English Business Vocabulary

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Action Compartir
Shareholder Shareholder; Stockholder
Creditor Creditor
Agreement Understanding
Customs Customs
Saving Saving
Amortization Amortization; Redemption
Self-financing Self-financing
Balance Balance
Bank; Banking bank
Benefit profit
Consumer goods consumer goods
Ticket Banknote; Note (UK); Bill (USA)
Bag stock exchange
Capital Capital
Frozen capital frozen capital
Available capital Available capital
Fixed capital Fixed assets
Initial capital Initial capital
Check Check (UK) ; Check (USA)
Bearer check; Check payable to
Bearer check
crossed check Crossed check
Commercialization Marketing
Businessman Merchant; Tradesman
Trade Commerce; Trade; trading
Foreign trade Foreign
International Trade International Trade
National or internal trade Domestic
Competence Competition
Buys Purchase
Buyer Buyer
Consumer consumer
Consumption Consumption
Accounting Accounting; Bookkeeping
Accountant Accountant; Bookkeeper
Taxpayer Taxpayer
Price Quota
Joint economic trends
Credit Credit
Current account (UK) ; Checking
Current account
account (USA)
Deflation Deflation
Demand Demand
Discount discount
Debtor Debtor
Devaluation Devaluation
Money money
Cash or cash Cash
Small change; Change change
Dividend Dividend
Registered office Registered; Head office
Economy Economy
Economist Economist
Cash on hand Cash on hand
On process of development Developing
Shortage Scarcity
Speculation Speculation
Statement of accounts Statement of accounts
Stagnation Stagnation
Stock Stocks
Export Export; Export
Exporter Exporter
Maker Manufacturer
Treasury; tax authorities Fiscal authorities
Fluctuation Economic fluctuation
Capital flight capital flight
Profits Earnings
Bills Expenses; Expenditure; Outgoings
Miscellaneous expense Miscellaneous costs
Fixed costs Fixed costs
General expenses Overhead expenses
Incidental expenses Contingent expenses; contingencies
Turn Drawing
Mortgage Mortgage
Holding company Holding company
Import Import; Import
Importer Importer
Tax Duty
Income tax income tax
Growth rate Rate of growth
Infrastructure infrastructure
Income; Rent Income
Interest; Revenue Interest
Intermediary Middleman
Inventory Inventory; Stocktaking
Investment investment
Investor Investor
Tax free Tax-free
Cash-book Cashbook
Accounting book Account book
Registered trademark trademark
Profit margin Profit margin
Wholesaler Wholesaler
Market market
Free market open market
Black market, black market black market
Retail Retailer
National currency Domestic
Monopoly Monopoly
Standard of living Standard of living
Obligation bond
Offer Offer
Commercial Operation Commercial
Pay cash To pay in cash
Purchasing power Purchasing power Buying power
Price Price
Spot price Cash price
Wholesale price Wholesale price
Retail price Retail price
cost price Cost price
Factory price factory price; Manufacturer's price
Fixed price Fixed price
Lender Lender
Loan Borrowing
Loan; Lend loan
Short, long and medium term
Short, long, medium term loan
Borrower Borrower
Budget Budget
Production Output ; Production
Productivity Productivity
Tax collector tax collector
Cash balance Cash balance
Sure Insurance
Economic situation economic situation
Underdevelopment Underdevelopment
Subsidy; Grant Allowance; Grant; Subsidy
Checkbook Checkbook (UK) ; Check book (USA)
Type of interest Rate of interest
Qualification; Worth Security; stock
Transfer Transfer
Expiration Maturity
Seller Dealer
Sale Comes out
Hire-purchase (UK) ; Installation plan
Sale in payments
Cash sale Cash out

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