogrammed. Such issues are typical for first year oper-
ation and have been experienced in other projects that are
not passive houses as well. As can be seen in Fig. 5, the
measured heating consumption was well below the cal-
culated values in the second winter.
Summer comfort was acceptable with passive
cooling. For example, on June 7, 2011, with an ambient
high of 35 °C and 19 °C dewpoint, the owner reported: Fig. 6 Site energy review and outlook. Diagram: TE Studio, Ltd.
“Yesterday, despite the heat, my house was quite com-
fortable. This AM it was 76 degrees {24.4 °C} on the system. The corresponding consumption was not
main floor, a bit warm, but very tolerable.” However, accounted for in the original PHPP as manufacturers
during later heat waves, the owner decided to install two did not provide any energy consumption figures.
mini-split heat pumps to provide active cooling, as well While great care was taken to provide energy-
as boost the efficiency of the heating system. efficient lighting (a mix of CFL, dimmed halogen and
According to the PHPP, the home’s total site energy LED), as well as the installation of a lighting control
consumption was predicted at 4.075 kWh per year. The system and full-home shut-off to eliminate standby
monitoring system reported 6.425 kWh during the first loads, lights in particular registered higher than antici-
year of use. The photovoltaic system can nominally pated. The same is true for plugloads.
produce 7.600 kWh per year and produced 6.700 kWh An outlook scenario was developed based on the re-
during the same time period. A detailed evaluation of view in 2012, where heating, plugloads and ventilation
the monitoring data in comparison with the PHPP pre- were adjusted for average weather, recommissioning and
dictions is shown in Fig. 6. user behaviour. The results in Fig. 6 illustrate that the
The solar thermal panels were more efficient than home will consume more energy than the original PHPP
expected, resulting in reduced booster heater predicted, while at the same time still achieving site
consumption. energy neutrality. Most of the shortcomings of the calcu-
The home draws freshwater from a well via a pump lation from the design phase are explained with lack of
station. The well water is then filtered via a sophisticated information at the time of modelling.

Cold: Canada, Smithers, BC

Climate and location

Smithers, BC, has a heating-dominated climate in the

cold climate zone, with its annual heating degree days
amounting to 5040 Kd. Average temperatures in Janu-
ary are about − 8 °C. Summers are moderately warm
and dry (Fig. 7).

Building description

Fig. 5 Heating demand and consumption in the first and second Harding Heights (Figs. 8 and 9, Table 4) is a 19-unit
winter. Diagram: TE Studio, Ltd. apartment building designed for seniors and adults with

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1570 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

Fig. 7 Climate data for Smithers, BC, Canada, 55° N. Diagrams: Passive House Institute

disabilities. The building provides a mix of small studio affectionately dubbed the ‘ice cream sandwich wall’
apartments and one-bedroom suites. Harding Heights was and has been used on other projects in Vancouver.
developed through a partnership between the Province of Achieving the PHI comfort criteria for window surface
British Columbia, the Town of Smithers, and the Dik Tiy temperatures is difficult in the Smithers climate. The
Housing Society. Klearwall PassiV PVC window frames are covered with
The three-story building was designed by Scott Ken- insulation on the exterior, but the resulting frames were
nedy and Gwill Symons of Cornerstone Architects to still too cool to meet the comfort criteria. In order to
serve as a prototype for affordable Passive House social maintain the interior surface temperature required for
housing in British Columbia. The outer walls and struc- PHI certification, the electric resistance heating appliances
tural framing are constructed using the common ‘plat- were installed directly above or below each window.
form framing’ technique employed in the vast majority Windows with lower U-values would have solved the
of small apartment buildings in Western Canada. The issue as well.
intermediate floors bear on the outer 2 × 6 (38 mm × Continuous ventilation is provided by six heat
140 mm) frame wall. This wood-frame structure is recovery ventilators from two manufacturers, with
familiar to carpenters in this part of the world, and as a each unit serving three or four suites. The units
result, the project was less intimidating to contractors installed were the only PHI-certified ventilators
bidding on the project. available in the B.C. market at the time the build-
Passive House levels of insulation were achieved by ing was designed. Larger PHI-certified units have
adding two layers of insulation inside the conventional subsequently entered the market.
2 × 6 insulated cavity wall. Immediately behind the exte- Heat was initially planned to be provided by local
rior frame wall stands a 152-mm layer of expanded poly- electric resistance heaters. However, after some
styrene (EPS type II) foam with foil facing in the inside. overheating in the summer of 2018, BC Housing decid-
This foil is taped at the seams and to all adjacent compo- ed to install a multi-split air-source heat pump providing
nents, to comprise the primary air barrier. The innermost heating and cooling to each apartment via wall-mounted
layer is a nonstructural 2 × 4 (38 mm × 89 mm) insulated heads.
cavity wall into which electrical, plumbing and other Domestic hot water is provided by three CO2 heat
services were installed. Another common insulation prod- pumps. The client was concerned that the CO2 heat
uct, polyurethane foam, was sprayed into the cavities pumps might not serve the building’s DHW require-
between the joist bays in order to maintain insulation ments during extended cold snaps, so three storage
continuity on the exterior wall. tanks were added to the three stratified Sanden
The summer construction season is relatively short in tanks. The storage tanks contain electric resistance
Smithers. Because this additional insulation and air sealing coils programmed to a low setpoint; these heating
was installed from the interior, it was possible for most of elements only engage if the CO2 heat pumps are
the additional labour associated with Passive House con- unable to meet the DHW demand. The six tanks
struction to be completed during the winter months. are distributed across the three floors of the build-
The result—a thick layer of white foam sandwiched ing, in order to reduce DHW piping runs from the
between two layers of batt-and-timber—has been tanks to the suites.

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1571

Achieving the PER criteria was a significant chal- Monitors were installed in several units in August
lenge for this project. The building squeezes 20 2018 to gain further insight into the mechanisms in-
kitchens, 20 bathrooms, a common room and an volved. The design team determined that the effects of
elevator into a floor area not significantly larger than the unseasonable heat wave were magnified by several
a luxury home. The provincial housing authority, factors:
BC Housing, maintains strict guidelines for the du-
rability of appliances in social housing; identifying & A large deciduous tree immediately to the south of
energy-efficient appliances that were locally avail- the building that the architect planned to preserve
able and met the BC Housing durability standards was removed during construction.
was a challenge. & The windows that were installed had a higher g-
value than those initially specified.
& The insect screens for the windows had not been
Results and experiences installed in time; as a result, the residents were
keeping the windows closed during the cool night-
The Harding Heights building performed well dur- time, with outdoor lows below 13 °C, in an effort to
ing the winter it was under construction. The outer keep mosquitoes and blackflies out of the building.
two layers of insulation were complete and win- & As usual, the building was designed by means of
dows were installed by late fall 2017. In order to average climate data, in this case for the 1980 to
continue working through the winter, contractors in 2010 period. The average temperature in August
Northern Canada typically heat unfinished build- 2018 was 3 K higher than the corresponding tem-
ings with large propane-fire heaters. The site man- perature in the climate data set (with a systematic
ager was surprised to discover that a single small increase over the 30-year period). If, in turn, the
electric resistance heater was able to keep the indoor temperatures were 3 K lower than measured,
unfinished Smithers project at between 15 and the first and second floor suites would not have
20 °C inside, even when it was − 15 °C or colder exceeded 25 °C in August 2018, and the third floor
outside. suites would have peaked closer to 27 °C.
The first residents moved into Harding Heights in
July of 2018. A heat wave settled over Northern British Out of concern for the future well-being of Harding
Columbia the following week, with peak ambient tem- Heights’ elderly residents, and in recognition of the fact
peratures of 35 °C, and residents reported uncomfort- that Canada’s northern climate is warming rapidly, BC
ably high interior temperatures ranging between 25 and Housing decided in September of 2018 to install the
30 °C for more than 2 weeks. While the overheating was multi-split cooling and heating system.
on par with overheating experienced in non-Passive The above experience shows that summer comfort is
House buildings, it nonetheless posed a problem for an important part of Passive House design, even in far-
the elderly residents of Harding Heights. north climates.

Fig. 8 Smithers, BC, Canada: photos

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1572 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

Fig. 9 Smithers, BC, Canada: floor plan of ground floor and section S–N

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1573

Table 4 Smithers, BC, Canada: building properties

Database ID* –
Building type/use Multi-unit residential (seniors housing)
Location Smithers, British Columbia, Canada
Year of construction 2017–2018
Architect Scott Kennedy and Gwill Symons, Cornerstone Architecture
Useful floor area (PHPP) 964.8 m2
Exterior walls U-value = 0.10 W/(m2 K)
16 mm gypsum wall board, 89 mm fibre batt in service cavity with 2 × 4 studs, foil air barrier, 152 mm
EPS foam insulation, 140 mm fibre batt insulation in cavity with 2 × 6 studs, 13 mm plywood
sheathing, weather barrier membrane, rainscreen gap, cementituous board siding
Roof U-value = 0.07 W/(m2 K)
16 mm gypsum wall board, 140 mm fibre batt insulation in cavity with studs, 19 mm plywood
sheathing, 610 mm of blown cellulose insulation between wood rafters
Floor slab U-value = 0.11 W/(m2 K)
Flooring, subflooring, 13 mm plywood sheathing, 305 mm EPS foam board, 127 mm concrete
Windows UW = 0.77 W/(m2 K) (average, incl. thermal bridges)
Ug (EN 673) = 0.6 W/(m2 K), g (EN 410) = 61%
PVC window frames, triple low-e glazing
Ventilation Several MVHR units, 84% efficiency (PHI certificate)
n50 0.44 ACH
Heating/DHW/cooling systems Electric resistance baseboards, CO2 heat pump for DHW, small mini-split in common room
Heating demand (PHPP) 11.8 kWh/(m2 year)
Cooling and dehumidification 2 kWh/(m2 year)
demand (PHPP)
Primary energy demand (PHPP) PE = 136 kWh/(m2 year)
PER = 60 kWh/(m2 year) fulfils PER criterion of 60 kWh/(m2 year)

*ID in the Passive House Database (Passive House Institute 2018)

Cool–temperate: Germany, Darmstadt January are about 0 °C. Summers are moderately warm
and dry, so that active cooling for residential buildings is
Climate and location uncommon.
Darmstadt is one of the warmest locations in Germa-
Germany has a heating-dominated climate in the cold ny. Located at 50° North, little solar radiation is avail-
temperate climate zone. Average temperatures in able during the winter months (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10 Climate data for Darmstadt, Germany, 50° N. Diagrams: Passive House Institute

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1574 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

Building description At the time of design, the neighbouring plot towards

the south was not yet sold, so that there was a risk of the
The end-of-terrace house in Darmstadt (Figs. 11 and 12, party wall to the south being exposed to ambient air for
Table 5) has three above-ground storeys and a basement several years. To provide sufficient heating capacity
within the thermal envelope. It is a limestone masonry even for this case, the client decided to install a conven-
construction, the basement and the intermediate ceilings tional hydronic heating system with radiators (installed
are made from concrete and the roof is lightweight and on the interior walls, not, as customary, below the win-
covered with rear-ventilated roof tiles. An EIFS with dows), supplied by a condensing gas boiler that also
EPS insulation was applied to the exterior walls. So far, provides domestic hot water. A recirculation line for
the construction type is a standard, low-cost solution for DHW is common in Germany. It was installed but is
new buildings in Germany. only running on demand. The small, east/west facing
The building is located in a suburban district. Restric- pitched roof surfaces discouraged the use of renewable
tions applied concerning the shape and colour of the roof, energy. Instead, a drain water heat recovery (DWHR)
ridge height, colour of the walls, shape of the windows, etc. was installed to reduce the energy demand for domestic
The main façades are oriented to the east and west, with hot water. Gas is also used for cooking.
similar rows of buildings at a distance of approximately The highly efficient MVHR distributes the air via a
30 m in both directions. The building forms the northern central shaft and above a suspended ceiling in the up-
end of its terrace. Thus, solar gains are limited due to the stairs corridor. No ventilation ducts are visible in the
total lack of south-facing windows and relatively strong living rooms. Frost protection for the heat recovery is
shading (shading reduction factors per orientation, accord- realised via reduction of the ambient air flow at low
ing to PHPP, 0.61 to 0.69). In this unfavourable situation, ambient temperatures.
the components used had a higher efficiency than is usually
required to fulfil the Passive House criteria in this climate.
Windows were installed in the insulation layer in Results and experiences
order to minimise thermal bridges (cf. photo); 300 mm
of exterior insulation nevertheless allowed for the exte- In the following, all data relate to the period from 1
rior blinds to be hidden in the insulation layer. January 2011 to 1 January 2018. The home was
The basement, which is usually required in German inhabited by a family of five, resulting in 32 m2 of
building practice, was fully integrated into the thermal above-ground living area per person. This is less than
envelope. The basement slab is placed on 24 cm of load- the German 2011 average living area per person of
bearing XPS, without any additional foundations, and 42.7 m2, but more than the average for this type of
the insulation of the walls runs down to the floor slab, family of 25.7 m2 given by Statistisches Bundesamt
with slightly reduced thickness on the basement walls. (2011).

Fig. 11 Darmstadt, Germany.

Photos: Schnieders

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1575

Fig. 12 Darmstadt, Germany: floor plan of ground floor and section E–W. Drawings: Georg Zielke

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1576 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

Table 5 Darmstadt, Germany: building properties

Database ID* 1888

Building type/use Residential, end-of-terrace house
Location Darmstadt, Germany
Year of construction 2010
Architect Georg Zielke
Useful floor area (PHPP) 196 m2
Exterior walls U-value = 0.10 W/(m2 K)
Gypsum plaster, 175 mm limestone masonry, 300 mm Neopor (033), exterior plaster
Roof U-value = 0.11 W/(m2 K)
Gypsum board, 140 mm EPS (040), 240 mm mineral wool (035) between wooden rafters, roof
Floor slab U-value = 0.16 W/(m2 K)
Concrete slab on top of 240 mm XPS (041)
Windows UW = 0.70 W/(m2 K) (average, incl. thermal bridges)
Ug (EN 673) = 0.53 W/(m2 K), g (EN 410) = 52%
Wooden windows with insulation layer and exterior cladding from glass-fibre–reinforced plastic
Ventilation MVHR, 92% efficiency (PHI certificate)
n50 0.22 ACH
Heating/DHW/cooling systems Condensing gas boiler, buffer storage for DHW, hydronic heating system with radiators, drain
water heat recovery
Heating demand (PHPP) 12 kWh/(m2 year)
Cooling and dehumidification demand –
Primary energy demand (PHPP) PE = 92 kWh/(m2 year)

*ID in the Passive House Database (Passive House Institute 2018)

Although hydronic radiators were installed in all useful DHW energy consumption is a mere
living rooms, the inhabitants mostly use only the radia- 5.4 kWh/(m2 year), as compared to a standard
tor in the living room on the ground floor. With the open value according to Feist (2015) of 13.3 kWh/
staircase and interior doors usually being left open, they (m2 year). This is also caused by a combination
report the whole building to be comfortably warm in of low-flow showerheads, reduced circulation
winter. losses, mixers with separate handles for hot and
The air quality is subjectively evaluated to be good, cold water, and a general energy-conscious behav-
and the average relative humidity in winter is approxi- iour of the inhabitants. In Germany, washing ma-
mately 40%. chines and dishwashers are usually not connected
The total gas consumption for heating, DHW and to the hot water system.
cooking was 27.2 kWh/(m2 year) (reference: higher Summer comfort is achieved by the high thermal
heating value). The heat consumption for space heating mass of the building structure in combination with ex-
is approximately 10 kWh/(m2 year), including storage terior shading devices (Venetian blinds) on the east and
losses in winter. It was calculated from the heat provided west façades. The occupants report that the interior
by the boiler, the useful heat for DHW, and an estimate temperatures can be maintained comfortable (at approx.
for gas consumption for cooking. 25 °C) even during the hottest summer days, with typ-
There was a special solution in the project: The ical annual maximum outdoor temperatures of 35 °C.
DWHR resulted in a reduction of the total DHW Mostly, it is sufficient to open the bathroom windows,
energy consumption drawn from the storage by with 1 m2 opening area and located at 4.1 and 6.9 m
22%, although it is connected to the hot water above ground, respectively, for removal of excess heat
storage only, not to the shower’s cold water con- during the night. Interior doors are left open in these
nection (cf. also Schnieders 2014). The remaining periods to make use of the stack effect.

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1577

Warm–temperate: China, Zhuozhou monitoring results are discussed for the second year of
Climate and location Temperatures and humidity in a typical room can be
seen in Fig. 16. Average temperatures in the building
Zhuozhou is located in the Beijing region in China. The during the winter 2016/2017 are approximately 23 °C.
climate has cold winters and warm summers with The average temperatures in summer 2016 were about
2 months of significantly high outside air humidity 25 °C and never exceeded 26 °C.
(Fig. 13). Similarly, the humidity ratio in summer was 11 g/kg
on average and rarely exceeded 14 g/kg, and the relative
Building description humidity was usually below 70%. In winter, the average
relative humidity was 30%. Consequently, the users
The Passive House office building and guest house in reported satisfaction with the indoor conditions.
Zhuozhou (Figs. 14 and 15, Table 6) was completed in The results of the energy monitoring can be
July 2015. The building was planned and realised by summarised as follows: The overall energy consump-
Chinese companies with consulting provided by an Aus- tion in the office building was 22 kWh/(m2 year) for
trian Passive House expert team; for more details, see heating during both winters and about 26 kWh/
(Schöberl and Michulec, 2015). Monitoring data collected (m2 year) for cooling during summer 2016.
during the first 2 years after construction were first pub- In the PHPP calculation, the respective limits for Pas-
lished by Kaufmann (2017). sive House buildings are 15 kWh/(m2 year) for heating
As the construction had already started when the and 17 kWh/(m2 year) for cooling energy demand. As per
decision to make the building a Passive House was the building design, these requirements were met.
taken, some details in the design could not be fully The increased heating energy consumption can be
optimised. This includes thermal bridges at the founda- explained by the following reasons:
tions and long duct runs between the ventilation heat
recovery and the entry into the thermal envelope. & With only 11 kWh/(m2 year), the electricity use for
The client required a radiant heating and cooling office appliances was significantly lower than for
system which was complemented by preconditioning typical office use. This was the case because many
of the supply air, mainly for dehumidification purposes. office rooms in the building were not occupied at the
time of these measurements. In consequence, the
Results and experiences overall average internal heat gains including heat
from occupants and electricity were only 1.5 W/m2
A monitoring campaign of the building started in Ju- and, thus, significantly lower than assumed during
ly 2015. As usual in new buildings, during the first year the design process.
of operation, the building services’ devices and setup & The average indoor temperature in winter was
parameters were adjusted. In the following, the higher than 20 °C.

Fig. 13 Climate data for Zhuozhou, China, 40° N. Diagrams: Passive House Institute

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1578 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

Fig. 14 Zhuozhou, China. Photos: Kaufmann

& The main influence on heating energy consumption To summarise, the extra consumption for heating and
is a longer daily and weekly operation of the venti- cooling as compared to the PHPP calculation is moder-
lation system: the average air flow in/out was sig- ate, and the total consumption, compared to convention-
nificantly higher than planned, and the operation al buildings, is still extraordinarily low. The heat pumps
time of the ventilation system (6 a.m. to 9 p.m. on had a measured total electricity consumption of 23 kWh/
7 days a week) was significantly longer than as- (m2 year) for heating and cooling, including standby
sumed previously. losses in the shoulder seasons.
& The overall performance of the ventilation system Apart from heating and cooling energy, the con-
was not as good as expected during the planning sumption of electricity for the central ventilation
phase. systems shows a specific electric efficiency of
& The monthly average outside temperatures at 0.76 Wh/m3 for an average air flow of 5000 m3/
Zhuozhou from September 2015 to September h (assuming an operation 7 days a week from
2016 were about 1 to 2 K higher than previously 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.). Better results can be achieved
assumed in all months, but the measured solar radi- if the ventilation system is developed in conjunc-
ation from November to February was only 50% of tion with the building envelope design, in order to
the original assumption. achieve shorter and wider air ducts and wider air
outlets and thus lower overall pressure losses.
Combining all these factors, the heating energy con- Some optimisations as reduction of air flow in
sumption of the building in real operation is within the normal operation were carried out already, so that
error margins of an updated calculation. the specific electricity consumption could be re-
Some of these issues, like the performance of the duced during the first year.
ventilation system, are due to planning constraints in Another important result of the monitoring is
this particular building and can be improved in future shown in Fig. 17: The heating and cooling seasons
projects. On the other hand, most of the deviations result for both heat pumps are well separated from each
from operation, which could be improved implementing other by a ‘neutral’ period with no heating and
better building management. cooling at all. This validates other findings about
The difference in cooling energy consumption prob- thermal behaviour of Passive House buildings: as
ably has similar reasons. A quantitative explanation is these are very well insulated, air-tight, and venti-
difficult due to lack of important data, but less applica- lation is done with heat recovery, they will only
tion of the shading device, the higher ambient tempera- slowly heat up or cool down, so there will never
tures, possible differences in solar radiation and internal be heating and cooling during the same day.
heat gains are expected to give rise to different boundary Therefore, in spring and autumn, when the daily
conditions. average outside temperature is within a

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1579

Fig. 15 Zhuozhou, China: floor plan of first floor and section N–S. Drawings: Jianxue Architecture

comfortable range, a Passive House building will Warm: Greece, Papagou (Athens)
not need any heating or cooling.
The general conclusion from the monitoring Climate and location
campaign can be summarised as follows: The
building service equipment for cooling and dehu- Athens has a Mediterranean climate that is mild but
midification in summer and for heating in winter requires both heating and cooling. Solar radiation on a
is performing as designed. The users are satisfied south façade in winter is approximately 100 kWh/m2 per
with the indoor comfort and the consumption of month, so that passive solar strategies can significantly
energy for heating and cooling is slightly higher reduce the heating demand. Humidity levels in summer
than calculated, but within reasonable limits. can get close to the limits of the comfort zone.

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1580 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

Table 6 Zhuozhou, China: building properties

Database ID* 4489

Building type/use Office building and adjacent guest house
Location Zhuozhou, China
Latitude 39.5° N
Year of construction 2015
Architect Jianxue Architecture
Useful floor area (PHPP) 2870 m2 (office)
Exterior walls U-value = 0.10/0.07 W/(m2 K)
5 mm outside rendering, 300 or 400 mm EPS layer, 250 mm porous concrete, inside plaster
Roof U-value = 0.07 W/(m2 K)
180 mm concrete, diffusion barrier, 450 mm EPS (032)
Floor slab U-value = 0.09 W/(m2 K)
100 mm concrete slab, stripe and point foundations, diffusion barrier, 350 mm EPS (032)
Windows UW = 0.82 W/(m2 K) (average, incl. thermal bridges)
Ug (EN 673) = 0.62 W/(m2 K), g (EN 410) = 54%
PVC frame with insulation layer, triple low-e glazing
Ventilation Central ventilation unit, 66% heat recovery including losses of cold pipes
n50 0.60 ACH
Heating/DHW/cooling systems Heat pump systems for heating, cooling, dehumidification and DHW using radiant heating/cooling
areas and air conditioning
Heating demand (PHPP) 11 kWh/(m2 year)
Cooling and dehumidification 12 kWh/(m2 year) sensible cooling + 5 kWh/(m2 year) latent cooling
demand (PHPP)
Primary energy demand (PHPP) PE = 74 kWh/(m2 year)

*ID in the Passive House Database (Passive House Institute 2018)

Athens is located in the warm climate zone, and it is single-family house of the 1960s in Athens according to
among the warmest locations of Europe (Fig. 18). the Passivhaus (EnerPHit Plus) standard. The goal was
to minimise the need for conventional heating or air
Building description conditioning.
The building is located at the municipality of Papagou
The project “Passivistas:theHouseProject” (Figs. 19 and and was built back in 1964 on a 520-m2 corner plot, the
20, Table 7) is an energy upgrade and retrofit of a typical two façades looking northeast and southeast. It consisted

Fig. 16 Temperature, relative

humidity and humidity ratio of
indoor air in a typical office room,
March 2016 to February 2017.
Diagram: Passive House Institute

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1581

Fig. 17 Moving daily average of

electricity consumption of the
central heat pump for heating and
cooling. Heating and cooling
seasons are well separated, and
there is no overlap. Diagram:
Passive House Institute

of two units; a two-bedroom private residence on the windows were converted to single opening in order to
ground floor with 98.8 m2 gross floor area, and a separate increase the glazing area.
semi-basement storage/boiler room with 43.6 m2 gross All south–east, south–west and north–west windows
floor area; the latter was converted into an office. have automatically controlled roller blinds for tempo-
The building’s useful floor area is 114.6 m2. For the rary shading in summer. All windows—except for one
existing building, the following figures were calculated in the kitchen—can be opened or tilted for natural night
in the PHPP, with an estimated airtightness n50 = 5 cross-ventilation in summer and have mosquito nets on
ACH, heating demand = 301 kWh/(m2 year), heating the outside.
load = 129 W/m 2 , cooling demand = 77 kWh/ Night ventilation with tilted windows to the north and
(m2 year), and cooling load = 68 W/m2. southeast is used for passive cooling. The subsoil heat
The existing high mass building (reinforced concrete exchanger reduces the incoming air temperature down
slabs and perforated brick walls) was completely unin- to 25–27° in summer. A 2.5-kW inverter split unit,
sulated, with major thermal bridges all around its perim- installed in the living room, and another one in the office
eter due to balconies and projecting structural elements. actively cover the cooling demand.
It had wooden frame windows with single glazing. The existing building was heated with oil and radia-
All existing thermal bridges were designed in order tors and a traditional fireplace and had three 2.5 kW split
to have a minimum impact on the heating and cooling units for cooling. All of these were demolished. New
demand; their new Ψ values were calculated according- HRV systems were installed, one for each unit (resi-
ly. The dimensions of the southern windows in the dence and office). For the residence, the normal air flow
kitchen and the bathroom were increased and all is 100 m3/h. For the office, a bigger unit with 250 m3/h

Fig. 18 Climate data for Athens, Greece. Diagrams: Passive House Institute

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1582 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

capacity was installed to account for the presence of house. This point should be considered when sizing
approximately 10 persons, e.g. during courses. The the unit: The system should be able to cool the building
residence unit is also coupled with a 30-m-long, 1.50- without unwanted noise, i.e. its capacity should be high
m-deep subsoil heat exchanger. enough to cover the cooling load even in silent mode.
Further details about the Passivistas building are
available from Buildup (2016), Pallantzas and Roditi The heating period
(2016) and Pallantzas and Pappas (2017).
In the first winter after the renovation, direct electric
Results and experiences heating elements were used for space heating. During
the second winter, the residents decided to also heat the
The cooling period house using only the mini-split in the living room. The
idea was simple: if we could cool with one unit, then why
The proposed solution for cooling the building was to can we not heat with the same unit and reduce the electri-
install mini-splits, one on each level. The mini-split for cal consumption by at least 50%? Although this second
the residence was a 2-kW unit, the smallest unit that winter was clearly colder, the average temperature in the
could be found in the market, and was installed in the living room was over 20.5 °C and never under 20 °C.
living room (Fig. 21). The rated SEER of the unit is Comparing January 2016 with January 2017, Fig. 24
8.53. shows that, although it was colder, the indoor thermal
The results of the first cooling period showed that this comfort, using the mini-split, was much better. The daily
single unit was sufficient to cool the whole residence average electricity consumption was more than 35%
without any problem. As shown in Fig. 22, the inside reduced, from 14.8 to 9.4 kWh/day. Note that the mea-
temperature in both living room and bedroom was clear- sured consumption after refurbishment is reduced by
ly under 26 °C. The temperature in the bedroom was just more than 95% compared with the original
0.5 °C higher than in the living room. unrefurbished building.
During the first cooling period, a lot of experiments
were carried out in order to identify the best operation
mode and the optimum energy consumption. The resi- Warm: Spain, Barcelona
dents often used the ‘silent mode’ of the unit, which
reduces its SEER; sometimes the ‘standard mode’ was Climate and location
used. From the operation mode, the electricity consump-
tion and manufacturer data the useful cooling demand The Mediterranean coast of Spain is in the warm climate
was estimated and compared to the PHPP calculation zone. Figure 25 shows data based on a Barcelona cli-
(Fig. 23). mate data set used in the design period, where average
When in silent mode, the unit had only half of its temperatures in July and August are about 26 °C. Recent
nominal capacity, but this was still sufficient for the results indicate that summer temperatures may be 3 to

Fig. 19 Papagou, Greece. Photos: Stefanos Pallantzas

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1583

Fig. 20 Papagou, Greece: floor plan of ground floor after retrofit and original section NE–SW. Source: Stefanos Pallantzas

4 K lower. Winters are moderately cold and humid, so Building description

active heating is still necessary for residential buildings.
The weather in Palau Plegamans (province of Barce- The detached family house “Casa Pineda” in Palau
lona) is similar to Barcelona, but the daily temperature Plegamans (Figs. 26 and 27, Table 8) has one storey
oscillation in summer is more pronounced, with typical and no basement floor. It is a lightweight building with a
temperatures of 14 °C in the early morning hours. Lo- wooden beam structure; the roof is covered with rear-
cated at 41° North, high solar radiation is available ventilated roof tiles. An EIFS with EPS insulation was
during the winter months. applied to the exterior walls on the northern and eastern

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1584 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

Table 7 Papagou, Greece: building properties

Database ID* 4539

Building type/use Mixed (residence + office), detached single-family house
Location Papagou, Athens, Greece
Year of construction First construction 1964, retrofit 2015–2016
Architect Athanasia Roditi, Aggeliki Stathopoulou
Useful floor area (PHPP) 114.6 m2
Exterior walls U-value = 0.18 W/(m2 K)
Concrete load-bearing structure, infill with gypsum plaster, 200 mm perforated brick with 80 mm air
gap in the middle, 150 mm EPS (030), exterior plaster
Roof U-value = 0.10 W/(m2 K)
Interior plaster, 130 mm concrete slab, asphalt membrane, 300 mm EPS (031), asphalt membrane
Floor slab U-value = 0.48 W/(m2 K)
Concrete slab, old mosaic, 50 mm EPS (030)
Windows UW = 0.92 W/(m2 K) (average, incl. thermal bridges)
Ug (EN 673) = 0.55 W/(m2 K), g (EN 410) = 54%
Aluminium and PVC windows, triple glazing with argon filling
Ventilation MVHR, 93% efficiency (PHI certificate), for the residence; MVHR, 90% efficiency (PHI certificate),
for the office
n50 0.56 ACH
Heating/DHW/cooling systems 2 mini-split units (1 for the residence, 1 for the office) for heating/cooling, external buffer storage for
DHW covers 92% of the needs; 3.5 kW PV system on average covers the total consumption of the
Heating demand (PHPP) 12 kWh/(m2 year)
Cooling and dehumidification 12 kWh/(m2 year) sensible cooling + 0.5 kWh/(m2 year) latent cooling
demand (PHPP)
Primary energy demand (PHPP) PE = 93 kWh/(m2 year)

*ID in the Passive House Database (Passive House Institute 2018)

side; the other façades are finished with a wooden wood structure, not more expensive than the ‘tradition-
ventilated structure. The construction type is not very al’ construction system, based on burnt bricks.
usual in the Mediterranean region, even though, in Cat- The building is located in a suburban district. The L-
alonia, it is common to combine passive houses with shaped building is oriented towards the south, defining a

Fig. 21 Location of the split unit on the residential floor of the building. Source: Stefanos Pallantzas

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1585

Fig. 22 Measured temperatures during summer 2016. Diagram: Stefanos Pallantzas

homely open space in the garden (see photos). The main A special finite element calculation has been carried out
openings are towards the south (50% of all windows), so to ensure that there are no problems with respect to
in winter, the solar gains due to windows are about 40% thermal comfort or moisture in this detail.
higher than the transmission losses of the windows. For The ground floor insulation (cellulose) is installed
the summer season, the PHPP has been set up with a above the concrete floor slab. This ensures a continuity
careful estimation of non-ideal use of the outside roller of the insulation layer, as the wall is a lightweight
blinds (see photos). In summer, therefore, the PHPP wooden structure.
calculates with 20–35% as a total solar reduction factor. The client was very keen on simplifying the active
The users of the building, a couple of two persons, are heating and cooling system. Therefore, a small wooden
highly aware of energy-saving measures and probably stove has been installed in the living room, with one
perform better than the calculation hypothesis. additional, small electrical radiator for the bedroom
Windows were installed on the inner side of the (only for the coldest days of the year). For summer
walls. This solution has a high thermal bridge effect, comfort, an active cooling system was required accord-
but in Mediterranean climate, it can be of interest when ing to the PHPP calculation (with Barcelona climate
lower solar gains in summer are desired. Moreover, this set), but finally has not been used.
solution has been constructively necessary to integrate The DHW production is ensured by an air-to-water
the traditional wooden roller blinds in the wall section. heat pump using exterior air as a heat source, very

Fig. 23 Measured useful cooling

consumption vs. PHPP
calculation (with adapted indoor
and ambient boundary
conditions), summer 2016.
Diagram: Passive House Institute

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1586 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

Fig. 24 Indoor and outdoor temperatures in January 2016 and 2017. Diagram: Stefanos Pallantzas

common in this kind of buildings in the Catalonian Gas is not used for the building. Cooking is per-
coastal climate. Still, 40% of the real annual energy formed with electricity.
consumption of the building has to be assigned to the The highly efficient MVHR distributes the air via the
hot water production. Solar thermal panels are not suspended ceiling in the corridor. In the living room, the
installed, so as to avoid higher maintenance costs. ducts are installed in the wooden floor system (and

Fig. 25 Climate data for Barcelona, Spain, 42° N. Diagrams: Passive House Institute

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1587

partially in the walls). Frost protection for the heat 100% of the summer period relative humidity and inte-
recovery is not needed. rior temperatures are inside the comfort limits, meaning
that with an adequate user behaviour, it is possible to get
through summer with moderate discomfort even with-
Results and experiences out air conditioning. This good result has to be linked
with the location of the building, about 16 km away
The main focus of the analysis of this case has been put from the coastline. The same building would have had
on the summer behaviour, as winter performance of higher temperature and humidity if it had been located
passive houses has largely been studied and proved to directly in Barcelona City.
be excellent. This building is run mainly by a wooden
stove and is consuming about 130 kg/year of firewood
for space heating (20 €/year for heating to 20 °C average Warm: Taiwan (R.O.C.), Taipei
The temperature in the building is being monitored Climate and location
since 2014, reflecting very good summer behaviour. As
an example, Fig. 28 shows how interior temperatures Taiwan has a cooling-dominated climate in a warm
remain stable in a 2-week summer heat period, when the climate zone. Average temperatures in January are
outside temperature reaches 36°. The circles mark the around 16 °C, while temperatures in summer are above
users’ natural ventilation behaviour in early morning 30 °C with high humidity, so active cooling and dehu-
hours. The gap between the two rows of circles is the midification for residential apartment buildings is very
night from Saturday to Sunday, where the users went out common.
for a weekend trip. Taipei is in northern Taiwan, located in the centre of a
Summer comfort is achieved by appropriate user basin topography. The local microclimate is affected by
behaviour: during daytime: closing exterior blinds re- heat island effects (Fig. 30).
ducing mechanical ventilation; during nighttimes: tilting
windows and wide opening in the early morning hours. Building description
It should be noted that, during the 2 days at the weekend
(in the centre of the graph), the building could maintain In this community, there are three apartment buildings.
comfortable temperatures (below 26 °C) inside, in spite The three apartment buildings are all 30-year-old
of the users being out of home and having all windows existing buildings with five above-ground storeys and
closed. This was achieved although the building is a basements outside of the thermal envelope for parking.
lightweight construction with low thermal inertia and The whole structure is made from concrete and the
there is no active cooling system. internal partition walls are made from brick. In the
The main problem for summer comfort in a coastal renovated Taipei EnerPHit project (Figs. 31 and 32,
Mediterranean climate is the high level of humidity. In Table 9), there are 20 dwelling units. Each unit has
the case of “Casa Pineda”, as shown in Fig. 29, almost two balconies which are facing south and north.

Fig. 26 Barcelona, Spain. Photos: Micheel Wassouf

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1588 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

Fig. 27 Barcelona, Spain: floor plan of ground floor and section E–W. Drawings: Micheel Wassouf

Concrete construction and tile façade is the typical commonly occurs. From analysis with the PHPP, 100-
building style in Taipei. mm-thick insulation was suggested.
It is common to install insulation outside so as to The building is located in an urban district, so there
ensure insulation continuity and to have less thermal are several surrounding buildings providing shading on
bridges. However, due to the community committee the eastern and southern sides. However, the western
building rule of harmonious cladding, it is not allowed side faces the open space of an elementary school;
to install the insulation on the external side of the ther- therefore, there is a high level of solar radiation through
mal envelope. So, on this demonstration unit model of the window glazing on the west. The portion of glazing
the Taipei EnerPHit project, 100 mm thermolock insu- in the thermal envelope is 18%. To reduce cooling
lation was applied to the inner side of the external wall. demands, there were the options to lower the g-value
The recycled newspaper-based insulation has a 0.038- or install fixed shading to reduce solar load; however,
W/(m K) thermal conductivity performance. This is one while considering the budget and payback period, the
of the economic solutions for applying insulation for designers instead reduced the portion of glazing in the
this renovated project in a warm and humid climate thermal envelope to 15%. For the warm climate of
while also preventing the mould growth that otherwise Taipei, a frame with a U-value between 1.2 and 1.5 W/

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1589

Table 8 Barcelona, Spain: building properties

Database ID* 4462

Building type/use Residential, detached family house “Casa Pineda”
Location Palau Plegamans/Barcelona, Spain
Year of construction 2013
Architect Eva Jordan & Energiehaus Arquitectos
Useful floor area (PHPP) 106 m2
Exterior walls U-value = 0.14 W/(m2 K)
Gypsum plaster, 125 mm wood beams with cellulose insulation, OSB (airtightness), 145 mm wood
beams with cellulose insulation, outer OSB panel, ventilated façade
Roof U-value = 0.12 W/(m2 K)
Gypsum board, OSB (airtightness), 185 mm cellulose insulation between wood rafters, outer OSB
panel, 140 mm EPS insulation, waterproof membrane, ventilated roof tiles
Floor slab U-value = 0.37 W/(m2 K)
Concrete slab, 94 mm cellulose insulation, OSB panel, wooden floor
Windows UW = 1.46 W/(m2 K) (average, incl. thermal bridges)
Ug (EN 673) = 1.10 W/(m2 K), g (EN 410) = 53%
Wooden window frames 88 mm, double low-e glazing with argon filling
Ventilation MVHR, 84% efficiency (PHI certificate)
n50 0.24 ACH
Heating/DHW/cooling systems Wood stove, air-to-water heat pump with exterior air for DHW
Heating demand (PHPP) 9 kWh/(m2 year)
Cooling and dehumidification 12 kWh/(m2 year) sensible cooling + 2 kWh/(m2 year) latent cooling
demand (PHPP)
Primary energy demand (PHPP) PE = 117 kWh/(m2 year)

*ID in the Passive House Database (Passive House Institute 2018)

(m2 K) with air-filled double low-e glazing was chosen humid climate, an ERV system is suitable. A
due to reasons such as cost effectiveness. MVHR with 64% humidity recovery was chosen
The MVHR system plays another key role in as the main ventilation system, which could reduce
this project because it offers very good air quality the dehumidification demand by 9 kWh/(m2 year).
indoors to make sure the carbon dioxide concen- Moreover, in the Taipei EnerPHit project, the ERV,
tration is always below 1000 ppm. For the hot and heat pump, fan coil and dehumidifier system were

Fig. 28 Measured temperatures from 12 to 26 July 2014. Diagram: Micheel Wassouf

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1590 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

Fig. 29 Relation between indoor 85

temperatures (horizontal) and in-
door relative humidity during 80
summer 2014 (21st of June till
21st of September, excluding 75
3 weeks in August, where the user

Relative humidity [%]

has been out for vacation). The 70
black lines relate to the comfort
range defined by Schnieders 65
(2009), with good comfort condi-
tions below the continuous line 60
and acceptable comfort below the
dashed line. Diagram: Micheel 55


18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Temperature [°C]

combined so as to make the piping system simpler Results and experiences

and more compact. More importantly, the installa-
tion of a dehumidifier here can avoid overcooling In the following, all data relates to the period from 1
in the summer time as people usually turn on air January 2017 to 1 January 2018. The home was occu-
conditioning to control the humidity level. pied by three people, resulting in 28 m2 of living area
To ensure the ventilation system works properly, per person. This is above the average living area of
the airtightness requirement is crucial. Concrete is 19.86 m2 per person in Taipei.
a good airtightness material. An airtightness collar Although, in 2017, temperatures were extremely
and plaster were used to seal the gaps where there high—daily maxima of 38.5 °C in Taipei for a couple
is penetration from the water pipes, electricity of weeks—the indoor temperature was always around
pipes and ventilation pipe. For the windows and 25–26 °C. Compared to the previous HVAC which is
doors, a membrane strip is placed over the frame. based on supplying an air cooling system in each room,
Finally, high-energy efficiency appliances and the MVHR is combined with a heat pump to achieve the
lightbulbs are suggested to the client because it target of having every room temperature differ no more
further reduces internal heat gain. Even placing than 1 K from the setpoint.
washing machines in the balcony area can also The users report that the additional dehumidifier
significantly lower down the cooling demand. successfully avoids overcooling in summer yet keeps

Fig. 30 Climate data for Taipei, Taiwan, 25° N. Diagrams: Passive House Institute

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1591

Fig. 31 Taipei, Taiwan: photo and location of building in the city. Source: BWK Green Architecture

the indoor humidity at an acceptable level. The air Building description

quality is subjectively evaluated to be good.
However, the inhabitants did mention an acous- The ARA Passive House project in Veracruz (Figs. 34
tic issue, when the cooling system boosts the and 35, Table 10) is being developed as part of a pro-
recirculated air volume up to 200 or 300 m3/h gram by the Sociedad Hipotecaria Federal (2018) to
for cooling purposes. In that case, the ductwork incentivise energy efficiency in the housing sector in
and the silencers, that are sufficient for the MVHR Mexico. As part of the program, existing house proto-
in standard operation, appear to create noise that is types were optimised to the Passive House standard.
transmitted into the target rooms like the bedroom The energy efficiency measures had to be implemented
and study room. As a consequence, the design of without major changes to the original design, including
such a system with respect to noise should take floor plan distribution, orientation, height and colours
the maximum designed air flow into account. and materials in the façades. Since the idea would be to
The total gas consumption for DHW and cooking take this prototype and replicate it a number of times
was 15 kWh/(m2 year). The heat consumption for space within the housing complex, the calculation was made
heating is quite small as the internal temperature is set with the worst case: the end-of-terrace house.
up to 20 °C. The total electricity consumption, including Each house has two storeys and no basement. Floor and
heating, cooling, dehumidification and all other electric- roof slabs are made of concrete with exterior insulation. The
ity, was 27 kWh/(m2 year). concrete blocks, commonly used in Mexico for masonry
walls, were replaced with lightweight clay bricks with an
EIFS with XPS to achieve the U-values recommended for a
Passive House. Given the high humidity in the location, the
Very hot: Mexico, Veracruz exterior plaster is meant to act as the airtight layer, with a
minimum thickness of 2.5 cm. At the same time, the XPS
Climate and location layer in walls and roof acts as a vapour retarder.
The main façades are oriented to the west and east.
Veracruz is classified as a very hot climate zone in There are rows of similar houses at a distance of 32 m to
PHPP, a cooling-dominated climate. With average the west and in the adjacent plots for the other orienta-
monthly temperatures above 20 °C year round, there tions. These adjacent existing houses are built to the
are no heating requirements in this location, but cooling edges of their own plot, providing protection from direct
and dehumidification are required throughout the year: solar radiation. But, because the regulations in Mexico
monthly average temperatures are above 24 °C from call for a minimum separation between structures in
March to November, and the monthly average humidity different plots to allow for deformations during earth-
ratio is above 12 g/kg for all months. Temperatures quakes, the passive houses constitute a completely sep-
above 30 °C can be reached in summer, together with arate thermal envelope. Because of this situation, the
a relative humidity of 75% (Fig. 33). insulation in the walls located right beside already

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1592 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

Fig. 32 Taipei, Taiwan: floor plan of second floor and section with ventilation system. Drawings: BWK Green Architecture

existing houses had to be changed to the inside, causing Institute (2012) would have a great impact on the
some additional thermal bridges. cooling demand due to the high internal heat gains. By
Given the high cooling requirements, the main focus installing a highly efficient refrigerator (average con-
was to decrease solar heat gains. This was achieved sumption 0.86 kWh/day), the internal heat gains are
through the use of reflective painting in walls and roof, reduced by approximately 1 W/m2 and the cooling
glazing with very high solar control (g-value of 28%), demand by 6.8 kWh/(m2 year).
reduction of the window surface and additional interior The sensible cooling demand is further reduced
shading during summer. Also, in such a small unit, the by the use of a highly efficient ventilation unit with
use of the average household appliances available in the heat recovery. The unit is located in one of the
Mexican market as described by the Passive House bathrooms to reduce the exhaust and outdoor air

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1593

Table 9 Taipei, Taiwan: building properties

Database ID* 5265

Building type/use Residential, apartment building/Taipei EnerPHit project
Location Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Year of construction 2016
Architect Shih-Chieh Yeh
Useful floor area (PHPP) Total 1861 m2/1 dwelling unit 84 m2
Exterior walls U-value = 0.40 W/(m2 K)
Gypsum plasterboard, 100 mm thermolock insulation (recycled paper), 200 mm concrete, cement
screed, clay tiles
Roof U-value = 0.38 W/(m2 K)
200 mm concrete, 100 mm XPS insulation, cement screed, clay tiles
Ground U-value = 0.35 W/(m2 K)
Clay tiles, cement screed, 200 mm concrete, 100 mm XPS insulation
Windows UW = 1.34 W/(m2 K) (average, incl. thermal bridges)
Ug (EN 673) = 1.1 W/(m2 K), g (EN 410) = 30%
Aluminium frame with polyamide bar as thermal break, double solar protective glazing with argon
Ventilation MVHR (92% heat recovery, 64% humidity recovery) combined with fan coil, heat pump and
n50 0.95 ACH
Heating/DHW/cooling systems Tankless and individual pipe distribution DHW with condensing gas boiler. Heat pump for heating
and cooling
Heating demand (PHPP) 0 kWh/(m2 year)
Cooling and dehumidification demand 26 kWh/(m2 year) sensible cooling + 18 kWh/(m2 year) latent cooling
Primary energy demand (PHPP) PE = 97 kWh/(m2 year)

*ID in the Passive House Database (Passive House Institute 2018)

ducts to the minimum length possible. The distrib- Gas is used for cooking and hot water production.
uting ducts run through a false ceiling in the upper The DHW installation is based on individual pipes
floor, with no need of ducts in the ground floors. connected to the (tankless) gas boiler, which in turn is
But despite a 65% energy recovery from the MVHR connected to a hot water tank heated by a solar collector.
unit, latent cooling almost doubles the final cooling This is a typical setup in the country to take advantage of
demand of the house. Additional to the two mini- the high radiation available throughout the year and use
split units, a small dehumidifier will be installed to the gas boiler as a backup in the coldest months
cover the dehumidification demand. (PROFECO 2016).

Fig. 33 Climate data for Veracruz, Mexico, 19° N. Diagrams: Passive House Institute

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1594 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

& The construction costs of the existing prototype

were around 300 EUR/m2 of useful floor area. Be-
cause it included no energy efficiency measures, and
components such as the MVHR unit and airtightness
products had to be imported, the additional invest-
ment costs will more than double the final cost of the
house; they are currently estimated at 400 EUR/m2.
Nevertheless, the calculations show that the addi-
tional investment would still be compensated by the
savings throughout the life cycle of the house.

The question of the applicability (and replicability) of

the Passive House standard in countries such as Mexico
Fig. 34 Veracruz, Mexico. Rendering courtesy of Consorcio is not whether the technical solutions for the different
ARA climates exist. Rather, the issue is whether these tech-
nologies can become readily available in the market and
whether the end user can afford the additional upfront
Results and experiences costs that such products entail.

At the time the paper was written, no results or user

experiences were available since the project is still in the
design stage. However, some expected results based on Very hot: United Arab Emirates, Dubai
the information available at present can be mentioned:
Climate and location
& When compared to the original prototype, the design
achieves a reduction of 84 and 85% in cooling and Dubai has a cooling-dominated climate in the very hot
primary energy demand, respectively. climate zone. Average temperatures in January are about

Fig. 35 Veracruz, Mexico: floor plan of ground floor and section E–W. Drawings courtesy of Consorcio ARA

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1595

Table 10 Veracruz, Mexico: building properties

Database ID* –
Building type/use Residential, terraced house
Location Veracruz, Mexico
Year of construction 2018
Architect Consorcio ARA
Useful floor area (PHPP) 69.6 m2
Exterior walls U-value = 0.25 W/(m2 K)
Interior plaster, 115 mm clay brick, 150 mm XPS, exterior plaster
Roof U-value = 0.28 W/(m2 K)
Gypsum plaster, 230 mm concrete slab with EPS blocks between prefabricated concrete joists,
50 mm XPS, waterproof layer
Floor slab U-value = 0.28 W/(m2 K)
120 mm concrete slab, 100 mm XPS
Windows UW = 1.73 W/(m2 K) (average, incl. thermal bridges)
Ug (EN 673) = 1.24 W/(m2 K), g (EN 410) = 28%
PVC window frames, double solar protective glazing with argon filling
Ventilation MVHR, 79% heat recovery, 64% energy recovery
n50 0.60 ACH (design value)
Heating/DHW/cooling systems No heating/condensing gas boiler for DHW/2 mini-split units for cooling
Heating demand (PHPP) 0 kWh/(m2 year)
Cooling and dehumidification 42 kWh/(m2 year) sensible cooling + 34 kWh/(m2 year) latent cooling
demand (PHPP)
Primary energy demand (PHPP) PE = 120 kWh/(m2 year)

*ID in the Passive House Database (Passive House Institute 2018)

20 °C. Traditional houses may sometimes need a little ratio) of 0.58. The site location is within the city of Dubai.
heating in winter, while it is not uncommon to have The location is not heavily affected by the heat island
cooling systems operating all year long (Fig. 36). effect, as it would be in downtown Dubai, since it is close
to unbuilt areas (Mushrif Park on one side and the desert
Building description on the other side). The humidity content of the air is quite
important (up to 25 g/kg), but the relative distance from
The Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre in Dubai the sea allows for some reduction from what could be
(Figs. 37 and 38, Table 11) is composed by two above- expected for a seafront building.
ground floors, with a usable surface (as per PHPP calcu- From an architectural point of view, the building
lation) of 411 m2 and a form factor (surface to volume stands as a monolith, with its east and west views having

Fig. 36 Climate data for Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 25° N. Diagrams: Passive House Institute

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1596 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

almost no openings, a north view characterised by an ASHRAE 62.1 requirements. These coils are coupled
added external volume serving as vestibule room and a with a second, hot water–operated, coil—in case pure
south view that recalls the concept of the inner court, dehumidification service is required.
typical of hot climate architectures. Almost all the win- The internal heat gains were analytically calculated,
dows concentrate in the inner courtyard (roughly 65% of using PHPP dedicated sheets, to a value of 2.8 W/m2,
the whole glazed area), that is protected from direct which is lower than the standard office value of 3.5 W/
sunlight by means of an external concrete wall and by m2. For sufficient cooling capacity, additional fan coils
means of the photovoltaic (PV) field over the flat roof operating at 7 °C were installed.
which effectively acts as a shading device in the central At last, a radiant floor system was installed with a
hours of the day. This permits to minimise solar gains design flow temperature of 20 °C, which is higher than
and this solar architecture design (or rather anti-solar the usual design temperature of 15 °C. In fact, the
design) allows for low direct radiation loads with at the radiant floor is used to keep the screed cool enough
same time the possibility to use natural diffuse light. (roughly 23 °C). Radiant floor is thus a way to keep
The building is realised with a timber structure, follow- masses under control rather than a real cooling system.
ing what is a well-known construction technology in cen- Having the floor at a controlled temperature, lower than
tral Europe: the platform-frame technology. This choice the setpoint temperature, allows for a lower mean radi-
represents, however, a unicum in Dubai, and at first sight, ant temperature, thus enhancing the thermal comfort.
it could be seen as unusual, because a lightweight building One important feature, though independent of Pas-
is not the first thing one thinks about in a hot climate. sive House requirements, is the recovery of the conden-
Dubai’s climate is, however, different from a typical Med- sate. Water drained from coils and HRVs is collected in
iterranean climate, in which day/night temperature excur- a 1000-l storage tank and then repumped inside the
sion makes it possible to ‘passively’ exploit load/unload building to feed toilet flushes. It is also used to period-
cycles of the internal thermal masses, thus reducing the ically wash the sand away from the dry cooler. This is a
cooling energy consumption. On the contrary, in Dubai, very important feature considering that there is no soft
very often external thermo-hygrometrical conditions are water in Dubai, so that the use of mains water would
unfavourable all day long; in this case, internal thermal result in calcification; in the first 2 months of systems’
masses cannot be passively unloaded: they need to be operation, 7000 l of water was recovered and reused.
actively kept under control in order to avoid surcharges. The electrical system is based on a building au-
A lightweight structure is thus not inappropriate. tomation architecture with HDL protocol. Other than
Moreover, timber technology allowed for a huge part usual building automation functions, some distinc-
of the building to be prefabricated, thus reducing site tive features have been designed in order to help
activities and site times, which is very important for minimise internal heat gains pertaining to equipment
workers in such an extreme climate. The client MBRSC and lighting. In addition to the exclusive use of high
explicitly asked for a fast site: for this building, the site efficiency LED lighting, every working room is
time span was 100 days, from foundations to equipped with a lux meter to adjust the intensity of
commissioning. artificial lighting, based on the actual value of natu-
The mechanical system is obviously focused on ral lighting. Moreover, venetian blinds are automat-
cooling. Cold is generated by a water/water heat pump, ically operated and are programmed to completely
with an external dry cooler. The produced chilled water shut down after working hours. In the same way,
has a design flow temperature of 7 °C, which guarantees after working hours, the building automation system
air condensation and thus allows to completely cover cuts off the power supply of electronic devices to
latent load (being latent load often the higher portion of avoid any standby losses.
the total cooling load). Latent load is treated in air/water Looking at the electricity production, the building is
coils which are placed in the supply air ducts of the HRV provided with a PV field composed by polycrystalline
units. There are three, PH-certified, HRVs with static silicon modules for a total power of 40 kW, coupled
sensible heat recovery (latent heat recovery was an with a 25-kWh electrical storage. The combination of
option but at that time no complete performance data these two systems should allow for energy independen-
were available for such devices); flow rates have been cy; this design result will be verified by the monitoring
designed to fulfil PH requirements together with system (Figs. 37 and 38, Table 11).

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1597

Fig. 37 United Arab Emirates,

Dubai. Photos: Casetta & Partners

Results and experiences guaranteed in this pilot Passive House. At the time of
writing, no evaluations of the energy consumption were
The building was commissioned in September/October available.
2016 and it has been used since then. There is a moni-
toring system that allows to verify a number of impor-
tant parameters, such as energy consumption, indoor Conclusions
thermal behaviour and air quality (temperature, humid-
ity, CO2), PV field production and others. One result is The Passive House is an ambitious, performance-based
that the indoor temperature setpoint of 25 °C, as sug- energy efficiency standard with validity for all climates
gested by the PHPP, is perceived as ‘too hot’ by the of the world. Tools are available to do a thorough design
occupants. Preliminary results show that the building is of any type of building in order to achieve the standard.
operated at a temperature lower than 25 °C—usually The paper presents nine examples of Passive House
down to 22 °C (Fig. 39). realisations from the cold to the very hot climate zone. It
The typical day saw tooth profile is due to the inter- became clear that the Passive House standard was
mittent operation (systems are switched off after work- realised by strongly differing means, depending on the
ing hours) (Fig. 40). type of building, legal boundary conditions, the building
The HRV system actively guarantees a good indoor site, locally common construction types, design ideas of
air quality, as it is capable of diluting the carbon dioxide the architects and the clients’ priorities. It can also be
content below the limit for a good air quality, as can be concluded that building components of the desired ther-
seen from Fig. 41. mal qualities are not available everywhere in the world
Based on the results shown above and on the feed- yet. Particularly, highly insulating windows for cold
back from occupants, it can be said that the comfort is climates and MVHR systems are hard to find in some

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1598 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

Fig. 38 United Arab Emirates, Dubai: floor plan of ground floor and section S–N. Source: Casetta & Partners

places. In some of the examples shown, increased insu- countries and with different construction type—even in
lation levels were used to compensate for unfavourable the very first building built by a construction team.
access to solar radiation, moderate window quality or For many projects, practical post-occupancy experi-
adverse layout requirements. The task will be much ences were available: Typically, user satisfaction is high.
easier in the future, when all appropriate components The energy consumptions are close to what would be
are available on all markets in a significant number, as it expected from the PHPP predictions, provided that ad-
is already the case for most European countries. justments to actual weather conditions and utilisation
The airtightness criterion of n50 ≤ 0.6 ACH was sig- patterns are made. Like in conventional construction,
nificantly over-achieved in most cases, showing that the energy consumption tends to become stable only
such levels of airtightness can be realised in different after commissioning has been finished, so that data from

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Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604 1599

Table 11 United Arab Emirates, Dubai: building properties

Database ID* 5065

Building type/use Non-residential, offices
Location Dubai, UAE
Year of construction 2016
Architect Casetta & Partners
Useful floor area (PHPP) 411 m2
Exterior walls U-value = 0.08 W/(m2 K)
Gypsum plaster, 150 mm stone wool (044), 200 mm stone wool (036) within timber frame, 180 mm
EPS (040), exterior plaster
Roof U-value = 0.08 W/(m2 K)
High SRI membrane, 200 mm XPS (034), 280 mm mineral wool (036) between wooden rafters,
gypsum plaster
Floor slab U-value = 0.108 W/(m2 K)
Concrete slab, 225 mm XPS (034), 155 mm perlite screed (090), screed and tiles
Windows UW = 0.89 W/(m2 K) (average, incl. thermal bridges)
Ug (EN 673) = 0.50 W/(m2 K), g (EN 410) = 28%
PVC and aluminium frames, triple solar protective glazing with krypton filling
Ventilation MVHR, 89% efficiency (PHI certificate)
n50 0.48 ACH
Heating/DHW/cooling systems Heat pump for cooling with recovery of the rejected heat for DHW and reheating coil (to be used for
Heating demand (PHPP) 0 kWh/(m2 year)
Cooling and dehumidification 40 kWh/(m2 year) sensible cooling + 10 kWh/(m2 year) latent cooling
demand (PHPP)
Primary energy demand (PHPP) PE = 143 kWh/(m2 year)
PER = 73 kWh/(m2 year) fulfils PER criterion of 73 kWh/(m2 year)

*ID in the Passive House Database (Passive House Institute 2018)

Fig. 39 Room temperature of the work space on the ground floor during the year 2017. Diagram: Marco Filippi

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1600 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

Fig. 40 Daily temperature profile due to intermittent use (20 September 2017). Diagram: Marco Filippi

the second year of operation better represent the long- very few accurate monitoring results for passive houses
term performance. outside central Europe; a large number of dwelling units
Comparing the energy consumption of the passive are needed to average out variations due to user behav-
houses with conventional buildings is of great interest. iour; consumption data of conventional buildings are
For central Europe, as already mentioned in the “Intro- scarce; and factors such as the definition of floor areas,
duction”, savings of 80 to 90% heating energy have building shape and orientation, and type of energy
been confirmed by field measurements. For other cli- carriers add further inaccuracy. Nevertheless, Table 12
mates, this comparison is difficult because there are still attempts such a comparison. As a reference, data from

Fig. 41 CO2 content in an office room during the year 2017. Diagram: Marco Filippi

Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.

Table 12 Annual final energy consumption of standard buildings compared to the results of the passive houses, where available
Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

Location Region* Climate zone* Building type* Final energy Final energy Savings by Final energy Savings by
consumption consumption Passive consumption Passive
Passive existing House new House
House buildings* (%) buildings* (%)

USA, Hudson, WI NAM 2: only heating, high heating demand Rural residential single 10** 191 95 84 88
Germany, Darmstadt WEU 2: only heating, high heating demand Urban residential single 12*** 138 91 131 91
China, Zhuozhou CPA 17: heating and cooling and dehumidification Urban offices 23** 74 69 54 57
Greece, Papagou WEU 17: heating and cooling and dehumidification Urban residential single 13*** 101 87 73 82
Spain, Barcelona WEU 3: only heating, low and moderate heating Rural residential single 8*** 253 97 62 87
demand family
Taiwan (R.O.C.), PAS 16: cooling and dehumidification, low Urban residential 10**** 65 85 54 81
Taipei and moderate cooling demand multi-family

*Following GBPN (2019)

**Fairly accurate (± 1)
***Good estimate (± 3)
****Rough estimate (± 5)

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1602 Energy Efficiency (2020) 13:1561–1604

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