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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ministry of popular power for education

EU “Pedro Centeno Vallenilla” School

Barcelona, Anzoategui State

5th year, section “B”

Teacher: Student:
Thania Goitia Reinaldo Navarro

Barcelona, May 6, 2021


The Manufacturing Industry is the one that transforms raw materials into
goods or finished products.

In Venezuela, the first industrial investments were made in the textile

industry, footwear, soaps and perfumery, candles, printing presses, beer,
cigarettes, furniture, and construction, which were aimed at meeting the needs of
the internal market.

In the work presented below we will talk about everything related to the
manufacturing industry, the types that exist in Venezuela, the main industrial
centers that exist and the geographical bases of the manufacturing industry.

Manufacturing industry
The Manufacturing Industry is the one that transforms raw materials into
goods or finished products.

Usually these industries are divided into three levels: light industries,
intermediate industries and heavy industries. But in Venezuela it is divided into
four levels

The official nomenclature of Venezuela distinguishes the following

industrial levels

The Manufacturing Industry constitutes the secondary sector of the

country's economy, which is made up of:

 Traditional industries: Those that have had an artisanal origin and

domestic production. Example: the food industry, the textile industry, the
footwear industry, among others.
 Intermediate Industries: Those that produce raw materials for other
industries. Example: the paper, cement and chemical industries.
 Mechanical Industries: Those that produce machinery for personal use.
Example: the automotive assembly industry, the producer of electrical
equipment, among others.
 Residual Group: Made up of diverse industries that do not fit within the
aforementioned categories. Example: plastic arts industry.

Industrial areas of Venezuela

The main industrial centers are: Caracas, Maracay and Valencia, with
minor auxiliary centers in Puerto Cabello-Morón, Guacara, San Joaquín, La
Encrucijada-Cagua, La Victoria and Tejerías.

The central region not only has the most important commercial centers and
services but also has the most advanced technical and administrative assistance
systems essential for the development and stability of industrial activity.

Geographic bases of the manufacturing industry

They are made up of all those natural and human elements that make possible
the emergence, permanence and development of manufacturing activities.

 Raw material: It comes from the three kingdoms: plant, animal and
mineral. It is represented by all those materials that the industry uses in its
various production processes.
 Population: It is a fundamental factor since it represents the basis on
which industrial growth and development is based. The population fulfills
two basic functions:
 Produces: It constitutes the work force or indispensable labor force
 Consume: Represents the market that the industry needs for the
placement and sale of the goods it manufactures.
 Capital: Capital means the set of goods used to mobilize a company, that
is, everything used by man in the production process.
 Transportation: It is the economic activity that deals with the
mobilization and distribution of produced goods with the purpose of
making them available to consumer markets.
 Market: It includes the entire population that demands and consumes
goods and services.


Manufacturing industries are those that transform raw materials into

finished products. Usually these industries are divided into three levels: light
industries, intermediate industries and heavy industries. But in Venezuela it is
divided into four levels: Traditional industries, these are those that aim to meet the
needs of the population, for example: the food industry, the textile industry, the
footwear industry, among others. Intermediate industries: these are those that
produce raw materials for other industries, for example: the paper industry,
cement industries and chemicals. Mechanical industries: are those that produce
machinery for personal use, example: the automotive assembly industry, the
producer of electrical equipment, among others and Residual Group: are all those
industries that do not fit with those mentioned above, example: plastic arts
industry .

These industries try to fulfill their function correctly, using excellent

quality raw materials to obtain a good final product.

Venezuela is a rich country in different areas, especially in the things that

nature provides, a great example is how the national territory is divided with
respect to industries, taking advantage of everything that each region can offer.

The public manufacturing industry occupies fifth place in order of

economic importance in Venezuela, it occupies that position because it produces
important items for daily life.

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