1962 Scouts

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16The Lima News

Wed., May 16, 1962

Hints from Heloise

Gemini Installation Conducted

Installation ceremonies, with Robert Radcliffe as installing officer, were conducted at the Padtile Restaurant dining room recently for members of Gemini Child Conservation League. Mrs. Frank Hunt has assumed new presidential duties, to be assisted by Mrs. John Zink, vice president; Mrs. Donald Stevens, secretary: Mrs. Joseph Lepo, corresponding secretary: Mrs. Charles Yohe. treasurer and Mrs. Earl Fair, reporter and historian.Fifteen members answered roll call, and plans were made for a cook-out at the Vernon Tilton farm and a children's picnic in July. Mrs. Max Makley won the sunshine gifr and the centerpiece was awarded to Mrs. Franklin Fackler. A S5 donation was voted to the Cancer Fund.

Social Calendar

WEDNESDAY \VSCS, Olive Chapel And Perry Union Churches. Olive Chapel Church, 7:30. Stevens, secretary and Mrs. Frank Hunt, club scrapbook prior to the dinner are, S P A N I S H CONVERSATION GEMINI INSTALLATION Paddle president. from left,* Mrs. Earl Fair, reporter; Mrs. CLUB, Una Noche Alegre, Mrs. Restaurant was the scene for recent in(Lima News Photo by Dick Hunter) Joseph Lepo, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Harold Kay. 2087 Idlewild Dr., 8 stallation ceremonies of Gemini Chapter, John Zink, vice president; Mrs. Donald p.m. Child Conservation. League. Studying the AAUW. Food Research, Mr?. W. J. Fritsche Jr.. 2116 W. High, 6 p.m. Evening Food Research, Mrs. W. Jacobs. .2240 Shawnee Rd,, 7:30 p.m. ABWA. Bosses Night. Milano Club, 6:30 p.m. EPSILON UPSILON. Beta Sigma Phi, banquet. Barr Hotel, 6:^0 p.m. , Activities for the year were con GLEANERS CLASS. St. Luke's Miss Karis Wood, Rimer, was eluded recently when the Lima Lutheran. Mrs. C. Bowdle, 2321 honored at a miscellaneous bridDEAR ABBY: Last year I mar- loves me and our children, but learn that she didn't win anyMerit, 7:30 p.m. Branch of the Association o al shower in the home of Mr. ried a widow. I owned a home sometimes I think, "Oh, what thething. All my former worries are PAST CHIEFS, PYTHIAN SISnow hers. -FORMER WIFE Childhood Education, Internation ai.d Mrs Elmer Stemen, with but it was too large, so I sold it heck!" NO COMPLIMENTS TERS, Mrs. R. Wagner, 2399 Ft. al, held a breakfast. moved int h s DEAR NO: You're lucky. Some " She had Mrs. Chet Foraker. Mrs. Ray Amanda Rd., 7:30 p.m. , mortgage on her home, which I women get plenty of sweet talk How's the world treating you? Those attending heard reports OLIVET PRESBYTERIAN Stemen. Mrs. Dave Diller anfl r,*;j off T "k,ov,t" ner home from their husbands, and nothing For a personal, unpublished repajd w on the recent international conven REBECCA CIRCLE, Mrs. K. Mrs. Robert Stemen as hostesses. f r o m ],er anc j now jt belongs to else. By the way, when was the ply, s e n d a self - addressed tion in Indianapolis. Fairburn, 123 N. Charles, 7:30 stamped envelope to "Abby" A pink and white tissue heart both of us. My p-oblem is her Among those present were Miss p.m. formed the background for the son. He is married and.has been last time y o u complimented care of this paper. THURSDAY es Ruth Bell, Mary Baxter, Mary gifts which were displayed on a !" se tro^le. with the 'a*' "him?" CAREFREE CLUB, Mrs. W. fe , ,. .. (Burglaries and shady deals.) He DEAR ABBY: Please tell the For Abby's booklet, "How To Bush, Mathilda Benny, Ellen . Foster, Sassafrass Foint, Indian table with pink a-nd white motifs carrie _ s & fckey tQ his mother-s "other woman" that if she con- Have A Lovely Wedding," send Clark, Dolly Clark, Grace DempLake. centered with a bride doll. house, which means he can come siders herself the winner, it is all 50 cents to "Abby," Box 3365, ster, Helen G. Hawkins, Sally CIRCLE FOUR, St. Luke's Lu- Miss Robin Schlereth, cousin of and go as he pleases. I do not right with me. But she will soon [Beverly Hills. Calif. Hornberger, Iris Hoi, Helen Miltheran, Mrs. J. Stonehill, 7 Elm-the bride-elect who will serve as trust him. and worry about some ler, Lois Stadler, Margaret Tulga view Ct, 1:30 p.m. and Rosalie Bacome, a guest. bridesmaid, assisted Miss Wood f 'he valuable things (jewelry GRADATIM CI.ASS. St. Mark's and money) I have in the house. Mmes. Cora Binkley, Marion in opening her gifts. Thirty-five His mother has asked him for the Methodist, at church, 6 p.m. Blauvelt, Rehato Bacome, Lu HAWTHORNE CLUB, Hunter's guests were present. key, but he only gives her excuscille Collier, Margaret Crosson Restaurant, Waynesfield, noon. The wedding will be an event es. How can I get the key back? Edna Cramer, Sally Farnholtz JUST US BUNCO CLUB, Mrs. of June 9 in Ottawa R i v e r CAREFUL Dorothy D. Gardner, Flossie Ladd J. Walter, 715 Linden, 8 p.m. Church. Miss Wood is a daugh- DEAR CAREFUL: Forget the Grace Methodist Church men Kitchen band members includHelen Lloyd, Marian E. Mason LIMA ROSE SOCIETY, First ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles key and change the locks. served the dinner for the recent ed Mrs. Hitchcock, Mrs. D. PerHelen McElwee, Mary Mooney Nad. Bank Mtg- Rm., 8 p.m. Wood. Rimer, and the prospecmother - daughter banquet in the ry, Mrs. Paul Reeder, Mrs. F. Mary Jane Musser, Nettie SHAKESPEARE STUDY CLUB, tive bridegroom, Willis Stemen, DEAR ABBY: I am 17, but look church parlors. They were dressStuart, Julia Strawn, Helen W Clark, Mrs. Q. Derryberry, Mrs. First Baptist Church, 9 a.m. Wood and William Pebbles. is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer older. I recently met a man ed in old-fashioned clothing, and Eyler and Mrs. R. B. Houtzer. FRIDAY (about my father's age) at a drug served the meal against a backStemen, Ft. Jennings. HAPPY HOURS CLUB. Mrs. store where I work on Saturdays. ground of parlor piano tunes E. McClure, Lafayette, 1:30 p.m. He says he is a movie talent played by Mrs. Clif Willis. Mrs. ST. LUKE'S Lutheran Church, scout and he would like to give Richard Reeder gave the greetbanquet, Clemans Bldg., 6 p.m. me a screen test. No one where ing to mothers, with Mrs. MilSATURDAY I work seems to know who he is. dred McCreary presenting the DAUGHTERS OF MOKANNA, I know I am nice looking because greeting to daughters. spaghetti supper, Masonic Tempeople tell me that all the time. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Mrs. Ada Rockhold was elected ple dining room, 5 p.m. Should I take this man seriously Wayne Snider, woman with old- president of the Women's Society LOST CREEK CC SPRING or do you think he is kidding est mother present, and to Mrs. of Christian Service of Fletcher James Shoupe, mother with DANCE, dinner 7 p.m.; dance, 10 me? HELEN Chapel Church at a recent meet- "New Trends in the Social Min p.m. Miss Shirley Rae Bradford be- DEAR HELEN: First, give this youngest baby. Mrs. Burton Haristry to Children and Youth" wil ST. ROSE BAND BOOSTERS, came the bride of Larry Wayne man a "screening." Invite him to mon received the surprise award. ing held in the home of Mrs be the topic used when thre dance, school, 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 Higbie at 5:30 p.m. May 11 in meet your parents. They'll find Mrs. Richard Repasz was pro- Marion Huff, 2225 Wellesley Drive groups of St. Luke's Luthera p.m. the United Missionary Church. out in a hurry if he's kidding gram chairman, with program Also elected were Mrs. Lenna Church Women meet this week. participants including Mrs. A. Rev. Robert William's performed Sidener, vice president; Mrs Circle One will meet at 9:3 DEAR ABBY: What can a Hitchcock. Mrs. George Nice. Cora Ulrey, secretary; Mrs. Helen a.m. Thursday in the home o the ceremony. Mrs. Paul Rader, Mrs. Charles Miss Shirley Gossard. organist, woman of 42 do to get a comMrs. Charles' Clabbers. 953 W Cook, Mrs. Lowell Butler, Mrs Lawrence, treasurer; Mrs. Jean played "I Love You Truly" and pliment out of her husband? I Barns, spiritual life secretary; Faurot Ave. The hostess will pre have spent hours in the beauty Ronald Williams, Mrs. Allen Re- Mrs. Ruth Bowdle, promotion sec- sent the topic. 'Always." Harmony Birthday Club met The former Miss Bradford is a parlor getting a new hair-do. No pasz. Mrs. Jay Hone and Mrs. retary; Mrs. Effie Vertner, mis- Mrs. Hugh Benson, 237 S. Pine recently with Mrs. Vern Neuman.daughter of Mrs. Erma Harnish- comment. I bought material and Willis. sionary education; Mrs. Mabe' will be hostess for Circles Tw 501 Orena, with Mrs. Helen Pohl- feger, 3621/-. S. Jackson, and Mr- made myself a beautiful outfit in Three hundred persons were Kaufman, literature and publica- Wednesday at 1 p.m. The topi abel and Mrs. William Gettinger Higbie is a son of Mr. and Mrs. his favorite colorblue. No com- present for the event, with the tions; Mrs. Data Gleaves, youth ' " ^ c v will be given by Mrs. E. S. Kes ment. I use cosmetics artistically :0 member family of Mrs. J. B.work; and Mrs. Helen Barns, stu as guests. James E. Higbie, 3200 Blue Lick ler. and even searched for a subtle Sprague taking honors for the Mrs. Albert Stump and Mrs. Mrs. John Stonehill will giv dent work. Road. perfume I thought he'd like. No largest family in attendance. E. E. Hall were successful in bunThe bride wore a blue brocade comment. Everyone else tells me Men's bathing suit models were Rev. Lawrence Cordery will in- the topic for Circle Four when ' co. meets Thursday at 2 p.m. in he stall all new officers at Attending were Mrs. Roy Bor- dress wiih matching blue acces- I am a fine-looking woman, but p au ] Rader, EKin Eyerl and at Holden at a later the church 'home, 7 Elmview Court. date. sories. Her short veil was at- he never says a word. I know he R i h Smith. land, Mrs. Harley Chisman, Mrs. a p Kenneth Everett, Mrs. E. E. Hall, tached to a hat of nylon petals. She wore an orchid corsage on her Mrs. Albert Stump, Mrs. Myrtle Springer. Mrs. Bess Walser. Mrs. wrist. Her only attendant was Mrs. Inez Rathburn and the hostess. The next meeting will he held Jan Higbie. The bridegroom's with Mrs. Harley Chisman, June brother. Jim Higbie, was best man. S. The new Mrs. Higbie attended Lima Senior High School and is employed *t Welles Department Store. Mr. Higbie graduated from Bath High School and is em ployed at Ford Motor Co. The couple are temporarily re siding at 362V; S. Jackson.

Rimer Girl Honored

Dear Abby


I take an old peanutnbutter Anyone know? Write to Heloise, jar-and put a cup of sugar in care of this paper. Dear Housewives: it. Then add a teaspoon of pure Dear Heloise: If any of you gals are confused cinnamon to the sugar (one might Your hint on rubbing alcohol for bout what will or will not mix add two or three teaspoons if they removal of stains was wonderful with household bleaches, put really like the taste o! cinnamon.) so I tried it on an entirely new our broom in the corner for a Shake the jar vigorously and the stain the other day and it worked cinnamon will mix with the sugar. too. minute and listen: The Do NOT mix household bleach- ' Keep this jar in your cabinet, church brass candlesicks at our left two black smudges on s with toilet cleaners, vinegar and pour some of the mixture in emptj little spice bottles that the white communion doth. I r any acid substance because washed them in alcohol before he combination can produce have the "salt-shaker" plastic putting the cloth in soap suds.. tops. deadly chlorine gasOn the other hand, household Time for breakfast and all one Every bit of the brass smudge leaches can be used safely with has to do is butter the bread came but . . .thanks to you and rdinary scouring cleaners such and shake the cinnamon mixture your readers Olive Peay as we use on bathtubs or kitchen o"T it. Pop it in the oven and presto! Good cinnamon toast Ladies: sinks. Scouring powders contain a Alcohol (the cheapest kind that (leaching ingredient that is of the with no effort. same general composition as the Raisin bread is good for this. we call rubbing alcohol and can main ingredient in household Also try French, bfown and be purchased from any drug store) is one of the best stain removers wheat types for variety. ileaches. Novelty I know. Remember you are a housewife It you have a stain that nothand not a chemist and a good Dear Heloise: rule is to read the labels on bot- When my baby outgrew her ing else will remove, try alcohol. les and cans before you do any bassinette, I was left with small If you find a stain . . like this mixing. There's a law that re- receiving blankets that would not woman did, that is unusual - . .do let us know so that we can pass it quires warnings to be printed on fit her crib. abels telling you what not to do. I sewed two of them together or. to our friends, the housewives. >ut on your glasses and read (rather than end-to-end) and I have found that this will refound that this gave me lovely move tobacco stains, underarm hem. Okay, now you can grab your blankets for her crib. They are stains on bras and nylons slip! even large enough to tuck in the caused by dyes from clothing that iroom and go back to work! Heloise. sides of the crib. By doing this not even pure bleach will remove, they can be used for several and will remove even grass Dear Heloise: For those who are sick of the years rather than just a few stainsKeep us informed, so that we same old thing for breakfast anc months. want something quick, cheap, and How do you keep plastic baby may inform others. Let's share. pants soft? How can they be soft- After all . . .who is a better ifferent, try cinnamon toast. There is no need to buy the ened once after hardening? I friend than one who shares her shortcuts? Let's stick together. expensive ready mixes. I make would appreciate an answer. Love Heloise Mrs. C. M. Thompson my own and it's much cheaper. By HELOISE CRUSE

You're Not A Chemist; Don't Mix Or Match

At Shower

Forget Those Keys; Change The Locks

Concluded By ACE


f tUt fo-i



Banquet Served By Men At Grace Church Event

Ceremony Unites Couple

Mrs. Rockhold

Elected Leader

Lutheran Circles

To Meet

Neuman Home Meeting Site

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LIPPINCOTT MEMORIAL Jacob S temple Chapter of 1812 celebrated their 10th anniversary recently with a luncheon at the Argonne Hotel, followed by dedicatory services and placing of a marker on the grave of local organization's first president, Mrs. Otis T. Lippincott. Shown above is Lt. Col. Verne Silbaugh US Army, (retired) presenting the marker to Mrs. Charles Dougan, chaplain of Ohio State Society, USD of 1812, who presided at the dedicatory service. (Lima News Photo)

USD Of 1812 Unveil Memorial

Tenth anniversary of the found- the chapter. Mrs. Failor further pincott. A color guard from Boy Scout ing of Jacob Stemple Chapter of outlined some highlights from the United States Daughters of 1812 past years, noting accomplish- Troop No. 57, composed of Doug Herman, Color Bearer, with Doug was celebrated Saturday at a ment of projects such as the marking of the Dye Sunderland site, Ferguson and Jack Workman, Colluncheon in the Argonne Hotel, or Guards, presented and retired with the presentation and unveil- which was the location of the first permanent home in Allen the flag. Mrs. Clapp unveiled the ing of a marker for Mrs. Otis T. Lippincott, the organization's County. This marker is located marker, and Lt. Col. Verne R. west of Lima on Fort Amanda Silbaugh, US Army (retired) first president. placed a wreath containing 10 A charter member and imme- Road approximately 200 feet past white carnations, the organizathe Amanda-Sunderland road indiate past president, Mrs. W. F. tion's flower, symbolic of the 10th Failor, told of the organizing tersection. anniverary, on the grave. Mrs. meeting held March 27, 1952, and Mrs. Charles Dougan, McCon- Dougan then concluded the servgave a brief history of the ac- nelsville, chaplain of the state ices with a prayer. complishments since that time, society, gave the dedication servHostesses for the lunjcheon were noting that of the charter mem- ice and presented the marker. She rtrs. Mrs. bers, six were present for this was assisted by the following lo- Mrs. Plate, Mrs. Oir"' K' Fisher occasion, namely Mrs. Francis cal officers: Mrs. Wood, presi- and Mrs. Lester Long. P. Plate, state president; Mrs. dent, Mrs. Clapp, chaplain and Guests were Mrs. Dougan, Mrs. Helen Wood, president of the lo- Mrs. Edgar McElwain, vice pres- W. B. Porter, McConnelsville, and cal chapter; Mrs. N. B. Clapp Jr. ident, who gave a biographical Mrs. Eugene T. Lippincott. Mrs. Frank N. Wallace, Mrs. Fail- sketch of Mrs. Lippincott's asso- Members attending were Mrs. or and Mrs. Verne R. Silbaugh, ciation with the USD of 1812, Helen Andrews, Mrs. Clapp, Mrs. including her membership in Pet-Failor, Mrs. John D. Falls, Mrs. daughter of Mrs. Lippfncott. Mrs. Failor told of the organiz- er Navarre Chapter, Toledo, from Fisher, Mrs. Long, Mrs. McEling meeting in 1952 when Mrs. 1937 until she organized the local wain, Mrs. Plate, Mrs. Wallace, Fred D. Coulson, then president group, named from her great- Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Ross Turner of Ohio Society USD of 1812, pre- grandfather, Jacob Stemple Sr. and Mrs. Silbaugh.




-A -

Area Women [Hold Work-Day

"Home and Family Life" was [the program theme when mem Ibers. of the Women's Fellowship | of Ottawa River Church met re Icently in the church social rooms for a work day followed by an afternoon program. The carry-in dinner was serv Jed by Group Two with Esteila Dunlap and Ossie Humphreys as [chairmen. Twenty-five members and guests wore present. Home :mrl f a m i l y life was dis cussed at I he afternoon meeting |wilh Bcrnice Lehman directing the program. Plans were made to redecorate the parsonage. A Mother's Day reading by Margaret Deffenbaugh completed the program. The June 14 meeting will be held in the home Of Mrs. Ruth Pierce, with Group One a-s hostesses.

. . Materprppf. your basement now! Home Cleaning Needs

Hardware Co.
Corner Main ot North


KITCHEN BAND Grace Methodist Church women formed a "kitchen band" for the recent mother-daughter banquet at the church. "Performing " from left, are Mrs. Quentin Derryberry, Mrs.

Elvin Eyler, Mrs. Floyd Clark, Mrs. Richard Houtzer, Mrs. Paul Rader, Mrs. Dennis Perry and Mrs. Art Hitchcock.

sided and presented Charter num- The group then proceeded to ber 243, which had been granted the Rockport Cemetery, where The U.S. Department of Agriby the national society. This was further dedicatory services were culture suggests banana s l i c e s gCclVcU oy iviio- WHO * *~if* completed --. v.. fr.v<.<^ * a and red | received by Mrs. Otis T. Lip- ***! !* * with the 'placing vof * .. . w -raspberries for a lowpincott, organizing president, for mark on the grave of Mrs. Lip-calorie dessert.



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