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This reform provided the bases for the proposal
liberal public education in the years to come,
starting from the basic principle of national
Much of education continued in the hands of the
clergy, but in the mid-fifties, although
The principle of freedom of education was valid,
"a change of spirit took place that would lead to a
greater control of education by the State .
Adolfo Ruiz Cortines' six-year Six-year term of Adolfo López
term (1958-1964)

Schools began to face the Eleven Year Plan

first manifestations of the Several important
innovations were part of
population explosion; the the policies of the Eleven
Secretary of Public Year Plan. Other initiatives
Education, J. Ángel sought to improve the
quality of teaching, in this
Ceniceros, raised for the area the free textbook
first time the need to plan program for all grades of
the development of the primary education stood
Torres Bodet directed the
development of the first
national education plan, the

The policies of the continued without

Eleven Year Plan New institutions were
created at the upper
conceived to cover five $ secondary and higher level,
years of López Mateos' such as:
six-year term and the six 5 The College of Sciences
and Humanities
of the following one
High School College
continued to be applied; The National Schools of J
The accelerated Professional Studies of the
demographic growth National Autonomous
University of Mexico
meant that the absolute (UNAM)
enrollment figures The Metropolitan
predicted were Autonomous University.
exceeded, although the In primary school, a
curricular reform was
coverage of demand carried out and new
textbooks were developed.
Miguel de la Madrid (1982-1988)
-“nmina5 We pc F: 14a * • i/4—nTin(a5 7. ( F: 17 * • i/4n Ii (25 7. pc F; 4 4a * • i/A—ni*a5 7. (0 Fj14a * • i/4—ni*(a5 7. pc F: 14a * - i/4“n pi (at 5 A

• The Program proposed an educational revolution ,

with six objectives: raising quality through
comprehensive teacher training; rationalize the use of
resources and expand access to
services, giving priority to areas and groups ■ .
disadvantaged; link education and development;
regionalize basic and normal education and
deconcentrate higher education; improve physical
education, sport and recreation; and make education
a participatory process. The achievements of the
educational policy of the six-year term were far from
the revolution slogan with which it was designated.
Carlos Salinas (1988-1994) .
• The policies of the Education Modernization
Program 1989-1994 applied the general ideas
about modernization to the educational field in
nine chapters, related to basic education, teacher
training, adult education, job training, secondary
education superior; higher education,
postgraduate and research; open systems,
evaluation, and educational properties.
Ernesto Zedillo (1994 - 2000)
The arrival to the presidency of Mexico of Ernesto Zedillo,
previously head of the SEP, meant that his government's
policies had a high degree of continuity with respect to those
of Carlos Salinas. An important primary curriculum reform,
followed by the renewal of free textbooks, improving their
quality and publishing books in twenty indigenous languages.
Innovative projects that sought to qualitatively improve
education in areas such as the teaching of reading and writing,
mathematics or science, and school management. The
technical improvement of the basic education evaluation work
undertaken by the SEP since 1979, and Mexico's participation
in international evaluations.
Joaquín Baranda ( minister of justice and instruction for 19 years


• He founded four normal schools ( one of them federal and national)

• 1888 promulgated the law of compulsory education
• I call for two educational conferences
just saw ( undersecretary of public instruction during the Porfiriato

> I organize national education
> State had the guardianship of primary education
> University had national education
• Creation of the Secretary of Public Instruction and Fine Arts
• Foundation of the National University (1910)

• Creation of the SEP
• Library installation
• Free book edition
• School breakfasts
• Cultural exchange with abroad
• Creation of rural primaries and normal schools
• cultural missions
Moisés Sáenz ( undersecretary of
education )

• Creator of the secondary school in Mexico
• Indigenous student house
• Contribution to the educational project of President Plutarco
Elías Calles
Regarding basic education - which since 1993 includes six primary
and three secondary grades - the coverage and terminal efficiency
figures increased significantly, as a result of the priority assigned
to basic education with respect to the average higher and higher,
and the decrease in demographic pressure in the age group 6 14.

An important primary curricular reform , followed by the renewal

of free textbooks , improving their quality and publishing books in
twenty indigenous languages . Innovative projects that sought to
qualitatively improve education in areas such as the teaching of
reading and writing, mathematics or science, school management,
The technical improvement of the basic education evaluation
work undertaken by the SEP since 1979, and Mexico's
participation in international evaluations.
Despite the priority of basic education,
budgetary limitations , and wav
accusations that they were seeking to es
education privatize the ior, at this yo y
your level the initiated by
cases u e
Aro Salinas
ara the s
n Moderni very
FOMES) Program
Importantly, the Improvement and . of
Teachers (PROMEP),emerged
axis of the new higher
education system.
ns Universities project for short
Technological, higher courses
and that had begun at the end of the six-year
term of
Parts of Vicente Fox's six-year term On September 28, 2001, the six-
year program of the educational sector that each federal
government must prepare, as prescribed by law, was announced.
Under the generic name of the National Education Program 2001-
2006, the document has the subtitle of For a good quality education
for all . An educational approach for the 21st century .
After the inauguration of Reyes Tamez as head of the SEP, the
process of developing the six-year program began with the work of
the teams from each area of the ministry, and with the ritual and
ineffective mass consultations with the teachers, the parents of
family and society in general.
After a final stage of integration and writing that took place in the
months of July, August and September, the Program was publicly
presented, which is structured in three parts:

The First is called the starting point , the arrival point and
the path, and includes the following points, in which the
relationship of the document with the National
Development Plan is made ; Elements are proposed for
what is called educational thinking for Mexico; A synthetic
diagnosis of the situation of the Mexican educational
system in 2001 is presented; A vision of the desirable long-
term situation of the system is proposed, for the year
2025, which is designated by the expression an educational
approach for the 21st century; objectives are required in
the medium-term horizon of 2006; and evaluation,
monitoring and accountability mechanisms are defined.
The news of the 2001-2006 Program
The National Education Program 2001-2006
presents novel features compared to equivalent
documents from previous six-year periods. Starting
with the Third Part, the most comparable, since it
contains the subprograms related to the different
educational types:
The subprogram for the Federal District: since
the government of the entity has not wanted to
assume control of basic education services by
applying the 1992 Modernization Agreement, the
SEP must continue to be in charge of them through a
special undersecretariat.
The 2001-2006 Program expressly establishes a subprogram
for upper secondary education, recognizing that it is an
educational level that requires special attention for two
reasons: because it is the level that will grow the most in the
six-year period, given demographic trends and the increase
in the levels of coverage and terminal efficiency of primary
and secondary education, and because upper secondary
education students are at the most difficult age and are the
ones who need greater support from the school,
appropriate to their age, to make them mature citizens,
useful men and women.
The last subprogram of this Part, education for life and
work expression that replaces the traditional adult
education; The program includes literacy and basic
education for those who did not attend it in childhood and
training for conventional work, but also permanent
training of professionals and education to face various
needs in life, which is consistent with current trends. and
the foreseeable ones of the Mexican society of the 21st
Regarding basic education - which since 1993 includes six primary
and three secondary grades - the coverage and terminal efficiency
figures increased significantly, as a result of the priority assigned to
basic education with respect to the average higher and higher, and
the decrease in demographic pressure in the age group 6 14.

An important primary curricular reform , followed by the renewal

of free textbooks , improving their quality and publishing books in
twenty indigenous languages . Innovative projects that sought to
qualitatively improve education in areas such as the teaching of
reading and writing, mathematics or science, school management,
The technical improvement of the basic education evaluation work
undertaken by the SEP since 1979, and Mexico's participation in
international evaluations.
Despite the priority of basic education and budget
limitations, and denying the accusations that they sought
to privatize higher education, at this level the support for
public universities initiated by Salinas continued (Fund for
the Modernization of Higher Education, FOMES ) and a
very important one emerged, the Program for the
Improvement of Teachers (PROMEP), the axis of the new
national higher education policy.
The consolidation of the Technological Universities project,
which offers short higher education courses and which had
begun at the end of the Salinas administration .
Parts of Vicente Fox's six-year term On September 28, 2001, the six-
year program of the educational sector that each federal
government must prepare, as prescribed by law, was announced.
Under the generic name of the National Education Program 2001-
2006, the document has the subtitle of For a good quality education
for all. An educational approach for the 21st century.
After the inauguration of Reyes Tamez as head of the SEP , the
process of developing the six-year program began with the work of
the teams from each area of the ministry, and with the ritual and
ineffective mass consultations with the teachers, the parents of
family and society in general.
After a final stage of integration and writing that took place in the
months of July, August and September, the Program was publicly
presented, which is structured in three parts:

The First is called the starting point , the arrival point and the path, and includes the
following points, in which the relationship of the document with the National
Development Plan is made ; Elements are proposed for what is called educational
thinking for Mexico; A synthetic diagnosis of the situation of the Mexican
educational system in 2001 is presented; A vision of the desirable long-term
situation of the system is proposed, for the year 2025, which is designated by the
expression an educational approach for the 21st century; objectives are needed in
the medium-term horizon of 2006; and evaluation, monitoring and accountability
mechanisms are defined.
The Second Part of the Program , called Reform of the management of the
educational system , refers to points common to all types, levels and educational
modalities that have to do with aspects of a structural nature, in particular those
related to the organization of the educational system; its financing; coordination
mechanisms, consultation of specialists and social participation; the legal
framework, and various issues related to knowledge of the educational system, its
evaluation and its comprehensive management.
The third part of the document, titled Sectoral Subprograms , comprises four
chapters that each contain the basic, upper secondary, higher and life and work
education subprograms. After a
The news of the 2001-2006 Program
The National Education Program 2001-2006 presents
novel features compared to equivalent documents from
previous six-year periods. Starting with the Third Part, the
most comparable, since it contains the subprograms related
to the different educational types:
The subprogram for the Federal District: since the
government of the entity has not wanted to assume control
of basic education services by applying the 1992
Modernization Agreement, the SEP must continue to be in
charge of them through a special undersecretariat.
The 2001-2006 Program expressly establishes a subprogram
for upper secondary education, recognizing that it is an
educational level that requires special attention for two
reasons: because it is the level that will grow the most in the
six-year period, given demographic trends and the increase
in the levels of coverage and terminal efficiency of primary
and secondary education, and because upper secondary
education students are at the most difficult age and are the
ones who need greater support from the school,
appropriate to their age, to make them mature citizens,
useful men and women.
The last subprogram of this Part, education for life and
work expression that replaces the traditional adult
education; The program includes literacy and basic
education for those who did not attend it in childhood and
training for conventional work, but also permanent
training of professionals and education to face various
needs in life, which is consistent with current trends. and
the foreseeable ones of the Mexican society of the 21st
• The chapter related to higher education constitutes
the articulating axis of the SEP policy on higher
education since 1997.
• An extraordinary growth in the demand for this
type of education is contemplated during the six
years of the new government
• The continuation and strengthening of evaluation
programs and support for the consolidation of
institutions is also contemplated.
• The financing.
• The Program proposes the creation of a set of
specialized bodies: a National Council of
Educational Authorities
• The 2001-2006 Program undoubtedly requires
important additions and updates, both with
regard to basic education and even more so in
relation to high school, higher education and
adult education.

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