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‫ إستخالص نفط‬: ‫المادة‬ ‫الجــــمـــهــــوريـــة اليــمنـــية‬

‫ الرابع‬:‫المستوى‬
‫جـــــامـــعــة عــــــــــــــــــدن‬
0202 / 0 / 02 :‫التاريـــخ‬
‫شبوة‬/‫كليـة النفـط والمعـادن م‬
‫ ســــــــــــــــــــــــاعــتان‬:‫الـــزمــــن‬
‫قسم هندســــــة النفــط والغاز‬
5251 – 5252 ‫امتحان الفصل األول للعام الجامعي‬ ‫ عامر بن مرضاح‬.‫ د‬:‫أستاذ المقرر‬
Answer all the following questions.
Question (1): (52 Marks)
A. Figure 1 shows water-oil relative permeability data for a water-wet system. What do curves (1) and (2) represent?
And estimate the following:
1- Irreducible water saturation 2- Residual oil saturation
3- Relative oil permeability at irreducible water saturation
4- Relative water permeability at residual oil saturation

B. Figure 2 is the result of core flood experiments on a water-wet rock. Answer the following questions:
1. What process does curve 1 represent?
2. What process does curve 2 represent?
3. What is the irreducible water saturation?
4. What is the critical oil saturation?
5. What is the displacement pressure?

Figure 1 Figure 2

Question (5): (52 Marks)

A linear reservoir with the properties given below is flooded by injecting water at 100000 bpd. For each time 100
and 5000 days of injection, compute:
1-Reduction in oil saturation 2- Oil production rate 3- Water production rate
4-Water /oil ratio 5- Oil recovery 6- Time to breakthrough
The following data is also available:
Cross-sectional area = 845000 ft2 Length = 7 miles Porosity = 17%
Initial Sw = 40% Fwf  2.288
Fractional flow curves are given below:
Question (3): (20 Marks)
A reservoir is to be water flooded on a 5-spot pattern with 640 acre spacing. For the reservoir properties
given below, estimate the time to breakthrough and oil recovery at three years if water is injected at
10000 bpd per injection well.
Reservoir thickness = 60 ft Porosity = 17% Swi = 40% ̅̅̅̅̅̅ = 0.837
𝑆𝑤𝑓 M = 0.8
Important Equations:
Wi 1
xf  f wf E A ,bt  W i V p E a S w
A 1  0.3048ln(M  0.123)  0.4394

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