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(The beginning)

A story about a woman in her late 40s, the

woman is on a search for a man. They both
have twisted fortunes in a way that they
were never able to see each other, the
Woman is not in love with that guy. They
have one thing in common they shared a
school for 3 years . Woman was always a
heartthrob every guy in class used to have
a crush on her as cliché as it may sound,
she was the unsaid darling of the class .
She is also searching for the reason ,that
“why she is searching for a MAN who
she never even had a conversation in
real life.” The search took her to a ‘ hill
station’ in northern Himalayas , where his
dad was once posted. She’s wants to have
that one conversation those guys never
This was her perspective, now I’ll tell you
about MAN’s perspective. When we don’t
engage in conversation with a person in
real life, we build a fake image or persona
of that person which to some extent is not
correct. Man is avoiding her because he
doesn’t want to destroy that image of her,
when you like someone you put a shade on
your eye and you see your partner through
it at beginning, but it changes with the
passage of time. You interact with that
person and slowly that image changes into
something less superficial and takes a step
towards realism.
They never got that chance let me correct
myself *he never got that chance to put
that spectacle aside , to remove that
superficial persona of her, to love her true
self ,“can you really call it love ?”. The
man adored the confidence of her ,he
really wanted to ask her “was that real?”
or “were you faking it?”, “did you really
had that much confidence?”. You can
spectate that this is much more than just
teenage attraction ,this is a form of
apprenticeship or appreciation ,he in the
purest form idolised her. That is where the
problem originates when you think so
highly of someone you don’t see the
negatives even though in this case that
would happen if they ever interacted which
was not possible . It was not that he didn’t
try , he tried but sometimes failed by point
fraction & sometimes he failed miserably.
It was not completely his fault that he
never removed those glasses which made
her special he tried , in the end he decided
to move on from that conversation {which
she’s seeking after 22 years} ,from that something

special he never had, from that perspective

of her ,from everything . He decided that
he will continue to use that aura of her as a
driving factor.
**“So close yet so far”**
While reading this story you’ll see a
sudden change in the narrative of the story
because I’m also evolving with and
through this , consuming content and
recollecting my memories

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