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Hints From Heloise


Cover Your Hand With Bag

clutching it . . .take your othe By HELOISE CRUSE hand and pull the bag off "iniid Dear Heloise: When oiling furniture, machin- out" over the dust cloth. ery, or anything that requires oil: Your dustcloth will end up ii Tips For Dips bag. which the Your small frys' wading p o o l Just slip a good plastic bag side the plasticfor storing. It over your hand and use it as you may be used picks up a lot of grime from t h e also easy to reuse the same pla kiddies. Keep it clean with a reg- would a "protective" glove and tic bag by pulling it up over you then proceed with the job . . . ular cleansing. A mixture of pine hand the next time and it's a oil cleaner with warm water or Use a plastic bag when doing ready to go! L. L. C. your dusting and polishing and a combination of soda and water make inexpensive solutions, ffmse your hands will never get soiled. thoroughly with clear water be- After you have finished the job Dear Heloise: hold onto the rag, and while I wonder if anyone can tell m fore refilling.

Shownee Holds Card Party

Shtwoee Country Club held a ladies card luncheon recently at the club. Attending were Mrs. C. Schneider, Mrs. Clare'Stump, Mrs. V. C. Hossellman, Mrs. Clayton Paine, Mrs. F. Cutter, Mrs. John Reed, Mrs. C. V. Wolfe, Mrs. Charles S. Beggs, Mrs. Laughlin, Mrs. J. D. Bailey, Mrs. E. G. Crawford, Mrs. Harry M o r i n, J. Mrs. H. W. Tuttle, Mrs. D. M. Conn, Mrs. Herbert A. Thomas and Mrs. H. T. Wilson.

sic, announces the engagement of his only daughter, Dolores Marie Latnmen, to Gerry Lee Wenzinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wenninger, Rt 1, New Bavaria. Miss Lammers, who is also how to frost, windows so I won't the daughter of the late Mrs. Lorneed to use curtaini. .. Mpacial- etta Lammers, is a 1M} graduate ly in my garage! M. H. of Miller City High School. Mr. The only answer I have found Wenzinger, a 1961 graduate of is to go to your dime store where Holgate High School, attends they sell gold fish and aquarium Ohio State University and during equipment. the summer is employed in the Ask for a froster this is a field department of Libby. Meliquid which people ordinarily buy Neill and Libby at Leipsic.

Area Couple Engaged Arthur Ltmmen, Rt. 2, Leip-

to coat the inside of gold fish Wc'Ming plane are being made bowls and aquariums: I have had for next summer. excellent results coating windows and shower doors with this. Read directions on package. Heloise Dear Heloise: I have had trouble with rickrack shrinking more than the material until I found that the rickrack could be pre-srunk before sewing it on the garment! All I do is just dip the card of rick-rack in hot water and use a towel to remove excess moisture and let it dry on the card. This does "not" require ironing. Then apply as usual to the garment. Mrs. V. B. Russell

Mrs. Heffner Hosts Club

Patriotic Club members a n d guests-were entertained recently in the home of Mrs. Maurice Heffner, Lafayette. Nineteen members answered roll call and prize recipients were Mrs. James Frail, Mrs. Robert Ruff and Mrs. Melva Ruff. Servicemen's Canteen workers for Aug. H will b* Mrs. Melva Ruff. Mrs. Dennis Vandemark and Mrs. Robert Ruff. Silver Spring Lake will be site of the rescheduled family picnic Dear Heloise: Just how in this world do you Aug. 25 at 12:30 p.m. wash a blender? I cannot get my brushes under it. -Grateful

Miss Dolores Marie Lommers

Honey: All you have to do after using a blender is to empty it of its food, fill with just a drop or two of detergent, add some warm water and set it back on the motor. Turn the motor on low and it washes itself! Dump this water out, fill the blender with clean water and let it spin once more. And that's all there is to it. I didn't Know there was any other way. Heloise Dear Heloise: I have found that pillowcases and linens become musty between washings and ironings and after they sit on the shelf a while waiting to be used. I have tried soaking them overnight in bleaches ... and all of the ideas I have ever heard of. Yesterday, I sprayed my wet pillow cases with a healthy dose of non-toxic room air - freshener then put them in the dryer. I now have the sweetest smelling pillow cases anyone could ask for. This might work for others who have that musty odor in clothes. -Mrs. H. E. W.

Dear Abby.

All Season Open House,-No Joke!

the full course meal, and I eat worked. Sure enough, she was his By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN DEAR ABBY: Summer is here die child's portion. By the way, I wife. Many years have passed, and so are the parasites who flock am 6' 1" and weigh 185. Abby. I'm older now, and smarter. I'm in business and have met to our summer cottage and "va- CHARLES IN TAMPA cation" at our expense in the DEAR CHARLES: Wonderful! many men, and if every wife who name of friendship. Last summer But how tall is your daughter, was "supposed" to be on her death bed "really" was, there'd I worked 16 hours a day cooking and what does 'she" weigh? be wall to wall funeral homes and cleaning for three solid months. No time off either. Sun- DEAR ABBY: When I was IS I from New York to Chicago day was our "busiest" day. I am left the farm and went to the city. Sign me GULLIBLE not young any more and I can't My first job was waiting on tatake much more of this. Must we bles. A nice-looking man (let's What's on your mind? For a sell our lovely summer cottage call him "Carl") came in often. personal reply, send a self - adand give up our own pleasure be- He was very polite and I liked his dressed, stamped envelope to cause other people take advan- smile. One evening, just before Abby, Box 3365, Beverly Hills, tage of us? I shoudl add, my hus- quitting time, "Carl" came in and Calif. band is the type who is always asked to drive me home. I ac- For Abby's booklet, ' 'How To saying, "Come to the cottage"! cepted, and invited lii*i in for Have A Lovely Wedding," send 50 What does he care? He sits in die coffee. The longer we talked, the cents to Abby, Box 3365, Beverly boat all day. -ALMOST DEAD more I liked him. He told me his Hills, Calif. DEAR ALMOST: Your problem wife was paralyzed from the is your husband, not your friends. waist down, but he'd never leave To some people, "come to the cot- her. When he said good - night tage" is a gilt-edged invitation. he blurted out, "I would like so When your husband quits inviting much to hold a "whole" woman in people, you'll have your privacy. my arms again." Within six And those who come uninvited months I was involved with him should be told. "Tsk, tsk we're up to my neck. One day I picked all filled up!" (It's true you up a newspaper and my eyes fell on a picture of a Ladies' Chamare. pion Bowling Team. The captain " (Same DEAR ABBY: I've solved the was "Mrs. Carl "food - wasting" problem. When name as my friend.- I thought it eating out, I order a full course must be a coincidence, so I called meal and a child's portion meal. the team manager and asked "s husband My eleven-year-old daughter eats where Mrs. Carl

Treat For Linens

Roverettes met recently in the acme of Mrs. George Gahman, 2103 Chevy Chase. High winner was Mrs. James Taylor and low was Mrs. Frank Conaway. Next meeting will be a candy sale in the home of Mrs. Ora D. Buckmaster Jr., 647 Ford, Aug. 17.


Williams introduces America's smartest new leisure-living groupCasual Oak right for a casual living room, a game, room, a TV room, a den, or a play room. It's beautifulfinished in hand-rubbed, sun-drenched Tenra-Cotta Tan on solid oak and oak veneer, with carefree plastic upholstery and luxurious stain-resistant black Texolite plastic tops. You can even turn the kids loose in a Casual Oak playroom without a worryeach piece is elegantly, yet strongly built. And you'll be surprised when you see how little this fine furniture costs. It's another great Williams value!

Bindel s

Bailey-Warner, Humphreys,
Introducing th* WILLIAMS TV Snack Bar
It's such a pleasure to entertain with this beautiful TV Snack Bar. Stain-resistant black Texolite plastic top completely equipped with shelves and special built-in cabinet. Handsomely finished in sun-drenched Terra-Cotta Tan on solid oak and oak veneer. Smartly upholstered sturdy stools complete this picture of pleasant living Snack Bar and Two Stoolsonly $124. Back Bar Rack $59.95.

Hunt Families Hold Reunions

The 15th annual Bailey . Warn- Miss Janet Kleinoeder, Lima; McClain, Teresa and Jimmy. er reunion was held recently at Ora B. Hover, Waynesfield; Miss Messrs, and Mmes. 0. W. Allen County Fairgrounds. A bas- Marie Mertz, Lima; Mr. and M y e r s , and children, Sandra, Mrs. Charles Bailey, Urbana; Tony, Sheila and Nancy; William ket dinner was served. Officers were Clifford Warner, Mrs. Ruth Swauger, Bradenton, T. Hunt, and children. Marcus, president; Karl Warner, vice Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. Foster Warn- Jacqueline and Jennifer; Mrs. president; Mrs. Marvin Beach, Grover Hill; Miss Melanie Ivan Hartzog, Kay, Butch, John er, Matthews, Ft. Wayne, Ind., and and Jody Bayside; Miss Laura secretary - treasurer. Following the business meeting Mrs. Elizabeth Shook, Lafayette. Myers, David Sidener, and Mr. a program followed. Clint Bailey and Mrs. Treece Hunt and Conplayed the harmonica and Melo- Humphreys reunion will be nie and Joe. dic Matthews read a story. Shei- held at Corner Dad's Club Sunla Swauger, Jean Ann Bailey, day. A basket dinner will be Corinne Swauger and Jackie Bai- served at noon. Treat skirts, aprons, clothes, ley, all from Bradenton, Fla., Officers are president, Mrs. towels, mats to the brightest trim sang several songs. Impromptu Margaret Peltier; vice president, colorful cross-stitch. talks were given by several pres- Mrs. Homer Roberts; secretary, Mrs. David T. Humphreys; pro- Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Clutter en- Easy 2, 3, 4 and 6- - to - inch ent. There were 44 present includ- gram, Mrs. Homer Miller a n d tertained the Truth Seekers Class crosses brighten shower gifts, ing Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Han- Mrs. Gordon Pugh and 'table, Mr. of the Church of the Brethren bazaar hits. Pattern 715: P/4 yards of 4 bands about 1% inchthorn, Mr. and Mrs. Olin Warner, and Mrs. Everett Jones. Tuesday evening at their home. es wise; six 4 inch motifs. Lafayette; Mr. and Mrs. Clint Special entertainment was proBailey, Bradenton, Fla., and Mr. Annual family reunion of the vided by Douglas Ferguson and Thirty-five cents in coins for this patternadd 15 cents for and Mrs. John Warner, Grass Hunt family was held recently at David Roth with a magic pereach pattern for first-class mailLakes, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. the Treece farm, 3069 Hanthorn formance. Clay Warner, 635 Franklin. Road. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ora ing and special handling. Send Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell, Cri- P r e s e n t were Messrs, and Blickenstaff, Mr. and Mrs. Harry to Laura Wheeler, The L i m a dersville; Mr. and Mrs. Karl Mmes. A. J. Green, Paul Hunt, Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. G a l e News, 304 Needlecraft Dept., P.O. Warner, 'Beaverdam; Mr. and Linda and Tommy; Clifford Hunt Early, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Taf- Bor 161, Old Chelsea Station, Mrs. C l i f f o r d Warner, John and children, Terry, Dennis and linger, Mr. and Mrs. Claude L. New York 11, N. Y. Print plainWarner, Lafayette; E a r l B. Randy; Harry Hunt and Debbie Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Arm- ly pattern number, name address Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin and Jeffery; Treece Hunt, De- entrout, Lessa Brenneman, Mr. and zone. nise, Tamara and Angela; James and Mrs. Clark Anspach, Mrs. Newest rage smocked accesBeach. George Vore, Mrs. B l a n c h e sories plus 208 exciting needle" CLEMAN'S Keeseker and Chester J. Bever- craft designs in our new 1963 Needlecraft Catalog just out! ly. Friday and Guests were Mr. and Mrs. JoelFashions, furnishings to crochet, Saturday Bicknell Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. knit, sew, weave, embroider, Harry Byrd, the latter couple quilt. Plus free pattern. Send 25 from Bradenton, Fla. cents now.

Merchandise In Stock For July Clearance Sale

20% OFF




Reversible Cushion Sofa .... $169.50 Reversible Cushion Chair . . . . 79.50 Ottoman With Loose Cushion . . 34.40 High Back Platform Rocker .... 99.50 2-Drawer Cocktail Table 59.50 Spindle-Trimmed Step Table .... 42.50 Hutch-Top Buffet At Only . . . . 99.95 Round Extension Dining Table . . 69.95 Yoke Back Dining Room Chair . . 21.95 FOR YOUR BEDROOM

Truth Seekers Entertained

Spindle-Trimmed Bar Bed $59.95 Double Dresser With Mirror 99.90 6-Drawer Chest Of Drawers . . . . 89.95 Space Saving Corner Desk .... 49.95 2-Drawer, 2-Door Cabinet . . . . 59.95 Casual Oak Bookcase At 37.50 * There's "CASUAL OAK" for Every Horn* and Budget . . . on Terms Tailored to Suit You!


Iced Chocolate and Caramel

Nrf. 70*


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30 or 60 Day Accounts No Interest er Carrying Chorees or Tak* up to 3yotn to pay.


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