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FOUNDATION..................................................................................................................................... 3

PRINCIPLES OF THE PROCEDURE.................................................................................................. 4

GOALS................................................................................................................................................ 5

LEVELS OF POLICY ACTION............................................................................................................ 6

PROHIBITIONS................................................................................................................................. 12

REGARDING SANCTIONS............................................................................................................... 13

POLICY IN RELATION TO COLLABORATING COMPANIES.........................................................13

GENERAL DISPOSITION.................................................................................................................. 14



General Background

Processa Industrial, considering its relevant role in society, permanently promotes modern
management of people through their comprehensive development, seeking to achieve and
maintain increasing levels of well-being, safety and productivity.

In this context, this Policy understands that the consumption of alcohol and other drugs
represents a complex global health phenomenon that concerns all social actors, relevant
or not, as part of promotion and awareness strategies, particularly in the face of serious
damages and effects on the health of the affected people and their environment. Some
visible consequences of this phenomenon are: greater absenteeism and accidents, lower
performance, deterioration of interpersonal relationships and lower life expectancy, among



The underlying and guiding principles of all the actions that arise from the Policy and that
will guide all the processes involved are:

 Respect for the constitutional and labor rights of the worker : The procedures
to be implemented in light of this policy must be subject to the protection of the
constitutional guarantees that protect all workers, particularly with respect to those
that determine the protection of their honor and life. private.

 Assume that drug addiction and alcoholism are a disease : The problems
associated with these are susceptible to prevention, treatment and recovery, so
workers who require it will be given the opportunity for medical and psychological

 Safety : It will be assumed as a permanent and transversal value to all the

functions of the company in order to prevent and reduce risks for workers and the

 Universality: This policy will be applicable to all company workers, without any

 Confidentiality of information and treatment : Compliance with this standard is

considered an essential requirement, to which all actors involved must comply,
such as management, supervisors, therapeutic centers and other workers.

 Timely information : We will ensure that all workers are aware of the Policy, for
which we will rely on the various means of communication available to the

 Processa Industrial will promote the preservation of the employment relationship of

workers who are enrolled in the treatment program and comply with the
commitments established therein.



General objectives

 Maintain a work environment free of the use of drugs and alcohol, promoting the
quality of work life and the well-being of workers.

 Contribute to the achievement of the goals

strategic of Processa Industrial, standing out as a safe company for its
workers and clients.

Specific objectives

 Raise awareness and educate about alcohol abuse and drug use as well as
non-prescription drugs, promoting healthy lifestyles

 Maintain a control program and early detection of consumption among

Processa Industrial workers through random and periodic examinations

 Maintain a therapeutic support program for those workers who may have
problematic drug and/or alcohol use that includes specialized treatment

 Promote and disseminate the policy and associated programs among all
members of the company through the various communication tools it has.

 Promote among Contractor Companies the implementation of their own

policies, which must contemplate minimum prevention and control actions.



Educational Preventive Level

Processa Industrial recognizes education as a central axis for prevention as well as for
adopting healthy lifestyles and improving the quality of life of workers. That is why it will
make training and learning a continuous and permanent process.

When there is dissemination, knowledge and education, the perception of risk around
consumption increases, based on the hypothesis “the greater the perception of risk, the
lower the probability of consumption.”


 Raise awareness and educate about alcohol abuse and drug use as well as non-
prescription drugs, promoting healthy lifestyles

Specific Actions

Carry out permanent training for managers, supervisors and other workers in order to
disseminate the Policy, as well as issues related to alcohol and other drug abuse.

Prepare and distribute educational material related to the topic through the different media
available in Processa Industrial.

Participate in corporate training programs, such as technical retraining, induction or others

where educational content on drugs and alcohol abuse will be included.

Support recreational, sports and sociocultural activities in the work environment that
contribute to the best use of free time and healthy lifestyles

Support the Risk Prevention and Safety Policies of the operation and works regarding the
effects of the use of alcohol and other drugs, as well as drugs without medical indication.

Level of Early Detection and Control

Individual diagnostic initiative will be promoted through responsible self-assessment



Prevent and early detect the consumption of alcohol and other drugs and/or medications
without a medical prescription in order to avoid work and personal consequences.

Early diagnostic

It will be carried out based on indicators associated with the following situations:

 Detection of the consumption of alcohol, drugs and medications without a

medical prescription, through testing techniques carried out according to a
specific procedure for toxicological examinations (Medical Examination and
Anti-Doping 5 Points).

 Identification of risk behaviors in the workplace associated with the use or

abuse of substances regulated in this policy.


The criteria for applying control and early detection exams are:

 Medical examinations and 5-point Anti-Doping test for applicants to the

Company, without distinction of the position for which they apply, as well as in
cases of promotions and transfers to critical positions.

 Workers participating in rehabilitation treatment programs

 Workers involved in accidents or incidents of a work nature that could affect the
safety of the company and its operation

 Faced with symptomatic behaviors that allow it to be presumed in a well-

founded and justified manner that the worker is under the influence of alcohol
or drugs during the work day.

 To all workers randomly according to the “Toxicological Testing Procedure”

(Provided by specialized institutions).


Toxicological tests

Random exams will be applied to the entire workforce with an indefinite contract, without
distinction of position and functions, with strict protection of the dignity of people and
confidentiality of information.

The exam will be carried out in a specialized laboratory certified for this purpose. The
sample may be urine, blood or another biological matrix, using the screening and
confirmatory method. The sample collection is supervised by a person designated by the

Considering that the service provider is certified and validated by the corresponding
authorities, positive confirmatory results will be considered conclusive for the purposes of
this Policy.

Workers whose toxicological analysis of the counter sample is confirmatory will be referred
to a clinical evaluation carried out by a specialized professional team, which will determine
if the worker requires medical treatment.

The control process through toxicological examinations will be carried out according to the
respective procedure, which is part of this Policy and the Internal Hygiene and Safety

Without prejudice to the voluntary nature of these examinations, the Administration is

empowered to exercise the powers granted to it by Law and which are part of the Internal
Regulations of Order, Hygiene and Safety.



Without prejudice to what is indicated in the principles of this policy and what the laws and
regulations provide, Processa Industrial establishes the following prohibitions for all its

 Bring alcoholic beverages and all substances regulated in this Policy into the
company or workplace. Workers who, by medical prescription, must consume
medications defined as benzodiazepines will be exempt from this prohibition, a
situation that must be communicated to their direct manager, who will request
authorization from the controlling doctor who will certify whether the worker can
perform his or her duties normally.

 Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol in any of its degrees, or illicit
drugs, as well as the production, possession, distribution, transfer, sale or
consumption of said substances

 The consumption of alcohol and other drugs in any of their forms or ways of
ingestion within the workplace and in recreational or sports activities organized
by the company.



The worker who has been detected with abuse or dependence on alcohol or other drugs
and who does not agree to participate in the rehabilitation program offered by Processa
Industrial, or who, while undergoing treatment, abandons it without justified cause or does
not comply with the commitments established in this regulation. Policy, it will be
considered that he is not in the state of health that is required for the performance of his
job, incurring unsafe conduct for him and the operation of Processa Industrial, therefore he
will be subject to the general rules established by legislation. labor and the Internal
Regulations of the Company.


Processa Industrial, in its interest to provide healthy work spaces free of the risks caused
by the use of alcohol and other drugs, will ask the companies that provide services to
establish a Policy on these matters, which must be part of the respective contract. . This
policy must consider at least:

 Carrying out medical examinations and 5-point Anti-Doping tests. The

laboratory in which the toxicological analyzes are carried out must be known
and accepted by Processa Industrial.

 Definition of the measures to be taken in the event that there are positive
results in occupational toxicological examinations



 Processa Industrial will ensure that all activities undertaken within the
framework of this policy consider the means that allow the evaluation of their

 Processa Industrial is committed to maintaining the employment relationship

and not affecting the career development of those workers who have
participated in the Employee Assistance Program and who have a medical
discharge certified by a specialist. Without prejudice to this, the company
reserves the right to consider changing positions considering medical
indications and/or when the safety of the worker and the operation is affected.
However, the above will not apply to workers who contravene the obligations
and prohibitions contemplated in the Internal Regulations.

 Any situation not provided for in this policy will be resolved by the General
Management at the suggestion of the Human Resources Management, in
accordance with the Regulations and other internal policies of Processa



 NOM-028-SSA2-1999, For the prevention, treatment and control of addictions.

Chapter 6 Prevention.

 NOM-028-SSA2-1999, For the prevention, treatment and control of addictions.

Chapter 7 Early detection.

 NOM-030-SSTPS-2009, Preventive health and safety services at work-Functions

and activities. Chapter 5, section 5.8 Record the results of the occupational health
and safety program, Chapter 11, section 11.2 monitoring the health of workers.


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