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Treetoad's Adventure:

A Tale of Courage and Friendship

Perry L. Martin
Treetoad’s Adventure:
A Tale of Courage and Friendship

By Perry L. Martin

Published by P. Martin Publishing

Copyright © 2024 by Perry L. Martin
Copyright © 2024 by Perry L. Martin
ISBN: 978-1-304-51313-7 (Paperback)
All rights reserved. You may not copy any part of this book
using any means, including electronic ones. This includes
storage and retrieval systems. You need the author's written
permission. However, a reviewer may quote brief passages in
critical articles or reviews.
This is a work of fiction. The author's imagination creates
names, characters, places, and incidents. Or people use them.
Any resemblance to real persons is coincidental. This includes
those who are living or dead, events, and places.

Published by Lulu Press, Incorporation

Illustrations and Cover Design Created in Canva
Glossary words found in the Ojibwa Peoples Dictionary
For Information, Contact:

First Edition: April 2024

Printed in the United States of America
By Perry L. Martin

I would like to dedicate this book to my lovely wife
Rhonda. We have celebrated 32 years of marriage. And to our
three amazing children: Corey, Ryan, and Meagan.

Treetoed’s Adventure: A Tale of Courage and Friendship

"Treetoad’s Adventure: A Tale of Courage and Friendship"
is a heartwarming story about a little Native American Indian
boy named Treetoad. He gets lost while exploring the forest
with his father. As the sun sets, darkness falls. Treetoad
becomes more frightened and unsure of what to do.
But, with the help of a wise old owl, Treetoad learns to
trust his instincts and face his fears. Along the way, he meets
many forest animals. They include a tricky raccoon and a
helpful rabbit. They teach him key lessons about survival and
Through his journey, Treetoad overcomes his fears. He
finds the courage to keep going, even when the path ahead is
uncertain. In the end, he reunites with his family. He learned
valuable lessons. They were about the need for perseverance,
bravery, and the power of friendship.

By Perry L. Martin

Lost in the Forest

Treetoad and his father had been exploring the forest all day.
They had seen so many amazing things and had learned so
much about the animals and plants that lived in the forest. But
as the sun began to set, Treetoad and his father realized that
they had gone too far and it was time to head back to their
Owayseug (Animals)
Geesis (Sun)
Odaynahwing (Village)

Treetoed’s Adventure: A Tale of Courage and Friendship

By Perry L. Martin

As they walked back, Treetoad heard a noise and turned to

investigate. When he looked back, his father was gone.
Treetoad called out for him but there was no answer. As the
sun sank below the horizon, Treetoad found himself alone and
lost in the dark forest.

Nindede(yag) (Father)
Geesis (Sun)
Maygwayyawk (Forest)

Treetoed’s Adventure: A Tale of Courage and Friendship

By Perry L. Martin

Treetoad tried to retrace his steps but soon realized he had

gotten lost. He wandered through the forest, growing more
and more scared with each passing moment. He heard the
sounds of animals in the distance and he was sure that they
were all trying to chase him. He didn't know what to do and
he was afraid that he would never find his way back home.

Winanimiziwin (Terror or Scared)

Owayseug (Animals)

Treetoed’s Adventure: A Tale of Courage and Friendship

By Perry L. Martin

As the night grew darker, Treetoad stumbled and fell over a

tree root. He lay on the ground, crying and feeling hopeless. But
then, something amazing happened. The stars came out, shining
like anything so beautiful. The stars guided him like tiny beacons
in the sky. Treetoad had never seen anything so beautiful. The
stars guided him and gave him hope that he would find his way
back home.

Naakshig (Night)
Mahwee (crying)
Ahnung (Star)

Treetoed’s Adventure: A Tale of Courage and Friendship

By Perry L. Martin

With newfound courage, Treetoed got up and continued

walking. He stumbled upon a small stream and drank some
water, feeling grateful for the relief it provided. As he walked
along the stream, he heard the croak of a nearby frog. Treetoad
knew frogs were often found near water. He thought the sound
might lead him to safety.

Nibi (Water)
Omakakii (Frog)

Treetoed’s Adventure: A Tale of Courage and Friendship

By Perry L. Martin

Chapter 2:
Meeting the Wise Old Owl

He followed the sound and soon found himself near a large tree.
Sitting on a branch was an old owl, who had been watching him
the whole time. "Hello, little one," the owl said in a wise voice.
"What brings you to my forest?"
Treetoad told the owl about his experience. He got separated
from his father and felt lost and scared. The owl listened and then
said, "I may be able to help you. But first, you must calm down
and listen to my advice. The forest can be scary. But, if you stay
alert and use your senses, you will find your way home."

Treetoed’s Adventure: A Tale of Courage and Friendship

By Perry L. Martin

Treetoad listened as the owl imparted his wisdom. He learned

how to listen to animal sounds. He learned to use the stars to
guide him. He learned to find food and water in the forest. With
each passing moment, Treetoad felt more and more confident.
"Thank you," Treetoad said to the owl. "You have given me
hope and the tools to find my way back home."

Akakojiish (Owl)
Owayseug (Animals)
Wesinniwin (Food)

Treetoed’s Adventure: A Tale of Courage and Friendship

By Perry L. Martin

With a newfound sense of purpose, Treetoad set out into the

forest, determined to find his way back home

Maygwayyawk (Forest)
Odaynahwing (village)

Treetoed’s Adventure: A Tale of Courage and Friendship

By Perry L. Martin

Treetoad continued his journey through the forest. He used

the wisdom the old owl had given him. He listened to the
sounds of animals and used the stars to guide him as he
walked. He also found food and water along the way, as the
old owl had taught him.

Akakojiish (Owl)
Maygwayyawk (Forest)
Nibi (Water)
Wesinniwin (Food)

Treetoed’s Adventure: A Tale of Courage and Friendship

By Perry L. Martin

As the day wore on, Treetoad began to feel exhausted. He

was starting to lose hope that he would ever find his way back
home. then, he heard the sound of wings flapping and looked
up to see the old owl perched on a nearby branch.
"Hello again, little one," the owl said in his wise voice.
"How are you holding up?" Treetoad admitted he felt tired
and hopeless. He didn't know if he could keep going.

Akakojiish (Owl)
Ayekozi (Tired)
Banaadendam (He feels discouraged)

Treetoed’s Adventure: A Tale of Courage and Friendship

By Perry L. Martin

The owl replied, "Remember what I told you about using your
instincts and staying calm? You are doing well, but you must not
give up hope. You will find your way back home if you keep
moving forward."
The owl then offered to go with Treetoad on his journey, to
help guide him through the forest. Treetoad was grateful for the
owl's company. Together, they continued their journey.

Nibi (Water)
Miigwech (Thank You)
Bagosenim (Have hope)

Treetoed’s Adventure: A Tale of Courage and Friendship

By Perry L. Martin

As they walked, the owl taught Treetoad even more about

the forest. He showed him how to read the signs of the forest,
like animal tracks and broken branches, to help them find their
way. He also taught him about the many plants and animals
that lived in the forest. He explained how they were all

Name (Find signs)

Bimikawaan (A track)
Wadikwan (A branch)

Treetoed’s Adventure: A Tale of Courage and Friendship

By Perry L. Martin

Treetoad marveled at the enough information to learn about

the forest. He had never realized how much went on in this
magical place. The owl was an excellent teacher and Treetoad
felt lucky to have met him.
As the day turned into night, Treetoad and the owl came
across a small clearing. The owl suggested they rest there for
the night, and Treetoad agreed. The owl showed Treetoad how
to build a small fire, and they settled down to rest.

Giizis (Sun)
Dibik-Giizis (Moon)
Boodawe (Build a fire)

Treetoed’s Adventure: A Tale of Courage and Friendship

By Perry L. Martin

As Treetoad lay there, watching the stars twinkle in the sky,

he realized that he was no longer scared. He had learned so
much on his journey, and he felt like he could handle anything
that the forest threw at him. He closed his eyes, feeling safe and
content, and fell asleep to the sound of the owl's gentle hooting.

Giizhig (Sky)

Nibaa (Asleep)

Gikinawaabi (He learns by observation)

Treetoed’s Adventure: A Tale of Courage and Friendship
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