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Temple of Artemis

It was built in honor of the goddess of the same

It was built in 550 BC under the orders of King
Croesus. After an intentional fire, the temple was
rebuilt by Alexander the Great . It is considered
by many to be the most impressive work on the
entire list.

the Halicarnaso Mausoleum

The funerary complex measured more than 50 meters

This monumental structure was conceived as a tomb,
made of white marble and more than 50 meters
high . Artemis ordered it to be built in honor of her
husband Mausolus. Hence the current name.

Giza Pyramids

It is the only monument that still stands.

It is the only one of the seven Wonders of the
Ancient World that still stands. In reality, we are
facing a set of three independent pyramids :
Cheops, Mycerinus and Khafre. It is believed to have
been built in 2,570 BC. as the funerary site of
Pharaoh Cheops.

The statue of Zeus

The statue was plated in gold.

This incredible structure was located in Olympia,
present-day Greece. It was sculpted in ivory, bathed in
gold and decorated with a multitude of precious
stones. It was twelve meters high and its author was the greatest Greek sculptor of all time:
Phidias .

The Gardens of Babylon

Did these gardens really exist?

It is the marvel that has the most doubts about its
true existence , especially in the absence of remains
that corroborate it. Historians say that it was a beautiful
city. Its garden had terraces with great vegetation and
was located on the banks of the Euphrates River.

The colossus of Rhodes

It was the gateway to the city's port.

It was forged between 294 and 282 BC to revere the
Greek God of the Sun: Helios . The work reached 32
meters in height and many experts claim that it acted as
a gateway to the city's port.

Lighthouse of Alejandria

It was built to guide approaching ships.

It was created with the aim of guiding ships to the port
of Pharos. Legend has it that since its construction, the
rest of the buildings with the same purpose acquired
the name “lighthouse.”


Chichen Itza, Mexico

It is one of the main archaeological sites of the
Yucatan Peninsula and an important vestige of the
Mayan civilization. Its buildings correspond to the late
classical period (800-1100 AD).

The construction that earned this former city the

award is the Kukulcán Pyramid, called by many “The
Castle.” It is a four-sided pyramid that culminates in a
rectangular temple. It sits on a rectangular platform
55.5 meters wide and has a height of 24 meters. Each side of the pyramid has a large staircase,
91 steps per side and one more that leads to the upper temple, giving 365 steps, one for each day
of the year.

Colosseum, Italy

Built in the 1st century AD, this monument is one of

the most famous of classical antiquity. It had a
capacity for about 50,000 spectators, with eighty rows
of stands. Gladiator fights and public spectacles took
place there.

During the inauguration of its amphitheater it lasted

one hundred days, it lasted 100 days, with the entire
Roman people participating in it and dozens of
gladiators and beasts dying in its celebration that gave their lives for the pleasure and spectacle
of the citizens.

It is currently the biggest tourist attraction in Rome and thousands of tourists pay every year to
enter and see its sand. It also houses a museum dedicated to the Greek god Eros, on the upper
floor of the building.

Christ redeemer brazil

It is a 30-meter statue, with an 8-meter pedestal, of

Jesus Christ with open arms looking at the city of Rio
de Janeiro. Inaugurated on October 12, 1931, the
construction is located at the top of Corcovado Hill,
710 meters above sea level.

It is considered the largest Art Deco statue in the world

and one of the main tourist attractions in Brazil.

Great Wall of China, China

It is an ancient fortification built and rebuilt between the 5th

century BC and the 16th century. Its function was to protect the
northern border of the Chinese Empire during attacks by the
Mongols and Manchus.
It has an extension of approximately 7,000 kilometers long and goes from the border with
Korea, on the edge of the Yalu River, to the Gobi Desert, although today only 30% of it is
preserved. It is estimated that it measures between 6 and 7 meters high by 4 and 5 meters wide.

Machu Picchu, Peru

This enigmatic place, located on the rocky promontory that joins

the Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu mountains (Cuzco, Peru),
was built before the 15th century and is located at an altitude of
2,490 meters above sea level.

It is considered a work of architecture and engineering. Its

peculiar landscape characteristics, and the veil of mystery that
has woven around it much of the literature published about the
site, have made it one of the most popular tourist destinations on
the planet.

Petra, Jordan

Its name, which means "stone" in Greek, perfectly denotes what

it is: it is not a city built with stone but, literally, excavated and
sculpted in the stone.

The most famous remains of Petra are undoubtedly its

constructions carved into the very rock of the valley, in
particular, the buildings known as the Khazneh (the Treasury)
and the Deir (the Monastery).

Numerous buildings whose facades are directly sculpted into the rock, form a unique
monumental complex, which as of December 6, 1985 is inscribed on the UNESCO World
Heritage List. The area surrounding the place is also, since 1993, Archaeological National Park.

Taj Mahal, India

It is a mausoleum located in the city of Agra and built between

1632 and 1653. The imposing complex of buildings was
erected in honor of the Muslim emperor Shah Jahan's favorite
wife, Arjumand Bano Begum - better known as Mumtaz
Mahal - who died giving birth to her fourteenth daughter. It is
estimated that its construction required the efforts of some
20,000 workers under the direction of a group of architects.

It is considered the most beautiful example of Mughal architecture, a style that combines
elements of Islamic, Persian, Indian and even Turkish architecture. It has achieved special
notoriety for the romantic nature of its inspiration. Although the mausoleum covered by the
white marble dome is the best-known part, the Taj Mahal is a walled complex of buildings that
covers 17 hectares and also includes a large mosque, a guest house and gardens.

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