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To whom this book addresses:

The primary audience for this eBook is Greek students who are learning English and
preparing to attend English summer schools. These students have a basic understanding of
English and want to enhance their speaking skills. The eBook is tailored to their specific
needs, focusing on practical, everyday dialogues that they are likely to encounter in various
daily situations.


The purpose of this eBook is to improve the speaking competence of Greek students by
providing them with a collection of common English dialogues. Through consistent practice
with these dialogues, students will be able to:

- Enhance their vocabulary and understanding of everyday English phrases.

- Build confidence in their ability to communicate in English in real-life scenarios.

- Improve their pronunciation and fluency by practicing dialogues that mimic natural

- Prepare for interactions they might encounter during their time at summer school in
London, such as meeting new people, shopping, dining out, and asking for directions.
Dear Readers,

Welcome to "Summer School Essentials"! As an English teacher, I understand the challenges

that come with learning a new language, especially when preparing for an immersive
experience like summer school in London. This eBook is designed to help you overcome these
challenges by focusing on practical, everyday English dialogues that you will encounter in
your daily life.

Through these dialogues, you'll gain the confidence to speak English more fluently and
naturally. Each section is crafted to reflect common scenarios, ensuring that you are well-
prepared for real-life interactions. Practice regularly and don't be afraid to make mistakes—
that's part of the learning process.

I hope this eBook serves as a valuable resource in your journey to mastering everyday

Wishing you a wonderful and successful summer school experience!

Happy learning!

Best regards,

Maria K. Termentzóglou
1)Basic Greetings and Introductions

2) Day 1: Campus Orientation & Room Check In

3)Excursion to London/British Museum

4) Ordering Coffee

5)Dining out

6)Travel and Transportation

7)Emergency Situations

8)School and Education

9)Talking with peers

1.Basic Greetings and Introductions

Dialogue 1: Meeting a Classmate

- **A**: Hi! My name is Maria. Are you new here?

- **B**: Hi, Maria! Yes, I am. My name is Rafael. Nice to meet you.

- **A**: Nice to meet you too, Raf Where are you from?

- **B**: I’m from Serres, Greece, a town in the northern part of the country, one hour
driving distance from Thessaloniki, which is, if it happens to know, the second biggest city of
Greece.. And you?

- **A**:Quite interesting! I’m from London. How long have you been here?

- **B**: I just arrived last week for summer school.

- **A**: That’s great! How are you finding it so far?Do you like it so far?

- **B**: It’s been amazing. Everyone is so friendly, and the city is beautiful.

- **A**: I’m glad to hear that. By the way, if you need any help or have any questions, feel
free to ask.

- **B**: Thank you, Maria. I appreciate it.

**Dialogue 2: Meeting at a Social Event**

- **A**: Hi there! I’m Rafael. Mind if I join you?

- **B**: Not at all. I’m Maria. Nice to meet you, Raf.

- **A**: Nice to meet you too, Mariah. Are you enjoying the event?

- **B**: Yes, it’s great. The food is delicious, and the people are very welcoming.

- **A**: I agree. So, what brings you here?

- **B**: I’m here for the English summer school. How about you?

- **A**: Same here! I’m looking forward to improving my English and making new friends.

- **B**: Me too. Have you attended any classes yet?

- **A**: Yes, I had my first class this morning. It was really interesting.

- **B**: That’s good to hear. I have my first class tomorrow.I hope it goes well.

- **A**: I’m sure it will. If you need any tips, just let me know.

- **B**: Thanks, Raf I will!

Dialogue 3: In the Morning

- **A**: Good morning! How are you today?

- **B**: Good morning! I’m doing well, thank you. And you?

- **A**: I’m great, thanks. Did you sleep well?

- **B**: Yes, I did. How about you?

- **A**: I slept okay. Ready for another day of learning?

- **B**: Absolutely! I’m excited for today’s lesson.

- **A**: Me too. Let’s grab some breakfast before we head to class.

- **B**: Sounds like a plan.

Dialogue 4: In the Afternoon

- **A**: Hi! How’s your day going so far?

- **B**: Hi! It’s going well, thanks. How about yours?

- **A**: Pretty good. I just finished my English class.

- **B**: How was it?

- **A**: It was really informative. We learned a lot about English idioms.

- **B**: That sounds interesting. I have my class later this afternoon.

- **A**: You’ll enjoy it. Do you want to have lunch together before your class?

- **B**: Sure, that would be great.

Dialogue 5: In the Evening

- **A**: Good evening! How was your day?

- **B**: Good evening! It was busy but productive. And yours?

- **A**: Same here. I had a lot of homework to do.

- **B**: I know what you mean. I still have some assignments to finish.

- **A**: Do you want to study together?

- **B**: That sounds like a good idea. Let’s meet in the common room.

Dialogue 6: Introducing Yourself

- **A**: Hello! My name is Emma. What’s your name?

- **B**: Hi, Emma! I’m Michael. Nice to meet you.

- **A**: Nice to meet you too, Michael. Where are you from?

- **B**: I’m from Thessaloniki, Greece. And you?

- **A**: I’m from Manchester, England. How long are you staying in London?

- **B**: I’ll be here for three months for the summer school program.

- **A**: That’s great. I’m here for the same program. What are you studying?

- **B**: I’m focusing on improving my English speaking skills.

- **A**: Me too. We should practice together.

- **B**: Definitely. That would be helpful.

**Dialogue 7: Introducing Others**

- **A**: Hi, Sarah! I’d like you to meet a friend of mine. This is John.

- **B**: Hi, John! Nice to meet you.

- **C**: Nice to meet you too, Sarah.

- **A**: John is also here for the summer school program.

- **B**: That’s wonderful. How are you finding it so far?

- **C**: It’s been a great experience. Everyone is so friendly.

- **B**: I agree. Have you had a chance to explore the city?

- **C**: Yes, a little. There’s so much to see and do.

- **A**: We should all go sightseeing together this weekend.

- **B**: That sounds like a fantastic idea.

- **C**: I’m in. Let’s plan it out.

Dialogue 8: Formal Introduction

- **A**: Good afternoon. My name is Maria. I’m the coordinator for the summer school

- **B**: Good afternoon, Maria. I’m Raf. Nice to meet you.

- **A**: Nice to meet you too, Raf. How was your journey to London?

- **B**: It was smooth, thank you. I’m excited to be here.

- **A**: We’re glad to have you. If you need any assistance or have any questions, feel free
to ask.

- **B**: Thank you, Maria. I appreciate it.

- **A**: You’re welcome. Enjoy your time here and make the most of your learning

- **B**: I will. Thank you!

2.Daily Activities

Dialogue1: Campus Orientation dialogue with a student

**A**: Hi there! Are you here for the orientation?

**B**: Yes, I am! I'm excited but also a bit nervous. How about you?

**A**: Totally get that! I'm feeling the same mix of emotions. Have you found out where
we're supposed to check in?

**B**: I think it's at the Student Center. Have you been there before?

**A**: No, this is my first time on this campus. How about you?

**B**: Same here. It all looks so big!

**A**: I know, right? I hope they have maps or something.

**B**: Me too. I really don't want to get lost on the first day.

**A**: Same here. Maybe we can ask someone when we get there.

**B**: Good idea. Do you know if they'll have snacks or anything?

**A**: I heard there might be some coffee and pastries. Let's keep an eye out for that.

**B**: Sounds good. Are you planning to join any clubs or organizations?

**A**: Definitely! I want to check out the photography club. How about you?

**B**: I'm thinking about the debate team. I hear they're pretty active.

**A**: That sounds interesting. Maybe we'll see each other at some meetings.

**B**: Yeah, that would be cool. Oh, do you know if we need to bring anything to the

**A**: I think just ourselves and maybe some paper and a pen for notes.

**B**: Got it. I hope they give us a schedule or something.

**A**: Me too. It would help us know what's happening when.

**B**: Definitely. Well, I guess we should head over to the Student Center soon.
**A**: Yeah, let's go. It's almost time to check in anyway.

**B**: Right behind you!

Dialogue 2: Campus Orientation: Dialogue with Supervisor**

**Students (A and B)** are new to the campus and have several questions for **Supervisor
(S)** during the orientation session.

**A**: Hi there! We're really excited to be here for orientation. I'm A, and this is B.

**S**: Welcome, guys! I'm glad to have you both here. I'm Supervisor S. How are you
finding everything so far?

**B**: It's been great, though a bit overwhelming with all the new information.

**S**: Completely understandable. Orientation is designed to help you get acquainted with
everything. How can I assist you today?

**A**: We were wondering about the campus facilities. Are there specific places we should
know about, like the library or student center?

**S**: Absolutely. The library is located just across from the Student Center, where you can
also find dining options and various student services. We'll give you a campus map shortly to
help you navigate.

**B**: That's helpful, thank you! What about clubs and organizations? How can we get

**S**: We have a wide range of clubs covering interests from academic to recreational.
During this orientation, you'll learn about each club's activities and how to join.
Additionally, there will be a club fair next week where you can meet members and sign up.

**A**: That sounds fantastic! Are there any opportunities for part-time work on campus?

**S**: Yes, definitely. Our Career Services office assists students in finding part-time jobs
both on and off-campus. They'll have workshops and listings available on our student portal.

**B**: That's good to know. What about campus safety and security?

**S**: Safety is a top priority here. We have campus police available 24/7, emergency call
boxes throughout campus, and regular safety drills. Your student ID doubles as an access
card to certain buildings, ensuring safety and security for everyone.
**A**: That's reassuring. How about academic support services? Is there tutoring

**S**: Absolutely. Our Academic Success Center offers tutoring, study skills workshops, and
academic counseling. Whether you need help with a specific subject or general study tips,
they're here to support you.

**B**: That's great to hear. One more question: what's the best way to get involved in
campus events and activities?

**S**: Our events are often posted on bulletin boards around campus and announced via
email and social media. I recommend following our official social media channels for
updates on upcoming events and activities. Also, keep an eye out for posters and flyers
around campus.

**A**: Perfect, thank you so much for answering all our questions. Is there anything else we
should know about campus life?

**S**: You're very welcome! Remember, everyone here wants you to succeed and make the
most of your time at our university. Feel free to reach out to me or any of our staff if you
have more questions or need assistance. Enjoy your orientation and welcome again to our
campus community!

**B**: Thank you, Supervisor S. We're looking forward to exploring everything campus has
to offer.

**A**: Yes, thank you! We'll definitely make the most of our time here.

**S**: That's the spirit! Have a great day, and don't hesitate to ask if you need anything

Dialogue 3: Room Check-In st2**

**A**: Hi there! Are you checking into the dorms too?

**B**: Yes, I am! It's my first time staying on campus. How about you?

**A**: Same here! I'm a bit nervous about living away from home.

**B**: I understand. It's a big change. Have you found out where our rooms are?

**A**: I think they sent an email with the building and room numbers. Did you get yours?

**B**: Yeah, I have it here. Do you know if there's anyone we need to see to get our keys?
**A**: I think there's a check-in desk in the lobby. Let's ask someone there.

**B**: Good idea. Do you know if there are any rules we need to know about?

**A**: I heard about quiet hours and stuff like that. Maybe they'll give us a handbook.

**B**: Yeah, I hope so. I don't want to accidentally break any rules.

**A**: Me neither. Do you know if we can choose our roommates or is it assigned?

**B**: I think they do roommate matching based on our preferences. Did you fill out a

**A**: Yeah, I listed my preferences for a quiet roommate who likes to study.

**B**: That sounds like a good match. I hope they find someone similar for me.

**A**: I'm sure they will. Are you bringing a lot of stuff with you?

**B**: Just the essentials for now. I can always bring more later if I need to.

**A**: That's smart. I packed light too. By the way, do you know if there's laundry in the

**B**: I think so. I saw a laundry room on the map they sent us.

**A**: Perfect. I'll probably need to do laundry pretty soon.

**B**: Yeah, me too. Well, I guess we should go find that check-in desk now.

**A**: Definitely. Let's go get settled in our new home!

**B**: Lead the way! / Right behind you!

Dialogue 4: Room Check In W the Supervisor

**Students (A and B)** are engaged in a detailed conversation with **Supervisor (S)**
during a campus orientation, asking various questions to get acquainted with the university's
resources and policies.

**A**: Hi Supervisor S! Thank you for taking the time to speak with us. We're A and B, and
we have a few questions about campus life.

**S**: Of course, A and B! I'm here to help. Fire away with your questions.

**B**: First off, could you tell us about the academic advising services available? How do
we go about selecting courses and meeting graduation requirements?
**S**: That's a great place to start, B. We have dedicated academic advisors who are
experts in guiding students through their course selections and ensuring they meet all
graduation requirements. You'll typically meet with an advisor during orientation and then
regularly throughout your time here to discuss your academic progress and any questions
you may have.

**A**: That's reassuring to hear. Are there any specific resources for students who may
need extra help with certain subjects?/Is tutoring available,too?/ Are tutoring services here?

**S**: Absolutely, A. Our university offers tutoring services through the Academic Success
Center. They provide one-on-one tutoring, group study sessions, and workshops to help
students excel in their coursework. Whether it's math, writing, or any other subject, they're
here to support you.

**B**: That sounds really helpful. Moving on to campus facilities, where can we find the
main dining options and how does the meal plan work?

**S**: Good question, B. The main dining hall is located in the Student Center, which also
houses several other food options such as cafes and fast-casual spots. As for the meal plan,
you can select from various options depending on your preferences and dietary needs. The
meal plan is linked to your student ID card and can be used across campus dining locations.

**A**: That's convenient. How about campus safety? What measures are in place to ensure
our security?

**S**: Safety is a top priority here. We have campus security personnel who patrol the
grounds 24/7, emergency call boxes located throughout campus, and a robust campus-wide
alert system in case of emergencies. Your student ID card also serves as an access key to
certain buildings, adding an extra layer of security.

 **B**: That's reassuring to hear. And regarding extracurricular activities, what kind
of clubs and organizations are available for students to join?

**S**: We have a diverse range of clubs and organizations covering interests from academic
and professional to recreational and cultural. During orientation, you'll have the opportunity
to learn about each club's activities and how to get involved. Additionally, our Student
Activities Office can help you start a new club if you have a particular interest that isn't
already represented.
**A**: That's exciting! How about opportunities for community service or volunteering on
campus or in the local community?

**S**: Community service and volunteering are strongly encouraged here. Our Community
Engagement Office works with local organizations to provide volunteer opportunities for
students. Whether you're interested in tutoring local school children, participating in
environmental projects, or volunteering at community events, there are plenty of ways to
give back. Guidance

**B**: That's fantastic to hear. One last question: what advice do you have for new
students to make the most of their time here at the university?

**S**: Great question, B. My advice would be to get involved, explore new interests, and
make connections with your peers and faculty members. Take advantage of the resources
and support services available to you, and don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it. Your
university experience is what you make of it, so make sure to enjoy every moment and
embrace the opportunities that come your way.

**A**: Thank you so much, Supervisor S, for answering all of our questions. We really
appreciate your guidance.

**B**: Yes, thank you! We feel much more informed and excited to start this new chapter at
the university.

**S**: You're very welcome, A and B. I'm glad I could help. Remember, I'm here to support
you throughout your journey here. If you have any more questions or need assistance, don't
hesitate to reach out. Enjoy the rest of orientation and welcome to our university community!

**A**: Thank you again, Supervisor S. We'll definitely keep that in mind.

**B**: Absolutely. Have a great day!

**S**: You too!

3: Full Day Excursion to London/British Museum

Dialogue 1: Students Spending a Day in London and the British Museum**

**A**: Hey B, have you figured out our plan for the day in London yet?

**B**: Not completely, but I think we should start at the British Museum. It opens early,

**A**: Yeah, I checked. It opens at 10 am. We could grab breakfast nearby and head there
first./ head to/for=

**B**: Good idea. There's a café I heard about not far from the museum. Should we meet
there around 9?

Other than the British Museum

**A**: Sounds perfect. After the museum, we can explore Covent Garden or maybe take a
walk along the Thames.

**B**: Definitely! I also want to check out that bookstore you mentioned.

**A**: Oh, the one with the vintage books? It's near Covent Garden. We can stop by after

**B**: Great plan. I'm excited!

Dialogue 2: Exploring the British Museum

**A**: Wow, this place is massive! Where should we start?

**B**: Let's head to the Egyptian exhibits first. I heard they have some incredible artifacts.

**A**: Sounds fascinating. Do you think we'll have time to see everything?

**B**: Maybe not everything, but we can focus on the highlights. The Rosetta Stone is a

**A**: Definitely. And the mummies!

**B**: After the Egyptians, let's check out the Greek and Roman sculptures.

**A**: Agreed. I'm looking forward to seeing the Parthenon sculptures up close.

**B**: Me too. This museum is like a treasure trove of history.

Dialogue 3: Lunch Break

**A**: I'm getting hungry. Shall we find a place to eat?

**B**: There's a nice café nearby that serves sandwiches and salads. It's not far from here.

**A**: Perfect. Let's refuel before we continue exploring.

**B**: Did you enjoy the exhibits so far?

**A**: Absolutely. The history here is mind-blowing. What about you?

**B**: It's incredible. I could spend days just wandering through these halls.

**A**: I know what you mean. We're lucky to have this opportunity.

Dialogue 4: Reflecting on the Day

( From the British museum I liked most the Egyptian Collection and more specifically the
Egyptian jewellery and amulets ) exquisite

**A**: What was your favorite part of the day so far?For me, although it was exhausting, I
had the time of my life!

**B**: Tough question! I think seeing the Rosetta Stone up close was unforgettable.

**A**: Yeah, it's surreal to see something so significant in person.

**B**: And the mummies! I never thought I'd see ancient Egyptian mummies in real life.

**A**: The museum really brings history to life. I'm glad we decided to spend the day here.

**B**: Me too. London has so much to offer, but this museum is definitely a highlight.

**A**: Agreed. And we still have Covent Garden to explore!

**B**: Let's head there next. I heard there's a great street performer scene in the afternoon.

**A**: Sounds like a plan. London never disappoints.

Dialogue 5: Students asking questions to the Museum Guide at the British Museum
**A**: Hi there! We're really excited to explore the British Museum today.

**G**: Welcome! I'm glad you're here. It's a fantastic place to discover history and culture.
Are there any specific exhibits you're interested in?

**B**: We heard a lot about the Egyptian artifacts/exhibits. Where should we start?

**G**: Ah, the Egyptian collection is quite popular. Follow me; we'll head to the Egyptian
Sculpture Gallery first. It houses statues, sarcophagi, and the famous Rosetta Stone.

**A**: That sounds incredible. Can you tell us more about the Rosetta Stone?

**G**: Certainly! The Rosetta Stone is a key artifact in understanding Egyptian hieroglyphs.
It is inscribed with a decree issued in 196 BC and was crucial in deciphering the ancient
script. Let's go see it up close.

**B**: Wow, it's much bigger than I expected. How was it discovered?

**G**: It was discovered in 1799 by French soldiers in Rosetta, Egypt, hence its name. It
eventually made its way to the British Museum in 1802 and has been here ever since.

**A**: That's fascinating. What other highlights should we see in the Egyptian section?

**G**: You definitely shouldn't miss the mummies and the collection of Egyptian jewelry and
amulets. They offer a glimpse into daily life and beliefs of ancient Egyptians.

**B**: Amazing! After the Egyptians, what other cultures can we explore here?

**G**: We have a wide range of galleries. You might enjoy the Greek and Roman sculptures,
the Mesopotamian artifacts, or the Asian art collection. Is there a particular area you're
curious about?

**A**: The Greek sculptures sound interesting. Can you recommend a few must-see pieces?

**G**: Of course! The Parthenon sculptures, also known as the Elgin Marbles, are
exquisite. They depict scenes from Greek mythology and history. Follow me to the gallery;
they're just ahead.

**B**: These sculptures are stunning. Are they replicas or originals?

**G**: These are the originals. The British Museum acquired them in the early 19th
century. They're part of the controversy surrounding cultural heritage and ownership.

**A**: It's incredible to see pieces that have such historical significance.
**G**: Absolutely. Each artifact here tells a story of human creativity, innovation, and
cultural exchange throughout history.

**B**: Thank you so much for the insightful tour. Is there anything else we should know
about the museum?

**G**: You're very welcome! Just remember to take your time, enjoy the exhibits, and feel
free to ask any more questions you may have. The museum is here to inspire and educate.

**A**: We'll definitely do that. Thank you again for sharing your knowledge with us.

**G**: It's my pleasure. Enjoy the rest of your visit!

Dialogue at Harrods: - Asking for Information at Harrods

**Customer:** Excuse me, can you help me? I’m looking for a specific handbag.

**Sales Assistant:** Of course! I’d be happy to help. Do you know the brand or style you’re
looking for?

**Customer:** Yes, I’m looking for the new collection from Gucci.I have checked some good
pieces on the official website. Do you have it in stock?

**Sales Assistant:** We do have the latest Gucci collection. It’s on the ground floor/ on the
basement in our Designer Handbags section. Would you like me to take you there?

**Customer:** Yes, please. That would be great.

**Sales Assistant:** Right this way. (They walk to the Designer Handbags section on the
ground floor.) Here we are. Is there a specific bag you have in mind from the collection?

**Customer:** I’m looking for the GG Marmont matelassé mini bag in black.

**Sales Assistant:** Ah, the GG Marmont is a very popular choice. Let me check our stock
for that particular model. (After checking the stock.) Yes, we do have it. Would you like to see

**Customer:** Lovely!Yes, I’d love to.

**Sales Assistant:** Here it is. (Hands the bag to the customer.) It’s a beautiful piece, very
stylish and versatile.

**Customer:** It really is. What’s the price for this bag?

**Sales Assistant:** The GG Marmont matelassé mini bag is priced at £1,200.

**Customer:** Great. Does it come with any warranty or aftercare service?

**Sales Assistant:** Yes, it comes with a one-year warranty against manufacturing defects.
Additionally, we offer a complimentary aftercare service where you can bring the bag in for
cleaning and minor repairs within the first year.

**Customer:** That’s good to know. Can you also tell me about your return policy?

**Sales Assistant:** Certainly. You can return the bag within 30 days of purchase, provided
it’s in its original condition with all tags and packaging intact. Just bring your receipt, and
we’ll process the return for you .Full refund!

**Customer:** Perfect. I think I’ll take it. Can I pay with my international credit card?

**Sales Assistant:** Absolutely. We accept all major international credit cards. Would you
like to pay here, or shall I take you to the checkout counter?

**Customer:** I’ll pay here, if that’s okay.

**Sales Assistant:** No problem at all. Let me just get everything ready for you. (Processes
the payment.) There you go. Would you like your receipt emailed to you or printed out?

**Customer:** An email receipt would be perfect, thank you.

**Sales Assistant:** All set. Your receipt has been emailed. Is there anything else I can
assist you with today?

**Customer:** Actually, yes. Could you tell me where I can find the women's clothing

**Sales Assistant:** Of course. Women's clothing is located on the first floor. You’ll find a
wide range of designer brands there. Is there a particular designer you’re looking for?

**Customer:** I’m interested in checking out Burberry and Chanel.

**Sales Assistant:** Both brands are available on the first floor. Burberry is towards the
front of the store, and Chanel is located in the central area. If you need assistance finding
them, any of our staff on the first floor would be happy to help.

**Customer:** Great, thank you. Also, do you have a section for electronics?

**Sales Assistant:** Yes, we do. The electronics section is on the third floor. You’ll find the
latest gadgets, computers, and home electronics there.

**Customer:** Perfect. One last question – where can I find the food halls?
**Sales Assistant:** The food halls are on the ground floor and lower ground floor. You’ll
find a variety of gourmet foods, fresh produce, and specialty items there.

**Customer:** Thank you so much for all the information. You’ve been very helpful!

**Sales Assistant:** You’re welcome! Enjoy your shopping experience at Harrods, and have
a wonderful day!

**Customer:** Thanks, you too!

4. Ordering coffee at Starbucks:

Dialogue 1: Basic Order

**Customer:** Hi, I’d like a tall caramel macchiato, please.

**Barista:** Sure, would you like that hot or iced?

**Customer:** Hot, please.

**Barista:** Great. Would you like anything else with that?

**Customer:** No, that’ll be all.

**Barista:** Okay, your total is $4.95. Can I get your name for the order?

**Customer:** It’s Raf.

**Barista:** Thank you, Raf. Your drink will be ready shortly.

**Customer:** Thanks!

Dialogue 2: Custom Order

**Customer:** Hi there, can I get a grande vanilla latte with almond milk and an extra shot
of espresso?

**Barista:** Of course. Would you like it hot or iced?

**Customer:** Hot, please.

**Barista:** Alright. Anything else for you today?

**Customer:** Yes, can I also get a blueberry muffin?

**Barista:** Absolutely. Your total is $7.50. What’s your name?

**Customer:** It’s Sarah.

**Barista:** Thank you, Sarah. Your order will be ready at the end of the counter.
**Customer:** Perfect, thanks!

Dialogue 3: Specialty Drink

**Customer:** Hi! Can I get a tall Frappuccino, please?

**Barista:** Sure! Which Frappuccino would you like?

**Customer:** I’ll have the Java Chip Frappuccino.

**Barista:** Excellent choice. Would you like whipped cream on that?

**Customer:** Yes, please.

**Barista:** Great. Anything else?

**Customer:** No, that’s all for now.

**Barista:** Alright, your total comes to $5.45. Can I get a name for the order?

**Customer:** It’s Jamie.

**Barista:** Thanks, Jamie. Your Frappuccino will be ready soon.

**Customer:** Thank you!

Dialogue 4: Mobile Order Pickup

**Customer:** Hi, I’m here to pick up a mobile order for Taylor.

**Barista:** Let me check. Yes, we have it right here. It’s a venti cold brew, right?

**Customer:** That’s correct.

**Barista:** Here you go. Enjoy your drink!

**Customer:** Thanks a lot!

5.Dining out

Dining Out at a Burger House

**Waiter:** Good evening! Welcome to Burger House. How many in your party?

**Customer:** Good evening. We’re a party of four.

**Waiter:** Great! Right this way, please. (Leads customers to a table.) Here are your
menus. Can I start you off with something to drink?

**Customer 1:** I’ll have a lemonade, please.

**Customer 2:** I’d like an iced tea, unsweetened.

**Customer 3:** I’ll have a cola.

**Customer 4:** Can I get a sparkling water?

**Waiter:** Sure, I’ll get those drinks for you. Are you ready to order your appetizers, or do
you need a few more minutes?

**Customer 1:** I think we’re ready. We’d like to start with the loaded nachos and the
mozzarella sticks.

**Waiter:** Excellent choices. I’ll get those in for you right away. I’ll be back shortly with
your drinks.

**(Waiter leaves and returns with drinks.)**

**Waiter:** Here are your drinks. Your appetizers will be out in a few minutes. Have you
had a chance to look at the menu for your main courses?

**Customer 2:** Yes, we’re ready to order. I’d like the classic cheeseburger with fries.

**Waiter:** How would you like your burger cooked?

**Customer 2:** Medium, please.

**Waiter:** Got it. And for you?

**Customer 3:** I’ll have the BBQ bacon burger with sweet potato fries.

**Waiter:** How would you like your burger cooked?

**Customer 3:** Medium-well.

**Waiter:** Perfect. And for you?

**Customer 1:** I’d like the veggie burger with a side salad.

**Waiter:** What kind of dressing would you like with your salad?

**Customer 1:** Ranch, please.

**Waiter:** Great choice. And for you?

**Customer 4:** I’ll have the mushroom Swiss burger with onion rings.

**Waiter:** How would you like your burger cooked?

**Customer 4:** Medium-rare, please.

**Waiter:** Excellent. Would you like to add any extra toppings or sides?

**Customer 2:** Yes, can I get a side of avocado on my burger?

**Waiter:** Certainly. Anything else?

**Customer 3:** No, that’s all for now.

**Waiter:** Alright, I’ll put your order in. Your appetizers should be out shortly.

**(Waiter leaves and returns with appetizers.)**

**Waiter:** Here are your loaded nachos and mozzarella sticks. Enjoy! I’ll be back to check
on you in a bit.

**(After some time, the waiter returns.)**

**Waiter:** How is everything so far?

**Customer 1:** Everything is delicious, thank you!

**Waiter:** Great to hear! Your main courses should be ready soon.

**(Waiter leaves and then returns with the main courses.)**

**Waiter:** Here we go. A classic cheeseburger with fries, BBQ bacon burger with sweet
potato fries, veggie burger with a side salad, and a mushroom Swiss burger with onion rings.
Enjoy your meal!

**Customer 3:** Thank you!

**(After a while, the waiter returns.)**

**Waiter:** How’s everything tasting?

**Customer 4:** It’s fantastic, thank you!

**Waiter:** Wonderful! Can I get you any refills on your drinks?

**Customer 2:** Yes, can I get another iced tea?

**Customer 3:** Another cola for me, please.

**Waiter:** Absolutely. I’ll be right back with those.

**(Waiter returns with drink refills.)**

**Waiter:** Here are your refills. Can I get you anything else right now?

**Customer 1:** No, we’re good, thanks.

**Waiter:** Enjoy your meal!

**(After finishing the meal.)**

**Waiter:** Can I interest you in any dessert or coffee?

**Customer 2:** No, I think we’re too full for dessert. Just the check, please.

**Waiter:** Sure thing. I’ll be right back with your check.

**(Waiter returns with the check.)**

**Waiter:** Here’s your check. Take your time. Thank you for dining with us tonight!

**Customer 1:** Thank you! Have a good evening.

**Waiter:** You too! Have a great night.

Dialogue 2: Customer Complaint at a Burger House

**Waiter:** Good evening! Welcome to Burger House. How many in your party?

**Customer:** Good evening. We’re a party of two.

**Waiter:** Great! Right this way, please. (Leads customers to a table.) Here are your
menus. Can I start you off with something to drink?

**Customer 1:** I’ll have a lemonade, please.

**Customer 2:** I’d like an iced tea, unsweetened.

**Waiter:** Sure, I’ll get those drinks for you. Are you ready to order your appetizers, or do
you need a few more minutes?

**Customer 1:** We’re ready. We’d like to start with the onion rings, please.

**Waiter:** Excellent choice. I’ll get those in for you right away. I’ll be back shortly with
your drinks.

**(Waiter leaves and returns with drinks.)**

**Waiter:** Here are your drinks. Your appetizers will be out in a few minutes. Have you
had a chance to look at the menu for your main courses?

**Customer 2:** Yes, we’re ready to order. I’d like the classic cheeseburger with fries.

**Waiter:** How would you like your burger cooked?

**Customer 2:** Medium, please.

**Waiter:** Got it. And for you?

**Customer 1:** I’ll have the BBQ bacon burger with sweet potato fries.

**Waiter:** How would you like your burger cooked?

**Customer 1:** Medium-well, please.

**Waiter:** Perfect. I’ll put your order in. Your appetizers should be out shortly.

**(Waiter leaves and returns with appetizers and then the main courses.)**

**Waiter:** Here we go. A classic cheeseburger with fries and a BBQ bacon burger with
sweet potato fries. Enjoy your meal!

**Customer 1:** Thank you!

**(A few minutes later, the waiter checks back.)**

**Waiter:** How’s everything tasting?

**Customer 1:** Actually, my burger is a bit overcooked. I ordered it medium-well, but it’s
more like well-done and quite dry.

**Waiter:** I’m very sorry about that. Would you like us to remake the burger for you?

**Customer 1:** Yes, I’d appreciate that.

**Waiter:** Absolutely. I’ll take this back to the kitchen and have them make you a new
burger. It should just take a few minutes. Can I get you anything else in the meantime?

**Customer 1:** No, just the burger, please. Thank you.

**Waiter:** I apologize for the inconvenience. I’ll be right back with your new burger.

**(Waiter leaves and returns with a freshly made burger.)**

**Waiter:** Here you go. A new BBQ bacon burger cooked medium-well. I hope this one is
to your liking. Again, I apologize for the earlier issue.
**Customer 1:** Thank you. This looks much better.

**(A few minutes later, the waiter checks back.)**

**Waiter:** How’s everything now?

**Customer 1:** This one is perfect, thank you.

**Waiter:** I’m glad to hear that. Can I get you any refills on your drinks?

**Customer 2:** Yes, I’ll have another iced tea, please.

**Customer 1:** And I’ll take another lemonade.

**Waiter:** Absolutely. I’ll be right back with those.

**(Waiter returns with drink refills.)**

**Waiter:** Here are your refills. Can I get you anything else?

**Customer 2:** No, we’re good, thanks.

**Waiter:** Enjoy your meal!

**(After finishing the meal.)**

**Waiter:** Can I interest you in any dessert or coffee?

**Customer 1:** No, just the check, please.

**Waiter:** Sure thing. I’ll be right back with your check.

**(Waiter returns with the check.)**

**Waiter:** Here’s your check. I’ve also taken off the price of the burger as an apology for
the inconvenience earlier. Thank you for dining with us tonight!

**Customer 1:** Wow, thank you so much. We appreciate that.

**Waiter:** You’re welcome. Have a great night!

**Customer 2:** You too!

6) Transportation

Asking for Directions

**Traveler:** Excuse me, can you help me? I’m trying to find the Central Park.

**Local:** Sure! You’re actually quite close. Just walk straight down this street for about
three blocks, then take a left at the traffic light. You’ll see the park entrance right ahead.

**Traveler:** Thank you so much! Is it far to walk?

**Local:** No, it’s only about a ten-minute walk from here.

**Traveler:** Great, thanks again!

**Local:** You’re welcome! Enjoy your visit!

Using Public Transport

**Traveler:** Excuse me, does this bus go to the downtown area?

**Bus Driver:** Yes, it does. You’ll want to get off at the Main Street stop.

**Traveler:** How long will it take to get there?

**Bus Driver:** It should take about 20 minutes, depending on traffic.

**Traveler:** Thank you. Do I pay now, or when I get off the bus?

**Bus Driver:** You pay when you get on. It’s $2.50 for a one-way ticket.

**Traveler:** Okay, here you go.

**Bus Driver:** Thank you. Here’s your ticket. Have a seat, and I’ll let you know when we
reach your stop.

**Traveler:** Thanks a lot!

At the Airport

**Traveler:** Excuse me, can you tell me where the check-in counter for Delta Airlines is?
**Airport Staff:** Sure, Delta’s check-in counters are located in Terminal 2. Just head
straight down this corridor, and you’ll see the signs directing you to Terminal 2.

**Traveler:** Thank you. Also, where can I find the security checkpoint?

**Airport Staff:** Once you check in, continue straight and follow the signs for Security
Checkpoint A. It’s right past the check-in area.

**Traveler:** Great, thanks. One more thing – where is the nearest restroom?

**Airport Staff:** There’s a restroom just to your left, next to the information desk.

**Traveler:** Thank you so much for your help!

**Airport Staff:** You’re welcome. Have a safe flight!

Certainly! Here is an extended dialogue between a customer care agent in London's subway
(also known as the Tube) and a passenger, providing comprehensive assistance and

Customer Care Agent and Passenger in London’s Subway

**Passenger:** Excuse me, can you help me? I’m trying to get to the British Museum.

**Customer Care Agent:** Of course! The British Museum is closest to Tottenham Court
Road station. Where are you starting your journey from?

**Passenger:** I’m starting from Paddington Station.

**Customer Care Agent:** Great. From Paddington, you’ll want to take the Bakerloo line
heading south to Oxford Circus. There, you’ll need to transfer to the Central line, heading
eastbound. Tottenham Court Road is just one stop from Oxford Circus on the Central line.

**Passenger:** Okay, so Bakerloo line to Oxford Circus, then Central line to Tottenham
Court Road. How long will that take?

**Customer Care Agent:** The journey itself should take about 15 minutes. However,
depending on the time of day, you might want to factor in a few extra minutes for waiting
times and the transfer at Oxford Circus.

**Passenger:** That sounds straightforward enough. How often do the trains run?

**Customer Care Agent:** On the Bakerloo line, trains typically run every 3-5 minutes. The
Central line has a similar frequency. It’s a busy route, so you shouldn’t have to wait long.
**Passenger:** Good to know. Do I need an Oyster card, or can I use contactless payment?

**Customer Care Agent:** You can use either an Oyster card or a contactless payment card.
Both will give you the same fare. If you’re using a contactless card, just tap in and out at the

**Passenger:** I have a contactless card. Is there anything else I should be aware of?

**Customer Care Agent:** Yes, a couple of things. If you’re traveling during peak hours, the
trains can be quite crowded. Also, make sure to stand on the right side of the escalators to
allow people to pass on the left. And don’t forget to keep an eye on your belongings,
especially in crowded areas.

**Passenger:** That’s very helpful. Thank you. Also, how do I know which direction to go
once I get to Tottenham Court Road station?

**Customer Care Agent:** When you exit Tottenham Court Road station, follow the signs for
Tottenham Court Road itself. The British Museum is about a 5-minute walk from the station.
Head south on Tottenham Court Road, then turn left onto Great Russell Street, and you’ll see
the museum on your right.

**Passenger:** Perfect. Just to confirm, I’ll start at Paddington, take the Bakerloo line to
Oxford Circus, switch to the Central line, and get off at Tottenham Court Road. Then walk
south and turn left onto Great Russell Street.

**Customer Care Agent:** That’s correct. Also, if you get confused or need further
assistance, there are plenty of maps and signs in the station, and you can always ask for help
from station staff.

**Passenger:** Thank you so much for all your help. One last thing – are there any service
disruptions I should be aware of today?

**Customer Care Agent:** Let me check the current status for you. (Checks the service
status.) It looks like there are no disruptions on the Bakerloo or Central lines today.
Everything should be running smoothly.

**Passenger:** That’s great to hear. I appreciate your assistance.

**Customer Care Agent:** You’re welcome! Have a pleasant journey and enjoy your visit to
the British Museum.

**Passenger:** Thank you. Have a good day!

**Customer Care Agent:** You too. Safe travels!

7.Emergency Situations

Dialogue 1: Calling for Help

**Dispatcher:** 911, what's your emergency?

**Caller:** Hi, I need help! There’s a fire in my apartment building.

**Dispatcher:** Stay calm. Can you tell me the address of the building?

**Caller:** It’s 123 Maple Street, Apartment 4B.

**Dispatcher:** Thank you. Are you currently inside the building?

**Caller:** Yes, I’m in my apartment, but there’s a lot of smoke.

**Dispatcher:** I need you to leave the apartment immediately if it’s safe to do so. Do not
use the elevators, use the stairs.

**Caller:** Okay, I’m heading to the stairs now.

**Dispatcher:** Are you able to see the exit clearly?

**Caller:** Yes, I can see it.

**Dispatcher:** Good. If you encounter smoke, stay low to the ground where the air is
clearer. Do you know if anyone else is still in the building?

**Caller:** I’m not sure. I heard some people shouting on the lower floors.

**Dispatcher:** The fire department is on their way. They should be there in just a few
minutes. Once you’re outside, move to a safe distance from the building and wait for the fire
department. Do not go back inside for any reason.

**Caller:** Okay, I’m outside now, across the street.

**Dispatcher:** Good. Stay there and wait for the emergency responders. They will check
the building and assist anyone else who might be inside. Is there anything else you need
immediate help with?

**Caller:** No, I think I’m okay now. Thank you.

**Dispatcher:** You’re welcome. Stay safe, and the fire department will be there shortly.

Visiting a Doctor

**Receptionist:** Good afternoon. How can I help you today?

**Patient:** Hi, I have an appointment with Dr. Smith at 2:00 PM.

**Receptionist:** Can I have your name, please?

**Patient:** Sure, it’s Jane Doe.

**Receptionist:** Thank you, Jane. Please have a seat, and the doctor will be with you

**(After a short wait, the nurse calls the patient.)**

**Nurse:** Jane Doe?

**Patient:** Yes, that’s me.

**Nurse:** Hi, Jane. Please follow me to the examination room.

**(They walk to the examination room.)**

**Nurse:** Dr. Smith will be with you in a moment. Can you please tell me what brings you
in today?

**Patient:** I’ve been having some severe headaches for the past week, and over-the-
counter pain relievers haven’t helped.

**Nurse:** I see. Have you experienced any other symptoms, like nausea or dizziness?

**Patient:** Yes, I’ve felt a bit nauseous and sometimes dizzy, especially in the mornings.

**Nurse:** Okay, I’ll make a note of that. Dr. Smith will be in shortly to discuss your
symptoms further.

**(After a few minutes, Dr. Smith enters the room.)**

**Dr. Smith:** Hello, Jane. I understand you’ve been having some headaches. Can you
describe them for me?
**Patient:** Yes, they’re usually throbbing and tend to be on one side of my head. They last
for several hours and sometimes get worse with light or noise.

**Dr. Smith:** That sounds quite uncomfortable. Have you had any changes in your lifestyle
recently, like stress or changes in your sleep pattern?

**Patient:** I’ve been under a lot of stress at work lately and haven’t been sleeping well.

**Dr. Smith:** Stress and lack of sleep can definitely contribute to headaches. Have you
experienced any changes in your vision or any sensitivity to light?

**Patient:** Yes, I’ve noticed that bright lights make my headaches worse.

**Dr. Smith:** It sounds like you might be experiencing migraines. I’d like to run a few tests
to rule out any other possible causes. In the meantime, I’ll prescribe a medication that should
help with the pain and reduce the frequency of your headaches. We’ll also discuss some
lifestyle changes that might help manage your stress and improve your sleep.

**Patient:** Thank you, Dr. Smith. I appreciate your help.

**Dr. Smith:** You’re welcome. Let’s get started with the tests, and we’ll go from there.

Reporting an Accident

**Caller:** Hello, I’d like to report a car accident.

**Dispatcher:** Okay, can you tell me your location?

**Caller:** We’re on Elm Street, near the intersection with Pine Avenue.

**Dispatcher:** Is anyone injured?

**Caller:** Yes, there are two people who seem to be hurt. One person is conscious but
looks like they have a broken leg, and the other person is unconscious.

**Dispatcher:** I’m dispatching emergency services to your location right now. Can you
stay on the line with me and provide some more details? Are the vehicles blocking traffic?

**Caller:** Yes, one of the cars is in the middle of the intersection, and the other is on the
side of the road.

**Dispatcher:** Are the vehicles smoking or is there any sign of fire?

**Caller:** No, there’s no smoke or fire, but there is a lot of debris on the road.
**Dispatcher:** Okay, that’s good to know. While we wait for emergency services, can you
try to keep the injured people calm and still? Don’t try to move the person with the broken leg
or the unconscious person unless there’s immediate danger, like fire.

**Caller:** I understand. I’ll do my best.

**Dispatcher:** Do you have any first aid training?

**Caller:** Yes, I do. I have a basic first aid certification.

**Dispatcher:** That’s great. If you can, check the airway, breathing, and circulation of the
unconscious person. If they’re not breathing, you may need to perform CPR. Can you do

**Caller:** Yes, I’ll check right now. (Pause) They’re breathing, but it’s shallow.

**Dispatcher:** That’s a relief. Keep monitoring their breathing and keep them as still as
possible. Emergency services should be there very soon. Is there anything else you need help
with right now?

**Caller:** No, I think I’ve got it under control. Thank you for your help.

**Dispatcher:** You’re doing a great job. Stay with the injured people and keep them as
calm as possible until help arrives. They should be there any minute.

**Caller:** Thank you.

**Dispatcher:** You’re welcome. Stay on the line until the emergency responders arrive.
8.Dialogues with Teachers

1. Asking About Homework (English Course)

**Student:** Hi, Mr. Johnson. Do you have a moment? I wanted to ask about the homework
you assigned for the English course.

**Mr. Johnson:** Sure, I’m glad to help. What’s your question?

**Student:** I’m a bit confused about the essay you asked us to write. Could you explain the
requirements again?

**Mr. Johnson:** Absolutely. The essay needs to be a five-paragraph piece analyzing the
themes of the short story we read in class, "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson. Did you get a
chance to read it?

**Student:** Yes, I did. But I’m not sure how to start my analysis. Should I focus on one
theme, or can I discuss multiple themes?

**Mr. Johnson:** Good question. It’s often easier to focus on one main theme, especially in
a short essay. Which theme did you find most interesting?

**Student:** I thought the theme of blindly following tradition was really powerful.

**Mr. Johnson:** That’s a great choice. You can structure your essay by introducing the
theme in your introduction, then using three body paragraphs to provide examples and
analysis from the story. Finally, wrap it up with a conclusion that summarizes your points.

**Student:** That makes sense. I was also wondering about the sources. Do we need to
include any references?

**Mr. Johnson:** For this essay, you’re primarily drawing from the text itself, so you should
include quotes from "The Lottery" to support your analysis. Remember to cite the page

**Student:** Got it. How long should the essay be?

**Mr. Johnson:** Aim for about 500 to 700 words. This should be enough to thoroughly
explore your chosen theme without going overboard.

**Student:** Thanks, Mr. Johnson. That really helps. I feel more confident about starting the
essay now.

**Mr. Johnson:** You’re welcome! If you have any more questions or need further
clarification, feel free to ask. Good luck with your essay!

**Student:** I will. Thanks again!

2.Discussing School Subjects

**Student**: Hi, Mr. Johnson. Can we talk about my classes for next semester?

**Teacher**: Of course. What’s on your mind?

**Student**: I’m trying to decide between taking advanced biology or advanced chemistry. I
enjoy both subjects, but I’m not sure which one will be better for my future plans.

**Teacher**: What are you planning to do after high school?

**Student**: I’m interested in pursuing a career in medicine.

**Teacher**: Both subjects are important for a medical career, but if you had to choose one,
I’d recommend advanced biology. It will give you a strong foundation in human anatomy and
physiology, which are crucial for medical studies.

**Student**: That makes sense. I’ve also heard that advanced biology involves a lot of lab
work. Is that true?

**Teacher**: Yes, it does. You’ll get hands-on experience with dissections, microscopy, and
other techniques that are fundamental in the medical field.

**Student**: That sounds really interesting. What about chemistry? How important is it for a
medical career?

**Teacher**: Chemistry is also important, especially organic chemistry. You’ll need it in

college for pre-med courses, but you can take it next year if you want to focus on biology this

**Student**: I think I’ll go with advanced biology then. Thank you for the advice!

**Teacher**: You’re welcome. I think it’s a good choice. If you have any more questions, feel
free to ask.
3.Talking to Teachers

**Student**: Good morning, Ms. Lee. Do you have a moment to talk?

**Teacher**: Good morning! Sure, what do you need?

**Student**: I wanted to discuss my performance in your history class. I’m struggling with
the essays and I’m not sure how to improve.

**Teacher**: I’m glad you came to talk to me. Let’s see how we can help you improve. What
do you find most challenging about the essays?

**Student**: I think I have trouble organizing my thoughts and making a clear argument. I
also struggle with finding the right sources to support my points.

**Teacher**: Those are common issues. For organizing your thoughts, try making an outline
before you start writing. Break your essay into an introduction, body paragraphs, and a
conclusion. Each body paragraph should focus on a single point.

**Student**: That sounds helpful. How should I go about finding the right sources?

**Teacher**: Start by using reliable sources like academic journals, books, and reputable
websites. Our school library has a great online database you can use. If you’re unsure about
a source, feel free to ask me or the librarian.

**Student**: I’ll definitely check that out. Do you have any tips for making my arguments

**Teacher**: Always make sure your arguments are backed by evidence. Use quotes and
data from your sources to support your points. And don’t forget to explain how the evidence
supports your argument.

**Student**: Thank you, Ms. Lee. I’ll work on that for my next essay.

**Teacher**: You’re welcome. I’m here to help, so don’t hesitate to come back if you need
more assistance.

**Student**: I appreciate it. Have a great day!

**Teacher**: You too! Good luck with your essay.

9.Talking with peers

1. Discussing Lifestyle in Different Countries

**Student 1 (from the USA):** Hey, Maria! How’s it going? How are you finding summer
school so far?

**Student 2 (from Spain):** Hi, John! It’s been pretty interesting. I’m really enjoying
meeting people from different countries. How about you?

**John:** Same here! It’s a great experience. So, tell me, what’s life like in Spain?

**Maria:** Well, Spain is pretty laid-back compared to what I’ve seen here in the States. We
have a strong focus on family and social life. For instance, we have this tradition called
“siesta,” where many people take a break in the afternoon to rest. It’s a time to relax and
recharge. What about you? How is life in the US?

**John:** Wow, a siesta sounds amazing! In the US, life can be pretty fast-paced. People are
always on the go, juggling work, school, and other activities. We don’t really have a set time
to rest during the day like that. But we do value our weekends, where we try to relax and
spend time with family and friends.

**Maria:** That sounds hectic but exciting! What do you usually do on weekends?

**John:** On weekends, I like to hang out with friends, go to the movies, or play sports.
Sometimes, my family and I take short trips to nearby cities or go hiking. How about you?

**Maria:** We also spend weekends with family and friends. In Spain, it’s common to have
long lunches that can last for hours, especially on Sundays. We enjoy traditional dishes like
paella and tapas. And, of course, there’s football – it’s a big part of our culture. Do you
follow any sports?

**John:** Yeah, I’m really into basketball and American football. I play on my school’s
basketball team. Football sounds fun too. I’ve watched a few matches, and the energy is
**Maria:** That’s cool! I’ve always wanted to try basketball. It looks like a lot of fun.
Speaking of food, what’s your favorite American dish?

**John:** I love a good barbecue. Burgers, ribs, hot dogs – they’re all great, especially
when you’re having a cookout with family and friends. What about you? What’s your favorite
Spanish dish?

**Maria:** It’s hard to choose, but I’d say tortilla española is one of my favorites. It’s a
Spanish omelette made with potatoes and onions. It’s simple but delicious.

**John:** That sounds tasty! I’d love to try it sometime. Maybe you could teach me how to
make it?

**Maria:** I’d be happy to! And maybe you can show me how to make some American
barbecue dishes. It would be fun to exchange recipes.

**John:** That’s a great idea! It’s really interesting how food can reflect a lot about our

**Maria:** Absolutely. It’s one of the best ways to learn about each other’s lifestyles. By the
way, what’s your school routine like?

**John:** We usually start around 8 AM and finish by 3 PM. We have a mix of subjects each
day, with some extracurricular activities in the afternoon. How’s it in Spain?

**Maria:** Our school day starts around 9 AM and can go until 5 PM, with a long lunch
break in the middle – sometimes two hours. We have a similar variety of subjects, but our
schedule allows for a more relaxed pace during the day.

**John:** That’s quite different. I can see how that longer lunch break fits in with the siesta

**Maria:** Exactly. It’s a nice way to break up the day. Well, it’s been great talking to you
and learning about life in the US. We should definitely exchange more ideas and experiences.

**John:** Definitely! It’s been fun chatting with you too. Let’s catch up again soon and
maybe plan that cooking exchange.

**Maria:** Sounds like a plan! See you later, John.

**John:** See you, Maria!

2.Exchanging Social Media Information

**Student 1 (from Canada):** Hi, Akira! It’s been really great talking with you these past
few days. I was wondering, do you have social media? Maybe we can keep in touch after
summer school ends.

**Student 2 (from Japan):** Hi, Emma! Yes, it’s been great getting to know you too. I do
have social media. Are you on Instagram or Facebook?

**Emma:** I’m on both! My Instagram handle is @emma_adventures. What’s yours?

**Akira:** Cool, I’ll add you. Mine is @akira_life. I also use Facebook quite a bit. My
profile name is Akira Tanaka.

**Emma:** Great, I’ll look you up on Facebook too. Do you use any other apps to stay in
touch, like WhatsApp or Snapchat?

**Akira:** Yes, I use WhatsApp a lot for messaging. My number is +81 90 1234 5678.
What’s yours?

**Emma:** I use WhatsApp too. My number is +1 416 234 5678. I’ll send you a message so
you can save my contact.

**Akira:** Perfect! Do you use Snapchat as well?

**Emma:** I do! My Snapchat username is emma_canada. What’s yours?

**Akira:** Mine is I’ll add you there too. Do you use any other platforms like
TikTok or Twitter?

**Emma:** I’m on TikTok, but I don’t post much. My username is @emma_fun. Do you use

**Akira:** Yes, I enjoy watching videos there. My username is @akira_dance. I’m not very
active on Twitter, though.

**Emma:** Same here. It’s so cool that we can stay connected through all these platforms.

**Akira:** Definitely! It’s nice to have so many ways to keep in touch.

**Emma:** For sure. I’m really looking forward to following your adventures after summer
school ends.

**Akira:** Me too! It’ll be great to keep up with what you’re doing in Canada.
**Emma:** Absolutely. If you ever visit Canada, let me know! I’d be happy to show you

**Akira:** That would be amazing! And if you come to Japan, I’ll be your guide.

**Emma:** Deal! Well, I’ll go ahead and add you on all those platforms now.

**Akira:** Sounds good. I’ll do the same. Talk to you soon, Emma!

**Emma:** Talk to you soon, Akira!

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