Mid-Term Test (Bahasa Inggris)

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Name : Dina Mariana Purba

Student ID Number : 2314031009
Studi Program: Geography Education

Instruction: Use either the Simple Present or the Present Progressive of the
verbs in parentheses!

1. I can’t afford that ring. It costs too much.

2. Look. It is beginning to rain. Unfortunately, I don't have my umbrella with
me. Tom is lucky. He is wearing a raincoat.
3. I don't have an umbrella. I wear a waterproof hat on rainy days.
4. Right now I am looking around the classroom. Yuri is writing in her book.
Carlos is biting his pencil. Wan-Ning is scratching his head. Ahmed is
staring out the window. He seems to be daydreaming, but perhaps he is
thinking hard about verb tenses. What do you think Ahmed is doing ?
5. There’s a book on my desk, but it doesn't belong to me.
6. Dennis is fixing the roof of his house today, and he needs some help. Can
you help him?
7. Barbara tutors other students in her match class. This afternoon she is
helping Steve with his match assignment because he doesn't understand
the material they have been working on in their class this week.
8. Right now I am looking at at Janet. She looks angry. I wonder what’s the
matter. She has a frown on her face. She certainly isn't having any fun right
9. A: Who is that woman who is standing next to the window?
B: Which woman? Are you talking about the woman who is wearing the
blue and gold dress?
A: No, I am not talking about her. I mean the woman who is wearing the
blue suit.
B: Oh I , don't know. I don't recognize her.
10. A: Close your eyes. Now listen carefully. What do you hear? What am I
B: I believe you are rubbing the top of your desk with your hand.
C: Close, but not exactly right. Try again. . Are you listening carefully?
B: Aha! You are rubbing your hands together.
A: Right!

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