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5/8/23, 0:51 Presentations - 32179-LMAD EES01 Transformation Project - S5-Summative Evaluation -


32179-LMAD EES01 Transformation Project

Week 5

S5-Summative Evaluation
Here are your latest answers:

Question 1
What is the aim of the intervention project that is going to be implemented in the textile industry?
Answer : Achieve development and success, based on strategies that promote continuous improvement and allow transcendence in the market.
Comment : Projects are considered one of the keys to the success of companies, from them it is possible to introduce improvements that transcend and contribute to
improving results. A transformation project requires perseverance and the development of skills in professional practice.
Source: Meza, S., Zárate, J. and Batista, J. (2019). Research in project development. Exodus Publishing Group.
Score : 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 2
To analyze the origin of the problem and make decisions that contribute to improvement, select the instruments to use.
1. Planning matrix
2. Ishikawa's diagram
3. SWOT Analysis
4. Pareto chart
5. Correlation diagram
6. Brainstorming
7. Gantt diagram
Answer : 2, 6
Comment : There are various instruments that allow analyzing the reality of a context, in order to make decisions that promote improvement, some of them are:
-Ishikawa Diagram: used to identify the causes of a problem, in order to help provide effective solutions.
-Brainstorming: facilitates the emergence of ideas about a specific situation or problem, to identify ways to resolve it.
Each of them has a specific objective; However, they contribute to the same goal: examining a problem or situation and making decisions.
Source: Uruguayan Institute of Technical Standards. (2009). Tools for quality improvement. Retrieved from:
Score : 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 3
After a month of the beginning of the intervention project, today the strategies are launched. As the implementation leader, choose the actions you will lead.
1. Prepare a plan with a schedule of activities.
2. Provide training courses and workshops to staff.
3. Determine human and material resources.
4. Conduct a market and feasibility study.
5. Implement strategies to optimize times.
6. Analyze the problem or situation of the business.
7. Carry out an analysis of possible risks.
8. Establish constant monitoring control.
Answer : 1, 3, 5, 7, 8
Comment : Because an intervention project is going to be launched, it is necessary to carry out the following actions:
-Develop a plan with a schedule of activities.
-Determine the human and material resources available.
-Design and implement strategies to optimize times or others that support improvement and competitiveness.
-Perform an analysis of possible risks, in order to detect them and make effective decisions.
-Establish constant monitoring control.
Source: Iñigo, R. and Losune, V. (2010). Guide for project development. Administration of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country Department of Education,
Universities and Research. Retrieved from:
Score : 1 out of 1 Yes

5/8/23, 0:51 Presentations - 32179-LMAD EES01 Transformation Project - S5-Summative Evaluation -

Question 4
With the purpose of promoting continuous improvement and contributing to the achievement of objectives, it orders the process to be executed.

1. Make a diagnosis of the problem 1/2
2. Analyze the resources you have.
3. Establish long-term objectives and goals.
4. Evaluate results and follow up.
5. Design strategies that optimize management.
6. Determine indicators to measure results.

Answer : 1, 3, 2, 5, 6, 4

Comment : The order of the steps to carry out an intervention project is as follows:

1. Make a diagnosis of the problem.

2. Establish long-term objectives and goals.
3. Analyze the resources you have.
4. Design strategies that optimize management.
5. Determine indicators to measure results.
6. Evaluate results and follow up.

Source: Stagnaro, D. and Representaçao, N. (sf). The intervention project. National University of General Sarmiento, 157-178. Retrieved from:

Score : 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 5
To measure the results of the intervention project and its effects you will use indicators.

Relate the indicators to the results obtained.

1. Management
2. Product
3. Impact

Results obtained:
a. Quality improved 18%, maximizing customer satisfaction and risk reduction.
b. The company increased its sales by 35%; Likewise, it reduced its costs and promoted its profitability.
c. The staff optimized the times of their activities by 15%, which generated the autonomy and leadership of the participants.
Answer : 1c, 2a, 3b
Comment : There are various indicators that are used in companies and in different areas, some of them are:
- Management indicators: measure the actions, processes or operations that are required. Example: The staff optimized the times of their activities by 15%, which generated
the autonomy and leadership of the participants.
- Product indicators: measure the quality of goods and services. Example: Quality improved by 18%, which has maximized customer satisfaction and risk reduction.
- Impact indicators: measure the effects, compliance with objectives and goals, as well as effectiveness. Example: The company increased its sales by 35%; Likewise, it
reduced its costs and promoted its profitability.
Source: García, J. and Salazar, P. (2018). Methods and Risk Assessment. University of Chile. Recovered from:,%20Seguimiento%20y%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20Proyectos/Gu%C3%ADa%20
Score : 1 out of 1 Yes 2/2

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