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UX Design

Assignment Brief

Design an AI Based Platform

“ Digital Twins ”

Assignment Deadline

Within 48 hours from

the email

Problem Statement

User Digital Twins are becoming increasingly important in various industries,

offering the ability to create a virtual representation of a physical object, system,
or process.

In this assignment, you will design a cutting-edge platform known as "Digital

Twin," which serves as an AI avatar generator. The platform empowers users to
create personalized AI avatars by seamlessly combining a photograph and a
recorded voice. Furthermore, it offers a distinctive feature that enables users to
influence the emotional expression of their Digital Twin's communication
through a versatile "emotion slider" with a wide range of emotions.

Multi-Device Design:
You have the creative freedom to design the Digital Twin platform for one of the
three - Web/ mobile/ tablet Devices. Designed Version should offer a
seamless and optimized user experience.

User Flow

User flow that demonstrates how users will navigate and interact with the digital
twin platform. Include steps for creating, visualizing, and monitoring
digital twins, as well as any other relevant interactions.

Consider the following User Flow for digital twins -

Information Architecture (IA)

This Provide an outline of how information should be organized on the platform.

This could include the structure of the dashboard, menu items, and
the hierarchy of information.

Consider the following IA for digital twins -

Submission Instructions

Your mission is to create a user-friendly platform with photo and voice

integration to bring Digital Twins to life. Highlight emotion customization with
an intuitive slider for engaging and personalized speech.

The integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence) is pivotal. It drives the core

functionalities of the Digital Twin platform, enabling realistic avatars and emotion
customization to transform user experiences.

Feel free to make design choices, but provide clear justifications for your
decisions. If you need to make assumptions or wish to follow specific design
specifications, please document them.

Please share your design work in one of the following formats:

Google Drive / Figma

Evaluation Criteria

We will evaluate your submission based on the following criteria:

Wireframing and Prototyping
Creativity and Innovation
Alignment with UX design principles
Compliance with provided design specifications

It would be great if you could send this over to us within 48 hours

after the email is sent.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or need clarification on the assignment,

please don't hesitate to get in touch with the recruiter.

Thank you for your time and effort.

We look forward to reviewing your submission.

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