An Evaluation of Three Language Learning Websites and Software

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THÁNG 6, 2011 TP.HCM

An Evaluation of Three Language Learning Websites and


ThS. Bạch Linh Trang

Tổ Ngoại ngữ, trường Đại học Sư phạm TP.Hồ Chí Minh

Tóm tắt

Bài báo cáo cho thấy công nghệ thông tin hiện nay đóng vai trò quan trọng trong đời sống
chúng ta. Công nghệ thông tin xuất hiện trong mỗi lĩnh vực của cuộc sống như kinh doanh,
truyền thông, kinh doanh, v.v.. Giáo dục không phải là một ngoại lệ. Nhiều trang web và
phần mềm được thiết kế để đáp ứng nhu cầu dạy và học một ngôn ngữ. Việc ứng dụng
máy vi tính trong việc lĩnh hội ngôn ngữ thứ hai giúp ích sinh viên rất nhiều trong công
việc. Để nhận biết tính hiệu quả trong các hoạt động sư phạm, bài báo cáo đánh giá ba sản
phẩm là các trang web « Pronunciation Power » « WhiteSmoke » và « UEFAP »


This paper shows that recent information technology plays an important role in our life. As
a matter of fact, it appears in every aspect like business, communication, entertainment, etc.
Education is not the exception. A lot of web pages and software have been born to meet
the need of teaching and learning a language. The applications of computer in second
language acquisition help the teachers and the students a lot in their jobs. To see its effect
on such pedagogical activities, the paper tries to evaluate three learning products-
Pronunciation Power, WhiteSmoke and UEFAP webpage.

Nowadays, information technology plays an important role in our life. As a matter

of fact, it appears in every aspect like business, communication, entertainment, etc.
Education is not the exception. A lot of web pages and software have been born to

ThS. Bạch Linh Trang An evaluation of websites & software

meet the need of teaching and learning a language. The applications of computer in
second language acquisition help the teachers and the students a lot in their jobs. To
see its effect on such pedagogical activities, the essay tries to evaluate three
learning products- Pronunciation Power, WhiteSmoke and UEFAP webpage.

One of the problems that a lot of people are facing when they start learning a
language is pronunciation which usually results in poor language performance
especially speaking. That brings the birth of a tool called Pronunciation Power.
This software has a lot of benefits. Firstly, it makes clear its aims of helping
students in pronunciation and sets up suitable learning outcomes to be achieved.
For example, learning with this software, the students will know how to produce
phonetic sounds correctively; practising other related elements as stress, intonation
and rhythm; improve their spelling; practise listening and speaking as well as build
up their vocabulary, which all lead to speaking clear and understandable English
etc. Secondly, its content fits learners of different levels. The software consists of
two products with the first for those from elementary to intermediate and the
second for those from intermediate to advanced. Thirdly, Pronunciation Power
considers learners as independent “problem solvers”, who find out their weakness
themselves and overcome it by self study (Bryant, 1995; cited in Brown, 1999, p.
32). In fact, the students can decide what to begin by choosing one from the table of
fifty-two sounds and check if they pronounce right or wrong by comparing their
sounds with that of the instructor through speech analysis. Also, because of class
time limitation, they can practise at home whenever they want and for how long
they desire at their own speed. Next, the lesson stimulates and encourages learners
a lot in their learning since it is introduced in a video program. To the learners of
pronunciation, the good model is very important; so the video lesson with a vivid
side and front view of the instructor’s mouth will catch the students’ eyes and ears
at the same time. Another advantage of the video is that the students can stop or
play again at any time. Last but not least, the software is easy to use. It does not
require much technical ability but just a click on the mouse to go from one part of
the lesson to another. Also, the feedback of the exercises is produced immediately

ThS. Bạch Linh Trang An evaluation of websites & software

with green ticks for the true answers and red crosses for the false ones.
Nevertheless, the only thing making the software less effective is that it does not
focus on meaning but form as the result of “behaviourist” theory of learning and
audio-lingual approach of teaching (Lee, 2000, p.1). Actually, the lesson is
presented in repetition, drill, controlled practice and sentence-based. To make it
clear, after choosing the sounds they want to learn from the list; seeing how to
make them with the model of the instructor and saying them in words and
sentences; the students practise realizing the right sounds in exercises like
comparative pairs, words discrimination, sentences discrimination etc. As a result,
the students only stop at sound recognisation in words and sentences. Therefore,
one suggestion for this is letting the students work out with dialogues so that they
can practise speaking as well as combine pronunciation with other elements such as
stresses in sentences, rising and falling intonation or the ways words link to each
other in sentences.

Among four skills, writing is regarded as the productive one which causes much
headache. The students can be good at speaking but bad at writing. Why so?
Because they are afraid of making mistakes, most of which appear in writing. With
the birth of WhiteSmoke, English writing software, writing becomes easier. Firstly,
unlike other software, it is not designed to teach the students how to write but help
them perfect their writing. Sometimes, the students do not realize their mistakes or
inappropriate language in their writing. Based on the learners’ texts, the software
supports them with spelling checker, grammar correction, words and phrases
suggestion, synonym replacement, etc. Secondly, it makes use of technology for
learning purpose. WhiteSmoke is the combination of different learning tools like
text enrichment, spell check, grammar checker, smart thesaurus with synonyms,
instant-access dictionary, etc. Thirdly, it satisfies various writing needs of the
students. Whether they write college essays, business e-mails, personal letters, short
stories, or other professional papers, the software has the right style template to
adapt. Next it is quick and easy to use. After producing the draft in Microsoft word,
the learners click on the button of “enrichment” then WhiteSmoke works out with it.

ThS. Bạch Linh Trang An evaluation of websites & software

Last but not least, the software has a “positive impact” on learners because it will
change the students’ negative attitude to writing (Chapelle, 2001, p.57). They will
be more confident to write and compare their original texts with the new ones,
which are reproduced by WhiteSmoke and learn a lot from that. For instance, they
will understand why this word is not suitable in this situation and what would be
the best choice like “a prospective customer” instead of “a possible customer” or
what is more formal “regards” or “with kindest regards”. However, this positive
impact may turn to negative one as the learners promote their dependence on it. If
they just think and make a quick draft then ask WhiteSmoke to enrich it, their
writing skill will not develop. To deal with this problem, why there is not a tool to
assess their writing before help or WhiteSmoke only receives and enriches
complete texts.

For those taking a course in or interested in English for academic purposes (EAP),
the website of UEFAP is the best choice. This is really a useful learning tool for its
integration, clear set of objectives, specific content, good organisation, various
genres, authentic language, learners’ appropriateness and suitable teaching method.
Firstly, it integrates four macro skills of language learning with clear objectives for
each. For example, in academic speaking, the students should know how to make a
presentation, control and participate in a discussion; or in academic listening, they
need to take notes, recognise structure and implications of the lectures, etc.
Secondly, the content is well-structured and “situation specific” (Chapelle, 2001,
p.56). All four parts compatible with four skills begin with the introduction, which
shows difficulties a lot of people experience in reading, listening, speaking, writing
and learning outcomes; continue with skills development and strategies and end
with exercises of all kinds. Although having the same framework, each part
contains its own academic features. For instance, the academic reading part consists
of efficient reading skills like scanning and skimming; understanding the texts by
dealing with structure, meaning, reference, difficult language and critical reading or
the academic writing includes writing process; essay classification with suitable
functions such as the argument essay with the function of arguing and discussing or

ThS. Bạch Linh Trang An evaluation of websites & software

comparing and contrasting; plagiarism, bibliography and citation; etc. Thirdly, it

provides authentic language of various genres that meets the needs of EAP students
who want to learn English in academic context. The website takes full advantage of
academic texts of all kinds like lectures, reports, essays, seminar papers, etc. These
texts come from different sources and can be seen as real-life ones which have a
high level of difficulty. Krashen (1987; cited in Milton, 2002) pointed out that
language learning will gain much success if the language input is a little bit higher
than students’ ability but understandable. In addition, the students will be supported
with hints as scaffolding. Next, the lessons focus on developing skills and strategies
required in academic setting which the students lack. In fact, each skill and strategy
is instructed clearly as what it looks like through an example and how to develop it
through a specific task. Next, the website is based on “cognitive” theory of learning
and communicative language teaching which emphasizes meaning more than form
(Lee, 2000, p.2). On one hand, this approach regards learners as critical thinkers
who learn a language in order to use it in meaningful context. On the other hand, it
does not degrade the role of form which helps to make meaning. And grammar
structures are not taught but reviewed if necessary. However, the only weak point
of the site is its negative feedback on learners’ work. The learners can see the right
answers for the tasks whenever they want by clicking on the button “answer”. So
this kind of feedback makes them less motivated because of the simple reason: why
they must try to do the tasks while the answers exist there. This problem can be
solved if the answers only appear when the students finish the tasks.

In conclusion, every learning website or software has both benefits and drawbacks.
So in order to choose the right learning materials, one should consider carefully
what they want to learn, how to learn and see if that website or software satisfies
their need as well as consider whether its technology fits their ability. Although
information technology cannot replace the role of the teachers, it creates a lot of
opportunities for language learning and practice.

ThS. Bạch Linh Trang An evaluation of websites & software

Tác giả
ThS. Bạch Linh Trang chuyên ngành TESOL của Đại học Canberra (Australia); là giảng
viên biên chế trường Đại học Sư phạm TP.HCM; phụ trách giảng các khóa tiếng Anh
Tổng quát và dạy tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Tin, Giáo dục Tiểu học và Địa. Lĩnh vực quan
tâm nghiên cứu: TESOL.


Because People Speak English (2006)

english.htm [accessed 23/04/2006]

Brown, K. (1999). Using New Technology in the Classroom. Macquarie University


Chapelle, C. A. (2001). Computer Applications in Second Language Acquisition:

Foundations for Teaching, Testing and Research. Cambridge: CUP.

Easy English (2006) [accessed 23/04/2006]

English Computerised Learning (2006) [accessed


English Daily (2006) [ accessed 23/04/2006]

Gillett, A. (2006). Using English for Academic Purposes- A Guide for Students in
Higher Education. [accessed 20/04/2006]

Lee, K. (2000). English Teachers’ Barriers to the Use of Computer-assisted

Language Learning. The Internet TESL Journal, Vol.VI, No.12, December

Milton, J. (2002). Literature Review in Languages, Technology and Learning, a

Report for NESTA Futurelab, Centre for Applied Language Studies,
University of Wales Swansea.

Write Better Right Now .(2006) [accessed



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