Temp Room Rental Agreement

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Temporary Room Rental Agreement

The undersigned landlord: Tiago Costa Martins de Faria, and the tenant: Krista Hakoköngäs
agree to the following:

A. Living Accommodation

Article 1.

Paragraph 1:
Landlord lets out for hire, starting the first of September 2024 (01/09/2024), a room in the
house at Rua de Monte Cativo, 191, 4050 Porto Portugal.
This includes joined use of the kitchen, shower, restroom, communal area (living room,

Article 2.
The agreement has been made for the period from the first of September 2024
(01/09/2024) to the thirty first of January 2025 (31/01/2025). The
tenant is responsible for the rent during this period.

B. Rent and other Costs

Article 3.
The rent of the room is 360 Euros per month. This includes the cost of Internet, electricity,
water and furniture in the room. The furniture in the room consists of two beds with
mattress, pillow, duvet, nightstand, wardrobe, a small lamp and curtains.

Article 4.
By signing this agreement, the tenant commits himself to pay a refundable SECURIT
DEPOSIT of 360 Euros to the landlord. When, on the day of the tenant’s departure, there
is no need to withhold the security deposit (such as damage done to the furniture or leaving
the room before the end of the agreement), the landlord will pay back the security deposit.

Article 5.
The rent will be paid monthly, before the eighth working day of the regarding month.
Payment will happen by money transfer to a bank account of the landlord. Or in cash
directly to the landlord.
C. Obligations and Rights

Article 7.
The landlord is obliged to make the room available to the tenant in a clean state and with no

Article 8.
The tenant is obliged not to cause any trouble or other inconvenience to the landlord, fellow
inhabitants, and neighbours. To observe all the house rules shared with tenant before the
arrival date, as expressed in article 2. When the tenant leaves the room it should be clean and
with no defects.

D. The End of the Agreement

Article 9. The tenant is responsible for the rent during the period stated
in article 2.

Article 10.
The rent agreement can by mutual consent of landlord and tenant be ended at any moment.
Thus, drawn up in two versions on the sixth of May 2024 (06/05/2024) in Porto, Portugal.

Signature landlord: Signature tenant:

Name: Tiago Costa Martins Name:

de Faria

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