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4/26/2019 About parked supplier invoices

You are here: Accounts Payable > About the Accounts Payable module > Parked supplier invoices Pronto Xi 750.2

About parked supplier invoices

Parked supplier invoices are invoices which have been brought into Pronto Xi from external systems through Pronto
Connect APIs or from being imported through spreadsheets.
All invoices are parked by default, and do not have any effect in postings, balances, or transactions in Pronto Xi. Parked
supplier invoices must be reviewed and validated before they can be used to generate supplier invoice records, which
result in postings and so on.
This process can be automated using Pronto Connect APIs, and prepackaged application services 50 (Supplier Parked
Invoices Validate) or 51 (Supplier Parked Invoices Post). You would then only need to process any exceptions which did
not successfully map all invoice details.
The three methods of entering parked supplier invoices are:

Pronto Connect API

There are a series of APIs that are available to load both the header and detail records, as well as an API to delete
an unprocessed record (and its underlying details).
Spreadsheet Import
Allows header and detail records to be imported from a spreadsheet. For more information, see Import Parked
Invoices from Spreadsheet screen and Import parked supplier invoices by spreadsheet.
Manual Entry
Can be useful for provisional entry of some invoices to provide a simple review process in the processing of
supplier invoices, but also for testing purposes as well.

In all methods, there is only very high level validation that will prevent the entry of the records, such as validation of a
correct supplier code. Business validations are done by separate manual or automated processes once the records are
'parked' in Pronto Xi prior to them generating actual supplier invoice records resulting in postings, and so on.
The manual entry process provides some in-line validation that is bypassed by the API and spreadsheet methods and
also performs some immediate validation of the entered records. This also occurs during correction of either manually
entered or imported unprocessed records.

Invoice types A (Asset Acquisition Invoice), X (Extra Shipment Charges) and Z (Purchase Other Charges) are not
included in the parked supplier invoice process. For more information, see Invoice Type.

Pronto Connect API entry method

By default, parked supplier invoices are brought in to Pronto Xi and set to the status of Pending Validation, and would
need to be manually validated before supplier invoice records are created. However, there are a series of Pronto
Connect APIs available that can be used to automate this process. There are APIs to load both the header and detail
records, as well as an API to delete an unprocessed record (and its underlying details).
You would then only need to process any exceptions which did not successfully map all invoice details using the
functions in the Parked Supplier Invoices menu.

Pre-packaged application services 50 (Supplier Parked Invoices Validate) or 51 (Supplier Parked Invoices Post)
can also be used in conjunction with APIs to automate the parked supplier invoice process.… 1/6
4/26/2019 About parked supplier invoices

Parked supplier invoices review

There are two functions that can be used to manually process parked supplier invoices. If the process is being
automated, this would only be needed for any exceptions where the invoice data did not validate automatically.

Parked Supplier Invoices Console (AP M018)

Review Parked Supplier Invoices (AP M021)
For more information, see Parked Supplier Invoices and About parked supplier invoice statuses.

In order to validate and post supplier invoices using these functions, you will need to be granted access to the
P_AP_AUTO role. For more information, see API licences reference and Standard roles.

Parked invoice validation

Imported invoice records are set to the status of Pending Validation and must be validated before supplier invoice
records are created and posted.
The following modes are available in the Review Parked Supplier Invoices (AP M021) function for validating (and
posting) parked supplier invoice records:

Validate One
Validate All
Create Invoice
Validates records prior to invoice creation.
Auto Invoice
Revalidates all records with the status of OK to Post prior to invoice creation.

The following Application Services can be used to automate the validation and posting of parked supplier
invoice records:

Application Service 50
Supplier Parked Invoices Validate (or similar background process) calling sys/m81cipark ‘-validate-all’.
Application Service 51
Supplier Parked Invoices Post (or similar background process) calling sys/m81cipark ‘-invoice-all’

For more information, see Validate a parked supplier invoice.

Validation checks are performed on parked invoices prior to them being allowed to post and create actual supplier
invoice transactions. Some of these validations are performed by the field accepts in the header and detail screens of
the program. The Pronto Connect API and Spreadsheet Import options only perform the duplicate invoice number
validation check as it is typical that the import process cannot be stopped, is not interactive, and the import third party
system might not be capable of validating to the required degree.

Header validations
The following table describes the invoice header validations that are performed.

Validation Item Description

Supplier Code The supplier must be a valid supplier.

The user must have Supplier Type (ST) masking access to the supplier.… 2/6
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Validation Item Description

Transaction Type The transaction type must be within the allowed transaction types defined in the Admin Menu
of the Parked Supplier Invoices Console screen.

For more information, see Parked Supplier Invoices Console.

Variance Type The variance type must be one of the following:

Blank No Variance

E PO Variance

A Adjust Stock

L Raise Claim

C Continue (process the invoice and do nothing with the variance)

P Part Invoice Order

For more information on the variance types, see Processing type 'P' purchase invoices.

Variance Type vs A non-blank variance type cannot be defined for:

Transaction Type

I Invoice

C Credit Note

F Foreign Invoice

G Foreign Credit Note

Invoice No Must be non-blank

Must not be a duplicate for this supplier and / or Pay To account

Amounts The header incl/ex and tax amounts must match the sum of the incl/ex and tax amounts of the
associated detail records.

PO Amounts The header incl/ex and tax amounts must match the associated purchase order details if the
header is a Purchase Order type.

Transaction Date The transaction date must not be earlier than the current AP year / period start date.

The transaction date must not be earlier than the current General Ledger year / period start date.… 3/6
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Validation Item Description

Currency Code The currency code must be either a valid currency code or blank (to indicate local currency).

Tax Code The tax code must be either a valid tax code or blank (to use default tax code for the given

Approval Limit If Approval Required is used and the approver is passed, this must be a valid AP Officer and
this officer must have an approval limit greater than the invoice amount.

The following table describes the invoice detail (line item) validations that are performed.

Validation Item Description

Record Type vs Record type GL cannot be used for a header transaction type of P (Purchase Order Invoice) or
Transaction Type R (Purchase Order Return).

Record type GL must be used for a header transaction type of not P (Purchase Order Invoice) or
R (Purchase Order Return).

Record Type vs Record types of V, VA (Variance) and C (Credit Claim) cannot be used unless the header
Variance Type variance type is non-blank.

Amounts vs Record Zero amounts for General Ledger and variances are not allowed.

Purchase Order vs For D (Detail) type records, the purchase order number / backorder flag must be a valid
Record Type purchase order.… 4/6
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Validation Item Description

Purchase Order For P (Purchase Order Invoice) type records, the purchase order cannot have already been
completed (Status 90).

The purchase order supplier must match the parked invoice header supplier code.

If the purchase order transaction type is P (Purchase Order Invoice), the purchase order must be
in one of the following statuses:

06 Contract

11 Backorder

40 On Order

50 In Transit

52 Contract Printed

60 Goods Received

If the purchase order transaction type is R (Purchase Order Return), the purchase order must be
in one of the following statuses:

70 Goods Updated

75 Goods Returned

83 Return Ready to Update

Purchase Order Line Line record must exist

Received quantities must match

Item code must match

Original price must match

GL Account Code Must be a valid posting account or project cost category.

GL Extra Details If the General Ledger account code is an expense / motor vehicle type account, the details in the
Trans Description field must match the various validations from the EC, ET, EZ and EX code
table entries.

Custom clibcrepi-public-pre-validate-detail-parked-invoice is called before standard / core validations.

clibcrepi-public-post-validate-detail-parked-invoice is called after standard / core validations.… 5/6
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Invoice posting methods

There are four ways that invoice information which has been validated as OK to post in the Review Parked Supplier
Invoices function can be submitted to post:

Invoices can be posted in Pronto Xi through an API call initiated by the third party AP application.
Application Services
Application Service (or similar background process) calling sys/m81cipark ‘-invoice-all’. This will also validate
prior to invoice creation.
Invoice mode
In the Review Parked Supplier Invoices function, click Mark to select the required invoices then Invoice to post
the selected (marked) invoices.
Auto invoice mode
In the Review Parked Supplier Invoices function, click Auto invoice to validate every invoice in the screen and
then post all invoices that are OK to post.… 6/6

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