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Definition ^tness diets for men and women

by RH Nutrition ( . Posted on May 18, 2018 (^nicion-mujer-mujer/)

The definition phase consists of trimming body fat and reducing fluid retention as much as
possible to mark the muscle, leaving all the work of training in the gym visible. We should not
confuse the concept of defining muscles with weight loss, since in the definition phase we aim to
maintain the acquired muscle mass, while when we lose weight, we also lose muscle mass.

In this article we bring together the guidelines that you have to follow in your daily diet, for both
women and men who want to define their muscles . The first thing to keep in mind is that the
genetic factor plays a big role, and there are people who find it easy to lose fat and others not. But
what we must be clear about is that without effort we will not achieve anything: we must maintain a
balanced diet and work hard in the gym .

^tness diets for women Are you getting ready to show off a bikini?
Women have more body fat than men (between 13% and 15%) and spectacular? Take a look at our tips for you
It is more difficult to lose weight , so both the training and the diet have to be different. The diet bikini diet ^tness
that a woman should follow to define muscles is hypocaloric and is between 1500 and 1800 calories.

1. Change the amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in your meals. The following percentage is a good pattern to follow: 35% carbohydrates, 35% protein and 30%
2. Eat 5-6 times a day. Between breakfast, lunch and dinner, don't forget to eat something in the mid-morning and snack. Your body will appreciate eating every 2-3 hours
and you won't be as hungry.
3. Reduce or even eliminate salt from your meals. Salt retains fluids and to define it, we need to eliminate those fluids from your muscles. And don't forget to drink plenty
of water.
4. Consume unsaturated fats that you can find in coconut oil, nuts and fish such as salmon or tuna.
5. Combine this diet with a good weekly schedule at the gym.
6. Take supplements to help you burn fat.
7. Rest between your workouts is essential.

Here we leave you an example of a definition diet for beginner women for one week:


• Breakfast: 100g of 0% whipped fresh cheese, 60g of oatmeal, a coffee or infusion, 15g of walnuts.
• Lunch: 80g of cooked turkey or ham, 60g of whole wheat bread and 1 piece of fruit.
• Food: 100g Chicken Breast, 80g brown rice, 150g Mixed Salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is approximately equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, divided between
the breast and the salad).
• Snack: 80g natural tuna, 60g whole wheat bread, 1 piece of fruit.
• Dinner: 100g grilled hake, 100g mixed salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, divided between the hake and the salad)


• Breakfast: 180g French omelet of egg whites, a glass of milk/juice or coffee/infusion, 15g of hazelnuts
• Lunch: 80g natural tuna, 60g whole wheat bread and 1 piece of fruit
• Food: 100g turkey breast, 80g quinoa ( , 150g mixed salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is
equivalent to a tablespoon heaped, divided between the breast and the salad)
• Snack: 80g of cooked ham or turkey breast, 60g of whole wheat bread, 1 piece of fruit
• Dinner: 100g of salmon and steamed vegetables, 100g of mixed salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, to dress the


• Breakfast: 100g of 0% whipped fresh cheese, 60g of oats, a coffee/infusion/juice/milk, 15g of walnuts.
• Lunch: 80g of cooked turkey or ham, 60g of whole wheat bread and 1 piece of fruit.
• Lunch: 100g of beef lete with 150g of cooked or steamed potatoes, 150g of mixed salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaped tablespoon,
divided between the lete and the salad)
• Snack: 80g natural tuna, 60g whole wheat bread and 1 piece of fruit
• Dinner: 100g of grilled or steamed cod fillet, 100g of mixed salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, to distribute among
the cod fillet and dress the salad )


• Breakfast: 150g of French omelette with egg whites, 60g of oats, coffee/infusion/milk or juice, 15g of almonds.
• Lunch: 100g of natural tuna, 60g of whole wheat bread and 1 piece of fruit.
• Food: 100g of pork tenderloin, 80g of whole wheat pasta, 150g of mixed salad (you can use 15g of olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, to
distribute among the pork tenderloin and dress the salad)
• Snack: 80g of natural tuna, 60g of whole wheat bread and 1 piece of fruit
• Dinner: 100g of grilled anchovies or sardines, 100g of mixed salad (you can use 15g of olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, to distribute
among the fish and dress the salad)


• Breakfast: 150g of French omelette with egg whites, 60g of oats, coffee/infusion/milk or juice, 15g of almonds.
• Lunch: 80g of cooked turkey or ham, 60g of whole wheat bread and a piece of fruit.
• Food: 100g chicken breast, 80g whole wheat pasta, 150g mixed salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, to distribute
among the chicken breast and dress the salad)
• Snack: 80g of natural tuna, 60g of whole wheat bread and 1 piece of fruit.
• Dinner: 100g of steamed salmon loin and 100g of mixed salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, to dress the salad)


• Breakfast: 150g of French omelette with egg whites, 60g of oats, coffee/infusion/milk or juice, 20g of hazelnuts.
• Lunch: 100g of natural tuna, 60g of whole wheat bread and a piece of fruit
• Food: 100g of lentils, 80g of cooked potatoes, 150g of mixed salad (you can use 15g of olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, to distribute
among the lentils and dress the salad)
• Snack: 80g of turkey slices, 60g of whole wheat bread and 1 piece of fruit.
• Dinner: 100g of grilled cuttlefish and 100g of mixed salad (you can use 15g of olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, to divide among the
cuttlefish and dress the salad)


• Breakfast: 180g French omelet of egg whites, a glass of milk/juice or coffee/infusion, 15g of hazelnuts
• Lunch: 80g natural tuna, 60g whole wheat bread and 1 piece of fruit
• Food: 100g turkey breast, 80g whole wheat pasta, 150g mixed salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, divided between the breast
and the salad)
• Snack: 80g of cooked ham or turkey breast, 60g of whole wheat bread, 1 piece of fruit
• Dinner: 100g of salmon and steamed vegetables, 100g of mixed salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, to dress the salad)

Take a look at our exclusive ^tness bikini models

^tness diets for men

Unlike women, men have less body fat (between 6% and 8%) and it is easier for them to burn calories , so their diet and training will vary from those of women.
Normally, the diet that a man should follow to define his muscles is between 2000 and 2200 calories.

1. Modify the amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in your meals. 35% carbohydrates, 35% proteins and 30% fats.
2. Eating more than 3 times a day will help you burn fat and not feel hungry between meals. Therefore, add a mid-morning, snack and even a post-dinner meal to your
daily routine.
3. Increase the amount of foods high in protein such as chicken, turkey or lean meat. Try to eat saturated fats that you can find in foods such as avocado and mackerel.
4. Some good carbohydrates to reduce body mass are bread, pasta or brown rice.
5. You can eat all kinds of vegetables and fruit. Fruit counts as a hydrate and some, like banana, are a good source of energy after your workouts.
6. Be consistent in following your weekly training schedule. Metabolic exercises will help you burn fat much faster.
7. Sleep 8 hours and leave an interval of 24 to 48 hours between your workouts so that your muscles regenerate better.

Here is an example of a 7-day definition diet for beginners:


• Breakfast: 180g of 0% whipped fresh cheese, 100g of oatmeal, a coffee or infusion, 20g of walnuts.
• Lunch: 100g of cooked turkey or ham, 80g of whole wheat bread and 1 piece of fruit.
• Food: 150g Chicken Breast, 100g brown rice, 200g Mixed Salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is approximately equivalent to a heaped tablespoon, divided between
the breast and the salad).
• Snack: 100g natural tuna, 80g whole wheat bread, 1 piece of fruit.
• Dinner: 150g grilled hake, 150g mixed salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, divided between the hake and the salad).


• Breakfast: 250g French omelet of egg whites, a glass of milk/juice or coffee/infusion, 20g of hazelnuts
• Lunch: 100g natural tuna, 80g whole wheat bread and 1 piece of fruit
• Food: 150g turkey breast, 100g quinoa ( , 200g mixed salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is
equivalent to a tablespoon heaped, divided between the breast and the salad)
• Snack: 100g of cooked ham or turkey breast, 80g of whole wheat bread, 1 piece of fruit
• Dinner: 150g of salmon and steamed vegetables, 150g of mixed salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, to dress the


• Breakfast: 180g of 0% whipped fresh cheese, 100g of oats, a coffee/infusion/juice/milk, 20g of walnuts.
• Lunch: 100g of cooked turkey or ham, 80g of whole wheat bread and 1 piece of fruit.
• Lunch: 150g of beef lete with 200g of cooked or steamed potatoes, 200g of mixed salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaped tablespoon,
divided between the lete and the salad)
• Snack: 100g natural tuna, 80g whole wheat bread and 1 piece of fruit
• Dinner: 150g of grilled or steamed cod fillet, 150g of mixed salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, to distribute among
the cod fillet and dress the salad )


• Breakfast: 250g of French omelette with egg whites, 100g of oats, coffee/infusion/milk or juice, 20g of almonds.
• Lunch: 100g of natural tuna, 80g of whole wheat bread and 1 piece of fruit.
• Food: 150g of pork tenderloin, 100g of whole wheat pasta, 200g of mixed salad (you can use 15g of olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, to
distribute among the pork tenderloin and dress the salad)
• Snack: 100g of natural tuna, 80g of whole wheat bread and 1 piece of fruit
• Dinner: 150g of grilled anchovies or sardines, 150g of mixed salad (you can use 15g of olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, to distribute
among the fish and dress the salad)


• Breakfast: 250g of French omelette with egg whites, 100g of oats, coffee/infusion/milk or juice, 20g of almonds.
• Lunch: 100g of cooked turkey or ham, 80g of whole wheat bread and a piece of fruit.
• Food: 150g chicken breast, 100g whole wheat pasta, 200g mixed salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, to distribute
among the chicken breast and dress the salad)
• Snack: 100g of natural tuna, 80g of whole wheat bread and 1 piece of fruit.

• Dinner: 150g of steamed salmon loin and 150g of mixed salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, to dress the salad)


• Breakfast: 250g of French egg white omelette, 100g of oats, coffee/infusion/milk or juice, 20g of hazelnuts.
• Lunch: 100g of natural tuna, 60g of whole wheat bread and a piece of fruit
• Food: 150g of lentils or chickpeas, 100g of cooked potatoes, 200g of mixed salad (you can use 15g of olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, to
distribute among the lentils and dress the salad)
• Snack: 100g of turkey slices, 80g of whole wheat bread and 1 piece of fruit.
• Dinner: 150g of grilled cuttlefish and 150g of mixed salad (you can use 15g of olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, to distribute among the
cuttlefish and dress the salad)


• Breakfast: 250g French omelet of egg whites, a glass of milk/juice or coffee/infusion, 20g of hazelnuts
• Lunch: 100g natural tuna, 80g whole wheat bread and 1 piece of fruit
• Lunch: 150g oven-roasted chicken, 100g roast potato, 150g mixed salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, divided between the
breast and the salad)
• Snack: 100g of cooked ham or turkey breast, 80g of whole wheat bread, 1 piece of fruit
• Dinner: 150g of salmon and steamed vegetables, 150g of mixed salad (you can use 15g olive oil, which is roughly equivalent to a heaping tablespoon, to dress the

Supplementary diet
Planned supplementation, under the supervision of your nutritionist, will help you improve your results, increase your performance and achieve your goals faster. At RH
NUTRITION you can find supplementation products to complete your diet, which will provide you with nutrients for faster muscle and energy recovery.

You can take a look at our nutrition products to find some of the best quality supplements on the market:

• We have Instant Oatmeal in various flavors ( , which you can consume by mixing it in
water, juices, milk or to prepare your favorite recipes.
• It is highly advisable that you include fatty acids such as Omega3-6-9 ( and vitamin C (
https://www.rhnutrition. com/product/vitamin-c-premium/ ) in your supplemental diet.

Contact experts

For more personalized service and pricing information, use our contact section ( .

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by RH Nutrition

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