School Database Data Dictionary

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School Database Data Dictionary

Field Data type and length Observations
emp_id Whole Primary key
Ap_emp Character string of length 15 Not null
Am_emp Character string of length 15 Not null
E-mail Character string of length 15 Null
Emp_addr Character string of length 30 Not null
Tlf_emp whole Not null

Field Data type and length Observations
prof_id Whole Primary key
Specialty character string of length 12 Null
Category character string of length 12 Not null

Field Data type and length Observations
dept_id Whole Primary key
Dep_name character string of length 30 Not null

Field Data type and length Observations
est_id Whole Primary key
Ap_est character string of length 15 Not null
Am_est character string of length 15 Not null
date date type Not null, MM-DD-YYYY
Age Whole Not null

Field Data type and length Observations
salon_id Whole Primary key
Guy character string of length 10 Not null

Field Data type and length Observations
building_id Whole Primary key
Name Character string of length 1 Not null

Field Data type and length Observations
class_id Whole Primary key
class_hours Whole Not null
Field Data type and length Observations
course_id Whole Primary key
cur_name character string length 35 Not null
Description character string of length 30 Not null

Field Data type and length Observations
class_id Whole Primary key
est_id Whole Primary key
Degree Whole Not null
date_ins date type Not null, DD,MM,YY


Field Data type and length Observations

rep_id Whole Primary key
rep_dir Whole Not null

Translation to the Relational Model of the School Database

emp_id Ap A.M E-mail

prof_id Specialty Category

dep_id Name D
est_id Ap_est Am_est date Age

salon_id Guy

building_id Name

course_id cur_name Description

class_id class_hours

Degree date_ins

Definition of Case Study of the School Database

After having carried out the interviews, the following information was obtained:
Currently, the University's information management is carried out manually, since all
records are made with paper.
A database system is needed to carry out school control at the university.
The information that must be recorded is described below:
There are employees, some of whom are teachers. For each employee, an identifier,
name and one or more email addresses are registered.
If an employee is a professor, the category to which he belongs (Associate A, B or C;
or Full Member A, B or C), and his specialty will also be recorded.
There are departments and each department has a unique identifier and name. A
department must have some professor who heads it and several professors can be
employees in a department, but not all professors can be heads.
Each department of the university must offer different courses. Courses have a unique
course identifier, name, description, and credit value. In turn, these courses generate
several classes and the classes are taught by the teachers.
Each teacher must teach at least one class. Each class is taught in a room, which has
a unique room identifier, and a type (normal, laboratory, audiovisual or multipurpose)
and belongs to a building. The building must have an identifier and a name.
Different classes can be taught in a classroom but at different times. To control
schedules, each class has been assigned a class ID, a schedule, and a teacher. Each
class can only be taught in one room.
Student registration is also kept. Their identifier, name, e-mail, date of birth is required.
It is important to know the age of each of them somewhere in the system.
Each student has a single advisor, but a professor can have more than one student to
Students can enroll throughout their career in different classes. Each class belongs to
only one course. The class identifier and class hours are recorded for the class.
When a student enrolls in one of them, their enrollment date and the grade to which the
student belongs at the time of taking it are captured.

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