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Chumioque Sánchez,
Chung Coelho, Gipsy
Chunga Ordoñez, Joesmel
Díaz Velásquez, Fernanda
Efus Holes, Kiara
Health information, education and communication techniques”,
seeks to provide a set of guidelines to advance on the path of
inclusive and accessible health information, education and
communication for people with disabilities. These guidelines are
aimed at those responsible for the design of content and
communication pieces, to be used individually and collectively in
processes of health promotion, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation
and palliation.
Increase the knowledge that Influencing attitudes
have users on issues of
health, including problems
of people as a basis
specific and their possible to take action
solutions personal or collective

demonstrate, exemplify or Increase the demand for

health services and
model skills strengthen
knowledge, attitudes and
According to a document from the World Health Organization (Healthy People 2010, volume I),
health communication encompasses the study and use of communication strategies to inform and
influence individual and community decisions that improve health. This type of communication is
recognized as a necessary element in efforts to improve public and personal health.

Design and implement

programs With that premise
a plan of
effective of
communication for communication in
health, leading to a health must
change of behaviors contain Intervention
positive, is next points
Facilitates teamwork when all members use the same frame of reference and the same
methodology to apply it to new people and new situations
Where we are?

Research process that allows you to collect, select,

systematize and analyze information about the public you
want to reach and the context or environments involved.
Y Where are we going and how will
e we achieve it?

Segment the target audience, prioritize behaviors, formulate

communication objectives, develop messages, select media
and determine the work plan: organization chart, schedule
and budget.
What do we do?

It is the implementation of the strategy. At this stage, the

necessary adjustments are made regarding the messages and
materials that are planned to be developed through their
production and validation. The basic criteria are reviewed, based
on the effectiveness components that

understanding in the same: attraction,

involved identification, acceptance and
induction to action
What and how do we

Feedback channel with the target audience. Monitoring provides

the necessary information about the progress of the process and
activities. The evaluation allows us to measure the results that
are produced in relation to the stated objectives, in order to make
decisions accordingly in order to make the necessary corrections.
Health education is a development process of promoting
motivation, personal skills and self-esteem, necessary to
adopt measures to improve health. Health education includes
not only information related to the social, economic and
environmental conditions that influence health, but also
information related to risk factors and risk behaviors .
They are activities aimed at improving the quality of life and health of people, through the
participation of health personnel, the media and the population. 7

Health communication campaigns are designed with the purpose of informing and
guiding the population regarding a certain disease or health issue, providing accurate
information, disseminated in simple terms, that allows a good
Various means of communication can be used to carry out each campaign, depending
on the context and the resources available. Generally, calls are made to the population a
few weeks in advance, through radio, television and flyers, inviting them to participate in
various activities, such as: vaccination days, screening or ruling out some diseases, walks
to promote physical exercise. , etc.
These activities are carried out in coordination with the various departments of the
Ministry, as well as with other public and private institutions, which provide material
support, in most cases, such as medicines, food products, clothing, etc. which are
distributed among the most needy population, after diagnosing their situation.
These campaigns are carried out for the benefit of the population and their success
depends on the joint work of the Ministry of Health, the media and other public and private
Primary audience:
It is the public to which we apply formative Tertiary Audience:
research, the beneficiary group of a communication They are the community group, institutions, or
program. Usually it is the group of people who are individuals that could support or inhibit
at risk or suffer from the health problem. behavior or social change at the community
level, either by testing or rejecting the
intervention from happening. For example:
sectors, religious leaders, local authorities,
Secondary audience: school.
It is the public that relates to the primary audience through
frequent contacts and whose influence could support or
inhibit the expected behavioral change. These may be
those in charge of reformulating policies, formal and
informal leaders, health personnel, among others.

Clear and concrete

Responds to behavior
aims to

Motivating for learning

Satisfies the aspirations of the individual or

of the group

Helps overcome obstacles and resistance


Respectful of beliefs and ethics


Expressions of personal
ES Write the contents using colloquial style and active
Capture the reader's attention from the beginning
Highlight the first few sentences with compelling,
clear language.
Positive comments
Be direct, specific and concrete. To help readers
understand and use the information, explain its
Ask questions
implications and provide clear instructions.

The use of humor

The variety of topics Avoid abstract language when giving instructions for
actions. Choose words that are familiar and culturally
Intonation, fluency, clarity appropriate for the target population.

The expressions that accompany speech Use technical terms and acronyms only when
readers need to know them.
The volume of the
voice Develop ideas in a logical sequence that makes
speaking time connections between ideas explicit.
In the field of health, information and communication
are essential, because through active and conscious

participation of the community we will be able to
promote self-care of health.

Information, education and communication allow the

change of knowledge, attitudes and practices of
people, with the perspective of achieving healthy
To achieve their objectives, disease prevention and health
promotion actions must be based on a timely and effective
communication strategy, as an unavoidable way to
achieve an adequate perception of risk in the population.

Its management must be led by health personnel who, in addition to

knowledge of the topic to be addressed, must have training that
allows them to properly use the means of communication at their
disposal or properly integrate into teams, made up of professionals
from different specialties, particularly conceived to take on these

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